首页 智胜教学模拟系统—商业银行实验步骤(贵州财经大学货币金融学)



智胜教学模拟系统—商业银行实验步骤(贵州财经大学货币金融学)智胜教学模拟系统—商业银行实验步骤(贵州财经大学货币金融学) 智胜教学模拟系统—商业银行实验步骤 知识要 储蓄业务柜员第一次登录本系统,首先应修改个人资料。 点 实验目避免其他人修改登录密码及个人资料,同时也方便教师根据学生姓名及学号统计及查询实验成 的 绩。 操作员储 密码修 柜员修改个人密码,避免其他人修改登录密码。 1 1 蓄 改 初 操作员始 柜员修改自己的个人资料。学生必须填写个人真实姓名,否则,教师无法统计学号修1 1 操 其实验成绩。 改 作 尾箱号(柜员个人钱箱号)首位为“0”,...

智胜教学模拟系统—商业银行实验步骤(贵州财经大学货币金融学) 智胜教学模拟系统—商业银行实验步骤 知识要 储蓄业务柜员第一次登录本系统,首先应修改个人资料。 点 实验目避免其他人修改登录密码及个人资料,同时也方便教师根据学生姓名及学号统计及查询实验成 的 绩。 操作员储 密码修 柜员修改个人密码,避免其他人修改登录密码。 1 1 蓄 改 初 操作员始 柜员修改自己的个人资料。学生必须填写个人真实姓名,否则,教师无法统计学号修1 1 操 其实验成绩。 改 作 尾箱号(柜员个人钱箱号)首位为“0”,五位数。设置尾箱号时,可选择与本人增加尾绑定,这样登录系统时就不必输入钱箱号,系统会默认以已绑定的尾箱号登录。柜 1 1 箱 员第一次登录系统时,必须要设置一个尾箱号,否则,无法领用凭证及进行现金业 务。 知识要掌握如何领用凭证、凭证出库,理解柜员钱箱及部门钱箱之间的关联。掌握如何查询凭证状态 点 及凭证使用情况的方法。 实验目理解银行柜台工作人员进行日初业务处理首先应领用凭证。凭证及现金出库到柜员个人钱箱后 的 才能进行柜员的日常业务操作。 储 柜员领用凭证: 蓄1、领用“一本通存折”10张,凭证号码为8位数; 日2、领用“一卡通”10张,凭证号码为8位数; 初3、领用“大额双整存单”10张,凭证号码为8位数; 处凭证领 4、领用“整存整取”存单10张,凭证号码为8位数; 3 3 理 用 5、领用“出入库凭证”10张,凭证号码为8位数; 6、领用“普通存折”10张,凭证号码为8位数; 7、领用“普通支票”25张,凭证号码为8位数; 8、领用“定活两便存单”10张,凭证号码为8位数; comply with the corresponding requirements of materials and manufacturing standards. (4) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must be carried out according to specifications, such as Visual inspection, after passing the qualifying marks; required strength and tightness of valves, seals after qualifying, required testing and adjusting the opening pressure of the relief valve, when they debug, seals; records and safety valve fill valve test debug logging. Stainless steel pipe and components shall not be in contact with carbon steel during storage. (5) building materials, such as sand, stones and other submission submitted in a timely manner, and keep the test report. (6) all materials are neatly stacked, by category, and clearly identified. 1.2 high pressure pipeline construction 1.2.1 prefabricated pipe (1) high pressure high pressure pipes should be tested before the pipe prefabrication, magnetic study after passing inspection, after passing the magnetic exploration, precast. (2) high-pressure pipeline isometric, factory prefabricated, and leaving the closed mouth, spot welding. (3) after the high pressure piping prefabrication, require heat treatment heat treatment should be carried out promptly. (4) after the high pressure piping prefabrication should be in time for the piping piping on number and order number on the same line marking. (5) the completion of prefabricated sections, inside should be cleaned and should be promptly closed nozzle. 1.2.2 construction before the conditions of (1) started reporting approved by the departments concerned or under the license file. (2) drawings and technical information relating to the range, and after drawing and design intentions. (3) with respect to pipeline construction is completed and the a and b have checked, "three connections and one leveling" construction requirements have been met, and pipe connection device is looking for 9、领用“信用卡”10张,信用卡号码(16位): 8989(4位)+部门号(4位)+顺序号(8 位) 。 注意:柜员第一次使用本系统时,必须要先领用凭证。凭证“开始号码”与“结束 号码”不能与其它柜员领取的号码相同。自已领用的凭证号码应记下,以便接下来的 业务操作使用。如果钱箱中已有以上各种凭证,日初处理时就不必再领用凭证。 柜员领用了多少张凭证就出库多少张凭证,一张凭证为1元。例如领用信用卡 号码为0-,共10张信用卡凭证,则出库金额重要空 为10元。 白凭证1 1 出库 注意:出库金额超过领用凭证数量时,系统会提示“余额不足”。“重要空白凭证 出库”意思就是将从支行钱箱中领用的凭证出库并存入到柜员个人钱箱中。 柜员在进行此项操作前,可先在“部门轧帐”中查询一下部门钱箱里的现金额, 如果部门钱箱中的现金为0,则进行此项操作时,系统会提示“不能透支”,所以此 项操作可留到日终处理后再进行。第一次使用本系统时,可先进行储蓄存款操作, 然后日终处理的时候将柜员个人钱箱中的现金进行“现金入库”操作,这样部门钱箱现金出 1 1 中就会存有现金。下一个交易日柜员日初处理时就可以进行现金出库操作了。 库 注意:如果柜员个人钱箱中有足够的现金,日初处理时也不必再做现金出库操 作了。“现金出库”的意思就是柜员从支行网点钱箱中领取现金存入到柜员个人钱箱 中。 柜员查询已领用并已出库凭证的状态。 注意:凭证状态为“空闲”的,所有柜员均可以使用该凭证。例如该柜员出库了1凭证综0张信用卡凭证,则他可以使用10张处于“空闲”状态的信用卡凭证。所以柜员使用 0 0 合查询 的凭证不一定是自已领用的凭证,只要是“空闲”的凭证都可以使用。柜员在使用自 已领用的凭证号码时,系统提示该凭证已使用,则说明你领用的凭证已被其他柜员 使用,你可以使用在“凭证综合查询”中查询到处于“空闲”状态的凭证。 重要空 柜员查询个人钱箱(也称为尾箱)重要空白凭证的使用情况及其余额。如果某白凭证种类型的凭证余额为0,则必须再次领用及出库该凭证,否则将无法进行与该凭证0 0 查询 相关的业务操作。 