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TBM词汇表TBM词汇表 窗体顶端 active center cutter 主动中心刀盘 位于主刀盘的中心,独立驱动。具有独立转速和转向。可以通过增大刀盘中心刀具的转速防止造成刀盘堵塞。 agitator 搅拌器 带驱动装置的搅拌臂安装在盾体底部,,回浆管之前。用来搅拌膨润土悬浮液:即开挖材料中注入的 膨润土悬浮液 . 搅拌器可防止渣土在开挖仓底部及格栅和回浆管之前造成沉淀及堵塞(如粘土)。 annulus 注浆环面间隙 盾体和开挖土体环面之间的间隙是刀盘开挖断面与盾体截面之间的轻微差异形成的。 AVB 通过转移土渣而...

TBM词汇表 窗体顶端 active center cutter 主动中心刀盘 位于主刀盘的中心,独立驱动。具有独立转速和转向。可以通过增大刀盘中心刀具的转速防止造成刀盘堵塞。 agitator 搅拌器 带驱动装置的搅拌臂安装在盾体底部,,回浆管之前。用来搅拌膨润土悬浮液:即开挖材料中注入的 膨润土悬浮液 . 搅拌器可防止渣土在开挖仓底部及格栅和回浆管之前造成沉淀及堵塞(如粘土)。 annulus 注浆环面间隙 盾体和开挖土体环面之间的间隙是刀盘开挖断面与盾体截面之间的轻微差异形成的。 AVB 通过转移土渣而进行开挖的自动化掘进设备。通过该技术,可以将开挖的土体转移到周边的地层中而不是将其运走。 AVN 以泥浆方式出渣的自动化隧道掘进设备,也称泥水平衡式盾构机。开挖材料被输送到 开挖仓 内封闭式的 泥水环路r. 随后进入位于地面上 (泥水分离站)进行泥水分离。 AVND 在泥水盾构技术的基础上增加了安全辅助设备,可对付复杂的地质情况和相对大直径的隧道。支撑压力 的控制是通过压缩空气垫来进行调节的。该种机型通常被称为混合式盾构机或泥水式盾构机。 AVP 通过气动方式输送开挖材料的自动化隧道掘进设备。开挖材料被输送到相应的吸料车上,其工作原理与真空吸尘器相同。 back-up system 后配套系统 隧道掘进机的供给和出渣运输的辅助系统,也是隧道内管线的延伸支撑系统。 backloading 背部换刀 指可以从刀盘后面的安全位置对 (滚刀, 软土刀具) 等进行更换的作业。 bentonite 膨润土 膨润土是一种具有高膨胀性的天然矿物质粘土,在混合盾构技术中,主要用于膨润土悬浮液的配制;是泥水环路中运输开挖材料的运输介质,也是掌子面的支撑介质(触变性液体)。 Berlin construction method 柏林施工法 柏林施工法指的是房屋围绕集结体按星形布置 blind hole 盲孔 如“死胡同”,隧道终止于土壤中。 boulders 漂石 隧道掘进过程中的地质障碍物(通常是在沙质或粘土层中遇到的独立的大块石头) breathing air 可呼吸空气 经过滤,可用于人体呼吸的压缩空气。通常是为 人闸 提供的,为进入到加压的 开挖仓开展维修工作的人员提供。 bucket tooth 齿形铲斗 一种开挖刀具:呈齿状,用于 部分断面隧道掘进。 bypass 旁路 旁路是泥水环路及进浆管路的一部分。转换到旁路以后,进浆管与泥水管路相连,这样在TBM停机时,浆液可以停留在 泥水环路 中而不再冲洗开挖面,这样就可以有效地减少泥浆泵的启动次数。 center shield 中盾 中间盾体,用于推进油缸的支撑。 CLM 衬砌破碎机 衬砌破碎机。此种设备用于现有管线的改造或扩径。在 顶管,过程中,导向头引导 管道 沿已有隧道的方向铺设。刀盘将隧道的旧衬砌材料破碎掉(衬砌破碎工序)。 closed TBM 封闭式盾构掘进机 这种隧道掘进设备在开挖仓的后面有一个压力挡板。必要时,在开挖仓内可以施加超压,以平衡前面的土压或/和水压。AVN, AVND 以及土压平衡式盾构机均属于该种掘进机型。 compact trailer 集成式拖车 用于水平定向钻进设备。将搅拌装置、高压泵和循环系统集于一体,能迅速在工地现场投入运作。 compressd air lock 压缩空气人闸 人员或/及物料料通道,是处于常压下的人员及物料进出加压区域的通道。通过人闸可以进入 掌子面进行刀具更换,或者排除障碍。 总而言之,人闸是进入TBM前方的通道。 conditioning 土壤改良 很少有地质情况完全满足 (土压平衡式盾构机) 对开挖材料作为支撑介质所需的所有特征,因此必须对其进行改良。经过改良,使其具有塑变支撑性。根据地质情况的不同,或通过加水,或膨润土,或聚合物,或泡沫来达到改良土壤的目的。 cone crusher 锥形破碎器 位于刀盘的后面,呈锥形,在旋转时,其特殊的形状可以将大的石块加以破碎,便于向外输送。 control stand 控制台 盾构机操作人员的工作站,或放置在地面上的控制室内(远程控制),或直接安装在盾构机里。 crusher 破碎器 用于将开挖材料粉碎至满足输送尺寸的要求。 cutterhead (traffic tunnelling) 刀盘(交通隧道) 用于装在硬岩掘进机的刀具,通常配备有滚刀,用于全断面开挖。对于较小直径碟形刀盘有时候也配备边刮刀,换刀在前面进行(刀盘前方换刀)。而对于中等规模及大直径的隧道掘进设备,通常使用鼓形刀盘,同时设置出渣通道,该类刀盘配有能够在刀盘后方换刀 的滚刀。 cutting wheel 刀盘 刀盘是刀具的载体,呈盘形或辐条形,对全断面掘进机刀盘主要配备有软土刀具,用于在不同地质条件下掘进。 Direct Pipe 直接铺管 海瑞克公司的技术使非开挖铺设预制管道和微型隧道掘进可以同步进行。隧道开挖使用海瑞克 小型隧道掘进设备 。顶管推进器将预制管道推向前方,推力通过管道传递至刀盘。       disk cutters 滚刀 滚刀为旋转刀具,具有硬质刀圈,用于在硬岩地质中掘进。在掘进过程中,滚刀被压在岩石上对其进行切削。 drive 驱动 主驱动 ELS 激光标靶 灵活的激光靶装置,带内置式双轴倾角计。对接收到的激光束进行计算,并每隔0.5秒传输一次下列数值: - 相对于激光靶的零点位置的水平和垂直值(靶的中心) - 滚动角,倾斜角和偏航角(相对于激光束的偏斜角度) - 激光靶始终安装在盾构机上,记录盾构机的实时位置和高度,包括盾构机的姿态。激光靶把数据传输给控制室的计算机。     EPB 土压平衡式盾构机 土压平衡式盾构机将 刀盘开挖下来的材料作为支撑介质,不再需要另外的介质如压缩空气, 悬浮液. 等作支撑,然而,通常需要进行 土体改良。 erector 管片安装机 用于抓举及安装管片至特定位置。 excavation bucket 铲斗 一种开挖工具:用于 部分断面隧道掘进铲斗式开挖。 excavation chamber 开挖仓 开挖仓或/及开挖室,直接位于刀盘后面。 excavation tools 开挖刀具 用来松动或破碎开挖掌子面土体的刀具。这些刀具固定在 刀盘上。刀具的类型和数量取决于开挖地质。通常是以刮刀和滚刀来区分。 excavator 铲斗式挖掘机 用于部分断面隧道掘进的一种通用型开挖设备。根据土质情况,可以配备挖掘铲、或齿形铲斗或液压锤。 exchange of tools 换刀 更换开挖刀具 :从换刀通道进入到掌子面 进行换刀(长距离掘进, 压缩空气人闸)。 extension 扩径 通过一套额外的扩径装置可以对小型隧道掘进设备的外径进行扩大,也就是说,改装后小型隧道掘进设备不但具有标准直径顶管功能,还具有扩径功能。 front shield 前盾 盾体的前部分。用于支撑主驱动。 full face tunnelling machine 全断面隧道掘进机 随着刀盘转动,可以在整个掌子面进行开挖的敞开式隧道掘进设备 或者 封闭式隧道掘进设备 。 geology 地质状况 地质 geothermy 地热 通过钻探可以被开采和利用的地热资源,用于发电或热电项目。 guidance system 导向系统 该系统用来确定 隧道掘进机 的位置。根据直径的大小,或是配备高精度陀螺仪(间隔测量)或是采用激光技术(持续测量)。 HCS 海瑞克复合式盾构机 海瑞克公司制造的复合式盾构机,是可以在不同的工作模式下进行转换的隧道掘进机 ,如在 硬岩掘进模式和 土压平衡模式 之间转换。这样一台机器就可以用于差异明显的地质中施工。 HDD 水平定向钻进 水平定向钻进是一种多阶段的非开挖管道施工的横向钻进工艺。水平定向钻机使用这种技术主要用于铺设天然气和石油管道。 heavy duty cutter bit 重型刀具 一种安装在纵向刀盘上的特制的开挖刀具。 hydraulic hammer 液压锤 一种开挖刀具:用于部分断面隧道掘进的液压驱动的重锤。 in-situ casting 现场浇注 单衬竖井施工法采用的是在竖井沉降过程中用可以移动的管片来铺设竖井内衬砌。