首页 英语专业八级人文知识模拟题十套



英语专业八级人文知识模拟题十套1 31.The capital of Wales is ______. A. Birmingham B. Edinburgh C. Cardiff D. Belfast 32.Which is the highest rank among the titles of English nobility? A. Earl B. Duke C. Marquees D. Baron 33.______ were originally called Yankees, which c...

1 31.The capital of Wales is ______. A. Birmingham B. Edinburgh C. Cardiff D. Belfast 32.Which is the highest rank among the titles of English nobility? A. Earl B. Duke C. Marquees D. Baron 33.______ were originally called Yankees, which came to stand for all Americans. A. People living in New England B. People living in New York city C. People living in Florida D. People living by the Mississippi river 34. The oldest university in Ireland is _______ . A. Dublin University B. Dublin City University C.St. Patrick College D. the National University 35.The Victorian Period refers to ______. A. 1798-1832 B. 1836-1901 C. The Romantic Period D. the Neoclassical Period 36.T. S. Eliot’s ______ is considered as a model of the 20th century English poetry. A. Poems 1909-1925 B. Prufrock and Other Observations C. The Waste Land D. The Hollow Men A. 37.“The Father of American Literature” is ______. B. Benjamin Franklin B. Washington Irving C. Mark Twain D. Earnest Hemingway 38.Which of the following is a back vowel? A. i B. w C. u D. e 39.______ can be used independently without being combined with other morphemes. A. Free morphemes B. Bound morphemes C. Stems D. Affixes 40.Systemic-functional grammar is developed by _____. A. Chomsky B. Halliday C.Bloomfield D. Saussure 31.【答案C】加的夫是威尔士的首府,是一个具有高生活水平和多样经济的国际化城市,号称英国第七大城市。A. Birmingham 为苏格兰中部城市 B. Edinburgh为苏格兰首府 C. Cardiff 为被爱尔兰首府。考察对象国地理知识。 32.【答案B】英国的贵族分五个等级,由高至低为公爵(Duke)、侯爵 (Earl) 、伯爵 (Marquees) 、子爵 (Viscount) 和男爵 (Baron)。考察对象国传统文化知识。 33.【答案A】新英格兰人被称为“扬基人”,现在人们用该词指美国人。考察历史知识。 34. 【答案A】爱尔兰历史最悠久的大学是都柏林大学。考察对象国教育知识。 35.【答案B】维多利亚时期指1836-1901年,这一时期英国无论在经济领域还是科学文化领域都达到了空前繁荣。考察英国文学知识。 36.【答案C】T S艾略特是诺贝尔文学奖获得者,其代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 作《荒原》堪称二十世纪英文诗歌的典范。考察美国文学知识。 37.【答案B】华盛顿 欧文被尊为“美国文学之父”。其代表作为《里普 范 温可》。考察美国文学知识。 38.【答案C】根据元音发音时舌翘位置,将它们分为前后元音, [u] 是后元音。考察语言学知识。 39.【答案A】自由语素可以独立出现,独立成词。考察语言学知识。 40.【答案B】语言学大师韩礼德是系统功能语法的创始人。考察语言学知识。A. Chomsky为转换生成语法的创始人,C.Bloomfield和D. Saussure为结构主义语言学创始人。 2. 31.The capital of Scotland is ______. A. Manchester B. Birmingham C. Glasgow D. Edinburgh 32.Eton College is a/n ______. A. higher educational institution B. secondary school C. vocational school D. primary school 33.The city of ______ is nicknamed “Space City of USA”. A.Los Angeles B. Boston C. Houston D. Honolulu 34.Quebec’s legal system is based on ______. A. Canadian law B. British common law C. French criminal law D. British civil law 35._____ has been regarded by some as “the Father of the English Poetry”. A. Jonathan Swift B. John Bunyan C. George