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[精彩]英语四级:改错演习[精彩]英语四级:改错演习 模拟练习一 Although Asian Americans make up only 2.4 percent of the nation s population, it constitute 17.1 percent of1. undergraduates at Harvard, 18 percent2. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and 27.3 percent at the University of Ca...

[精彩]英语四级:改错演习 模拟练习一 Although Asian Americans make up only 2.4 percent of the nation s population, it constitute 17.1 percent of1. undergraduates at Harvard, 18 percent2. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and 27.3 percent at the University of California at Berkeley. Why are Asian Americans doing so well? Are they grinds, as some stereotype suggest? Or can we have a lesson from them about values3. we have long treasured them but may have misplaced—like4. hard work, the family and education? The young Asians achievements have led in5. a series of fascinated studies. Perhaps the most6. disturbing results come from the research carried on7. by a University of Michigan psychologist, Harold W. Stevenson, who has compared more than 7,000 students in Chicago and Minneapolis with counterpart in Beijing, Taipei and Sendai.8. On a series of math test, the Americans did worst at all grade levels. Stevenson found difference9. in IQ. But if differences in performance are showing up in kindergarten, it suggests something happen10. in the family, even before the children get to school. 【答案及解析】 1.【答案】it改为they 【解析】本题主要考查指代关系及对句意的理解,句子表达的意思为“尽管亚裔美籍人只占美国总人口的百分之2.4,著名大学里亚裔学生的比例很高。”可见“constitute”的主语应为“Asian Americans”而非“population”,故不能用“it”指代。 2.【答案】undergraduates前加the 【解析】本题主要考查冠词的用法。哈佛大学的在校生中百分之17.1为亚裔,既然明确提到是哈佛大学,“undergraduates”这个概念属于特指,之前应加定冠词“the”。本题还可以通过联系后文得出正确答案:由前文2 4percent of the nation’s population 中的 the 可知此处属同类用法,故本行中 “undergraduates”应改为 “the undergraduates”。 3.【答案】have改为learn 【解析】本题主要考查词组的使用。联系前后文不难了解,本句提出的问题是美国人是否应该在一些方面向亚裔人士学习。词组 “have a lesson”意为“上课”或“有课”,如“We will have a lesson in the lecture hall this afternoon.”而文中需要表示“学习 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 ”或“吸取经验”的意思,故应用“learn a lesson”。 4.【答案】去掉them 【解析】本题主要考查定语从句。通过分析句子成分可以看出,“values”是定语从句的先行词,其后的“we have long treasured but may have misplaced”是 “values”的限定成分,关系词 “which/that”被省略了。定语从句中不能再次出现指先行词 “values”的 “them”,应将其去掉。 5.【答案】in改为to 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。句意为:“亚裔学子的出众引发了一系列的研究”, “lead in”不能表达“引起”或“导致”的意思,而“lead to”意为“导致;导向;影响”,故应把“in”改为“to”。 6.【答案】fascinated改为fascinating 【解析】本题考查分词的用法。“fascinate”是使动词,意为“使迷惑,对„有极大魔力”,其现在分词“fascinating”表示的是人或事物的性质,意为“令人迷惑的;有魔力的;有吸引力的”,而过去分词“fascinated”表示感觉,意为“觉得迷惑;被吸引”。本句中需要表明研究很有趣,吸引人,因而应使用“fascinating”。 7.【答案】on改为out 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。“carry on”意为“坚持下去;继续下去”,而“carry out”表示“进行,开展;执行”。句子意为研究结果来自一位心理学家进行的研究,与坚持或持续无关,应把“on”改为“out”。 8.【答案】counterpart改为counterparts 【解析】本题考查指代关系及对文意的理解。在上文所说的研究中,研究者从美国的两个城市选取学生,将其与从东方几个城市选出的学生相比较,用于作比的学生不可能是单数,应用复数形式“counterparts”。 9.【答案】difference前加no 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑。联系上下文不难发现,文章的意思是东西方的学生在智力方面没有显著差异,是非智力的因素让亚裔学生出类拔萃,因此“difference”前应加一个表示否定的词“no”。 10.【答案】happen改为happens 【解析】本题考查语法。本题的迷惑点在于,“suggest”作“建议”意思用时,其后的宾语从句应为“should加动词原型”的形式,而“should”经常省略。考生容易忽略此规则的 适用条件,即动词“suggest”的意思。本句中“suggest”不表示建议,其意为表示或表明,因此“happen”应根据主语“something”改为“happens”。 考点总结 题号改前改后语法 规则词汇 用法固定 搭配语义 逻辑指代 关系 1itthey?? 2undergraduates加the ? 3havelearn? 4treasured themtreasured? 5into? 6fascinatedfascinating? 7onout? 8counterpartcounterparts?? 9differenceno difference 10happenhappens?? 