首页 广州建筑面积计算规定新规



广州建筑面积计算规定新规广州建筑面积计算规定新规 广州市实施《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》办法 及广州市建筑工程容积率计算办法 《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》(GB /T50353-2005)于2005年7月1日起实行。为使建筑面积计算规范得到有效实施,同时为更科学地核算建筑工程的容积率,特制定本办法。 一、《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》实施办法: 1.1、建筑物层高2.2米及以上、四面有围护结构的用房计算全部建筑面积;层高2.2米以下的计算一半建筑面积。 1.2、利用坡屋顶内空间的建筑,内空间净高2.1米及以上部分计算全部建筑面积...

广州建筑面积计算 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 新规 广州市实施《建筑工程建筑面积计算 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 》办法 及广州市建筑工程容积率计算办法 《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》(GB /T50353-2005)于2005年7月1日起实行。为使建筑面积计算规范得到有效实施,同时为更科学地核算建筑工程的容积率,特制定本办法。 一、《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》实施办法: 1.1、建筑物层高2.2米及以上、四面有围护结构的用房计算全部建筑面积;层高2.2米以下的计算一半建筑面积。 1.2、利用坡屋顶内空间的建筑,内空间净高2.1米及以上部分计算全部建筑面积;内空间净高1.2至2.1米部分计算一半建筑面积。 1.3、建筑内部设局部复式的,其层高2.2米及以上的计算全部建筑面积;不足2.2米的部分计算一半建筑面积。 4、场馆看台下方空间设计加以利用的部分,净高2.1米及以上的部分计1. 算全部建筑面积;净高1.2至2.1米部分计算一半建筑面积。 1.5、地下室、半地下室层高2.2米及以上的计算全部建筑面积;层高2.2米以下的计算一半建筑面积。 1.6、建筑物的大厅、门厅以及大型会议厅、工厂车间、仓库、舞台等大空间建筑物按一层计算建筑面积。其内部设有通廊、回廊或挑台时,层高2.2米及以上的计算全部建筑面积,层高小于2.2米的计算一半建筑面积。 1.7、建筑物间的架空走廊,有围护结构的,层高2.2米及以上的计算全部建筑面积,层高2.2米以下计算一半建筑面积。只有顶盖没有围护结构的计算一半建筑面积。 1.8、地上立体书库、立体车库、仓库等,无结构层的按1层计算;有结构层的按结构层数计算;层高2.2米及以上计算全部建筑面积;层高2.2米以下计算一半建筑面积。 1.9、建筑物外的落地橱窗、门斗、挑廊、走廊、檐廊、门廊等,有围护结构的,层高2.2米及以上的计算全部建筑面积,层高2.2米以下计算一半建筑面积。只有顶盖没有围护结构的计算一半建筑面积。 1.10、建筑物顶部有顶盖有围护结构的用房如梯屋、水箱间、电梯机房、人r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 防用房等,层高2.2米及以上的计算全部建筑面积,层高2.2米以下计算一半建筑面积。有顶盖无围护结构的廊、亭等计算一半建筑面积。 1.11、建筑物内的室内楼梯间、电梯井、管道井、垃圾道、内部烟囱、通风排气竖井、提物井等垂直设备,其建筑面积以横截面面积乘以自然层数计算。 1.12、雨篷结构的外边线至外墙结构外边线的宽度超过2.1米的,应按雨篷结构板的水平投影面积的一半计算。 1.13、有顶盖的室外楼梯按其投影面积乘以自然层数所得面积的一半计算建筑面积;无顶盖的室外楼梯最顶一层不计算建筑面积,其余楼层计算方法与有顶盖的相同。 1.14、住宅的阳台、入户花园;办公或商业用房设的半公共空中花园、活动用平台等均按投影面积的一半计算建筑面积。 1.15、有顶盖无围护结构的看台、车棚、货棚、站台、加油站、收费站等,按水平投影面积一半计算。 1.16、公共架空层、避难层、结构转换层等,层高2.2米及以上计算全部建筑面积,层高2.2米以下的计算一半建筑面积。 、不计算建筑面积的内容有: 1.17 1)、利用坡屋顶内空间时,其净高不足1.2米的部分; 2)、利用场馆看台下方空间时,其净高不足1.2米的部分; 3)、坡地建筑物设计上不利用的深基础架空层及坡地吊脚架空层; 4)、设计上不利用的建筑坡屋顶内、场馆看台下的空间; 5)、无顶盖的架空走廊; 6)、无顶盖的附属建(构)筑物(落地橱窗、门斗等); 7)、住宅飘窗; 8)、雨篷结构的外边线至外墙结构外边线的宽度不足2.1米的; 9)、无顶盖的室外楼梯最顶一层; 10)、骑楼的首层部分; 11)、建筑内的设备管道夹层、操作平台、上料平台、安装箱和罐体的 平台、没有围护结构的空调机搁板、台阶、不具实际使用功能的装饰构件 等。 reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction o-rcing Tian Ding, concreteeach installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinfo base, 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation foress spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top , Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airl2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist-15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 -r Vuld be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points sho-pter DL/T5017of charks, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions on step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary wollatitape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe insta ates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steelge pland temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wed , taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one endseamsipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel p oints,? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control pmachines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? fting ing steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lif flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoist2 12)、舞台及后台悬挂幕布、布景的天桥、挑台等; 13)、屋顶水箱、无顶盖的花架、凉棚、露台、露天游泳池; 14)、用于检修、消防等的室外钢楼梯、爬梯。 15)、独立烟囱、烟道、地沟;非独立的小型油(气)罐、水塔、贮油 (水)池、贮仓;栈桥、地下人防通道、地铁隧道、室外自动扶梯。 二、容积率计算办法: 2.1、住宅建筑层高超过4.5米的,按投影面积的2倍计算建筑面积。 