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历年高考英语书面表达范文(NMET)历年高考英语书面表达范文(NMET) 历年高考英语书面表达范文(NMET) Genre is a letter, the content of which is familiar to students. The main points are given in two ways: Chinese and graphic. Chinese sentences are not few, but they can not be translated. Candidates need to do the follo...

历年高考英语书面 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达范文(NMET) 历年高考英语书面表达范文(NMET) Genre is a letter, the content of which is familiar to students. The main points are given in two ways: Chinese and graphic. Chinese sentences are not few, but they can not be translated. Candidates need to do the following when completing the subject: 1. seriously to text and reading sketches, confirm all information points. 2. write down the motivation: introduce your English pen pal to the house you are looking for. 3., determine the basic way to write: to reply tone, introduce the situation, ask about attitude. 4. determine the structure of the text: the beginning of the letter, the introduction, the questioning attitude, the end of the letter. 5. draw up the text and consider the wording. 6. make text changes. If you are Li Hua, your English pen pal Bob will come to study at the new Chinese School in your city in September to write Chinese letters. Please ask him to find a house for him near the school. According to the information provided by the picture, write a letter to introduce the housing situation, and to inform the housing area of 25 square meters, monthly rent 500 yuan. Note: 1. words: 100. 2. reference terms: rent ? rent (n.). Dear Bob, Yours, Li Hua Content points: 1. start; 2. apartment (one room with bath, kitchen); The 3. area (25 square metre, furniture, bed, sofa, desk and chair in La); 4. apartment location (herb street, one stop away from school); 5. monthly rent of 500 yuan; 6. ending. Explain: 1., the main points of the content can be expressed in different ways. 2., do not deduct points for proper play. 3. at the beginning and end of the content must be logical and well spoken. [reference essay] Dear Bob, I, m, so, glad, to, that, you, re, coming, in, September.I, VE, found, learn,, a, place, for You, It, s, a, small, flat, of,, square, meters, with, a, bedroom, a, bathroom, and, a Kitchen.In, the, bedroom, there, is, a, bed, a, sofa, a, desk, and, a,, chair.The, rent, is, etc. Yuan, per, month.The, flat, is, a, building, on, Fangcao, Street, which, is, in, not, far, from Jianxiu, Chinese, School.Bus, No.11, can, take, you, straight,, to, the, school.In Fact.it, s, only, stop.Do, you, think, you, D, like, it, If, not, I, can, one, try, and, find Another, place, for, you.Just, let, me, know. Yours, Li Hua Apply intensive training (a) Please read the English letter carefully and write a letter to Worried. Requirements include the following: 1. comfort and encouragement; 2. remember some idiomatic phrases and sentence