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新编第二版新视野大学英语第四册unit6第六单元sectionAnullnullUnit 6Section ABribery and Business EthicsWarming Up Warming Up Discussion Discussion: bribery on campus?Discussion: bribery on campus?Living on campus, you would probably think that bribery has nothing to do with you. When asked “Can you be bought?”, ...

nullnullUnit 6Section ABribery and Business EthicsWarming Up Warming Up Discussion Discussion: bribery on campus?Discussion: bribery on campus?Living on campus, you would probably think that bribery has nothing to do with you. When asked “Can you be bought?”, you would scornfully answer “NO”! But, are you sure there is no bribery in the pure “ivory tower”? Share your opinion with your classmates. nullnullTips: bribery in cheating in exams, e.g. Band 4 & Band 6 College English Test bribery in running for some position in Students’ Union bribery in asking teacher to let you pass exams … null Questions: What is most important for the success of a business? Is bribery a common social phenomenon? Bribery or business ethics in business community? null2. Group Discussion1) The disadvantages of cheating on the exam. 2) If you are a person supervising an important test and find someone cheating on the spot, what will you do? 3) If you are the headmaster, what will you do to teach your students to be honest.nullII. UnderstandingIn the severe competitive society, businessmen want to achieve their goals by using various kinds of means. Facing huge profits, some find it difficult to keep balance between moral standard and business interest. Here comes a problem: bribery or business ethics? Text Study—UnderstandingI. Structure AnalysisI. Structure AnalysisText Study—Structure AnalysisListing + ExamplesText Part I (Paras. 1~4) Part II (Paras. 5~8) Part III (Paras. 9~11)nullviewpoint :Part I . Bribery — a common occurrence in many countries (Paras.1~4)Text Study—Understandingexample1:example 2:conclusion:bribery, on the increase, a way of lifenegotiation with government official British car manufacturerbribery, a fact of commercial lifenullText Study—UnderstandingIn this part, a writing technique is employed here: Part II . Three categories of bribery (Paras.5~8) Listing + ExamplesPart II Category 1Category 2Category 3Example 1Example 2Example 3nullText Study—UnderstandingThe 1st category: for _______________ , to ___________________.political purposessecure major contracts One US corporation offered a large sum of money in support of a US presidential candidate…Example:nullText Study—UnderstandingThe 2nd category: to _________________________, to ___________________ ___________________.obtain quicker official approvalspeed up the wheel a sales manager who had been trying for some months to sell road machinery to the Minister of Works…Example:of governmentnullText Study—Understanding The 3rd category: to pay people to help with the _______ of a business deal.passage Some Middle East countries would be included on this list, as well as certain Asian countries. Example:nullText Study—Understanding1. Who is making efforts to prohibit bribery?2. How to prohibit bribery?3. What is the prospect?Part III . Efforts to prohibit bribery and its prospect (Paras.9~11) ICC.Set up a code of conduct that would ban giving and seeking of bribes.Opinions differ among members of the ICC.It is difficult to square business interests with moral conscience. nullbribery3. Key Words nullbribery:Numerous officials figured in the bribery scandal.  许多官员与这桩受贿丑闻有牵连。 The newspapers condemned the Prime Minister for accepting bribery.  报纸谴责首相收受贿赂。 