首页 二年级下册好词好句



二年级下册好词好句二年级下册好词好句 二年级语文下 课文好词好句积累 1、 找春天 好词:寻找、柳枝、嫩芽、遮遮掩掩、躲躲藏藏、丁丁冬冬 佳句:?春天像个害羞的小姑娘,遮遮掩掩,躲躲藏藏。 ?早开的野花一朵两朵,那是春天的眼睛吧, ?她在柳枝上荡秋千,在风筝尾巴上摇啊摇;她在喜鹊、杜鹃嘴里叫,在桃花、 杏花枝头笑„„ 2、 古诗两首 草 白居易 离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。 野火烧不尽。春风吹又生。 远芳侵古道,晴翠接荒城。 又送王孙去,萋萋满别情。 宿新市徐公店 杨万里 篱落疏疏一径深, 树头花落未成阴。 ...

二年级 下册 数学七年级下册拔高题下载二年级下册除法运算下载七年级下册数学试卷免费下载二年级下册语文生字表部编三年级下册语文教材分析 好词好句 二年级语文下 课文好词好句积累 1、 找春天 好词:寻找、柳枝、嫩芽、遮遮掩掩、躲躲藏藏、丁丁冬冬 佳句:?春天像个害羞的小姑娘,遮遮掩掩,躲躲藏藏。 ?早开的野花一朵两朵,那是春天的眼睛吧, ?她在柳枝上荡秋千,在风筝尾巴上摇啊摇;她在喜鹊、杜鹃嘴里叫,在桃花、 杏花枝头笑„„ 2、 古诗两首 草 白居易 离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。 野火烧不尽。春风吹又生。 远芳侵古道,晴翠接荒城。 又送王孙去,萋萋满别情。 宿新市徐公店 杨万里 篱落疏疏一径深, 树头花落未成阴。 儿童急走追黄蝶, 飞入菜花无处寻。 3、 笋芽儿 好词:漆黑、沉睡、撒娇、呼唤、唠叨、爱抚、滋润、照射、温暖、自豪、健壮、 叽叽喳喳 佳句:?啊,多么明亮、多么美丽的世界呀~ ?春雨姑娘爱抚着她,滋润着她。太阳公公照射着她,温暖着她。 4、 小鹿的玫瑰花 好词:嫩绿、浓密、惋惜、终于、渐渐地、静静地 佳句:?花骨朵渐渐地长大了。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace ?小鹿静静地躺在床上养病。 ?鹿弟弟惋惜的对哥哥说:“这玫瑰你白栽了,一朵花都没看着。” 语文园地一 佳句:?杨柳绿千里,春风暖万家。 ?黄莺鸣翠柳,紫燕剪春风。 ?春风放胆来梳柳,夜雨瞒人去润花。 ?春风一拂千山绿,南燕双归万户春。 我知道:北京的市花是月季花;洛阳的市花是牡丹花;东莞的市花是玉兰花; 香港的区花是紫荆花;澳门的区花是莲花。 5、 泉水 好词:一股、清泉、灿烂、天然、清脆、山腰的水池、山间的平地、山坡的果园、 静静的山谷、清脆的歌声、很多很多、很清很清、很甜很甜、很美很美、 佳句:?火红的杜鹃花照见了自己美丽的身影。 ?果树大口大口地喝水。 ?画眉鸟在尽情地歌唱。 ?我的水很清很清,像一面明亮的大镜子。 ?我的琴声很美很美,正好为你清脆的歌声伴奏。 6、 雷锋叔叔~你在哪里 好词:弯弯的小路、长长的小溪、蒙蒙的细雨、温暖的春风、晶莹的露珠 佳句:?雷锋出差一千里,好事做了一火车。 ?人的生命是有限的,可是为人民服务是无限的。我要把有限的生命,投入到无限的为人民服务中去。 ?一个人做一件好事并不难,难的是一辈子做好事,不做坏事。 7、 我不是最弱小的 好词:森林、景色、露珠、清新、盛开、应该、保护、娇嫩、弱小、勇敢、雷声大作、倾盆大雨、随风舞动、芬芳扑鼻 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 佳句:?森林里的景色是那么美好,空气是那么清新。 ?我们应该保护比自己弱小的。 ?大雨已经打掉了两片蔷薇花瓣,花儿无力地垂着头,显得更加娇嫩。 8、 卡罗尔和她的小猫 好词:安排、照顾、突然、赠送、挑选、告别、舒适、四面八方、黑白相间、 跳来跳去、冷冷清清、滴滴答答 佳句:?他一蹲下,小猫就扑扑地一个个跳出来,朝屋里跑。 ?晚上,家里可不得了了,小猫在钢琴上跳来跳去,丁丁冬冬响成一片。小猫钻进抽屉里、橱柜里。有人从门外进来,门后会突然扑出一只小猫,吓人一大跳。 ?屋里什么声音都没有了,冷冷清清的,连滴滴答答的钟声都听得见。 语文园地二 佳句:?花要叶扶,人要人帮。 ?赠人玫瑰,手有余香。 ?帮助别人的人,能得到别人的帮助。 ?诚心能叫石头落泪,实意能叫枯木发芽。 9、 日月潭 好词:展现、周围、轻纱、附近、晨星、倒映、清晰、朦胧、隐隐约约、群山环绕、树木茂盛、名胜古迹、蒙蒙细雨、风光秀丽、点点灯光、湖水碧绿、 太阳高照、许许多多 佳句:?