comply with the corresponding requirements of materials and manufacturing standards. (4) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must be carried out according to specifications, such as Visual inspection, after passing the qualifying marks; required strength and tightness of valves, seals after qualifying, required testing and adjusting the opening pressure of the relief valve, when they debug, seals; records and safety valve fill valve test debug logging. Stainless steel pipe and components shall not be in contact with carbon steel during storage. (5) building materials, such as sand, stones and other submission submitted in a timely manner, and keep the test report. (6) all materials are neatly stacked, by category, and clearly identified. 1.2 high pressure pipeline construction 1.2.1 prefabricated pipe (1) high pressure high pressure pipes should be tested before the pipe prefabrication, magnetic study after passing inspection, after passing the magnetic exploration, precast. (2) high-pressure pipeline isometric, factory prefabricated, and leaving the closed mouth, spot welding. (3) after the high pressure piping prefabrication, require heat treatment heat treatment should be carried out promptly. (4) after the high pressure piping prefabrication should be in time for the piping piping on number and order number on the same line marking. (5) the completion of prefabricated sections, inside should be cleaned and should be promptly closed nozzle. 1.2.2 construction before the conditions of (1) started reporting approved by the departments concerned or under the license file. (2) drawings and technical information relating to the range, and after drawing and design intentions. (3) with respect to pipeline construction is completed and the a and b have checked, "three connections and one leveling" construction requirements have been met, and pipe connection device is looking for 柜员查看个人钱箱中现金及凭证情况。尾箱轧帐的目的就是可以让柜员实时查 看柜员个人钱箱中各种凭证的使用情况。“部门轧帐”是柜员用来实时查看支行钱箱尾箱轧 0 0 中凭证及现金使用情况。 帐 如果柜员个人钱箱中的现金余额为0,则无法进行取款操作。 理解商业银行面向客户的客户化管理思想,掌握如何为个人储蓄客户开立客户号及活期存款帐知识要户、整存整取帐户、定活两便帐户,如何进行存取款业务操作,理解商业银行个人业务处理的 点 业务规范和操作流程。掌握存本取息、通知存款、普通支票的业务规范及操作流程。熟悉教育 储蓄、一卡通及凭证业务的规范及操作流程。 学会开立客户号及相关帐户开户、存取款操作的方法,体会普通柜员角色的业务处理过程。学实验目 会个人客户的存本取息、通知存款、普通支票业务处理方法。理解相关的专业术语。掌握一卡 的 通及凭证特殊业务的处理方法。 柜员为第一次来本行办理开户业务的个人客户李智民(客户名称及身份证号码 可由柜员自行设定)开设一个普通客户号。 储 注意:一个身份证号只能在本支行开立一个普通客户号及一个一卡通客户号。开普通 蓄2 2 客户号由系统自动生成,并记录下来,开立活期帐户时需要填写系统生成的普通客 客户 日户号。本系统采用客户化管理理念 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ,一个客户身份证号码对应一个普通客户号常及一个一卡通客户号,通过客户号可以查询该客户在本行发生的所有业务,极大地业方便了银行对客户的全面管理。 务 柜员为第一次来银行办理开卡业务的客户李智民开设一个一卡通客户号,并记开一卡 录下来,以便下一步开一卡通帐户时使用。业务完成后需打印相关开户凭证,留底2 2 通客户 存档,以备查询。 柜员为客户李智民开设普通存折存款帐户,此时需要填写“开普通客户”案例操普通活作中生成的普通客户号,开户存款金额为5000元。业务完成后打印普通存折。 2 2 期开户 注意:打印存折需要安装了专用票据打印机及相关驱动程序。 普通活 柜员为客户李智民办理普通存折存款业务,存入人民币2000元整。存款业务 1 1 期存款 操作完成后,柜员打印存折存款业务记录。 普通活1 1 柜员为客户李智民办理普通存折取款业务,取出人民币1000元整。取款业务 comply with the corresponding requirements of materials and manufacturing standards. (4) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must be carried out according to specifications, such as Visual inspection, after passing the qualifying marks; required strength and tightness of valves, seals after qualifying, required testing and adjusting the opening pressure of the relief valve, when they debug, seals; records and safety valve fill valve test debug logging. Stainless steel pipe and components shall not be in contact with carbon steel during storage. (5) building materials, such as sand, stones and other submission submitted in a timely manner, and keep the test report. (6) all materials are neatly stacked, by category, and clearly identified. 1.2 high pressure pipeline construction 1.2.1 prefabricated pipe (1) high pressure high pressure pipes should be tested before the pipe prefabrication, magnetic study after passing inspection, after passing the magnetic exploration, precast. (2) high-pressure pipeline isometric, factory prefabricated, and leaving the closed mouth, spot welding. (3) after the high pressure piping prefabrication, require heat treatment heat treatment should be carried out promptly. (4) after the high pressure piping prefabrication should be in time for the piping piping on number and order number on the same line marking. (5) the completion of prefabricated sections, inside should be cleaned and should be promptly closed nozzle. 