首页 06 ITP for Centrifugal Compressor finished离心式压缩机质量检试验计划.doc

06 ITP for Centrifugal Compressor finished离心式压缩机质量检试验计划.doc


06 ITP for Centrifugal Compressor finished离心式压缩机质量检试验计划.doc06 ITP for Centrifugal Compressor finished离心式压缩机质量检试验计划.doc 离心式压缩机质量检试验计划 Inspection and Testing Plan for Centrifugal Compressor Quality INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR CONCRETE WORK QUALITY REV DESCRIPTION ORIG CHKD APPR DATE CLIENT DATE APPROVAL A Issu...

06 ITP for Centrifugal Compressor finished离心式压缩机质量检试验计划.doc
06 ITP for Centrifugal Compressor finished离心式压缩机质量检试验计划.doc 离心式压缩机质量检试验计划 Inspection and Testing Plan for Centrifugal Compressor Quality INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR CONCRETE WORK QUALITY REV DESCRIPTION ORIG CHKD APPR DATE CLIENT DATE APPROVAL A Issued for Comments Apr 14, 06 N/A Wu YH Rajan Iyer 目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 本工程应执行的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 Applicable Codes and Standards: ........................................................... 错误~未定义书签。3 2. 本工程质量控制点 Quality Control Point: ............................................................................... 错误~未定义书签。5 3. 本工程质量控制表格、交工资料表格及质量评定表格目录 Applicable forms for quality control, turnover document, and quality evaluation错误~未定义书签。14 离心式压缩机质量检试验计划 Inspection and Testing Plan for Centrifugal Compressor Quality 目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 执行的标准、规范Applicable Codes and Standards....................................... 3 2. 质量控制点 Quality Control Point..................................................... 4 3. 质量控制表格/质量评定表格/交工资料表格 Applicable forms for quality control, quality evaluation and turnover document....................................................... 13 1. 执行的标准、规范Applicable Codes and Standards ? 监理规范;执行《建设工程监理规范》 GB 50319 – 2000; Code on Supervision of Construction Project, GB 50319 – 2000 ? 交工技术文件规定;执行《石油化工工程建设交工技术文件规定》SH 3503 - 2001; Regulation of Technical Turnover Document for Construction of Petrochemical Industry Project ? 技术规范; 《化工机器安装工程及验收规范-通用规定》 HGJ 203 - 1983; General Regulations of Code on Construction and Acceptance Inspection of Chemical Equipment Installation, HGJ 203 - 1983 《化工机器安装 工程施工 建筑工程施工承包1园林工程施工准备消防工程安全技术交底水电安装文明施工建筑工程施工成本控制 及验收规范-离心式压缩机》 HGJ 205 - 1992; Centrifugal Compressor, Code on Construction and Acceptance Inspection of Chemical Equipment Installation, HGJ 205 - 1992 《乙烯装置离心式压缩机组施工技术规程》 SHJ 519-1991; Specification on Construction Technology of Ethylene Plant Centrifugal Compressor, SHJ 519-1991 ? 质量评定标准;执行《石油化工设备安装工程质量检验评定标准》SH 3514 - 2001 。 Standard of Quality Inspection/Evaluation for Installation/Erection of Petrochemical Equipment, SH 3514 - 2001 2. 质量控制点 Quality Control Point 参加单位 序质量控制点 控制内容 控制方法 等 控制表格 号级 验收表格 ƒ 评定表格 PMC 施工总承业 主 包商 1. 审核 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的合理性及安全技术措 监 理 施的可靠性、全面性; 2. 审核施执行P-CM302002 审批施工技工程序,施工组织是否合理,人员政府部门 1 程序: 审核、批准B X X X GB50319-2000-A2 术方案 配备、机具配备是否齐全,审核进施工技术方案。 度计划,质量控制体系、施工及验 收规范是否准确。 2 材料设备进1. 对设备外观及随机零备件进行检执行P-CM305002 SH3503-2001---J301 B X X X 场检验程序 查核实; 2. 设备出厂合格证书,程序:检查零部件GB50319-2000-A9 重要零部件质量检验证书,转子动的外观以及核对所 平衡及叶轮超速试验记录,总装配有的技术文件。 图,零部件图,安装使用说明书。 3 执行P-CM308001 1. 