n. The act of giving and taking bribes 行贿,受贿null 常用词组 commit bribery 行[受]贿 bribery case 受贿[行贿]事件nullWords related to bribery: ▲ bribery n. the act of offering money or sth. valuable to sb in order to persuade them to do sth 行贿、受贿 accuse sb. of bribery 控告某人行贿受贿 e.g. He was jailed on charges of bribery. 他因行贿受贿而入狱。 to offer/ give bribery 行贿 to take/ accept/ receive bribery 受贿 nullCompare: bribe n.(countable noun) (指实物或钱财): He admitted taking bribes. In return for a bribe of $5, the guard let the prisoner go. v. 贿赂(某人) 他试图用金钱贿赂警察。 He tried to bribe the policeman with money. 她被收买而说谎。 She was bribed to tell lies. bribery-giver 行贿者 bribery-receiver/taker 受贿者 On the take: (slang): regularly taking bribes: They claim that a senior police officer is on the take. 他们声称一名高级警官受贿。null▲ ethic (countable noun). Moral rules and principles 道 德,伦理 ethical. Adj. no comparision ① connected with ethic 伦理的,道德的 ② morally good or right 合乎道德的 ethical conduct 道德行为 (supplementary)moral fiber 道德品行 ethics (uncountable noun) the study of morals 伦理学 Fill in the blanks Medical ethics __ (don’t/doesn't) permit the doctor to do that. Ethics __(are/is) a branch of philosophy. null形近词: ethnic adj. of a racial, national or tribal group. 种族的,部落的 e.g. ethnic art 民族艺术 ethnic traditions 民俗 ethnic minority 少数民族 ethnic pride 民族自豪感 ethnocentric 种族优越感的 null在增长中 生活方式 付款,还钱 遵守,履行 实际上 指控,指责 私下的,秘密的 由…组成 支持,拥护 正在调查中 4. Useful Expressions on the increase a way of life pay up stand by in practice accuse of in private consist of in support of under investigationnull 抛弃,扔掉 完成交易 使(…)加快速度 碰巧想出 区别,辨别 实际上,意味着 检点自己的行为 陷入,遭到 符合 throw out close a deal speed up hit on/upon distinguish between amount to behave oneself be caught in square…with null1) on the increase:Is the consumption of beer still on the increase?  啤酒的消耗量仍在增加吗? Armed robbery is on the increase everywhere.  持械劫案各地均有增无已。 becoming more frequent or greater in number or intensitynull2) a way of life: how people do things or liveImmoral behavior threatens our way of life.  不道德的行为对我们现存的生活方式构成了威胁。 Our way of life has been preserved.  我们的生活方式维持不变 。null3) pay up : pay in full, often unwillinglyYou have three days to pay up.  你须在3天内还清欠款。 He finally pay up six month late.  他最终付清了欠款但晚了6个月。null 习惯用语 pay back 报复 (= pay off, pay out, serve out); 偿还;偿付 I'll certainly pay you back for what you did to me! "你那样对待我,我一定要回敬你的!" How can I pay you back for all your kindness? 你的这番好意我该怎么报答呢? pay off 还清;偿清; 结清工资解雇(某人); 成功 Did your plan pay off? 你的计划成功了吗? Our plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea. "我们的计划当然成功了,那是个很好的主意。" pay out 花费;支出 I paid out a lot of money for that car. 为了那辆汽车我花了不少钱。 null4) stand by : remain faithful toWe will stand by you whatever happens. 无论发生什么事情,我们都支持你。 Whatever we do, we should stand by our promises. 无论做什么事情,我们都要遵守诺言。null 习惯用语 stand down 退出竞选;离开证人席 stand for 代表,表示;意指;象征;容忍;允许 stand in 当替身;代替 stand out 明显;醒目;突出;杰出;坚持;支撑 to stand out a crisis 挨过危机 stand up 耐久;耐用;成立 Will the charge stand up in court? 这个指控在法庭上能成立吗? stand up for 维护;拥护;支持 null5) in practice : in reality; when actually appliedIn practice he is a cool person, but he seems to be hurrying every day. 实际上他是个冷静的人但表面看来每天都慌慌张张的。 He said ‘yes’, but in practice he means ‘no’. 他嘴上说是,但是实际上是持否定态度的。null6) accuse of : blame by saying that they have done sth. morally wrong, illegal, unpleasant or unkind I don‘t think anyone can accuse him of not being frank.  我看谁也不能说他不坦率。 On her bad days she'd accuse us all of stealing her things.  碰到她情绪极坏的时候,她甚至还会控告我们所有的人,说我们都偷了她的东西。nullcharge accuse 都含“控告”、“谴责”的意思。charge 指“因犯较大错误或重大罪行而进行正式法律控诉”; accuse 指“当面指控或指责, 不一定诉诸法庭”. The police are going to him with murder. They him of taking bribes. chargeaccusednull7) in private: with no one else present I will tell you a true story related to our office in private. 我会私下告诉你一个有关我们办公室的真实故事。 Some workers offer bribes to their boss in private, wanting to get a pay rise. 