首页 汽车KD包装结构及包装工艺



汽车KD包装结构及包装工艺汽车KD包装结构及包装工艺 汽车KD包装结构及包装工艺 摘要:汽车KD包装对于KD件的保护具有十分重要的作用。进行KD包装设计时要考虑可能遇到的力学负载和气候条件,给KD件提供最佳的保护。 关键词:散件组装KD、包装结构、包装工艺、防锈包装 近年来,越来越多的汽车进口国要求汽车以KD包装的形式进口,一方面可以降低进口关税,另一方面能促进本国汽车工业发展,带动本国就业。在这样的背景下,东风商用车公司审时度势地将KD工厂建设纳入企业战略规划,开辟了自己的KD包装阵地,为东风商用车海外事业的发展提供了有力支持。 ...

汽车KD包装结构及包装 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 汽车KD包装结构及包装工艺 摘要:汽车KD包装对于KD件的保护具有十分重要的作用。进行KD包装 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 时要考虑可能遇到的力学负载和气候条件,给KD件提供最佳的保护。 关键词:散件组装KD、包装结构、包装工艺、防锈包装 近年来,越来越多的汽车进口国要求汽车以KD包装的形式进口,一方面可以降低进口关税,另一方面能促进本国汽车工业发展,带动本国就业。在这样的背景下,东风商用车公司审时度势地将KD工厂建设纳入企业战略规划,开辟了自己的KD包装阵地,为东风商用车海外事业的发展提供了有力支持。 对汽车KD出口包装而言。由于汽车KD件的品种多、形状不规格、包装技术要求高,再加上要漂洋过海,运输距离长,要经过仓储、转运、装卸、运输等物流过程,在此过程中会出现各种力学负载,有可能损伤产品,因此,汽车KD包装的作用十分明显。同时,在整个物流过程中气候变化异常,对 包装产品是SUV车型前大梁,比如,前大梁尺寸为1960×630×750mm,重量38Kg,零件尺寸大、重量大,从广州到台湾裕隆在海上的时间在10天左右,海运过程中的气候变化包括温度、湿度以及昼夜温差等都有可能使大梁受损,因此,包装结构的选择值得关注。例如,纸箱包装强度不够;木包装加工工艺复杂、不环保,且制作周期长。在包装设计及包装实现的过程中,要对这些因素加以综合 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ,最终确定相应的包装结构及包装工艺。 1、钢木包装箱结构 包装箱由底座、分离式侧板、端板、盖板和内部支架等组件组装。包装箱底座为4根80×70mm的滑木与厚度为18mm的建筑板钉合而成;侧板骨架由方管40×20mm焊接而成。封厚度为5mm的胶合板,连接方式用铝铆钉铆接而成;盖板骨架由方管40×20mm焊接而成,封厚度为7mm的胶合板,侧板与底座用螺栓连接,侧板与侧板之间用自攻螺丝连接, 2、包装工艺 (1)放入大梁 把底座铺好,根据零件结构及包装要求,用60×40mm木方制作成支架,并且尽量使支架形成方型或三角形,将其分别固定4根长的滑木,然后在支座上加上软化材料EVA,保证前大梁不与材质较硬的木头接触。接下来各铺一块塑料薄膜,再在整个底板上铺一层气相防锈薄膜。气相防锈薄膜是将一种特殊的固体材料混入塑料薄膜中,这种固体材料在储运过程中会释放一种气体分子覆盖到金属表面,形成保护层,阻止氧气和水分与金属发生化学反应,保证前大梁不发生锈蚀,将它热封起来还可以阻隔水蒸气。两层气泡塑料薄膜可防止下面的钢架和上面的胶合板损伤气相防锈薄膜,从而影响密封防锈效果。放入干燥剂,并把干燥剂用胶带固定到气相防锈薄膜。 (2)固定 把前大梁放在支架上,然后把大梁用木方加EVA的方式固定在支架上 (3)装上箱板 把前大梁固定后,再放一层气相防锈膜,然后把塑料袋密封,放入装箱清单。此后要装上箱板,首先把侧板与底座用螺栓连接起来,其次装端板,一定是要做到长包短,方便起吊。把大梁支架与外箱连接起来,保证整个外箱的刚性。 (4)合箱 把盖板盖上,用自攻螺丝将盖板与侧板、侧板与侧板之间连接起来,然后侧板喷印向上、 怕湿等标志,并注明运往目的地等。 3、使用 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 为了保证正常出口贸易,减少和避免经济损失。KD包装要符合我国政府制定的《中华人 民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》的要求,钢木结构包装箱中木质包装出口符合现行框架木箱 (GB7284)标准,外箱骨架焊接遵循国家焊接标准,包装箱外形遵循国家集装箱标准。例如, 外包装箱的结构设计,包括底座、端面、侧面和顶盖的结构都有详细的说明和解释,也包括 很多图解。同时,对各种包装用 木质材料也有一定的要求,如木板、胶合板。内包装使用的EVA标准都有详细说明,同 时还提供了不同的防锈包装方法,如气相防锈薄膜、干燥剂等。该标准涉及不同包装物的部 分包装、敞开包装,还涉及到包装物的固定防护,如为防止包装物在运输过程中发生滑移碰 撞、翻倒等现象,需要用安全紧固带、木条木块或紧固螺杆、螺栓等固定包装物的方法。 4、包装箱包装设计和验算 包装箱的设计要考虑强度问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。在包装箱起吊时,底座要承受整个包装箱的重量以及起吊 时产生的冲击力,生产企业应按要求进行计算与校核。此外,还要计算和验算端板、侧板和 顶盖的强度。 底座中最重要的是滑木,滑木的数量通常取决于包装箱的宽度。德国标准中规定,宽度在 100厘米以下用两根滑木,宽度超过180厘米必须至少使用3根滑木,且每两根滑木之间的 距离不能超过80厘米。滑木和枕木的尺寸必须通过计算获得,即结合许用弯曲强度来验算 所选截面尺寸是否足以承受起吊时外力的作用。要对滑木的抗剪切强度和抗压强度进行验 算,指当滑木下面受到吊链索向上的力的作用、滑木上面受包装物通过枕木传递来的压力向 下作用时,滑木的受力情况。如果滑木的截面尺寸及强度不够,滑木就会损伤,从而影响整 个包装箱的强度。 还要验算端面和侧面在堆码时是否会发生折裂或压垮现象,以及顶盖在起吊时横向受链索 挤压或堆码时的受压情况。 总体上,SUV车型前大梁采用了钢木结构包装箱,使用的包装材料、包装辅助材料、防锈 包装方法以及包装固定防护等,可以推广到整个汽车KD件出口包装。由此可见,根据汽车 KD件不同的形状及不同技术要求,应设计不同尺寸的包装箱、不同的固定方式,其包装结 构及包装工艺是大同小异的。 Automobile KD Packaging Structure And Packagingy Technology Abstract: Automobile KD package for KD protection is very important. KD packaging design must be considered in the mechanical load and climatic condition, to provide the best protection for KD pieces Key word: CKD KD, Packaging structure, Packaging technology, Rustproof packaging In recent years, more and more vehicle requirements of the importing country car with KD packaging imported in the form, one can reduce import tariffs, on the other hand, can promote the domestic auto industry development, promoting national employment. In this context, Dongfeng commercial vehicle company situation the construction of KD plant into the corporate strategic planning, open up their own KD packaging positions, for Dongfeng commercial vehicle overseas career development