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标准听力(一)—— 标准听力(六)听力原文及答案解析文本标准听力(一)听力原文及答案解析 Listening Comprehension Section A 11. W: I don’t believe we’ve ever met before, have we? M: We’ve been introduced at other parties. Don’t you remember? Q: What does the man mean? 【听前预测】根据意思相反的两个选项中有一个很可能是答案的命题规律,答案锁定在[A]和[D]之间。 【解 析】选[A]。...

标准听力(一)—— 标准听力(六)听力原文及答案解析文本
标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 听力(一)听力原文及 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 解析 Listening Comprehension Section A 11. W: I don’t believe we’ve ever met before, have we? M: We’ve been introduced at other parties. Don’t you remember? Q: What does the man mean? 【听前预测】根据意思相反的两个选项中有一个很可能是答案的命题规律,答案锁定在[A]和[D]之间。 【解 析】选[A]。对话中男士提到的We’ve been introduced at other parties(我们是在其他派对上经​人介绍认识的),[A]的内容是对此的同义转述,met对应introduced,故答案为[A]。 12. W: Thank heaven, it’s Friday. Are you doing anything special this weekend? M: Good question. To tell you the truth, my brother might be coming over and so everything is up in the air right now. Q: What does the man mean? 【听前预测】由选项中的He,plans以及He has to可知,对话与男士的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 有关,男士的话为听音重点。 【解 析】选[B]。男士的话everything is up in the air为听音重点。[B]的内容为男士的话的同义转述,故为答案,其中no definite plans对应up in the air。up in the air意为“悬而未决”。 13. W: Henry, are you still planning to buy that nice red sports car you looked at last week? M: I’m afraid that’s impossible because I haven’t been able to come up with the cash, and someone else has already made a down payment on it. Q: What do we learn about Henry? 【听前预测】由选项中的afford,new car,paid for,cash及He can’t/will等可知,对话很可能与男士是否决定买车有关,男士的话为听音重点。 【解 析】选[A]。男士的话I haven’t been able to come up with the cash为听音重点,[A] 的can’t afford to buy是对男士的话的同义转述,故答案为[A]。come up with the cash指“拿得出钱”。make a down payment指“预付定金”。 14. W: Is that optional course as hard as everybody says? M: It’s actually even worse, believe it or not. Q: What does the man say about the course? 【听前预测】由选项中的hard,difficult,tough,expected,optional course可知,对话与人们对选修课难度的预测有关。 【解 析】选[C]。对话中男士提到even worse(更糟糕),结合女士提到的hard可知,[C]中的much more difficult是对even worse的同义转述,故答案为[C]。believe it or not意为“信不信由你”。 15. M: Didn’t you tell Tom about the meeting? W: Whatever I say to him goes in one ear and out the other. Q: What does the woman mean? 【听前预测】由选项均以Tom开头以及Tom doesn’t/didn’t可知,与Tom有关的话题为听音重点。 【解 析】选[A]。女士的话goes in one ear and out the other为听音重点,[A]为女士的话的同义转述,故为答案。go in one ear and out the other意为“左耳进右耳出”。 16. W: If I were you, I would take a plane instead of a bus. It will take you forever to get there. M: But flying makes me so nervous. Q: What does the man prefer to do? 【听前预测】由选项中重复出现的travel,plane,bus,because以及he可知,对话可能与he旅行和乘坐的交通工具及原​因有关。 【解 析】选[C]。对话中男士提到flying makes me so nervous(坐飞机让我很紧张),[C]中的the plane makes him nervous是对此的同义转述,故答案为[C]。If I were you, I would...是一种虚拟,用于委婉地建议对方做某事。 17. W: Well, we have considered carefully about allowing friends at the party, but we’ve decided against it since it is paid by student fees. Sorry about that. M: I guess I can only bring myself. I’ll give it a miss. Q: What does the man mean? 【听前预测】根据意思相反的两个选项中有一个很可能是答案的命题规律,答案锁定在[A]和[C]之间。由He’ll可知,男士的话为听音重点。 【解 析】选[C]。男士的话I’ll give it a miss. (我不来了。)为听音重点,[C]是对此的同义转述,故为答案。give it/sth. a miss意为“不做某事”。decide against意为“决定反对(某人或某事)”。 18. W: Do you enjoy majoring in mathematics? M: Enjoy? If I could choose again, I would study biology. Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation? 【听前预测】由选项中重复出现的mathematics可知,对话与数学有关。由He didn’t like可知,男士的话为听音重点。 【解 析】选[B]。男士的话Enjoy?…I would study biology(喜欢?……我宁可学生物)为听音重点,[B] 是对此的同义转述,故为答案。反问表达完全相反的意思,故Enjoy?说明男士一点也不喜欢数学。男士还用虚拟条件句表明了自己不喜欢学数学。 Now you will hear the two long conversations. Conversation One 【听前预测】预览四道题各选项,结合19题中的package及22题各选项的内容推断,对话可能与邮递包裹有关。 M: Hello, National Express Courier Company, Customer Service Department. W: Hello, I have some questions about a package I’m going to send, can you help me? M: Yes. What would you like to know? W: I have a box of home-made candy. And I want to send it to my sister; it’s a birthday present. Do you have any special rules about delivering food? M: No, not in this case. If you were sending fruit or vegetables, they would have to be packed specially. But there are no rules about sending candy. W: OK, I have another question. I’m very concerned about the package reaching my sister on time. Can you make sure that it will be there by her birthday on Saturday? M: Where does it have to go? W: California. M: Hmm. Saturday’s only four days away. We have a priority service that would guarantee delivery in three days but it’s more expensive than our regular rate. W: Well, I don’t want to waste money, but it’s more important that the package be there on time. M: OK. Bring your package to the office, and we’ll send it by priority service. W: OK. I’ll do that. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. Why is the woman calling the delivery company? 【解析】选[A]。对话中女士提到I have some questions about a package ...,由此可知,女士只是想咨询一下有关信息,故答案为[A]。 【点晴】抓住关键信息点some questions解答此题很容易。 20. What is the woman sending to her sister? 【解析】选[C]。预览选项可知,本题可能考查要邮递的物品。对话中女士说I have a box of home-made candy...send it to my sister,表明答案为[C]。 21. What day is the day when the conversation takes place? 【解析】选[B]。选项表明,本题考查时间。对话中女士说物品必须要在Saturday前到,男士接着说Saturday’s only four days away,由此表明对话发生在Tuesday,故答案为[B]。 【点晴】对话中不只出现一个时间,需要将各种时间信息进行简单的计算推理才能得出答案。 22. Which method will the woman probably use to send her package? 【解析】选[D]。预览选项可知,本题可能考查快递方式。对话中男士推荐priority service;接着女士说...but it’s more important that the package be there on time,表明女士决定用priority service来寄物品,故答案为[D]。 【点晴】but转折处为常考点,其后的句子通常为答案所在。 Conversation Two 【听前预测】预览三道题各选项,结合23题中的hats及museum,exhibit推断,对话可能与帽子展览有关。 W: Let’s stop in here for a minute. Jill told me this hat exhibit is really good. Hum, see what it says on the sign. M: “A colorful parade of men’s headwears through the ages exploring the fashion’s historical, sociological, and psychological significance.” OK, but we don’t have much time before lunch. W: Well, let’s take a look at what there is. M: This is interesting. Look at this sign, “Whether he was a soldier, sailor, merchant, or scholar, a man derived his sense of belonging from the hat of his occupation. In the late nineteenth century, a person’s status determined how elaborate his headwear would be.” W: That’s not like today. The only kind of hat I see guys wear anywhere is the baseball cap. M: Not me. Here’s my personal favorite — the ten-gallon hat. When I visit my relatives on their ranch out west, they all wear cowboy hats like these. They’re stylish, and that broad brim really does protect you from the sun. W: You’re jumping out of sequence. The exhibit starts back there with the Renaissance, and how it says here that they’re selling replications of all the hats in the museum store. M: Why don’t we skip to that now? Then, after we meet Paul for lunch, we can all come back to the museum and start at the beginning. There’s an awful lot to see. W: I know it looks like we’ll need at least an hour, maybe more, to get through it all. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. What are the speakers doing? 【解析】选[D]。选项均以doing的形式开头表明,本题考查某人正在做的事。由对话一开始女士所说的Jill told me this hat exhibit is really good 和男士所说的but we don’t have much time before lunch可知,对话双方在午饭前看hat exhibit,故选[D]。 【点睛】but转折处为常考点,一般为答案所在。 24. How do the speakers get the information about hat exhibit? 【解析】选[A]。预览选项可知,本题可能考查获得某物的方式。对话一开始女士就说see what it says on the sign及男士的Look at this sign都表明,帽子展览会的信息是从sign(牌示) 上看到的,故答案为[A]。 【点睛】听音时注意对话中是否有与选项有关的signs,museum guide,tape recorder,brochure等单词,这样比较容易解题。 25. According to the conversation, in the late nineteenth century, what could a man’s headwear reveal about him? 【解析】选[C]。对话中提到In the late nineteenth century, a person’s status determined how elaborate his headwear would be 表明,在19世纪晚期,一个人的地位是由他戴的帽子的华丽程度决定的,故选[C]。 【点睛】问题中的In the late nineteenth century为听音的关键,捕捉到该信息点便不难选出答案。 Section B Passage One 【听前预测】预览三道题各选项,由savings,manage their money,expenses,a fixed amount of money等可知,短文围绕如何理财展开。 Most likely, you aren’t the family breadwinner. But doing a small job or getting a weekly allowance would put some money in your pocket. For kids and grown-ups alike, money is easy to spend. If you aren’t careful, it can be gone in no time. Being responsible with your money is an important skill to learn — and the sooner you start, the better. Whether you are tracking your spending or saving for something special, creating a budget can help you deal with your expenses and plan for the future. All you need are paper and a pencil — and some self-control. First, take a look at our sample monthly budget. Then, use a separate sheet of paper to plan your own. In the first two columns, list your sources of income and how much you expect to earn from them. In the third and fourth columns, list what you expect to spend your money on and the amount. The left hand total should be more than or equal to the right hand total. If it is, you have an effective budget. Budgets are not complex, but sticking to them can be tough. When planning your budget, be realistic about your expenses. If you know that you drop $18 at a movie, don’t write $12 in that space simply because you wish you were spending less. If you are eyeing a big purchase, such as a $150 skateboard, spend less and save more until you have the total amount. No matter how attractive it may be, avoid spending your savings. One day, you will thank yourself! Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. Who is the passage written for? 【解析】选[B]。预览选项可知,本题可能考查短文的目标读者。由短文中提到的aren’t…breadwinner,allowance及For kids推断,短文主要是给孩子看的,教他们怎么合理花钱,故答案为[B]。 【点睛】考查人物的选项需要根据短文中关键信息进行推理判断。 27. What is the purpose of making a budget? 【解析】选[C]。选项均以不定式开头以及savings,money表明,本题考查某人做某事的目的,且与理财有关。问题是问做预算的目的。由短文中提到的creating a budget can help you deal with your expenses and plan for the future可知,答案为[C]“帮助人们更好地理财”。 【点睛】问题中的making a budget对应短文中的creating a budget,[C]是接下来内容的综合表述。 28. What should people do when planning a budget? 【解析】选[A]。选项均以原​形动词开头表明,本题可能考查观点建议或行为动作。问题询问计划预算时人们应该做什么。短文中的When planning your budget, be realistic about your expenses. If…you drop $18…don’t write $12…表明,答案为[A]。 