有工人私下向老板行贿,想涨工资。 null8) consist of: be formed from two or more thingsTheir lives consist of the humdrum activities of everyday existence.  他们的生活由日常生存的平凡活动所构成。 Substances consist of small particles called molecules.  物质是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。null9) in support of: supporting Great popular demonstrations occurred in support of the statement.  群众举行了大规模游行,支持这项声明。 He adduced facts in support of his theory.  他列举许多事实来证实他的理论。 nullsupport uphold sustain maintain back 都含"支持"、"支援"的意思。support 系常用词, 指"支撑"、"给某人[物]以积极援助或支持“; uphold 指"对某人、某种活动、信仰等给予支持、道义上的支援或精神上的鼓舞“; maintain 指" 使保持某种情况或状态而不受损害"、"使保持完整所给予的力量“; back 指"支持(论点、行动、企业等)“. The government the law. We should each other. I'll you up in your demands. His words me greatly. His hope for future him. maintainssupportbackupholdsustainednull10) under investigation : being investigated Since then, the subject has been extensively explored and it is still under investigation  从那以后,该课题获得了广泛的探讨并且仍在研究中。 The love affairs about Bill is under investigation. 关于比尔的桃色新闻正在调查中。null11) throw out: get rid of; make sb. leave because of a faultThey were determined to throw out the reactionary government.  他们决心把反动政府赶下台。 Today‘s organizations have thrown out many old telecommunications tools.  如今的机构已经 抛弃了很多旧的电子交通工具。 nullthrow away 因愚蠢而失去,白白放过;放弃;丢掉 throw out 否决;不接受 throw over 放弃;跟(某人)吹了;把(某人)甩了 (= throw overboard) throw together 匆匆做成;胡乱凑成; throw up 造就(人才);出(名人);呕吐null12) close a deal: make a successful business arrangementLet me have a little time to work out the quantities. perhaps we can close a deal.  请给我一定的时间计算数量,也许我们可以成交。 In order to close this deal, we shall further reduce our price by 5%.  为了完成交易,我们再降低价格的5%。 null13) speed up: make happen or move more quickly Traffic should speed up soon.  车行速度应该马上就可以快起来。 We are going to be late, Can you speed up a little?  我们就要迟到了,可不可以开快点? nullhaste hurry speed 都含“快速”、“快”的意思。 haste指“ 急速的行动”, 其原因可能是环境压力, 也可能是强烈的愿望; hurry指“仓促忙乱的动作”; speed 指“快速的动作”, 暗指“不忙乱、有效率”。 She made to tell her mother the good news. the of city life increase the of an assembly line hastehurryspeednull14) hit upon/on: think of unexpectedly Eventually, Barnes and Hibbard hit upon the right measurements.  最后,巴尼斯和哈比德终于发现了正确的测试方法。 He hit upon the solution to the problem almost by accident.  他几乎是偶然地找到了解决问题的办法。 null 习惯用语 hit off 模仿 hit it off (with) 相处得好,合得来 These children hit it off well in the kindergarten. 这些小孩在幼儿园里相处得很好。 These foreign students hit it off with the natives. 这些外国留学生和本地人相处得很好。 hit on 无意中遇到;偶然发现;忽然想起 (= hit upon) Robert has hit upon an idea that will get us out of our difficulty. "罗伯特想出了一个好主意,可以使我们摆脱困境。" hit out at 严厉地抨击 (= hit out against) null15) distinguish between: recognize the difference between He can't distinguish between a genuine antique and a reproduction.  他区分不出真正的古董和仿制品。 I don't see how you can distinguish between the two.  我不明白您怎么能区分这两者。 null 习惯用语 be distinguished as 辨明为, 称之为 be distinguished by 以...为特征 be distinguished for 以...而著名 be distinguished from 不同于; 与...加以区别 distinguish...from... 辨别, 识别; 把...和...区别开 distinguish oneself 使自己与众不同; 使自己出名null16) amount to: fail to achieve; fail to remain level His words amount to a refusal.  他说的话等于是拒绝。 Their traveling expenses amount to seven hundred dollars. 他们的旅费共达700 美元。null17) behave oneself: act in a way that people think is correct or proper Please behave yourself, it is such a serious occasion. 请检点一点,这可是个严肃的场合。 I hope you will behave yourself with decorum at the funeral. 我们希望你在葬礼上做到得体有礼。null18) be caught in: if one is caught in an unpleasant situation or a storm, it happens when one cannot avoid it I'm afraid we shall be caught in the rain on the way.  我担心我们在路上会遇到下雨。 If you take over Dora's job, you are sure to be caught in the middle.  如果接替多拉的工作,你一定会被搞得进退两难。 