首页 汽车机械基础教学大纲(792)



汽车机械基础教学大纲(792)汽车机械基础教学大纲(792) 汽车机械基础教学大纲 (版本:高等教育出版社、崔振民 主编) 一、课程的任务 通过本课程的学习,掌握常用机构和通用机械零件的基本知识、基本理论和基本应用;熟悉液压与液力传动的基本知识和常用典型液压元件的结构、工作原理、应用特点;了解一定的理论力学和材料力学的基础知识。学会运用这些知识去分析、解决生产实际中的问题。 二、课程的基本要求 1(了解静力学的有关基本概念(如力、刚体、平衡、约束、约束反作用力等)以及基本性质。 2(掌握物体受力分析方法及其应用。 3(了解构件在...

汽车机械基础教学大纲(792) 汽车机械基础教学大纲 (版本:高等教育出版社、崔振民 主编) 一、课程的任务 通过本课程的学习,掌握常用机构和通用机械零件的基本知识、基本理论和基本应用;熟悉液压与液力传动的基本知识和常用典型液压元件的结构、工作原理、应用特点;了解一定的理论力学和材料力学的基础知识。学会运用这些知识去分析、解决生产实际中的问题。 二、课程的基本要求 1(了解静力学的有关基本概念(如力、刚体、平衡、约束、约束反作用力等)以及基本性质。 2(掌握物体受力分析方法及其应用。 3(了解构件在载荷作用下变形和破坏的规律,为构件选材、确定形状及尺寸提供有关的基本知识和简单计算方法。 4(掌握常用机构的工作原理、运动特点和应用。 5(掌握机械传动常见形式的工作原理、应用特点,并能进行简单计算。 6(掌握轴系零件的工作原理、结构特点和应用。 7(掌握液压传动的基本原理、基本概念以及有关知识,了解液力传动的基本知识。 8(掌握典型液压元件的构造、工作原理、图形符号及应用特点。 9(掌握液压典型回路的构成及简单液压系统的分析方法。 10(掌握液力变矩器的基本构造和性能特点。 11(了解液压传动技术在汽车和维修机具中的应用。 三、课时分配表 章序及名称 课时 第一篇 工程力学 33 第一章 静力学基础 8 ?1—1 静力学基本概念 2 ?1—2 静力学公理 2 ?1—3 约束与约束反作用力 2 Investigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the grassroots police burden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to ?1—4 物体的受力分析与受力图 2 第二章 平面交汇力系 2 ?2—1 平面汇交力系合成 1 ?2—2 平面汇交力系平衡的分析法 1 第三章 力矩与平面力偶系 3 ?3—1 力矩、力偶和力偶系 1 ?3—2 平面力偶系的合成与平衡条件 1 ?3—3 力的平移定理 1 第四章 平面任意力系 2 ?4—1 平面任意力系向一点简化 1 ?4—2 平面任意力系平衡条件和平衡方程 1 第五章 摩擦 4 ?5—1 滑动摩擦 1 ?5—2 摩擦角与自锁 2 ?5—3 滚动摩擦 1 第六章 刚体的定轴转动 4 ?6—1 转速与线速度 1 ?6—2 转动惯量 1 ?6—3 刚体变速转动和转动动力学方程 1 ?6—4 功率及机械方程 1 第七章 材料力学基础 10 ?7—1 材料力学的基本概念 1 ?7—2 拉伸与压缩 2 ?7—3 剪切与挤压 2 ?7—4 圆轴的扭转 2 ?7—5 直梁的弯曲 2 ?7—6 材料力学其他常用知识简介 1 第二篇 液压传动 30 第八章 基本概述 2 ?8—1 概述 1 ?8—2 液压传动的基本概念 1 第九章 液压泵 4 ?9—1 概述 1 ?9—2 液压泵 2 ?9—3 液压泵的选用 1 第十章 液压缸 2 ?10—1 液压缸的种类及典型液压缸简介 1 cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public seice attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, , servtitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activitiest of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service atoncepof education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the c ship. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good jobleadernd treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the e police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention aTo th auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work.peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use d the ity operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launcheurden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the communssroots police bInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the graorgans should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to curity2 ?10—2 液压缸的密封与缓冲 1 第十一章 控制阀 4 ?11—1 方向控制阀 1 ?11—2 压力控制阀 2 ?11—3 流量控制阀 1 第十二章 辅助元件 4 ?12—1 油管和管接头 1 ?12—2 滤油器 1 ?12—3 油箱 1 ?12—4 蓄能器 1 第十三章 液压基本回路 6 ?13—1 压力控制回路 2 ?13—2 速度控制回路 2 ?13—3 方向控制回路 2 第十四章 典型液压传动系统实例 6 ?14—1 汽车起重机液压系统 3 ?14—2 汽车及保修机具液压系统 3 第十五章 液压系统的维护和常见故障 2 第三篇 汽车材料 27 第十六章 金属材料 17 ?16—1 金属的性能 2 ?16—2 碳素钢 3 ?16—3 刚的热处理 3 ?16—4 合金钢 3 ?16—5 铸铁 3 ?16—6 有色金属 3 第十七章 汽车运用材料 10 ?17—1 汽车用燃料 3 ?17—2 汽车用润滑材料 3 ?17—3 汽车制动液、液压油、减震器油、防冻液 2 ?17—4 塑料、橡胶及粘接剂、制冷剂 2 第四篇 机械零件 34 第十八章 平面连杆机构 4 ?18—1 机构的组成 1 ?18—2 机构的运动简图 2 ?18—3 平面连杆机构的类型及应用 1 第十九章 凸轮机构 2 ies. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is notattitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activitrrect urity work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, coan example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public secmake social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, thea as help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station are tion Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force toicipae. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer partresults into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the polic ssroots police burden, and the inspectionInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the graabandon everything and accelerate the development to utelyParty committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resol can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipalgood 3 ?19—1 凸轮机构的组成、应用和分类 1 ?19—2 从动件的常用的运动规律 1 第二十章 联接 3 ?20—1 螺纹联接 1 ?20—2 键、花键和销联接 2 第二十一章 带传动和链传动 4 ?21—1 带传动 2 ?21—2 链传动 2 第二十二章 齿轮传动和蜗杆传动 6 ?22—1 齿轮传动 2 ?22—2 蜗杆传动 2 ?22—3 齿轮系 2 第二十三章 轴和轴承 8 ?23—1 轴 2 ?23—2 滑动轴承 3 ?23—3 滚动轴承 3 第二十四章 联轴器和离合器 8 ?24—1 联轴器及离合器的类型和应用 2 ?24—2 联轴器 3 ?24—3 离合器 3 机动 4 合计 128 四、课程的要求与内容 第一篇 工程力学 静力学基础 教学要求 1(明确力、平衡、刚体等概念。 2(掌握力的基本性质。 3(熟知常见约束的类型、特性及约束反力方向。 4(掌握物体的受力分析方法,能正确绘出一些简单的物体受力分析图。 教学内容 一:静力学基本概念 1.力的概念 2.平衡的概念 organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to curitycohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public seice attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, , servtitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activitiest of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service atoncepof education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the c ship. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good jobleadernd treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the e police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention aTo th auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work.peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use d the ity operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launcheurden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the communssroots police bInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the gra4 3.刚体的概念 二:静力学公理 1.力的平行四边形公理(公理1) 2.二力平衡公理(公理2) 3.作用与反作用公理(公理3) 4.加减平衡力系公理(公理4) 三:约束与约束反作用力 1.约束的概念 2.常见的几种约束类型与确定约束力的方法 四:物体的受力分析与受力图 1.物体受力图的概念 2.画受力图的步骤 3.画受力图的注意事项 平面力系及平衡 教学要求 1(了解三力平衡汇交定理,明确力矩、力偶的概念和力偶的基本性质。 2(掌握力在坐标轴上投影的计算方法、力矩的计算方法。 3(掌握合力投影定理、合力矩定理及力矩平衡条件。 4(掌握平面汇交力系的解析法及平衡条件,并能运用平衡方程解决简单的 平衡汇交力系平衡问题。 5(了解平面力偶系的合成与平衡条件、力的平移定理、平面任意力系的平 衡条件、平面平行力系平衡方程,并能进行一些简单计算和应用定理解释工程实 际应用中的一些现象。 教学内容 一:平面汇交力系及平衡 1.平面汇交力系的概念 2.三力平衡汇交定理 3.平面汇交力系合成的解析法 4.平面汇交力系平衡的解析条件 二:力矩与力偶 1.力矩 2.力偶 3.力的平移定理 三:平面任意力系及平衡 1.平面任意力系的概念 2.平面任意力系的平衡 3.平面平行力系的平衡 an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public secmake social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, thea as help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station are tion Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force toicipae. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer partresults into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the polic ssroots police burden, and the inspectionInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the graabandon everything and accelerate the development to utelyParty committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resol can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipalgood ies. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is notattitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activitrrect urity work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, co5 摩擦和刚体的定轴转动 教学要求 1(了解静滑动摩擦力、最大静滑动摩擦力和动摩擦力的概念,掌握滑动摩 擦定律的应用,掌握定轴转动的转角、转速、角速度的概念。 2(明确摩擦角和自锁的概念,掌握转动刚体上任一点速度的计算公式。 3(了解考虑摩擦时物体平衡问题的计算方法。 4(掌握转动刚体的角量和线量之间的关系,功率、转速、转矩三者之间的 定量关系。 教学内容 一:摩擦 1.滑动摩擦 2.摩擦角和自锁 3.滚动摩擦概述 二:刚体的定轴转动 1.角速度和线速度 2.转矩的功率和机械效率 材料力学基础 教学要求 (初步建立强度、刚度和稳定性的概念。 1 2(了解构件拉伸(压缩)、剪切、扭转和弯曲4种基本变形的形式和特征。 3(了解构件的变形、破坏与作用在构件上的外力之间的关系。 教学内容 一:杆件变形的基本形式 1.三个主要指标 2.杆件变形的四种基本形式 二:拉伸与压缩 1.拉伸与压缩的概念 2.轴向拉伸、压缩时横截面上的内力和应力 三:许用应力与安全系数 四:拉伸或压缩的强度计算 五:拉(压)杆的变形和胡克定律 1.剪切与挤压 2.剪切强度计算 3.挤压强度计算 4.圆轴扭转和直梁弯曲 5.圆轴扭转概述 of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the c ship. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good jobleadernd treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the e police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention aTo th auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work.peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use d the ity operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launcheurden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the communssroots police bInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the graorgans should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to curitycohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public seice attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, , servtitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activitiest of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service atoncep6 6.直梁弯曲概述 六:材料力学其他常用知识 1.组合变形 2.压杆稳定性知识 3.影响零件强度的主要因素 第二篇 液压传动 液压传动的基本概念 教学要求 1(掌握液压传动原理和液压传动系统四大组成部分的功用。 2(了解液压传动的特点及流量、压力、平均流速的概念。 3(熟悉液流连续性原理和帕斯卡原理。 4(掌握液压传动中的压力、流量、速度和功率的简易计算。 教学内容 一:液压传动的工作原理及液力系统的组成 1.液压传动的基本原理 2.液压传动系统的组成 3.液压系统图形符号 4.液压传动的特点 5.液压传动的应用 二:压力和流量 1.压力 2.流量与平均流速 三:液压传动的压力、流量损失和功率 1.压力损失 2.流量损失 3.液压传动功率的计算 液压元件 教学要求 1(掌握系、缸、阀的图形符号、工作原理和应用特点。 2(掌握液压辅件的图形符号和功用。 教学内容 一: 液压动力元件 1.液压泵的工作原理 2.液压泵正常工作的必备条件 3.液压泵的分类 4.齿轮泵 an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public secmake social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, thea as help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station are tion Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force toicipae. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer partresults into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the polic ssroots police burden, and the inspectionInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the graabandon everything and accelerate the development to utelyParty committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resol can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipalgood ies. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is notattitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activitrrect urity work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, co7 5.叶片泵 6.柱塞泵 二:液压执行元件 1.活塞式液压缸 2.其他液压缸简介 3.液压缸的密封、缓冲和排气 三:液压控制元件 1.方向控制阀 2.压力控制阀 3.流量控制阀 四:液压辅件 1.滤油器 2.蓄能器 3.油箱 4.油管和管接头 液压基本回路及液压系统分析 教学要求 1(掌握液压基本回路的工作原理。 2(熟悉液压基本回路的应用范围。 3(掌握液压系统分析方法。 教学内容 一:方向控制回路 1.换向回路 2.锁紧回路 二:压力控制回路 1.调压回路 2.减压回路 3.增压回路 4.卸载回路 三:速度控制回路 1.调速回路 2.制动回路 3.同步回路 四: 液压传动系统分析 1.汽车起重机支腿回路液压系统 2.汽车自动换挡液压系统 3.分析液压系统的基本步骤 oncepof education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the c ship. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good jobleadernd treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the e police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention aTo th auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work.peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use d the ity operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launcheurden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the communssroots police bInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the graorgans should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to curitycohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public seice attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, , servtitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activitiest of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service at8 液压伺服系统 教学要求 1(了解液压伺服机构。 2(了解液压转向助力器的工作原理。 教学内容 一: 液压伺服系统的原理、组成及分类 1.液压伺服系统的工作原理 2.液压伺服系统的组成 3.液压伺服系统的分类 二:液压伺服转向机构 1.液压伺服转向系统的工作原理 2.典型液压伺服转向机构 液力传动基本知识 教学要求 1(熟悉液力传动的工作原理和应用特点。 2(了解液力偶合器、液力变矩器的结构和工作原理。 教学内容 一: 液力传动概述 液力传动的基本工作原理 1. 2.液力传动的主要特点 3.液力传动的应用概述 二:液力偶合器和液力变矩器 1.液力偶合器 2.液力变矩器 第三篇 汽车材料 金属材料 教学要求 1. 掌握了解金属材料的性能。 2. 掌握了解钢的热处理工艺。 3. 了解各种金属材料在汽车上的应用。 教学内容 一:金属材料的力学性能和其它性能 1.金属的力学性能(强度、硬度、塑性、韧性、疲劳)。 2.金属的物理和化学性能。 