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ISInullSCI科学引文索引数据库 ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE 材料学院 朱寒 TEL: (010) 64428803 13661331059 E-mail: zhuhan@mail.buct.edu.cnSCI科学引文索引数据库 ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE 上期回顾上期回顾SciFinder Scholar使用介绍通过主题,作者名,机构名去找文献通过反应式去查反应;通过化学结构或分子式去查物质nullnull引文索引的概念: 收录论文的参考文献并索引Dr. Garfield...

nullSCI科学引文索引数据库 ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE 材料学院 朱寒 TEL: (010) 64428803 13661331059 E-mail: zhuhan@mail.buct.edu.cnSCI科学引文索引数据库 ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE 上期回顾上期回顾SciFinder Scholar使用介绍通过主题,作者名,机构名去找文献通过反应式去查反应;通过化学结构或分子式去查物质nullnull引文索引的概念: 收录 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 的参考文献并索引Dr. Garfield 1955年在 Science 发表论文,提出将引文索引作为一种新的文献检索与分类工具, 将一篇文献作为检索字段从而跟踪一个Idea的发展过程Web of Science:只收录最重要的学术期刊Web of Science:只收录最重要的学术期刊严格评估和长期跟踪期刊的影响和质量,决定取舍 选择过程是毫无偏见、全面并经过时间考验的 致力于帮助研究人员专注高质量信息 收录来自250多个学科领域10,000多种核心期刊 “布莱德福定律 (Bradford‘s law) ” : 少数的核心期刊汇集了足够的信息,反映科技的最新最重要的成果与进展 为全球研究人员 提供服务为全球研究人员 提供服务ISI Web of Knowledge 覆盖: 22,000+ 期刊, 3,100百万件专利, 6万个会议录, 5,500 专业网站, 5,000本学术专著, 2 百万化学结构 ISI Web of Knowledge 提供: 一个世纪的科学发展 - 100 年的科学引文 ISI Web of Knowledge 包含: 230多个学科 深度的主题索引ISI Web of Knowledge 服务于: 2千万使用者,81个国家 超过3,000家用户 每天15万使用者如何在大量文献中发现课题发展的脉络?如何在大量文献中发现课题发展的脉络? Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. 获得良好Idea的基础扎实的专业基础知识是看懂文献的前提 广泛阅读文献:始终关注国际动态,本领域的核心期刊做到耳熟能详! 学会阅读文献,读透文献。只看核心期刊。 作者为什么要做这项工作? 如果论文是近半年内发表的,该论文解决了什么问题?引出了什么问题(结合你看的综述)? 仔细看摘要,比较你的想法与作者的是否吻合 看实验结果,想想有什么地方不完善?是否可继续深入或拓展? 获得良好Idea的基础选题时查找和阅读参考文献选题时查找和阅读参考文献尽可能全面的信息 新的研究方法和研究思路 相关的交叉学科 密切相关但自己开始没有注意到的文献 相对高质量的文献 读一篇高质量文献和一篇低质量文献要花费相同的时间 多角度分析文献,快速了解课题的来龙去脉论文的选题 –课题的调研论文的选题 –课题的调研追踪溯源 – 检索某个课题的综述文献 快速锁定本课题相关的高影响力的论文 分析研究发展趋势 了解某特定课题在不同学科的分布情况 了解与自己研究方向有关的机构 密切关注该研究领域的顶尖研究小组所发表的论文 了解某著作的被引用情况帮助获取思路,激发研究思想 提纲提纲认识科研利器:SCI科学引文索引数据库 实例 从一个主题角度开始 从一个化学结构式开始 研究的新面孔给用户带来了什么?研究的新面孔给用户带来了什么?ISI Web of Knowledge 4.0 一站式的服务提供了: 高质量的检索资源 友好的检索界面 独特的检索功能 准确的检索结果 -- 符合不同用户群的检索需求 整合的学术研究平台: 检索、分析、管理、写作 nullnull个性化的服务 检索界面 注册和其它信息 nullAll Databases 检索 替代了CrossSearch 10万检索结果 null选择检索字段 Topic包括检索文献题名, 关键词,文摘和叙词字段添加检索项年代的限制nullSearch Aid 联接到主题索引,作者索引,来源索引Select a Database 选择单一数据库检索null文献专利与生命科学相关检索举例1:有关稀土顺丁橡胶的研究检索举例1:有关稀土顺丁橡胶的研究检索词: polybutadiene选择合适的检索词null检索结果包括论文、专利及其它精炼检索结果精炼检索结果:rare earth精炼检索结果:rare earth精炼检索结果:high cis精炼检索结果:high cis主题词选择主题词选择认真审视你的课题,提炼出英文主题词。如dienes, Conjugated dienes, polybutadiene, polyisoprene等. 在主题查询中在开始对主题不要进行太多限制。 利用精炼功能来在分析,二次检索文献。检索举例2:有关聚丁二烯的课题研究分析检索举例2:有关聚丁二烯的课题研究分析检索词: polybutadienenull分析检索结果 创建引文 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 引文报告:一览全局引文报告:一览全局哪些是近几年高被引论文?热点论文? ——把握热点研究方向精炼:快速检索综述精炼:快速检索综述排序功能:锁定高影响力的论文排序功能:锁定高影响力的论文排序功能: 被引频次null精炼 – 查看课题涉及的学科类别null聚丁二烯在聚合物科学领域的文献null强大的分析功能 - 能够处理10万条 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 , 多层次的分析多角度分析把握课题研究趋势利用Web of Science强大的分析功能利用Web of Science强大的分析功能最多能够处理10万条记录可以从10个角度深入分析10个角度的深入分析: 著者 出版年 机构名称 来源出版物 学科领域 基金资助机构 授权号 国家与地区 文献类型 文献语种null出版年:了解课题的发展趋势保存至本地,用Excel打开.txt文档并作图null著者: - 发现该领域的高产出研究人员 - 有利于机构的人才招聘 选择小同行审稿专家 选择潜在的合作者null机构 - 发现该领域高产出的大学及研究机构 有利于机构间的合作 发现深造的研究机构 null国家与地区 - 发现该领域高产出的国家与地区查看记录,再次分析,发现中国在该领域: 引领机构, 高产出, 高影响力的作者 经常发表中国作者论文的期刊 与中国学者合作的国家和机构 该课题在中国的发展趋势中国在聚丁二烯领域发表的论文中国在聚丁二烯领域发表的论文中国的研究机构中国的研究机构null选择感兴趣的论文查看全记录选择感兴趣的论文查看全记录 全记录的引文链接(参考文献) 全记录的引文链接(参考文献) 全记录的引文链接(施引文献) 全记录的引文链接(施引文献) 全记录的引文链接(相关记录) 全记录的引文链接(相关记录) 全记录的引文链接(相关记录) 全记录的引文链接(相关记录)高被引论文的作者同时都在看的参考文献非常重要,应该重点阅读 获取全文 获取全文 全文链接: 查看全文免费注册,登录后可以使用个性化服务免费注册,登录后可以使用个性化服务 创建引文跟踪-随时掌握最新进展 创建引文跟踪-随时掌握最新进展null创建定题服务,随时跟踪课题最新进展创建定题服务,随时跟踪课题最新进展null可以保存检索历史在服务器或本地计算机上 可以订制定题服务定期检索相关课题,并把最新结果发送到指定的邮箱中 有效期半年,到时间后可以续订 支持RSS Feed化学结构检索化学结构检索nullwww.themegallery.com
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