null20) square …with: match known or accepted facts, standards, etc.Before leaving the hotel, I will square accounts with the boss.  离开旅馆之前,我要和老板结清帐目。 His actions square with his words.  他言行一致。null1) The minister of Trade makes it clear to you that if you offer him a substantial bribe, you will find it much easier to get an import license for your goods. (L5)两个’it’都是做形式宾语,第一个’it’代表的真正主语是’that if you… ‘;第二个’it’代表的真正主语是条’to get an import… eg: He made it clear that he wanted to go aboard. He found it much difficult to obtain a degree. 5. Key and Difficult Sentences贸易部长向你明确表示如能给他一大笔贿赂,拿到进口许可证就会容易得多。null1. be accused of 被指控 2. pay bribes 行贿 3. exaggerated commission 高额回扣 4. additional discounts 额外折扣 5. make payments to向…汇款2) Some time ago a British car manufacturer was accused of operating a fund to pay bribes, and of other questionable practices such as paying agents and purchasers an exaggerated commission, offering additional discounts, and making payments to numbered bank accounts in Switzerland.. (L10)一家英国汽车制造商被指控经管一笔基金行贿,还有其他一些可疑运作,如给代理商和客户高额回扣、提供额外折扣、向一些在瑞士银行开的匿名账户汇款等。null3) An interesting example of this kind of payment is provided by the story of a sales manager who had been trying for some months to sell road machinery to the Minister of Works of a Caribbean country. (L44)有个故事是说明这类支出的有趣例子:有个销售经理几个月来一直试图向加勒比地区一个国家的建工部长推销道路 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 机械1. be provided by 由 …提供的 2. Who引导定语从句修饰manager nullBut 连接两个并列的动词不定式,表示转折的含义 eg: What he says has nothing to do with you, but have everything to do with your sister.4) The job of a business community like the ICC is to say what is right and wrong, but not to impose anything. (64)像国际商会这样的商业团体该做的是表明孰对孰错,而非强制实行什么。null1. square his business interests with his moral conscience 既确保自己的商业利益,又无愧道德良心 2. Selling overseas markets 现在分词做定语 5) Today’s businessman, selling in overseas markets, will frequently meet situations where it is difficult to square his business interests with his moral conscience. (L68)当今做海外销售的商人们经常难以达到既确保自己的商业利益,又无愧道德良心的境地。nullBribery and Business Ethicsnull Nowadays it is hard to deny the fact that bribery and other questionable payments are on the increase. Many international businessmen find it difficult to their own personal of ethnics. For instance, sometimes during negotiations some government ministers will let be known that a bribe will help delays in procedure. It is easy to talk about having high moral standards but, practice, what would one really do in such a situation? In the world of business does a businessman pay or does he stick his principles and the chance of facing multiple future difficulties? A number of years ago a British motor producer was willing to , in private, that if they were not 1.SummaryB. practiceA. codeB. significantC. itA. avoidA. inD. competitiveD. toC. riskB. statenull doing it certainly somebody else would. In many countries the of bribery has been a course of conduct hundreds of years and in it appears that the incidence of giving bribes is the increase. Of course bribery and other questionable practices come in many and forms and can be achieved a variety of means overstated commissions direct payments. 1.SummaryC. thenB. practiceA. forC. normalD. othersA. onB. shapesA. byC. ranging fromD. tonullWe would not stand by and let bribery in various forms be on the increase. 1. 我们不会听凭形形色色的贿赂行为不断增加而无动于衷。 to stand by《读写 教程 人力资源管理pdf成真迷上我教程下载西门子数控教程protel99se入门教程fi6130z安装使用教程 IV》: Ex. X, p. 1592. Translationto be on the increase in various formsnullWhile lending you the substantial sum of money, I made it clear to you that if you couldn’t pay it off in time, you might be accused of taking bribes. 2. 我在把那一大笔钱借给你的时候就跟你讲清楚了,如果你不能及时还钱,你也许会被指控受贿。 