patterns, organize them together and use them to make sentences; 3. read English more and tell him to use the language correctly after a lot of reading; 4. recite some good passages. Requirements: not a one by one translation, word number about 100. Dear Helpful, I, m, a, Senior, student, and, I, m, in, trouble.I, used, to, like, English, but, now, I, Three Have, some, difficulty, in, English, especially, in, English, writing.Though, I, know English, is, a, very, important, subject, I, think, now, it, is,, too, difficult, for, me.You Know, I, have, got, poor, in, English, results, many, times, because,, my, writing, is, poor.I Wonder, why, so, many, students, like, English, and, can, get,, good, results, in, English.I Do, want, to, be, one, the, best, students, of, and, go, to,, a, famous, University, after Graduation.But, my, English, is, not, good, enough.What, should, I, do? Worried [reference essay] Dear Worried, I, have, received, your, and, I, m, glad, to, letter, give, you,, some, suggestions.First, of All, don, t, be, disappointed. 许多学生觉得写不好。 如果你想提高你的写作水平,你可以做几件事。 学习一些固定词组和句子结构。 试着用它们造句。第二,尽可能多读。 很多东西是学不到的,你必须在书中多次看到它们。 你将能够正确地使用它们,所以为了写好,你必须 要学会多读。最后,你最好背诵一些好文章。 祝你在写作中好运。 有帮助的 (二) 一正在中国考察的外国教育团队欲了解中国高三学生选择高考志愿的态度。下表是你根据平时了解所得到的信息请你根据该表用英语写一篇简要介绍,供该考察团参考。 约35%的同学认为:约45%的同学认为:约20%的同学认为: 1。应以个人兴趣为主。 2。兴趣是成功之母。 3。被迫学自己不感兴趣的专业是痛苦的。1。应以社会需要为主。 2。将来容易找到工作。 3。兴趣可以培养和改变。1。如何选择,是一难题。 2。听从父母或老师的意见。 注意: 1。文章的开头已为你写好; 2。词数:100左右。 中国高中毕业生对如何选择有不同的看法 他们的课程和大学。 【参考范文】 中国高中毕业生对如何选择有不同的看法 他们的课程和大学。 大约35%的学生认为选择应该基于自己的选择。 兴趣。他们说兴趣是成功之母。 你必须把大部分时间花在学习你不感兴趣的事情上。 然而,更多的学生(45%岁左右)坚持认为主要的考虑应该是 他们认为,考虑到社会的需要,并不是每个人都能找到工作。 他们最喜欢。此外,兴趣可以生灭。 有趣的是,大约有20%的人觉得这是一个很难做出的选择。 宁可依靠父母或老师为他们做决定。 (三) 假如你是贫困地区的一名失学的儿童,名叫李萍。你很幸运地得到在北京工作的一位美国人史密斯的帮助,得以重新回到校园继续学习。于是你于2002年2月1日给史密斯写一封信,向他表示感谢,并介绍了学习情况。(字数:80 ~ 120) 信中内容包括: 1。收到书和钱,并能重返校园,表示感谢; 2。在老师的帮助下学习上取得了很大进步; 3。老师表扬了你,家长鼓励你; 4。下决心更加努力学习,取得更大进步; 5。盼望见到史密斯先生,但因没有机会去北京,希望史密斯给你寄张照片。 【参考范文】 亲爱的Mr.Smith。 我很高兴收到你的钱和书。现在,我可以再去上学了。 非常高兴,非常感谢~ 自从我接受你的礼物以来,我一直在努力学习,我取得了很大的进步。 在我的 study.our老师表扬我了。我的父母一直鼓励 我更加努力工作,我已经下定决心要取得更大的进步。 在老师的帮助下。 我很期待见到你,但是我没有机会去北京。 你把你的照片寄给我,谢谢您! 最美好的祝福. 谨上, 李萍 (四) 假如你班刚转来一位美国学生,他想了解一下班主任李老师的一些情况。请你根据下面的提示用英语为其写一篇介绍李老师的短文。(字数:80 ~ 120) 1。李老师年近501975年来校任教,工作一贯努力,曾多次受到表扬; 2。他知识丰富,教学有方,上课生动有趣,深受学生欢迎; 3。他与学生关系融洽,但对学生要求严格; 4。他是学生的良师益友,深受大家的尊敬和爱戴。 【参考范文】 李先生现在快五十岁了。他1975来我们学校。这些年来他都有。 他工作很努力,很多次因为工作努力而受到表扬。 他知识丰富,善于教学,我们都喜欢他的课。 活泼有趣。 他和我们相处得很好,但对我们要求很严格,他经常鼓励我们学习。 我们的国家很艰难,在他的帮助下,我们取得了很大的进步。 李先生不仅是我们的好老师,也是我们的好朋友。我们都爱他。 尊重他。 (五) 某海滨游泳场从今年夏天起对外宾开放,请你根据下列内容为海滨游泳池(游泳池)用英语写一份”游泳须知”(游泳 规则)(字数:100左右)。 1。游泳者不得越过红线; 2。所借的游泳衣、救生圈(救生圈)、太阳伞(遮阳)、椅子不得损坏或带走; 3。不准乱扔废弃物,请放入垃圾桶; 4。下午6点前必须上岸; 5。不准在游泳区钓鱼。 游泳者必须遵守以上规定,违者处罚金(细)5 200元~。 【参考范文】 通知 游泳规则 游泳运动员必须遵守下列规则:任何违反规则的人。 将被罚款5,200元。 1、不许任何人游过红线。 2、游泳衣、救生圈、太阳伞和椅子都是从这里借不到 被毁灭或带走。 3。Don不扔垃圾的东西都放进垃圾箱。 4游泳运动员必须在下午6点以前离开水。 5、这里不许钓鱼。 海边游泳池 (六) 假如你是一名导游,陪同某外国旅游团游览长城。车抵长城,下车前 你准备对大家作必要的介绍和交代。请拟一份讲话稿。