首页 小学教师师德案例



小学教师师德案例小学教师师德案例 小学教师师德教育案例:一位班长的成长故事 一、情景案例 那是我新接二年级一个班的第一学期~根据学生的身高情况对学生的座次进行了调整。开学两周后的一天~当我刚跨进教室门~小小,化名,就哭着跑过来对我说:‚老师~我同桌洋洋,化名,推我~不让我坐在位子上。?我急忙问洋洋:‚你为什么推她呀,?洋洋说:‚她喊我‘小霸王’。?我转身给小小讲了一番道理~小小向洋洋道歉后~这件事算是平息了。 可没想到才过了一天~我去教室收作业。一进门~就看到洋洋一边使劲地推着小小~一边说:‚我不要你坐在这里~滚一边去:?...

小学教师师德案例 小学教师师德教育案例:一位班长的成长 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt 一、情景案例 那是我新接二年级一个班的第一学期~根据学生的身高情况对学生的座次进行了调整。开学两周后的一天~当我刚跨进教室门~小小,化名,就哭着跑过来对我说:‚老师~我同桌洋洋,化名,推我~不让我坐在位子上。?我急忙问洋洋:‚你为什么推她呀,?洋洋说:‚她喊我‘小霸王’。?我转身给小小讲了一番道理~小小向洋洋道歉后~这件事算是平息了。 可没想到才过了一天~我去教室收作业。一进门~就看到洋洋一边使劲地推着小小~一边说:‚我不要你坐在这里~滚一边去:?我赶忙走过去~一边制止洋洋的做法~一边问原因。洋洋理直气壮地说:‚她用我的橡皮。?我耐心地对洋洋说:‚同学之间要互相帮助。今天你帮助了她~下次你遇到困难~她也会帮助你的。让她坐下~好吗,?‚不行:我就不要她作同位:?‚铃……?上课铃响了~为了不影响学生上课~我只好暂时把****调到邻桌。 二、案例 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 为了了解这个看上去有些活泼~却又有些自私的孩子~以便有的放矢holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 的对他进行教育~我去他家进行了家访~并**到洋洋的 一年级 小学一年级数学20以内加减练习题小学一年级数学20以内练习题小学一年级上册语文教学计划人教版一年级上册语文教学计划新人教版一年级上册语文教学计划 任课老师了解情况~得到如下信息。 1、家庭因素 洋洋的爸爸、爷爷均是单传~到了洋洋这一代~却首先生下了洋洋的****~根据农村 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 生育政策~全家人盼星星盼月亮般终于盼来了洋洋。于是~洋洋成了他们一家继续传宗接代的唯一希望~自然也就铸就了他在家的特殊地位。全家人对他可谓百依百顺~不敢说半个‚不?字。 2、个人因素 正是由于洋洋特殊的家庭地位逐渐养成了他不健全的性格特点: ,1,、任性。说一不二~喜欢对别人颐指气使。 ,2,、自私。一切以自己为中心~别人就应该为他服务。 ,3,、脾气暴躁。稍不如意~就大发**霆~恶语相向~指责对方。 ,4,、喜欢推脱责任。即使明知自己有错误~也总是迁怒于别人。 其优点是:聪明、活泼、喜欢唱歌、跳舞~善于表达等。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 3、教育因素 从上幼儿园到入学~当洋洋犯了错误时~老师多是询问一下原因~对他进行严厉地批评教育。屡教屡犯时~便把家长叫到学校~通报一下洋洋在学校的表现~要求家长在家加强教育。教育**段过于简单~教育效果自然收效甚微。 三、辅导策略及转变过程 了解掌握了洋洋的以上情况~我深深地感受到对洋洋进行正面教育的迫切性和艰巨性。洋洋才是一名二年级的学生~今后的成长之路还很漫长~帮他尽快建立起健康的人格已刻不容缓。 1、抓住契机~促其警醒。我专门精心 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 开展了一次以‚我最尊敬的同学?为主题的班会活动。同学们不仅要说出自己尊敬的同学是谁~还要说出为什么尊敬他,或她,。课堂上热闹非凡~大家或因爱护集体荣誉、或因热心帮助别人、或因文明礼貌尊敬师长而得到同学们的尊敬。却没人提到洋洋的名字~这对心气高傲的他来说绝对是一次打击~同时~也是我帮助他的最佳契机。会后~我借故问他:‚你知道同学们为什么都没有提到你吗,?他先是摇了摇头~而后又点了点头~**声说道:‚大家都不喜欢我。?我又问道:‚那你知道大家为什么不喜欢你吗,?