首页 2013年宜宾市公开考试录用公务员(参公人员)职位情况表.doc



2013年宜宾市公开考试录用公务员(参公人员)职位情况表.doc2013年宜宾市公开考试录用公务员(参公人员)职位情况表.doc 2013年宜宾市公开考试录用公务员,参公人员,职位情况表 拟所需知识、技能等条件 录用招收报考单位 报考职位 职位简介 任 职招录对象 备注 名额 范围 学历 学位 专业 其他 务 一、市属单位小计 从事财政 审计工作本科:审计学、会计学、财务管理、财政学、业务科室工本科及学士及宜宾市审计局 和固定资科员 1 全国 不限 工程造价、工程管理 作人员 以上 以上 产投资审研究生:财政学、会计学 计工作 从事航道 港口工程本科:港口航道与海岸...

2013年宜宾市公开考试录用公务员(参公人员)职位情况表.doc 2013年宜宾市公开考试录用公务员,参公人员,职位情况表 拟所需知识、技能等条件 录用招收报考单位 报考职位 职位简介 任 职招录对象 备注 名额 范围 学历 学位 专业 其他 务 一、市属单位小计 从事财政 审计工作本科:审计学、会计学、财务管理、财政学、业务科室工本科及学士及宜宾市审计局 和固定资科员 1 全国 不限 工程造价、工程管理 作人员 以上 以上 产投资审研究生:财政学、会计学 计工作 从事航道 港口工程本科:港口航道与海岸工程、港口航道及治河航道港口管本科及学士及宜宾市航务管理局 技术及行科员 1 全国 不限 工程、港口海岸及治河工程 参公单位 理 以上 以上 业管理工研究生:(一级学科)水利工程 作 参公单位。临 港区航务处、从事水上南溪区航务处交通安全本科及学士及航海技术、海洋船舶驾驶、海事管理、航运管宜宾市航务管理局 海事执法 科员 2 全国 不限 各1名~按总监督执法以上 以上 理 成绩从高到低工作 依次选择职 位。 屏山县航务从事财务具有两年以上基本科及学士及宜宾市航务管理局 科员 1 全国 会计学、财务管理、财务会计教育 参公单位 处财会 管理及稽层工作经历的人以上 以上 查征费工员 作 从事驻厂宜宾市动物卫生监本科及学士及本科:动物医学、动植物检疫 驻厂屠宰检工作员一 屠宰检疫科员 1 全国 不限 参公单位 督所 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,兽医学 疫~夜班 工作 本科:法学类 宜宾市动物卫生监从事行政本科及学士及工作员二 科员 1 全国 不限 研究生:宪法学与行政法学、诉讼法学、经济 参公单位 督所 执法工作 以上 以上 法学 从事办公本科:中国语言文学类、新闻传播学类 本科及学士及宜宾市投资促进局 文秘 室文秘等科员 1 全国 不限 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学、新闻传 参公单位 以上 以上 相关工作 播学 从事投资本科:工商管理类、农业经济管理类、食品科 工作人促进项目本科及学士及学与工程类 宜宾市投资促进局 科员 1 全国 不限 参公单位 员 (一) 管理等相以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理、农林经济管 关工作 理、食品科学与工程 从事投资 促进项目本科:电子信息类、计算机类 工作人本科及学士及宜宾市投资促进局 管理和网科员 1 全国 不限 研究生:,一级学科,信息与通信工程、计算 参公单位 员 (二) 以上 以上 络维护等机科学与技术 相关工作 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 从事投资本科:经济学类、金融学类、经济与贸易类、 工作人促进项目本科及学士及财政学类 宜宾市投资促进局 科员 2 全国 不限 参公单位 员 (三) 管理等相以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,理论经济学、应用经济 关工作 学 二、翠屏区小计 具有两年以从事教育宜宾市翠屏区教育本科及上教学或教工作员 综合管理科员 1 全国 不限 专业不限 局 以上 育管理工作工作 经历 从事财政具有两年以上基宜宾市翠屏区财政本科及学士及本科:财政学类, 工作员 国库集中科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人 参公单位 国库支付中心 以上 以上 研究生:(一级学科)应用经济学 支付工作 员 宜宾市翠屏区社会财务股工作从事财务本科及学士及本科:经济学门类、工商管理类, 具有会计从科员 1 全国 不限 参公单位 保险局 员 相关工作 以上 以上 研究生:经济学门类、(一级学科) 工商管理 业资格证 从事失业宜宾市翠屏区就业大专及工作员 保险基金科员 1 全国 不限 专业不限 参公单位 促进局 以上 征缴工作 从事辖区 内核安全宜宾市翠屏区环境安全监察执本科及学士及本科:核工程类, 与辐射安科员 1 全国 不限 参公单位 监察执法大队 法工作员 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科)核科学与技术 全相关工 作 从事食品本科:食品科学与工程类、医学门类, 宜宾市翠屏区食品食品药品监本科及学士及药品监管科员 2 全国 不限 研究生:,一级学科)食品科学与工程、医学门 参公单位 药品稽查执法大队 管员 以上 以上 工作 类 宜宾市翠屏区李端从事综合大专及工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 专业不限 镇人民政府 管理工作 以上 宜宾市翠屏区凉姜从事综合大专及工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 专业不限 乡人民政府 管理工作 以上 宜宾市翠屏区邱场从事综合大专及工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 专业不限 乡人民政府 管理工作 以上 三、宜宾县小计 泥溪镇、李场 镇、双谊乡、 柳嘉镇、古罗 从事基层镇、龙池乡司 乡镇司法助政权的司本科及法所各一名~宜宾县司法局 科员 6 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 理员 法行政工以上 按总成绩从高 作 到低依次选择 职位。须在本 单位服务三周 年以上。 从事统计参公单位,须宜宾县农村社会经四川基层服务项目人大专及统计工作员 及基层调科员 1 无要求 专业不限 在本单位服务济调查队 省 员 以上 查工作 三周年以上。 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 从事对动参公单位,须宜宾县动物卫生监物及其制本科及本科:动物生产类、动物医学类 动物检疫员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 在本单位服务督所 品的疫病以上 研究生:(一级学科)畜牧学、兽医学 三周年以上。 检查工作 从事办公参公单位,须宜宾县动物卫生监本科及本科:中国语言文学类 办公室文秘 室文秘工科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 在本单位服务督所 以上 研究生:(一级学科)中国语言文学 作 三周年以上。 从事办公具有两年以上基本科:新闻传播学类、中国语言文学类 参公单位,须宜宾县环境监察执本科及学士及办公室文秘 室文秘工科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人研究生:(一级学科)新闻传播学、中国语言文 在本单位服务法大队 以上 以上 作 员 学 三周年以上。 从事环境具有两年以上基参公单位,须宜宾县环境监察执本科及学士及本科:环境科学与工程类 执法队员 行政执法科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人 在本单位服务法大队 以上 以上 研究生:(一级学科)环境科学与工程 工作 员 三周年以上。 参公单位~ 须宜宾县卫生执法监白花执法站从事财会本科及本科:财政学类、金融学类、工商管理类 具有会计从科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 在本单位服务督大队 财务工作员 工作 以上 研究生:(一级学科)应用经济学、工商管理 业资格证 三周年以上。 从事基层参公单位~ 须宜宾县卫生执法监观音执法站卫生监督本科及学士及本科:食品科学与工程类 科员 1 全国 不限 在本单位服务督大队 卫生监督员 与卫生管以上 以上 研究生:(一级学科)食品科学与工程 三周年以上。 