2.2、凡以上条款中明确不计算建筑面积的内容均不计算容积率。此外不计入容积率的内容还有: 1)、地下层、半地下层的车库及设备用房; 2)、地面以上的公共架空层的公共活动空间;结构转换层、避难层的结构转换空间、避难空间。 3)、屋顶的楼梯间、电梯间、水箱间。 4)、地下车库出入口车道的首层部分。 5)、骑楼2层及以上仍为公共步行系统的部分;上部有建筑的首层消防通道; 2.3、凡上述不需计算建筑容积率内容的条款中未提及的部分均应计算容积率,其计算容积率的面积与建筑面积一致。 三、新实施办法的具体操作要求: 3.1、此办法于二??七年五月一日起实施。 3.2、二??七年五月一日以后批出的修建性详细规划及建筑单体的面积计算要求按本办法实施。 3.3、建设工程规划许可证的有效期为一年。建设工程规划许可证在二??六年五月一日以后、二??七年五月一日以前批出,申请调整建设工程规划许可证的,原面积可予承认,但新发文或新的建筑功能指标明细 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 的面积数据按本办法计算。 3.4、建设工程规划许可证在二??七年五月一日以前批出且已施工,申请调整建设工程规划许可证的,若只属于内部间隔或功能调整的,其面积计算仍按原规定执行;若有涉及新建内容的,该部分的面积计算应按本办法实施。 3.5、二??七年五月一日前取得建设工程规划许可证,办理单体工程验收 against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not toPreliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron tion.center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and eleva and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the townPier adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the towning ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? d towusing a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting an t to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine,reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plan-in 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concreteeight installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control withnter hrmany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Ce012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Ge, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 22 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-r Vnce before they can beuld be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation accepta2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points sho-y with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017compl , installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shalln. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipmenticatioevel and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, lshif3 或建设工程规划许可证调整的,原面积予以确认,但验收面积数据按本办法转换。 reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction o-rcing Tian Ding, concreteeach installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinfo base, 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation foress spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top , Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airl2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist-15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 -r Vuld be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points sho-pter DL/T5017of charks, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions on step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary wollatitape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe insta ates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steelge pland temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wed , taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one endseamsipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel p oints,? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control pmachines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? fting ing steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lif flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoist4 (广州市实施《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》办法和广州市建筑 工程容积率计算办法)条文说明 一、建筑面积计算的实施方法: 1.1、建筑内部设局部复式的情况,是指层高符合相关的 设计规范 民用建筑抗震设计规范配电网设计规范10kv变电所设计规范220kv变电站通用竖流式沉淀池设计 要求且经城市规划主管部门同意建设的情况。如一些住宅建筑内部设复式的情况,根据住宅设计规范的要求,客厅、卧室等主要用房的层高不应低于2.4米;厨房、卫生间等次要用房的层高不应低于2.2米。 1.2、围护结构指围合建筑空间四周的墙体、门、窗等。走廊若用墙、窗等围闭的,需计算全部面积;若仅设栏杆的,按一半面积计算。走廊外是否立柱不影响建筑面积的计算标准。 