Chaucer D. John Milton 36.Uncle Tom’s Cabin is written by a woman writer whose name is ______. A. Kate Chopin B. Emily Dickson C. Alice Brown D. Harriet Beecher Stowe 37.The book from which “all modern American literature comes” refers to _______. A.An American Tragedy C. The Great Gatsby D. The Adventure of HuckBerry Finn E. Sister Carrie 38.Which is not one of the design features of language? ______. A. Productive B. Stable C. Dual D. Arbitrary 39.Which of the following groups of words is a minimal pair? A. sea/see B. wet/which C. she/sheet D. moon/noon 40.There are ______maxims under the cooperative principle. A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2 31.【答案D】爱丁堡是苏格兰首府,是其政治、经济、文化中心,是一座文化古城,素有“北方雅典”之称。A. Manchester和B. Birmingham均为英格兰城市C. Glasgow为苏格兰港市,英国造船业中心。考察对象国地理知识。 32.【答案B】伊顿学院是英国最著名的贵族私立中学之一。1440年创办于伊顿镇,只招收男生,毕业生多入牛津或剑桥等著名大学。考察英国教育知识。 33.【答案C】休斯敦是美国的“太空城”。A.Los Angeles 为美国加州著名港市。 B. Boston为马萨诸塞州首府。D. Honolulu为夏威夷州首府。考察美国地理知识。 34.【答案C】魁北克地区作为以前的法属殖民地,其法律体系是依照法国的刑事法律判定的。考察对象国法律知识。 35.【答案C】十四世纪著名诗人乔叟被誉为“英国诗歌之父”,其代表作是《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)。考察英国文学知识。 36.【答案D】《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的作者是斯托夫人,在该书中她揭露了南部种植园黑人奴隶制的残暴和黑奴的痛苦。考察美国文学知识。 37.【答案C】马克 吐温的名作《哈克贝里芬历险记》 (1876) 被认为是现代美国文学的开端。考察美国文学知识。 38.【答案B】语言具有任意性,双层结构和多产性而不具有不稳定性。考察语言学知识。 39.【答案D】如果两个单词之间的差别只是一个音阶,那么它们就叫做最小语音对。考察语言学知识。 40.【答案B】格莱斯认为人们总是遵守以套相互合作的基本原则以有效利用语言达到交际的目的,他称这些原则为“合作原则”, 其中包括质量准则(Maxim of quality),数量准则(Maxim of quantity),相关准则(Maxim of relevance),方式准则 (Maxim of manner)。考察语言学知识。 3 31.______ was established by William Booth in 1865 and it is the second largest provider of social services in England. A. The Anglican Church B. The United Reformed Church C. The Methodist D. The Salvation Army 32.Tony Blair represents______ . A. The Liberal Party B. The Conservative Party C. The Labor Party D. The Democratic Party 33.The following are religious festivals except ______. A. Christmas B. Easter C. Thanksgiving D. Halloween 34. The Constitution Act, the oldest written constitution in the world, was drawn up in ______. A. 1783 B. 1785 C. 1787 D. 1790 35.______ is not Henry Milton’s work.. A. Paradise Lost   B. Paradise Regained C. Samson Agonistes D. Pilgram’s Progress 36.The following poets are often mentioned as the “Lake Poets” except ______. A. Shelly B. Coleridge C. Wordsworth D. Southey 37.______ is not a member of the famous “transcendental club” in American literature. A. Emerson     B. Thoreau C. Margaret Fuller D. James Cooper 38. _____ takes the inner structure of word as its main object of study. A. Phonology B. Morphology C. Syntax D. Pragmatics 39. Which is not one of the grammatical categories of English pronoun? ______. A. Voice B. Gender C. Number D. Case 40.______ Maxim requires the speaker not to say what he/she believes to be false. A. Quantity B. Quality C. Relation D. Manner 31.