首页 七年级语文下册:第四单元学习评价题(人教新课标版)



七年级语文下册:第四单元学习评价题(人教新课标版)七年级语文下册:第四单元学习评价题(人教新课标版) 第四单元学习评价题 一、语言积累与运用(共28分) 1(给加点字注音;根据拼音写汉字(每个1分,共8分。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 归 省 晦 暗 颤 栗 挣 脱 (((( jī qiâ zhà jiá ( )绊 ( )意 叱( )风云 ( )然而止 2(选词填空。(每空1分,共3分) ?我的很重的心忽而轻松了,身体也似乎 (A.伸展 B. 舒服 C(舒畅 D(舒展)地说不出的大。 ?到晚饭时,外祖母也终于 (A.觉悟 B.觉察 C(感觉 ...

七年级语文下册:第四单元学习评价题(人教新课标版) 第四单元学习评价题 一、语言积累与运用(共28分) 1(给加点字注音;根据拼音写汉字(每个1分,共8分。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 归 省 晦 暗 颤 栗 挣 脱 (((( jī qiâ zhà jiá ( )绊 ( )意 叱( )风云 ( )然而止 2(选词填空。(每空1分,共3分) ?我的很重的心忽而轻松了,身体也似乎 (A.伸展 B. 舒服 C(舒畅 D(舒展)地说不出的大。 ?到晚饭时,外祖母也终于 (A.觉悟 B.觉察 C(感觉 D.知觉)了,并且说我应当不高兴。 ?只有我急得要哭,母亲却 (A.竭力 B(努力 C(尽力 D(费力)的嘱咐我,说万不能装模装样,怕又招外祖母生气。 3. 综合性学习:戏曲大观园。 中国的戏曲,源远流长;每个地方的戏曲又异彩纷呈。请你写出几种你所知道的剧种,并列出其有代表性的剧作。(2分,写对一个加1分,最多附加2分) 戏曲剧种名 代表作 4(《社戏》里写“我”看戏,感到索然寡味,却又焦躁不安地等待那名角小叫天出场,“于是看小旦唱,看花旦唱,看老生唱,,看不知什么角色唱,看一大班人乱打,看两三个人互打,从九点多到十点,从十点到十一点,从十一点到十一点半,从十一点半到十二点,——然而叫天竟还没有来。”在通常情况下,如果有谁像这样说话、作文,那真是啰嗦到了极点。然而在这特定的环境、条件、气氛之下,鲁迅用它表现一种复杂微妙、难以言传的心理状态,却收到了强烈的艺术效果。(周先慎《简笔与繁笔》) ?请你试用语言表达这种心理状态。(2分) construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure ?你能不能再举一个象这样使用繁笔,甚至于借助“啰嗦”的例子。(2分) 5(摘录优美语句,品味积累。(每句2分,共6分。要求书写正确、工整、美观,否则,酌情扣分) 《竹影》中生动而充满童趣地描写“我”和小伙伴看竹影的句子: 《观舞记》中写出印度舞蹈特点的句子: 《安塞腰鼓》中描写腰鼓发出沉重响声的句子: 二、阅读与理解(42分) (一)阅读《口技》中的有关段落,回答问题:(共 9分) 京中有善口技者。会宾客大宴,于厅事之东北角,施八尺屏障,口技人坐屏障中,一桌、一椅、一扇、一抚尺而已。众宾团坐。少顷,但闻屏障中抚尺一下,满坐寂然,无敢哗者。 „ „ 忽一人大呼“火起”,夫起大呼,妇亦起大呼。两儿齐哭。俄而百千人大呼,百千儿哭,百千犬吠。中间力拉崩倒之声,火爆声,呼呼风声,百千齐作;又夹百千求救声,曳屋许许声,抢夺声,泼水声。凡所应有,无所不有。虽人有百手,手有百指,不能指其一端;人有百口,口有百舌,不能名其一处也。于是宾客无不变色离席,奋袖出臂,两股战战,几欲先走。 忽然抚尺一下,群响毕绝。撤屏视之,一人、一桌、一椅、一扇、一抚尺而已。 6(解释下列加点词(每个0.5分,共2分): A、会宾客大宴( ) B、虽人有百手,手有百指( ) (( corresponding measures in construction procedure porting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, takeof suppply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design rchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly suier pus of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: suppln arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progresages ions, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wd equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizative efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery anmade damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to impro-strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate mancosts. 7, construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control- 2 - C、群响毕绝 ( ) D、不能名其一处也 ( ) (( 7(翻译句子:(任选一句) ( 2分) A(于是宾客无不变色离席,奋袖出臂,两股战战,几欲先走。 