首页 认证考试船舶安全管理体系文件-船舶垃圾管理计划



认证考试船舶安全管理体系文件-船舶垃圾管理计划认证考试船舶安全管理体系文件-船舶垃圾管理计划 船舶安全管理体系文件 内部文件 编号: 船名: M/V: 船 名 Name of Ship IMO Number 船舶呼号: Call Sign 船籍港: Port of Registry 船舶登记号: Register Number 船旗国: Flag State 船舶所有人: Ship’s Owner 船舶管理人: Manager 本计划经主管机关审核符合国际海事组织制定的《73/78防污公 约》附则V第9条和《垃圾管理计划编...

认证考试船舶安全管理体系文件-船舶垃圾管理计划 船舶安全管理体系文件 内部文件 编号: 船名: M/V: 船 名 Name of Ship IMO Number 船舶呼号: Call Sign 船籍港: Port of Registry 船舶登记号: Register Number 船旗国: Flag State 船舶所有人: Ship’s Owner 船舶管理人: Manager 本计划经主管机关审核符合国际海事组织制定的《73/78防污公 约》附则V第9条和《垃圾管理计划编制指南》的各项要求。 This plan has been approved by the Competent Authorities and is written in accordance with the requirements of regulation 9 of Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ship’s, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL73/78) and the requirements as stated in the Guidelines for the Development of Garbage Management Plan by the International Maritime Organization. SHIP’S PARTICULARS 1. GENERAL NAME OF THE VESSEL CALL LETTERS PORT OF REGISTRY FLAG REGISTRATION NUMBER IMO NUMBER KIND OF SHIP YEAR OF BUILD NAVIGATION AREA BUILDER’S NAME MATERIAL OF HULL OWNER RESIDENCE OF OWNER ADDRES MANAGEMENT RESIDENCE OF MANAGEMENT ADDRES 2. PRINCIPAL DIMENSION LENGTH L.O.A DEPTH (MLD) Lpp BREADTH (MLD) KEEL TO RADAR MAST FULL LOAD DRAFT (MLD) DEADWEIGHT CARGO HOLD CAPACITY GROSS TONNAGE NET TONNAGE 3. MACHINERY PARTICULARS MAIN ENGINE TYPE & NO OUTPUT – MAX BHP NORMAL BHP (85% M.C.O.) KIND OF PROPELLERS FULL LOAD COND. (at C.S.O. WITH 15% S.M.) 前 言 Introduction 1. 本计划是根据《经1978年议定书修订的1973年国际防止船舶造 成污染公约》(以下称73/78防污公约)附则V 1995年修正案 第9条规定的要求和我国有关规定编写的。 This plan is developed in accordance with the requirements of regulation 9 of Annex V, as amended in 1995,of the protocol of 1978 relating to the 1973 International Convention for pollution from ships (hereinafter called MARPOL 73/78) and the state regulatory requirements. 2. 本“计划”包括了国际海事组织制定的“垃圾管理计划编制指南” 所要求的全部资料和操作程序。 This plan contains all information and procedures stated in Guidelines for the development of the garbage management plan adopted by the International Maritime Organization. 3. 本“计划”是为本船船员在船上使用,以船员使用的工作语言编 写。 This plan is provided for shipboard crew members to use and developed in crew’s working language. 4. 本船全体船员应严格按本“计划”有效地管理垃圾,防止水域污 染。 All crew members onboard must handle and dispose garbage in strict compliance with this plan to prevent garbage pollution. 垃 圾 管 理 计 划 GARBAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. 《垃圾管理计划》实施人员职责 Responsibilities for persons to carry out the garbage management plan. 1.1 总负责人职责 Responsibilities for designated person in charge. 本船《垃圾管理计划》实施总负责人是本船船长,其主要职是: The designated person in charge of carrying out the garbage management plan is the ship master, who is responsible for: 1) 负责垃圾管理计划在船上全面贯彻实施; Implementation of the garbage management plan onboard comprehensively; 2) 负责组织全体船员的培训、教育工作; Training all the crew members; 3) 船舶发生垃圾污染事故时,组织船员进行应急处理并及时 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 主管机关。 Commanding all crew to take emergent measures in case of a garbage pollution incident and reporting to the administration authority. 