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红楼梦人物点评红楼梦人物点评 一、贾宝玉 主人公贾宝玉是一个又奇又俗的人物。构成他性格的主要特征是叛逆。他行为“偏僻而乖张”,是封建社会的叛逆者。他鄙视功名利禄,不愿走“学而优则仕”的仕途。他痛恨“八股”,辱骂读书做官的人是“国贼禄蠹”,懒于与他们接触拜会。 他不喜欢所谓的“正经书”,却偏爱于“杂书”,钟情于《牡丹亭》、《西厢记》。他还对程朱理学提出了大胆的质疑,认为“除《四书》外,杜撰的太多了。”这充分显示出了他是封建君主制度的“逆子贰臣”。 他认为“山川日月之精秀,只钟于女儿,须眉男子不过是些渣滓浊沫而已”。在这种骇...

红楼梦人物点评 一、贾宝玉 主人公贾宝玉是一个又奇又俗的人物。构成他性格的主要特征是叛逆。他行为“偏僻而乖张”,是封建社会的叛逆者。他鄙视功名利禄,不愿走“学而优则仕”的仕途。他痛恨“八股”,辱骂读书做官的人是“国贼禄蠹”,懒于与他们接触拜会。 他不喜欢所谓的“正经书”,却偏爱于“杂书”,钟情于《牡丹亭》、《西厢记》。他还对程朱理学提出了大胆的质疑,认为“除《四书》外,杜撰的太多了。”这充分显示出了他是封建君主 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的“逆子贰臣”。 他认为“山川日月之精秀,只钟于女儿,须眉男子不过是些渣滓浊沫而已”。在这种骇世惊俗的思想指导下,宝玉终日“在内帏厮混”,并钟爱和怜悯女孩子,钟爱她们的美丽、纯洁、洋溢的生气、过人的才智,怜悯她们的不幸遭遇,怜悯其将嫁与浊臭的男子,失去了她们的圣洁之美。贾宝玉道:女子出嫁前为珍珠,嫁人后便失去光芒成了死珠,再老便与污浊男子同流,成为死鱼眼了。他甚至为自己生有一个男子之身而感到无可挽救的遗憾。 在他的生命历程中,最重要的一件事无疑就是与林黛玉的相爱了。这场恋爱,一方面开始于叛逆性格,另一方面又促使了他的叛逆性格的最终形成。这是他生命史上最大最重要的叛逆行为。宝、黛不但要求婚姻自主,而且在恋爱中背离了封建社会的人生之道。他们在反叛的道路上越走越远,最后导致了两人的悲剧结局。 二、林黛玉 林黛玉是一个才华横溢而性格孤傲的女子,“可叹停机德,堪怜咏絮才。玉带林中挂,金簪雪里埋”,则是她的写照。她从小失去双亲,寄居在荣国府,虽然贾母对她疼爱有加,但由于清高自尊的个性,她常生“寄人篱下”的伤感。 她多愁善感,常常为别人不注意的小事而悲伤流泪。正如小说中所描写的“黛玉葬花”一幕,就突出了这一点。花开花谢本来就是自然景象,但她却由此而想到人生的悲欢离合、聚散无常。她为落花叹息,她把宝玉引为知己,同看《西厢记》,把人生的希望都寄托在宝玉身上。她深爱着宝玉,但又感到很难如愿。于是,她因想争取自己的位置但又多次失败而顾影自怜,暗泣于无人之处。 她的内心世界似难捉摸,但也常常将其显露于外。若宝玉“得罪”了她,她便生气,泪水涟涟,甚至为他而生病。表面上这样,其实内心仍是挂念着他,借口去看他。宝玉一病,她为之而伤心,为之而哭泣。但由于封建礼教道德的约束,她不得表白,不得自已,最终在宝钗出阁之日郁郁而死,没能了却自己的心愿。 曹雪芹深爱他笔下的林黛玉,爱她的一切,爱她的笑和泪,爱她的喜与悲。正是由于这种刻骨的爱,才使他将黛玉对宝玉的一段痴情演绎得美丽异常,刻画得入木三分,为世人塑造了一个“心较比干多一窍”、反封建礼教的光彩照人的形象。 obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making decision-making law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assessment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book talk heart to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound team democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the party's mass line educational practice will promote the achievement of the topic of democratic life, criticism and self-criticism normalization, a long-term. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervision, self Sleep maintenance team collective image and authority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureau leadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the party's interests above all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strong, in the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agreement, uncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, the lack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liability insurance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perspective to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of production in an armchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 三、王熙凤 荣府内,还有一个与众不同的人物,她便是王熙凤。王熙凤的阴毒可谓人人皆知,作为荣府“总管”,她弄权作势,两面三刀。她用毒计害死贾瑞,又阴谋逼死尤三姐。她生性尖酸刻薄,到最后害了全家。她的个性是泼辣的,文中处处都不忘点明这一点,像她过生日那天,与那淫妇拼命,向老太太求救,足以见得。但毕竟她很能干,荣府上下大小事务都得她说了算,又善于迎合贾母,深得老太太的宠爱。又因此遭到嫉妒。 