模拟练习二 In any classroom in any country, the instructor teaches more than just art or history or language. Part of what is going on consciously or not is the teaching of culture: the attitudes, values and beliefs in the society.1. Every education system is inevitably a mirror that reflects the culture of the society it is a part.2. In many western countries, such as the United States or Canada, which are made up of many different nations,3. religious groups and cultural orientations, individualism and dependent thinking are highly valued.4. And these values are reflected by education systems in these countries. Teachers emphasize the qualities that let each student special. Students are seldom5. expected to memorize information; however,6. they are encouraged to think for themselves, find answers on their own and come up with individual solutions. At an early age, students learn to form their own ideas and opinions, and to express their ideas when class discussion.7. In Japan, in contrast, the vast majority of people share8. the same language, history, and culture. Perhaps for this reason, the education system here reflects a belief in9. group goals and traditions than individualism.10. 【答案及解析】 1.【答案】in改为of 【解析】本题考查所有格的使用。句意为“教师在课上传授的是文化知识,即一个社会的观念、价值观及信仰。”文中提到的“观念、价值观和信仰”是存在于某个社会的成员的思想当中的,不是简单的地理位置关系,应用所有格来表达,而表达所有格应用介词“of”而非“in”。 2.【答案】part之后加of 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。由于包含了从句,句子结构相对复杂,此类情况下考生可以通过造句的方法得出正确答案。“教育体系是社会文化的一部分。”这个句子用英文表达应为“Education system is a part of the culture of the society.”同理句中“part”之后应加“of”。 3.【答案】nations改为nationalities 【解析】本题考查对文意的理解。文章对比了以美加为代表的西方国家和以日本为代表的东方国家。文中表达的意思是美国加拿大等许多西方国家的国民来自不同的民族、信仰不同的宗教、有着不同的价值取向,故应把“nations”改为“nationalities”。 4.【答案】dependent改为independent 【解析】本题主要考查语义逻辑。对照后文不难发现,与日本不同,在像美国加拿大这样的西方国家里,人们看重的是个性和独立思考。通过“individualism”也可以推断出,与其并列的成分应为“independent”而非“dependent”。 5.【答案】let改为make 【解析】本题考查语法规则及词汇用法。“let”和“make”均有“让某人„„”之意,但用法不同。“let”之后应出现动词原型,而文中“special”为形容词,因此应使用“make”。 6.【答案】however改为instead 【解析】本题考查语义及词汇用法。句意为人们不希望学生对知识死记硬背,而是鼓励他们独立思考,得出自己的答案。本句前后部分并不是“然而”的关系;结合文章意思,应把“however”改为“instead”。 7.【答案】when改为in 【解析】本题考查语法规则。“class discussion”是词组而非从句,不能用“when”引导,而应使用介词“in”,表示“在课堂讨论中”。 8.【答案】in改为by 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。“by contrast”意为“相比之下”或“与此相对”。使用介词“in”属误用。 9.【答案】there改为here 【解析】本题考查语义及指代关系。本句指的是日本的教育崇尚集体精神、传统而非个性。由此可见,“这里的教育体系”应该为“那里的教育体系”。 10.【答案】than前加rather 【解析】本题考查语义及语法。句意不涉及比较,因为本句并未出现形容词和副词,在排除比较后,根据上文阐述可知,日本的教育体系与美加等国不同,日本的教育崇尚集体精神、传统而非个性。因此应在“than”前加“rather”,表达“而不是”的意思。 考点总结 题号改前改后语法 规则词汇 用法固定 搭配语义 逻辑指代 关系 1inof? 2partpart of? 3nationsnationalities? 4dependentindependent? 5letmake?? 6howeverinstead?? 7whenin? 8inby? 9therehere?? 10thanrather than?? 模拟练习三 A multicultural person is someone who is deeply concerned that all culture are equally good,1. enjoys learning the rich variety of cultures in the world, or most likely has been exposed to more than one2. culture in his or her lifetime. You cannot motivate anyone, especially someone of the other culture,3. until that person has accepted you. A multilingual person can explain the advantages of a product with4. other languages, but a multicultural salesperson can motivate foreigners to buy it. That s a critic difference.5. No one likes foreigners who are arrogant about their own culture. Customers are turned off by monocultural salespeople. The trouble is, most people are arrogant6. monocultural without being aware of it. And even those who are aware of it cannot hide. Foreigners sense7. monocultural arrogance at once and set up their culture8. barriers, effectively block any attempt by the9. monocultural person to motivate them. Multiculturalism is a requirement that has neglected too often10. in hiring managements for international positions. And this neglect is affecting every industry. 