理工作 从事食品具有两年以上基本科:医学门类、食品科学与工程类、法学类 参公单位,须宜宾县食品药品稽药品的监本科及执法队员 科员 2 全国 层工作经历的人无要求 研究生:(学科门类)医学,(一级学科)食品科学 在本单位服务查执法大队 督管理和以上 员 与工程、法学 三周年以上。 执法工作 从事财政本科:财政学类、金融学类、计算机类、工商大平台预参公单位,须宜宾县国库集中支本科及学士及管理类 具有会计从稽核工作员 算执行动科员 1 全国 不限 在本单位服务付中心 以上 以上 研究生:(一级学科)应用经济学、计算机科学业资格证 态监控工三周年以上。 与技术、工商管理 作 从事粮油大专:食品类 参公单位,须综合业务股储藏和粮大专及宜宾县粮食局 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:食品科学与工程类 在本单位服务工作员 食质量检以上 研究生:(一级学科)食品科学与工程 三周年以上。 验工作 从事乡政宜宾县隆兴乡人民本科及须在本单位服综合工作员 府综合管科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 政府 以上 务三周年以上 理工作 从事党政 宜宾县泥溪镇人民党政办工作办网络管本科及须在本单位服科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 政府 员 理及文秘以上 务三周年以上 工作 从事党政 宜宾县白花镇人民党政办工作办及综治本科及学士及须在本单位服科员 2 全国 不限 专业不限 政府 员 办日常管以上 以上 务三周年以上 理工作 从事镇政具有两年以上基宜宾县蕨溪镇人民本科及须在本单位服综合工作员 府综合管科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人无要求 专业不限 政府 以上 务三周年以上 理工作 员 从事党政宜宾县柳嘉镇人民本科及学士及须在本单位服综合工作员 办及经发科员 3 全国 不限 专业不限 政府 以上 以上 务三周年以上 办日常管 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 理工作 宜宾县古柏乡人民财政所工作从事财会本科及具有会计从须在本单位服科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 政府 员 工作 以上 业资格证 务三周年以上 从事党政 办收发文、宜宾县古柏乡人民党政办工作四川基层服务项目人大专及须在本单位服来电处理科员 1 无要求 专业不限 政府 员 省 员 以上 务三周年以上 等日常工 作 从事镇政宜宾县合什镇人民四川基层服务项目人大专及须在本单位服综合工作员 府综合管科员 3 无要求 专业不限 政府 省 员 以上 务三周年以上 理工作 从事城镇 建设管理、 道路交通宜宾县横江镇人民本科及须在本单位服综合工作员 规划建设科员 3 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 政府 以上 务三周年以上 管理及旅 游开发工 作 从事镇政宜宾县商州镇人民大专及须在本单位服综合工作员 府综合管科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 政府 以上 务三周年以上 理工作 宜宾县商州镇人民财政所工作从事财会大专及具有会计从须在本单位服科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 政府 员 工作 以上 业资格证 务三周年以上 从事镇政宜宾县孔滩镇人民本科及须在本单位服综合工作员 府综合管科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 政府 以上 务三周年以上 理工作 宜宾县泥南乡人民财政所工作从事财会本科及具有会计从须在本单位服科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 政府 员 工作 以上 业资格证 务三周年以上 从事镇政宜宾县复龙镇人民本科及须在本单位服综合工作员 府综合管科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 政府 以上 务三周年以上 理工作 从事计划具有两年以上基宜宾县古罗镇人民计生办副主生育办公本科及须在本单位服科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人无要求 专业不限 政府 任 室相关业以上 务三周年以上 员 务工作 从事党政 宜宾县古罗镇人民办及经发本科及须在本单位服综合工作员 科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 政府 办日常管以上 务三周年以上 理工作 从事乡政宜宾县双谊乡人民大专及须在本单位服综合工作员 府综合管科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 政府 以上 务三周年以上 理工作 四、南溪区小计 从事城乡具有两年以上基大专:法律执行类~ 宜宾市南溪区城镇规划建设大专及城建监察员 科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人无要求 本科:法学类~ 参公单位 建设监察大队 执法监察以上 员 研究生:,一级学科,法学 工作 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 从事办公具有两年以上基宜宾市南溪区公路办公室工作室文秘及大专及科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人无要求 专业不限 参公单位 路政管理大队 员 档案管理以上 员 工作 从事食品 宜宾市南溪区食品药品行政大专及工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 药品监督稽查大队 执法等工以上 作 从事住房具有两年以上基大专:土建施工类、工程管理类~ 宜宾市南溪区房地保障工程大专及住房保障员 科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人无要求 本科:土木类、建筑类~ 参公单位 产管理局 建设和管以上 员 研究生:,一级学科,建筑学、土木工程 理工作 从事失业宜宾市南溪区就业大专及工作员 保险管理科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 服务管理局 以上 工作 从事全区大专:公路运输类~ 宜宾市南溪区公路客、货运输大专及运政员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:交通运输类、物流管理与工程类~ 参公单位 运输管理所 行业管理以上 研究生:,一级学科,交通运输工程 等工作 从事各类宜宾市南溪区统计本科及工作员 统计普查科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 局普查中心 以上 工作 从事社区宜宾市南溪区司法大专及在本单位服务工作员一 矫正管理科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 局 以上 满3周年以上 工作 从事公文宜宾市南溪区司法大专及在本单位服务工作员二 写作、文书科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 局 以上 满3周年以上 处理工作 在本单位服务 满3周年以上~ 马家乡、罗龙 宜宾市南溪区司法乡镇司法助从事乡镇大专及镇、裴石乡司科员 3 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 局 理员 司法工作 以上 法所各1名~ 按总成绩从高 到低依次选择 职位。 南溪镇、大观 镇、石鼓乡、从事乡镇大坪乡、留宾宜宾市南溪区乡镇大专及工作员 综合管理科员 6 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 乡、刘家镇各1机关 以上 工作 名~按总成绩 从高到低依次 选择职位。 刘家镇、大坪 乡、黄沙镇、 大专:财务会计类~ 汪家镇、仙临宜宾市南溪区乡镇从事乡镇大专及具有会计从财务人员 科员 6 全国 不限 无要求 本科:财政学类、工商管理类~ 镇、马家乡各1机关 财务工作 以上 业资格证 研究生:,一级学科,应用经济学、工商管理 名~按总成绩 从高到低依次 选择职位。 