Passage Two 【听前预测】选项中的Patients,Doctors,emergency rooms等表明,短文涉及医生和病人的关系。 If you ever felt like your doctor was trying to push you out of the examination room before you had a chance to explain your condition, you are not alone. A new study from the Mayo Clinic shows that most people agree on what makes a good doctor and it definitely isn’t one who hurries through a visit. A doctor’s skills can affect a patient’s emotional response and recovery very positively or very negatively, a research shows. Based on the new study, which surveyed 192 patients, it can be concluded that a model doctor should be confident, sympathetic, kind, personal, forthright, respectful and thorough. “What every patient wants is a doctor who pays them personal attention,” said James Li, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic Division of Allergic Diseases. Li is helping to develop programs for teaching doctors how to strengthen their interactions with patients. “It’s really the duty of the medical community to design a better health care system, so that doctors are able to exhibit those qualities for the good of the patients,” he said. Many patients nowadays are directed to urgent care facilities or, for lack of good insurance, forced to go to emergency rooms for problems that used to be handled right away. In either case, waiting time can be hours and actual facing time with a doctor might be just seconds. “The days when doctors remembered their patients’ names might no longer exit, but medical schools can fill in this crack by incorporating the seven behavioral things into their training,” Li said. “If patients have opportunities to tell their stories, to be asked questions and have the doctors describe understanding of what has been shared, it leaves them feeling like they’re heard,” Li said. Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. Whose duty is this passage mainly concerned about? 【解析】选[B]。短文介绍的重点是医生,主要围绕什么样的医生是好医生来展开论述:一个好医生应该具备自信、同情心、和蔼、真诚、彬彬有礼的和过硬的素质,故答案为[B]。 【点睛】听清问题中的Whose duty再根据常理不难选出答案。 30. Which statement is the right doctor’s behavior? 【解析】选[C]。本题考查什么样的医生行为是好的。短文中提到,现在许多病人感到医生总想把自己推出检查室,或者一到医院就直接被安排进加急护理病房或急诊室,这些行为都是不好的,故排除[A]、[B]、[D]。结合上题解析,[C]所描述的行为符合a model doctor,即好医生的行为,故答案为[C]。另外,本题依据常识即可推测出答案。 【点睛】听清问题中的right doctor’s behavior是解题关键。 31. What can be inferred from the passage? 【解析】选[D]。短文主要针对现在医生的问题进行叙述,由短文中提到的医生 push you out,hurries through a visit,病人 are forced,waiting…hours,facing time with a doctor…seconds 等都能推断出许多医生缺乏足够的责任心,故答案为[D]。 Passage Three 【听前预测】选项中的a couple to afford a child,Asia,Let women stay at home and have a baby,Asian governments等表明,短文介绍的是亚洲某方面的经​济生活。 The small number of newborn babies, which has been caused by high prices and the changing social situation of women, is one of the most serious problems in Asia. When people talk about it, you can hear a word invented in Japan — “DINKS”, which means Double Income No Kids. In many major Asian cities like Seoul, Singapore, and Tokyo, the cost of a house is extremely high. A young couple who want to buy their own house may have to pay about $300,000 though prices have fallen. For a flat with one bedroom, one dining-room, a kitchen, and a bathroom, the couple will pay about $900 a month. What’s more, if they want to have a child, the child’s education is very expensive. For example, most kindergarten charges are at least $5,000 a year. In such a situation, it’s difficult to afford children. The number of married women who want to continue working increases rapidly because they enjoy their jobs. However, if they want to have children, they immediately have serious problems. Though most companies allow women to leave their jobs for a short time to have a baby, they expect women with babies to give up their jobs. In short, if they want to bring up children properly, both parents have to work, but it is hard for mothers to work. Indeed, women who want to continue working have to choose between having children or keeping their jobs. In a word, Asian governments must take steps to improve the present situation as soon as possible. Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32. What do we learn from the passage? 【解析】选[C]。短文主要介绍亚洲的生活成本太高,引发的主要问题是新生儿出生率下降。文中提到在日本人们把双收入但没有小孩的夫妇叫做DINKS,invented in Japan表明该词是在亚洲发明的,故答案为[C]。 33. To buy a flat and send a child to kindergarten, how much will a couple pay each year? 【解析】选[D]。本题考查数字。短文中提到,一套一室一厅的房子每月要花900美元,一年共花10,800美元,如果要送孩子上幼儿园,每年最少要花5,000美元,两项加起来每年要花15,800美元,故答案为[D]。 【点睛】数字题短文中会出现两个以上的数字,并且要进行简单的计算。 34. What does the speaker seem to believe that Asian governments should do? 【解析】选[B]。选项均以原​形动词开头表明,本题可能考查观点建议。问题询问说话者认为亚洲政府应该做什么。短文中提到,政府应该尽快采取措施改善目前的状况,而目前的状况指的就是妇女生孩子和工作相冲突的问题,故答案为[B]。 35. What is the main problem being discussed in the passage? 【解析】选[A]。由选项概括性很强可知,本题可能考查短文的主题。短文一开始就提出主要问题:The small number of newborn babies,故答案为[A]。 【点睛】短文主旨首先可根椐选项内容进行推断,然后根据短文内容进行确定。短文开头和结尾一定要给予足够重视。 Section C 36.【解析】enriched。由该句中的On the contrary推断,本空所填词应与are构成肯定含义,与前面的are held back相反,极可能也是过去分词形式的动词。 37.【解析】disadvantages。空前的many表明,本空应填一复数名词,故书写时别漏掉词尾的s或es。空后的It can have a bad effect表明,本空所填词应表示不利条件。 38.【解析】personality。空前的total表明,本空应填一名词,本空所填词应为intellectual ability的上义词。 39.【解析】academic。空后的ability表明,本空应填一形容词。由本段首句推测,本空所填词应为intellectual的近义复现。 40.【解析】contributes。空前的mixed-ability teaching表明,本空所填词应用动词的第三人称单数形式,不要漏掉s或es。空后的to表明,本空所填动词能与to搭配使用。 41.【解析】cooperate。与work in groups有关的是团队成员之间的合作。空前的to表明,本空应填一个原​形动词,与空后的to share,and to develop…对应。 42.【解析】evaluate。空前的and表明,本空应填一个与analyze 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 意义相关的原​形动词。 43.【解析】effectively。communicate作“交流”解时为不及物动词,故本空中应填一个副词。副词往往以-ly结尾,故书写时别漏掉词尾的ly。 44.【答案】Sometimes the pupils work in pairs and sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments 【Main Points】The pupils sometimes work together and sometimes individually 45.【答案】We encourage our pupils to use the library and we teach them the skills in order to do this efficiently 【Main Points】We encourage our pupils to use the library and teach them to be efficient 46.【答案】We expect our pupils to do their best and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal 【Main Points】We expect our pupils to do their best and encourage them to attain this goal 标准听力(二)听力原文及答案解析 Listening Comprehension Section A 11. W: Look what a mess you’ve made! I’ve told you several times, but you just turn a deaf ear to me. Can you listen to my words for once? M: Shut up! You’re driving me mad with your constant complaining. Q: What does the woman complain about the man? 【听前预测】由选项中的He never takes...seriously,He is always impatient等可知,对话可能与对男士的抱怨有关。 【解 析】选[C]。对话中女士提到you just turn a deaf ear to me,[C]是对女士的话的同义转述,故答案为[C]。turn a deaf ear to sb.意为“对某人说的话充耳不闻”,drive sb. mad 意为“把某人逼疯”。[A]和[B]是针对a deaf ear和drive… mad设的干扰项。 