【答案及解析】 1.【答案】culture改为cultures 【解析】本题考查词汇及语法。“文化”这一词很容易被当作抽象名词,从而使考生觉得应该把“are”改为“is”。其实本句中“culture”为可数名词,指的是不同国家的文化,这一点从首行“multicultural”也可推断出来。故本题需要改正的不是动词而应把“culture”变为复数形式。 2.【答案】or改为and 【解析】本句考查语义逻辑。连词的前后部分并非二选一的关系,故不能用“or”而应使用表示并列及顺承的“and”。此外,“most likely”也可作为得出答案的提示。 3.【答案】the other改为another 【解析】本题考查词汇用法及固定搭配。容易误用的词或词组是常考的考点,如“another”, “the other”, “others”。如果提到两方,应使用“one„the other„”来表示“一个„„另一个„„”,而本句并没有出现把文化分为两类的意思,因此不可使用“the other”,应选择不特指的“another”。 4.【答案】with改为in 【解析】本题考查介词的使用。用某种语言表达应使用介词“in”而非“with”,但由于“with”也有“用”的意思,此类情况下容易混淆。可回忆一个简单的句子,如 “How do you say this in English?”然后类推出答案。 5.【答案】critic改为critical 【解析】本题考查词汇用法。修饰名词“difference”的应为形容词“critical”。 6.【答案】arrogant改为arrogantly 【解析】本题同样考查词汇用法。须注意,“arrogant”并非在be动词之后作表语,“傲慢”之意应修饰其后的“monocultural”,故应改为副词形式“arrogantly”,用副词修饰形容词。 7.【答案】hide后加it 【解析】本句考查语法规则。本句包含定语从句,限定主语“those”。句意为“而那些觉察到的人也无法掩饰”。“掩饰”的宾语为上文提到的“being arrogantly monocultural”,本句中应用“it”指代,故应在句末加上“it”。 8.【答案】culture改为cultural 【解析】本题考查词汇用法。“文化壁垒”应为“cultural barrier”而非“culture barrier”,属形容词修饰名词。 9.【答案】block改为blocking 【解析】本题考查语法规则。通过分析句子成分可知,“block”并非句子的谓语,因此应该使用非谓语形式。外国人感觉到傲慢情绪并很快建立起文化壁垒,主语“foreigners”与“block”之间是主动的关系,故使用“block”的现在分词。 10.【答案】has后加been 【解析】本题考查语法规则。本句包含定语从句,从句先行词为“requirement”,其与“neglect”之间应为被动关系,意为“这一要求被忽视”,故应根据现在完成时被动语态的要求,在“neglected”之前加“been”。 考点总结 题号改前改后语法 规则词汇 用法固定 搭配语义 逻辑指代 关系 1culturecultures?? 2orand? 3the otheranother?? 4within? 5criticcritical? 6arrogantarrogantly?? 7hidehide it?? 8culturecultural? 9blockblocking? 10hashas been? 模拟练习四 No one can be brilliant at everything. In fact, success in one area often precludes success in others.1. A famous politician once told me that his career has practically destroyed his marriage. “I have2. no time for my family,” he explained. “I travel a lot. And even though I am home, I hardly see my kids.3. I ve got power, money, prestige—but as a husband or father, I am a flop.” Certain kinds of success can indeed be destructive. The danger of earlier success is4. particularly acute. I recall in my childhood a girl5. who skill on ice skates marked her as “Olympic material.”6. While rest of us were playing, bicycling, reading7. and just lofting, this girl skated everyday after school or all weekend. Her picture often appeared8. on the papers, and the rest of us envied her glamorous life.9. Years later, however, she spoke bitterly of those early triumphs. “I never prepared myself with anything10. but ice,” she said. “I peaked at 17 and it s been downhill ever since.” 【答案及解析】 1.【答案】others改为another 【解析】本题考查词汇用法。容易误用的词或词组是常考的考点,如“another”, “the other”, “others”。如果提到两方,应使用“one„the other„”来表示“一个„„另一个„„”。本处指其它方面或其它领域的成功,联系上文“success in one area”,应把“others”改 为“another”。 2.【答案】has改为had 【解析】本题考查语法规则。在文中提到的政治家与文章作者交流之前,他的婚姻已经被事业影响了。因上一行出现的动词“told”为过去式,表示在过去某个时间之前发生的事情应使用过去完成时。 3.【答案】though改为when 【解析】本题考查词汇用法及语义。由句意判断,“当我在家”这个部分应为时间状语从句,需要用“when”引导,而“even though”只有表示“尽管”之意,不能带起时间状语从句,因而应把“though”改为“when”。 4.【答案】earlier改为early 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑。文中提到某些成功可能会带来负面影响,少年得志尤甚。在“早年”这个意思上并未出现比较,故不应使用比较级“earlier”而应用原型“early”。 5.【答案】in改为from 【解析】本题考查语法规则及语义逻辑。