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 五、江安县小计 本科:中国语言文学类、新闻传播学类 中共江安县委办公从事机关本科及学士及工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学、新闻传 室 文秘工作 以上 以上 播学 本科:中国语言文学类、新闻传播学类、历史中共江安县委党史从事党史本科及学类 工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 研究室 研究工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学、新闻传 播学、历史学 从事公务本科:法学类、经济学类、公共管理类 本科及中共江安县委党校 工作员 员理论培科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 研究生:,一级学科,理论经济学、应用经济 参公单位 以上 训工作 学、法学、公共管理 从事法律本科及本科:法学类、中国语言文学类 江安县司法局 工作员 咨询、文书科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 以上 研究生:,一级学科,法学、中国语言文学 工作 仁和乡1名~ 蟠龙乡1名~从事乡镇大妙乡1名~乡镇司法助法律咨询本科及本科:法学类、中国语言文学类 江安县司法局 科员 4 全国 不限 无要求 底蓬镇1名~理员 和服务工以上 研究生:,一级学科,法学、中国语言文学 按总成绩从高作 到低依次选择 职位。 从事城市本科:管理科学与工程类、建筑类 江安县发展和改革主体功能本科及学士及工作员一 科员 1 全国 不限 研究生:,一级学科,管理科学与工程、建筑 局 区规划编以上 以上 学 撰工作 从事县域 江安县发展和改革经济发展副主任硕士及工作员二 1 全国 不限 研究生 研究生:,一级学科,应用经济学 局 规划编撰科员 以上 工作 从事环境江安县环境监察大本科及学士及本科:环境科学与工程类、法学类 工作员 监察执法科员 1 全国 不限 参公单位 队 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,环境科学与工程、法学 工作 从事林业本科及本科:林业工程类、林学类 江安县林政稽查队 工作员 稽查执法科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 以上 研究生:,一级学科,林业工程、林学 工作 从事城镇江安县城镇管理监本科及学士及本科:中国语言文学类 工作员 管理及执科员 1 全国 不限 参公单位 察大队 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学 法工作 从事农资、 江安县农业行政执种子管理本科及本科:植物生产类、法学类 工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 法大队 和产地检以上 研究生:,一级学科,农业资源利用、法学 查工作 从事粮食 仓库管理、本科及本科:食品科学与工程类 江安县粮食局 工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 质量检验以上 研究生:,一级学科,食品科学与工程 工作 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 江安县国库支付中从事机关本科及学士及本科:中国语言文学类 工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 参公单位 心 文秘工作 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学 红桥镇1名、 大专:财务会计类 迎安镇1名~综合职位从事乡镇大专及江安县乡镇机关 科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 本科:会计学、财务管理、审计学 按总成绩从高,一, 财务工作 以上 研究生:会计学 到低依次选择 职位。 四面山镇1名、 底蓬镇1名、从事城镇大专:城镇规划与管理类、水利工程及管理类、留耕镇1名、规划、水利公路运输类 铁清镇1名、综合职位大专及江安县乡镇机关 工程、交通科员 6 全国 不限 无要求 本科:建筑类、水利类、交通运输类 大井镇1名、,二, 以上 管理等工研究生:,一级学科,建筑学、土木工程、水五矿镇1名~作 利工程、交通运输工程 按总成绩从高 到低依次选择 职位。 红桥镇1名~ 大井镇1名~ 底蓬镇1名~从事乡镇仁和乡2名~综合职位本科及江安县乡镇机关 综合管理科员 7 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 铁清镇1名~,三, 以上 工作 四面山镇1名~ 按总成绩从高 到低依次选择 职位。 六、长宁县小计 从事卫生长宁县卫生执法监本科及工作员 执法监督科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 督大队 以上 管理工作 从事食品 长宁县食品药品监药品监督本科及工作员 科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 督稽查大队 稽查监管以上 工作 从事资产长宁县农村经济管本科及工作员 与财务管科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 理站 以上 理工作 从事财务长宁县文化广播影管理、文化本科及视新闻出版和体育工作员 科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 产业管理以上 局 工作 从事文化长宁县文化市场综本科及工作员 市场执法、科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 合执法大队 以上 管理工作 从事林业 长宁县林业科技病相关病虫本科及工作员 科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 虫防治检疫站 防治检疫以上 工作 长宁县城建管理监从事办公本科及工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 察队 室工作 以上 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 从事动物长宁县动物卫生监本科及工作员 卫生检验、科员 6 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 督所 以上 检疫工作 富兴、井江、 花滩、硐底、从事乡镇梅白、竹海、乡镇司法助司法调解、大专及长宁县司法局 科员 7 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 双河司法所各理员 法律咨询以上 1名~按总成绩工作 从高到低依次 选择职位。 富兴乡、铜鼓 乡、三元乡、 铜锣乡、井江长宁县乡镇人民政从事办公大专及工作员 科员 6 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 乡、桃坪乡各1府 室工作 以上 名~按总成绩 从高到低依次 选择职位。 七、高县小计 从事文秘本科及本科:中国语言文学类 高县县委组织部 工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学 具有两年以从事语文本科及本科:中国语言文学类 上教学或教高县教育局 工作员 教育管理科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 以上 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学 育管理工作工作 经历 参公单位~高 县就业服务管 理局、高县市从事文秘本科及高县县级参公单位 工作员,一, 科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 本科:中国语言文学类 容监察队各1工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学 名~按总成绩 从高到低依次 选择职位。 参公单位~高 县市容监察从事市容、队、高县文化文化市场本科及市场综合执法高县县级参公单位 工作员,二, 科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 综合管理以上 大队各1名~工作 按总成绩从高 到低依次选择 职位。 参公单位~高 县社会保险 局、高县文化从事计算本科:电子信息类、计算机类 本科及市场综合执法高县县级参公单位 工作员,三, 机操作与科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 研究生:,一级学科,信息与通信工程、计算 以上 大队各1名~管理工作 机科学与技术 按总成绩从高 到低依次选择 职位。 