1.2.2 construction before the conditions of (1) started reporting approved by the departments concerned or under the license file. (2) drawings and technical information relating to the range, and after drawing and design intentions. (3) with respect to pipeline construction is completed and the a and b have checked, "three connections and one leveling" construction requirements have been met, and pipe connection device is looking for 期取款 操作完成后,柜员打印存折取款业务记录。 一卡通 柜员为客户李智民开设一个一卡通帐户,此时需写“开一卡通客户”案例操作中活期开1 1 系统自动生成的一卡通客户号,开户时存入人民币5000元整。 户 一卡通 活期存 柜员为客户李智民办理一卡通帐户人民币8000元活期存款业务。 1 1 款 一卡通 活期取 柜员为客户李智民办理一卡通帐户人民币2000元取款业务。 1 1 款 普通整 柜员为客户李智民开设普通整存整取帐号一个,开户存入人民币2000元整,存整取1 1 存期为三个月。 开户 客户李智民因临时急需用钱,前来银行柜台办理“普通整存整取”提前支取业务,普通双 提前支取人民币1000元整。 整提前1 1 注意:整存整取业务提前支取将会对客户利息产生损失,一般情况是急需用钱支取 才会对整存整取存款进行提前支取。 一卡通 客户李智民前来银行办理一卡通整存整取开户业务,柜员为其开设一卡通整存整存整1 1 整取帐号一个,开户时存入人民币6000元整,存期为一年。 取开户 客户李智民因临时急需用钱,前来银行柜台办理“一卡通整存整取”提前支取业一卡通务,提前支取人民币1500元整。 双整提1 1 注意:整存整取业务提前支取将会对客户利息产生损失,一般情况是急需用钱前支取 才会对整存整取存款进行提前支取。 客户李智民现在手头有人民币20000元现金,可能在未来几个月内需要全额支普通定 取用于购买电器,针对此种情况,银行工作人员建议他将此笔款项以“定活两便”的活两便2 2 方式存入银行。“定活两便”是一种事先不约定存期,一次存入,一次性支取的储蓄开户 存款。李智民接受银行工作人员的建议,银行柜员为其开设“定活两便”帐户,并将 comply with the corresponding requirements of materials and manufacturing standards. (4) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must be carried out according to specifications, such as Visual inspection, after passing the qualifying marks; required strength and tightness of valves, seals after qualifying, required testing and adjusting the opening pressure of the relief valve, when they debug, seals; records and safety valve fill valve test debug logging. Stainless steel pipe and components shall not be in contact with carbon steel during storage. (5) building materials, such as sand, stones and other submission submitted in a timely manner, and keep the test report. (6) all materials are neatly stacked, by category, and clearly identified. 1.2 high pressure pipeline construction 1.2.1 prefabricated pipe (1) high pressure high pressure pipes should be tested before the pipe prefabrication, magnetic study after passing inspection, after passing the magnetic exploration, precast. (2) high-pressure pipeline isometric, factory prefabricated, and leaving the closed mouth, spot welding. (3) after the high pressure piping prefabrication, require heat treatment heat treatment should be carried out promptly. (4) after the high pressure piping prefabrication should be in time for the piping piping on number and order number on the same line marking. (5) the completion of prefabricated sections, inside should be cleaned and should be promptly closed nozzle. 1.2.2 construction before the conditions of (1) started reporting approved by the departments concerned or under the license file. (2) drawings and technical information relating to the range, and after drawing and design intentions. (3) with respect to pipeline construction is completed and the a and b have checked, "three connections and one leveling" construction requirements have been met, and pipe connection device is looking for 此笔款项存入银行。 普通定 客户李智民需要将之前以定活两便方式存入的人民币20000元取出用于购买电活两便1 1 器,柜员为其办理现金支取业务,并将该普通定活两便帐户进行销户处理。 销户 一卡通 定活两 柜员为客户李智民开设“一卡通定活两便”帐户一个,开户存入金额为30000元。 1 1 便开户 一卡通 客户李智民需将之前开设的一卡通定活两便帐户销户。柜员为其办理销户手续,定活两1 1 并为其提取出其中的30000元。 便销户 客户李智民每月工资性收入均有结余,如以活期方式存入银行利息太少,为此普通零柜员建议他将每月的结余进行“零存整取”将可以获得更多的利息收入。“零存整取”存整取是一种事先约定金额,逐月按约定金额存入,到期支取本息的定期储蓄。此种储蓄2 2 开户 方式适合每月有固定工资性收入结余的人。李智民接受了银行柜员的建议,开设“普 通零存整取”帐户一个,存期为1年,开户金额为2000元。 普通零 客户李智民前往银行柜台办理“普通零存整取”业务,将当月工资结余按约定的存整取1 1 零存金额人民币2000元存入零存整取帐户中。 存款 普通零 存整取 客户李智民的普通零存整取帐户到期,柜员为其办理销户整取业务。 1 1 销户 一卡通 柜员为李智民开设“一卡通零存整取”帐户一个,存期为1年,开户金额为1800零存整1 1 元。 取开户 一卡通 零存整 柜员为客户李智民办理“一卡通零存整取”帐户存款人民币1800元整。 1 1 取存款 一卡通 客户李智民“一卡通零存整取”帐户到期,柜员为其办理销户手续。 