1.3、立体书库、立体仓库、立体车库等的结构层按有无楼板控制,有楼板的按楼板计算层数,若内部均为 架构 酒店人事架构图下载公司架构图下载企业应用架构模式pdf监理组织架构图免费下载银行管理与it架构pdf 无楼板的按一层计算。 4、配套公建或一些独立用房的专用楼梯计入此类专门服务用房的面积;1. 配套公建没有专用楼梯的,其面积应不含公摊面积。竖井的面积在明细表中分别计入所在楼层的使用功能或其所专门服务的使用功能。 1.5、住宅入户花园应视其有无敞开面而判定,若无敞开面的,应视为房间;或设计图纸中标注为入户花园,但与相连房间无明确的实体分隔的,也一并作为房间计算。 办公、商业等用房在设计中有不少每层或每二、三层设一处的供部分人员使用的半公共活动空间、空中花园等,因其不是供任何人随意进入,故不能定义为公共架空层,只能定义为活动平台等,其建筑面积及容积率均按投影面积的一半计算。 1.6、公共架空层定义为用于公众活动、环境绿化的、任何人均可以随意出入的开敞空间。公共架空层的面积不应少于整层面积的1/2,且应为集中空间,并且周边应没有明显的经营性用房利用该空间组织交通。否则只能定义为走廊或通道。 1.7、骑楼的定义有三类:第一类为位于人行道上方,压人行道边线建设的骑楼;第二类为位于道路退缩位上方,压道路红线建设的骑楼;第三类为压建筑退缩线建设的骑楼,如《广州市城市规划管理技术标准与准则(建筑工程规划管 center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and eleva and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the townPier adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the towning ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? d towusing a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting an t to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine,reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plan-in 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concreteeight installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control withnter hrmany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Ce012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Ge, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 22 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-r Vnce before they can beuld be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation accepta2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points sho-y with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017compl , installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shalln. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipmenticatioevel and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, lshif against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not toPreliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron tion.5 理篇)》第5.9条所规定的骑楼。 设备管道夹层指专用于设备及管道、除检修外没有人员出入的夹层。 二、容积率计算的实施办法: 1)、地下层只有车库及设备用房(且设备用房应标出具体用途)不计算容积率,其余所有用途以及值班室、监控室、备用房等一律计算容积率。 2)、公共架空层、结构转换层、避难层等的公共活动、转换及避难空间不计算容积率,但该层的楼梯间、电梯间、设备用房等均应计算容积率。 别墅等建筑的架空活动层若不是供公共使用而仅为私家使用的,不能定义为公共架空层,只能定义为阳台或架空活动平台等,并按投影面积的一半计算容积率。 3)、《广州市城市规划管理技术标准与准则(建筑工程规划管理篇)》第4.6.3.3条(3)规定除雨篷外的外挑构件进深不得大于0.5米,故飘窗的宽度不能超过0.5米,超过0.5米的按房间计算。 machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? fting ing steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lif flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoistreinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction o-rcing Tian Ding, concreteeach installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinfo base, 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation foress spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top , Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airl2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist-15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 -r Vuld be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points sho-pter DL/T5017of charks, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions on step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary wollatitape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe insta ates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steelge pland temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wed , taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one endseamsipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel p oints,? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control p6
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