首页 实验室制取氧气的教案



实验室制取氧气的教案实验室制取氧气的教案 批改意见: 1. 三维目标中“过程与方法”第一条去掉, 2. 教学策略呢,, 3. 学习者特征分析写得不错, 4. 如果是2课时~教学过程需再丰富些, 5. 教学流程图不规范~建议仿照教材p44右上的流程图画出。 教案名称 实验室制取氧气 自贡市黄葛中教案设计科目 化学 教学对象 蔡霞 学初三学生 者 课时 二课时 一、教材内容分析 教材内容包括实验室制取氧气的方程式、实验器材实验所用药品、以及做实验室制取氧气的实验时的注意事项。 二、三维教学目标 (注意从知识与技能、...

实验室制取氧气的教案 批改意见: 1. 三维目标中“过程与方法”第一条去掉, 2. 教学策略呢,, 3. 学习者特征分析写得不错, 4. 如果是2课时~教学过程需再丰富些, 5. 教学流程图不规范~建议仿照教材p44右上的流程图画出。 教案名称 实验室制取氧气 自贡市黄葛中教案 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 科目 化学 教学对象 蔡霞 学初三学生 者 课时 二课时 一、教材 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 分析 教材内容包括实验室制取氧气的方程式、实验器材实验所用药品、以及做实验室制取氧气的实验时的注意事项。 二、三维教学目标 (注意从知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三方面分析,理论参看教材p23,案例参看光盘“模块2”。) 知识与 1、催化剂及催化作用的概念。2、认识分解反应和化合反应。 技能 of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. ,、观看一些实验室制取氧气的视频2、通过各种实验室制取氧气 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的 过程与 比较、鉴别,学会选择合适的原料、条件、原理、装置,从而掌握实验室制取方法 氧气。3、做实验方法为实验法、观察法和比较法 情感态激发学生学习化学的兴趣,培养学生的创新意识和动手能力。让学生学会度与价值观 认真谨慎的对待化学实验 三、学习者特征分析 (注意先从地域、年龄、学段分析,然后具体从智力因素、非智力因素、信息素养三方面分析,理论参看教材p25。) 1、学生为四川省自贡市富顺县第二中学初中三年级学生 2、学生年龄在15-16岁 3、学生具有发散思维和十分强的动手能力 4、学生生活在县城,有计算机信息基础,教室配备有电脑和投影仪 四、教学策略选择与设计 (除了列出你选择的教学策略,还应注意阐明选择理由,理论参看教材p26。) 1、讲授法,老师讲授知识 2、演示法,老师做演示实验 3、实验法,让学生亲自动手做实验 五、教学环境及资源准备 (教学环境需写明是否需要多媒体教室、或多媒体机房、或实验室,资源准备写明本次课需要的教材、教具、实验用具、学习资料等,需要具体化。) 2University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. ning with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medicalf traiirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end oAbout: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requopsy. ading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle binical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reBe familiar with: the cli otary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. em demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Ral and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous systof cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracrani 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 式教学设计模板 1、多媒体教室(第一课时),初三化学书,,、实验室(第二课时),HO溶液、22KMO溶液、MO、KClO、试管、铁架台、酒精灯、水槽、集气瓶、导管 n4n24 六、教学过程 (注意阐述具体化,例如—— 一堂历史课“丝绸之路”中~教学过程“引入新课”环节中如需教师播放视频~则在“教师活动”一栏中可填写——“教师播放一段5分钟的高昌遗址视频”~而在“设计意图及资源准备”一栏中可填写——“准备视频资源~设计意图:为学生创设情境~激发学生对丝绸之路这段历史的极大兴趣” ) 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图及资源准备 对所学氧气性质、用复习上节课所学氧气性质及途及产生途径等重点第一课时导入用途,提出问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 :氧气产生的回忆所学氧气性质知识的回忆,可以为课程 途径有哪些,请同学回答,并及用途,回答问题 实验室制取氧气的学公布完整答案 习做好知识准备。 3eurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP.ng. N34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianpi le disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsiesd muscheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system anber of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripBe familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: num ion. ophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attentelectrgitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural lowing subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meninof cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage fol 让学生知道实验室制讲解实验室制取氧气的方法认真听讲,记忆制取取氧气方法,为做实进入正题 及其化学方程式的书写,请同氧气的化学方程式 验室制取氧气的实验学上台书写 做准备 让学生知道做实验室播放实验室制取氧气的视频观看视频 认真观看视频 制取氧气的实验的步并讲解做实验时的注意事项 骤 总结这节课所学习的主要内跟着老师的思维进让学生牢固的掌握氧总结巩固 容 行复习总结 气的性质和制取方法 复习实验室的注意事项,提出 问题:学生三不进实验室是什第二课时导入积极回答老师提出让学生更加清楚实验么,学生在实验室三不动手课程 的问题 室的注意事项 是什么,请同学回答,之后详 细解答。 4University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. ning with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medicalf traiirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end oAbout: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requopsy. ading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle binical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reBe familiar with: the cli otary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. em demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Ral and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous systof cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracrani 表格式教学设计模板 让学生知道做实验室做演示实验,并讲解做实验时演示实验 认真观察 制取氧气的操作方法的步骤和注意事项 和步骤 在老师引导下做实让学生亲自动手做实做实验 引导学生在实验室做实验 验 验时制取氧气的实验 总结实验室制取氧气的重难 点知识及实验方法和步骤,布让学生更加牢固的记认真做笔记,记下课总结反思 置课后习题及要求学生课后忆所学实验室制取氧后习题和作业 复习实验室制取氧气和预习气 下章节知识 5eurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP.ng. N34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianpi le disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsiesd muscheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system anber of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripBe familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: num ion. ophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attentelectrgitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural lowing subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meninof cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage fol 教学流程图 (即一整堂课的45分钟的时间分配与教学策略,注意按顺序体现,实际是用图形把“教学过 程”精简地呈现。) 分析教学目标 开始 第一课时导入课堂 进入正题 老师讲授注意事项 学生观看视频 总结归纳知识 思考复习 第二课时导入课程 学生观察 老师做演示实验 辅导学生做实验 动手做实验 总结反思 6University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. ning with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medicalf traiirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end oAbout: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requopsy. ading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle binical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reBe familiar with: the cli otary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. em demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Ral and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous systof cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracrani
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