句中“in my childhood”这个部分具有较强迷惑性因为孤立来看“在我的童年”这种说法完全正确。需要注意的是其后出现的并非“recall”的宾语从句,因此可以排除“in my childhood”作时间状语的可能性。根据句意推断,应把“in”改为“from”,意为“我想到童年时候的一个女孩”。 6.【答案】who改为whose 【解析】本题考查语法规则及指代关系。先行词“girl”与“skill”之间存在所有格的关系,句意为“那位女孩的冰上技巧”,故应选用关系词“whose”而非“who”。 7.【答案】rest前加the 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。其余的这一概念应用“the rest of„”来表示,因此,“rest”前应加定冠词“the”。 8.【答案】or改为and 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑。文中把那位女孩与其它孩子作对比,当其他孩子玩耍的时候那位女孩把一切课余时间都用于练习溜冰,根据文意应把“or”改为“and”。 9.【答案】on改为in 【解析】本题考查介词。“on”表示“在„之上”时,其体现的只是简单的位置关系。而汉语中使用的“她的照片登在报纸上”表达的是报纸的内容而非位置关系,应使用介词“in”。 10.【答案】with改为for 【解析】本题考查固定搭配及语义逻辑。“prepare with”意为“用„„作准备”,“我只用溜冰作准备”显然逻辑有误。而“prepare for”意为“为„„作准备”,符合句子的意思,故应把“with”改为“for”。 考点总结 题号改前改后语法 规则词汇 用法固定 搭配语义 逻辑指代 关系 1othersanother? 2hashad? 3thoughwhen?? 4earlierearly? 5infrom?? 6whowhose?? 7restthe rest? 8orand? 9onin? 10withfor?? 模拟练习五 Why are so many people so afraid of failure? Simply because no one tell us how to fail1. so failure becomes a growing experience.2. We forget that failure is a part of the human condition and that every person has the right to failure. Most parents3. work hard in either preventing failure or shielding4. their children out the knowledge that they have failed.5. One way is to lower standards. A mother describes her child s hastily made table as “perfect!” even if6. it s clumsy and unsteady. Another way is to shift blame. If John fails math, his teacher is unfair or stupid. The trouble with failure prevention devices are that they7. lead a child unequipped with life in the real world.8. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time and that it is impossible to enjoy a game even when you don t win.9. A child who does not invited to a birthday party,10. who doesn t make the honor roll or the baseball team feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick consolation prize or say, “It doesn t matter”, because it does. The youngster should be allowed to experience disappointment and then be helped to master it. 【答案及解析】 1.【答案】tell改为tells 【解析】本题考查语法规则。句子主语是“no one”,谓语应该使用第三人称单数形式,故应将“tell”改为“tells”。 2.【答案】so后加that 【解析】本句考查语义逻辑及固定搭配。若本句中“so”表示“所以”之意,句意就应为“只因没有人告诉我们怎样失败,因此失败成为经验的累积。”这显然与文意不符。应在“so”之后加“that”,使用“so that”表示目的,句意为“只因没有人告诉我们怎样失败,从而使失败成为经验的累积。” 3.【答案】failure改为fail 【解析】本题考查语法规则及词汇用法。句意为“每个人都有权利失败”。句中“失败”应用动词形式,而“failure”是名词,故应该改为“fail”。 4.【答案】in改为at 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。“努力学”或“努力做”应为“work hard at...”而非“work hard in...”。 5.【答案】out改为from 【解析】本题同样考查固定搭配。动词“shield”的用法与“prevent”相似,“shield sb from...”意为“让某人接触不到,让某人避开”。把“out”改为“from”之后句意通顺。 6.【答案】if改为though 【解析】本题考查词汇用法。“even if”与“even though”均可表示“尽管”,但“even if”用于假设的情况而“even though”用于现实。本句意为“有位母亲把孩子摆得乱七八糟的桌子说成完美。”此句描述的情况是实际发生的事情,作者以此为例说明家长的一些不正确的态度,因此不能使用表示假设的“even if”,应把“if”改为“though”。 7.【答案】are改为is 【解析】本句考查语法规则。需要注意的是本句的主语是“trouble”而非“failure prevention devices”,所以谓语动词应用单数形式。 8.【答案】with改为for 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑与固定搭配。练习前文可知,句意应为“家长对待孩子失败的不正确态度会使得孩子对于真实的世界没有准备”。应使用词组“prepare for”表示“为„„作准备”。 9.【答案】impossible改为possible 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑。不难看出作者的观点是即便不能获胜,参与的过程也是有趣且有益的,故应把“impossible”改为“possible”。 10.【答案】does改为is 【解析】本题考查语法规则及语义理解。通过理解整句的意思可以发现,主语“child”与动词“invite”之间应为被动的关系,意为“一个没有被邀请参加生日宴的孩子会觉得难受”,因此应该把“does”改为“is”,用“is invited”构成被动。 考点总结 题号改前改后语法 规则词汇 用法固定 搭配语义 逻辑指代 关系 1telltells? 2soso that?? 3failurefail?? 4inat? 5outfrom? 6ifthough? 7areis? 8withfor?? 9impossiblepossible? 10doesis?? 