在施工过程中,管片内现场浇注混凝土,待其硬化完毕,也就完成了竖井施工,不过通常还需要钢筋加固。在水泥硬化过程中,不能同步进行竖井施工。 inclinometer 倾角计 确定激光站的实时倾斜角度,并通过控制装置将该数据传输到PLC系统的计算机。 industrial air 工业压缩空气 气动作业用压缩空气 intermediate jacking station 中继顶压站 在 长距离顶管过程中,需要有一个中继顶压站。中继顶压站钢结构内装有液压缸,以一定间隔镶嵌在管环内,当达到 主顶进站的推动力时,就可以工作了。 jacking pipe 顶管 通常指的是将标准的、具有平滑外形的预制管材在地底下进行顶进作业。 launch shaft 始发(工作)井 始发井是隧道掘进的起点,以及进行隧道掘进设备现场组装的地方。如果在施工现场进行组装的话,通常在始发的位置需要安装一个盾构基座。 lining segment factory 管片生产工厂 生产预制混凝土 管片衬砌的基地。通常位于靠近施工现场的地方,以便缩短运输距离,从而确保管片的连续供应。 long distance tunnelling 长距离隧道掘进 长距离隧道掘进时的典型特征就是需要使用 中继顶压站 ,或者是进行 换刀作业。此时, 管道润滑 显得尤为重要(对顶管作业而言)。 longitudinal cutting head 纵向刀盘 一种开挖式刀盘,用于铣挖式 部分断面隧道掘进机(巷道掘进机) 。 main drive 主驱动 刀盘的驱动装置,通常为环形布置,为 刀盘 自由式中心驱动单元。配套的大型内齿圈式轴承亦为环形布置,内置多个行星小齿轮,这些行星齿轮或液压或电驱动。该自由式中心驱动是混合式盾构机的理想驱动。 main jacking station 主顶进站 顶进系统,安装在 l始发井内,通常被称为顶力架(顶管技术)。 man lock 人闸 人闸加压后,可通过人闸进入 开挖仓 进行刀盘检查,换刀操作,或排除障碍。人闸为双室气闸(前室和主室)。 material lock 材料输送闸 材料输送通道,通过此通道,材料或刀具可以进入到盾构机前面的加压舱内。为了便于运输较重的物体,物料输送闸上装配了滑轮,可以沿轨道行进。 MH/MHSM  部分断面隧道掘进设备 micromachines 小型隧道掘进设备 人工操作或远程控制的小型 隧道掘进设备 :通常铺设公称直径4.2米以内的隧道。 mixshield 混合式盾构机 AVND 混合式盾构机是海瑞克公司的一个专利品牌。这些由液体提供压力支撑的隧道掘进设备专用于复合地层和复杂地质中,尤其是含水量高以及水压大的地质环境中。通过为设备配置相应模块,可以在各种建筑工地的隧道中更换掘进模式。泥水盾构机的原理是混合式盾构机发展的基础:膨润土悬浮液对开挖面进行支撑并同时充当运输的媒介。而对支撑压力的精确控制并不是直接通过调节该悬浮液的压力,而是通过调节由分隔挡板隔开的开挖仓中的气垫压力。 muck conveyance 泥浆输送器 通过 泥浆(柱塞泵)泵输送开挖材料的技术 。它与混凝土泵技术相类似,通常应用于土压平衡盾构机。 muck pump 泥浆泵 柱塞泵,用于粘性泥浆,塑性泥浆,如砂浆,膨润土,改良的开挖土壤等的输送;也可用于一定大小的固体颗粒的输送。可适用于高泥浆压力环境。 open TBM 敞开式隧道掘进机 在开挖仓的后面没有压力挡板的隧道掘进机。敞开式隧道掘进机通常只用于地下水位以上施工。敞开式隧道掘进设备包括 盾构机 以及部分断面隧道掘进设备。 overburden 覆土深度 管道(隧道 顶部到地面的距离,或是加上水深。通常也被称为埋深。 overcut 超挖量 隧道开挖面和盾体外径之间的环形间隙。 partial face excavation 部分断面隧道掘进 在这种开挖方式下,隧道掌子面 是一部分一部分被挖掘的。 partial face excavation machine 部分断面隧道掘进设备 敞开式隧道掘进机,有铲斗式以及铣挖式(巷道掘进机)。 pipe arch 管棚法 这是一种制造地下通道的隧道建造方法。管棚有多条管道构成,形成支撑结构。这种方法常用于建造大直径、短距离隧道,如人行地下隧道。 pipe jacking 顶管法 一种管道施工法,由一个一个的成品管道或套管构成:在位于 始发井内的 主顶进站的作用下,如果需要可以增加 中继顶压站 ,隧道掘进设备及其后面的 管道 不断向接收井 前进。 pipe lubrication 管道润滑 施工步骤之一,目的是减小管道和周围土壤之间的摩擦,同时通过注入 膨润土悬浮液 对 环面进行支撑。 Pipe Thruster 顶管推进器 顶管器是一种水平定向钻机的辅助设备。它大大扩大了水平定向钻机技术的应用范围,尤其是针对较长的隧道或相对大直径的隧道施工。顶管推进器安装在始发井内,当水平定向钻机向起点拉动管道的时候,顶管推进器会从另一侧施加推力,从而使推力在管道上分布均匀。 pipeline 管道 管道一节一节被运送到始发井内,然后在主顶进站的推动下一节一节向前顶进,最后形成管道。 PPT 推动回拖技术 推动和回拖技术,水平定向钻进的两个工作步骤。采用的是改造过的小型隧道掘进设备。 product pipe 成品管道 顶管用管道 reception shaft 接收井 井状或坑状结构,位于隧道的尽头,用于接收隧道掘进机。 roadheader 铣挖式部分断面隧道掘进机(巷道掘进机) 纵向刀盘,安装在特殊的悬臂上,用于部分断面隧道掘进。 rotary coupling 回转接头 定动部件之间的密封连接。通常用于大量流体如用于提供给不同部件的液压油,膨润土悬浮液或泡沫等。盾构机上最大的回转接头位于旋转刀盘的过渡区域。 scraper tools 刮刀 一种特殊的开挖刀具,有刀刃,刀刃上具有较硬的金属部件。通过螺栓固定在刀盘上,可以从刀盘后面更换,刮刀通常用于混合土壤地质。 sea outfall 河道入海口 一般术语,指从陆地进入公共海域的管道的施工。 segment magazine 喂片机 存储管片并向管片拼装机输送管片的装置。 segment plant 管片厂 预制混凝土土管片衬砌生产车间。通常位于施工现场附近,以便缩短交通运输距离,确保管片稳定供应。 segmental lining 管片衬砌 管环是由几片管片拼装在一起形成的整环。管片拼装在 尾盾内进行,管片由混凝土预制而成,最后被输送到需要衬砌的地方。 separation 分离 通过为分离箱或分离站,用来将开挖材料进行处理。在这里泥水被搜集起来进行处理后重新返回泥水环路(AVN). separation plant 泥水分离站 泥水分离站用来进行固液分离,准备输送介质返回泥水环路或准备处理用固体颗粒。将固体颗粒从输送介质中分离出来是通过分离设备分几个步骤完成的,直至符合开挖料粒的尺寸要求。这一过程取决于机械离心力的大小。 settlement 沉降 由于土壤的松动和自然地层的干扰而造成的地面沉降(应力重分布)。 shaft lining 竖井衬砌 单衬竖井施工法。在竖井沉降施工过程中,采用的是预制混凝土管片进行最终的防水施工。防水、混凝土管片的质量和包括预制混凝土管片的施工时间是竖井施工的基本要求。 shaft sinking unit 沉降机组 用于机械式沉降建造竖井。 shield 盾体 柱状钢结构,在盾体的保护下,安装管片衬砌。包括前盾, 中盾 和 尾盾。 sinking 沉降 通用术语,机械竖井施工方法。 slurry circuit 泥水环路 在开挖仓内,开挖下来的土体与膨润土悬浮液进行混合后在泥水系统中作为运输介质进行循环。泥浆泵(离心泵)将这些悬浮液经过泥浆管路打入泥水分离站,分离后的膨润土悬浮液通过进浆管又重新回到泥水循环系统中。 soft ground tools 软土刀具 特殊的刀具,配备有硬质金属刀刃,软土刀具被固定在支撑上,可以从刀盘后面更换。可用于不同的地质情况。 soil conditioning 土壤改良 指通过添加添加剂对土壤进行处理,如添加膨润土,表面活性剂以及聚合物等,对土壤进行系统性地成分调整,如改变其粘黏性。土壤改良通常是在隧道掘进的时候进行,主要应用于土压平衡式盾构技术。 SSP 地震波软土探测系统 地震波软土探测系统:用于预先探测漂石的系统。如在砂质或粘性土壤中施工时,该系统可探测开挖土体的密度差异,从而使盾构机操作人员可以预测到刀盘 前方40米的 漂石。 stone crusher 碎石器 用来破碎石块或漂石,安装在格栅和进浆管路前方,以防止堵塞泥浆管线。 subsidence 沉降 由于土壤的松动和自然地层的干扰而造成的地面沉降(应力重分布)。 support pressure 支撑压力 用来平衡 开挖仓 内的存在的土压或水压而形成的额外压力。 