首页 幼儿园中班教师寄语



幼儿园中班教师寄语中班教师寄语 景越小朋友:你是一个腼腆、可爱、独立性强的小女孩。你能积极参加体育活动,对美术活动有一定的兴趣,爱清洁、讲卫生,上课时能认真听讲,有时能举手发言,但不够积极、踊跃。希望越越小朋友升入大班后更大胆些,做个自信、勇敢的孩子。 刘晓宇小朋友: 你是一个活泼可爱的小男孩。你吃饭不挑食、不偏食,积极参加各种体育活动,身体平衡性好,上课有时能举手发言,声音响亮,但你上课会做小动作,午睡时会影响别人。希望小宇小朋友以后严格要求自己,养成良好的生活习惯和学习习惯,你一定会更棒的,好吗, 丁仕杰小朋友:你是一个大...

中班教师寄语 景越小朋友:你是一个腼腆、可爱、独立性强的小女孩。你能积极参加体育活动,对美术活动有一定的兴趣,爱清洁、讲卫生,上课时能认真听讲,有时能举手发言,但不够积极、踊跃。希望越越小朋友升入大班后更大胆些,做个自信、勇敢的孩子。 刘晓宇小朋友: 你是一个活泼可爱的小男孩。你吃饭不挑食、不偏食,积极参加各种体育活动,身体平衡性好,上课有时能举手发言,声音响亮,但你上课会做小动作,午睡时会影响别人。希望小宇小朋友以后严格要求自己,养成良好的生活习惯和学习习惯,你一定会更棒的,好吗, 丁仕杰小朋友:你是一个大方、自信的孩子。你很有主见,能主动与老师交流,发表自己的见解,能讲长而精彩的故事和各种事情,上课时头脑反映灵活,思维活跃,接受能力较强,但你有时做事不能坚持到底,需要老师督促。希望杰杰小朋友改掉缺点,在各方面都成为其他小朋友的榜样,好吗, 唐皓天小朋友 : 你是一个懂事、讲道理的孩子。你做事情很认真,乐意帮助别人,能安静睡觉,自己穿脱、整理衣服,动手能力有了明显进步,上课时注意力集中,有时能举手回答问题,但性格内向,有点胆怯。希望天天小朋友以后更勇敢些,多在集体中发表自己的见解,做个自信的孩子。 眭秋涵小朋友: 你是一个稳重、大方的小男孩。你对各类事物的感知快,观察事物细致,接受能力较强,能正确地表达自己的意愿,有良好的学习习惯,回答问题声音响亮,有了较大的进步。希望秋秋以后再接再厉,更上一层楼。 徐帆小朋友: 你是一个有主见、自尊心较强的小女孩。你能安静睡觉,自己穿脱衣服,做事有条理,能积极参加各种文体活动,上课认真听讲,踊跃发言,各方面取得了明显进步,老师真为你高兴。希望帆帆小朋友继续努力,多锻炼动手能力,争取更大的进步。 陈卓伟小朋友 : 你是一个活泼、可爱的小男孩。你主动帮助班级做值日生工作,做事情认真,对老师有礼貌,积极参加体育锻炼,本学期上课有时能认真听讲,但坚持性差,需要老师不断督促,午睡较难入睡。希望伟伟小朋友以后严格要求自己,做一名爱学习,守纪律的孩子。 刘炜豪小朋友:你是一个热情、活泼的小男孩。爱帮助别的小朋友,对老师有礼貌,吃饭不挑食、不偏食,生活自理能力强,上课能大胆举手发言,但有时不能遵守常规,做事马虎。希望炜豪小朋友升入大班后改掉缺点,做个守纪律、爱学习的好孩子。 顾涵雪小朋友 : 你是一个大方、自信,独立性较强的女孩子。你爱帮助别的小朋友,懂得自我约束,爱帮老师做事,能独立完成各项任务,是老师的小帮手,在小朋友中有一定的威信,你的画经常贴在“小画廊”里,老师也为你感到高兴。希望小雪小朋友以后再接再厉,更上一层楼。 韦吉小朋友:活泼的小女孩。你吃饭不挑食、不偏食,自己的事情自己做,fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 不依赖别人,你能大方地讲长而精彩的故事,本学期学习习惯有了很大进步,老师也为你感到高兴,但你做事有点马虎。希望吉吉小朋友以后改掉缺点,争取更大的进步,好吗, 杨悦敏小朋友 : 你是一个热情、大方的小女孩。你特别愿意帮班级做事情,经常和老师一起打扫卫生,工作认真、负责,课堂上接受能力强,能积极举手回答问题,你绘画时特别专心,能完成较细致的手工作业。希望悦敏小朋友以后再接再厉,更上一层楼。 郦冬颖小朋友:你是一个活泼可爱的小女孩。你吃饭卫生好,不洒饭,穿衣速度快,积极参加各种体育锻炼,做事情特别细心,书写数字干净、整洁,课堂上能举手回答问题,但声音不够响亮,有点胆怯。希望颖颖小朋友升入大班后更大胆些,做个自信、勇敢的孩子。 陈澜小朋友:你是个温和、文静的小女孩。你自理能力强,乐意帮助别的小朋友,有良好的生活习惯,你做事情一丝不苟,上课时特别专心,但你有点胆小,不爱在集体面前表现自己。如果你再活泼、勇敢些,将会取得更大的进步。 杨浩栋小朋友:你是一个机灵、聪明的小男孩。你吃饭不挑食,不偏食,能安静睡觉,睡眠情况良好,你能帮老师做事,是老师的小帮手,你积极参加各种体育锻炼,动作协调,你上课时举手发言积极、主动,但有时会做小动作。希望浩栋小朋友以后严格要求自己,做个自我控制能力强的孩子,老师相信你一定会做到的,是吗, 许佳惠小朋友:你是一个稳重、懂事的小女孩。你爱帮助别的小朋友,有良好的生活习惯,本学期在绘画上取得了较大进步,老师为你感到高兴,但你在集体面前大胆发言不够积极。希望佳惠小朋友以后多锻炼胆量,老师期待着你取得更大的进步。 金童小朋友:你是一个活泼、好动的小男孩。你对老师有礼貌,自己的事情能够自己做,不依赖别人,踊跃参加班级卫生工作,你对环境适应能力强,体质较好,有良好的进餐习惯,但你自我约束力差,听讲不专心。希望金童小朋友升入大班后严格要求自己,养成良好的学习习惯。 朱骛琰小朋友你是一个活泼、好动的孩子。你对老师有礼貌,积极参加体育锻炼,自己的事情自己做,不依赖别人,你上课有时能举手发言,但你有时不能遵守纪律,需要老师不断督促、提醒。希望骛琰小朋友以后加强自我约束,做个爱学习、守纪律的孩子。 小朋友: 你是一个稳重、腼腆的小男孩。你爱帮助别的小朋友,有同情心,你做事情有条理,遇到困难有勇气克服,本学期动手能力有了很大进步,做事情的速度也快多了,上课时也能大胆发言。希望祺祺小朋友以后再接再厉,更上一层楼。 韦昊然小朋友: 你是一个懂事、大方的小男孩。