12. W: Bill, will you tell me Mary’s phone number? M: Well, it’s just at the tip of my tongue, but I have to look it up in my notebook. Q: What does the man mean? 【听前预测】由He can’t,He doesn’t know可知,男士的话为听音重点。 【解 析】选[B]。男士的话it’s just at the tip of my tongue为听音重点,[B]是对男士的话的同义转述,故答案为[B]。sth. is at the tip of one’s tongue意为“话到嘴边,某人记得某事但一时没想起来”。look up意为“查找”。 13. M: My father wants me to see a new kid — a guy named Tom. How about going with me? W: Okay. I might as well go. Nothing better to do. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 【听前预测】由选项中的should,will,might,Going to等可知,本题考查将来的动作。 【解 析】选[D]。对话中男士提到to see a new kid,女士回答I might as well go. Nothing better to do(我也去,反正没其他事好做),[D]是对两人所说的话的概括,故为答案。how about后接名词或动名词,表示建议,意为“……怎么样?”。 14. W: Have Michael and Joan Smith had a baby yet? They’ve been married for two years now. M: Michael indicated to me that they’d postpone having children until he gets his law degree. Q: How do the Smiths feel about children? 【听前预测】由选项中的They,don’t want,wishes to have children等可知,对话可能与They是否要孩子有关。 【解 析】选[B]。对话中男士提到postpone having children until…(推迟要孩子,直到……),[B] 中的not…for the time being对应postpone…until…,want children对应having children,故答案为[B]。for the time being 意为“暂时;眼下,目前”。 15. W: Mr. David, you are such a nice young man and you have been taking good care of me ever since I first arrived here. I shall always feel grateful to you for everything you’ve done for me. M: It’s very kind of you to say so, but really I don’t think I had done nearly enough. Q: What does the man mean? 【听前预测】根据意思相反的两个选项中有一个很可能是答案的命题规律,答案范围锁定在[C]和[D]之间。由选项中的He has done和he could等可知,男士的话为听音重点。 【解 析】选[D]。男士的转折表述but really I don’t think I had done nearly enough.(但我觉得自己做的真的不够)为听音重点。[D]是对男士所说的话的同义转述,故答案为[D]。 16. M: I’ve been working out at the gym since February so… I’d been waiting to get in better shape. W: You look terrific! Seems like all your hard work has paid off. Q: What does the woman mean? 【听前预测】选项中反复出现的The man以及working,hard,work等表明,对话可能与男士的行为(努力程度)有关。 【解 析】选[C]。对话中男士说I’ve been working out...to get in better shape(我一直在锻炼……让体形变得更好),女士回答Seems like all your hard work has paid off(看上去你的辛苦努力得到了回报)表明,男士经​过努力锻炼体形已经​改善了,故答案为[C]。work out在此指“健身、锻炼”。pay off在此意为“成功”。 17. M: Why did Margaret call yesterday? W: She wanted to pick up some magazines she lent me. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 【听前预测】由选项中的magazines,return,lend,borrow,get 及反复出现的the woman可知,对话与杂志的借、还有关,女士的话为听音重点。 【解 析】选[D]。对话中女士回答She (Margaret) wanted to pick up some magazines she lent me(Margaret要取回她借给我的杂志),[D]为该话的同义转述,故为答案。 18. M: You know I had to leave the basketball game halfway through last night, so I never found out who won. W: Well, don’t look at me. I was just a few minutes behind you. Q: What does the woman mean? 【听前预测】由选项中均出现the game可知,对话与比赛有关。She didn’t,She’s also curious等表明,女士的话为听音重点。 【解 析】选[B]。女士的话I was just a few minutes behind you(我就比你晚几分钟提前离开)为听音重点,[B]是对女士的话的同义转述,故为答案。干扰项[D]中的behind(指空间)是对女士说的behind(指时间)在意义上的干扰。 Now you will hear the two long conversations. Conversation One 【听前预测】预览四道题各选项,由Students,much securer,on campus,rent an apartment,choose their roommates,can cook,rent/ Renters,apartments等推断,对话与学生在校内居住还是校外租公寓有关,可能涉及到各自的好处或坏处等。 M: Good morning, Ms. Smith. Welcome to our today’s show. W: Thank you. M: Today we’re going to talk about the living of foreign students in our country. You know, for
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