suspension 悬浮液 混合物质,为液状,其中有固体小颗粒悬浮其中,悬浮液在机械开挖隧道过程中用作支撑介质/或配置泥浆。 tailskin 尾盾 盾体的后部分。在尾盾的保护下,可以进行管片安装。 tailskin seal 盾尾密封 盾尾密封位于尾盾的后边缘,用来密封尾盾内壁和管片衬砌外壁之间的环向间隙。 target 标靶 电子激光靶,用来控制盾构机的姿态。通过传感器来测量盾构机与激光束的相对位置,并将数据传输给控制室的计算机。这样可以实时监控盾构机的确切位置。 TBM 隧道掘进机 隧道掘进设备(统称),也指硬岩掘进机。 tool changing 换刀 指更换 开挖刀具 ,作业人员需要进入掌子面 进行更换(有时通过 压缩空气人闸进入) torque 扭矩 一个作用于杠杆垂直方向的转动或扭动力与杠杆长度的乘积。 trailer 拖车 可以拖拽的车辆,可以移动。用作 水平定向钻进 设备。 tube sheet 管板  顶管前部的环形区域. tunnel face 掌子面 开挖区域 tunnelling 隧道掘进 一般术语,用于隧道施工 underground 地质 用来描述计划修建的隧道所处位置的地质情况,根据地质专家的意见,按照地质数据进行等级划分。地质报告和现有的水纹报告(如地下水的情况)成为隧道掘进设备及其相关技术的选择依据。 utility tunnelling machine 公用事业隧道掘进机 人工操作或远程控制的 隧道掘进机 ,用来建造公称直径4.2米以内的隧道。 ventilation 通风 一般术语,用于隧道内的新鲜空气供给。 vertical cover 埋深 管道(隧道)顶部到地面的距离,或是加上水深。通常也被称为覆土深度。 VSM 下沉式竖井掘进设备 working air 工业压缩空气 压缩空气,用于给气动设备如,气动工具,气动扳手,气动吊 TBM Glossary active center cutter An independently driven cutting wheel in the centre of the main - cutting wheel. Independent rotational speed and direction of rotation of the active center cutter. Prevents the blockage of the cutting wheel through increased speed of the center tools. agitator Mixing arm with drive unit installed in the bottom section of the shield in front of the suction pipe. Used to agitate the bentonite suspension containing excavated material. The agitator avoids sedimentation and clogging of cohesive ground (e.g. clay) in the bottom section of the shield in front of the grip and the suction pipe. annulus Cavity between pipeline and the surrounding earth which occurs because of the slight intersect of the cutter head to the pipeline. AVB Automatic tunnelling machine with soil displacement. With this technology, the soil is not excavated but displaced into the surrounding earth. AVN Automatic tunnelling machine with slurry material removal, also called slurry shield. The excavated material is transferred into a closed slurry circuit in the excavation chamber. On the surface, the excavated material is then separated from the slurry water (separation). AVND Enhanced AVN technology with additional safety for difficult geologies and larger diameters. Control of the support pressure via an adjustable compressed air cushion. It is often also called mixshield or hydro shield. AVP Automatic tunnelling machine with pneumatic conveyance. The excavated material is conveyed into corresponding suction cars, operating in the same principle as a vacuum cleaner. back-up system Support of the TBM supply and the muck transport system; it also serves as extension of the tunnel lines. backloading Tool mounting allowing a change of cutting tools (disk cutters, soft ground tools) from a safe position in the rear. bentonite A highly expansive clay excavated from natural deposits. In Mixshield technology, it is mainly used in the form of bentonite suspension; the transport medium for the excavated material in the slurry circuit, as a support medium (thixotropic liquid) for the tunnel face. Berlin construction method The Berlin construction method describes the star-shaped arrangement of house connections around a collector. blind hole A tunnel which ends in the ground as a "blind alley". boulders Geological obstacles (mostly individual large pieces of rock encountered in sandy or clayey soils). breathing air Compressed air that has been filtered to be suitable for breathing. Required in man locks and for pressurizing maintenance personnel in the excavation chamber for maintenance works. bucket tooth Excavation tool in the form of a bucket tooth for partial face excavation. bypass The bypass is a part of the feed and slurry circuit. By switching the bypass, the feed line is connected to the slurry line so that the flow in the slurry circuit can be maintained when the TBM is stopped without flushing the tunnel