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宁夏医科大学教务处宁夏医科大学教务处 宁医教发[2009]4号 关于评选2009年校级精品课程以及对2008年校 级精品课程网络资源进行检查的通知 各学院、系,部,、教研室、附属医院: 为贯彻落实教育部、财政部《关于实施高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程的意见》,教高[2007]1号,和教育部《关于进一步深化本科教学改革全面提高教学质量的若干意见》,教高[2007]2号,等文件精神~根据《宁夏医科大学精品课程建设管理办法》,宁医校发[2005]39号,~决定开展2009年度校级精品课程的申报、评选工作~同时对2008年度予以...

宁夏医科大学教务处 宁医教发[2009]4号 关于评选2009年校级精品课程以及对2008年校 级精品课程网络资源进行检查的通知 各学院、系,部,、教研室、附属医院: 为贯彻落实教育部、财政部《关于实施高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程的意见》,教高[2007]1号,和教育部《关于进一步深化本科教学改革全面提高教学质量的若干意见》,教高[2007]2号,等文件精神~根据《宁夏医科大学精品课程建设管理办法》,宁医校发[2005]39号,~决定开展2009年度校级精品课程的申报、评选工作~同时对2008年度予以建设的5门校级精品课程网络资源情况进行检查~有关事项如下。 一、2009年校级精品课程申报工作有关事宜 ,一,评选范围与要求 1.本次评选课程包括我校本科、高职各个专业已经连续开设3年以上的公共课、基础课、专业基础课以及专业课, 2.课程负责人应具有副教授以上职称~本科课程应具有教授职称, cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 3.课程申报中应注意体现该课程独特的风格、显著的特点~以及通过精品课程建设~将取得哪些预期效果, 4.能够在课程网站内提供必要的网上教学材料,详见本文“网络资源建设要求”,。 ,二,申报程序及注意事项: 1.申报程序:课程负责人填写《宁夏医科大学精品课程建设立项 申请书 入党申请书下载入党申请书 下载入党申请书范文下载下载入党申请书民事再审申请书免费下载 》~一式2份~A4纸打印~侧面装订~交所在学院、系,部,进行初审,初审合格后~各相关部门将申报书汇总后于 2009年3月13日前交学校教务处医学教育研究室~同时将申报书电子版汇总后发送至lin@nxmu.edu.cn。 2.注意:填写申报书时~涉及到成果、获奖情况、教改项目、发表的 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 等时~必须在申报书后附相关的佐证材料。 ,三,精品课程的评审及公布: 1.学校组织专家评审:采取课程负责人现场汇报、答辩、网上资源建设 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 和内容展示、专家质疑的形式~专家将按照我校精品评审指标的要求进行打分。 注意:评审时暂不要求制作网站和录制授课录像~汇报时要求展示能够上网的资源和建设计划即可,内容见第四条:网络资源建设要求,,被学校确定为校级精品课程后~各课程应按照要求制作网站和录制授课录像。 further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal townand perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; 2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound-each year to determine the 1 level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village-l quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening villagent members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overalsite to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years developme cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance educationtube; established and2 2.会议终审、公示:教务处将专家评审结果提交学校教学指导委会审议并在全校范围内公示~接受争议,争议期结束后~报请校长办公会审批并予公布, 3.学校将择优推荐申报区级精品课程,学校、各院系负责组织对拟推荐的区级精品课程进行重点建设。 ,四,网络资源建设要求 经学校确定批准为校级精品课程后~课程负责人应按照以下要求做好网络资源建设和管理工作~并尽快将课程教学资源上网: 1.网页制作要求 ?各精品课程网页制作应包括网页界面和管理员后台数据库两个系统~所有资源,包括授课录像、小型测试系统等,相关教研室可以通过管理员后台数据库自行添加、修改和更新。 ?页面的长度适中,不超过4屏,~页面元素布局合理~色彩协调~美观。 ?程序响应:响应及时有效~程序对学习者操作要作出积极的反应~有意义的内容,在网面或屏幕上,下载速度平均在4秒内。 ?授课实况录像: ?本科层次:至少三位主讲教师,含课程负责人,每人一课时以上的课堂授课实况录像,录像应该体现出该教师的主要教学特色~并有相应的师生课堂互动内容,录像环境,即讲课教室,光线充足、安静~教师衣着整洁~讲话清晰~板书清楚。 ; established andtube further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system;2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs -level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-lity improved significantly. Third, strengthening villagel quant members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overalof using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years developme cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members3 ?高职层次:申报课程的网上教学资源包含课程整体设计介绍录像,不超过40分钟,和课程教学录像,不超过15分钟,~其中~课程整体设计介绍录像以说课为主~包括教学设计以及相应的教学设施、环境和实训实习场景等介绍~并附相应文字说明。 ?多媒体:视频、声频、图片、动画、教学软件等。,范例:国家级精品课程-诊断学, ?精品课程建设立项申请书。 ?课程介绍:500-1000字~讲明课程的教学内容、教学特点~学习方式等基本信息。 ?教师介绍:500-1000字~讲明教师的基本简历、获得的职业荣誉、头衔、职称、研究方向、研究特色、教学成果、教学特色等。 ?教学大纲:本课程整套的教学大纲。 ?电子课件: 本课程全套电子课件~注明教师姓名及职称。 ?作业习 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 :包括专题讨论~本课程全部章节的作业习题及答案,有条件可引入在线测试系统,。(范例:国家级精品课程-草地学) ?实验教学:包括实验指导,有条件可引入网络模拟实验,~对于有实验要求的课程~应该以教学大纲规定的实验为基础~为每一个实验配套相应的实验指导。 ?书籍,自编教材或教材,:要求有指定教材或配套的网络电子教材目录~包括作者、书名、出版社、出版日期等内容,并且提供下载或网上浏览服务。