provides strong support The KD car export packaging. Because the automobile KD pieces of the varieties, specifications, packaging shape of high technical requirements, plus to travel on the sea, long distance transport, warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading through, transportation and logistics process, in this process there will be a variety of mechanical load, may damage the product, therefore, the obvious effect of automobile KD packaging. At the same time, in the entire logistics process of abnormal climate changes on contents, effect is very big also, make the car KD packaging is more complicated. Based on the KD parts of the car front girder of export packaging for example, discusses the KD car export packaging structure and packaging technology related content Packaging products are SUV front beam, for example, the beam size of 1960 ×630 × 750mm, weight 38Kg, parts of large size, large weight, from Guangzhou to Taiwan Yulon in a sea of time in 10 days, the ocean in the process of climate change including temperature, humidity and temperature difference between day and night, are likely to make the beam damage therefore, the choice of packaging structure, worthy of attention. For example, the insufficient strength of carton packaging; wood packaging complex processing technology, environmental protection, and long production cycle. In the packaging design and implementation process, to these factors synthetically analysis, ultimately determine the corresponding packing structure and packing process 1. Steel wooden packaging box structure Packaging box is composed of a base, side plates, separated end plate, cover plate and the inner bracket assembly. Packing box base is 4 80 ×70mm sliding wood with a thickness of 18mm building board screw and side plate frame; by 40 × 20mm welded pipe. A thickness of 5mm plywood, aluminum rivet for riveting connection mode of a cover plate skeleton; by 40 × 20mm welded square tube, a thickness of 7mm plywood, side plate and the base plate and the side plate are connected by bolts, self-tapping screw connection between 2. Packaging technology (1) In beam The base paved, according to the structure of parts and packaging requirements, with 60× 40mm wood is made into a bracket, and try to make support forms a square or triangle, which are respectively fixed 4 long slide wood, then on the support and softening material EVA, ensure the front girder and material hard wood contact. Next, each at a piece of plastic film in the whole floor, then put a layer of gas phase anti-rust film. Gas phase anti-rust film is a special solid materials into the plastic film, the solid material in the process of storage and transportation of gas molecules will release a cover to the metal surface, forming a protective layer, blocking the oxygen and water react with the metal beam, guarantee not to rust, it will heat sealing up can also be blocked water vapor. Two layer plastic film can prevent bubbles beneath the frame and above the plywood impairment VCI film, thus affecting the sealing rust prevention effect. In the desiccant, the desiccant and taped to the gas phase anti-rust film. (2) Fixed The front crossbeam is placed on the bracket, and then the beam with a wooden plus EVA fixed on the bracket (3) Loaded on board The front crossbeam is fixed, then put a layer of VCI film, and then put into a plastic bag sealing, packing list. Thereafter to be installed on board, the side plates and the base are connected by a bolt, then loaded end plate, must be to do a short length packet, convenient lifting. The beam support and the outer box are connected, the outer box rigidity (4) Combined box The cover plate cover, a self-tapping screw will cover plate and the side plate, side plates and side plates of the connecting link between the side plates, and then printed up, afraid of wet, logo, and indicate to the destination. 