首页 昌邑区左家镇中学2015年教师职称评聘工作方案



昌邑区左家镇中学2015年教师职称评聘工作方案昌邑区左家镇中学2015年教师职称评聘工作方案 为了积极稳妥地做好我校教师专业技术职务评聘工作, 根据《吉林省人民政府办公厅关于转发省人力资源和社会保障厅省教育厅》(吉政办明电〔2013〕22号),的精神和《2015年昌邑区教育局直属单位职称评聘工作方案》,结合我校实际,特制定本实施方案。 一、指导思想 以省、市、区关于人才工作的精神为指导,完善专业技术职务聘任制为改革的主要内容,以充分调动广大教师的积极性为主要目的,逐步建立起规范的职务评聘管理体制和用人机制,促进教师队伍素质和教学质量的提高。 二、基本原...

昌邑区左家镇中学2015年教师职称评聘工作 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 为了积极稳妥地做好我校教师专业技术职务评聘工作, 根据《吉林省人民政府办公厅关于转发省人力资源和社会保障厅省教育厅<深化中 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 教师职称制度改革实施方案>》(吉政办明电〔2013〕22号),的精神和《2015年昌邑区教育局直属单位职称评聘工作方案》,结合我校实际,特制定本实施方案。 一、指导思想 以省、市、区关于人才工作的精神为指导,完善专业技术职务聘任制为改革的主要内容,以充分调动广大教师的积极性为主要目的,逐步建立起规范的职务评聘管理体制和用人机制,促进教师队伍素质和教学质量的提高。 二、基本原则 (一)坚持按岗评聘、自主竞聘的原则; (二)坚持公开、平等、竞争、择优的原则; (三)坚持注重业绩能力,不拘一格选拔人才的原则; (四)坚持积极稳妥、循序渐进、稳步实施的原则。 三、范围与对象 截止到2015年8月31日在编在岗,已经与学校签订聘用 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 ,持有中学教师资格证书;并符合评聘高一级专业技术职务条件的专业技术人员。 四、评聘条件 specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code 符合《吉林省中小学教师水平评价基本标准条件》(吉政办明电〔2013〕22号)中基本条件、业绩能力水平和任职资历条件的相关规定。 五、评聘岗位数额 依据区人社局、教育局为我校核定的编制数为35人,其中管理岗位3人,专任教师31人,工勤1人。高级应设9人(专任教师的30%)、学校现有在岗高级4人、高级空岗5人;中级应设15人(专任教师的48%);现有在岗中级13人、空岗2人,根据我校编制情况,我校此次拟评聘高级教师岗位3个,中级教师岗位1个。(竞聘岗位数额为本学校空岗的50%), 六、聘任程序 1、宣传发动。组织全体教职工认真学习关于中小学校“评聘结合”改革工作的有关文件精神,使广大教职工充分了解“评聘结合”改革工作的政策、精神和聘任的程序及有关要求。(相关文件上传至左中教师群) 2、成立工作组织。领导班子召开会议按照教育局文件要求提名评聘委员会后备人选。召开全校教师大会进行差额选举,选举产生的评聘委员会成员名单上报区教育局备案。 3、制定评聘方案、实施办法和评聘量化考核细则。学校评聘委员会根据市、区教育局关于中小学教师专业技术职务“评聘结合”改革的有关文件,从本校实际出发,拟定“评specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code 聘结合”改革方案和评聘考核量化细则,经教职工大会讨论通过,并报区教育局批准后,组织实施。 4、公布评聘岗位。校评聘委员会向全体教职工公布竞聘岗位数额及岗位 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 、聘任条件与有关要求。 5、个人申请报名,提供相关材料。符合竞聘条件人员,向本单位评聘委员会提出书面申请。并上交相关有效证件,其中个人提供的成果业绩材料须为任现职务以来的,截止日期为2014年12月31日。 7、资格审查。由学校评聘委员会对报名人员进行资格审查,并报区教育局备案。 8、材料展示。将竞聘人员按要求提供相关证书、证件及材料的复印件,在学校教师办公室走廊的公示板展示3个工作日,接受学校教职工的监督。 9、根据竞聘岗位的要求,由学校评聘委员会对竞聘人员从职业精神、工作业绩、获奖情况、民主测评、教育教学答辩(说课、答辩)、考核细则加分、减分项等个方面进行考核赋分。 10、确定拟聘任人选。根据综合统计结果,按竞聘岗位(职务)数额由高分到低分择优确定拟聘任人选。 11、公布聘任结果。评聘委员会确定的拟聘任人选,在本单位显著位置进行公示,公示期为5个工作日,接受教职工的监督。