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口语真经3(1-52页) 前 言 外国在大多数人印象中是充满着秀丽风景的画卷,闻花香、听鸟语,连空气也是 晶莹剔透、清爽宜人,令人向往、憧憬。出国留学听起来更是件无比风光、精彩异常 的事情。但有过留学经历的人知道,那段生活是一种炼狱、是一种近乎绝望的心境、 是一种孤独忍受的桎梏,但他们的心底也由此形成了强大的力量和迎接挑战的勇气。 初到加拿大,这个冰雪覆盖的土地正在迎接那年的春天。我一个人带着两个大箱 子降落在温哥华国际机场。心情很复杂,既有对留学生活的憧憬、好奇,又有对未来 的彷徨、不确定。短暂的热闹和新奇之后,迎接我的是...

前 言 外国在大多数人印象中是充满着秀丽风景的画卷,闻花香、听鸟语,连空气也是 晶莹剔透、清爽宜人,令人向往、憧憬。出国留学听起来更是件无比风光、精彩异常 的事情。但有过留学经历的人知道,那段生活是一种炼狱、是一种近乎绝望的心境、 是一种孤独忍受的桎梏,但他们的心底也由此形成了强大的力量和迎接挑战的勇气。 初到加拿大,这个冰雪覆盖的土地正在迎接那年的春天。我一个人带着两个大箱 子降落在温哥华国际机场。心情很复杂,既有对留学生活的憧憬、好奇,又有对未来 的彷徨、不确定。短暂的热闹和新奇之后,迎接我的是各种崩溃与无助,比如去银行 开户、存钱。费尽周折才用自己可怜、有限的英语 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达清楚,小心谨慎地把爸妈资助 的学费、生活费存入银行。当时万分感慨,出国前怎么没恶补下口语,多记些单词, 多练些听力?除此之外,还有很多出国前没来得及准备或没想到的事情。学做饭就是 其中之一。既想要经济实惠、又想填饱肚子,除了自己动手做饭没有别的选择。我的 第一学期就是在方便面配合夹生饭中度过的。好在最终练就了高超的烹饪技术,但代 价却是数不清的创可贴和纱布。 由于发音、表达方式以及文化的差异,我的英语经常表达无效,被人无视。沮 丧、懊恼、挫败感让我想撞墙,有段时间甚至怀疑自己的英语是火星话,没有人能听 懂。沟通不畅导致的后果是老外直接不带我“玩”。没有朋友、倍感孤独与无助的我 开始发神经似的边听新闻、看电影,边做跟读来解闷。后来意外发现这倒是一种迅速 提升听力、口语以及发音的好方法。建议广大同学们也试试,保证效果显著。后来我 可以自如地和那些金发碧眼的同学、老师交谈与这段孤独境遇是分不开的。 挑战与收获不仅来自生活,学习上也是荆棘丛生,一路摔打着往前奔。听不懂课 是最普遍的一件事。我的 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 证明,即使英语再好,想听懂课也需要一段时间适应。 因此,建议大家准备个录音笔,在课堂中物色个老外做你的“书记员”,然后回家再 认真理解、消化课上内容,这样就不会因为听不懂课导致考试挂掉。我一直是乐观的、 积极向上的。在绝望、痛苦的时候总是告慰自己要坚强,这点风浪不算什么,会有办 法,会有出路。即将出国的学弟、学妹们,你们的选择是正确的,将在正确的时间, 做一件正确的事情。人生难得有这样的一段时间、精力,并有父母的支持来体验一段 与同龄人不一样的生活。平淡、精彩、痛苦、欣喜编织我们留学生涯的整个过程。 来自情感、生活、学业各个方面的洗礼磨练了我们的意志与性情。这些经历使我 们快速成长、成熟起来。出国是件好事,虽伴随着各种艰难险阻,但不要放弃,因为 眼界的开阔和经历的打磨是无形的能力,将影响着我们未来生活的幸福、事业的发展。 作为出国留学的先行者,以及一名教授新托福的一线教师,我一直想把自己收获 的知识与广大考生分享。为此,我结合自己在托福教学过程中积累的经验和对考生们 的了解,编写了《新托福口语真经 2》和《新托福写作真经 2》。两本书自面市以来销 量不俗,深受考生喜爱。于是在这种激励下,我又编写了这本《新托福口语真经 3》, 希望考生们可以通过研读书中的技巧,结合足够的有效练习,提高口语技能,进而赢 得口语高分。 具体来说,本书将从以下几个方面直击考试,帮助考生考出理想成绩: 1. 收录 24套 2010-2011年口语真题,帮助考生应对重复考题,为考生提供必备考 前练习资料。一般来说,ETS出题规律性很强,经常出现重复考题,且每年大部分考 题多出自前一年的考试内容。本书收录的真题直击考试,可以有效帮助考生通过练习 提高应试能力。 2. 快速掌握口语解题技巧,提高解题能力。本书第一部分以 2011年 1月 8日的 真题为例,具体详尽地分析了托福口语部分的解题思路和技巧。简洁、明了地向考生 传达高效的解题 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 以及各种在答题中出现的应对措施与提示,是考生必备的考前指 南。 3. 提供简洁、实用的笔记内容。在解答“综合口语”任务时,考生最大的问题是 听记。很多考生反映,他们无法在播放听力材料时迅速、同步地将所听重点记录下来。 针对此类问题,本书在每套题中加入了笔记内容,学生可以参照笔记,了解听记中哪 些信息要记,哪些不需要记。通过集中练习,提高记录有效信息的能力。 4. 提供高分答案。答案部分是作者以考生的角度,按照 ETS考官的要求给出的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 答案。语言简洁、实用,句子结构灵活、多样,用词巧妙。帮助考生迅速解决语 言表达中词汇不够用、句子结构单一等问题,全面提高语言表达能力。 5. 汇总高频实用词汇。本书的附录部分收录了大量的常用口语词汇,帮助考生解 决由于词汇不够而导致表达不畅通的问题。 真心希望本书能为广大考生解决新托福口语备考和英语学习过程中的困惑,并为 考生们实现自己的留学梦想助一臂之力。 常远 2011年 8月 目 录 第一章  托福 iBT考试简介及口语例题讲解 关于托福 iBT ·························································································································3 关于托福 iBT 口语 ················································································································6 口语考试界面 ···················································································································6 口语考试题型介绍 ············································································································9 口语考试评分标准 ···········································································································10 例题讲解 ·····························································································································16 第二章  2011-2010 年最新托福 iBT考试口语真题 2011年 5月 14日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ··········································································41 2011年 4月 9日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ············································································53 2011年 3月 26日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ··········································································65 2011年 2月 26日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ··········································································77 2010年 12月 12日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································89 