to make it cleat to youthe substantial sum of moneyto be accused of taking bribesnullCompetition of financial power has become a fact of political life; but if you receive questionable political contributions for this reason, you will soon be under investigation.3. 财力竞争已成为政治生活中的一个事实,但是如果你为此接受可疑的政治捐款,你很快就会受到调查。 competition of financial powera fact of political lifeto be under investigationnullTo secure major arms deal contracts, they have made a substantial donation to the bank account of the party in power. 4. 为获取大宗武器交易 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 ,他们给执政党的银行账户捐了一大笔钱。to secure major arms deal contractsthe party in powerto make a substantial donation tonullHe hit upon a good method to speed up the progress of the experiment, but opinions differed among members of the group on it. 5. 他突然想到了一个加速实验进程的好办法,但组里的成员却对此意见不一。to hit uponto speed up the progress ofopinions differ amongnullIt’s difficult to enforce the new law because people are not ready to act on it. 6. 新法律很难实施,因为人们不愿意遵守。to enforce (the law)to be not ready to do…to act on (the law)nullWe think it’s the business of the United Nations troops to enforce a ceasefire in that area, while the job of the local government is to prepare to restore law and order.7. 我们认为,在该地区实施停火是联合国部队的 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx ,而当地政府的责任是准备重建法律和秩序。to enforce ceasefireto restore law and orderto be the business of somebodynullHaving made this decision, she joined the organization, which is in support of woman’s rights.8. 做出了这个决定后,她就加入了那个支持妇女权利的组织抵御。to make this decisionin support of women’s rightsnullBribery and Business EthicsnullStudy Plans计划是为完成一定时期的任务而事前对目标、措施和步骤作出简要部署的事务文 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 。 特点: 1.预见性和可行性。   2.指导性和可变性。nullStudy Plans 8 要素· what (什么) –学习的目的、内容 · who (谁) – 学习人 ·where (何处) -学习实施场所 ·when (何时) -学习的时间 ·why (为什么) -学习缘由、前景 ·how (如何) -学习的方法和具体实施 ·how much (多少) -学习预算 ·effect (效果) -预测学习结果nullA SampleA Plan to Enhance Oral English in This Term 1. what: To improve the ability of oral English. 2.who: I will try my best to achieve this aim. 3.where: Carry it out mainly in the back garden. 4.when: Everyday after class and at dawn. 5. why: I am so shy to speak English. 6.how: Talk with others or read aloud. 7.How much: zero! 8. effect: I dare communicate with others. nullYour TaskYou want to get improvement in your writing, please make a study plan about it.nullBribery and Business Ethicsnull1. The definition of ‘Honesty’真诚老实。 汉·王符 《潜夫论·实贡》:“夫高论而相欺,不若忠论而诚实。”《京本通俗小说·错斩崔宁》:“劝君出语须诚实,口舌从来是祸基。” 巴金 《谈<灭亡>》:“《灭亡》不是一本革命的书,但它是一本诚实的作品。” 确实;实在。《后汉书·郭太传》:“ 林宗 追而谢之曰: ‘ 贾子厚 诚实凶德,然洗心向善。 仲尼不逆互乡,故吾许其进也。’”《古尊宿语录·云峰悦禅师初住翠岩语录》:“师云:‘从来丛林极有商量,或有道,须知黄檗有陷虎之机。又道,须知 南泉 有杀虎之威。若据与么说话,诚实苦哉。’” 《ZDIC.NET 汉 典 网》Chinese phrases related to ‘honesty’ Chinese phrases related to ‘honesty’ 诚忘 诚明 诚悫 诚伪 诚身 诚効 诚服  诚契 诚贯 诚能 诚烈 诚款 诚言 诚念  诚然 诚庄 诚敬 诚至金开 披诚 沥诚 殚诚毕虑  憨诚 素诚 摅诚  主敬 存诚 夙诚 致诚 驰诚 内诚 肫诚 温诚 开诚 坚诚 坦诚 真心诚意  菲诚  3. Enjoy English articles about ‘honesty’ 3. Enjoy English articles about ‘honesty’ It Pays to Be Honest Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake product to their consumers; some students cheat in the exams.   Dishonest people are short-sighted. Those who sell fake products may make money at first, but consumers won‘t buy their products any more. As a result, they will lose their fortune or even be sent to prison. By contrast, honest people gain a lot.    Those who always tell truth or keep to their prom is not only let others trust them but gain respect from other people as well. Such persons are sure to have a lot of good friends. Because they are trustable and respectable, everyone is eager to make friends with them. Beside
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