二:钢的热处理工艺 an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public secmake social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, thea as help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station are tion Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force toicipae. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer partresults into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the polic ssroots police burden, and the inspectionInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the graabandon everything and accelerate the development to utelyParty committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resol can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipalgood ies. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is notattitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activitrrect urity work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, co9 1. 钢的普通热处理。 2. 钢的表面热处理。 三:金属材料的应用概述 1.实际生活中的应用。 2.金属材料的汽车上的应用。 汽车运行材料 教学要求 1.掌握汽车用的运用材料的性能。 2.汽车运用材料的正确的选择和使用。 教学内容 1.汽车用燃料 2.汽车用的润滑材料 3.汽车制动液、液压油、减震器油和防冻液 4.塑料、橡胶及粘接剂、制冷剂 第四篇 机械零件 摩擦轮传动和带传动 教学要求 1(熟悉摩擦轮传动和带传动的传动类型、传动特点和应用场合。 2(掌握传动比、带传动的包角和带长的计算方法,了解 V带的选用方法。 3(熟悉带传动的张紧装置。 教学内容 一:摩擦轮传动概述 1.摩擦轮传动的基本原理 2.摩擦轮传动的传动比 3.摩擦轮传动的特点和应用 二:带传动概述 1.带传动的基本原理 2.平带传动的主要形式 3.平带传动的主要参数 4.平带传动的应用特点 三:V带传动 1.V带的结构和规格 2.V带传动的主要参数 3.V带的正确使用 4.带传动的张紧装置 oncepof education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the c ship. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good jobleadernd treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the e police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention aTo th auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work.peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use d the ity operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launcheurden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the communssroots police bInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the graorgans should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to curitycohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public seice attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, , servtitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activitiest of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service at10 链传动和齿轮传动 教学要求 1(了解链传动和齿轮传动的常用类型及其应用特点。 2(熟悉渐开线齿廓及其啮合特性。 3(掌握直齿圆柱齿轮的主要参数和几何尺寸计算。 4(熟悉斜齿圆柱齿轮传动、圆锥齿轮传动、齿轮齿条传动。 5(掌握蜗杆传动的应用特点、传动比和旋转方向的判别。 6(了解变位齿轮的概念,熟悉齿轮的失效形式及预防 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 。 教学内容 一:链传动概述 1.链传动的基本原理和类型 2.链传动的传动比 3.链传动的应用特点 4.链传动的正确安装 二:齿轮传动概述 1.齿轮传动的特点 2.齿轮传动的类型 三:渐开线齿形 1.渐开线齿形的形成 2.渐开线齿形的性质 四:渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮的各部分名称和几何尺寸 1.直齿圆柱齿轮主要参数 2. 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 直齿圆柱齿轮的各部分名称及尺寸计算 五:渐开线齿轮的啮合特点 1.保持恒定的传动比 2.传动的可分离性 3.正确啮合的条件 4.连续传动的条件 六:其他齿轮传动 1.斜齿圆柱齿轮传动 2.圆锥齿轮传动 3.齿轮齿条传动 七:蜗杆传动 1.蜗杆传动的特点和应用 2.普通圆柱蜗杆传动的基本参数 3.蜗杆传动旋转方向的判定 4.普通蜗杆传动正确啮合条件 八:变位齿轮与齿轮的失效形式 an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public secmake social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, thea as help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station are tion Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force toicipae. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer partresults into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the polic ssroots police burden, and the inspectionInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the graabandon everything and accelerate the development to utelyParty committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resol can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipalgood ies. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is notattitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activitrrect urity work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, co11 1.