1.2 具体实施负责人职责 Responsibilities for designated support staff 本船《垃圾管理计划》具体实施负责人是本船大副,其主要职 责是: The designated support person in charge of carrying out the garbage management plan is the chief officer, who is responsible for: 1) 负责组织垃圾管理人员实施垃圾管理计划; Organizing all crew members involved to implement the garbage management plan; 2) 负责垃圾管理人员培训和训练工作; Training of crew members involved in garbage-management; 3) 船舶发生垃圾污染事故时,现场指挥应急处理工作; Commanding the emergent actions on site in case of a garbage pollution accident; 4) 负责联系垃圾接收处理事宜; Disposal of garbage to the port reception facilities; 5) 负责垃圾记录簿记录和保管。 Making entries and keeping of Garbage Record Book. 1.3 垃圾收集处理人员职责 Responsibilities for garbage-collected persons 1) 船上的服务员负责日常垃圾收集、处理工作; Waiters are responsible foe daily-garbage collection and handling; 2) 负责分类、收集处理垃圾; Waiters are responsible for categorizing and collection; 3) 保持垃圾收集、储存点的卫生,不发生污染、腐烂、恶臭气味。 Keep collection of garbage and sanitation of storage site, no pollution, decay and effluvium. 1.4 垃圾处理设备管理人员职责 Responsibilities for persons involved in operating the garbage processing equipment 1) 熟悉所分管的设备技术性能并严格按垃圾管理程序进行操作; Be familiar with technical specifications of the garbage handling equipment and operate in strict accordance with the garbage management procedure; 2) 负责所分管的设备维修与保养,使其处于良好状态。 Responsible for maintenance of the garbage processing equipment and keep it in good order. 1.5 全体船员职责 Responsibilities for all crew 1) 严格遵守《垃圾管理计划》的要求; To observe the requirements of the garbage management plan strictly; 2) 认真参加《垃圾管理计划》的培训和演习; To participate actively in training and drill relating to the garbage management plan; 3) 船舶发生垃圾污染事故时,按大副指令参加应急处理工作。 To participate in emergency response according the chief officer’s orders in case of garbage pollution incidents. 2. 船舶垃圾管理 原则 组织架构调整原则组织架构设计原则组织架构设置原则财政预算编制原则问卷调查设计原则 及减少垃圾的措施 Management Principles of the garbage management and measures to reduce ship garbage. 2.1 本船垃圾采取分类收集和储存,按不同要求加工和处理; The garbage onboard is collected, stored and processed according to its category; 2.2 本船垃圾在船舶离港前尽可能申请港方接收处理,尽量减少在 海上的排放量; The garbage onboard should preferably be disposed of at the port reception facilities before departure, and not retained onboard, so as to reduce the amount discharged at sea when possible; 2.3 本船在海上排放处理垃圾时,严格遵守《73/78防污公约》附 则V 的规定; While handling the garbage onboard at sea, the requirements of Annex 5 of MARPOL 73/78 must be strictly observed; 2.4 进行垃圾处理作业时,按要求如实填写《垃圾记录簿》; The entries must be made in the Garbage Record Book on each occasions of garbage disposal strictly according to the requirements; 2.5 全体船员尽量少带容易产生垃圾的物品上船; Goods which is liable to generate garbage and carried onboard by crew should be limited when possible; 2.6 尽量选用可降解的包装袋和可重复使用的容器包装或储存物 品,以便减少垃圾的产生量; Decomposable packaging, reusable packaging and use of containers are selected to reduce the garbage when possible; 2.7 尽可能选用重复使用的盖布、垫板、衬板和填充材料; Reusable covering, dunnage, shoring, lining and packing materials should be selected when possible; 2.8 在港内卸货、修船时,产生的垫舱物料和修船垃圾,应及时送 往 港口接收设施。 