【答案D】救世军成立于1865年,他们宣传耶稣基督的故事,并在穷苦人中做一些社会工作。A. The Anglican Church为英国国教, B. The United Reformed Church指联合革新教C. The Methodist指循道宗教。考察宗教知识。 32.【答案C】布莱尔于1997年任职,并于2001和2004年连任两次,成为工党历史上首位连任三次首相职位的领导人。考察英国政治方面的知识。 33.【答案D】万圣节来自民间习俗,是非宗教性节日。其余三个选项均为基督教节日。考察美国习俗。 34.【答案C】《宪法草案》起草于1787年5月。考察美国历史知识。 35.【答案D】《天路历程》是约翰.班扬(John Bunyan)的作品,属宗教文学。A. Paradise Lost,B. Paradise Regained和C. Samson Agonistes 均为亨利 弥尔顿的作品。考察英国文学知识。 36.【答案A】华兹华斯,柯勒律治和骚塞并称为“湖畔诗人(Lake Poets)”。A. Shelly为英国著名浪漫主义诗人,其诗作赞扬革命,抨击封建统治和传统。考察英国文学知识。 37.【答案D】库珀不是超验主义思想家,他的作品主要描述美国开拓边疆的历史。A. Emerson B. Thoreau C. Margaret Fuller均为超验主义思想。考察美国文学知识。 38.【答案B】形态学主要研究单词的内部构造。考察语言学知识。 39.【答案A】语法范畴(grammatical categories)用来指代名词、动词等词类的标志性特征,对于代词有性 (gender), 数 (number) 、格 (case) ,而语态 (voice) 是动词的语法范畴。考察语言学知识。 40.【答案B】格莱斯的合作原则中的质量准则要求说话者不要说自己认为不真实的话。考察语言学知识。 4. 31.The Hundred Years’ War was fought between England and ______. A. Holland B. Denmark C. France D. Germany 32.The eastern part of the United States is made up of the highlands formed by ______. A. Appalachian Range B. Coast Range C. Rocky Mountains D. Cascade Range 33.“Give me liberty, or give me death” is a famous saying by ______. A. Benjamin Franklin B. George Washington C. Henry Patrick D. Abraham Lincoln 34.The capital of Australia is ______. A. Canberra B. Melbourne C. Sydney D. Edinburgh 35.______ is the author of Jane Eyre. A. Emily Bronte B. Charlotte Bronte C. Jane Austin D. Anne Bronte 36.______ is the masterpiece of D. H. Lawrence. A. Sons and Lovers B. The Rainbow C. Lady Chatterley’s Lover D. Women in Love 37.The Age of Realism in American literary history refers to the period from _____ to ______. A. 1861, 1918 B. 1860, 1914 C. 1865, 1917 D. 1861, 1910 38. “Speech act” theory is developed by______. A. Grice B.Austin C. Chomsky D.Halliday 39. Which of the following is not a plosive? A. p B. k C. v D. d 40.The words “borrow” and “lend” are ______. A. hyponyms B. co-hyponyms C. gradable opposites D. converse opposites 4. 31.【答案C】百年战争发生在英法两国之间。考察英国历史知识。 32.【答案A】阿巴拉契亚山脉从美国东北向西南延伸至乔治亚州与阿拉巴马州,从美国西部向中部分布着海岸山脉,喀斯喀特山脉和落基山脉。考察美国地理知识。 33.【答案C】“不自由,勿宁死”是亨利.帕特里克在1775年一场著名演讲中的话。考察美国历史知识。 34.【答案A】澳大利亚首府为堪培拉,拥有26万人口和众多现代化建筑。B. Melbourne和C. Sydney 均为澳大利亚城市 D. Edinburgh为苏格兰首府。考察对象国地理知识。 35.【答案B】《简爱》的作者是夏洛特 勃朗特。A. Emily Bronte 代表作为《呼啸山庄》,C. Jane Austin是英国著名现实主义小说的代表人物,其代表作为《傲慢与偏见》,D. Anne Bronte 为勃朗特姐妹之一,也是一位作家。 考察英国文学知识。 36.【答案B】《虹》是劳伦斯的代表作,代表了他的最高成就。考察英国文学知识。 37.【答案B】1860-1914年是美国文学史上的现实主义阶段。考察美国文学知识。 38.【答案B】奥斯汀提出了“Speech act (以言行事)”理论,他认为说话本身是一种行为,一种人做的事情。A.Grice提出了“合作原则”,C. Chomsky是转换生成语法的创始人,D.Halliday则是系统功能语法的创始人。考察语言学知识。 39.【答案C】根据发音方式判断[V]不是爆破音。考察语言学知识。 40.【答案D】两者属于相反的反义关系,两个词之间并不是一种肯定和否定的关系,表现的是两个实体之间关系的颠倒。考察语言学知识。 5. 