1 1 零存整 comply with the corresponding requirements of materials and manufacturing standards. (4) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must be carried out according to specifications, such as Visual inspection, after passing the qualifying marks; required strength and tightness of valves, seals after qualifying, required testing and adjusting the opening pressure of the relief valve, when they debug, seals; records and safety valve fill valve test debug logging. Stainless steel pipe and components shall not be in contact with carbon steel during storage. (5) building materials, such as sand, stones and other submission submitted in a timely manner, and keep the test report. (6) all materials are neatly stacked, by category, and clearly identified. 1.2 high pressure pipeline construction 1.2.1 prefabricated pipe (1) high pressure high pressure pipes should be tested before the pipe prefabrication, magnetic study after passing inspection, after passing the magnetic exploration, precast. (2) high-pressure pipeline isometric, factory prefabricated, and leaving the closed mouth, spot welding. (3) after the high pressure piping prefabrication, require heat treatment heat treatment should be carried out promptly. (4) after the high pressure piping prefabrication should be in time for the piping piping on number and order number on the same line marking. (5) the completion of prefabricated sections, inside should be cleaned and should be promptly closed nozzle. 1.2.2 construction before the conditions of (1) started reporting approved by the departments concerned or under the license file. (2) drawings and technical information relating to the range, and after drawing and design intentions. (3) with respect to pipeline construction is completed and the a and b have checked, "three connections and one leveling" construction requirements have been met, and pipe connection device is looking for 取销户 客户李智民现有一笔10000元款项在一年内不需动用,但每月需要该笔款项的 利息作为生活费用补贴。针对这种情况,柜员建议他将此笔款项以“存本取息”的方存本取 式存入银行。现为其开设“存本取息”帐号一个,开户金额为10000元,存期为1年2 2 息开户 (输入存期代码:301),取息间隔为1个月。客户号为普通客户号,存折号为普 通存折凭证号。 存本取 客户李智民的“存本取息”帐号到期,柜员为其办理“存本取息”帐户销户手续。 1 1 息销户 客户李智民手头有180000元现金,未来一月内需用此款项采购货物,如果存普通通 活期,他觉得利息太低,所以决定以“通知存款”方式存入银行。柜员为其开设“普通知存款2 2 通知存款”帐户一个,开户金额为180000元。 开户 注:客户号为李智民的普通客户号,存折号为普通存折号。 普通通 知存款 柜员为客户李智民办理“普通通知存款”部分支取业务,支取50000元,通知期 1 1 部分支为101或107。 取 柜员为客户李智民办理“普通通知存款”帐户销户,将该帐户余额全部取出,通普通通知期为101或107。 知存款1 1 注:银行柜员办理取款或销户业务金额超过50000元时,需要输入其它柜员的销户 柜员编号及密码进行复核。 一卡通 通知存 柜员为客户李智民办理“一卡通通知存款”开户业务,开户金额为60000元。 1 1 款开户 一卡通 客户李智民前来银行柜台办理“一卡通通知存款”部分支取业务,支取金额为50通知存1 1 00元,通知期为101或107。 款支取 一卡通 客户李智民需要将一卡通通知存款帐户中的全部金额取出,柜员为其办理“一卡 1 1 通知存通通知存款销户”手续,将该帐户余额全部取出,通知期为101或107。 comply with the corresponding requirements of materials and manufacturing standards. (4) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must be carried out according to specifications, such as Visual inspection, after passing the qualifying marks; required strength and tightness of valves, seals after qualifying, required testing and adjusting the opening pressure of the relief valve, when they debug, seals; records and safety valve fill valve test debug logging. Stainless steel pipe and components shall not be in contact with carbon steel during storage. (5) building materials, such as sand, stones and other submission submitted in a timely manner, and keep the test report. (6) all materials are neatly stacked, by category, and clearly identified. 1.2 high pressure pipeline construction 1.2.1 prefabricated pipe (1) high pressure high pressure pipes should be tested before the pipe prefabrication, magnetic study after passing inspection, after passing the magnetic exploration, precast. (2) high-pressure pipeline isometric, factory prefabricated, and leaving the closed mouth, spot welding. (3) after the high pressure piping prefabrication, require heat treatment heat treatment should be carried out promptly. (4) after the high pressure piping prefabrication should be in time for the piping piping on number and order number on the same line marking. (5) the completion of prefabricated sections, inside should be cleaned and should be promptly closed nozzle. 