Dunnage, lining and packing materials generated in port during cargo discharge and, maintenance wastes generated during ship-repairs should preferably be disposed at the port reception facilities timely. 3. 发生垃圾污染事故时的反应 Responses in case of a garbage pollution incident 3.1 当发生垃圾污染事故时,应及时采取控制、回收等措施,减少 污染; Measures to control the spread of and recollect of garbage should be taken to reduce pollution in case of garbage pollution incidents; 3.2 船长或大副及时向主管机关报告,内容主要包括: The ship master or chief officer should report the particulars of such incident to the administration authority without delay, main report particulars shall contain in general: 1) 船名/呼号 The ship name/call sign 2) 船籍港 The ship’s flag port 3) 日期和时间 The date and time of occurrence of the incident 4) 船舶位置 The geographic position of the ship when the incidents occurred 5) 发生的垃圾污染状况、垃圾种类及估计量 Description of garbage pollution, category of garbage and estimate amount 6) 原因 Reasons 7) 采取的应急措施 Emergency responses 8) 船舶所有人/经营人 Ship owner/manager 4. 垃圾收集程序 Garbage collection procedures 4.1 收集容器 Collection receptacles 1) 船上设有桶、袋、箱,三种分别有明显标记区别,用于收集不 同类型垃圾用的容器; Three kind of receptacles, namely barrels, bags and boxes should be clearly marked and distinguished by color, graphics, shape, size or location for collections; (a)“红色”标记的容器用于收集塑料和混有塑料制品的垃圾 Red receptacles for plastics and plastics mixed with non-plastics garbage (b)“绿色”标记的容器用于收集食品废弃物 Green receptacles for food wastes (c)“蓝色”标记的容器用于收集能在海上处理的垃圾 Blue receptacles for other garbage which can be-disposed of at sea 2) 收集垃圾用的容器分放在餐厅、厨房、卫生间、盥洗室、船员 生 活区走廊、机舱和甲板等处所; Receptacles for garbage should be placed in dining room, kitchens, washing-room, toilets, gallery space, engine room and bridge room, etc. 3) 垃圾收集管理人员应及时将各收集点的容器排空或收集按不 同类型分别送往加工点、短期储存点或长期储存点。 Crew members responsible for collection should empty receptacles in each locations and send each category garbage to disposal site, short-term and long-term storage sites. 4.2 收集程序 Collection procedures 1) 一切塑料垃圾(包括但不限于合成缆绳、合成鱼网、塑料垃圾 袋以及可能包含有毒或重金属残余的塑料制品的焚烧灰渣)全 部留存在船上,到港后送往港口接收设施处理; All of plastics garbage, (including but not limited to synthetic ropes, synthetic fishing nets and plastic garbage bags and incinerator ashes from plastic produces which may contain toxic or heavy metal residues) must be retained onboard for discharge to port reception facilities; 2) 含油抹布和已经污染的破布送焚烧炉焚烧或到港后送往港口接 收设施处理; Oily-rags and contaminated rags should be incinerated or be disposed of to port reception facilities; 3) 对带有病菌的食品废弃物及其用具与其它垃圾分开储存并妥善 保存,到港后按照接收国法律规定送往港口接收设施处理。 Foreign food wastes and associated garbage which may carry disease or pests should be kept separate from other garbage which does not contain such food wastes, and discharged to port reception facilities in accordance with the laws of the receiving country. 5. 垃圾处理程序 Garbage processing procedures 5.1 船上垃圾处理设备 Garbage processing equipment onboard 1) 船上的厨房没有设置粉碎机,用于粉碎食品废弃物,由厨工负 责管理使用; There is not comminuter provided in kitchen to comminute food wastes, operated by cooker; 2) 本船装置没有配备焚烧炉,用于焚烧纸及其制品、浸油破布、 塑料等容易燃烧的垃圾。 