31.In law British Prime Minister is appointed by ______. A. the monarch B. the House of Lords C. the House of Common D. the Speaker 32.The population of the United States is ______. A. 265 million B. 285 million C. 300 million D. 383 million 33. In 1788 Australia was settled by the British as a colony founded to ______. A. receive free settlers B. supply Britain with wood and food C. receive convicts from Britain D. expand British’s imperial power 34. The largest city in New Zealand is______. A. Dunedin B. Auckland C. Wellington D. Christchurch 35.Robert Burns was a Scottish poet in the ______period. A. Renaissance B. Romantic C. Neoclassical D. Victorian 36.In Oscar Wilde’s masterpiece ______, he expressed a satirical attitude towards the upper-class people. A. The Silver Box B.The Importance of Being Earnest C. Strife D. The Playboy of the Western World 37._____ always used “i” instead of “I” to refer to himself as a protest against self-importance. A. Ezra Pound B. Robert Frost B. Wallace Stevens D. E. E. Cummings 38. The ______ of a language is the system and pattern of the speech sounds used in that particular language. A. phonology B. phonetics C. morphology D. syntax 39.The relationship between “vegetable” and “eggplant” is ______. A. hyponymy B. polysemy C. homonymy D. synonymy 40.The violation of Grice’s Cooperative Principles produces ______. A. utterance meaning B. conversational implicatures C. indirect speech act D. speech act theory 31.【答案A】英国政体从1688年至今一直沿用君主立宪制,国王是国家元首,形式上有权任免首相。考察英国政治体制知识。 32.【答案B】美国现有一百多个民族,共有人口2.85亿,仅次于中国、印度,居世界第三位。考察美国民族知识。 33.【答案C】1788年,英国开始在澳大利亚建立殖民地,作为英国的囚犯流放地。考察对象国历史知识。 34.【答案B】惠灵顿是新西兰首府,A. Dunedin是新西兰南岛的一个港市,B. Auckland新西兰最大的城市,D. Christchurch,名为“花园城”是新西兰南岛最大城市。考察对象国地理知识。 35.【答案B】罗伯特.彭斯是英格兰浪漫主义时期的著名农民诗人。考察英国文学知识。 36.【答案B】奥斯卡 王尔德的《认真的重要》(1895)运用机智和幽默,讥讽了十九世纪末伦敦上层社会的悠闲寄生生活和绅士淑女们的玩世不恭。考察英国文学知识。 37.【答案D】肯明斯是二十世纪最具创新性的诗人之一。他在文字上通过独特的断句,拼词造句和标点大小写来控制诗歌的视觉效果。考察美国文学知识。考察美国文学知识。 38.【答案A】音位学研究的是人类语言中言语语音的体系和模式。考察语言学知识。 39.【答案A】这两个词分别表示逻辑上的属概念和种概念,因而两词之间存在上下义关系。B. polysemy为多义词,C. homonymy 为同音异义词,D. synonymy为同义词。考察语言学知识。 40.【答案B】违背格莱斯的合作原则便会产生会话意义,这便是说话人有意通过违反准则让对方体会到的言外之意。A. utterance meaning为会话意义,C. indirect speech act为间接言语行为理论,即“通过实施另一种言语行为来间接实施某言语行为,D. speech act theory为言语行为理论,主要研究怎样用语言实施行为。考察语言学知识。 6. 31.______ is uniquely related to the Crown. A. The Methodist Church B. The Roman Catholic Church C. Church of England D. Church of Scotland 32.According to the Marshall Plan, the US decided to offer economic aid to _______. A. Asia     B. Latin America C. North America D. Western Europe 33. ______ is the National day of the Australia. A. January 26 B. February 26 C. July 27 D. August 27 34. Nearly 75% of the population of New Zealand lives in ______. A. South Island B. North Island C. Stewart Island D. Chatham Island 35.Beowulf is the greatest epic in ______. A. Anglo-Saxon times B. the Roman Occupation C. the Middle Ages D. the Renaissance 36.