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中国旅游景点排行榜全国旅游景点及介绍中国旅游景点排行榜全国旅游景点及介绍 中国旅游景点排行榜全国旅游景点 排名及介绍 一、全国旅游景点排名: No.1、丽江 丽江概况:丽江~位于云南省西北部云贵高原与青藏高原之间。与四川阆中、山西平遥、安徽歙县并称为“保存最为完好的四大古城”。是一个多民族聚居的地方~其中以纳西族、彝族、傈僳族为主。 秋天是丽江最美的季节~秋高气爽的天空、色彩缤纷的树木和花朵~映衬着远处的玉龙雪山令人心旷神怡。 小桥流水人家~潺潺溪水从雪山积雪融化而来~清澈清凉。最适合旅游季节:夏、秋~温度适宜。 No.2、三亚 三亚...

中国旅游景点排行榜全国旅游景点及介绍 中国旅游景点排行榜全国旅游景点 排名及介绍 一、全国旅游景点排名: No.1、丽江 丽江概况:丽江~位于云南省西北部云贵高原与青藏高原之间。与四川阆中、山西平遥、安徽歙县并称为“保存最为完好的四大古城”。是一个多民族聚居的地方~其中以纳西族、彝族、傈僳族为主。 秋天是丽江最美的季节~秋高气爽的天空、色彩缤纷的树木和花朵~映衬着远处的玉龙雪山令人心旷神怡。 小桥流水人家~潺潺溪水从雪山积雪融化而来~清澈清凉。最适合旅游季节:夏、秋~温度适宜。 No.2、三亚 三亚概况:三亚~位于海南岛最南端~蓝天碧海~椰树婆娑~是中国最南部的热带滨海旅游城市。三亚市别称鹿城~东邻陵水县~西接乐东县~北毗保亭县~南临南海。陆地总面积1919.58平方公里~海域总面积6000平方公里~人口68.5万~是一个黎、苗、回、汉多民族聚居的地区。三亚是海南省南部的中心城市和交通通信枢纽、中国东南沿海对外开放黄金海岸线上最南端的对外贸易重要口岸、是中国通向世界的门disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 户之一、中国主要旅游城市之一。 三亚旅游简介三亚被称为“东方夏威夷”~它拥有全海南岛最美丽的海滨风光。亚龙湾湛蓝如梦幻、大东海平静辽远、三亚湾浪白风轻~它们的共同特点就是海蓝沙白、浪平风轻。到三亚旅游~傍晚漫步在三亚湾的椰梦长廊~观看晚霞是最美好的享受。阳光下的波涛、椰树旁的吊床、白色沙滩上嬉戏的孩子~旖旎的热带风光让游客的身心得到彻底的宁静。 No.3、黄山 黄山概况:黄山位于安徽省南部黄山市境内~原名黟山~因峰岩青黑~遥望苍黛而名。后因传轩辕黄帝曾在此炼丹成仙~唐玄宗信奉道教~故于天宝六年改为“黄山”。明朝旅行家、地理学家徐霞客两次登临黄山~赞叹说:薄海内外~无如徽之黄山。登黄山~天下无山~观止矣:后人引申为“五岳归来不看山~黄山归来不看岳”。有人评黄山有“泰岱之雄伟、华山之险峻、衡岳之烟云、匡庐之飞瀑、雁荡之巧石、峨嵋之清秀”。并被世人誉为“天下第一奇山”。黄山1982年入选第一批国家重点风景名胜区,1986年黄山被评选为中国十大风景名胜之一~且是中国十大风景名胜中唯一的山岳风景区,1990年12月黄山风景名胜区作为一项文化与自然双重遗产被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录,2004年2月入选disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 世界地质公园。 黄山四绝~是指中国安徽省黄山的四种独特景观。分别为:奇松、怪石、云海、温泉。奇松~ 黄山有36源、24溪、20深潭、17幽泉、3飞瀑、2湖、1池。黄山之水~除了温泉之外~尚有飞瀑、明荃、碧潭、清溪~每逢雨后~到处流水潺潺~波光粼粼~瀑布响似奔雷~泉水鸣如琴弦~一派鼓乐之声。著名的有“人字瀑”、“百丈泉”和“九龙瀑”~并称为黄山三大名瀑~ 黄山风景绮丽~四季宜游~在黄山欣赏奇松怪石~阴观云海变换~雨觅流泉飞瀑~雪看玉树琼枝~风听空谷松涛。四季皆宜。黄山一年四季风景皆赞~春夏之交,4月,花香遍野~夏末初秋,7月,晴朗时易观日出日落~冬季,12月-2月,雪景最难忘怀且淡季票价实惠。 春,3-5月,观百花竞开~松枝吐翠~山鸟飞歌,夏,6-8月,观松、云雾及避暑休闲,秋,9-11月,观青松、苍石、红枫、黄菊等自然景色,冬,12-2月,观冰雪之花及雾松。 