1.2.2 construction before the conditions of (1) started reporting approved by the departments concerned or under the license file. (2) drawings and technical information relating to the range, and after drawing and design intentions. (3) with respect to pipeline construction is completed and the a and b have checked, "three connections and one leveling" construction requirements have been met, and pipe connection device is looking for 款销户 “个人支票”是个人签发的,委托办理支票存款业务的银行,在见票时无条件支 付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。个人支票即签即付,不受商户硬件条件 限制,也无需找赎。个人支票也是个人信用的体现,可提高自身信用价值。 客户李智民是个体户,经常需支付大额款项采购货物,有时限于供应商硬件条开户 2 2 件限制,无法刷卡交易,所以他决定开通“个人支票”帐户,方便大额现金支付。 柜员为其开设普通支票帐户一个,开户金额为300000元,客户号为普通客户 号,印鉴类别为:印鉴。 注:“支票帐户开户”与“支票帐户预开户”的区别是,预开户时不需要存入现金。 柜员为客户李智民办理普通支票帐户存款业务,向其之前开设的普通支票帐户存款 1 1 中存入人民币38000元整。 柜员已经为客户李智民开设了支票帐户,现在李智民需要向银行购买支票后才支票出能签发个人支票。银行柜员操作“通用模快凭证管理支票出售”,将之前已出库的25 2 2 售 张支票出售给李智民,支票为1元/张,系统会自动从李智民的个人支票帐户中扣除 此费用。 客户李智民签发了一张个人支票用于支付货款,票面金额为人民币1000元整,取款 持票人(供货商)持该支票到银行来要求兑付现金,柜员见票付款,经验证该支票1 1 真伪后将现金支付给持票人。 客户李智民要将之前要开设的个人支票帐户销户,他需要先对该帐户提出结清 申请,方可销户。普通支票的销户处理,包含三个步骤,即帐户结清---取款---销户。结清 1 1 结清时,系统自动按当天该存款种类的挂牌利率进行计息,把利息转入活期帐户。 柜员对该支票帐户进行结清操作。 销户 柜员对客户李智民之前已结清的支票帐户进行销户操作。 1 1 普通教 教育储蓄是一种城乡居民为其本人或其子女接受非义务教育积蓄资金的一种储育储蓄蓄存款。柜员为李智民开立普通教育储蓄帐户一个,开户金额为1000元,存期为12 2 开户 年。 comply with the corresponding requirements of materials and manufacturing standards. (4) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must be carried out according to specifications, such as Visual inspection, after passing the qualifying marks; required strength and tightness of valves, seals after qualifying, required testing and adjusting the opening pressure of the relief valve, when they debug, seals; records and safety valve fill valve test debug logging. Stainless steel pipe and components shall not be in contact with carbon steel during storage. (5) building materials, such as sand, stones and other submission submitted in a timely manner, and keep the test report. (6) all materials are neatly stacked, by category, and clearly identified. 1.2 high pressure pipeline construction 1.2.1 prefabricated pipe (1) high pressure high pressure pipes should be tested before the pipe prefabrication, magnetic study after passing inspection, after passing the magnetic exploration, precast. (2) high-pressure pipeline isometric, factory prefabricated, and leaving the closed mouth, spot welding. (3) after the high pressure piping prefabrication, require heat treatment heat treatment should be carried out promptly. (4) after the high pressure piping prefabrication should be in time for the piping piping on number and order number on the same line marking. (5) the completion of prefabricated sections, inside should be cleaned and should be promptly closed nozzle. 1.2.2 construction before the conditions of (1) started reporting approved by the departments concerned or under the license file. (2) drawings and technical information relating to the range, and after drawing and design intentions. (3) with respect to pipeline construction is completed and the a and b have checked, "three connections and one leveling" construction requirements have been met, and pipe connection device is looking for 普通教 育储蓄 柜员为客户李智民办理“普通教育储蓄”存款业务,存入现金人民币500元整。 1 1 存款 普通教 育储蓄 柜员为客户李智民办理“普通教育储蓄”帐户销户处理业务。 1 1 销户 一卡通 柜员为客户李智民开立“一卡通教育储蓄”帐户一个,开户金额为1500元,存期教育储1 1 为2年。 蓄开户 一卡通 教育储 柜员为客户李智民办理“一卡通教育储蓄”存款业务,存入现金人民币300元整。 1 1 蓄存款 一卡通 教育储 柜员为客户李智民办理“一卡通教育储蓄”帐户销户处理业务。 1 1 蓄销户 一卡通 客户李智民的一卡通卡片已损坏,前来银行办理换卡业务,柜员为其办理换卡 2 2 换凭证 手续。凭证类型选一卡通,输入原凭证号及替换凭证号。 客户李智民的一卡通已丢失,前来银行办理挂失手续。挂失后的一卡通如需解一卡通 挂,需要7天后才能进行解挂操作。凭证类型注意选择“一卡通”,客户号为一卡通1 1 挂失 客户号。 一卡通 解挂 客户李智民之前挂失的一卡通已找回,柜员为其办理“一卡通解挂”,取消一卡 1 1 (不换通挂失,操作完成后,原来的一卡通仍可以正常使用。 凭证) 一卡通 客户李智民已挂失的一卡通七天后到银行来办理解挂手续,柜员为其办理解挂解挂手续,并用一张新的一卡通替换原来的一卡通,“一卡通解挂(换凭证)操作完成后, 1 1 (换凭原来的一卡通卡号将不能使用,其交易记录及帐户资金余额将转入新的一卡通帐户证) 中。 