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 参公单位~高 县市容监察 队、高县文化从事市容、本科及本科:法学类 市场综合执法高县县级参公单位 工作员,四, 文化市场科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 以上 研究生:,一级学科,法学 大队各1名~执法工作 按总成绩从高 到低依次选择 职位。 从事动物高县动物卫生监督本科及本科:动物生产类、动物医学类 工作员 卫生监督科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 所 以上 研究生:,一级学科,生物学 工作 从事医疗大专:临床医学类 大专及高县社会保险局 工作员 保险管理科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:临床医学类 参公单位 以上 工作 研究生:,一级学科,临床医学 高县就业服务管理从事财务本科及本科:工商管理类 工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 局 工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理 大专:食品药品管理类、药学类 从事食品高县食品药品稽查 大专及本科:食品科学与工程类、药学类、中药学类 工作员 药品监督科员 4 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 执法大队 以上 研究生:,一级学科,食品科学与工程、药学、管理工作 中药学 大专:临床医学类、卫生管理类 高县卫生执法 从事卫生大专及本科:临床医学类、公共卫生与预防医学类 工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 监督大队 监督工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,临床医学、公共卫生与 预防医学 从事地质大专:地质工程与技术类 本科及高县防震减灾局 工作员 灾害管理科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:地球物理学类、地质学类 参公单位 以上 工作 研究生:,一级学科,地球物理学、地质学 沙河镇、月江 镇、来复镇、本科:中国语言文学类、公共管理类 从事文秘本科及复兴镇各1名~高县乡镇机关 工作员,一, 科员 4 全国 不限 无要求 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学、公共管 工作 以上 按总成绩从高理 到低依次选择 职位。 沙河镇、罗场 镇、蕉村镇、 复兴镇、嘉乐从事财务本科及本科:工商管理类 高县乡镇机关 工作员,二, 科员 6 全国 不限 无要求 镇、四烈乡各1工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理 名~按总成绩 从高到低依次 选择职位。 从事行政高县文江镇人民政本科及工作员 综合管理科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 府 以上 工作 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 八、筠连县小计 从事调研具有两年以上基调研室工作室调研报本科及筠连县政协办公室 科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人无要求 专业不限 员 告写作等以上 员 文秘工作 本科:中国语言文学类、历史学类、政治学类、中国共产党筠连县从事党校本科及学士及马克思主义理论类、图书情报与档案管理类, 教员 科员 2 全国 不限 参公单位 委员会党校 教学工作 以上 以上 研究生:(一级学科,中国语言文学、历史学、 政治学、哲学~图书馆、情报与档案管理 本科:中国语言文学类、历史学类、政治学类、从事地方筠连县地方志办公本科及马克思主义理论类、图书情报与档案管理类, 撰写员 志撰写工科员 4 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 室 以上 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学、历史学、作 政治学、哲学~图书馆、情报与档案管理 筠连县人民防空办从事日常本科及本科:土木类、建筑类,研究生:,一级学科,综合工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 公室 业务工作 以上 土木工程、建筑学 大专:公共管理从事人力筠连县人力资源和大专及类, 本科:公共综合工作员 资源管理科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 社会保障局 以上 管理类、工商管理类 工作 研究生:,一级学科,公共管理、工商管理 从事劳动大专:公共管理类、法律实务 筠连县劳动和社会和社会保大专及类, 本科:法学综合工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 保障监察大队 障监察工以上 类、公共管理类、工商管理类 作 研究生:,一级学科,公共管理、工商管理 蒿坝镇司法 所、巡司镇司 法所、镇舟镇 司法所、孔雀 大专:法律实务类、社会工作、思想政治教育 乡司法所、龙从事乡镇乡镇司法助大专及本科:法学类、社会学类、思想政治教育 镇乡司法所、筠连县司法局 司法所工科员 7 全国 不限 无要求 理员 以上 研究生:,一级学科,法学、社会学~思想政高坎乡司法作 治教育 所、高坪苗族 乡司法所各1 名~按总成绩 从高到低依次 选择职位。 筠连县住房和城乡从事日常本科及本科:土木类 综合工作员 科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 规划建设局 业务工作 以上 研究生,一级学科,:土木工程 筠连县文化广播影从事广播本科及学士及本科:戏剧与影视学类, 视新闻出版和旅游编导 电视编导科员 1 全国 不限 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,艺术学 局 工作 从事文化筠连县文化市场综本科及本科: 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 学类, 综合工作员 市场管理科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 合执法大队 以上 研究生,一级学科,:艺术学 等工作 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 本科:地理科学类、环境科学与工程类, 从事环境本科及学士及筠连县环境保护局 综合工作员 科员 2 全国 不限 研究生:,一级学科,地理学、环境科学与工 保护工作 以上 以上 程 从事环境具有两年以上基筠连县环境监察执本科及学士及本科:环境科学与工程类 综合工作员 监察执法科员 3 全国 层工作经历的人 参公单位 法大队 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,环境科学与工程 工作 员 大专:公共管理类、工商管理从事国土大专及类 本科:公共管筠连县国土资源局 综合工作员 资源管理科员 3 全国 不限 无要求 以上 理类、工商管理类 工作 研究生:,一级学科,公共管理、工商管理 大专:公共管理类、工商管理从事国土筠连县国土资源执大专及类 本科:公共管综合工作员 资源管理科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 法监察大队 以上 理类、工商管理类 工作 研究生:,一级学科,公共管理、工商管理 从事食品大专:食品类、食品药品管理类、药学类, 筠连县食品药品稽大专及综合工作员 药品执法科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 本科:食品科学与工程类、药学类 参公单位 查执法大队 以上 检查工作 研究生:,一级学科,食品科学与工程、药学 从事财务本科及学士及本科:工商管理类 具有会计从筠连县粮食局 财会人员 科员 1 全国 不限 参公单位 工作 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理 