face. Thus, the number of repeated starting procedures for the slurry pumps is considerably reduced. center shield The center part of a shield. Used as thrust cylinder support. CLM Crush Lining Machine. The machine is deployed for the reconstruction of existing pipelines or the extension of existing pipeline diameters. During pipe jacking, the pilot head guides the pipeline alongside the original route. The cutter head removes the old pipeline material (crush lining procedure). closed TBM TBM, equiped with a pressure bulkhead behind the excavation chamber. An over-pressure can be created in the excavation chamber, if needed, in order to compensate the existing earth pressure and/or (ground) water pressure. Among others AVN, AVND and EPB belong to the group of closed tunnelling machines. compact trailer Truck trailer for mobile HDD equipment. The functions of mixing, pumping and recycling are rapidly ready for operation on the construction site. compressd air lock Installation for the transfer of persons and/or material inside and outside the atmospheric area of the tunnel into the pressurized area. Enables access to the tunnel face for the exchange of tools or removal of obstacles. In general, it is built into the front part of the TBM. conditioning Grounds rarely have all characteristics required for the use as support medium in EPB-shield (EPB) operation mode and must therefore be conditioned. During the conditioning process, the natural ground is therefore conditioned to act as a plastic support medium. Depending on the particular geology, conditioning is possible by adding water, bentonite, polymer or foam. cone crusher Cone-shaped part of a TBM which is located behind the cutterhead, which is able to crush larger stones for removal due to its special form and rotation. control stand Work station of the machine operator. Either aboveground in the control container (if remote controlled) or directly inside the machine. crusher A tool which grinds the excavated material down to a conveyable grain size. cutterhead Tool support of hard rock machines equipped with disk cutters for full-face excavation. For small diameters, disk-type cutterheads with muck buckets are sometimes employed and the cutter change is carried out from the front (frontloading). For middle to large diameters, drum-type cutterheads incorporating muck channels are normally used. This cutterhead type is equipped with backloading disk cutters. cutting wheel Disk-shaped or spoke-type tool carrier for a full face cutting machine mainly equipped with soft ground tools, used to excavate heterogeneous grounds. Direct Pipe The Herrenknecht method allows the trenchless jacking of a prefab pipe or pipeline in one step with concurrent excavation of the drill hole. The excavation of the soil is carried out with a microtunnelling machine. The pipeline is pushed forward by the Pipe Thruster; transmitting the thrust force, required for drilling, to the cutterhead. disk cutters Disks or disk cutters are rotating tools equipped with hardened cutter rings for hard rock tunnelling. During the advance of the machine, the disks are pushed against the rock and break off chips of rock. drive main drive ELS Active target unit with a built-in dual axis inclinometer; reacts to a received laser beam and delivers the following values every 0.5 seconds: - the current horizontal and vertical record of the laser point in relation to the zero point of the ELS (middle of the target); - the roll angle, the inclination angle and the yaw angle (deflection angle relative to the laser beam); ELS is permanently installed in the TBM and the current location and height, as well as the tendencies of the TBM are recorded; ELS facilities