基础的标高、座标位置、地脚螺程序:联合土建专 GB50319-2000-A4 栓孔的中心偏差,埋件和预留孔的业检查施工记录,基础中间交偏差; 2. 基础的沉降记录并对外检测报告并组织土B X X SH3503-2001-J115, J203, 接 J204, J106 观检查不得有裂纹、蜂窝、空洞、建与安装的交接, 露筋等缺陷; 签署交接技术文 件。 基础处理、基础处理:铲麻面,放置垫板处的执行P-CM308001 C X GB50319-2000-A4 安置垫板 基础表面应铲平,其水平度偏差应程序: SH3503-2001-J115, J203, 4 在允许范围内。 J204, J106 机组底座安1. 千斤顶或垫板的位置、数量应符 执行P-CM308001 装、就位、合 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 和有关技术文件的规定; 2. 程序:用直尺、水SH3503-2001---J311 5 找正、找平地脚螺栓螺纹均应露出螺母1~3 扣, C X 平仪检测,并检查GB50319-2000-A4 以及油系统螺纹涂防锈脂; 3. 地脚螺栓应垂施工记录。 设备安装 直,螺母拧紧,拧紧力均匀。 SH3503-2001---J311 执行P-CM308001 GB50319-2000-A4 下机体就检查机体的水平度应符合规范的要程序:用水平仪复6 B X X 位、找正 求。 测并检查施工记 录。 随机文件表格安装转子 检查转子的扬度,测量调整前、后依据规范及设备随B X X GB50319-2000-A4 轴瓦及推力瓦的间隙,并使之符合机文件用水平仪、 7 规范的要求。 塞尺、外径千分尺, 并采用着色法检 查、调整。 依据规范及随机文 件或设计要求测量机体轴端距检查、调整轴端距并对机组轴初对调整轴端距,用百随机文件表格8 调整,机组B X X 中。 分表检查轴对中是GB50319-2000-A4 轴初对中 否符合规范或设计 要求。 依据施工记录对地 检查锚板与基础之间的贴合,砂子脚螺栓灌浆全过程地脚螺栓灌9 应晾干、灌浆混凝土高度是否符合C X GB50319-2000-A4 检查。 浆 规范。 用着色法、塞尺或解体、清洗、 检查油封、端部密封、中间轴与轴白胶布检查测量各检查、组装GB50319-2000-A4 10 套密封,叶轮进口侧密封,平衡盘密B X X 部位的密封间隙,各部位密封随机文件表格 封。 检查施工记录。 间隙 上、下机体用塞尺、百分表、 SH3503-2001---J313 闭合、复测检查上、下机体中分面的密封情况,找正架对本序各项 11 轴端距、机准备测量轴端距,检查并调整转子做检查测量 B X X GB50319-2000-A4 随机证明 组轴精对的精对中。 书中的曲线图表 中。 二次灌浆 分别对汽轮机(或电机)压缩机、二次灌浆基础表面B X X GB50319-2000-A4 油站等设备底座进行二次灌浆。 清洗干净并保持润 湿12 小时,清除表 面积水,环境温度12 应高于5?, 用高 于基础混凝土标号 1-2 级的豆石混凝 土灌入并捣实。 检查全部管道的洁 净度,用干净的白油系统管道管道预制、预组装、拆除全部油系13 B X X GB50319-2000-A4 绸布擦抹,无污渍安装 统管道酸洗钝化处理,检查回装。 为合格。 在各进油孔处加入临时过滤网,个检查油站过滤器上 别部位可加临时跨线,启动油泵,的差压计,最终以 14 油冲洗 每天24 小时连续循环冲洗,定期切差压24 小时不报B X X GB50319-2000-A4 换油站、过滤器并清洗,检查滤网,警为合格。 直到冲干净为止。 用百分表与找正架 依据设计或厂家提最终复查轴开车前最终复查机组的轴对中有无GB50319-2000-A4设计曲线15 供的找正曲线图B X X 对中 变化。 图 表,复查轴对中应 无明显变化。 依据随机文件及规 各种联锁应准确无误,调速器、保范对机组的各项联机组联锁静GB50319-2000-A4随机文件16 安系统应动作自如,无卡涩,仪表B X X 锁逐项确认。 态试验 表格 指示准确。 P-CM302002审核、 1. 审批方案中:开车前的准备工作批准试车方案 GB50319-2000-A2 审批试车方17 有无漏项,方案的可行性;2. 安全、B X X 案 SH3503-2001---J314-1 技术措施的可靠性。 依据规范及随机文 汽轮机(或1. 考核、检验汽轮机(或电机)的件对机械性能用相SH3503-2001-J314-2D GB 18 电机)单机机械性能; 2. 轴瓦温度,油温,A X X X X 关仪器( 测温仪、50319-2000-A4 试车 机械振动。 测振仪)做检测。 依据规范及随机文 通过无负荷试车、考核、检验机组机组无负荷件对机组的机械性GB50319-2000-A4 19 的机械性能:轴瓦温度、油温、水A X X X X 试车 能用相关仪器逐项SH3503-2001---J314-2C 温,各转动部位的机械振动。 做检测。 机组联动负1. 机组的机械性能; 2. 动态调试,利用相关仪器以及A X X X X GB50319-2000-A4 荷试车 测试自保仪表及系统仪表的性能; DCS 系统, 监测、SH3503-2001---J314-2C 20 3. 考核机组的性能。 考核机组的各项性 能指标是否满足工 艺要求。 机组竣工验1. 确认机组的试车结果; 2. 检查执行P-CM308002 A X X X X GB50319-2000-A4 收 机组的交工技术文件; 3. 对机组程序: SH3503 - SH3514-2001-P1502, P1503, P1504, P1403, P1404, P1405 安装做分项质量评定。 2001 石油化工工 21 程建设交工技术文 件规定 审核交工 技术文件、会签质 量评定文件。 Parties Involved Applicable Forms Quality Control Content Control Method No Control Point Grade PMC Contractors Super vision OwnerGovernment companyAgency(1) Review the reasonableness of the Review/Approval of proposal, and the reliability and the construction Review/Approvcomprehension of the technical/safety technical proposal as al of measures per P-CM302002 Construction (2) Review the construction procedures, GB50319-2000---A2 X X 1 B Procedure for Review Technical organization, personnel and equipment and Approval of Proposal allocation; check the construction Construction schedule, quality control system, applicable Organization Plan codes and standards. Execute P-CM305002 (1) Visual inspection, verify the quantity