comply with the corresponding requirements of materials and manufacturing standards. (4) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must be carried out according to specifications, such as Visual inspection, after passing the qualifying marks; required strength and tightness of valves, seals after qualifying, required testing and adjusting the opening pressure of the relief valve, when they debug, seals; records and safety valve fill valve test debug logging. Stainless steel pipe and components shall not be in contact with carbon steel during storage. (5) building materials, such as sand, stones and other submission submitted in a timely manner, and keep the test report. (6) all materials are neatly stacked, by category, and clearly identified. 1.2 high pressure pipeline construction 1.2.1 prefabricated pipe (1) high pressure high pressure pipes should be tested before the pipe prefabrication, magnetic study after passing inspection, after passing the magnetic exploration, precast. (2) high-pressure pipeline isometric, factory prefabricated, and leaving the closed mouth, spot welding. (3) after the high pressure piping prefabrication, require heat treatment heat treatment should be carried out promptly. (4) after the high pressure piping prefabrication should be in time for the piping piping on number and order number on the same line marking. (5) the completion of prefabricated sections, inside should be cleaned and should be promptly closed nozzle. 1.2.2 construction before the conditions of (1) started reporting approved by the departments concerned or under the license file. (2) drawings and technical information relating to the range, and after drawing and design intentions. (3) with respect to pipeline construction is completed and the a and b have checked, "three connections and one leveling" construction requirements have been met, and pipe connection device is looking for 一卡通 柜员为客户李智民修改一卡通帐户交易及查询密码。该业务操作的前提是客户密码修1 1 知道自已的老密码。 改 换 存 客户李智民原来的存折损坏,柜员为其办理“换存折”业务,将原来的普通存折 2 2 折 用新的存折替换。 换 存 客户李智民的整存整取存单损坏,柜员为其办理换存单业务,原来的整存整取 1 1 单 存单用新的整存整取存单替换掉。 凭证挂 客户李智民的整存整取存单已遗失,前来银行办理挂失手续,银行柜员对该存 1 1 失 单进行挂失操作。 凭证解 挂(不 客户李智民之前已挂失的存单又重新找到了,现前来银行要求对已挂失的存单 1 1 换凭解挂(不换凭证)。柜员为其办理了“凭证解挂(不换凭证)”业务。 证) 凭证解 挂(换 柜员将客户李智民之前挂失的普通存折解挂,并用新的存折替换原来的存折。 1 1 存折) 凭证解 柜员将客户李智民之前挂失的整存整取存单解挂,并用新的存单替换原来的存挂(换1 1 单。 存单) 帐户密 柜员为客户李智民修改存款帐户的密码。 1 1 码修改 知识要特殊业务模块用于处理一些非日常业务,其中包括通用记帐、冲帐处理、交易维护、帐户维护储点 等。要求理解表内记帐及表外记帐的含义,及其与资产负债表之间的关系。 蓄实验目 掌握通用记帐的方法,学会如何对帐户及交易进行维护。 特的 殊 柜员进行表内通用记帐业务操作。 业表内通 3 3 表内通用记帐用于综合类帐户(内部帐户)记帐的业务处理。 务 用记帐 借方帐号为:9+交易部门编号+1010100000;凭证类型:无;凭证号码:空; comply with the corresponding requirements of materials and manufacturing standards. (4) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must be carried out according to specifications, such as Visual inspection, after passing the qualifying marks; required strength and tightness of valves, seals after qualifying, required testing and adjusting the opening pressure of the relief valve, when they debug, seals; records and safety valve fill valve test debug logging. Stainless steel pipe and components shall not be in contact with carbon steel during storage. (5) building materials, such as sand, stones and other submission submitted in a timely manner, and keep the test report. (6) all materials are neatly stacked, by category, and clearly identified. 1.2 high pressure pipeline construction 1.2.1 prefabricated pipe (1) high pressure high pressure pipes should be tested before the pipe prefabrication, magnetic study after passing inspection, after passing the magnetic exploration, precast. (2) high-pressure pipeline isometric, factory prefabricated, and leaving the closed mouth, spot welding. (3) after the high pressure piping prefabrication, require heat treatment heat treatment should be carried out promptly. (4) after the high pressure piping prefabrication should be in time for the piping piping on number and order number on the same line marking. (5) the completion of prefabricated sections, inside should be cleaned and should be promptly closed nozzle. 1.2.2 construction before the conditions of (1) started reporting approved by the departments concerned or under the license file. (2) drawings and technical information relating to the range, and after drawing and design intentions. (3) with respect to pipeline construction is completed and the a and b have checked, "three connections and one leveling" construction requirements have been met, and pipe connection device is looking for 借贷:借;金额:1000元。