B(中间力拉崩倒之声。 8(找出文中表示很短时间的词:(2分) 9(为了表现口技者技艺的高超,作者用了哪些手法来表现这一点,谈谈你的体会。(3分) (二) 阅读《社戏》段落,回答后面的问题:(12分) a 我的很重的心忽而轻松了,身体也似乎舒展到说不出的大。一出门,便望见月下的平桥内泊着一支白篷的航船,大家跳下船,双喜拔前篙,阿发拔后篙,年幼的都陪我坐在舱中,较大的聚在船尾。母亲送出来吩咐“要小心”的时候,我们已经点开船,在桥石上一磕,退后几尺,即又上前出了桥。于是架起两支橹,一支两人,一里一换,有说笑的,有嚷的,夹着潺潺的船头激水的声音,在左右都是碧绿的豆麦田地的河流中,飞一般径向赵庄前进了。 两岸的豆麦和河底的水草所发散出来的清香,夹杂在水气中扑面的吹来;月色便朦胧在这水气里。b淡黑的起伏的连山,仿佛是踊跃的铁的兽脊似的,都远远的向船尾跑去了,但我还以为船慢。他们换了四回手,渐望见依稀的赵庄,而且似乎听到歌吹了,还有几点火,料想便是戏台,但或者也许是渔火。 那声音大概是横笛,宛转,悠扬,使我的心也沉静,然而又自失起来,觉得要和他弥散((((在含着豆麦蕴藻之香的夜气里。 那火接近了,果然是渔火;我才记得先前望见的也不是赵庄。那是正对船头的一丛松柏林,我去年也曾经去游玩过,还看见破的石马倒在地下,一个石羊蹲在草里呢。过了那林,船便弯进了叉港,于是赵庄便真在眼前了。 10(说说文中加横线句子表达了“我”怎样的心情:(2分) a b 11(.结合文意,解释文中加点的词语:(2分) construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control c osts. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 自失: 弥散: 12(找出描写小伙伴们开船时的动词,并说说它们的表达作用:(2分) 动词: 表达作用: 两岸的豆麦和河底的水草所发散出来的清香,夹在水气中扑面的吹来;月色朦胧在这13(“ 水气里。”这句话依次从( )( )( )方面来写自己的感受。(3分) 14(请在文中选择你最喜欢的一两句话,说说你喜欢它的原因:(3分) (三)阅读《安塞腰鼓》选文,回答问题:(8分) 后生们的胳膊、腿、全身,有力地搏击着,疾速地搏击着,大起大落地搏击着。它 着你, 着你, 着你。它使你从来没有如此鲜明地感受到生命的存在、活跃和强盛。它使你惊异于那农民衣着包裹着的躯体,那消化着红豆角老南瓜的躯体,居然释放出那么奇伟磅礴的能量~ 黄土高原啊,你生养了这些元气淋漓的后生;也只有你,才能承受如此惊心动魄的搏击~ 多水的江南是易碎的玻璃,在那儿,打不得这样的腰鼓。 除了黄土高原,哪里再有这么厚这么厚的土层啊~ 好一个黄土高原~好一个安塞腰鼓~ 15(在空白处填词恰当的一组是:( )(2分) A、震撼 威逼 烧灼 B、烧灼 震撼 威逼 C、震撼 烧灼 威逼 D、烧灼 威逼 震撼 16(结合文意,请具体说说后生们“释放出那么奇伟磅礴的能量”指的是什么能量。(不超过五十字)(2分) 17(请你说说加横线的句子的含义和表达作用。(2分) 18。 “除了黄土高原 ,那里再有这么厚这么厚的土层呢~”句中的“这么厚这么厚”能不能删去一个,为什么,(2分) porting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, takeof suppply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design rchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly suier pus of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: suppln arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progresages ions, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wd equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizative efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery anmade damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to impro-strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate mancosts. 7, construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better controlcorresponding measures in construction procedure- 4 - (四)阅读《看戏》一文节选部分,回答问题。(13分) 舞台上的幕布分开了,音乐奏起来了,演员们踩着音乐的拍子,以庄重而有节奏的步伐走到脚灯前面来了。灯光射在他们五颜六色的丝绣和头饰上,激起一片金碧辉煌的彩霞。这个迷蒙的海上顿时出现了一座蜃楼。那里面有歌,也有舞;有悲欢,也有离合;有忠诚,也 有奸谗;有决心,也有疑惧;有大公的牺牲精神,也有自私的个人打算。 当穆桂英(梅兰芳饰)以轻盈而矫健的步子走出场来的时候,观众席这个原本平静的海面陡然膨胀起来了,它上面卷起了一阵暴风雨,?观众像触了电似的对这位女英雄报以雷鸣般的掌声。她开始唱了。她圆润的歌喉在夜空中颤动,听起来似乎辽远而又逼近,似乎柔和而又铿锵。