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物流专业实习报告物流专业实习报告 毕 业 实 习 报 告 专 业:物流管理 班 级:34091 学 号:3409126 姓 名:王琳 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 ins...

物流专业实习报告 毕 业 实 习 报 告 专 业:物流管理 班 级:34091 学 号:3409126 姓 名:王琳 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 一、 实习目的 通过本次毕业实习,了解和熟悉普通货运部仓储、物流及管理方面的相关知识,使在学校学到的计算机应用、数据库、物流等理论知识与实践相结合,在实践中提高自己的专业知识水平和自我学习、自我提升的能力,积累经验,为以后步入社会打下坚实的基础。 二、 实习时间、实习单位 实习时间:2012年5月16日至今 实习单位:西安捷荣物流有限公司(蓝天鸿运货运部) 三、 实习主要 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 (一)实习单位简介 西安捷荣物流有限公司主要从事西安——安康、平利、旬阳、岚皋的专线运输,主要是泡货和重货的整车运输,根据货物的不同,也有相应的上门提货及送货上门服务。目前该公司处于发展上升期,有很大的发展空间。 (二)实习具体内容 1、岗前 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 首先,了解该岗位的主要 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 及作业流程,掌握一些基本的货运部操作流程,能很好的处理一些客户来电等事件,物流是服务性行业,所以必须意识到自己的服务态度对于公司的影响。 2、发货的基本操作 (1)发货流程 接待客户——确认客户发货地点——根据货物的重量、体积等,按照公司的标准来定价——利用飞扬第三方物流管理软件进行单据的录入,开单——等待发货(车来接货) (2)单据录入的具体操作 客户的发货信息确定好了之后,利用飞扬第三方物流管理软件进行开单。首先打开物流软件,利用开票员或者系统维护员的身份登陆进入,点击【发货管理】?【货运单】进行货运单的录入,货物送达地点选择相应的数字,比如货物发往旬阳,就在中转站一栏处输入“1+ replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the re1 quirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 回车”,系统会自动显示出“旬阳”,再填上相应的收、发货人的姓名、联系电话等信息,还包括货物的名称、数量、包装方式、提货方式(自提、送货)、运费支付方式(现付、提付)等,某些特殊的货物也有保价,保价率是2‰,可根据情况备注:按通知发货。所有信息准确无误的录入正确后,保存并打印货运单和标签。货运单最后一联给发货方,其余两联存根、随货同行。 如果单据已经开好,发货方又决定不在这发货,可删除该单据,对于客户单据的查询,也可以在这个软件上进行。 (3)数据的发送与接收 货运部有好几个网点,相互之间数据的传输都要经过财务室,所以每天的第一件事就是向财务室发送前一天的数据,并接收其他网点的数据。对于数据发送,同开单一样,首先要进入系统,点击【发货管理】?【提货单】进入市区网点提货单的录入,在“车号”、“承运司机”、“中转站”、“监管员”处输入相应的信息,点击【全选】?【保存】,也可以追加或取消所选,然后关闭回到发货管理界面,点击【发送数据】进入,选择所要发送数据的日期,先导出数据,然后开始发送数据,因为网络不稳定的原因,一般都要多发几遍,并向财务确定是否收到。至于数据的接收,和数据的发送一样,只不过是接收数据,再将数据导入。 (4)代收货款的发放 发货方一般为了方便,都在发货时选择让货运部或物流公司代收货款,之后再到货运部来领取货款,一般有两种形式:现金和转账。对于我们货运部来说,从去年8月份就开始以转账(工行)的方式进行代收货款的发放,星期一和星期四转账,星期二和星期五打款,而且转账的时间相对于其他货运部来说较慢,一般是在发货后的一个月来转账,填个转账单,具体转账事项是有财务室负责。填写转账单时要仔细细心,认真地填写户名、卡号、代收金额等信息,最后要求客户确认并签字。 (5)返货的处理 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 对于一些由于某种原因被返回来的货,都是先检查确认一下货物与单据是否相符,以免出现有货没票或有票没货的现象。然后再逐个通知客户来提货,客户提货时为了防止货物提错,公司规定,来提货者必须报上西安收货人姓名、电话并出示身份证以便登记,运费是提付的还要交完运费方可提货。在找货时,必须注意单据上的货号与货物外包装上的货号,联系人姓名、电话都一致。 四、 实习心得 自上次从沃尔玛实习完三个月之后,在学校呆了一段时间,一边准备毕业 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 ,一边思考自己的人生。其实与其说是思考人生,倒不如说是寻找自己喜欢也能干的工作,所以,就下定决心到物流公司工作,由于工作找的比较晚,基本上人都已经招满了,我只好去一家小的物流公司的货运部实习。虽然蓝天鸿运货运部较德邦、EMS等规模小,设施设备也比不上,但是我在这实习期间确实学到了不少东西,在一步一步的工作中,我发现我越来越喜欢这个物流行业,越来越喜欢服务他人,不管有多苦或多累,能让客户满意是我最高兴的事。 我在蓝天鸿运货运部实习将近一个月,这一段时间,我基本掌握了货运部的一些工作,已经适应了这的环境,对于上述实习内容也都完全掌握了。在工作中,我发现这个货运部存在一些问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。蓝天鸿运货运部的具体地址在长缨西路289号贝斯特物流中心中,与其他好多货运部在一起,都是专线直达的,之前由于物流行业还没发展起来,贝斯特的生意很好,尽管是手工开票,也经常是车挤车,人从车缝中穿过。随着我国物流行业与计算机的发展,大型的物流中心都建起来了,就我所知道的西安大型物流中心有大明宫建材市场、贝斯特、新贝斯特、华清东路海纳物流等,竞争激烈,物流公司的竞争核心逐渐变为客户服务的满意度竞争。自从引进计算机物流管理软件进行开票,节省了不少时间,提高客户的满意度,也方便了货运部的一些日常作业的进行。但是,在用飞扬第三方物流管理软件进行工作的时候,有时候经常会出现一些问题: (一)有时候接收到的数据系统不自动更新,让财务室修改的数据重 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the re3 quirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 新接收以后一样不刷新,就像没做任何修改一样。 (二)发送数据有时候要发好几遍,对方才能收到,不知道是网络不稳定还是其他别的什么原因。 (三)之前提到过的开票环节,如果不小心开错了,每次都是直接删掉这一单,我问过其他同事,为什么不可以把它修改,重新利用这一货号,他们说不是不用,只是每次修改完客户信息保存,然后打印出来的标签还是之前的那个单据上的货物信息,标签可以手工写上,但这就为工作带来了不便。删掉的话是挺方便的,但是货号都是连续的,如果删掉,明显货号少一个,不连续,我们还得在电脑上查一下是票丢了还是删掉了。这虽然是个小的细节问题,但却暴露了风扬软件存在的不足。 我觉得公司对于这种情况完全可以向飞扬软件公司提出建议或意见,主要还在于公司方面,也许软件不存在问题,只是格式设置上出现了偏差。货运部可以说是典型的传统物流,主要的设备就是手推车,最好的就是一个电叉车,没有现代物流所有的那些先进自动化设备,从事者大多数是出蛮力的壮汉,这就造成了物流市场的聒噪和卫生问题。目前我在的这家货运部正处于上升期,老板都是年轻人,团队也都是年轻人,对于那些叔叔辈的人来说,我们没有他们那么深的社会阅历、工作经验,但是我们有激情,讲卫生,不随口说粗话,对计算机应用熟悉,见得多了,自然就会做人处事,就有经验了。 总之,在货运部虽然环境不好,灰尘又多,但是对于初入社会的我来说,也学到了不少东西,我看到了目前我国物流的发展趋势,同时也明白了现实与理想的差别,但是我不会放弃,我会在这个不起眼的小公司好好干下去,努力提升自己,不断磨砺自己。 大学生涯即将结束,最后,感谢所有帮助过我成长和发展的老师和朋友们~谢谢你们~ replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should
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