data communication to the control PC. EPB The Earth Pressure Balance shield uses the material excavated by the cutting wheel as support medium and does not require secondary support media such as compressed air or suspension. However, conditioning of the ground is generally required. erektor Lifts and places the segments into position. excavation bucket Excavation tool in the form of an excavator bucket for partial face excavation. excavation chamber Chamber and/or rooom directly behind the cutter head. excavation tools Excavation tools loosen and crush the soil to be excavated at the tunnel face. They are fixed to the cutter head. Type and number of the tools being used depend on the geology to be excavated. Generally, a distinction is made between scraper tools and cutter disks. excavator Universal excavation tool for partial face excavation. Depending on the condition of the soil, it can be equipped with an excavation shovel, a bucket tooth or a hydraulic hammer. exchange of tools Exchange of the excavation tools via the access to the tunnel face (long distance tunnelling, compressed air lock). extension The external diameter of a microtunnelling machine can be upsized by attaching the additional so-called extension kit; i.e. in general the microtunnelling machine can be used for jacking of pipes both of the respective standard diameter and of the next larger diameter. front shield Front part of a shield. Used as support for the main drive. full face tunnelling machine Open or closed TBM which excavates the material on the whole tunnel face with the help of a rotating cutter head. geology underground geothermy The natural heat of the earth which can be exploited by means of drilling and which can be used to generate electric power or for power-heat coupling. guidance system System allowing the position of the TBM to be determined. Depending on the diameter, either systems with a gyrocompass (interval measurement) or with laser technology (permanent measurement) are employed. HCS Herrenknecht Combined Shield; TBM which can switch between different operation modes, e.g. between TBM and EPB mode. This enables the deployment of the machine in very different geologies. HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling is a multistage, horizontal drilling procedure in trenchless pipeline construction. With the help of HDD rigs, mainly gas and oil pipelines are installed in the soil. heavy duty cutter bit Specially formed excavation tool on a longitudinal cutting head. hydraulic hammer Excavation tool in the form of a hydraulically operated hammer for partial face excavation. in-situ casting Single-leaf shaft construction method using transferable formwork to complete the final construction of the shaft during the shaft sinking process. The transferable formwork is filled with concrete in-situ (in place on the construction site) and once the concrete has hardened it forms the finished shaft construction and often incorporates steel reinforcement. The concrete hardening process means parallel shaft construction is restricted. inclinometer Determines the current roll angle of the laser station and transfers this data via the control unit to the computer of the plc system. industrial air working air intermediate jacking station Intermediate jacking stations are needed for long distance pipe jacking. Cylindrical steel cans with integrated hydraulic cylinders are built into the pipeline at defined distances and put into operation when the permissible jacking force is reached at the main jacking station. jacking pipe Normally a standardised, prefabricated pipe with a smooth, plain exterior contour which is jacked into the underground. launch shaft The start of the excavation