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001 A robust lane detection and tracking method based on computer vision


001 A robust lane detection and tracking method based on computer vision A robust lane detection and tracking method based on computer vision This article has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text article. 2006 Meas. Sci. Technol. 17 736 (http://iopscience.iop.org/0957-0233/17/4/020) Download...

001 A robust lane detection and tracking method based on computer vision
A robust lane detection and tracking method based on computer vision This article has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text article. 2006 Meas. Sci. Technol. 17 736 (http://iopscience.iop.org/0957-0233/17/4/020) Download details: IP Address: The article was downloaded on 25/10/2012 at 06:54 Please note that terms and conditions apply. View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Meas. Sci. Technol. 17 (2006) 736–745 doi:10.1088/0957-0233/17/4/020 A robust lane detection and tracking method based on computer vision Yong Zhou, Rong Xu, Xiaofeng Hu and Qingtai Ye 640 Institute, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200 030, People’s Republic of China E-mail: zhou@sjtu.edu.cn, rxu@sjtu.edu.cn, wshxf@sjtu.edu.cn and yqingtai@sjtu.edu.cn Received 2 October 2005, in final form 6 January 2006 Published 21 February 2006 Online at stacks.iop.org/MST/17/736 Abstract This paper presents a robust method designed to detect and track a road lane from images provided by an on-board monocular monochromatic camera. The proposed lane detection approach makes use of a deformable template model to the expected lane boundaries in the image, a maximum a posteriori formulation of the lane detection problem, and a Tabu search algorithm to maximize the posterior density. The model parameters completely determine the position of the host vehicle within the lane, its heading direction and the local structure of the lane ahead. Based on the lane detection result in the first frame of the image sequence, a particle filter, having multiple hypotheses capability and performing nonlinear filtering, is used to recursively estimate the lane shape and the vehicle position in the sequence of consecutive images. Experimental results reveal that the proposed lane detection and tracking method is robust against broken lane markings, curved lanes, shadows, strong distracting edges, and occlusions in the captured road images. Keywords: lane detection, lane tracking, MAP estimate, Tabu search, particle filter, computer vision 1. Introduction Lane detection and tracking, the process of estimating the local geometry structure of the lane ahead and the position and heading direction of the vehicle inside the lane, is primary and essential for many intelligent vehicle applications, including intelligent cruise control, lane departure warning, lateral control and autonomous driving etc. In most conditions, lane detection and tracking is simplified into a problem of finding the lane boundaries in the input road images. We argue that a distinction can be made between lane detection and lane tracking. Lane detection aims to determine the location of lane boundaries in a single image without strong prior knowledge about the lane position. Lane tracking involves determining the location of lane boundaries in a sequence of consecutive images by constraining the probable lane location in the current image using information about the lane location in previous images. The difficulty of lane detection and tracking lies in the fact that the lane boundaries in an image can have relatively weak local contrast, or strong distracting edges. Recently, many lane detection methods have been introduced [1–3], and they can be classified into region-based methods and edge-based methods. Region-based methods first label image pixels into road and non-road classes based on particular features. Then, lane models are used to fit the segmentation results. Usually, two particular features, namely colour [4–7] and texture [8, 9], have been used to segment the road region. The colour and texture in various roads are not different. Due to the uncontrolled illumination condition, the colour of a road varies with time. Meanwhile, the region-based lane detection methods are time-consuming and difficult to precisely locate the lane boundaries. Most lane detection methods are edge-based. After an edge detection step, the edge-based methods organize the detected edges into meaningful structure (lane marking) or fit a lane model to the detected edges. Most of the edge-based 0957-0233/06/040736+10$30.00 © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK 736 A robust lane detection and tracking method based on computer vision methods use simple lane models to characterize the lane boundaries. The simplest model used to characterize lane boundaries is a straight model considering they are straight [10]. This technique is simple but it generates error on the vehicle localization if the boundaries of the