模拟练习六 There are always lots of job hunters filling out applications for every position. So how do you get notice in the crowd?1. Make a one page resume that lists your name, address, phone number, education and previous work experience. Include any awards you have won and special activities you have been involved in them, and don t forget special skills2. such as foreign language ability, type or computer knowledge.3. If you have had other jobs before, get a letter of reference from your former boss where states what a good worker you are.4. Or make a list of references people who can vouch to5. your abilities, experience and good characters.6. Former teachers, bosses and clergy make good reference. Relatives not. Make sure your references know7. you are using their names, or they will say good things8. about you. If an employer likes your application, he or she may call you in for an interview. Be prepared! Think about the kinds of questions an employer might ask you during the interview. Some will be basic: previous work experience, education and skills. Other need a little more thought.9. You may be asked things about “What are your strengths?” or10. “Why do you want to work here?” practice your answers. 【答案及解析】 1.【答案】notice改为noticed 【解析】本题考查语法规则。由句子结构可知,“notice”在句中不作谓语,所以应该使用动词的非谓语形式。句子要表达的意思是“怎样使自己受到关注”,可见“关注”与“you”之间为被动关系,应把“notice”改为“noticed”,使用动词的过去分词。 2.【答案】去掉them 【解析】本句考查语法规则。“you have been involved in”是定语从句,从句先行词为“activities”,关系词“which/that”被省略。根据定语从句的要求,指代“activities”的“them”应去掉。 3.【答案】type改为typing 【解析】本题同样考查语法规则。本句“such as”之后列举的是一些应该写入简历的内容,几项内容是并列关系,都应该用名词或名词性词组来表达,故应将动词“type”改为动名词“typing”。 4.【答案】where改为that 【解析】本题考查语法规则。句中包含的从句并非状语从句而是以“reference”为先行词的定语从句,故而不可使用“where”而应改为“that”。 5.【答案】to改为for 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。通过理解句意可知,推荐人应该是能为你的能力、经验及性格作担保的人。动词“vouch”意为“担保,证明”,“为„„做担保或证明”应选择介词“for”而非“to”。 6.【答案】characters改为character 【解析】本题考查词汇用法。很明显“character”在句中的意思是“性格”,而本句中涉及的“your”为单数,故应把“characters”改为“character”。 7.【答案】not改为don t 【解析】本题考查语义理解及语法规则。前一句提到某些人适合做推荐人,本句表达的意思“为亲属不适合做推荐人”。由句意可以判断,本句完整形式应为“Relatives don t make good reference.”与前句重复的部分“make good reference”被省略了,故“not”应改 为“don t”。 8.【答案】or改为and 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑。在请人为自己做保时必须同时满足两个条件,即推荐人应知道你使用他们的名义;确保他们会给你好的评价。这两点应为并列关系而非选择关系,故应将“or”改为“and”。 9.【答案】other改为others 【解析】本题考查词汇用法及指代关系。上句提到,一些问题是比较简单的,本句意为其它问题需要考虑。此处应用“others”来指“other questions”,因为“other”单独不能表示其它人或物。 10.【答案】about改为like 【解析】本题考查词汇用法及语义逻辑。“about”意为“关于”,即其后应出现某事的主题或纲要等内容,而本句中出现的是完整的问题,故不能使用“about”,应改为“like”,表示列举。 考点总结 题号改前改后语法 规则词汇 用法固定 搭配语义 逻辑指代 关系 1noticenoticed? 2in themin? 3typetyping? 4wherethat? 5tofor? 6characterscharacter? 7notdon t?? 8orand 9otherothers?? 10aboutlike?? 模拟练习七 If one person can be said to have led the world into the age of technological it was Thomas Elva Edison.1. Not only did he invent and perfect many of the technologies vital to the modern world—including the electric light, the motion picture camera and the first sound recordings— he also sets the standard for how research and development2. is done today. Edison s most known saying goes: “Genius is3. one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” This belief is his religion: he worked day to night4. for much of his life. At the time he died in 1931,5. he had patented over 1,100 inventions. Some were entirely his own, but many were improvements he made6. to the inventions of others. Edison s career began in New York, in 1869, when he was 22 