贷方帐号为:9+交易部门编号+10101+柜员钱箱号; 凭证类型:无;凭证号码:空;借贷:贷;金额1000元。借贷应平衡,否则无法 操作完成。 > 注意:此模块用于处理除“储蓄业务、代理业务、信用卡业务”以外的表内记帐。 通过此模块记帐将会影响资产负债表中相关数据的变动。银行柜员操作时请仔细阅 读“表内通用记帐”帮助信息。 柜员进行表外通用记帐业务操作。 往“普通储蓄存折库存帐号(9+交易部门编号+1078100000),存入(收)20表外通 元。可在“帐户查询”中查到相关的表外帐户,所有的表外帐户均以“9”开头。 1 1 用记帐 注意:表外记帐将不会影响资产负债表数据变动。操作时请仔细阅读“表外通用 记帐”帮助信息。 私人客 客户李智民的个人信息发生变动,柜员输入李智民的客户号,对其个人信息进 1 1 户维护 行维护。 表内帐 户信息 柜员输入客户李智民的普通存折帐号,对相关信息进行维护。 1 1 维护 表外帐 户信息 柜员输入表外帐户(9+交易部门编号+1078100000),对该帐户名称进行维护。 1 1 维护 帐户部 柜员对客户李智民的存款帐户进行冻结操作,冻结金额为200元。 1 1 分冻结 帐户部 柜员对客户李智民之前已冻结的帐户进行解冻,解冻金额为200元。 1 1 分解冻 客户李智民前来银行柜台办理人民币800元存款业务,柜员由于操作失误,向 其活期存款帐户中存入了人民币8000元。后来银行柜员发现此操作有误,必须做“冲冲帐 帐”处理,否则无法平帐。银行柜员从“交易查询”中查询到此笔交易的流水号,在“交2 2 易维护”中进行冲帐处理,冲帐后,此笔交易将被取消。对当天日结清算处理前操作 的业务进行错帐冲帐处理。 comply with the corresponding requirements of materials and manufacturing standards. (4) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must be carried out according to specifications, such as Visual inspection, after passing the qualifying marks; required strength and tightness of valves, seals after qualifying, required testing and adjusting the opening pressure of the relief valve, when they debug, seals; records and safety valve fill valve test debug logging. Stainless steel pipe and components shall not be in contact with carbon steel during storage. (5) building materials, such as sand, stones and other submission submitted in a timely manner, and keep the test report. (6) all materials are neatly stacked, by category, and clearly identified. 1.2 high pressure pipeline construction 1.2.1 prefabricated pipe (1) high pressure high pressure pipes should be tested before the pipe prefabrication, magnetic study after passing inspection, after passing the magnetic exploration, precast. (2) high-pressure pipeline isometric, factory prefabricated, and leaving the closed mouth, spot welding. (3) after the high pressure piping prefabrication, require heat treatment heat treatment should be carried out promptly. (4) after the high pressure piping prefabrication should be in time for the piping piping on number and order number on the same line marking. (5) the completion of prefabricated sections, inside should be cleaned and should be promptly closed nozzle. 1.2.2 construction before the conditions of (1) started reporting approved by the departments concerned or under the license file. (2) drawings and technical information relating to the range, and after drawing and design intentions. (3) with respect to pipeline construction is completed and the a and b have checked, "three connections and one leveling" construction requirements have been met, and pipe connection device is looking for 知识要代理业务主要分为二大类,一是代扣业务,如水费、电费、电话费等,另外一类是代发业务,点 如代发工资。 实验目 掌握代扣业务和代发业务的业务流程及业务规范,学会如何操作这两项业务。 的 柜员进行代发业务操作。 储代理合 代理类别:代发工资。代理收付帐号:9+交易部门编号+1040700001 2 2 蓄同录入 客户名称:深圳市南光科技有限公司。 代 理代理批 柜员输入系统自动生成的代理 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 号,总笔数为1,总金额为2000元,其它项 2 2 业量录入 不用填。 务 批量明 柜员输入代理合同号及批量号(代理交易序号),涉及对象帐号为李智民的活 2 2 细增加 期存款帐号,涉及对象标志为李智民,涉及金额为2000元。 批量托 柜员输入合同号、批量号、总笔数为1,总金额为2000,执行后完成整个代发付(代3 3 业务。 发) 知识要信用卡是具有消费信用、存取现金和转帐结算等功能的信用支付工具。信用卡是一种贷记卡,点 先消费再还款。 实验目 掌握信用卡开卡操作流程、信用卡还款及取现等业务操作方法。 的 柜员为客户李智民开立一张信用卡。 信信用卡 2 2 注:开信用卡之前客户应在本行有活期存款帐户,以便开信用卡时将该活期存 用开户 款帐户与信用卡设成关联还款帐户。 卡 业信用卡 客户李智民前业银行办理信用卡存款业务,存入金额为人民币5000元。柜员 1 1 务 存现 向其信用卡帐户中存入现金人民币5000元。 信用卡为“贷记卡”,客户可以从信用卡中透支取现,透支金额应在规定的还款 期内还款,否则银行将按贷款利率收取利息。 信用卡 1 1 取现 柜员为客户李智民办理信用卡取现业务,从其信用卡帐户中取现金人民币200 0元。 comply with the corresponding requirements of materials and manufacturing standards. (4) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must be carried out according to specifications, such as Visual inspection, after passing the qualifying marks; required strength and tightness of valves, seals after qualifying, required testing and adjusting the opening pressure of the relief valve, when they debug, seals; records and safety valve fill valve test debug logging. Stainless steel pipe and components shall not be in contact with carbon steel during storage. (5) building materials, such as sand, stones and other submission submitted in a timely manner, and keep the test report. (6) all materials are neatly stacked, by category, and clearly identified. 