______ is hailed as the literary spokesman of the Jazz Age. A. F. Scott Fitzgerald B. William Faulkner C. John Steinbeck D. Earnest Hemingway 37.E. M. Foster’s masterpiece is ______. A. A Passage to India B. Pilgrimage C. Mrs. Dalloway D. Rainbow 38. Vibration of the vocal cords results in ______. A. voicing B. aspiration C. obstruction D. nasality 39.Transformational-generative grammar is developed by _____. A. Chomsky B. Halliday C.Bloomfield D. Saussure 40.______ is a word formed by clipping. A.hippo B. smog C. AIDS D. edit 31.【答案C】Church of England (英国国教)在政治上和管理上与王室有着密切的关系。考察英国历史和宗教知识。 32.【答案D】马歇尔 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 于1947年由美国国务卿马歇尔将军发布,目的是重振欧洲经济,并向欧洲国家输出美国资本。考察美国历史知识。 33.【答案A】1月26日为澳大利亚国庆日。考察对象国文化知识。 34.【答案B】约占75%的新西兰人居住在北岛。考察对象国人口知识。 35.【答案A】《贝奥武夫》是盎格鲁-萨克森时代的民族史诗。公元前10世纪成文之前口头流传了数百年。考察英国文学知识。 36.【答案A】菲茨杰拉德的创作倾向与迷惘的一代相似,表现第一次世界大战后年轻的一代对美国所抱的理想的幻灭。他的代表作为《了不起的盖茨比》表现了“美国梦“的破灭。考察美国文学知识。 37.【答案A】福斯特的代表作是《印度之行》(1924),该书为二十世纪最后一本成功的传统小说。考察英国文学知识。 38.【答案A】发音时声带振动为浊辅音,不振动为清辅音。考察语言学知识。 39.【答案A】语言学大师乔姆斯基是转换生成语法的创始人。C. Bloomfield和D. Saussure为结构主义语言学创始人。考察语言学知识。 40.【答案A】把单词的一个或几个音节截除后所剩的缩略词,叫clipped words(截短词),hippo是由hippopotamus截短而来。A. smog 是由smoke + fog拼缀而成(blending),B.AIDS是Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome的首字母缩写词(acronym),D.edit是 editor后生(back-formation)而来。考察语言学知识。 7. 31.While ______ was in power, the British Empire was honored as “The Sun Never Set Empire”. A. Queen Victoria B. Queen Elizabeth C. Queen Elizabeth II D. George III 32. Higher education began in the United States with the founding of ______. A. Yale B. Harvard C. Princeton D. MIT 33.The largest city in Canada is ______. A. Toronto B. Quebec C. Ottawa D. Vancouver 34.______ is the largest and strongest part in Australian economy. A. Banking B. Tourism C. Food processing D. IT industry 35.______ is a popular literary form in English Renaissance period. A. Novel B. Epic C. Romance D. Drama 36.In the Romantic Period, _____defines poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”. A. Shelly B. Coleridge C. Keats D. Wordsworth 37.The Romantic period of American literature started with ______. A. The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn B. Leather-stocking Tales C. The Scarlet Letter D. Sketch Book 38. Two allophones of the same phoneme are said to be in ______. A. minimal pair B. complimentary distribution C. phonemic contrast D. contrastive distribution 39.Semantics is defined as the study of the ______ of language. A. rules B. naming C. meaning D. all of the above 40.______ is the bringing of effects on the audience by means of uttering the sentence. A. a perlocutionary act B. a locutionary act C. an illocutionary act D. a prelocutionary act 31.【答案A】维多利亚女王在位的63年 (1837—1901) 间英国各方面蓬勃发展,海外扩张达到了高潮,大英帝国号称“日不落帝国”。考察英国历史知识。 32.【答案B】哈佛大学创建于1636年,是美国历史最为悠久的大学。