work of a tunnel and the assembly of the tunnel boring machine. The construction site assembly of the TBM usually takes place on a shield cradle, where the machine is in the start position. lining segment factory Production facility for the manufacturing of the precast concrete segmental linings. Usually positioned close to the production site in order to shorten the transport distances and to ensure smooth supply of the segments. long distance tunnelling Long distance tunnelling is mainly characterised by the employment of intermediate jacking stations and the possibility of the exchange of tools. In this respect, the pipe lubrication has an important function. longitudinal cutting head Longitudinal excavation tool of a roadheader. main drive The cutting wheel drive; usually ring-shaped, free centre drive for the cutting wheel and/or the cutterhead of the tunnel boring machine. A large, ring-shaped bearing with internal teeth equipped with numerous pinions on the periphery, which are driven hydraulically or electrically via planetary gears. The free centre makes this drive ideal for Mixshield technology. main jacking station A jacking system, installed in the launch shaft which is often called jacking frame (pipe jacking). man lock Air lock to allow acces to the excavation chamber under compressed air for cutting wheel inspection, cutter change and removal of obstacles. The man lock consists of two chambers (front chamber/main chamber). material lock A material lock is provided on the TBM to allow tools and other materials to be passed into the pressurized chamber at the front of the TBM. In order to make the handling of heavy objects easier, the transfer lock is equipped with transport trolleys which travel on rails. MH/MHSM Machines with partial face excavation. micromachines Micromachines are manned or remote-controlled TBMs for the construction of tunnels with a nominal width of up to 4.2 m. mixshield AVND muck conveyance Technology for conveying of the extracted material with the help of muck pumps (piston pumps). It is comparable to the concrete pump technology and is employed with EPB machines. muck pump Piston pumps for viscous slurries, plastic materials such as grout, bentonite, conditioned excavated material, etc. Can also pump solid particles up to a certain size. Suitable for high slurry pressures. open TBM TBM without pressure bulkhead behind the excavation chamber. Open shields are normally only employed above groundwater level. Open TBMs include, among other machines, TBMs and partial face excavation machines. overburden Distance between the upper edge of the pipeline and the surface of the ground and/or the bottom of a body of water located above the pipeline. Often also called cover or overlay. overcut The remaining ring-shaped gap between the excavation tunnel and the exterior diameter of the shield. partial face excavation With this excavation procedure the tunnel face is excavated part by part. partial face excavation machine Open TBM with excavator or roadheader. pipe arch Tunnelling construction method for the creation of underpasses. The pipe arch consists of several pipes, which serve as support structure. This method is employed to construct tunnels with large diameters and short lengths, such as pedestrian subways. pipe jacking Tunnelling construction method for the creation of pipelines, consisting of individual product or sleeve pipes. With the help of the main jacking station in the launch shaft and, if needed, using intermediate jacking stations, the TBM and the pipeline behind it are advanced up to the reception shaft. pipe lubrication Procedure employed to reduce the skin friction between pipeline and surrounding earth, as well as