1.2 high pressure pipeline construction 1.2.1 prefabricated pipe (1) high pressure high pressure pipes should be tested before the pipe prefabrication, magnetic study after passing inspection, after passing the magnetic exploration, precast. (2) high-pressure pipeline isometric, factory prefabricated, and leaving the closed mouth, spot welding. (3) after the high pressure piping prefabrication, require heat treatment heat treatment should be carried out promptly. (4) after the high pressure piping prefabrication should be in time for the piping piping on number and order number on the same line marking. (5) the completion of prefabricated sections, inside should be cleaned and should be promptly closed nozzle. 1.2.2 construction before the conditions of (1) started reporting approved by the departments concerned or under the license file. (2) drawings and technical information relating to the range, and after drawing and design intentions. (3) with respect to pipeline construction is completed and the a and b have checked, "three connections and one leveling" construction requirements have been met, and pipe connection device is looking for 信用卡 明细 学校医务室常备药销售费用明细科目收入支出明细办公用品库存明细企业会计科目明细设置 查 柜员查询客户李智民信用卡明细信息。 0 0 询 信用卡 交易查 柜员查询客户李智民信用卡交易情况。 0 0 询 储蓄日终处理是柜员在当天营业终止后必须要进行的业务操作。主要是上缴未使用的重要空白知识要 凭证、现金入库及打印营业日报表等。部门轧帐是指商业银行支行营业网点进行日终结帐处理,点 尾箱轧帐是指支行柜员对当天本人处理的业务进行日终结帐处理。 实验目掌握日终处理的方法。理解重要空白凭证及现金入库的意义,理解部门轧帐及尾箱轧帐的含义的 及其区别。 重要空 在商业银行实际业务处理中,每天日终处理时,银行柜员必须将柜员个人钱箱白凭证中未使用的重要空白凭证进行“凭证入库”。在教学实验时,学生应学会并理解此项1 1 储 入库 操作,但不必每天将未使用的凭证进行凭证入库操作。 蓄 柜员查询其个人钱箱中的现金余额,将其全部入库到部门钱箱中,并查询部门日现金入 钱箱中现金余额的变化情况。也可以留一部份现金,以备下一个交易日对客户作取1 1 终 库 款操作。 处 理 1、柜员查看个人钱箱当日凭证及现金借贷情况; 2、在报表打印模块中进行报表打印输出:储蓄报表分为日报表、月报表、半年尾箱轧 报表和年报表。储蓄业务日终处理结束后,应打印出当天营业日报表。 0 0 帐 注意:本系统会在当日24:00时自动进行帐务日结清算处理。所以当日的营 业报表可在第二天进行打印输出。 部门轧 柜员查看支行网点的部门钱箱当日凭证及现金使用情况。 0 0 帐 comply with the corresponding requirements of materials and manufacturing standards. (4) all pipes, pipe fittings, valves, welding material must be carried out according to specifications, such as Visual inspection, after passing the qualifying marks; required strength and tightness of valves, seals after qualifying, required testing and adjusting the opening pressure of the relief valve, when they debug, seals; records and safety valve fill valve test debug logging. Stainless steel pipe and components shall not be in contact with carbon steel during storage. (5) building materials, such as sand, stones and other submission submitted in a timely manner, and keep the test report. (6) all materials are neatly stacked, by category, and clearly identified. 1.2 high pressure pipeline construction 1.2.1 prefabricated pipe (1) high pressure high pressure pipes should be tested before the pipe prefabrication, magnetic study after passing inspection, after passing the magnetic exploration, precast. (2) high-pressure pipeline isometric, factory prefabricated, and leaving the closed mouth, spot welding. (3) after the high pressure piping prefabrication, require heat treatment heat treatment should be carried out promptly. (4) after the high pressure piping prefabrication should be in time for the piping piping on number and order number on the same line marking. (5) the completion of prefabricated sections, inside should be cleaned and should be promptly closed nozzle. 1.2.2 construction before the conditions of (1) started reporting approved by the departments concerned or under the license file. (2) drawings and technical information relating to the range, and after drawing and design intentions. (3) with respect to pipeline construction is completed and the a and b have checked, "three connections and one leveling" construction requirements have been met, and pipe connection device is looking for
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