There is not any incinerators provided onboard to incinerate papers products, saturated oil rags, plastics and other tenderly garbage; 5.2 粉碎加工处理 Comminution 1) 食品废弃物,当船舶在距最近陆地3海里以外并且不在特殊区 域内、经粉碎机粉碎,通过网眼不大于25mm的筛子排放入海; Food wastes ground to a particle size capable of pass through a screen with openings no larger than 25 millimeters can be discharged at sea when ship’s position is beyond 3 nautical miles from the nearest land and outside special areas. 2) 船舶在禁止排放区时,经粉碎或磨碎的垃圾,排入一个贮存柜, 不能排入船舶生活污水处理系统,也不能贮存在含有油污水的 舱底或油舱内。 The ground or comminuted garbage should be kept in storage receptacles instead of bilge system and oily water tanks when ship is within special areas. 5.3 压实处理 Compaction 1) 为便于贮存、易于输送到港口接收设备或在海上排放,对可压 实的垃圾应在船上进行压实处理; Garbage liable to be compacted should be compacted for easier storage, transfer to port reception facilities and discharge at sea when discharge limitations permit; 2) 各种垃圾压实方案列于附件四; Compaction options for shipboard-generated garbage are demonstrated in Appendix 4; 3) 垃圾压实前应将体积减小以便容易送入压实机或经磨碎机磨碎 提高压缩率和减少贮存场所; Garbage should be packed, ground or comminuted before compaction so as to increase ratio of compaction and decease storage space; 4) 未磨碎的塑料,纤维板的纸板,体积大的货物容器和厚金属件, 蓄有压力的容器等垃圾不能压实。 Unground plastics, fiberboard, bulk cargo containers, thick metal pieces and pressured containers etc., should not be compacted. 5.4 焚烧处理 Incineration 1) 纸及其制品、浸油破布、塑料等容易燃烧的垃圾,可在船上焚 烧炉内焚烧处理; Papers products, saturated oil rags, plastics and other tenderly garbage can be incinerated in incinerators onboard when incineration limitations permitted; 2) 各种垃圾焚烧选择列于附件三; Incineration options for shipboard-generated garbage are demonstrated in Appendix 3; 3) 在港口用焚烧炉焚烧垃圾需得到港口有关部门许可; The use of shipboard garbage incinerator in ports should be approved by ports authority; 4) 焚烧在排气中产生有毒气体的塑料垃圾时,应在能承受高温的 焚烧炉中进行焚烧; Plastics generated poisonous gases when incinerating should be burned in incinerators which can stand higher temperatures. 5) 对含有重金属或其它有毒残余物的灰渣,暂时存留在船上,送 往港口接收设施处理,不得直接排放入海。 The ash from the combustion of some plastics products may contain heavy metal or other residues which can be toxic and should be retained onboard, where possible, and should be discharged a port reception facilities; 6. 垃圾贮存程序 Garbage storage procedures 6.1 本船在驾驶台,机舱,船员房间和餐厅设置短期垃圾储存点, 在 尾甲板后部设置长期储存点; There are short-term storage locations in Bridge, Engine room, crew’s cabin, and mess room and long-term storage-locations in aft part of poop deck. 6.2 必须送往岸上处理的垃圾,按长期贮存要求,在长期贮存点贮 存; Garbage which must be returned to ports should be kept in long-term storage locations according to long-term storage requirements. 6.3 可从船上直接处置排放入海的垃圾送往短期贮存点贮存或不贮 存; Garbage which can be discharged into sea should be kept in shout-term storage locations or disposed of directly; 6.4 在贮存点垃圾分类装入罐、桶、箱、袋或其它容器内; Garbage should be filled in bins, barrels, boxes, bags and other receptacles respectively according to its category in storage locations. 6.5 短期贮存的垃圾,当船舶航行到非禁止排放区时,可将垃圾排 放入海; Short-term stored garbage can be discharged at sea when limitations permitted; 6.6 长期贮存的垃圾必须装入有严密、坚固盖子的罐、桶、箱、袋 等容器内; Long-term stored garbage must be filled in bins, barrels, bags and other receptacles with tight and solid covers; 6.7 对带有病菌的食物废弃物及其相关垃圾,应贮存在密封容器内 并标上清楚标记,准备送往港口接收设施处理。 