of and check the Inspection equipment and spare parts (2) Equipment packing list, verify the Procedure for certificate, quality inspection to lead parts, quantity of the SH3503-2001---J301 Material and rotor dynamic balance test record, impeller equipment and spare X X X X 2 A GB50319-2000---A9 Equipment overspeed test record, assembly drawings, parts, visual check the Arrival drawings for spare parts, and installation appearance, and instruction manual verify the technical document packed. Execute P-CM308001: (1) Check the elevation and orientation of carryout co-inspection the foundation, check the tolerance with civil engineer to deviation of anchor bolts, embedded item Foundation check the construction GB50319-2000---A4 and pre- installed holes (2) Check the Interim record, inspection SH3503-2001---J115, J203, J204, X X 3 B foundation settlement record and carryout Turnover report, organize for J106 visual inspection for defects of crackings, civil work turnover to voids and hungry spots, and rebar installation work, sign exposures turnover document Foundation (1)Foundation treatment: pitting treatment, GB50319-2000-A4 Treatment, surface for installing shim plate should be Execute Procedure X SH3503-2001-J115, 4 C Install smooth, levelness tolerance should meet P-CM308001 J203,J204,J106 Base-plate technical requirement Installation of (1) Quantity and position of jack or shim Baseplate, plate shall be as per the requirement of the Execute Procedure Settling/ engineering design and applicable P-CM308001 check Aligning/ document (2) 1 to 3 threads of the anchor by ruler and leveling SH3503-2001---J311 Leveling X 5 C bolts shall be exposed after nut installation, instrument and verify GB50319-2000---A4 Baseplate, and coat anti corrosion grease to the the construction Install Lub Oil thread. (3) Check the verticality and record System and tightness of the anchor bolts. Equipment Execute Procedure Erection of P-CM308001 Machinery Check the levelness of the machinery in Re-check by leveling SH3503-2001---J311 X 6 B frame, and accordance with the code requirement instrument and verify GB50319-2000---A4 Alignment the construction record Execute Procedure P-CM308001 Check /adjust by using GB50319-2000---A4 Vendor’s Check the rotor range and the clearance of Install Rotor leveling instrument, X X 7 B all bearings to meet the code requirement instruction manual feeler gage, dial indicator, and penetration test check the shaft end distance as per the requirement of the Adjustment to codes, engineering Shaft End Inspect/adjust the shaft end distance, and design requirement, GB50319-2000---A4 Vendor’s Distance, X X 8 B carryout pre-alignment to shafts and the vendor’s instruction manual Pre-alignment requirement, align the to Shafts shafts by dial indicator to meet the above requirement Carry out process Check the connection between the anchor inspection to the Grouting to plate and the foundation, check the GB50319-2000---A4 Vendor’s anchor bolts grouting X X 9 B Anchor Bolts dryness of sands and strength of grouted instruction manual as per the concrete to meet the code requirement construction record Disassembly, check the construction cleaning, record and the sealing Check