years old. He arrived in the city with nothing but the shirt on his back. It came out that the old family friends7. he had hoped would help him had move on; consequently, Edison found himself out on the street. He ended up slept8. in the cellar of a company that operated an information service for stockbrokers. In those days, information was been sent9. from place to place using tickertape, and one day the system collapsed. In the chaos that followed, Edison offered to fix the problem and within minutes had the equipment worked again.10. He was immediately given a job. 【答案及解析】 1.【答案】technological改为technology 【解析】本题考查语法规则。“技术时代”应为“the age of technology”,介词“of”之后不能出现形容词,以此应将形容词“technological”改为名词“technology”。 2.【答案】sets改为set 【解析】本题考查语法规则。此句前半部分是以“not only”开头的倒装句,时态为一般过去时,句子后半部分的时态应与之一致,故不用“set”的三人称单数形式而用过去式“set”。 3.【答案】most known改为best known 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。“最著名的”或“最为人知的”应为“best known”而非“most known”。 4.【答案】to改为and 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。“day and night”为固定表达,在句中意为“夜以继日地工作”或“日夜地工作”。 5.【答案】at改为by 【解析】本题考查语法规则及语义理解。下一行出现的“he had patented”为过去完成时,故表示时间时应作“到1931年他去世时”,因此应将表示时间点的介词“at”改为“by”。 6.【答案】made前加had 【解析】本题考查语法规则及语义理解。联系句意可知,句子应使用完成时而非一般过去时,所以应在“made”前加“had”构成过去完成时。 7.【答案】came改为turned 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。词组“turn out”用于表示结果,文中描述爱迪生希望故交能提供帮助而结果是他们搬走了,根据句意应把“came”改为“turned”。 8.【答案】slept改为sleeping 【解析】本题考查语法规则及词汇用法。出现在介词后的动词应改为动名词形式,应此动词过去式“slept”应改为动名词“sleeping”。 9.【答案】去掉been 【解析】本题考查语义理解及语法规则。本句时态为一般过去时而非完成时,故不能出现“been”,应去掉“been”,用“was sent”表示一般过去时的被动语态。 10.【答案】worked改为working 【解析】本题考查语法规则。在句中“had”意为“使”或“让”,它并不是与后文的“work” 构成完成时。而“work”在句中不充当谓语,所以应考虑非谓语形式;又因“equipment”与“work”之间为主动关系,故应把“worked”改为“working”。 考点总结 题号改前改后语法 规则词汇 用法固定 搭配语义 逻辑指代 关系 1technologicaltechnology? 2setsset? 3mostbest? 4toand? 5atby?? 6madehad made?? 7cameturned?? 8sleptsleeping?? 9was been sentwas sent?? 10workedworking? 模拟练习八 It is easy to understand the prejudice against thinking. One problem is that most of us, thinking looks1. suspiciously like doing nothing. A human being in deep thought is an inspiring sight. He leans back in his chair,2. props up his feet, puffs in the pipe and stares into space. He gives every appearances of wasting time. Besides,3. he is leaving all the hard work for us! We wish he gets up and do something useful—clean the house,4. maybe, or mow the lawn. Our resentment is nature.5. But thinking is far more different from laziness. Thinking is6. one of the most productive activities a human being can undertake. Every beautiful and useful thing we have created existing because somebody took the time7. and effort to think of it. But thinking does require8. time and effort. It is a common misconception that though a person is “gifted” or “bright” or “talented”,9. wonderful ideas will flash spontaneously into his mind. Unfortunately, the intellect doesn t work this way. Even Einstein had to study and think for months before he could formulate his theory on relativity. Those of us who are less intelligent find it a struggle to conceive even a moderate good idea, let alone a brilliant one.10. 【答案及解析】 1.【答案】most前加to 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑及固定搭配。本句意为“问题在于对大多数人而言,思考似乎是无所事事。”从句意判断,“most”之前应加“to”。 2.【答案】inspiring改为uninspiring 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑。上文提到,“思考会给人无所事事的假象”,因此本句中说到“一个沉思中的人”应该用“uninspiring”而不是“inspiring”来评价。 3.【答案】appearances改为appearance 【解析】本题考查词汇用法。