业资格证 大专:卫生管理类、临床医学类, 筠连县卫生执法监从事卫生大专及本科:公共卫生与预防医学类、临床医学类 综合工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 督大队 监督工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,公共卫生与预防医学、 临床医学 大专:卫生管理类、临床医学类, 筠连县卫生执法监巡司镇中队从事卫生大专及本科:公共卫生与预防医学类、临床医学类 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 督大队 综合工作员 监督工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,公共卫生与预防医学、 临床医学 从事档案具有两年以上基本科:图书情报与档案管理类, 管理股工作本科及学士及筠连县档案局 保管保护科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人研究生:,一级学科,图书馆、情报与档案管 参公单位 员 以上 以上 利用工作 员 理 从事文秘、筠连县供销合作社本科及综合工作员 档案管理科员 4 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 联合社 以上 等工作 本科:工商管理类、英语 从事招商本科及筠连县招商引资局 综合工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理~英语语言文 参公单位 引资工作 以上 学 从事社会大专:临床医学类、护理类, 从事护理或保险医疗、大专及筠连县社会保险局 综合工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:临床医学类、护理学类, 临床工作两参公单位 工伤、生育以上 研究生:,一级学科,临床医学 年以上 待遇审核 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 工作 大专:财务会计类, 从事财务大专及具有会计从筠连县社会保险局 财会人员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:工商管理类, 参公单位 工作 以上 业资格证 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理 筠连镇、腾达 镇、镇舟镇各筠连县乡镇人民政从事乡镇本科及学士及本科:中国语言文学类、戏剧与影视学类 宣传干事 科员 3 全国 不限 一名~按总成府 宣传工作 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学、艺术学 绩从高到低依 次选择职位。 双腾镇、高坎从事农村乡、大雪山镇本科:环境科学与工程类、农业经济管理类 筠连县乡镇人民政经济发展办经济和村本科及各一名~按总科员 3 全国 不限 无要求 研究生:,一级学科,环境科学与工程、农林 府 公室工作员 镇环保建以上 成绩从高到低经济管理 设工作 依次选择职 位。 九、珙县小计 具有两年以上基从事行政本科及本科:公共管理类 在珙县服务三珙县财政局 工作员 科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人无要求 管理工作 以上 研究生:(一级学科,公共管理 年以上 员 具有两年以上基大专:临床医学类 大专及在珙县服务三珙县卫生局 医政 从事全县科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人无要求 本科:临床医学类 以上 年以上 医疗管理员 研究生:,一级学科,临床医学 相关工作 从事植物 保护等林本科及学士及本科:植物生产类 在本单位服务珙县林业局 工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 业方面相以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,植物保护 三年以上 关工作 具有两年以上基从事财务本科及学士及本科:工商管理类 具有会计从在珙县服务三珙县审计局 会计 科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人会计工作 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理 业资格证 年以上 员 从事工商大专:工商管理类 企业经济大专及在珙县服务三珙县统计局 统计 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:工商管理类 数据统计以上 年以上 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理 工作 珙县文化广播影视从事文秘本科及学士及本科:中国语言文学类 在本单位服务文秘 科员 1 全国 不限 新闻出版局 工作 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学 五年以上 大专:财务会计类 从事财务大专及在珙县服务三珙县司法局 会计 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:工商管理类 会计工作 以上 年以上 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理 王家镇、曹营 乡司法所各1司法助理员从事司法四川基层服务项目人大专及名~按总成绩珙县司法局 科员 2 无要求 专业不限 ,一, 工作 省 员 以上 从高到低依次 选择职位。在 珙县服务三年 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 以上 恒丰乡司法所 1名、仁义乡司 法所1名、玉 和乡司法所1大专:法律实务类 司法助理员从事司法大专及名、下罗乡司珙县司法局 科员 4 全国 不限 无要求 本科:法学类 ,二, 工作 以上 法所1名~按研究生:,一级学科,法学 总成绩从高到 低依次选择职 位。在珙县服 务三年以上 从事财政参公单位~在珙县财政国库集中本科及学士及本科:经济学门类 工作员 经济相关科员 1 全国 不限 珙县服务三年支付中心 以上 以上 研究生:,学科门类,经济学 工作 以上 从事妇女参公单位~在四川基层服务项目人大专及珙县妇女联合会 工作员 儿童相关科员 1 无要求 专业不限 珙县服务三年省 员 以上 工作 以上 从事动物参公单位~在珙县动物卫生监督检疫执法本科及本科:动物医学类 检疫执法科员 3 全国 不限 无要求 珙县服务五年所 ,一, 以上 研究生:,一级学科,兽医学 工作 以上 从事动物参公单位~在珙县动物卫生监督检疫执法检疫执法本科及本科:法学类、公共管理类 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 珙县服务五年所 ,二, 兼行政管以上 研究生:,一级学科,法学、公共管理 以上 理工作 从事环境参公单位~在珙县环境监察执法行政执法本科及学士及本科:环境科学与工程类 监察执法科员 1 全国 不限 珙县服务五年大队 ,一, 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,环境科学与工程 工作 以上 从事环境本科:化学类、环境科学与工程类 参公单位~在珙县环境监察执法行政执法本科及学士及监察执法科员 1 全国 不限 研究生:,一级学科,化学工程与技术、环境科 珙县服务五年大队 ,二, 以上 以上 工作 学与工程 以上 参公单位~在从事文秘大专及珙县档案局 文秘 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 珙县服务三年工作 以上 以上 从事机关参公单位~在四川基层服务项目人大专及珙县普查中心 工作员 日常政务科员 1 无要求 专业不限 珙县服务三年省 员 以上 工作 以上 大专:公共管理类 参公单位~在从事行政大专及珙县水政监察大队 工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:公共管理类 珙县服务三年管理工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,公共管理 以上 从事水资参公单位~在源规划与本科及本科:水利类 珙县水政监察大队 水工工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 珙县服务三年管理等工以上 研究生:,一级学科,水利工程 以上 作 