讲话稿必须包 括以下内容: 1。简单介绍长城(世界上最长的城墙,有两千多年的历史,是世界 奇观之一); 2。在长城逗留两个半小时,11点离开; 3。游览车在入口处等候,记住车号,准时返回; 4。 Take your valuables with you and close the window before you get off the bus; 5. pay attention to safety while visiting. Enjoy your stay. Attention: don't translate sentence by sentence. There are about 100 words. [reference essay] Ladies and gentlemen, Here, we, are, at, the, of, the, Great, Wall.It, foot, is, the, longest,, wall, in, the, world And, has, a, history, of, over,, years.It, is, one,, of, the, wonders, of, the World.We, ll, stay, here, for, two, and, a, half, that, is, to, say, we,, ll, leave, at, hours O, clock.The, bus, will, be, waiting, for, US, at, the,, entrance.Please, remember, our, bus Number, and, be, back, on, time.Besides, please, take, your, valuable, things,, with, you, and Shut, all, the, windows, before, get, off.Be, you, careful, while, you,, are, on, the, Great Wall. Have a good time! (seven) The four picture describes when you meet students in the winter when the skin edinburgh. You talked about the new year. Please write a short passage in English to describe the content of the conversation so that it can be published in the middle school English newspaper to reflect the students' winter vacation. Note: the 1. essay must include all the pictures, and add details to the essay to make the passage coherent; 2. words 100; 3. the beginning has been written for you. 4. new words hint: Spring Festival the, Spring, Festival Lucky money lucky money One, day, in, the, winter, holidays, I, met, my, classmate, Tao,, Taopi, in, the, park. [reference essay] One, day, during, the, winter, holidays, I, met, my, classmate, Tao, Taopi,, in, the, park., We Chatted, for, a, while, as, walked.I, asked, we, him, where, he,, had, been, during, the Holidays, of, the, Spring, Festival.He, replied, that, he, had, visited,, his, relatives, and Friends.Then, I, D, to, know, why, he, hadn, t, gone, out,, for, a, like, tour.Much, to, my Surprise, he, told, me, that, would, cost, much, money, to, it, go, out, for,, a, tour, his, while Visiting, relatives, and, friends, had, brought, him, a, lot, of,, lucky, money.In, my Opinion, travelling, during, the, Spring, Festival, not, only, increases, a, student, s Knowledge, of, his, or, her, motherland, but, also, makes, the,, life, in, winter, vacation Meaningful. (eight) The new foreign teacher in your school wants to know about the extracurricular activities in your school. Please write a short essay in English according to the directions below to explain the situation. Note: the 1. word number about 100. 