A. Yale耶鲁大学,C. Princeton普林斯顿大学和D. MIT麻省理工学院均为美国知名大学。考察美国教育史。 33.【答案A】多伦多是加拿大最大的城市,重要港口和全国金融、商业、工业、文化中心之一。B. Quebec为加拿大一省份,C. Ottawa渥太华和D. Vancouver温哥华均为加拿大的重要城市。考察对象国地理知识。 34.【答案B】澳大利亚旅游资源很丰富,著名旅游城市和景点遍布全国,每年大批游客前往观光,因而其旅游收入颇丰。考察对象国资源知识。 35.【答案D】伊丽莎白时代的戏剧代表了英国文艺复兴时期文学创作的最高成就,其中该时代后期莎士比亚的戏剧将英国文艺复兴戏剧推向了高潮。考察英国文学知识。 36.【答案D】华兹华斯作为英国浪漫派诗歌理论的创始人,认为一切好的诗歌都是“强烈感情的自然流露”。考察英国文学知识。 37.【答案D】华盛顿 欧文的《见闻札记》(1820)的出版标志着美国浪漫主义文学的开始,也开创了美国短篇小说的传统。考察美国文学知识。 38. 【答案B】如果两个基本相似的音阶绝不会出现在相同的语音环境中,那么它们之间就是互补性分布的关系。A. minimal pair 为最小语音对,C. phonemic contrast为音素对比,D. contrastive distribution为对比性分布。考察语言学知识。 39.【答案C】语义学研究的是语言的意义。考察语言学知识。 40.【答案A】言后行为指话语在听者身上产生的效果。B. a locutionary act 为言内行为,C. an illocutionary act为言外行为,D. a prelocutionary act 为言后行为。考察语言学知识。 8. 31.The oldest university in England is ______. A. Oxford          B. Cambridge C. The University of Glasgow  D. The University of St. Andrews 32.After President Jefferson bought the Louisiana territory from ______, there was a strong desire for territorial expansion among many frontier men. A. England B. Spain C. Russia D. France 33.In April 1945, a conference was called at _____- to organize the United Nations. A. Los Angeles B. San Francisco C. Honolulu D. Washington 34.The Vietnam War ended when President _____ was in power. A. Nixon B. Kennedy C. Truman D. Carter 35.Wuthering Heights is the masterpiece of ______. A. Emily Bronte B. Charlotte Bronte C. Anne Bronte D. Emily Dickinson 36.Most of Thomas Hardy’s work showed his ______ view of life. A. optimistic B. pessimistic C. practical D. satirical 37.Which is not written by Mark Twain? _______. A. The Adventure of Tom Sawyer B. Innocents Abroad C. Red Badge of Courage D. The Gilded Age 38. Which of the following word is created through the process of acronym? A. WHO B. smog C. TV D. ad 39.______ is an example of indirect speech act. A. Good afternoon B. Could you please close the door? C. What’s his age? D. Tell him to see me in my office this afternoon. 40.______ Maxim requires people to be orderly and avoid ambiguity in their speech. A. Quantity B. Quality C. Manner D. Relation 8. 31.【答案A】牛津大学创建于1167年,当时Henry II(亨利二世)下令召回正在巴黎留学的英国学生,为了安置他们,便创立了牛津大学,牛津大学是英国历史最悠久的大学。考察英国教育历史知识。 32.【答案D】1803年,美国利用拿破仑战败,购买了法国在北美的殖民地Louisiana (路易斯安娜)。考察美国历史知识。 33.【答案B】1945年48个国家在旧金山召开了联合国成立大会。中国共产党派董必武出席会议并在联合国宪章上签字。考察历史知识。 34.【答案A】越南战争于1973年1月结束,正值尼克松总统当政。考察美国历史知识。 35.【答案A】《呼啸山庄》是艾米莉 勃朗特的成名之作。B. Charlotte Bronte为勃朗特三姐妹之一,代表作为《简爱》,C. Anne Bronte 为另一位姐妹,也是一位作家,D. Emily Dickinson为美国一位现代派先驱女诗人。考察英国文学知识。 36.【答案B】托马斯 哈代作为英国伟大的现实主义小说家和诗人,其作品表现了他悲观主义的世界观。其代表作为《德伯家的苔丝》。考察英国文学知识。 37.【答案C】《红色英勇勋章》( Red Badge of Courage)是克莱恩 (Stephen Crane) 1895年的作品,它堪称战争小说的楷模。A. The Adventure of Tom Sawyer《汤姆 索亚历险记》, B. Innocents Abroad《傻子出国旅行记》和D. The Gilded Age《镀金时代》均为马克吐温作品。考察美国文学知识。 38.【答案A】WHO (World Health Organization) 是首字母缩写词。