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 从事环境参公单位~在生态与水本科及本科:自然保护与环境生态类 珙县水政监察大队 水保工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 珙县服务三年土保持相以上 研究生:,一级学科,林学 以上 关工作 从事山洪参公单位~在预警平台工灾害非工本科及本科:电子信息类 珙县水政监察大队 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 珙县服务三年作员 程措施预以上 研究生:,一级学科,电子科学与技术 以上 警工作 从事文化参公单位~在珙县文化市场综合市场综合本科及学士及本科:中国语言文学类、法学类 工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 本单位服务五执法大队 执法兼文以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学、法学 年以上 秘工作 从事森林参公单位~本珙县森林病虫防治本科及学士及本科:林学类、林业工程类 工作员 病虫防治科员 1 全国 不限 单位服务五年检疫站 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,林学、林业工程 检疫工作 以上 具有两年以上基大专:财务会计类 参公单位~在珙县供销合作社联从事财务大专及具有会计从会计 科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人无要求 本科:工商管理类 珙县服务三年合社 会计工作 以上 业资格证 员 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理 以上 从事完善参公单位~在珙县农村经营管理农村经营本科及本科:农业经济管理类 农经管理员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 珙县服务三年站 管理体制以上 研究生:,一级学科,农林经济管理 以上 的工作 从事农业参公单位~在珙县农机安全监理工程、农业本科及本科:农业工程类 监管员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 珙县服务三年站 机械安全以上 研究生:,一级学科,农业工程 以上 监管等工 作 从事农村参公单位~在珙县农村能源办公农能技术管能源建设本科及本科:农业工程类 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 珙县服务三年室 理员 和资源环以上 研究生:,一级学科,农业工程 以上 境工作 从事办公大专:语言文化类 参公单位~在珙县人才服务和就大专及文秘 室文秘工科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:中国语言文学类 珙县服务三年业促进局 以上 作 研究生:(一级学科,中国语言文学 以上 从事各项 就业再就大专:财务会计类 参公单位~在珙县人才服务和就业资金、失大专及会计 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:工商管理类 珙县服务三年业促进局 业保险基以上 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理 以上 金管理等 工作 从事本单 位及乡镇大专:计算机类 参公单位~在珙县人才服务和就计算机管理就业服务大专及科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:计算机类 珙县服务三年业促进局 员 信息系统以上 研究生:,一级学科,计算机科学与技术 以上 的维护和 管理工作 从事就业参公单位~在珙县人才服务和就帮助、劳务大专及工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 珙县服务三年业促进局 输出、农村以上 以上 劳动力转 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 移等工作 大专:财务会计类 参公单位~在珙县国土资源执法派驻曹营乡从事财务大专及科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:工商管理类 珙县服务三年监察大队 会计 会计工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理 以上 从事公路参公单位~在珙县公路运输管理运输管理大专及行政执法 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 珙县服务三年所 行政执法以上 以上 工作 从事公路参公单位~在珙县公路运输管理四川基层服务项目人大专及工作员 运输管理科员 2 无要求 专业不限 珙县服务三年所 省 员 以上 工作 以上 从事规划大专:工程管理类 参公单位~在大专及 珙县建设监察大队 工作员 建设行政科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:建筑类 珙县服务五年以上 执法工作 研究生:,一级学科,土木工程 以上 从事城镇参公单位~在珙县城镇管理综合大专及工作员,一, 管理综合科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 珙县服务三年执法大队 以上 执法工作 以上 从事城镇参公单位~在珙县城镇管理综合四川基层服务项目人大专及工作员,二, 管理综合科员 1 无要求 专业不限 珙县服务三年执法大队 省 员 以上 执法工作 以上 从事社保具有两年以上基参公单位~在珙县社会保险事业社保统计工大专及统计相关科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人无要求 专业不限 珙县服务三年管理局 作员 以上 工作 员 以上 从事矿山、大专:公共管理类 参公单位~ 珙县劳动保障监察煤矿等劳大专及工作员,一, 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:公共管理类 在珙县服务三大队 动保障监以上 研究生:,一级学科,公共管理 年以上 察工作 从事财务 工作兼矿大专:财务会计类 参公单位~在珙县劳动保障监察大专及具有会计从工作员,二,山、煤矿劳 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:工商管理类 珙县服务三年大队 以上 业资格证 动保障监研究生:,一级学科,工商管理 以上 察工作 底洞镇2名~ 珙泉镇、孝儿 镇、上罗镇、 王家镇、下罗合并职位工从事综合大专及乡、观斗苗族珙县乡镇机关 科员 8 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 作员 管理工作 以上 乡各1名~按 总成绩从高到 低依次选择职 位。在珙县服 务三年以上 十、兴文县小计 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 莲花镇、大坝 苗族乡、石海 镇、大河苗族从事基层乡镇司法助大专及乡、仙峰苗族兴文县司法局 司法行政科员 5 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 理员 以上 乡司法所各1工作 名~按总成绩 从高到低依次 选择职位。 