小岛把湖水分成两半,北边像圆圆的太阳,叫日潭;南边像弯弯的月亮, 叫月潭。 ?天边的晨星和山上的点点灯光,隐隐约约地倒映在湖水中。 ?要是下起蒙蒙细雨,日月潭好像披上轻纱,周围的景物一片朦胧,就像童话中的仙境。 10、 葡萄沟 好词:喜爱、茂密、枝叶、五光十色、热情好客、一大串一大串 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace第 3 页 共 10 页 佳句:?茂密的枝叶向四面展开,就像搭起了一个个绿色的凉棚。 ?到了秋季,葡萄一大串一大串地挂在绿叶底下,有红的、白的、紫的、暗红的、淡绿的,五光十色,美丽极了。 11、 难忘的泼水节 好词:敬爱、鲜红、火红、欢乐、欢呼、开心、幸福、难忘、水红色、咖啡色、 四面八方、笑容满面、健康长寿、鲜红的地毯、敬爱的总理、难忘的泼水节、 一条条龙船、一串串花炮、一座座山峰 佳句:?周总理一手端着盛满清水的银碗,一手拿着柏树枝蘸了水,向人们泼洒, 为人们祝福。 ?傣族人民一边欢呼,一边向周总理泼水,祝福他健康长寿。 北京亮起来了 12、 好词:勾画、轮廓、犹如、装点、繁华、装扮、古老、年轻、倒映、一幢幢、 一座座、一束束、夜幕降临、华灯高照、金碧辉煌、灯光闪烁、银光闪闪、 光彩夺目、绚丽多彩、恍然一新、从天而降、灯的海洋、光的世界、 川流不息、灯光闪烁、金碧辉煌、川流不息的汽车、五光十色的霓虹灯、 绚丽多彩的广告、高大的建筑物、繁华的大街、一幢幢高大的建筑物、 一束束灯光、一座座立交桥 佳句:?整个北京城变成了灯的海洋,光的世界。 ?长安街华灯高照,川流不息的汽车,灯光闪烁,像银河从天而降。 ?天安门城楼金碧辉煌,光彩夺目。 ?环形路上,一座座立交桥犹如道道彩虹。 ?一束束灯光照着她,长长的城墙和美丽的角楼倒映在河面上,银光闪闪,十分动人。 语文园地三 敕勒歌 敕勒川,阴山下。天似穹庐,笼盖四野。天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草底见牛羊。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 13、 动手做做看 好词:奇怪、道理、漫出、哄骗 佳句:我不是想哄骗你们。我是想让你们知道,科学家的话,也不一定都是对的, 要动手做做看。 14、 邮票齿孔的故事 好词:求助、举动、吸引、整齐、研究、立即、仍然、而且、一枚别针、一台机器、 一家小酒馆、一位先生、一大张邮票 15、 画风 好词:洁白的纸、弯弯的小树、斜斜的雨丝 佳句:忽然吹来一阵大风,画中的景物好象都在动。一张张画显得更美了。 16、 充气雨衣 好词: 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演、舞蹈、优美、旋转、称赞、联欢会、展览会、徐徐张开、渐渐模糊、 五颜六色 佳句:?下午放学的时候,随着一声春雷,下起了大雨。 ?随着优美的乐曲,小演员们旋转起来,五颜六色的裙子徐徐张开,就像一把把花伞。 17、 古诗两首 望庐山瀑布 李白 日照香炉生紫烟, 遥看瀑布挂前川。 飞流直下三千尺, 疑是银河落九天。 绝句 杜甫 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace第 5 页 共 10 页 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳, 一行白鹭上青天。 窗含西岭千秋雪, 门泊东吴万里船。 早发白帝城 李白 朝辞白帝彩云间, 千里江陵一日还。 两岸猿声啼不住, 轻舟已过万重山。 绝句 杜甫 迟日江山丽, 春风花草香。 泥融飞燕子, 沙暖睡鸳鸯。 18、 雷雨 好词:黑沉沉、乱摆、清新、越来越亮、越下越大、一动不动、一声不响 佳句:?雷声小了,雨声也小了。 ?池塘里水满了,青蛙也叫起来了。 ?一条彩虹挂在天空。 ?蜘蛛从网上垂下来,逃走了。 ?蜘蛛又坐在网上结网了。 19、 最大的“ 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ” 好词:认真、奇怪、闪光、透明、宝藏、足迹、刨根问底 佳句:?哪里有书啊, ?这岩石一层一层的,不就像一册厚厚的书吗, ?这能说明什么呢, work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace ?它们都是字呀~ ?