2010年 12月 4日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································101 2010年 11月 21日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ······································································113 2010年 11月 14日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ······································································125 2010年 10月 23日北美托福 iBT考试口语真题 ·······························································137 2010年 10月 23日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ······································································149 2010年 10月 9日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································161 2010年 9月 26日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································173 2010年 9月 18日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································185 2010年 9月 12日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································197 2010年 8月 14日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································209 2010年 7月 10日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································221 2010年 6月 26日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································233 2010年 5月 22日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································245 2010年 5月 16日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································256 2010年 4月 24日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································268 2010年 4月 10日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································280 2010年 2月 27日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································292 2010年 1月 31日托福 iBT考试口语真题 ········································································304 附录一 笔记符号汇总 ·············································································································316 一、常用笔记符号 ·············································································································316 二、缩略词 ·······················································································································317 三、常用英语缩略词表 ····································································································317 四、箭头 ···························································································································318 附录二 口语最常用动词 ··········································································································319 附录三 口语最常用形容词 ······································································································321 1 1 第一章 托福 iBT 考试简介及口语例题讲解 3 第一章 托福 iBT考试简介及口语例题讲解 (关于托福 iBT) 关于托福 iBT 什么是 “托福”? ● TOEFL= The Test of English as a Foreign Language ● 由 ETS(美国教育考试服务中心)举办的英语能力考试。 ● 全名为“检验英语为非母语者的英语能力考试”,中文音译为“托福”。 为什么考托福? ● 美国和加拿大共有 2300多所院校要求外国留学生必须提供 T0EFL、GRE、GMAT或 TSE 的某一项或两项成绩,作为取得入学或申请奖学金的资格。 ● 此外,欧洲(如英国)、大洋洲(如澳大利亚、新西兰)以及东南亚一些国家和地区也都已 承认 TOEFL考试成绩。 ● 国内的联合国驻华机构、外企及合资企业在招聘录用职员时,或国际基金组织在测试职员的 英语水平时,也都采用 TOEFL考试成绩。 新托福(托福 iBT) ● 2005年 9月,美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)在全球推出新托福考试,即 TOEFL iBT (Internet Based Test)。 ● TOEFL iBT能够反映学生在一流大专院校的教学和校园生活中的语言应用能力。 新托福的构成 Task Number of Questions Time Score Reading 3-5 passages / 12-14 questions each 60-100 minutes 30 Listening 4-6 lecture / 6 questions each 2-3 conversation / 5 questions each 60-90 minutes 30 Speaking independent – 2 questions integrated – 4 questions 20 minutes 30 Writing integrated – 1 question independent – 1 question 20 minutes 30 minutes 30 Total Score 120 4 新托福口语真经 3 加试 ● 出现在听力或阅读部分,也有可能阅读、听力两部分同时被加试。 ● 加试部分不算分,但考生事先并不知道哪一部分是加试。 备考要求和技巧 ● 机考——在网上进行。考前最好做 2至 5套机考化的模拟题。 ● 听力能力要强。平时要多听一些校园场景对话以及各个学科的学术性讲座。putclub(www. putclub.com)这个网站不错,有很多相关听力内容。 ● 词汇量要大。其实,大部分词汇服务于阅读。既然如此,考生只需要记住“难词”的模样就 可以了。但 4、6级范围内的词汇要重点记忆,这部分词汇直击口语、写作。 ● 打字要快要准确。平时多练习打字,拼写一定不能马虎。 ● “玩命”做笔记。听力、口语、写作都需要做笔记。考试时放录音的时间只是短短的几分钟, 题里面有很多重要的细节一定要记下来,这样在答题的时候才有把握。所以考生一定要养成 记笔记的习惯和快速记笔记的能力。建议用简单符号做笔记,加快笔记速度。《新托福口语 真经 2》和本书都针对速记和笔记符号的实战应用提供了详细的讲解和相关练习。 ● 练习抗干扰能力。由于考生的答题速度不一样,考场环境嘈杂,口语部分的回答尤其会受影 响。所以考生也要培养在短时间内组织语言、发表对问题的看法的能力。 ● 事先算好最后“期限”。根据自己的考试时间,预留 2-3个月的复习时间,这样取得理想成 绩的把握会更大。 考试信息 ● 报名:可在线报名 www.ets.org ● 考试费用如下: 托福网考考试费 人民币 1415元 逾期报名附加费 人民币 200元 转考费 人民币 600元 退考费用 人民币 707.5元 恢复已取消的成绩 人民币 160元 成绩增送费(每份) 人民币 136元 口语或写作单项复议 人民币 480元 口语和写作双项复议 人民币 960元 提示:逾期报名日是指距考试日前第 7天至考试日第 3天(不含考试日)。 ● 成绩有效期:2年。例如:2003年 1月 18日参加考试,这次考试成绩的有效期是从 2003 年 1月 18日到 2005年 1月 18日。 5 第一章 托福 iBT考试简介及口语例题讲解 (关于托福 iBT) ● 成绩确认:自考试之日起 15个工作日(不含周末、公休日)以后即可在线查询,邮寄成绩 需 8-12周。 ● 考试时间及次数:每月 2-3次(周六或周日)。 考试要求 ● 身份证件:护照、身份证(含香港和澳门身份证)、驾照或中国军人证件。 ● 到达考场时间: 7:30以前(如果考试开始时间在上午 8:00)。 ● 个人物品:考场仅限身份证件。考生在考场领取笔记用纸和笔。 ● 签订保密 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 书。 ● 进场前拍照、确认身份。 ● 阅读和听力考试之后有 10分钟休息时间。 6 新托福口语真经 3 关于托福 iBT 口语 口语考试界面 1. Independent Tasks — Task 1 & 2 Choose a place you often go to that is important to you and explain why it is important. Please include specific details in your explanation. Preparation Time: 15 Seconds Response Time: 45 Seconds 提示界面出现,提示音之后有 15秒准备时间,然后是 45秒的答题时间。 7 第一章 托福 iBT考试简介及口语例题讲解 (关于托福 iBT 口语) 2. Integrated Tasks —Task 3 & 4 Bus Service Elimination Planned The university has decided to discontinue its free bus service for students. The reason given for this decision is that few students take the buses and the buses are expensive to operate. Currently, the buses run from the center of the campus and pass by the university buildings and some of the neighborhoods surrounding the campus. The money saved by eliminating the bus service will be used to expand the overcrowded student parking lots. 画面出现之后,有 45秒的时间阅读短文。 听一段与阅读短文有关的对话或课堂讲座。 The man expresses his opinion of the university’s plan to eliminate the bus service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. Preparation Time: 30 Seconds Response Time: 60 Seconds 提问界面出现,提示音之后有 30秒准备时间,答题时间为 60秒。 8 新托福口语真经 3 3. Integrated Tasks —Task 5 & 6 听一段对话或课堂讲座。 Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two definitions of money presented by the professor. Preparation Time: 20 Seconds Response Time: 60 Seconds 提问界面出现,提示音之后有 20秒准备时间,答题时间为 60秒。 16 新托福口语真经 3 例题讲解 Case Example 下面以 2011年 1月 8日的新托福口语考试真题为例,详细讲解各题的答题方法。 1. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak. Among action, romantic and science movies, which do you dislike most? Explain why. Preparation Time: 15 Seconds Response Time: 45 Seconds 2. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak. Some believes that students should have work experience like doing a part-time job while attending college. Do you agree or disagree? Preparation Time: 15 Seconds Response Time: 45 Seconds 17 第一章 托福 iBT考试简介及口语例题讲解 (例题讲解) 3. You will now read a short passage about a campus situation and then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will then answer a question using information from both the reading passage and the talk. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak. Read the proposal about the expansion of class interval. You will have 45 seconds to read the proposal. Begin reading now. Reading Time: 45 Seconds A Proposal for the Class Interval Expansion The class interval at Selmo University has long been criticized for being too short. A student writes a proposal to suggest the University extend the break between classes from the current 10 minutes to 20 minutes. So most students are able to get to their class building on time, because some classes are far away from each other, and a 10-minute break is not enough to travel from one class to another through the campus. The message also says that longer break will give students the time they need to ask the professors some questions. Now listen to two students as they discuss the proposal. The man expresses his opinion of the proposal for the class interval expansion. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. Preparation Time: 30 Seconds Response Time: 60 Seconds 18 新托福口语真经 3 4. In this question, you will read a short passage on an academic subject and then listen to a lecture on the same topic. You will then answer a question using information from both the reading passage and the lecture. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak. Now read the passage about stimulus discrimination. You will have 45 seconds to read the passage. Begin reading now. Reading Time: 45 Seconds Stimulus Discrimination Stimulus discrimination refers to the ability of animals to differentiate between similar stimuli. This trait was described by the scientist Ivan Pavlov, who discovered that he could create links between behaviors and stimuli. By ringing a bell to a dog before he gave it some food, he could make the dog salivate just by ringing the bell. But he also discovered that animals didn’t respond to stimuli if there were no rewards, even though the stimuli were similar. The same dog would not respond to a bell that was louder or softer than the original bell if there was no food provided. Today we know that animals use their ability to discriminate between stimuli all the time, sometimes to find their pack, other times to escape predators. All animals transmit information through sound and know how to distinguish friendly sounds from unfriendly ones, which can mean life or death in the wild. Now listen to a lecture on this topic in a zoology class. Using information from the reading and the lecture, explain stimulus discrimination and how fur seals use it to avoid danger. Preparation Time: 30 Seconds Response Time: 60 Seconds 19 第一章 托福 iBT考试简介及口语例题讲解 (例题讲解) 5. In this question, you will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked to talk about the information in the conversation and to give your opinion about the ideas presented. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak. Now listen to a conversation between two students. Briefly summarize the problem and the two possible solutions. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why. Preparation Time: 20 Seconds Response Time: 60 Seconds 20 新托福口语真经 3 6. In this question, you will now listen to part of a lecture. You will then be asked to summarize important information from the lecture. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak. Now listen to part of a talk in a business class. Using examples and points in the lecture, describe the two drawbacks of comparative advertising. Preparation Time: 20 Seconds Response Time: 60 Seconds 21 第一章 托福 iBT考试简介及口语例题讲解 (例题讲解) Solution I. Independent Speaking Task ——— Task 1 – Personal Preference Directions: In this question, you will be told when to begin to prepare your response and when to begin speaking. After the question is read, a “Preparation Time” clock will appear below the question and begin to count down from 15 seconds (00:00:15). At the end of 15 seconds you will hear a short beep. After the beep, the clock will change to read “Response Time” and will begin to count down from 45 seconds (00:00:45). When the response time has ended, recording will stop and a new screen will appear alerting you that the response time has ended. (新托福考试官方指南第三版 ) Question  1 Among action, romantic and science movies, which do you dislike most? Explain why. Preparation Time: 15 Seconds Response Time: 45 Seconds Tips: 本题难点:1)思路 2)看笔记复述答案 本题考点:1)答题逻辑清晰、有理有据 2) 无明显语法错误,如:She / He 混用,“第三人称单数”没有 “s”, 时态不 统一 3)发音清晰易懂 22 新托福口语真经 3 可以照搬问题中的句子,不用现 组织语言,同时为下面内容的陈 述做缓冲。 解题秘籍 1 准确把握问题意图 Among action, romantic and science movies, which do you dislike most? Explain why. 2 准备15秒 15秒钟内就能勾勒出思路,并做好笔记是不太容易的,因此这需要考前做充分准备。 