从事招商 引资中外具有英语专本科及学士及本科:外国语言文学类 兴文县投资促进局 工作员 事工作联科员 1 全国 不限 业四级证书参公单位 以上 以上 研究生,一级学科,:外国语言文学 络协调服及以上 务工作 从事行政兴文县供销合作社大专及工作员 事务综合科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 联合社 以上 管理工作 从事动物 与动物产大专:畜牧兽医类 兴文县动物卫生监大专及工作员 品防疫、检科员 1 全国 不限 本科:动物医学类 参公单位 督所 以上 疫、监督工研究生:,一级学科,兽医学 作 兴文县城乡道路运从事安全大专及工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 输管理局 稽查工作 以上 从事卫生大专:临床医学类 兴文县卫生监督执大专及工作员 执法监督科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:临床医学类 参公单位 法大队 以上 工作 研究生:,一级学科,临床医学 本科:环境科学与工程类、化学类、地理科学从事环境兴文县环境监察执本科及学士及类、计算机类 工作员 监察、执法科员 2 全国 不限 参公单位 法大队 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,环境科学与工程、化学、工作 地理学、计算机科学与技术 大专:法律大类、公共管理类 兴文县城镇管理监从事城市大专及工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:法学类、公共管理类 参公单位 察执法大队 管理工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,法学、公共管理 兴文县计划生育协从事人口本科及本科:计算机类 工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 会 统计工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,计算机科学与技术 从事林业 有害生物 兴文县森林病虫害防治、测本科及学士及本科:林学类 工作员 科员 2 全国 不限 参公单位 防治检疫站 报、检疫、以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,林学 宣传等工 作 从事农机本科:农业经济管理类、食品科学与工程类、牌证管理、具有两年以上基本科及学士及农业工程类、植物生产类 兴文县农机监理站 工作员 农机安全科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人 参公单位 以上 以上 研究生:,一级学科,农林经济管理、食品科普法教育员 学与工程、农业工程、植物保护 工作 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 从事土地、具有两年以上基兴文县国土资源执矿山等行大专及工作员 科员 1 全国 层工作经历的人无要求 专业不限 参公单位 法大队 政执法工以上 员 作 从事计算兴文县文化市场综本科及本科:计算机类 工作员,一, 机网络等科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 合执法大队 以上 研究生:,一级学科,计算机科学与技术 相关工作 兴文县文化市场综从事行政本科及本科:法学类 工作员,二, 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 合执法大队 执法工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,法学 古宋镇、僰王 山镇、石海镇、 九丝城镇、仙 乡镇公务员从事行政峰苗族乡、大大专及兴文县乡镇机关 合并职位事务综合科员 7 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 河苗族乡、莲以上 ,一, 管理工作 花镇各1名~ 按总成绩从高 到低依次选择 职位。 僰王山镇、共 乐镇、大坝苗乡镇公务员从事国土大专:土建大类 大专及族乡各1名~兴文县乡镇机关 合并职位等相关工科员 3 全国 不限 无要求 本科:土木类、地理科学类 以上 按总成绩从高,二, 作 研究生:,一级学科,土木工程 到低依次选择 职位。 共乐镇、五星 镇、毓秀苗族乡镇公务员从事财政大专:财政金融类、财务会计类、工商管理类 大专及具有会计从乡各1名~按兴文县乡镇机关 合并职位事务等相科员 3 全国 不限 无要求 本科:工商管理类、金融学类、财政学类 以上 业资格证 总成绩从高到,三, 关工作 研究生:,一级学科,工商管理、应用经济学 低依次选择职 位。 周家镇、大河 乡镇公务员从事企业大专:安全类、矿业工程类 苗族乡各1名~大专及兴文县乡镇机关 合并职位安全等相科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 本科:矿业类、安全科学与工程类 按总成绩从高以上 ,四, 关工作 研究生:,一级学科,矿业工程 到低依次选择 职位。 十一、屏山县小计 从事财政具有会计从本科:财政学类、工商管理财务收支、本科及业资格证或屏山县审计局 综合审计员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 类, 研究生:,一级 经济责任以上 助理会计师学科,应用经济学、工商管理 审计工作 及以上职称 从事粮食本科:食品科学与工程仓储管理本科及屏山县粮食局 仓储管理员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 类, 研究生:,一 参公单位 及相关工以上 级学科,食品科学与工程 作 从事工伤、大专:临床医学类, 屏山县社会保险事大专及审核员 生育保险科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:临床医学类, 参公单位 业管理局 以上 待遇审核研究生:,一级学科,临床医学 工作 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 从事失业本科:工商管理类、财政学屏山县就业服务管失业保险工本科及具有会计从保险稽核科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 类, 研究生:,一级学科,参公单位 理局 作员 以上 业资格证 工作 应用经济学、工商管理 本科:法学屏山县农业行政执从事农业本科及执法工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 类, 研 参公单位 法大队 执法工作 以上 究生:,一级学科,法学 从事娱乐大专:法律执行 屏山县文化市场综场所、网吧大专及类, 本科:法执法工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 参公单位 合执法大队 等综合执以上 学类, 法工作 研究生:,一级学科,法学 从事森林本科:自然保护与环境生态屏山县森林病虫防病虫鼠害本科及检疫员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 类, 研究生:,一级学 参公单位 治检疫站 防治检疫以上 科,林学 工作 本科:法学屏山县公路路政管从事上路本科及外勤工作员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 类, 研 参公单位 理大队 巡查工作 以上 究生:,一级学科,法学 从事公路本科:公共管理类、机械屏山县公路运输管运输、营运本科及车辆管理员 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 类, 研究生:,一级 参公单位 理所 车辆的管以上 学科,公共管理、机械工程 理工作 本科:财政学类、工商管理类、金融学屏山县国库集中支从事会计本科及具有会计从会计 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 类, 研究生:,一级学科,应用经参公单位 付中心 核算工作 以上 业资格证 济学、工商管理 本科:法学类、公共管理屏山县劳动保障监劳动监察工从事劳动本科及科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 类, 研究生:,一级 参公单位 察大队 作员 监察工作 以上 学科,法学、公共管理 从事农村屏山县农村能源办办公室工作本科及能源建设科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 公室 员 以上 管理工作 从事土地、屏山县国土资源执直属中队执本科及矿产执法科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 法监察大队 法工作员 以上 监察工作 从事土地、屏山县国土资源执锦屏中队执本科及矿产执法科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 法监察大队 法工作员 以上 监察工作 从事卫生 监督执法、屏山县卫生执法监本科及卫生监督员 文书撰写科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 参公单位 督所 以上 及管理工 作 十二、临港经济 开发区小计 宜宾市翠屏区人民从事综合大专及政府白沙湾街道办工作员 科员 3 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 管理工作 以上 事处 十三、森林公安机关 小计 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 南溪区大观派 出所1名~长 宁县龙头派出 所2名~高县1大专:法律大类、林业技术类、公安大类 名~筠连县景 从事森林本科:法学类、林学类、公安学类、公安技术大专及阳派出所、大宜宾市区县森林公民警 公安执法科员 7 全国 不限 无要求 类, 以上 雪山派出所各安局 相关工作 研究生:,一级学科,法学、公安学、公安技1名~珙县洛表术学、林学 派出所1名~ 按总成绩从高 到低依次选择 职位。 