首页 粮食自给率跌破红线喜忧参半



粮食自给率跌破红线喜忧参半粮食自给率跌破红线喜忧参半 2014年对小麦、水稻、玉米三大主粮的自给率做出调整,其中正在讨论的三项主要数据是,口粮自给率基本达到100%,谷物自给率基本保持在90%以上,中国粮食总体自给率长期要保持在80%以上。 中央的政策很明了,小麦、稻谷口粮要确保百分之百的自给率,绝对安全,算上玉米三大主粮自给率基本达到90%以上,算上大豆(大豆应统计在粮食类)总体自给率要保持80%以上。 粮食自给必须掌握在自己手里,应对粮食安全应充分利用国际国内两个市场。2011年当时泰国政府宣布一份向印尼出口30万吨大米的谅解备忘...

粮食自给率跌破红线喜忧参半 2014年对小麦、水稻、玉米三大主粮的自给率做出调整,其中正在讨论的三项主要数据是,口粮自给率基本达到100%,谷物自给率基本保持在90%以上,中国粮食总体自给率长期要保持在80%以上。 中央的政策很明了,小麦、稻谷口粮要确保百分之百的自给率,绝对安全,算上玉米三大主粮自给率基本达到90%以上,算上大豆(大豆应统计在粮食类)总体自给率要保持80%以上。 粮食自给必须掌握在自己手里,应对粮食安全应充分利用国际国内两个市场。2011年当时泰国政府宣布一份向印尼出口30万吨大米的谅解备忘录作废,理由是该备忘录由前政府签署,其大米销售价低于泰国新政府向米农承诺的收购价。此举引起印尼政府的不满。之后印尼政府紧急与越南等大米出口国磋商,以弥补进口大米不够的缺口。 上世纪80年代印尼大米一度能够自给自足,然而进入90年代由于发展工业,加上人口的大量增加,国内满足不了需求,只好大量进口大米。 正如中国粮食经济学会名誉会长白美清所说,我国粮食安全形势可以概括为两稳定一下降,粮食生产稳中有升,粮食市场稳中有升,一个下降就是我国粮油自给率下降。2011年降至不足90%,一方面说明城镇化步伐在加快,生活水平在their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win-win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-quality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structure optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development. 提高,粮食的刚性需求在增加,粮食生产在10000个亿左右徘徊,粮食进口大幅度增加。 以至于自2012年年以来境外个别媒体揣测中国粮食安全“红线”松动,《人民日报》求证栏目记者为此专门进行了调查采访,得出的结论是我们的饭碗端在自己手上,基本的结论是粮食既有进口,也有出口,进口不是为了满足口粮需要,而是工业、饲料用粮等多样化消费需求,增加进口还与利用国际粮价走低购进有关。 说句实话,粮食自给率的红线的确突破,这是不容置疑的,进口近6000万吨的大豆,以及近1500万吨左右的小麦、大米、玉米 ,中国2012年的粮食进口总量(包括大豆)已达7236万吨,这还是海关统计的数字,还不算走私进口的粮食。 以我为主,立足国内,充分利用国际国内两个市场调剂也无可厚非,但是自80年代中期以来的玉米大量出口,适量进口加拿大或美国小麦那才是真正意义上的品种调剂,我国已从粮食进出口摇身变为粮食净进口国,粮食进口量不可谓不大,仅此一项相当于在国外屯田4——5亿亩,数字惊人,不得不反省反思。 不是危言耸听,是迫在眉睫,粮食的刚性需求与刚性制约因素成不可调和的矛盾。《参考消息》曾在2011年4月21日载,美国媒体报道,耕地遭侵占威胁中国粮食安全,文章称从1996年国家第一次土地详查时到2008年,中国的耕地their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win-win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-quality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structure optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development. 共减少833万公顷。现在耕地已经减至1.2亿公顷(18亿亩)这一政府设定的“红线”。 粮食自给率降低的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现是粮食调出省减少,从过去的13个减少到现在5——6个。当前不论是粮食主产区还是销区,农民种粮积极性都不高,调出粮食的省区逐渐减少。地方政府事实上以“招商引资”为重中之重,占用耕地搞建设,忽视农业和粮食的思想很普遍,“地方依赖中央,销区依赖产区,居民依赖市场”的情绪在滋长。不少地方是“口号农业”,无序占用耕地的现象并未停止。这些问题不解决,农业和粮食将会成为国民经济发展的瓶颈。 历史经验证明,粮食如果掉下去,几年十几年都翻不过身来。所以,要立足当前,着眼长远,就要下真功夫把粮食生产和流通抓好,端住端稳自己的饭碗。实际上耕地减少和干旱已经还以颜色,今后粮食生产的增长空间和难度异常大,要达到“十二五”规划的目标5.4亿吨决非轻而易举能办到的。而粮食的需求则呈刚性增长。“十二五”末,人口将达到13.9亿,城镇人口将占一半以上。粮食的需求年年增加。产需、供求出现的缺口主要依靠挖库存和进口来补充调节日益困难。原先三大主粮中稻谷偏紧,现在粳稻、优质小麦、玉米等均出现了偏紧的苗头,粮食始终处于紧平衡状态。 搞好粮食最低收购价托市收购政策的顶层 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 。国家旨在建立健全中央和地方粮食安全分级责任制,在国家宏观调their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win-win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-quality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structure optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development. 控下,全面落实粮食省长负责制。主产区要进一步提高粮食生产能力,为全国提供稳定的商品粮源。主销区和产销平衡区要确保稳定现有自给水平,坚决防止和纠正放松粮食生产、忽视粮食生产能力建设的倾向,巩固和提高粮食生产能力,加强产销衔接,完善粮食储备,提高保供稳价能力。 应以粮食立法为基准,以确保国家粮食安全为目的,以保护种粮农民积极性和利益为归宿,明确粮食流通政策 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,发挥好中储粮和国有粮食购销企业两个积极性,调动中央和地方抓粮促农保安全两个积极性,二者不可偏废,把地方国有粮食购销企业明确为最低收购价收购主体,各级粮食行政管理部门作为监督检查主体,实行在地检查 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,不折不扣地执行粮食最低收购价政策,切实保护种粮农民利益,加强粮食宏观调控,正确引导粮价趋于合理空间,立足粮食供求紧平衡,确保国内粮食安全。 在本文结束时说,历史的经验教训一次次教育警示我们,面对偌大一个人口众多的国家,粮食生产弱质性,粮食消费的刚性增长,粮食市场和价格的不确定性周期性,粮食宏观调控须臾不能离开,继而我国建立长久完善独立的粮食行政管理机构是战略性的选择。如何提高种粮农民收益,调动粮食主产区重农抓粮的积极性,迫在当前。 their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win-win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-quality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structure optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development.
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