No.4、九寨沟 九寨沟概况:九寨沟位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州九寨沟县漳扎镇~是白水沟上游白河的支沟~以有九个藏族村寨,又称何药九寨,而得名。九寨沟海拔在2000米以上~遍布原始disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 森林~沟内分布108个湖泊~有“童话世界”之誉,九寨沟为全国重点风景名胜区~并被列入世界遗产名录。2007年5月8日~阿坝藏族羌族自治州九寨沟旅游景区经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区。 九寨沟蓝天、白云、雪山、森林、尽融于瀑、河、滩、缀成一串串宛若从天而降的珍珠,篝火、烤羊、锅庄和古老而美丽的传说~展现出藏族羌族人民热情强悍的民族风情。九寨沟~一个五彩斑斓、绚丽奇绝的瑶池玉盆~一个原始古朴、神奇梦幻的人间仙境~一个不见纤尘、自然纯净的“童话世界”:她以神妙奇幻的翠海、飞瀑、彩林、雪峰等无法尽览的自然与人文景观~成为全国少有拥有“世界自然遗产”和“世界生物圈保护区”两顶桂冠的圣地。九寨沟以原始的生态环境~一尘不染的清新空气和雪山、森林、湖泊组合成神妙、奇幻、幽美的自然风光~显现“自然的美~美的自然”~被誉为“童话世界九寨沟"的翠海、叠瀑、彩林、雪峰、藏情、蓝冰~被誉为九寨沟“六绝”因其独有的原始景观~丰富的动植物资源而被誉为“人间仙境”。 九寨沟是我国公布的第一批国家级重点风景名胜区。1990年~九寨沟被列为“中国旅游胜地四十佳”之首~1991年九寨沟被列入联合国《世界风景名录》~1992年12月九寨沟又由联合国教科文组织批准~九寨沟正式列入《世界自然遗产名录》~从此九寨沟登上世界旅游的宝座古时九寨沟一带被disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 称为“翠海”。据《松潘县志〃翠海》记载:“羊峒番部内~海狭长数里。水光浮翠~倒映林岚。”九寨沟的得名~来自于景区内九个藏族寨子~由于有九个寨子的藏民世代居住于此~故名为“九寨沟”。 九寨沟海拔2000~3000米~属高山深谷碳酸盐堰塞地貌~以翠海,高山湖泊,、叠海、彩林、雪山、藏情“五绝”驰名中外~被誉为“梦仙境”和“童话世界”。 九寨沟主景长10余公里~面积6万多公顷~主要由岷山山脉中呈“丫”字形分布的日则沟、则查洼沟、树正沟三条沟谷构成,其九寨沟主要景点分布在树正、日则、则查洼三条沟内~沟内可分五大景区:树正景区、日则景区、长海景区、宝镜崖景区、原始森林生态景区。九寨沟所有景点之间都可以通过观光车穿梭~也可以通过贯穿的栈道步行欣赏。在不同的地方~可以发现九寨沟不同的迷人魅力~成为中外游客向往的神奇的“梦幻世界 No.5、桂林山水 概况:桂林是世界著名的风景游览城市~举世无双的喀斯特地貌。这里的山~平地拔起~千姿百态,漓江的水~蜿蜒曲折~明洁如镜,山多有洞~洞幽景奇,于是形成了“山清、水秀、洞奇、石美”的桂林山水“四绝”。 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 桂林历来有“山水甲天下”之誉~是我国重点的风景游览[1]城市和园林城市~又是国务院命名的第一批历史文化名城。2003年~世界旅游组织将桂林与北京、上海、西安一起列为中国最佳旅游城市~向世界旅游者郑重推荐。 No.6、鼓浪屿 概况:鼓浪屿位于福建省厦门岛西南隅~与厦门市隔海相望。原名圆沙洲、圆洲仔~因海西南有海蚀洞受浪潮冲击~声如擂鼓~明朝雅化为今名。由于历史原因~中外风格各异的建筑物在此地被完好地汇集、保留~有“万国建筑博览”之称。龙头路商业街还有张三疯奶茶、赵小姐店铺、三老肉脯干等诸多火热商铺~小岛还是音乐的沃土~人才辈出~钢琴拥有密度居全国之冠~又得美名“钢琴之岛”、“音乐之乡”。 No.7、长城 概况:长城是古代中国在不同时期为抵御塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭而修筑的规模浩大的军事 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 的统称。长城东西绵延上万华里~因此又称作万里长城。