你爱帮助别的小朋友,有同情心,你爱清洁,讲卫生,做事有条理,能安静睡觉,本学期绘画取得 ong, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japo turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said suth tTomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce yo help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to theJapanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to -sm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of antit. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiahe spoinjured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on tiously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 consc in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao,met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never -ng "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu antiaround the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly hummifast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people -ope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Huian. Sc 2 - 了长足的进步,上课也能响亮地回答问题,但不够积极。希望昊然小朋友以后再接再厉,更上一层楼。 聂天骄小朋友:你是一个文静、内向的小女孩。你讲卫生、爱清洁,对老师有礼貌,与小朋友友好相处,你喜欢跳舞,唱歌,愿意和老师交谈,但你上课不爱举手回答问题,需要老师的提醒和帮助。希望娇娇小朋友以后在集体中大胆表现自己,做个自信、勇敢的孩子。 吴起小朋友: 你是一个内向、稳重的孩子。你对老师有礼貌,能很快适应新的环境,不哭闹,吃饭卫生好、不洒饭,能安静入睡,与小朋友友好相处,上课时能认真听讲,但发言不够大胆。老师希望起起小朋友在新的学期里有更出色的表现。 左永文小朋友:的小男孩。你好奇心强,喜欢摆弄各种玩具,探索欲望强烈,你喜欢绘画,每次都耐心地完成作品,有一定的想象力,但你上课有时会开小差,不能专心听讲。希望文文小朋友以后严格要求自己,取得更大的进步,好吗, 张志浩小朋友: 浩浩是个活泼、能干、大方的小男孩。是老师的小帮手。浩浩能积极参加幼儿园的各项活动;课堂上经常能看到你高高举起的小手,能积极动脑,大胆发言;自控能力较强,上课从来不随便和旁边 的孩子讲话,不管什么时候都能严格要求自己,是个爱学习的好孩子,老师小朋友都很喜欢你,希望下学期多吃饭、多睡觉,让你的身体长的棒棒的,个子长的高高的好吗~ 余越小朋友: 越越是个文静、自律的小姑娘。平时和小朋友相处较好,大家都愿意和她交朋友;课堂上能认真听讲,遵守课堂纪律,对很有把握的问题能举手回答,对画画、唱歌较感兴趣,并能很主动的参加各项游戏活动,自我服务能力较强。希望越越能大胆举手、响亮发言,老师相信你就是最好的,最棒的,你有信心吗, 柯岩小朋友: 你是个安静、内向的小朋友。小组长工作认真负责,上课总能认真听讲,很好的完成各项学习任务;你的作业总是那么干净整洁,画画时能注意画面的布局,颜色的搭配,你是个爱学习的好孩子。但你在吃点心、吃饭时特别爱和旁边的孩子闹,希望柯岩改掉这个坏习惯,带好你们小组的孩子共同进步好吗, 史婧妍小朋友: 你是个活泼、可爱的小姑娘,在园能积极参加各项游戏活动,你还是个爱劳动的好孩子,常常能帮助小朋友擦桌子,架椅子,小组长工作做的也很好;小嘴特别能说,和小伙伴能友好相处,大家多爱和你交朋友。你对舞蹈特别感兴趣,你跳起舞来动作是那么到位,舞姿是那么优美。希望你加强数学、科学活动方面的训练,让自己成为一名全面发展的好孩子。 贡睿涵小朋友: 你是个聪明、活泼的孩子,你的故事讲的真棒,歌声特别甜美,是我班的“故事大王”和“小歌星”,你的小嘴特别甜,老师阿姨可喜 第 页 member Zhuang Shaozhen according Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party-Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of antiQian hing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. are of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, wasken cdue to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, ta ang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao banguring the war, Zhu Xi Yao bJapanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers d-small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a-he masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Huieng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize tthe F ning classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teachingto instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run eve 3 - 欢你了。