lane are not straight. In [11], the adaptive randomized Hough transform is used to detect the lane boundary. The three-dimensional (3D) parametric space of the curve is reduced to the two- dimensional (2D) and the one-dimensional (1D) space. The paired parameters in two dimensions are estimated by gradient directions and the last parameter in one dimension is used to verify the estimated parameters by histogram. In [12], the authors propose a B-Snake-based lane detection and tracking algorithm without any camera parameters. The Canny/Hough estimation of vanishing points (CHEVP) is presented for providing a good initial position for the B-Snake and minimum mean-square error (MMSE) is proposed to determine the control points of the B-Snake model by the overall image forces on two sides of the lane. The LANA algorithm [13] uses frequency-domain features to find the lane edge. The feature vectors are used to compute the likelihood probability through fitting the detected features to a lane model. In [14], the road edges are detected using a model which characterizes the road edges in road scene images and is initialized by an off-line training step. The model is updated in a recursive way after each detection. In [15] is used a lane-curve function (LCF) obtained by the transformation of the defined parabolic function on the world coordinates into the image coordinates. A comparison is carried out between the slope of an assumed LCF and the phase angle of the edge pixels in the lane region of interest constructed by the assumed LCF. The LCF with the minimum difference in the comparison becomes the true LCF corresponding to the lane curve. LOIS in [16] and [17] uses a deformable template model of the lane boundaries in the image plane to locate lane boundaries without thresholding the intensity gradient information. The Metropolis algorithm is used to maximize a function which evaluates how well the image gradient data support a given set of template deformation parameters. GOLD [18] and RALPH [19] reproject the image ahead of the vehicle onto the ground plane. In GOLD, lane markings are modelled as narrow bright features against a darker background. The lane width is identified by constructing a histogram of the horizontal separation between all pairs of potential lane edge points and finding the peak value. The lane is found by identifying the pairs of edge points in each row forming the longest continuous lane. RALPH determines the road curvature and lateral offsets using a matching technique that adaptively adjusts and aligns a template to the averaged scan line intensity profile. Edge-based methods are highly dependent on the methods used to extract the edges corresponding to the lane boundaries. Often in practice the strongest edges are not the road edges, so that the detected edges do not necessarily fit a straight line or a smoothly varying model. Edge-based methods often fail to locate the lane boundaries in images with strong distracting edges. Lane tracking is a problem to recursively estimate the lane shape parameters. In [20–23] Kalman filter estimators are used whose observations are image edge features, and a controlled search for these features allows edges that do not correspond to useful road markings to be rejected [24]. These methods need to reduce the effects of the outliers prior to road shape estimation, which is a difficult task. When a tracking failure occurs, the Kalman filter based lane tracking is difficult to recover. Kalman filtering is inadequate because it is based on Gaussian densities which, being unimodal, cannot represent simultaneous alternative hypotheses. So a more robust lane tracking method is needed. To overcome the demerits of the lane detection and tracking methods described above, a novel lane detection and tracking method is developed in this paper. Firstly, a deformable template model of the projective projection of the lane boundaries is introduced assuming that the lane boundaries are parabolas in the ground plane. Then, the lane detection problem is formulated as a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate problem. Due to the non-concavity of the function involved, a Tabu search algorithm is used to obtain the global maxima. The model parameters calculated completely determine the position of the vehicle inside the lane, its heading direction, and the local structure of the lane. The lane detection result in the first frame is used to initialize a lane tracker. In this study, the lane shape and vehicle position in the sequence of consecutive images are recursively estimated using a particle filter, which has multiple hypotheses capability and can perform nonlinear filtering. The proposed lane detection approach can handle the situations where the lane boundaries in an image have relatively weak local contrast or where there are strong distracting edges. The model proposed in this paper is similar to those introduced by [17, 22] in form, but the meanings of our model’s parameters are explicit. We give the relationships between the model’s parameters and the vehicle position and orientation, and the lane shape. The proposed lane detection method is different to these in [17, 22]. Furthermore, this paper gives a lane tracking method that has multiple hypotheses capability and can filter the estimated parameters. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: section 2 describes the proposed lane detection approach including the lane model in the image coordinate system, a maximum a posteriori (MAP) formulation of the lane detection problem, a Tabu search algorithm to maximize the a posteriori density. Section 3 presents a particle filter based lane tracking method. Experimental results are provided in section 4, and section 5 gives conclusions. 2. Lane detection based on the deformable template model and MAP estimate 2.1. Lane model The lane model plays an important role in lane detection and tracking algorithms. With reference to figure 1, let O be the optical centre of the camera, at a height H above the ground plane. Let OXYZ be a world coordinate system with OZ parallel to the tangent to the lane border in A,OX pointing right, OY pointing downward. The camera axes are indicated by xc, yc and zc, with zc being in the direction of the optical axis, xc in the direction of the scan lines and yc downward 737 Y Zhou et al X Y Z xc yc zc O H d P A l Figure 1. The coordinate systems for the computation of the coordinates of a lane boundary point. (in the direction of increasing scan line numbers). The pan of the camera is the angle θ between the optical axis and the YZ plane, the tilt of the camera is the angle φ between the optical axis and the XZ plane. Based on the fact that the curvatures of high speed roads are small, the lane boundaries can be approximated by parabolas in a flat ground plane in the length of the visible road [20]. Let (η, ε) denote a point on the lane boundary in an earth fixed coordinate system with its origin represented by a reference point A on the road boundary and η, ε pointing front (along the tangent to the lane boundary) and right, respectively (see figure 1). For small changes of the road direction, that is, for ε/η � 1, the coordinates of the point on the lane boundary with curvature C0 can be approximated by the parametric equation (1): { ε = C0l2/2 η = l, (1) where l is the arc length of the lane boundary segment. We now introduce the approximation θ � 1 (cos θ ∼= 1, sin θ ∼= θ, sin2 θ ∼= 0), which is reasonable since the vehicle is running along the lane. If the relationship among the earth fixed coordinate system, the world coordinate system, the camera coordinate system and the image coordinate system is established, the earth fixed coordinate lane boundary model (1) can be transformed to the image lane boundary model as follows (see appendix for details): n = K(m − m0)−1 + B(m − m0) + n0, (2) where m and n are the row number and column number of the road image, respectively, m0 = −αv tan φ + u0 is the row corresponding to the horizon of the ground plane in the image coordinate system and can be determined by the camera calibration. The coefficients K,B and n0 are related to the curvature C0 of the lane, the position d and heading direction θ of the vehicle relative to the lane boundary, respectively. They are formulated as follows: K = αuαvC0H(2 cos3 φ)−1 (3) B = αud cos φ(αvH)−1 (4) n0 = −αuθ(cos φ)−1 + v0, (5) where d is the horizontal distance from the camera to the lane boundary, (u0, v0) are the image centre coordinates, (αu, αv) are the horizontal scale factor and the vertical scale factor of the camera, respectively. The parameters (u0, v0), (αu, αv),H , φ and m0 can be determined by intrinsic and extrinsic camera calibration procedures. The model introduced above is similar to that introduced by [17, 22] in form, but the meanings of our model’s parameters are explicit, as shown by equations (3), (4) and (5). Assuming that the left lane boundary is the shifted version of the right lane boundary at a distance along the X-axis in the ground plane, the left and right lane boundaries have equal curvature and equal tangential orientation where they intersect the X-axis; so K and n0 will be equal for the left and right lane boundaries. As a result, the lane shape in an image can be defined by the four parameters K,BL,BR and n0. 