歌词像珠子似的从她的一笑一颦中,从她的优雅的“水袖”中,从她的婀娜的身段中,一粒一粒地( )下来,( )在地上,( )到空中,( )进每一个人的心里,引起一片深远的回音。这回音听不见,但是它却淹没了刚才涌起的那一股狂暴的掌声。 ?观众像着了魔一样,忽然变得鸦雀无声。 29(根据语言表达的准确、鲜明、生动的原则,把“滴、滚、落、溅”四个动词填回文中的 括号里。(2分) 20(歌声是无形的,怎么能“像珠子似的”“一粒一粒地滚下来”,说说你的理解。(3分) 21(根据上下文揣摩一下画浪线的句子中“迷蒙的海”和“一座蜃楼”分别喻指什么,(2分) 22(说说文中画横线的两个比喻句有什么异同,文中多次写观众的反应的作用是什么,请你在本单元学过的文章中再举一例。(2+2+2=6分) 五、作文:(30分) 音乐唤醒人的灵魂,绘画陶冶人的情操,舞蹈振奋人的精神。请在以下两个题目中任选一题,写一篇500字左右的文章。 1(“我喜欢的 ”(横线上可填“一首歌”、“一幅画”、“一支舞”“一曲戏”等)2(“我的一次 经历”(横线上可填“看戏”、“唱歌”、“画画” construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control c osts. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 等) 要求:1(除诗歌外文体不限。 2(学习本单元课文中运用的修辞手法、整句散句相结合、正面描写和侧面描写相结合等写作特点 [附参考 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 ] 1(xǐng huì zhàn zhâng 羁 惬 咤 戛 2(?D ?B ?A ?A 3(略 4(略 5(?小伙伴们一开始看戏心情迫切,有浓厚的兴趣,但由于戏的节奏缓慢,名角又不出场, 故而焦躁不安,索然寡味。?略 6(A(适逢、正赶上 B。即使 C。消失 D。说出 7(A(在这时,宾客们无不变了脸色,离开座位,撸起袖子,露出胳膊,两腿打颤,几乎要 先逃跑。 B(中间夹杂着劈里啪啦的房屋倒塌的声音。 8(少顷 俄而 9(?用正面描写来尽力渲染口技者的表演技艺;?通过宾客的反应来侧面烘托口技者的表 演技艺;?突出道具的简单,以此衬托处口技者技艺的高超。 10(a表现出“我”当时无比的喜悦与快乐。 B表现“我”急于到达赵庄的急切心情。 11(自失:听得出神,忘了自己。 弥散:弥漫消失,指“我”陶醉于情境中。 12(拨 点开 一磕 退后 上前 架起 表现以双喜、阿发为首的这一群农家弟子敏 捷、能干和划船的熟练。 13(嗅觉 触觉 视觉 14(略 15(C 16(指他们有着自然、健康的生命,是原始的、未经人工雕饰的、没有半点污染的、不参杂 任何杂质的完完全全的生命。这是他们力量的源泉。 17(用比喻形象地写出了江南流水的柔美风格,反衬出安塞腰鼓需要承载它这样原始、粗犷 的生命力量的“厚土”。 porting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, takeof suppply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design rchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly suier pus of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: suppln arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progresages ions, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wd equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizative efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery anmade damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to impro-strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate mancosts. 7, construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better controlcorresponding measures in construction procedure- 6 - 18(不能,因为这里用了反复的修辞手法,突出强调了作者对黄土高原蕴藏着原始生命力的 赞美之情。 19(滚、滴、溅、落 20(因为梅兰芳的歌声字正腔圆,珠圆玉润,音色辉煌,这些特点与珍珠十分相似, 所以,能将无形的歌声比喻为有形的珠子。 21(“迷蒙的海”指人山人海的剧场;“一座蜃楼”指开演后的舞台。 22(相同点:两个比喻都是表现观众情绪的变化、动静的变化。不同点:?表现观众由静而动的一刹那的变化。?表现观众的注意力完全为舞蹈演出所吸引,看得入了神,由动而静。写观众的反应是为了侧面烘托梅兰芳高超的演唱技艺。举例略。 construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control c osts. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure
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