变位齿轮 2.齿轮的失效形式 轮系 教学要求 1(了解轮系的应用特点和分类。 2(掌握定轴轮系的传动比计算。 3(了解周转轮系的传动比计算。 教学内容 一: 轮系的应用和分类 1.轮系的分类 2.轮系的应用特点 二:定轴轮系 1.定轴轮系传动比的计算 2.传动实例计算 三:周转轮系 1.周转轮系的分类 2.传动实例简介 平面连杆机构 教学要求 1(熟悉铰链四杆机构的基本类型和应用。 2(掌握铰链四杆机构的基本性质。 3(了解铰链四杆机构的演化和应用。 教学内容 一:铰链四杆机构的基本类型及曲柄存在的条件 1.铰链四杆机构的基本类型 2.曲柄存在的条件 二:铰链四杆机构的基本性质 1.急回特性和行程速比系数 2.死点位置 三:铰链四杆机构的演化和应用 1.曲柄滑块机构 2.导杆机构 3.摇块机构和定块机构 凸轮机构和间歇运动机构 organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to curitycohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public seice attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, , servtitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activitiest of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service atoncepof education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the c ship. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good jobleadernd treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the e police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention aTo th auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work.peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use d the ity operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launcheurden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the communssroots police bInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the gra12 教学要求 1(熟悉凸轮机构的分类及其应用特点。 2(掌握凸轮机构从动件的运动规律和工作特点。 3(熟悉能实现间歇运动机构的工作原理。 教学内容 一:凸轮机构 1.凸轮机构的应用和类型 2.凸轮机构常用的运动规律 3.凸轮机构的基本参数及其对工作的影响 二:间歇运动机构 1.棘轮机构 2.槽轮机构 轴系零件 教学要求 1(熟悉键连接的类型、应用特点和平键的选用,了解销连接的应用形式。 2(了解常用螺纹的种类及应用场合,熟悉普通螺纹的主要参数及螺纹连接 的基本形式和防松装置。 3(熟悉常用轴的种类和应用特点,了解轴的结构和选用。 4(熟悉滑动轴承的结构类型、应用特点和选用。 5(了解滚动轴承的结构类型、应用特点和选用。 6(熟悉联轴器、离合器、制动器的结构、原理和应用特点。 教学内容 一: 键和销及其连接 1.键连接的类型和应用特点 2.销连接的形式和应用特点 二:螺纹连接 1.螺纹的种类和应用 2.普通螺纹的主要参数 3.螺纹连接的基本形式及特点 4.螺纹连接的防松装置 三:轴 1.轴的功用和分类 2.常见轴的结构 四:轴承 1.轴承的基本概念和主要类别 2.滑动轴承 3.滚动轴承 an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public secmake social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, thea as help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station are tion Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force toicipae. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer partresults into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the polic ssroots police burden, and the inspectionInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the graabandon everything and accelerate the development to utelyParty committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resol can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipalgood ies. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is notattitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activitrrect urity work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, co13 五:联轴器、离合器和制动器 1.联轴器的类型和应用 2.离合器 3.制动器的结构和应用 , servtitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activitiest of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service atoncepof education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the c ship. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good jobleadernd treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the e police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention aTo th auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work.peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use d the ity operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launcheurden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the communssroots police bInvestigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the graorgans should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to curitycohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public seice attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, 14
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