四、探春 贾探春,贾政之女——她没有黛玉的纤细怜人,没有宝钗的乖巧伶俐,没有香云的活泼开朗,却有卓超的才干,过人的智慧,深僻的见解,远大的眼光,这些在第五、六回“敏探春兴利除宿弊,贤宝钗小惠全大体”中精彩地表现出来了。 王熙凤因病卧床不起,便由探春、宝钗,李执等人主持家务,此期间,探春查看家中大小帐目,发现发放给各个房的月钱和发放给买办的重叠了,便想出了两全的办法,与宝钗等人商议.“年里往赖大家去,与她们那儿的姑娘闲谈,才知她们吃的笋菜鱼虾,一年还有人包了,年终足有二百两银子,从那日我才知道,一个破荷叶,一根破草根子都是值钱的。”发放月钱重叠之事于贾府已早有弊,可满园子的姑娘丫头无一人能指出个一二三来,探春却从赖大家中得到启发,和自家的情况对比,最后提出好的办法,岂不是足以见她的办事能力和精干了,用现在的话说,就是分析综合解决问题的素质。谁怪宝钗说“真真膏粱 之谈~你们虽是个千金,原不知道这些事”而后宝钗又玩笑似的说“你才办了两天事就利欲熏心,把朱子都看虚了。你再出去,见了那么利弊大事,越发连孔子也都看虚了呢。”探春闻此言,却一本正经地回答“你这样一个通人,竟没看见姬子书,当日姬子云:„登利禄之场,处运等之界者,穷尧舜之词,背孔孟之道……”如此一番精辟的言辞,岂是一位普通女儿说得出的,非有政治眼光能矣~ 第五十六回中的探春,以处事的果断干练显示出了她卓超的才干,而宝钗的嬉言却引出了她政治性的言论,真是叫人回味无穷,拍案叫绝~ 五、薛宝钗 纷飞蝴蝶绕楼院,暖逐东风扑几回。扇影乱摇忙玉腕,粉痕斜溜湿香腮。偶因游戏间消遣,岂为迷藏暗捉来。恰怪亭中私语久,防人忽把绮窗开。薛宝钗在《红楼梦》中份演着重要的角色。她是封建各种礼束的守卫者,并且自身深受其害。她在家中与人关系甚好,受众的喜爱。她的性格中有王熙凤为人的圆滑,林黛玉小心和与贾宝玉完全对立的封建束缚的思想。如在每四十八回中,薛姨妈道:“……莺儿一个人,不够伏侍的,不要买一个丫头来你使。〃宝钗道:“买的不知底细,倘或走了眼,花了钱事小,没的淘气。倒是慢慢打听着,有知道来历的人obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making decision-making law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assessment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book talk heart to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound team democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the party's mass line educational practice will promote the achievement of the topic of democratic life, criticism and self-criticism normalization, a long-term. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervision, self Sleep maintenance team collective image and authority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureau leadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the party's interests above all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strong, in the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agreement, uncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, the lack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liability insurance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perspective to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of production in an armchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 买个还罢了。〃这里表现出她的处事小心。又如香菱向宝钗道:“我原要和太太说的,等在爷去了,我和姑娘做伴去。我又想恐怕太太多心,说我贪着园里来玩,谁知你竟说了~〃宝钗笑道:“我知道你心里羡慕这园子不是一日两日的了,只是没有空儿……,所以趁着机会,越发往上一年,我也多个做伴的,也遂了你的心。〃这里表现出宝钗了解家人心里,为人圆滑。总之,薛宝钗是个深受封建束缚的人。 六、刘姥姥 红楼梦》中出场人物有四百多位,而且个个栩栩如生,就是那些着墨不多的次要人物,也是写来如见其人,如闻其声。就拿刘姥姥来说说吧。 出身乡村的刘姥姥来到了贾家,凤姐导演了一幕闹剧,在贾母那里吃饭的时候,丫鬟只捡了一个鸽子蛋放在刘姥姥那里,刘姥姥不知羞耻地说:“老牛,老牛,食量大如牛”,此时老刘那种直爽,快直的农民性格表现的淋漓尽致。然后刘姥姥又说:鸡蛋俊,小巧”,说明她见识敷浅,只知道吃。到后来鸽子蛋滚到地上,刘姥姥赶紧去拣,其农家那种艰辛勤俭穷酸的形象跃然纸上,与高贵阔气的贾家形成了鲜明的对比,体现了封建官僚与穷苦百姓差距之大,讽刺了当时的封建社会。最后,她与众姑娘对联,用的都是粗俗的言语,可见她文化甚少,引得大家一阵大笑。 总之,刘姥姥这种封建、贫穷、可笑的形象通过作者的笔墨,全部体现出来。 七、晴雯 晴雯乃贾府内又一封建礼教的叛逆者。他天生的叛逆,直率,任性以及无所忌惮的言辞给读者呈现出了又一个鲜明的人物形象。 晴雯并未因为宝玉是她的主子而谦虚,忍让他的无理大骂,而是以理辩驳。例:“平日坏了多少宝贝也不心疼,今儿一把扇子惹发了这么大问题”。“今儿一把扇子就这么着”。“何苦来呢。嫌我们就打发了我们,再调好的使”。“我是一个蠢材,那里陪打发吃果子呢,倘或在砸了盘子,更了不得~”。只见她的反抗精神。而袭人的好心劝解又被她冷嘲热讽地反驳一翻,可见她的直率。