to support the annulus by means of injected bentonite suspension. Pipe Thruster The Pipe Thruster is an additional equipment for horizontal directional drill rigs. It considerably expands the range of application of HDD technology, in particular, with regard to very long crossings and large diameters. The Pipe Thruster is mounted in the launch shaft. While the HDD rig pulls the string of pipes back to the starting point, the Pipe Thruster applies extra force from the other side by pushing the pipeline, which allows for better load distribution on the pipe. pipeline Jacking pipes are lowered separately into the launch shaft and after being jacked with the help of the main jacking station, they form the pipeline. PPT Push and Pull Technology. Two-stage HDD procedure, using a modified micromachine. product pipe jacking pipe reception shaft Structure in the form of a shaft or a pit where the tunnelling ends, designated for the recovery of the tunnelling machine. roadheader Longitudinal cutterhead mounted on a special boom for partial face excavation. rotary coupling Sealed connection between a stationary and a rotating component. Usually used for a number of fluids such as hydraulic oil for various components, bentonite suspension or foam. The largest rotary coupling on a tunnel boring machine is located in the transition area to the rotating cutting wheel. scraper tools Scraper tools are special excavation tools with a blade which is equipped with hard metal parts. They are attached with screws and can be replaced from the rear. Scraper tools are used in mixed soils. sea outfall General term for the construction of pipelines from the coastline into the open sea. segment magazine Unit for segment storage and transfer to the erector. segment plant Production hall for the manufacture of the precast concrete segmental lining. Usually close to the construction site in order to shorten the transport distances and to ensure smooth supply of the segments. segmental lining Lining rings are made up of a number of segments which are assembled together to form a complete ring in the tailskin of the TBM. The segments are usually made of precast concrete and transported to the place where they will be positioned separation Use of settlement tanks or separation plants where the excavation material can settle. The slurry water is collected and returned to the slurry circuit (AVN). separation plant The separation plant is used for the separation of solids and liquids in order to prepare a transport medium which is fed back into the slurry circuit and in order to prepare the extracted solids for disposal. The separation of the solid particles of excavated material from the transport medium takes place in a separation plant in stages which correspond to the grain size of the excavated material being handled. It is based on artificially created centrifugal forces. settlement Sinking of the ground surface due to loosening and disturbance of the natural layering around the void (stress redistribution). shaft lining Single-leaf shaft construction method precast concrete segments to complete the watertight final construction of the shaft during the shaft sinking process. The water tightness of the excavation shaft, the quality of the segments and the time required for construction with precast segments are basis for the required shaft construction. shaft sinking unit Unit to bore down shafts in a mechanized procedure. shield Cylinder shaped steel construction. Within the protection of the shield segment lining takes place. Consists of a front shield, center shield and tailskin. sinking General term for the mechanized production of vertical shafts. slurry circuit In the excavation chamber, the