3 The use of standard In order to ensure the normal export trade, reduce and avoid economic loss. The KD package to meet the Chinese government formulated the " Republic of China on the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine law " requirements, steel and wood structure packing box wood packaging in exports in line with the current frame wooden box ( GB7284 ) standard, the outer box frame welded to follow national welding standards, packaging box shape follow the national standard of container. For example, the outer packaging box structure design, including a base, end, side and top structure has the detailed explanation and interpretation, including many diagrams. At the same time, on a variety of packaging wood materials also have certain requirements, such as wood, plywood. Inner package using EVA standards are described in detail, and also provides different antirust packaging methods, such as gas phase anti-rust film, such as the desiccant. This standard deals with different packaging packing fraction, open package, also relates to the packaging of fixed protection, such as to prevent packing occur during transport collision, overturned slip phenomenon, you need to use safe fastening belt, wood block or fastening screw, bolt and other fixed wrapper method 4 Packaging design and calculation Packaging box design must consider the strength problem. In the packaging box when lifting, base to bear the entire package box weight and lifting the impact force, production enterprise shall, according to the requirements of the calculation and checking. In addition, but also the calculation and checking end plate, side plates and a top cover strength The base is the most important in the sliding wood, sliding wooden numbers usually depends on the width of the packaging box. German standards, width of 100 cm below with two sliding wood, width more than 180 cm must use at least 3 slide wood, and each of the two sliding distance between trees are not more than 80 cm. Sliding wood and sleeper size must be obtained by calculating, i.e. the combination of allowable bending strength calculation the selected section size is sufficient to withstand the lifting force effect. To slide wood shear strength and compressive strength checking, when sliding wooden below by chain cable upward force, sliding wooden above by packaging through sleepers the pressure transferred downward action, sliding wooden force. If sliding wooden cross section dimensions and strength is not enough, the sliding wood will be damaged, thereby affecting the entire package of strength Also check end and side of the pile are broken or crushed the phenomenon, and the top cover in lifting laterally chain cable extrusion or stacking of compression On the whole, SUV front girder with steel and wood structure packing box, the use of packaging materials, packaging auxiliary materials, rust-proof packaging method and packaging of fixed protection and so on, can be extended to the entire automotive KD export packing. Thus, according to automotive KD pieces of different shapes and different technical requirements, design of different size, different fixation methods of packing box, the packing structure and packing process is similar to.
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