而她又以撕扇子来取乐,不顾他人的看法,尽由自己开心,事后会做何评论,造成何种影响他都不会去理会。还有几句:“我不敢惹爷”“既这么说你就拿了扇子我来撕”等。这一切刁酸无忌的语言把她的任性,也是我行我素的反叛精神就表现的淋漓尽致了~ 也正是这一系列语言使晴雯这一鲜明的人物形象跃然纸上了。 八、平儿 要说《红楼梦》里丫环最漂亮的,还得是平儿,由于她被贾琏收了二房,所以地位也就不同于别的一般的丫环了,但她的出身低微这个事实却一生也抹不去,这也就决定了平儿在大观园中的地位不会太高。 obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making decision-making law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assessment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book talk heart to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound team democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the party's mass line educational practice will promote the achievement of the topic of democratic life, criticism and self-criticism normalization, a long-term. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervision, self Sleep maintenance team collective image and authority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureau leadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the party's interests above all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strong, in the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agreement, uncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, the lack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liability insurance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perspective to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of production in an armchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 平儿天资聪慧,可偏与王熙凤成主仆关系,则显得有点儿“小巫见大巫了”,不过在日常事务处理上,平儿可是帮了凤姐的大忙了,所以说王熙凤对平儿也挺好。 但虽说跟着王熙凤吃香的喝辣的,但也有不如意的地方,比如说平儿实际上去贾琏也有爱幕之情但是有王熙凤在,她也不敢太过于表露,而且由于凤姐婚久不孕,使她更加看管贾琏,不让他和别的女人相处太密切,当然,这一切都不是从表面上能看出来的。所以有时贾琏和平儿乘着王熙凤不在,偷偷亲热一番,被凤姐发现了,还要冷嘲热讽一番。 但是平儿还是比较善良的,当贾琏在外面沾花惹草,勾搭上尤二姐后,王熙凤假惺惺的去把尤二姐接回来,却在背地里使坏,使二姐已经成形的胎儿堕掉了,二姐也不堪忍耻辱而自缢身亡,在这期间,贾府里唯一对她好的便是平儿了,一直对他百般照顾,还把好死时将要交给贾琏的二百两银子一文不少的交给了贾琏。由此可见,平儿的心地是十分善良的。这样可爱的姑娘谁能不为之动心,, 平儿在贾府没落后出家为妮,一生遁入空门,从此与世俗无缘,唉,平地儿啊,可怜,可悲,可叹的平儿呀~ 《红楼梦》中究竟写了多少人物, 清朝嘉庆年间姜祺统计共四百四十八人。 民国初年兰上星白编了一部《红楼梦人物谱》,共收七百二十一人,人各有传,字数长短不一,此书中又收《红楼梦》所述及的古代帝王二十三人,古人一百一十五人,后妃十八人,列女二十二人,仙女二十四人,神佛四十七人,故事人物十三人,共二百六十二人,每人略考其生平及传说。连上二者合计,共收九百八十三人。 近年,徐恭时作新统计。基础工作是:在历年阅读过程中,先以庚辰本作底本,逐回逐段地把人名材料作成札记,广览诸家表谱,相互核对,最后把人物归类。统计出:(一)宁荣两府本支:男十六人,女十一人,宁荣两府眷属女三十一人。(二)贾府本族:男三十四人,女八人。(三)贾府姻娅:男五十二人,女四十三人。(四)两府仆人:丫环七十三人,仆妇一百二十五人,男仆六十七人,小厮二十七人。(五)皇室人物:男九人,女六人。宫太监二十七人,宫女七人。(六)封爵人物:男三十七人,眷属十四人。(七)官吏:有姓名及职名冠姓的男二十六人,只有职称的三十八人,胥吏男三人。(八)社会人物:各阶层男一百零二人,女七十一人。医生男十四人,门客男十人。优伶男六人,女十七人。僧道男十七人,尼婆四十九人。连宗男四人,女四人。(九)外国人:女二人。(十)警幻天上:女十九人,男六人。总计:男四百九十五人,女四百八十人,合计:九百七十五人。其中有姓名称谓的七百三十二人,无姓名称谓的二百四十三人。 有人将《红楼梦》中的主要人物归谱如下:十二金钗:林黛玉、薛宝钗、贾元春、贾迎春、贾探春、贾惜春、李纨、妙玉、史湘云、王熙凤、贾巧姐、秦可卿。 十二丫环:晴雯、麝月、袭人、鸳鸯、雪雁、紫鹃、碧痕、平儿、香菱、金钏、司棋、抱琴。 obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making decision-making law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assessment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book talk heart to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound team democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the party's mass line educational practice will promote the achievement of the topic of democratic life, criticism and self-criticism normalization, a long-term. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervision, self Sleep maintenance team collective image and authority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureau leadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the party's interests above all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strong, in the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agreement, uncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, the lack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liability insurance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perspective to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of production in an armchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 十二家人:赖大、焦大、王善保、周瑞、林之孝、乌进孝、包勇、吴贵、吴新登、邓好时、王柱儿、余信。 十二儿:庆儿、昭儿、兴儿、隆儿、坠儿、喜儿、寿儿、丰儿、住儿、小舍儿、李十儿、玉柱儿。 十二贾氏:贾敬、贾赦、贾政、贾宝玉、贾琏、贾珍、贾环、贾蓉、贾兰、贾芸、贾蔷、贾芹。 十二官:琪官、芳官、藕官、蕊官、药官、玉官、宝官、龄官、茄官、艾官、豆官、葵官。 七尼:妙玉、智能、智通、智善、圆信、大色空、净虚。 七彩:彩屏、彩儿、彩凤、彩霞、彩鸾、彩明、彩云。 四春:贾元春、贾迎春、贾探春、贾惜春。 四宝:贾宝玉、甄宝玉、薛宝钗、薛宝琴。 四薛:薛蟠、薛蝌、薛宝钗、薛宝琴。 四王:王夫人、王熙凤、王子腾、王仁。 四尤:尤老娘、尤氏、尤二姐、尤三姐。 四草辈:贾蓉、贾兰、贾芸、贾芹。 四玉辈:贾珍、贾琏、贾环、贾瑞。 四文辈:贾敬、贾赦、贾政、贾敏。 四代辈:贾代儒、贾代化、贾代修、贾代善。 四烈婢:晴雯、金钏、鸳鸯、司棋。 四清客:詹光、单聘仁、程日兴、王作梅。 四无辜:石呆子、张华、冯渊、张金哥。 四小厮:茗烟、扫红、锄药、伴鹤。 obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making decision-making law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assessment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book talk heart to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound team democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the party's mass line educational practice will promote the achievement of the topic of democratic life, criticism and self-criticism normalization, a long-term. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervision, self Sleep maintenance team collective image and authority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureau leadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the party's interests above all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strong, in the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agreement, uncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, the lack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liability insurance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perspective to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of production in an armchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No. 四小:小鹊、小红、小蝉、小舍儿。 四婆子:刘姥姥、马道婆、宋嬷嬷、张妈妈。 四情友:秦锺、蒋玉菡、柳湘莲、东平王。 四壮客:乌进孝、冷子兴、山子野、方椿。 四宦官:载权、夏秉忠、周太监、裘世安。 文房四宝:抱琴、司棋、侍画、入画。 四珍宝:珍珠、琥珀、玻璃、翡翠。 一主三仆:史湘云--翠缕、笑儿、篆儿。贾探春--侍画、翠墨、小蝉。贾宝玉--茗烟、袭人、晴雯。林黛玉--紫鹃、雪雁、春纤。