2. new words tips: extracurricular activities, out-of-class, activities Activities, activities, locations, activities, content, activities, results, hopes and suggestions Tuesday and five p.m. (4:30~ 5:15) classroom Laboratory School playground School garden Sports Art Microcomputer photography Singing and speaking contests enrich students' knowledge, stimulate students' interest in learning, 1., reduce homework, and increase the time of extracurricular activities; 2., the establishment of English corner; more than 3. organized tours and tourism activities. [reference essay] Students, in, our, school, have, two, periods, for,, out-of-class, activities, from 4:30p.m.~5:15p.m.every, Tuesday, and, Friday.The, activities, include Computer, sports, art, photographing, singing, and, speech, contests.These, activities Are, often, held, in, our, classroom, labs, 学校花园或操场上。 通过这些活动学到了很多,这使我们更感兴趣。 我们希望这些活动能更频繁地举行,我们将得到更少的资助。 我们要做一个“英语角”。 我们建议参观或参观,以便我们能了解什么是 在我们学校外面进行。 (九) 下列六幅图描述了你7月5日星期天那天的某些活动,请根据这些图画用英语写一篇日记。 注意:1。日记须包括所有图画的内容,可以适当增加细节,使故事连贯; 2。词数100个单词左右。 【参考范文】 7月5日星期日晴 今天晚上晚饭后,我的朋友Li Hua来请我去看一场电影。 在我们去电影院的路上,我们看到一个小女孩坐在旁边。 路边哭了,我们给她买了个蛋糕来阻止她哭,但是当我们问她在哪里 她活着,她说她不知道,所以我们把她带到警察局。 请警察来照顾她,然后我们去看电影,但什么时候去, 我们到达那里,电影快结束了,我们错过了电影,但我们已经完成了。 一件好事,所以我们感到非常高兴。 (十) 假如你校学生会(学生会)要举办一次英语演讲比赛(比赛),请你用英语写一篇书面通知,以便张贴到布告栏上。通知须包括以下内容: 1。比赛目的:提高学生的英语口语水平 2。比赛时间:2002 11 20 4点日下午月年 3比赛地点:四楼阶梯教室(礼堂)。 4评比办法:由五位老师做评委其中包括史密斯先生。 5。奖项设置:一等奖1名,二等奖3名,三等奖5名 6。报名办法:到各班班长处报名 注意:1。不要逐条翻译说明内容,通知必须用短文的形式; 2。词数100个单词左右。 【参考范文】 通知 为了提高学生的英语口语,一场英语演讲比赛 学校学生会将在第四楼的礼堂举行。 十一月下午4时至202002。五名教师,其中包括史米斯先生,已 获评委会一等奖、三次二等奖、五项第三等奖。 将给予优秀的演讲人,任何愿意参加的人。 比赛,请到你的班长那里签名,一切都很受欢迎。 出席比赛。 学生联盟 (十一) 假定你是李华,有一位美国朋友史米斯托你在北京找工作,你看到21世纪英文报(第二十一 世纪)上刊登了一则招聘启事,认为他很合适。请用英文写一封短信,用电子邮件发给史米斯,告知此事,并征求他的意见。广告原文如下: 求购外籍教师~ 梯子公司的教育部正在开设英语课程。 儿童与成人。 要求: 1。 以英语为母语的人 2、本科学历,教育或相关专业优先 3、外国专家认证 如果你有兴趣,请打电话给我们: 电话:86-10-68019433 电子邮件:liecbj@hotmail.com 注意:1。开头语已给你写好; 2。介绍必须包括所有内容,但不要逐词翻译说明部分; 3。词数:100个单词左右。 亲爱的史米斯, 我知道你想在北京找份工作。 【参考范文】 亲爱的史米斯, 我知道你想在北京找份工作,我在今天读了一则广告。 “二十一世纪”,这里是一份英文报纸。信息公司是一个北京阶梯。 为孩子和成人办学校,所以他们需要母语为英语。 教师更喜欢的是教育或其他相关专业的大学学位。 我想你需要一个外国专家认证。 你是他们想要的人。 如果您有兴趣,请直接打电话或写信给公司。 数86-10-68019433,和他们的电子邮件地址是:liecbj@hotmail.com。 祝你好运. 你的, 李华 (十二) 根据下列图表以”人们如何度过他们的假期”为题,写一篇80 ~ 120 词左右的短文,以便发表在《二十一世纪英文报》上。 人们度假方式的变化 一千九百九十万一千九百九十九 旅行abroad12 % 24% 要seasid38 % 31% camping10 % 36% 猪栏在home40 % 9% 总计100 % 100% 【参考范文】 人们是怎样度过假期的 上世纪90年代人们度假的方式发生了很大的变化。 1990,40 %的人在家里度过假期,但1999号 下降到9%,看来人们比以前有更多的空闲时间。 许多人在国外度假。 1990(12%),1999(24%)的比率翻了一番,表明现在人们更加富有。 比以前更能负担出国旅行的费用。 此外,去海边度假的人的数量。 几乎相同,更多的人喜欢露营(从10%到 36%)原因可能是,真正的自然吸引了很多人,他们 想要享受他们周围的真实世界。 (十三) 光明中学依山傍水,校园曾经安静美丽,一年前该校附近建了一家化工厂。学校受到了严重影响。假如你是该校的一名学生,名叫李东。 请你根据下表内容用英文给中国日报写一封信,反映情况,呼吁有关 部门采取相应措施。 建厂前建厂后 校园内鲜花盛开,树木常青;校园安静,学习佳地工厂每天排出大量 污水、废气,严重影响师生健康,花草树木受到危害,工厂噪音也干 扰了教学活动。 注意:1。词数:100左右; 2。 