见他有些茫然~我便进一步启发道:‚想一想~你平时是怎样对待同学们的,?洋洋听了我的话~深深地低下了头。我继续说道:‚同学就像朋友~对待朋友要真诚、客气~你要让别人尊重你~holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 你首先应当尊重别人。只有做到这一点大家才会真正认可你、尊敬你。我们班的同学都是很友善的~你如果真正有所转变~同学们是会尊敬你的~不信~试试看。?这时~洋洋抬起了头~我进一步鼓励道:‚其实~在老师眼里~你是一个非常聪明活泼、多才多艺、学习成绩也很优秀的学生~老师真心希望你能成为一个品学兼优的学生。我相信~你一定能做到。?洋洋很认真地望着我~眼里放着光彩。我把他拉到我的身边~一手抚摸着他的头~一手握住他的小手~小声地问道:‚告诉老师~今后你该怎么办,?洋洋想了想~同样小声地对我说:‚老师~再让小小跟我同位吧。? 2、群策群力~帮其转变。我组织召开班委会~提出要帮助洋洋转化的计划~请大家发表自己的意见。多数班干部认为~洋洋的毛病太多太久了~不好转变。我语重心长地讲道:‚同学们~我们二年级一班就是一个大家庭~同学们就是一家人~不管是谁有了错误~大家都应该伸出友谊之手帮一帮他~不能让一个同学掉队~这样~我们班才是一个幸福美满的大家庭呀:?听了我的话~大家逐渐统一了认识~并纷纷表示同洋洋交朋友~帮助洋洋改掉坏习惯。我还不失时机地提醒大家~只顾自己同洋洋交朋友是不够的~要带动大家来关心洋洋、帮助洋洋。一时间~我们班掀起了一股同洋洋交朋友的热潮~置身于这股热潮之中的洋洋哪还有任性、暴躁、自私的机会和条件呢, 3、集体活动感化~加速其转变。不管是学校还是班内开展的手抄报holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 评比、义务劳动、踢跳比赛、文娱联欢会、经典诵读比赛等活动~我都有意识地安排他参加~而且~常常委以重任。渐渐地~他在感受到他在集体中的价值的同时~更感受到了集体的温暖。他懂得了尊重别人~学会了体谅别人~不再动不动就发火。 4、鼓励加鞭策~巩固其转变。我密切关注着洋洋的转化进程~当他为班级争得了荣誉时~我便及时地大张旗鼓地给以表扬和鼓励,当他控制不住自己~旧病重犯时~我便及时找到他谈心~告诫他要维护好自己好不容易树立起来的形象~不要让老师和同学失望。一次家长会上~我特意安排洋洋的妈妈介绍洋洋在家的转变~当他妈妈无比骄傲地讲到洋洋文明礼貌、诚实宽容的新形象时~洋洋竟兴奋地站起来~向全体家长招了招手。家长们也对他报以热烈的掌声。 四、辅导成效 一个学期过后~洋洋同学已完全变了~他由一个任性、自私、暴躁的家庭小皇帝~变成了一位文明守纪、团结友爱、活泼开朗、极富集体荣誉感和责任心的好同学。新学期~班干部竞选~洋洋同学顺利地当上了班长~成为我班级管理的得力助手。 五、反思与感悟 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 通过‚洋洋的转变?这一成功案例~我有很深的感触: 1、每个学生都有着不同的家庭环境及个性特点~我们教师要在及时发现学生的缺点与不足的同时~更要了解和掌握其形成的原因~以便加以分析~因材施教~制定出有效的辅导计划。 2、在实施转变计划的过程中~要善于发挥班干部的主力作用~因为他们有着特殊的号召力与凝聚力~而且他们同问题同学朝夕相处~接触密切。他们的作用一旦被发掘~其能量~不言而喻。 3、在实施转变计划的过程中~我们要善于通过循循善诱的话语来使学生认识错误~改正错误,通过我们严肃地批评和引导使学生懂得什么是该做的~什么是不该做的~渐渐地学会判断是非~学会认知~学会做人。 4、在实施转变计划的过程中~要善于利用‚集体活动?这一载体~因为每次集体活动都是同学们展示自身价值的绝佳机会~对问题学生来说~无疑是一副副感化剂。 5、在实施转变计划的过程中~要协调好与学生家长的关系~发挥好家长的‚配合性?作用~做到家校沟通、家校合一。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 6、在实施转变计划的过程中~我们要有足够的耐心~允许学生‚犯 老毛病?。小学生的心理特征决定了他们的行为自控能力的有限性~ 教育过程中出现反复是很正常的现象。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection
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