Food wastes and associated garbage which are returned to ports and which may carry disease or pests should be kept in clearly marked sealed-containers. 7. 处理排放程序 Garbage disposal procedures 7.1 船舶在港内或禁止排放区域,将可在海上排放的垃圾送往短期 储存点,按垃圾类型分别装入储存容器内,准备送往港口接收 设施 或船舶航行至非禁止排放区域时排放入海; Garbage which can be discharged at sea outside special areas or to port reception facilities should be filled in receptacles according to its category in shout-term storage locations when ship is in port or within special areas. 7.2 在海上直接排放垃圾时,首先确认船舶是否处于非禁止排放区 域,检查要排放的垃圾是否符合排放标准; Discharge of garbage into sea directly must be consistent with requirements of discharge and outside special areas; 7.3 对可能散落或漂浮的垃圾,经压缩加工或附加重物后再排放入 海,使其容易沉底不漂浮在海面上; Garbage which may be afloat or liable to scatter should be compacted or added weights to promote sinking. 7.4 被油或有毒化学品物质污染的垃圾,必须经严格处理达到排放 标准再排放入海或送往港口接收设施; Garbage contaminated with substances, such as oil or toxic chemicals, should be handled to the discharge standards before discharge into sea or to port reception facilities; 7.5 装卸货物时产生的废弃物,一般都再开航前送往港口接收设施 理; Wastes generated in port during cargo discharge should preferably be disposed of at the port reception facilities before departure; 7.6 船舶到港前船舶垃圾管理计划实施负责人作好垃圾接收计划并 与港方联系,到港后及时将垃圾送往接收设施。并索取具体说 明所接收垃圾估计量的收据或证明,而且该收据或证明与“垃 圾记录簿”一起在船上保存二年。 To ensure timely transfer of ship-generated garbage to port reception facilities, the designated person in charge should prepare the garbage discharge plan and contact the port authority on time. A receipt or certificate specifying the estimated amount of garbage transferred should be obtained from receiving port and must be kept onboard the ship together with Garbage record Book for 2 years. 8. 培训与教育 Training 8.1 船上每季度组织一次全体船员学习“船舶垃圾管理计划”,教 育全体船员严格按“垃圾管理计划”要求管理垃圾; Training should be provided for all crew members to keep them be informed of the applicable regulations for handling and disposal, and abide by the requirements of the garbage management plan, such a program should be reviewed once every season; 8.2 首次到达一个新的港口时,及时向全体船员宣传港口对垃圾管 理的规定和特殊要求等; All crew members should be timely informed the special requirements of garbage management of port authority when the port is firstly called. 8.3 对使用或管理垃圾处理设备的船员,经培训后再上岗工作; Crew members involved in operating the garbage processing equipment, and handling and disposing of garbage as part of their operational responsibilities should be trained and qualified. 8.4 新上船的船员及时进行“垃圾管理计划”教育。 Crew members newly onboard should be trained on garbage management plan. 