进入中班以来你的自控能力也强多了,上课能知道坐在位置上听课了,学习习惯有了较大的进步,画画、折纸也好多了,小手也灵巧了;希望你进入大班后上课能更认真,学习习惯更好些;老师相信你一定会是我班最棒的孩子。 丰惠黎小朋友: 你是个聪明、活泼、大方的小女孩;你是老师的小助手,在幼儿园你就象一个大姐姐一样关心别的小朋友,抢者为班级做事,,大家都很喜欢和你交朋友;是个爱学习的孩子,上课时能认真听讲,积极举手发言,对学习充满兴趣,是个爱劳动的好孩子。但你有时管不住自己的小嘴巴,总喜欢随便讲话,如果你能改掉这一坏习惯就更棒了~ 邓嘉月小朋友: 你是个活泼、可爱的小姑娘,你待人热情,脸上总带着灿烂的笑容,你的舞姿非常优美,大家都非常想看你跳舞,本学期对画画进步也较快,并能积极的参加幼儿园的各项活动,学习积极性较高,上课也能积极举手大胆发言了;希望你今后能严格要求自己,课堂上不随便和别的小朋友讲话,养成良好的学习习惯。 孙云 小朋友: 你在园是个比较内向的小女孩。本学期你的进步较大,上课有时也能举手回答问题了,早上能有礼貌的和老师打招呼了,和小朋友也能玩在一起了,性格变的活泼、开朗多了,特别在画画方面进步特别快,你画的画色彩鲜艳,构图也较大方;老师为你的进步感到高兴,感到骄傲,希望你下学期表现更好,进步 更大。张笑岩小朋友: 你是个聪明、活泼、可爱的小姑娘。你关心集体,集体荣誉感强,做事灵活,是老师的小帮手;课堂上能认真听讲,积极动脑,大胆发言,思维活跃,对学习充满兴趣,是名爱学习的好孩子。希望进入大班后能改掉自由散漫,上课爱插嘴的坏习惯好吗, 赵恒小朋友: 你是个聪明、活泼、可爱的小男孩。你对周围事物充满兴趣,课堂上总能认真听讲,积极举手发言,思维活跃,想象力较强,语言表达能力也不错;你还是个爱劳动的好孩子,经常帮助老师一起打扫卫生;但你下课时爱和小朋友打闹,希望你改掉这一坏习惯好吗。 张昱杰小朋友: 你是个聪明、活泼、可爱的小男孩,你尊敬老师,待人有礼貌,和小朋友友好相处,能积极参与幼儿园的各项活动,在园经常能听到你那快乐的笑声;你对唱歌、识字较感兴趣,能很好的掌握所学汉字,课堂上能积极动脑、大胆发言,思维较活跃,动手能力也有了明显提高。希望进入大班后改掉上课爱插嘴的习惯好吗, 王演宸小朋友: 你是个聪明、内向的小男孩。你和小朋友能友好相处,从来不会跟别人打闹,你画画真仔细,做事很认真,字写的也特别漂亮,现在也能主动积极的参加各种活动了,经常会和别的小朋友一起玩了,小组长工作认真负责。希望你进入大班后变的更活泼、大方好吗, 黄长玉小朋友: 你是个内向、怕难为情的小男孩。在园对人有礼貌,生活习惯较好,自己的事情自己做,吃饭时能保持桌面干净,从不剩饭, an. Scong, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japo turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said suth tTomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce yo help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to theJapanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to -sm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of antit. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiahe spoinjured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on tiously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 consc in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao,met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never -ng "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu antiaround the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly hummifast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people -ope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 4 - 不挑食。你也特别爱听故事、爱看动画片,对数学活动也比较感兴趣,能积极的参加幼儿园的各项活动,这学期在画画、手工方面也有了明显的进步;希望你进入大班后上课能积极举手、大胆发言,相信自己你就是最好的,行吗, 戴成小朋友: 你是个 聪明、活泼的小男孩。老师觉得你很能干:能自己的事情自己做,有时你还能帮助别的小朋友穿衣服;每次画画构线时你总画的很好,能注意画面的安排,想象丰富;课堂上能积极动脑、大胆发言、声音响亮;希望你进入大班后能和小朋友友好相处,不再欺负别的小朋友,做个讲文明的好孩子好吗, 殷宇忡小朋友你是个聪明、活泼、可爱的小男孩。你的脸上总带着灿烂的笑容,老师和小朋友都非常喜欢你,课堂上总能看到你高高举起的小手,上课爱动脑筋、思维活跃,课后经常会问许多“为什么”,对周围事物充满了好奇,是个爱学习的好孩子。