十四、公安机关小计 外语及少数从事英语本科及本科:英语 宜宾市公安机关 民族语言翻科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 市局1名 翻译工作 以上 研究生:英语语言文学 译 市局、宜宾县、 高县、江安县、 兴文县公安局 各1名~翠屏从事法医本科及宜宾市公安机关 法医 科员 9 全国 不限 无要求 本科:临床医学类、法医学类 限男性 区分局、筠连工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,基础医学、临床医学 县公安局各2 名~按总成绩 从高到低依次 选择职位。 市局、高县公 安局各2名~从事计算竹海分局、宜本科:计算机类、电子信息类 网络安全 机及网络本科及宾县、兴文县宜宾市公安机关 科员 7 全国 不限 无要求 研究生:,一级学科,计算机科学与技术、信限男性 管理,一, 信息管理以上 公安局各1名~息与通信工程 工作 按总成绩从高 到低依次选择 职位。 从事计算本科:计算机类、电子信息类 网络安全 机及网络本科及兴文县公安局宜宾市公安机关 科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 研究生:,一级学科,计算机科学与技术、信限女性 管理,二, 信息管理以上 1名 息与通信工程 工作 翠屏区分局、大专:财务管理、财务信息管理、会计、会计高县公安局各金融财会从事财会大专及电算化、会计与统计核算、会计与审计 宜宾市公安机关 科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 限男性 1名~按总成绩,一, 相关工作 以上 本科:财务会计教育、会计学、财务管理 从高到低依次研究生:会计学 选择职位。 翠屏区分局、 大专:财务管理、财务信息管理、会计、会计江安县公安局 金融财会从事财会大专及电算化、会计与统计核算、会计与审计 各1名~按总宜宾市公安机关 科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 限女性 ,二, 相关工作 以上 本科:财务会计教育、会计学、财务管理 成绩从高到低 研究生:会计学 依次选择职 位。 从事民警大专:心理咨询 心理健康 大专及高县公安局1宜宾市公安机关 心理健康科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:心理学类 服务 以上 名 服务工作 研究生:,一级学科,心理学 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 翠屏区分局3 名、兴文县公从事痕迹大专:生物技术类、公安技术类、司法技术类 安局2名~宜 物证检验及检验、物证大专及本科:生物科学类、公安技术类 宾县、高县公宜宾市公安机关 科员 7 全国 不限 无要求 限男性 鉴定,一, 鉴定等工以上 研究生:,一级学科,生物学、生物医学工程、安局各1名~作 公安技术学 按总成绩从高 到低依次选择 职位。 翠屏区分局1从事痕迹大专:生物技术类、公安技术类、司法技术类 名~宜宾县公 物证检验及检验、物证大专及本科:生物科学类、公安技术类 安局1名~按宜宾市公安机关 科员 2 全国 不限 无要求 限女性 鉴定,二, 鉴定等工以上 研究生:,一级学科,生物学、生物医学工程、总成绩从高到作 公安技术学 低依次选择职 位。 从事公安大专:法律大类、 公安大类 大专及宜宾市公安机关 法律,一, 法制相关科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:法学类、公安学类 限男性 市局1名 以上 工作 研究生:,一级学科,法学、公安学 从事公安大专:法律大类、 公安大类 大专及宜宾市公安机关 法律,二, 法制相关科员 1 全国 不限 无要求 本科:法学类、公安学类 限女性 市局1名 以上 工作 研究生:,一级学科,法学、公安学 市局2名、兴 文县公安局2大专:汉语、文秘、语文教育 名、江安县公从事公安大专及本科:中国语言文学类、新闻传播学类 宜宾市公安机关 文秘,一, 科员 5 全国 不限 无要求 限男性 安局1名~按文秘工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学、新闻传总成绩从高到播学 低依次选择职 位。 竹海分局、兴 大专:汉语、文秘、语文教育 文县、高县公 从事公安大专及本科:中国语言文学类、新闻传播学类 安局各1名~宜宾市公安机关 文秘,二, 科员 3 全国 不限 无要求 限女性 文秘工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,中国语言文学、新闻传按总成绩从高 播学 到低依次选择 职位。 临港经济开发 区分局7名~ 珙县、江安县、 综合管理从事公安大专及兴文县公安局宜宾市公安机关 科员 10 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 限男性 ,一, 综合工作 以上 各1名~按总 成绩从高到低 依次选择职 位。 宜宾县、筠连 县公安局各5综合管理从事公安大专及宜宾市公安机关 科员 10 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 限男性 名~按总成绩,二, 综合工作 以上 从高到低依次 选择职位。 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 综合管理从事公安大专及高县公安局9宜宾市公安机关 科员 9 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 限男性 ,三, 综合工作 以上 名 高县公安局2 名~临港分局、 宜宾县、珙县、综合管理从事公安大专及筠连县公安局宜宾市公安机关 科员 6 全国 不限 无要求 专业不限 限女性 ,四, 综合工作 以上 各1名~按总 成绩从高到低 依次选择职 位。 翠屏区分局2 名、金江分局、 大专:公安大类、法律大类 竹海分局各1公安管理从事基层大专及本科:公安学类、公安技术类、法学类 名~江安县公宜宾市公安机关 科员 9 全国 不限 无要求 限男性 ,一, 公安工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,公安学、公安技术学、安局5名~按 法学 总成绩从高到 低依次选择职 位。 大专:公安大类、法律大类 公安管理从事基层大专及本科:公安学类、公安技术类、法学类 珙县公安局10宜宾市公安机关 科员 10 全国 不限 无要求 限男性 ,二, 公安工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,公安学、公安技术学、名 法学 珙县公安局3 大专:公安大类、法律大类 名~筠连县公 公安管理从事基层大专及本科:公安学类、公安技术类、法学类 安局6名~按宜宾市公安机关 科员 9 全国 不限 无要求 限男性 ,三, 公安工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,公安学、公安技术学、总成绩从高到 法学 低依次选择职 位。 大专:公安大类、法律大类 公安管理从事基层大专及本科:公安学类、公安技术类、法学类 兴文县公安局宜宾市公安机关 科员 8 全国 不限 无要求 限男性 ,四, 公安工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,公安学、公安技术学、8名 法学 珙县公安局2 名~筠连县、大专:公安大类、法律大类 兴文县公安局公安管理从事基层大专及本科:公安学类、公安技术类、法学类 宜宾市公安机关 科员 4 全国 不限 无要求 限女性 各1名~按总,五, 公安工作 以上 研究生:,一级学科,公安学、公安技术学、成绩从高到低法学 依次选择职 位。 注:“招录对象”栏不限的为招收“2014年高校应届毕业生和符合职位条件要求的社会在职、非在职人员”。 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown
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