附件一 船上垃圾处理方法选择 废物处理阶段 船上产生的垃圾 收集 可弃于海中的垃圾 收集和分类 不可弃于海中的垃圾 未经处理 未经处理 研磨机 研磨机 捣碎机 捣碎机 处理 压实机 压实机 焚烧炉 焚烧炉 (选择) 贮藏 航次储存 倾倒焚炉灰于海中 短期(否) 允许 (选择) 倾倒于 航次 贮藏 倾倒岸上的贮藏 区域 垃圾 (是) 处置 倾倒于海中 港口灭 港口接 港口接 菌或焚收掩埋 收再循 烧 环 Appendix 1 - OPTIONS FOR SHIPBOARD HANDLING AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE stage ship-generated garbage collection ocean-disposal garbage collection and separation non ocean-disposal garbage no processing no processing grinder or grinder or comminuter comminuter processing compactor compactor incinerator incinerator (option) storage Trip storage discharge incinerator ashes at sea (no) authorize (option) discharge trip-long short-term dischage garbage storage storage areas? ashore (yes) disposal ocean disposal port reception port port reception sterilization reception recycling of incineration landfill program 附件二 海上垃圾倾倒规则概述 平台之外的所有船舶-C 垃圾种类 近海平台-C 特殊区域外 特殊区域内 -B 一切塑料制品(包括但不禁止倾倒 禁止倾倒 禁止倾倒 限于合成缆绳、合成鱼网、 塑料垃圾袋以及可能包含 有毒或重金属残余的塑料 制品的焚烧灰烬) 浮动垫货材、衬料和距岸25mils禁止倾倒 禁止倾倒 包装材料 以上 货物残留物,纸张、距岸12mils禁止倾倒 禁止倾倒 碎布、玻璃、金属、以上 瓶子、陶器和类似弃 物 其它研细或碾碎的距岸3mils禁止倾倒 禁止倾倒 垃圾,包括纸张、碎以上 布、玻璃等 未研细和碾碎的废距岸12mils距岸12mils禁止倾倒 弃食物 以上 以上 未研细和碾碎的废距岸3mils距岸12mils距岸12mils以弃食物-A 以上 以上 上 混合垃圾类型 D D D A: 经粉碎或磨碎的食品废物应能通过网眼不大于25mm的筛网。 B: 特殊区域垃圾倾倒规则的生效必须符合附则V第5(4)b。 C: 近海平台和相关船舶系包括从事海底矿藏资源勘探或开发的固定 和移动平台和所有停靠其边船舶或其周围500m内的船舶。 D: 当垃圾与具有其他不同处理和排放要求的其他排放物混在一起 时,其应适用其中较为严格的要求。 Appendix II - SUMMARY OF AT SEA GARBAGE DISPOSAL REGULATIONS All ships except platforms-3 Garbage Type Offshore Outside In special platforms-special areas areas-2 3 Disposal Disposal Disposal All of plastics (including but not limited to prohibited prohibited prohibited synthetic ropes, synthetic fishing nets and plastic garbage bags and incinerator ashes from plastic produces which may contain toxic or heavy metal residues) Floating dunnage, lining and packing >25 miles Disposal Disposal materials offshore prohibited prohibited Cargo residue,Paper, rags, glass, > 12 miles Disposal Disposal metal, bottles, crockery and similar prohibited prohibited refuse > 3 miles Disposal Disposal All other garbage including paper, prohibited prohibited rags, glass, etc. comminuted or ground > 12 miles > 12 miles Disposal Food waste not comminuted or ground prohibited > 3 miles > 12 miles > 12 miles Food waste comminuted or ground-1 4 4 4 Mixed refuse types 1: Comminuted or ground garbage must be able to pass through a screen with mesh size no larger than 25mm. 2: Garbage disposal regulations for special areas shall take effect in accordance with regulation 5(4)(b) of Annex V. 3: Offshore platforms and associated ships include all fixed or floating platforms engaged in exploration or exploitation of sea bed mineral resources, and all ships alongside or within 500m of such platforms. 4: When garbage is mixed with other harmful substances having different disposal of discharge requirements, the more stringent disposal requirements shall apply. Note: The Baltic Sea Special Area Disposal Regulations took effect on 1 October !989. 附件三 船上垃圾的焚烧选择* 焚烧之前操作人燃烧特点 船上需贮典型实例 员需要特别处理 存空间 燃烧性 体积减少 残余 废气 纸包装、食品少量-容易装入漏高 超过95% 灰烬可能是烟雾没最小量 饮料容器 斗 粉末 有危害 纤维和纸板 少量-减小体积至高 超过95% 灰烬可能是烟雾没最小量 饲料、最少人工 粉末 有危害 塑料包装材较少量-容易装入高 超过95% 灰烬根据焚烧设计最小量 料、食品饮料漏斗 粉末 可能烟雾有害 容器等 塑料布、网、适量人工时间以高 超过95% 灰烬根据焚烧设计最小量 绳和散料 减小体积 粉末 可能烟雾有害 橡胶管和纸大量人工时间以高 超过95% 灰烬根据焚烧设计最小量 碎片 减小体积 粉末 可能烟雾有害 金属食品饮少量-容易装入漏低 低于10% 熔渣 可能是烟雾没适量 料容器等 斗 有危害 金属货、大形大量人工时间以很低 低于5% 大型可能是烟雾没最大量 容器、厚金属减小体积(不易被金属有危害 件 焚烧) 块和 熔渣 玻璃食品饮少量-易装入漏斗 低 低于10% 熔渣 可能是烟雾没适量 料容器等 有危害 木材、货物容适量人工时间以高 超过95% 灰烬可能是烟雾没最小量 器和大块木减小体积 粉末 有危害 片 *:检查当地规范,是否有可能减少。 