建议考前在事先给的草稿纸上列好提纲框架,即: topic (论点 ): reason 1 (论据 ): details (细节 ): reason 2 (论据 ): details (细节 ): conclusion (结论 ): 笔记记录如下( note-taking): topic romantic reason 1 predictable & monotonous see the end of the story ∴× excitement reason 2 × educational teach sth, meaning > entertainment × learn anything ← romantic conclusion 3 陈述45秒 考生要锻炼的是看着笔记,用自己的语言将笔记内容自然串联,并在45秒钟内陈述完答案。 topic As far as I’m concerned, romantic movies are kind of movies I’ve disliked since I was a kid. reason 1 The main reason is that romantic movies are predictable and monotonous. I can almost foretell the end of the stories every time I watch them. So there is no excitement involved in watching a romantic movie. 本题要求找出“你最不喜欢的电 影类型”,并给出理由。 23 第一章 托福 iBT考试简介及口语例题讲解 (例题讲解) reason 2 On a further note, watching romantic movies isn’t educational at all. I prefer to watch movies that can teach me something that have some meaning beyond simple entertainment. I’ve never learnt anything profound from a romantic movie. conclusion There’s no doubt in my mind that romantic movies are my least favorite of the bunch. 4 常用答题模版 下面是回答第一题时经常会用到的模版。建议同学们记住一两套并熟练地运用。 topic As far as I’m concerned, + 引入主题 reason 1 The main reason is that + 原因 1 reason 2 On a further note, + 原因 2 conclusion That’s why + 再次提及中心话题 让我们看看除此之外还有哪些典型句型。 说明主题 (topic) In my opinion For me I would say that 陈述理由 (reasons) Firstly, Of all the advantages The first reason is that First of all Secondly Moreover Another reason In addition Also 总结 (conclusion) Overall Those reasons explain why Therefore 叙述原因时,要按照自己的笔记 里面的内容娓娓道来。 结论用一句话简单概括,如果时 间不够用,可以省略。如果说完 理由还剩下10几秒钟,将结论慢 慢道来可以磨些时间。当然别忘 记说“Thanks a lot! That’s all I have to say.” 24 新托福口语真经 3 II. Independent Speaking Task ——— Task 2 – Personal Choice Direction: In this question, you will be told when to begin to prepare your response and when to begin speaking. As with question 1, a “Preparation Time” clock will appear below the question and begin to count down from 15 seconds (00:00:15). At the end of 15 seconds you will hear a short beep. After the beep, the clock will change to read “Response Time” and will begin to count down from 45 seconds (00:00:45). When the response time has ended, recording will stop and a new screen will appear alerting you that the response time has ended. (新托福考试官方指南第三版 ) Question  2 Some believe that students should have work experience like doing a part-time job while attending college. Do you agree or disagree? Preparation Time: 15 Seconds Response Time: 45 Seconds 解题秘籍 1 准确把握问题意图 Some believe that students should have work experience like doing a part-time job while attending college. Do you agree or disagree? 2 准备15秒 考前要对不同的题型进行充分准备,积累大量素材,这样考试时脑子里才能浮现出各种想法。 想法很重要! 确定立场后,将笔记记录如下(note-taking): topic √ reason 1 grow up ↑independence ↑competition…☆ (important)→future reason 2 ↑$ buy…, but × run out of budget economic burdens ← parents 本题的特点是在两种答案中任选 一种。不过最好选择比较容易说 的一种。 ↑= cultivate independence & ↑ = f o s t e r a s e n s e o f competition,要试着用自己的 语言将笔记或符号串联。 表示同意;省时省力 25 第一章 托福 iBT考试简介及口语例题讲解 (例题讲解) 3 陈述45秒 考生要锻炼的是看着笔记,用自己的语言将笔记内容自然串联,45秒内陈述完答案。 topic Personally, I think students should have work experience while attending college. reason 1 One reason is that taking part-time jobs can help students grow up from children into adults, because this experience will definitely help them cultivate independence and foster a sense of competition, which is important for students in the future. reason 2 Furthermore, work experience builds up students’ pockets. With the money earned, they can buy whatever they want, and also learn not to run out of their budgets. At the same time, they are able to relieve the economic burdens of their parents. conclusion For these reasons, I would definitely recommend that all students undertake work experience while attending college. 4 常用答题模版 下面是回答第二题时常会用到的模版。建议同学们记住一两套,并熟练地运用。 topic Personally, + 引入主题 reason 1 One reason is that + 原因 1 reason 2 Furthermore, + 原因 2 conclusion For these reasons, + 再次提
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