对教职工反映的问题,将认真调查并做出相应处specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code 理。公示无异议者进行聘任。受聘人员填表,上报材料。 七、组织领导 按照教育局的要求,经全体教师民主推荐,学校成立了教师专业技术职务评聘委员会,具体组成人员如下: 组 长:赵德贵 副组长:程吉先 成 员:牟清明 李金兰 局雯 王宏伟 王宝范 贾轶芳 宋学晶 specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code 左家镇中学教师专业技术职务评聘考核量化细则 为了进一步规范我校教师专业技术职务考核推荐工作,推进学校 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 化、规范化、科学化,依据《吉林市深化中小学教师职务改革工作实施方案》、《吉林省中小学教师水平评价基本标准条件》和《2015年昌邑区教育局直属单位职称评聘工作方案》、《昌邑区中小学教师专业技术职务考核推荐量化细则》,结合我校实际,特制定本评聘量化考核细则。 一、考核项目 (一)职业精神。 (二)工作业绩:包括任现职以来的工作量及工作质量。 (三)获奖情况。包括综合性奖励及业务奖励。 (四)教育教学、答辩及专家评议。 (五)民主测评:包括年度考核及全体教职工测评。 二、考核办法 (一)考核由赋分项目、加分项目、减分项目及否决项组合。 (二)专业技术职务考核总分=职业精神计分+工作业绩计分+获奖情况计分+教育教学及答辩、专家评议计分+民主测评计分+加分项计分-减分项计分。 (三)专业技术职务考核总分低于60分的,不予推荐上一级专业技术职务评审 三、考核内容 (一)职业精神(10分封顶) specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code 任现专业技术职务以来,师德考核优秀10分,良好8分,合格6分,不合格0分(一票否决)。我校以2012~2014年师德评价的平均分计入成绩。 (二)工作业绩(40分封顶) 工作量(15分) 超或满工作量计15分,不足计10分。(以2013~2015年为准) 工作质量(25分) 近三年以来,教书育人成绩显著的25分,成绩比较优秀的20分,成绩良好的15分,成绩一般的10分。我校以教师评价的历次等级为依据。任现职务有评价以来,每次一等赋25分,二等赋20分,三等赋15分,四等赋10分,除以相应次数,以2012~2014年教师评价的平均分计入成绩。 (三)获奖情况(10分封顶) 综合荣誉(5分) 任职以来教师本人受国家表彰的综合奖或单项奖计5分;受省政府、省教育厅等省级表彰的综合奖或单项奖计4分;受市委、市政府、市教育局等市级表彰的综合奖或单项奖计3分;区委、区政府、区教育局等区级表彰的综合或单项奖计2分;受学校表彰的综合奖或单项奖计1分。奖项只取一项,不累计、不重复。 专业奖励(5分) specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code 任职以来教师获得国家、省、市、区、学校业务的奖励分别赋5、4、3、2、1分。奖项只取一项,不累计、不重复。 (四)教育教学、答辩及专家评议(30分封顶) 此项考核以说课、答辩为主,说课25分、答辩5分。 由学校高级教师组成评价小组,(5人组成)取各项的平均分之和计入总分。 (五)民主测评(10分封顶) 1、民主测评由学校聘委会组织。 2、民主测评在学校全体教职工中进行,参加测评人数不能低于学校教职工总数(不含被测评人员)的90%。 3、采取无记名划档的方式进行,竞聘人员不得参与测评。 4、测评的主要内容是德、能、勤、绩、廉五个方面。 5、测评分优秀、良好和一般三个档次。统计分数时以每个竞聘人员的优秀率乘以10与良好率乘以10的80%的和计入成绩。按照优秀、良好、合格分别赋10、8、6分。 (六)考核细则加分项 1、教龄加分(不封顶)。是指从参加教育工作年度起到2015年8月31日止,每年度加0.2分。借调到系统外人员,借调期间教龄不加分。 2、任职年限加分(不封顶)。任现职以来每年度加0.1分。 3、支教、城乡交流加分(5分封顶)。对教师任现职以来在区内支教(城乡交流)和到区外支教加分分别为2分、3分,specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code 被评为优秀的分别为4分、5分。支教、城乡交流考核不合格的不予加分。 4、校级领导、中层干部、班主任加分(不封顶)。对任现职以来从事校级领导、中层干部、班主任工作的年限予以加分,每年分别赋分0.4分、0.3分、0.2分。 5、年度考核(3分封顶)。任职以来年度考核优秀一次计0.5分。 6、发表专业文章(5分封顶)。在国家、省、市专业刊物公开发表的本专业文章(第一作者、字数在2000字以上),分别赋1.5分、1分、0.5分(专业文章须打印有网站查询的电子刊物目录)。 (七)细则减分项目。 近5年以来如果有下列行为者,予以酌情减分 1、迟到、早退每次扣0.1分。旷职的不足半天或半天扣0.5分,一天扣1分;(不封顶) 2、无故不积极参加学校组织的各项活动,违反学校工作纪律,经教育不改的,每一项扣1分; 3、拉帮结派,破坏团结,干扰学校工作的,酌情扣0.5-2分; 4、学生管理混乱,由此引发事故,造成恶劣影响的;每次扣3分; 5、教学质量低下,家长反响强烈的,酌情扣1-2分; 6、考核期内按年度统计,病假每天扣0.1分,每年度2分封specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code 顶;事假(公假、婚丧假除外)每天扣0.2分。(不封顶) 7、其他不良行为的 上述项目可以累计扣分,不设最高限制。 (八)考核细则否决项目(两年内,经查实具备以下行为之一的即取消参评资格)。 1)区教育局及以上行政处分的。 2)违背国家法律法规和方针政策的言行,造成影响的。 3)对学生冷酷、粗暴,缺少爱心,有体罚、变相体罚、殴打、污辱学生人格行为的。 4)违规补课、违规办班、违规收费、违规订教辅资料的。 5)有严重影响教师和学校行为形象的。 6)组织参与非法罢课、集体上访等活动的。 7)收受学生、家长钱物的。 8)考核在合格等次以下的。 specification GB50311-2007 system grounding and safety requirements GB14050-93 security monitoring in the form of digital video and audio encoding and decoding technology GB/T25724-2010 security engineering technical specification GB50348-2004 specification for design of video monitoring system GB50395-2007 design code for industrial television system GBJ-115 code for acceptance of security GA/T308-2001 code for design of electronic information system of the engine room ... Intelligent building design standard GB/t 50314-2006 specification for electrical design of civil architecture intelligent code for construction quality acceptance of JGJ/T 16-92 GB50300-2001 GB50339-2006 the architectural engineering construction quality approval unification standard construction electrical engineering construction quality approval standard GB50303- 2002 code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB50019-2003 General specification for electronic computer field criterion for GB/T2887-2000 industrial control software GB/T13423-1992 interconnection of information technology standards ISO/IEC11801-95 and the acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering specifications GB 50093-2002 of automation instrumentation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards GB/J131-96 specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for building and campus security system common graphical symbols GB50311-2000 GA/T74-2000 construction technical code
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