长城建筑于两千多年前的春秋战国时代~现存的长城遗迹主要为建于十四世纪的明长城。据2012年国家文物局发布数据~历代长城总长为21196.18千米,而国家文物局曾于2009年公布明长城调查数disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 据~中国明长城总长为8851.8千米。长城是我国古代劳动人民创造的伟大的奇迹~是中国悠久历史的见证。它与罗马斗兽场、比萨斜塔等列为中古世界七大奇迹之一。1987年12月~长城被列为世界文化遗产 No.8、张家界 概况:张家界是中国湖南省的一个地级市~位于湖南西北部~澧水中上游~属武陵山脉腹地~为中国最重要的旅游城市之一。1982年9月~张家界成为中国第一个国家森林公园~1988年8月~武陵源被列入国家第二批40处重点风景名胜区之内,1992年~由张家界国家森林公园、索溪峪风景区、天子山风景区三大景区构成的武陵源自然风景区被联合国教科文组织列入《世界自然遗产名录》。 No.9、布达拉宫 概况:布达拉宫,英文译音:the Potala Palace,俗称“第二普陀山”~屹立在西藏首府拉萨市区西北的红山上~是一座规模宏大的宫堡式建筑群。建于公元七世纪中叶~布达拉宫缘何而建~一说是因发展需要~松赞干布为巩固政权~将统治中心从山南泽当一带迁至布达拉宫~又为了防守外来侵略~于是在拉萨红山上建造了红山宫——布达拉宫最早的称谓,另一说是松赞干布为迎娶大唐文成公主~兴建了此宫,disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 还有一种说法是文成公主推算后建议法王修建布达拉宫。17世纪重建后~布达拉宫成为历代达赖喇嘛的冬宫居所~也是西藏政教合一的统治中心。整座宫殿具有鲜明的藏式风格~依山而建~气势雄伟。布达拉宫中还收藏了无数的珍宝~堪称是一座艺术的殿堂。1961年~布达拉宫被中华人民共和国国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位之一。1994年~布达拉宫被列为世界文化遗产。 No10、西湖 概况:杭州西湖~中国最著名的风景游览胜地~位于“上有天堂~下有苏杭”的中国浙江省杭州市区西面~国家AAAAA级景点~中国首批国家重点风景名胜区~中国十大风景名胜之一~中国主要的观赏性淡水湖泊之一~在中国的历史文化和风景名胜中具有重要地位。它以秀丽的湖光山色和众多的名胜古迹而成为闻名中外的旅游胜地并被世人赋予“人间天堂”的美誉。西湖凭借着上千年的历史积淀所蕴育出的特有江南风韵和大量杰出的文化景观而入选世界文化遗产~这同时也是现今《世界遗产名录》中少数几个、中国唯一一处湖泊类文化遗产。出现于人民币壹圆纸币背面的三潭印月景观~体现着西湖在中国风景名胜中特殊的地位。历代文人墨客到此游览~写下不少著名诗篇~宋代大文豪苏东坡以“欲把西湖比西子~淡妆浓抹总相宜”~点缀杭州。许仙与白娘disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 子的传奇故事更使得西湖名声大 二、最经典的风景名胜 第1名:九寨沟 梦幻的神话世界 第2名:青海湖 雪城高原上的明珠 第3名:纳木措 朝圣者心中的天湖 第4名:漓江 天然水墨画 第5名:黄山 集天下名景于一身 第6名:长白山天池 神秘的天外美色 第7名:壶口瀑布 母亲河的豪迈 第8名:西湖 文人骚客的挚爱 第9名:泰山 五岳之尊 第10名:张家界 陶渊明笔下的武陵源 三、最风情的古镇 第1名:丽江 邂逅的上演地 第2名:凤凰 梦想中的隐世之地 第3名:和顺 和顺风格 第4名:婺源 最爱村头油菜花 第5名:平遥 倒转时空的小世界 第6名:吴镇 最眷恋的宁静 第7名:西递 桃花源里人家 第8名:西江苗寨 载歌载舞醉苗疆 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 第9名:丹巴藏寨 与自然浑然一体 第10名:图瓦村 喀纳斯湖畔的静女 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special
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