the oil seal, end seal, sealing inspection, and clearance by using GB50319-2000---A4 Vendor’s between interim shaft and bearing, impeller X X 10 B re-assembly dye penetration, feeler instruction manual inlet seal, and balance wheel seal the sealing gage, and/or white clearance cloth Erection of Up and Low Part of the Compressor Check the seal of the up and low part of Check item by item by frame, SH50319-2001---J313 the frames, check the shaft end clearance, using feeler gage, dial Re-check the X X GB50319-2000---A4 Curve graphs 11 B check/adjust the final alignment of the indicator, alignment Shaft End of vendor’s instruction manual shafts instrument Clearance, Final Alignment of the Shafts Before the re-grouting, clean the surface of foundation, keep wet for 12 hours, remove Carryout re-grouting to all equipment the excessive water, Re-grouting foundations, like steam turbine, motors, oil grout the concrete X X GB50319-2000---A4 12 B station, etc. with strength higher than the one of the original concrete and vibrate at above 5?C ambient temperature Check the cleanness Prefabrication, pre-assembly, remove Lub Oil tubing of all oil tubings by existing oil line and carryout acid cleaning/ X X GB50319-2000-A4 13 B Installation using clean white cloth passivation treatment before re-installation for spots inspection Install temporary filter to all oil inlets, install Check the pressure temporary jumper if needed, start the oil gauge installed on the pump for 24 hours continuous operation of Oil Flushing filters until it does not X X GB50319-2000---A4 14 B circulation flushing, switch over oil station, alarm within 24 hours and replace filter until the flushing is duration. clean r Verify the changes by using dial indicator as Final Shafts Verify the changes of shaft alignment per engineering X X GB50319-2000---A4 Design Curve 15 B Alignment before startup requirement and the alignment curve Verify item by item of All interlock shall be correct, operation of Compressor the interlock system accelerator and emergency shutdown GB50319-2000---A4 Vendor’s Static Interlock as per vendor’s X X 16 B system are in good order, instrument Instruction Manual Test instruction manual and indication is accurate code requirement Review and (1) Check the feasibility of the P-CM302002 approval commissioning proposal item by item (2) review/approval of the GB50319-2000---A2 X X 17 B Commissioning Check the reliability of safety and technical commissioning SH3503-2001---J314-1 Proposal measures proposal carryout item by item inspection to check the mechanical (1) Carryout performance test and performance by using Single Test-run inspection to the steam turbine/motor for testing instrument, like GB50319-2000---A4 of the Steam mechanical performance the temperature X X X X 18 A SH3503-2001---J314-2D Turbine/ Motor (2) Check the bearing temperature, oil tester, vibration tester, temperature and mechanical vibration as per the requirement of the code and the vendor’s instruction manual carryout item by item inspection to check Check the mechanical performance by no the mechanical No Load Test load test-run, check the bearing performance by using to the GB50319-2000---A4 temperature, oil temperature, water