希望在下一学期能都吃饭、都运动,把身体练的棒棒的好吗, 姜圆圆小朋友 你是个聪明、文静、内向的小姑娘。你的脸上总是洋溢着甜甜的笑容,大家可喜欢你啦~你人小可样样事情敢超人先,做的都要比别人好,本学期你对画画进步较大,能注意画面整洁,构图合理,富有创意;希望圆圆今后更大胆些,活泼些,上课能积极举手、大胆发言,相信这样你会更棒, 杨宙小朋友你是个活泼、可爱又顽皮的小男孩。你尊敬老师,有礼貌,你还是一名爱劳动的好孩子,经常能和老师一起做值日工作;你能积极主动参加幼儿园的各项活动,上课能认真听讲,爱动脑筋,能很好的掌握所学的内容,是个爱学习的好孩子;希望你在新的一学期能和小朋友友好相处,下课不再打打闹闹,做个讲文明的好孩子好吗, 朱凌云小朋友你是个活泼、可爱又调皮的小男孩。经过一学年的交往老师发现你的变化是喜人的,现在你学会了干净的吃饭、也没以前那样挑食了,学会自己的事情尽量自己做;上课认真多了,有时能积极举手,大胆发言了;可能是因为年龄原因,你的自控能力还不够强,相信你随着年龄的增长,你的进步会越来越的的,我们共同努力吧~ 程乾小朋友:你是个活泼、顽皮有个性的孩子。你的小嘴巴特别能说,口语表达能力较强,能为小朋友编故事,经常逗的孩子们哈哈大笑,你可称得上是我班的“小故事大王”了呢~你特别爱看书,图书角里经常能看到你的身影;希望你在新学期里上课能认真听讲,不做小动作,下课能和小朋友玩一些活泼又安全的游戏,成为一名守纪、爱学的好孩子好吗, 梅凌云小朋友 : 你是个聪明、活泼、可爱的孩子。课堂上总能看到你高高举起的小手,上课思维活跃,积极动脑、踊跃发言,你做数学题总是又快又对,小脑袋非常灵活;语言表达能力也较强,经常抢着上来为大家讲故事;炼,让你的小手变得更灵活,成林艺伟小朋友 第 页 Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party-Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of antiQian hing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. are of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, wasken cdue to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, ta ang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao banguring the war, Zhu Xi Yao bJapanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers d-small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a-he masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Huieng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize tthe F ning classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teachingto instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evemember Zhuang Shaozhen according 5 - 你是一个文静的小女孩。上课遵守纪律,认真听讲,也很乐意参加各项游 戏 Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to -sm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of antit. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiahe spoinjured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on tiously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 consc in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao,met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never -ng "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu antiaround the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly hummifast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people -ope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Huian. Scong, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japo turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said suth tTomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce yo help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the 6 -
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