太好了,太好了~ ?你好,这儿有树叶,有贝壳,那儿还有一条小鱼哩~ 20、 要是你在野外迷了路 好词:野外、慌张、沟渠、向导、忠实、指点、分辨、辨别、永远、高挂、乱闯、 稠密、稀疏、积雪、观察、天然、大自然、北斗星、指南针 语文园地五 节气歌 春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连,秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。 21、 画家和牧童 好词:著名、观赏、价钱、购买、夸赞、称赞、赞扬、愿意、和蔼、批评、惭愧、 驱赶、拱手 佳句:?他的画一挂出来,就有许多人观赏。 ?他一会儿浓墨涂抹,一会儿轻笔细描,很快就画成了。 ?“画得太像了,画得太像了,这真是绝妙之作~” ?“画活了,画活了,只有神笔才能画出这样的画~” ?“画错啦,画错啦~”„„这声音好象炸雷一样,大家一下子都呆住了。 22、 我为你骄傲 好词:光滑、破碎、飞快、轻松、骄傲、往常、自在、足够、真诚、顿时、继续、伙伴、报纸、信封、便条、事情、害怕、轻松、微笑、风和日丽、光明磊落、心口如一、真心诚意、心直口快、坦诚相见、表里如一、实事求是、光明正大、一言九鼎、推心置腹 佳句:?石头像子弹一样射出,又像流星一样从天而降。 ?我们听到玻璃破碎的声音,就像兔子一样飞快地逃走了。 ?一个风和日丽的下午。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace第 7 页 共 10 页 ?我心里顿时感到一阵轻松。 23、 三个儿子 好词:拎着、水桶、聪明、嗓子、胳膊、晃荡、迷住、沉甸甸、走走停停 佳句:?我的儿子既聪明又有力气,谁也比不过他。 ?水直晃荡,三个妈妈走走停停,胳膊都痛了,腰也酸了。 ?一个孩子翻着跟头,像车轮在转,真好看~ ?一个孩子跑到妈妈跟前,接过妈妈手里沉甸甸的水桶,提着走了。 24、 玩具柜台前的孩子 好词:药品、礼物、柜台、玩具、富裕、专心、目不转睛、兴奋的光芒 佳句:柜台前有个小男孩,只要看到谁买小汽车,他就马上跟过去,目不转睛地 盯着柜台上跑动的汽车,眼里闪着兴奋的光芒。 语文园地六 好词:大大小小、多多少少、深深浅浅、高高低低、长长短短、粗粗细细、上上下下、进进出出、里里外外、内内外外、高高矮矮、黑黑白白 25、 玲玲的画 好词:端详、脑筋、收拾、满意、参加、懒洋洋 佳句:?玲玲满意地端详着自己画的《我家的一角》。 ?小花狗懒洋洋地趴在楼梯上。 ?好多事情并不像我们想象的那么糟。只要肯动脑筋,坏事往往能变成好事。 26、 蜜蜂引路 好词:附近、常常、谈天、往常、亲自、果然、惊讶、向导 佳句:?列宁常常请养蜂的人来谈天。 ?往常派去找他的人不在,列宁只好亲自去找。 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace 27、 寓言两则 好词:巴望、焦急、喘气、白费、锄头、撞死、树桩、从此、一大截、乐滋滋、自言自语、筋疲力尽、揠苗助长、守株待兔 佳句:?禾苗好像一点儿也没有长高。 ?他在田边焦急地转来转去。 ?力气总算没白费,禾苗都长高了一大截。 ?种田人丢下锄头,整天坐在树桩旁边等着。 ?种田人急忙跑过去,没花一点儿力气,白捡了一只又肥又大的野兔。 28、 丑小鸭 好词:暖烘烘、又大又丑、讥笑、钻出、欺负、剩下、讨厌、芦苇、冻僵、幸亏、又惊奇又羡慕、雪白的羽毛、嘴巴大大的、漂亮的影子、身子瘦瘦的 佳句:他扑扑翅膀,向湖边飞去,忽然看见镜子似的湖面上,映出一个漂亮的影 子,雪白的羽毛,长长的脖子,美丽极了。 我知道:? 安徒生是一百多年前的丹麦人,他是世界著名的童话作家。 ?《卖火柴的小女孩》、《皇帝的新装》、《海的女儿》、《红鞋》、《雪人》、《冰姑娘》、《野天鹅》、《拇指姑娘》和《幸运的贝儿》都是他写的。 语文园地七 好词:同心协力、众志成城、独木不林、孤掌难鸣、人外有人、天外有天、博采众长、多多益善、贪小失大、舍本逐末、轻重倒置、小 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 大做、勤学好问、好学不倦、读书百遍、其义自见、日新月异、举世无双、遵纪守法、自我欣赏、无能为力、言行不一 29、 数星星的孩子 好词:无数、珍珠、距离、著名、清楚、刻苦、钻研、撒在、勺子、北斗七星、 一闪一闪地、一组一组的 我知道:?张衡发明的地动仪,是世界上第一台测定地震方向的仪器。 ?