testing instrument as X X X X 19 A Compressor SH3503-2001---J314-2C temperature, and vibration of all rotating per the requirement of Unit parts the code and the vendor’s instruction manual Monitor/ Check/ verify (1) Mechanical performance of the unit the mechanical (2) Dynamic adjustment, check the performance to meet Commissioning performance of all self-protection GB50319-2000---A4 the process X X X X 20 A Test with Load instruments and system instruments SH3503-2001---J314-2C requirement by using (3) Carryout performance test to the testing instrument and compressor unit DCS system Execute Procedure P-CM308002; SH 3503-2001 Regulation of technical document (1)Verify the commissioning report for construction Acceptance GB50319-2000---A4 (2) Check the turnover documentation completion of Inspection to X X X X SH3514-2001---P1502 P1503, 21 A (3)Carryout quality evaluation to the unit petrochemical industry the Unit P1504, P1403, P1404, P1405, installation project; Verify all turnover documentation, counter-sign quality evaluation document 3. 质量控制表格/质量评定表格/交工资料表格 Applicable forms for quality control, quality evaluation and turnover document 交工资料表格 Forms for turnover document: ? SH3503-2001-J106 《工程中间交接证明书》 Certificate of Construction Mechanical Completion, SH3503-2001-J106 ? SH3503-2001-J115 《隐蔽工程记录》 Record for Cover-up Work, SH3503-2001-J115 ? SH3503-2001-J203 《设备基础复测记录》 Equipment Foundation Re-inspection Record, SH3503-2001-J203 ? SH3503-2001-J204 《块体式设备基础允许偏差项目复测记录》 Re-inspection Record to Tolerance of Block Type Equipment Foundation ? SH3503-2001-J301 《设备开箱检验记录》 Equipment Open Package Inspection Record, SH3503-2001-J301 ? SH3503-2001-J311 《机器安装记录》 Machinery Installation Record, SH3503-2001-J311 ? SH3503-2001-J312 《机器拆检及组装记录》 Machinery Disassembly/Assembly Record, SH3503-2001-J312 ? SH3503-2001-J313 《联轴器对中记录》 Coupling Alignment Record, SH3503-2001-J313 ? SH3503-2001-J314-2C 《机器单机试车记录、离心式压缩机》 Machinery Single Unit Test-run Record, Centrifugal Compressor, SH3503-2001-J314-2C ? SH3503-2001-J314-2D 《机器单机试车记录、汽轮机》 Machinery Single Unit Test-run Record, Steam Turbine, SH3503-2001-J314-2D ? 随机文件表格 Vendor’s Instruction Manuals and Forms 质量控制表格 Forms for quality control: ? GB50319-2000-A2 《施工组织设计( 方案) 报审表》 Form of Request for Review/Approval of Construction Organization Plan, GB50319-2000-A2 ? GB50319-2000-A4 《——— —报审表》 Form of Request for Review/Approval of xxxxxx, GB50319-2000-A4 ? GB50319-2000-A9 《工程材料/构配件/设备报审表》 Form of Request for Inspection of Construction Materials/Components/Fittings/Equipment, GB50319-2000-A9 质量评定表格 Forms for Quality Evaluation ? SH3514-2001-P1502 《离心式压缩机组主机安装》 Form of Main Machinery Installation of Centrifugal Compressor, SH3514-2001-P1502 ? SH3514-2001-P1503 《汽轮机安装》 Form of Steam Turbine Installation, SH3514-2001-P1503 ? SH3514-2001-P1504 《增速机安装》 Form of Accelerator Installation, SH3514-2001-P1504 ? SH3514-2001-P1403 《润滑油密封油系统安装》 Form of Lubrication Oil System and Sealing Oil System Installation, SH3514-2001-P1403 ? SH3514-2001-P1404 《介质冷却、分离系统安装》 Form of Cooling Medium/ Separating System Installation, SH3514-2001-P1404 ? SH3514-2001-P1405 《电动机安装》 Form of Motor Installation, SH3514-2001-P1405
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