B. smog 为smoke + fog拼缀 (blending) 而成,C. TV为television一词截短(clipping)而来,D. ad为advertisement一词截短而来。考察语言学知识。 39.【答案B】通过实施另一种言语能力来间接地实施某一种言语行为,这种现象可称之为间接言语行为,如 could you please close the door? 询问听者是否介意关门,其实是在礼貌地提出请求。A. Good afternoon为问候语,C. What’s his age? 为特殊疑问句,D. Tell him to see me in my office this afternoon.为祈使句,都是直接言语行为。考察语言学知识。 40.【答案C】方式准则要求避免语言无条理,含糊不清。A. Quantity数量原则要求话语应包含交谈所需要的信息内容,B. Quality质量原则要求话语尽量真实,D. Relation 相关原则要求话语和话 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 相关。考察语言学知识。 9 31.The Industrial Revolution in England took place in the latter half of the ______ century. A.16th B. 17th C 18th D.19th 32.The ______ has the power to interpret the Constitution. A. House of Representatives B. Senate C. President D. Supreme Court 33._____ first sailed around the earth and ______ discovered the American continent. A. John Cobot/ Christopher Columbus B. Magellan/Christopher Columbus C. Amerigo Vespuci/Magellan D. Christopher Columbus/John Cobot 34. Canada is the largest exporter of ______. A. lumber B. furs C. fish D. fruit 35.The following are novelist of the Victorian period except______. A. Charles Dickens B.George Eliot C.Henry James D.William Thackeray 36.Theodore Dreiser’s Trilogy of Desire contains the following except ______. A. The Financier B. The Tycoon C. The Stoic D. The Titan 37.______ was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature for his “mastery of the art of modern narration” in 1954. A. William Faulkner B. Earnest Hemingway C. John Steinback D. John Passos 38. The plural affix in the word teachers is a/n ______. A. free morphemes B. stem C. inflectional affix D. derivational affix 39. The part of the grammar that represents a speaker’s knowledge of the structure of phrases and sentences is called ______. A. lexicology B.semantics C.syntax D.morphology 40.______ studies how context influences the usage and interpretation of language and meaning. A. Applied linguistics B. Sociolingustics C. Pragmatics D. Syntax 9 31.【答案C】英国工业革命始于十八世纪后半期。考察英国历史知识。 32.【答案D】根据美国政治体制,最高法院具有解释宪法的权利。B. Senate参议院为立法机构,C. President是最高行政首长,可行使行政权,D. Supreme Court最高法院具有司法权。考察美国政治体制知识。 33. 【答案B】麦哲伦第一个绕地球航行,哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲大陆。考察历史知识。 34.【答案A】加拿大森林资源十分丰富,其木材出口量居世界首位。考察对象国资源知识。 35.【答案C】亨利 詹姆斯是十九世纪末二十世纪初英国杰出小说家。考察英国文学知识。 36.【答案D】德莱塞的《欲望三部曲》包括《金融家》、《巨人》和《斯多葛》,描绘了一个垄断资本家豺狼般的一生。考察美国文学知识。 37.【答案B】1954年海明威获诺贝尔文学奖。他的代表作有《太阳照样升起》,《永别了,武器》,《丧钟为谁而鸣》,他的作品风格独特,文笔精练。考察美国文学知识。 38. 【答案C】“s”在“teachers”中是屈折词缀,是确定或限定词的语法意义的。A. free morphemes为自由词素,B. stem为词根,D. derivational affix为派生词缀,如,名词后缀 “er”。考察语言学知识。 39. 【答案C】句法学研究句子结构及词、词组构成句子的规则。考察语言学知识。 40.【答案C】语用学研究人们如何利用语言来进行交际,通过语境来理解和使用语言。考察语言学知识。 10 31.Of all the fifty states in the United States, ____is the largest in area. A. California B. Texas
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