excavated ground is mixed with bentonite suspension which serves as transport medium in the hydraulic slurry system. Slurry pumps (centrifugal pumps) transport the suspension via the slurry line to the separation plant. The separated bentonite suspension is fed back into the circuit via the feed line. soft ground tools Special cutting tools equipped with a hard metal disks. The soft ground tools are tightened to the support and can be changed from the rear. Soft ground tools are used in heterogeneous ground. soil conditioning This term describes the treatment of soils with additives, such as bentonite, tensides and polymers for the systematic modification of properties, such as consistency. It is used in tunnelling, in particular with the EPB technology. SSP Seismic Softground Probing: System for the early detection of boulders. The system visualizes density contrasts and allows the TBM operator to identify boulders up to 40 meters ahead of the cutting wheel, e.g. in sandy or clayey soils. stone crusher Crusher for blocks and boulders installed in front of the grid and the suction pipe of hydroshield slurry lines to avoid blockages of the slurry lines. subsidence Sinking of the ground surface due to loosening and disturbance of the natural layering around the void (stress redistribution). support pressure Creation of an over-pressure in the excavation chamber in order to compensate for the existing earth and/or (ground) water pressure. suspension Mixture of substances consisting of a liquid and the fine particles of solid substances suspended in it. Serves as support medium and/or slurry water for mechanized tunnelling. tailskin Back part of a shield. Within the protection of the tailskin, the segment ring is installed. tailskin seal The tailskin seal is positioned at the rear edge of the tailskin and seals the annular gap between the inside of the tailskin and the outside of the segmental lining. target The electronic target is used to control the position of the tunnel boring machine. It uses sensors to measure its position relative to the laser beam and passes values to the computer in the control panel. This enables the exact position of the machine to be checked at all times. TBM Tunnel Boring Machine (general expression) and machine type for employment in solid rock. tool changing Exchange  of the excavation tools requiring access to the tunnel face (sometimes via an access to the compressed air lock). torque A rotating or twisting force; the product of a force and the length of a lever arm. trailer Trailer which can be attached to a tow vehicle and is thus mobile on the road. Serves as rig for HDD equipment. tube sheet Circular ring area at the front of the jacking pipe. tunnel face Area where the material is excavated. tunnelling General term for the construction of tunnels. underground Description of the geology of the planned tunnel route, classified by parameters and properties on the basis of geological expert opinions. The geological profile is, together with the existing hydrology (e.g. groundwater level), the basis for the selection of the machine type and the technology. utility tunnelling machine Manned or remotely controlled TBM to produce tunnel constructions with a nominal diameter of up to 4.2m. ventilation General term for the fresh air supply in the tunnel (primary ventilation). vertical cover Distance between the upper edge of the pipeline and the surface of the ground and/or the bottom of a body of water located above the pipeline. Often also called overlay. VSM Shaft sinking unit working air Compressed air supplied for the operation of pneumatic machines such as tools, winches, cranes and pumps.
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