The beginning has been written for you. Dear editor, I, m, a, student, of, Guang, Ming, Middle, School, Our, school, used, to... [reference essay] Dear editor, I, m, a, student, of, Guang, Ming, Middle, School.Our, school,, used, to, be, very Beautiful.There, used, to, be, green, trees, and, all, kinds, of,, flowers, in, our, School All, the, year, round.It, used, be, a, quiet, place, to, and, it, was,, a, good, place, for Study. Things, have, changed, since, a, chemical, works, was, built, near,, our, school, a, year Ago.Every, day, it, produces, large, quantities, of, waste, water,, and, harmful, gases.The Terrible, pollution, has, done, great, to, US, harm, as, well, as,, to, the, trees, and Flowers.And, the, great, noise, from, the, works, has, greatly, affected,, our, teaching, and Studying, activities.Our, school, is, no, longer, a, quiet, and, good,, place, for, study.We Suffer, a, lot, from, the, pollution. We, do, hope, you, can, US, to, take, measures, help, to, protect, our,, school, and, stop, it From being polluted. Yours truly, Li Dong (fourteen) Here is an advertisement for a Sino foreign joint venture published yesterday at China Daily: Office, secretary, with, experience, in, bookkeeping, typewriting, public Relations, operating, PC (personal, computer),.Address, age, health, condition Write, to, A518, Charlie, Office. If you are Zhang Lin, aged 20, in good health, studied English for 6 years, studied the items listed in the advertisement. The address is 745 P.O.Box745, Binhai city. Please write a letter of recommendation in accordance with the recruitment position, conditions and your own brief in the advertisement. Number of words: about 100 words. [reference essay] Dear Sir, I, have, read, your, in, yesterday, s, China, advertisement, Daily.I, feel,, I, am, qualified For, the, job, your, company.I, in, m,, years, old, and, in, good,, health.After, graduation From, a, middle, school, I, studied, English, for, six,, years.I, also, learned Bookkeeping, typewriting, and, relations.I, public, m, good, at, operating, PC,, and, have, a Good, command, of, English.I, m, interested, in, the, position,, of, a, secretary.I, want Very, much, to, be, by, your, company.I, ll, work, hard, if, I, accepted, can, be,, a, member, in Your company. Zhang Ling (fifteen) The six pictures below describe how you and your classmates skated on a lake near school in February 8th. Please write a diary in English according to the pictures. Note: 1., the diary must include all the contents of the picture. You can add details to make the passage coherent. 2. words 100. [reference essay] February, 8th, SundayFine It, was, cold, today.My, classmates, I, went, skating, and, on, the, lake.As,, soon, as, we, got There, we, began, to, skate, happily.While, enjoying, myself, I, suddenly, noticed Something, unusual.The, moment, I, warned, Xiao, Ming, take, care, to, the, ice, broke, and He, slipped, into, the, water. I, was, too, frightened, to, what, to, do.I, know, anxiously, ran, to,, school, to, call, my Teacher, for, help.Hearing, my, cry, Mr. 张冲了过来,叫我们打120 呼叫医生,跳进湖里救了挣扎的肖明。 在冰冷的水中,他终于得救了,医生一到他就得救了。 被送去医院,不久肖明的父母就来了。 表示感谢Mr.Zhang。 他是多么可敬的老师啊~ 年级高中学科英语版本期数 内容标题历年高考英语书面表达题例解读 分类索引号g.431分类索引描述听力 主题词历年高考英语书面表达题例解读栏目名称专题辅导 供稿老师审稿老师 录入韩荟一校林卉二校审核
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