2.2. The likelihood function For a given deformable model, how to evaluate its fitness with the road image is an important problem. Let x denote the parameters of the deformable model, z denote the observed road image. Here, we define a likelihood function p(z|x), which specifies the probability of seeing the real lanes in the input road images, when given a lane model with specific parameters. In this study, the likelihood function measures the quality or goodness-of-fit of the lane shape given by x = [K,BL,BR, n0]T with the actual lane present in the image. The likelihood function we propose here only uses the edge information in the input image. In many road images, it is difficult, if not impossible, to select a suitable threshold that eliminates clutter edges without eliminating many of the lane edge points of interest. To preserve the useful information, a better alternative is to use a whole gradient map. However, the computation cost is high if all pixels are included. We argue that a very low threshold value can ensure the existence of true edges corresponding to the lane markings or road boundaries. So, we calculate the gradient values of the input image using the 3 × 3 Sobel operator with very low threshold. Then, two images can be obtained: a grey level edge magnitude map fm(u, v), denoting the gradient magnitude of the input image, and a grey scale edge direction map fd(u, v), denoting the ratio of vertical and horizontal gradient magnitudes of the input image. Let E denote the set of the pixels whose gradient magnitudes are larger than the specified threshold. Based on the edge information, the likelihood function is defined by equation (6): p(z|x) ∝ ∑ (u,v)∈E (fm(u, v)W(DL(u, v)) × |cos(βL)| + fm(u, v)W(DR(u, v))|cos(βR)|), (6) 738 A robust lane detection and tracking method based on computer vision where DL(u, v) and DR(u, v) are the minimum distances from the point (u, v) to the left lane boundary and to the right lane boundary, respectively; βL and βR are the angles between the gradient direction of the point (u, v) and the tangential directions of the left lane boundary and the right lane boundary at the point that has minimum distance from the point (u, v), respectively. W(D) is a weighting function, and can be interpreted as a fuzzy member function with membership radius R if W(0) = 1,W(D) decreases monotonically from 0 to R, and W(D) = 0 for D � R. W(D) is defined using equation (7): W(D) = { e−D 2/σ 2 0 � D < R 0 else. (7) Definition of the likelihood function requires that the lane model agree with the image edges not only in position, but also in the tangential direction. The contribution made by a pixel to the likelihood is the gradient magnitude at that pixel, multiplied by a weighting function whose value decreases as the pixel gets farther away from the lane boundary defined by the given parameter x, and a function whose value decreases as the gradient direction at that pixel moves farther away from the tangential direction of the lane model. The higher this likelihood, the better the lane model matches the edges in the input image. 2.3. MAP estimate The problem of lane detection in grey level images can be formulated as an equivalent problem of determining the MAP hypotheses by using the Bayes theorem to calculate the posterior probability of each candidate hypothesis. In this study, finding the MAP hypothesis involves the maximization of a function over a compact subspace of R4. A prior probability density function (pdf) p(x) describes the a priori constraints on the location of lane edges in the images of the road scenes. A likelihood pdf p(z|x) denotes the probability of observing the image in which the lane shape is represented by x = [K,BL,BR, n0]T . Then, the MAP estimate can be given by x∗ = arg max x∈R4 p(x|z). (8) By using the Bayes theorem, x∗ = arg max x∈R4 p(z|x)p(x). (9) Real world lanes are never too narrow or wide, so a prior probability density function (pdf) p(x) is constructed over the lane model parameters set to reflect a priori knowledge as follows: p(x) ∝ exp ( − (BR − BL − µR) 2 σ 2R ) . (10) So x∗ = arg max x∈R4 exp ( − (BR − BL − µR) 2 σ 2R ) × ∑ (u,v)∈E (fm(u, v)W(DL(u, v)) × |cos(βL)| + fm(u, v)W(DL(u, v))|cos(βL)|). (11) The maximization, however, cannot be achieved by a simple hill-climbing approach, due to the non-concavity of the function involved. The simulated annealing algorithm or Metropolis algorithm can be used to find global extremes. But they have some problems such as slow convergence and efficiency, and the probability of getting the global optimal value is small [25]. Tabu (or Taboo) search is different from the simulated annealing algorithm in that it has an explicit memory component. At each iteration the neighbourhood of the current solution is partially explored, and a move is made to the best non-Tabu solution in that neighbourhood [26]. So Tabu search can efficiently escape from the local maxima. To obtain the global maximum, we use the Tabu search. In the next section, the Tabu search based optimization of the function involved in the MAP estimate is presented. 2.4. Tabu search based MAP estimate Tabu search, first presented by Glover [27], is a stochastic global optimization procedure which proves efficient for solving various combinatorial optimization problems and the optimization of multi-model functions with continuous variables. We refer the reader to [28, 29] for details. The Tabu search algorithm can be summarized as follows: start with a current solution, called a configuration, evaluate the criterion function for that solution. Generate a set of feasible solutions in the neighbour of the current solution. If the best of these solutions is not in the Tabu
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