张衡的文章写得也很好,他除了是著名的天文学家外,还是个杰出的文学家呢~ 30、 爱迪生救妈妈 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace第 9 页 共 10 页 好词:检查、急性、急忙、迟疑、片刻、斥责、委屈、亮堂、发明家、一溜烟、明晃晃、环顾四周、恍然大悟 佳句:?上医院已经来不及了,爸爸很着急。?爱迪生长大以后,为电灯的发明做了很多工作。 31、 恐龙的灭绝 好词:人类、历史、地球、气温、寒冷、时间、道理、生活、植物、灭绝、庞大、信服、冬眠、躲避、尘埃、遮住、枯萎、偷吃、孵出、雄性、书籍、辉煌、传染病、耐不住、哺乳动物 32、 阿德的梦 好词:顺便、移居、打发、时光、外婆、聊天、屏幕、新型、污染、销售、预订、长鸣、载人飞船 work into the overall planning of the Department considered to strengthen peace and volunteers daily contact and understand their family life and work, in case of have difficulties volunteers whatever to give help, in frequent contact and interaction to strengthen communication, enhance friendship, to achieve political care, life care volunteers, treat people with sincerity, to emotional, to keep people's hearts, and further strengthen the stability of the peace volunteers and persistence. At the same time to work in earnest study, further increase the intensity of work and increase safety The number of volunteers, the growth of the volunteer team. Second is to strengthen the education and training, improve the quality of the volunteers. Highly qualified team of volunteers is assurance of our work. Therefore, we should focus on the strengthening of the daily education of Pingan volunteer, enhance the sense of responsibility of peace volunteers, mission consciousness, service consciousness. To strengthen pre job skills training, so that the majority of the volunteers and master the basic knowledge of law, skill of communication to promote, improve the ability of actual combat; at the same time with the team's age, knowledge structure, innovative learning training way, based on the analysis of the case, watch the video data etc. in-depth shallow to education, to improve the effectiveness of the training. Three is to improve the management, evaluation mechanism, standardize the peace
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