名词“appearance”应该用单数而不是复数形式。 4.【答案】gets改为would get 【解析】本题考查语法规则。句意为“我们希望他站起身来做一些有用的事”,这是作者的期望而非现实,应使用“would加动词原型”的结构,“would”可省略。同时结合后文与“get up”并列的动词如“clean”, “mow”也可判断出此处不应该使用第三人称单数而应用动词原型。 5.【答案】nature改为natural 【解析】本题考查词汇用法及语义理解。此句意为“我们的愤怒是自然的。”应使用形容词作表语。本题比较容易错在对句子理解错误。联系前后文可知,本句表达的意思不是“憎恨是我们的本性。”因此不可使用名词“nature”。 6.【答案】去掉more 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑及词汇用法。句意为“思考和犯懒大不相同。”表达此意无需使用比较级“more different”。易错之处在于考生容易把“far”当作比较级的标志,其实“far”只表示程度,故应去掉“more”。 7.【答案】existing改为exists 【解析】本题考查语法规则。通过对句子成分进行分析可知,本句的主语是“every beautiful and useful thing”,而“we have created”是其后的定语从句。可见“have created”不是句子的谓语部分,而“because”之后是解释原因的从句,故“存在”应为句子的谓语,因此应将非谓语形式“existing”改为“exists”。 8.【答案】but改为and 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑。“思考让我们拥有美的、实用的东西”,这层意思与“思考需要时间、精力”并不构成转折关系,二者应为顺承关系,故应将“but”改为“and”。 9.【答案】though改为if 【解析】本题考查语义理解及语法规则。联系整句可知,句意为“有一种常见的错误观念是如果一个人聪明或有天赋,好主意就会自动飞入他的脑子。”“聪明或有天赋”在这里是一种条件而并不表示“尽管”之意,所以应把“though”改为“if”。看后文的时态,根据if条件句“主将从现”的要求也能得出同样答案。 10.【答案】moderate改为moderately 【解析】本题考查词汇用法及语法规则。句中“moderate”修饰的不是名词“idea”而是形容词“good”,故应将“moderate”变为副词“moderately”。 考点总结 题号改前改后语法 规则词汇 用法固定 搭配语义 逻辑指代 关系 1most to most?? 2inspiringuninspiring? 3appearancesappearance? 4getwould get? 5naturenatural?? 6far more differentfar different?? 7existingexists? 8butand? 9thoughif?? 10moderatemoderately?? 模拟练习九 In a world that is growing more complex and competitive, the ability to think clearly and critically has never been important. But how many of us devote any time1. to nurture habits of serious, critical thoughts in our children 2. or in ourselves, for that matter? How can we help kids sharpen their minds for a higher competitive future?3. The first step goes, say experts, is to create a “thinking atmosphere”4. in your home. To start with, examine your own thinking about thinking. Most people mistake quick answers as intelligence,5. so we assume that a quick child is automatically a good thinker. Nothing could be more wrong. Quick answers are often not the deepest answers, or the best ones, and placing too much value to quick thinking just6. promotes intellectual laziness. Meanwhile, the slow, reflective children—the one teachers scold for7. daydreaming—often have deeper insights than their “brighter” counterparts. By ignoring them, we are overlooking our greatest intellectual resources. Then we should give children something to think for. Take your kids to museums,8. read together, watch TV side by side. Then talk about that you9. have seen or heard. “Don t just walk through a museum and admire the exhibits,” a psychologist says. “Throw out questions. Challenge the kid imaginations. ‘What might the earth10. be like if dinosaurs came back? ” 【答案及解析】 1.【答案】been后加more 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑。句意为“在这个日益复杂且竞争激烈的世界,清晰并批判地思考的能力从未如此重要。”即这种能力比以往任何时候都重要。本句需要表达现在与过去的比较,故应该在“important”之前加“more”。 2.【答案】nurture改为nurturing 【解析】本题考查固定搭配及词汇用法。动词“devote”意为“献身,奉献”或“投身于”,需要特别注意的是词组“devote to”中“to”为介词,因此之后应加名词或动名词。故本题应将“nurture”改为“nurturing”。 3.【答案】higher改为highly 【解析】本题考查语义理解及语法规则。由于上文提到了比较级,本句再次出现比较级“higher”会给考生带来一定的迷惑,认为本句同样表示比较。需要指出的是“higher”只是形容词“high”的比较级,它并不能被放在形容词前构成比较级。排除比较这个可能性后,根据副词修饰形容词的规则可知,应把“higher”改为“highly”。 4.【答案】去掉goes 【解析】本题考查语法规则。本句中“say experts”为插入语,句子主语为“the first steps”, 谓语为“is”,“ goes”属多余,应去掉。 5.【答案】as改为for 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。句意为“许多人把反应快错当作聪明”,因此应该使用词组“mistake...for...”。 6.【答案】to改为on 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。