,范例:国家级精品课程-诊断学, tube; established and further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal townand perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; 2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound-each year to determine the 1 level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village-l quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening villagent members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overalsite to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years developme cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education4 ?参考文献目录:要提供一定量的参考书或论文。参考书提供作者、书名、出版社、出版日期等内容,论文提供发表的杂志名称、期号等。,范例:国家级精品课程-诊断学, ?师生互动:设计有效的师生交互和生生交互的学习活动:包括专题讨论、学生留言板、疑难解答、讨论专栏等。 ?浏览人数统计及专家、学生对该课程的 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 栏目。,范例:国家级精品课程-临床基本技能, ?网络教学资源更新情况:精品课程网上资源要逐年更新~年度更新率应达到15%以上,在课程网站上应有更新内容的说明栏目等。,范例:国家级精品课程-诊断学, ?插件:带有运行时所需的且现行浏览器中不支持的附加插件。 19.本课程特色。,范例:国家级精品课程-临床基本技能, 此外~如有知识产权保护的需要~可向网站制作公司提出相关要求,例如提供网站内容只能浏览无法下载等特殊程序,,如涉及他人知识产权问题时~须先征得该知识产权的拥有者同意~并留有相应的证明材料。,范例:国家级精品课程-诊断学, 2.管理工作 ?各相关课程教研室自行联系网站公司制作网页~并负责各精品课程网站及后台数据库建设、管理、维护和更新。 ?现代教育技术中心提供课程网站地址及空间分配等技术支持。 ; established andtube further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system;2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs -level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-lity improved significantly. Third, strengthening villagel quant members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overalof using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years developme cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members5 ?授课录像事宜由课程负责人前往老校区中医楼二楼电教科,张荣幸主管,提出申请~录制授课录像~录像时教师需自行通知学生参与录像的录制。 4.其它 为了便于课程网络资源通畅运行及浏览~网上资源格式务必按照本通知的统一格式建设: ?教师提供的非视频资料格式应该为:Word文档或PowerPoint文档, ?视频资料统一制作成RM格式, ?授课课件推荐采用PowerPoint格式, ?若用其他格式,如Flash,,请在该课程网页明显的位置内提供浏览器下载连接。 ?要求课程网络页面及所有子页面整洁美观、便于浏览~各项内容浏览通畅、无死链,特殊浏览器下载连接准确。 ?请登陆国家精品课程导航~参阅外校精品课程建设内容~国家精品课程导航网址:www.core.org.cn/cn/jpkc/index_lei.html 二、2008年校级精品课程网络资源建设检查工作有关事项 ?检查范围: 2008年被学校确定建设的《实验外科学》等5门校级精品课程,名单见附件1,。 ?检查内容及要求 详见本文前第,四,条“网络资源建设要求”。 tube; established and further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal townand perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; 2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound-each year to determine the 1 level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village-l quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening villagent members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overalsite to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years developme cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education6 ?检查时间及形式: 各相关课程应于3月12日前将课程网址报至教务处医学教育研究室。 3月13 -16日期间~学校组织专家组直接登陆课程网站进行检查并打分。 ?其它: 学校将在全校范围内公布检查结果~对于网络资源建设不合格的课程~必须在规定时间内进行整改~如整改后仍不合格的课程~将取消该门课程精品课程称号。 附件:,请从教务处网站下载, 1.宁夏医科大学精品课程建设立项申请书 2.宁夏医科大学精品课程名单,含2008年建设的精品课程, 3.宁夏医科大学精品课程评审指标 宁夏医科大学教务处 二??九年二月二十四日 关健词:精品课程 评选 检查 通知 报送:校领导 抄送:各院,系,、相关单位 承办单位:医学教育研究室 承办人:李南 联系电话:6980046 ; established andtube further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system;2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs -level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-lity improved significantly. Third, strengthening villagel quant members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overalof using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years developme cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members7
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