贾惜春--入画、彩屏、彩儿。贾迎春--彩凤、彩云、彩霞。 obstacles, correcting misunderstandings, advocate good cadre style. 2, adhere to the scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making decision-making law. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the actual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents etc. Improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit the views of experts, the public hearing system. Improve the important decision of risk assessment mechanism and legal review mechanism. 3, to promote team unity. Uphold and improve the system of annual party book talk heart to heart, mind and Party members, Party members to exchange each other not less than 2 times. The implementation of sound team democratic life system, consolidate and enhance the party's mass line educational practice will promote the achievement of the topic of democratic life, criticism and self-criticism normalization, a long-term. Adhere to the party on the basis of the principle of unity, enhance internal communication, strengthen internal supervision, self Sleep maintenance team collective image and authority. (three) to ensure the execution is not strong or disguised to resist government decrees issues. Individual Bureau leadership team members lack of learning political theory system, not from the objective reality, not with the party's interests above all the principles to deal with personal problems. In the specific work safety supervision in the execution is not strong, in the implementation of the decision to deploy the discount, make choices, engage in work, the implementation of the agreement, uncomfortable is not performed, open or disguised to resist, the lack of subject consciousness of the party organization, the lack of resist in society all kinds of bad habits and unwholesome tendencies of courage Gas and courage. Such as the liability insurance of safe production work, individual leaders that have someone arrested, and no funding, not in the global chess perspective to the countryside to carry out daily inspection, found none of my business acceptance of the resumption of production in an armchair, with a pen, indifferent. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, work to solve the lack of decent occupation explain away, conduct problems. To establish the overall concept, eliminate departmentalism. Strict assessment and accountability, to solve the spiritual slack, nianqingpazhong, status quo, To establish and perfect the muddle along and other issues. Bureau staff conduct work regulations, standardize the behavior of personnel. 2, strengthen the responsibility system. One is the in-depth study and implement the "Hunan provincial Party and government leading cadres Interim Provisions on the work safety of a pair of > (Hunan Office issued 2013 No.
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