“place too much value on...”意为“过度推崇”或“过高评价”,与文章意思相符。 7.【答案】one改为ones 【解析】本题考查指代关系。两个破折号之间的部分应指本句的主语,即“children”,因此应使用复数形式“ones”。 8.【答案】for改为about 【解析】本题考查固定搭配及语义理解。由后文可知,本句的意思应该是“给孩子一些东西让他们思考”,而不是“给孩子思考的目的”。根据句意应把表示目的的介词“for”改为表示内容的“about”。 9.【答案】that改为what 【解析】本句考查语法规则。在引导宾语从句时,“that”在句中没有实际的意思,而本句需要一个概括所见所闻的、表示内容的词,故不能用“that”而应改为“what”。 10.【答案】kid改为kid s 【解析】本题考查语义理解及语法规则。作者意为“通过向孩子提出一些问题来培养锻炼他 们的想象力。”此处需要表达所有格“孩子的”,因此应该把“kid”改为“kid s”。 考点总结 题号改前改后语法 规则词汇 用法固定 搭配语义 逻辑指代 关系 1importantmore important? 2nurturenurturing?? 3higherhighly?? 4step goesstep? 5asfor? 6toon? 7oneones? 8forabout?? 9thatwhat? 10kidkid s?? 模拟练习十 It is often said that a good thinker is born, not made. Though there is some truth in this, the idea is essentially false. Some people with more talent for thinking than others,1. and some learn more quickly. As a result, over the years one person may develop his or her thinking ability to a greater extent than another. Nevertheless, affective thinking is2. most a matter of habit. Research proves that the qualities3. of mind they takes to think well can be mastered by anyone.4. It even proves that original can be learned. Most important,5. it proves that you don t need a high IQ to be a good thinker. It has been shown that fully 70 percent of all creative people score above 135 on IQ tests. The difficulty of improving6. your thinking depends on your habits and attitudes. Chances are you have had no direct training in the art of thinking. So you bond to have acquired some bad habits and attitudes.7. Some of the common barriers of good, clear thinking include:8. 1) Putting yourself down. Think you can t think is the biggest9. barrier. 2) Being a stranger to your own brain. 3) Avoiding mental exercise. Lots of people neglect their brains. They see activities of puzzles and riddles as a waste of time10. just because they serve no obvious practical purpose. 【答案及解析】 1.【答案】with改为have 【解析】本题考查语法规则。本句由“and”连接两个并列的简单句。既然是句子就应该有 谓语部分,而修改前构成本句的第一个简单句没有谓语动词,介词“with”可以表示伴随, 意为“有着”,但不能充当谓语,应将“with”改为动词“have”。 2.【答案】affective改为effective 【解析】本题考查词汇用法。辨析拼写或意思相近的词是常见的考点。名词“effect”意为“效果,效用”,其形容词形式为“effective”,意为“有效的”。 “affect”是动词,意为“影响,感动,爱好”,且其不能通过加 tive变为形容词。根据文意,应把“affective”改为“effective”。 3.【答案】most改为mostly 【解析】本题考查词汇用法。“most”作形容词或副词时只有“最多”之意,是“many”或“much”的最高级形式,而这个意思与句意不符。副词“mostly”意为“主要地,大部分,通常地”因此应将“most”改为“mostly”。 4.【答案】they改为it 【解析】本句考查固定搭配、指代关系及语义逻辑。修改前句中出现的“they”看似指代“qualities”,但通过分析可知这种可能性与句子逻辑不符,同时与“takes”这种动词第三人称单数形式也不一致。本句考点在于固定句型“It takes...to do”,用“it”作形式主语,应此应把“they”改为“it”。 5.【答案】original改为originality 【解析】本题考查语法规则。形容词不能充当句子的主语,因此应该将形容词“original”改为名词“originality”。 6.【答案】above改为below 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑。上一句提到“善于思考的人并不一定智商高于普通人”,本句是对上一句子的例证补充,应表达与上句相同的意思,故应把“above”改为“below”,意为“百分之70很有创造力的人智商都低于135”。 7.【答案】bond前加are 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。“be bond to”为固定词组,需要补充出be动词“are”。 8.【答案】of改为to 【解析】本题考查固定搭配及语义理解。由句意可知,作者想表达的意思是“常见的阻碍思考的因素如下”,句中不需要“of”表示所有格,而应用介词“to”, “barrier to...”意为“对„„的阻碍”或“做某事的阻碍”。 9.【答案】think改为thinking 【解析】本题考查语法规则。本句的主语由从句充当,主语从句中“think”并不充当谓语,故应该改为非谓语形式“thinking”。 10.【答案】of改为like 【解析】本题考查语义理解及语法规则。句中“activities”与后文的“puzzles and riddles”并不具有所有格的关系,“puzzles”, “riddles”是对“activities”的举例说明,故应把“of”改为“like”。 考点总结 题号改前改后语法 规则词汇 用法固定 搭配语义 逻辑指代 关系 1withhave? 2affectiveeffective? 3mostmostly? 4theyit??? 5originaloriginality? 6abovebelow? 7bond toare bond to? 8ofto?? 9thinkthinking? 10oflike??
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