Appendix 3 - INCINERATION OPTIONS FOR SHIPBOARD-GENERATED GARBAGE* Special handling by Incineration characteristic On-board Typical examples vessel personnel storage Reduction before space Combus-tof volume Residual Exhaust incineration ibility Paper packaging, Minor-easy to feed High Over 95% Power ash Possibly smoky Minimum food and beverage into hopper and not hazardous containers Fiber and paper Minor-reduce High Over 95% Power ash Possibly smoky Minimum board material to size and not hazardous for feed, minimum manual labor Plastic packaging, Minor-easy to feed High Over 95% Power ash Possibly smoky Minimum food and beverage into hopper and hazardous containers, etc. based on incinerator design Plastic sheeting Moderate manual High Over 95% Power ash Possibly smoky Minimum netting, rope and labor time for size and hazardous bulk material reduction based on incinerator design Rubber hoses and Major manual labor High Over 95% Power ash Possibly smoky Minimum bulk pieces time for size and hazardous reduction based on incinerator design Metal food and Mirror-easy to feed Low Less 10% Slag Possibly smoky Moderate beverage into hopper and not hazardous containers, etc. Metal cargo, bulky Major manual labor Very Low Less 5% Large Possibly smoky Maximum containers, thick time for size metal and not hazardous metal items reduction (not fragments easily and slag incineration) Glass food and Minor-easy to feed Low Less 10% Slag Possibly smoky Moderate beverage into hopper and not hazardous containers, etc. Wood, cargo Moderate manual High Over 95% Power ash Possibly smoky Minimum containers and labor time for size and not hazardous large wood scraps reduction *: Check local rules for possible reductions 附件四 船上产生的垃圾的压实选择 压实之前船上工压实特点 需船上 典型实例 作人员对垃圾进贮存空压实速度 压实成垃圾形压实的 行特殊的处理 间 状保存状况 密度 金属、食品饮料、容 否 非常快 几乎100% 快 最小 器、玻璃、小木块 捣碎的塑料制品、纤少量-压缩至饲料 快 大约80% 中等 最小 维和纸板 大小,需少量人工 小型金属桶、未捣碎中等-比较长的人 慢 大约50% 相对低 中等 的包装和大木块 工时间使压实至 饲料大小 未捣碎的塑料制品 大量-很长的人工 很慢 不到10% 很慢 最大 时间使压缩至饲 料大小;通常不可 行 散货金属容器,厚金不适合船上压实;不适合 不适合 不适合 最大 属条 不可行 Appendix 4 - COMPACTION OPTIONS FOR SHIPBOARD-GENERATED GARBAGE Special handling Compaction characteristic Onboard Typical examples by vessel storage Rate of Retainment of Density of personnel before space alteration compacted form compacted compaction form Metal, food and None Very rapid Almost 100% High Minimum beverage containers, glass, small wood pieces Comminuted Minor-reduce Rapid Approximately Medium Minimum plastics, fiber material to size 80% and paper board for feed, minimal manual labor Small metal drums, Moderate-longer slow Approximately Relatively Moderate uncomminuted cargo manual labor 50% low packing, large time required to pieces of wood size material for feed Uncomminuted Major-very long Very slow Less than 10% Very slow Maximum plastice manual labor time to size material for feed; usually impractical Bulky metal cargo Impractical for Not Not applicable Not Maximum containers, thick shipboard applicable applicable metal items compaction; not feasible
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