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corporate strategy


corporate strategy01. PESTEL Model   词汇:    Model:模型   Macro environment: 宏观环境   Political:政治的   Taxation policy:税收政策   Government stability:政府稳定性   Foreign trade:外贸   Regulation:法规   Economic:经济的   Environment:环境   Interest rate:利率   Inflation:通货膨胀   Business cycle:商业周期;经济周期  ...

corporate strategy
01. PESTEL Model   词汇:    Model:模型   Macro environment: 宏观环境   Political:政治的   Taxation policy:税收政策   Government stability:政府稳定性   Foreign trade:外贸   Regulation:法规   Economic:经济的   Environment:环境   Interest rate:利率   Inflation:通货膨胀   Business cycle:商业周期;经济周期   Unemployment:失业   Disposable income:可支配收入;   disposable:可处置的   Social:社会的   Culture:文化;Cultural,文化的   Demographics:人口统计资料   Mobility:流动性;移动性;   Income distribution:收入分配   Lifestyle:生活方式   Attitude:态度   attitude to:…的态度   Leisure:闲暇,休闲;   Consumerism:消费主义(一种以消费来刺激经济的主张;亦指专心于或倾向于购买消费品)   Technological:技术的,科技的   Influence:(及物动词)影响   Government spending:政府支出   R&D:Research and Development研究与发展   Focus:聚焦;焦点   Obsolescence:过时;   rate of obsolescence:淘汰速度,更新换代速度   Ecological:生态的,生态学的   Monopoly:垄断   Legislation:立法   Environment protection law:环境保护法   The PESTEL model studies the macro environment in the following aspects: PESTEL模型主要从以下几方面来研究宏观环境:   1. Political. The political environment includes taxation policy, government stability and foreign trade regulations.政治环境。政治环境包括税收政策、政府稳定性和外贸法规等因素。   2. Economic. The economic environment includes interest rates, inflation, business cycles, unemployment, disposable income and energy availability and cost. 经济环境。经济环境包括利率、通货膨胀水平、商业周期、失业水平、可支配收入和能源供应及成本等因素。   3. Social. The social/cultural environment includes population demographics, social mobility, income distribution, lifestyle changes, attitudes to work and leisure, levels of education and consumerism.社会文化环境。社会文化环境包括人口统计情况、社会流动性、收入分配、生活方式变迁、工作休闲态度、教育水平和消费理念等因素   4. Technological. The technological environment is influenced by government spending on research, new discoveries and development, government and industry focus of technological effort, speed of technological transfer and rates of obsolescence.   技术环境。科技环境通常受政府在研发方面支出水平的影响,同时也受政府、行业确定的科技发展方向以及技术转移及淘汰速度的影响。   5. Ecological/environmental. The ecological environment, sometimes just referred to as ‘the environment’, considers ways in which the organization can produce its goods or services with the minimum environmental damage. 生态环境。生态环境通常就是指我们生活的这个环境,在此通常要考虑的是组织要以对环境产生最小破坏的方式来生产商品或提供劳务。   6. Legal. The legal environment covers influences such as taxation, employment law, monopoly legislation and environmental protection laws.法律环境。法律环境通常考虑税法、劳动法、垄断法、环境保护法等法律对组织的影响。      02. 行业生命周期Industry Life Cycle    词汇:   Introduction, growth, maturity and decline:起步/成长/成熟/衰退期   Characteristics:特色,特点   Prospective:(名词)预期,展望(形容词)未来的,预期的   Feature:特征   Position:(动词)定位   Awareness:意识,知道,认识   Market growth rate:市场增长率   Patent:专利   Intensive:集中的,加强的   Well-informed:消息灵通的,见多识广的   Shake-out:摇动,抖动,动荡   Industry concentration:行业集中   Market segmentation:市场细分   Grab:(动词)攫取,抓住,抢得   M&A(Mergers and Acquisitions):并购   Overcapacity:产能过剩   Dramatically:剧烈地   Die out:消失,灭绝   Competitive advantage:竞争优势 行业生命周期Industry Life Cycle 阶段stages        特征characteristics 起步期 Introduction         The entity is usually small. There exists different prospective for the future. Marketing strategy should focus on correcting product problems in design, features, and positioning so as to establish a competitive advantage and develop product awareness through advertising, promotion and personal sales techniques. The profitability is relatively low. Market growth rate is high. The management of the entity should carry out corresponding strategies to support the launch of the new products and monitor the competitors’ latest progress. 企业规模较小;对未来发展有不同的看法;营销策略主要关注于产品 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 、特征及定位的修正以建立起竞争优势,同时通过广告、促销、个人销售手段来增强消费者对产品的认知度;盈利性较低;市场增长率较高。 管理层要采取相应的战略来支持新品上市,同时关注竞争对手的最新动态。 成长期 Growth         The industry grows quickly. The entity needs to finance for the market expansion and always faces the shortage of cash. The management of the entity must achieve the target market share by increasing the production. And at the same time the entity can also establish the “industry barrier” by the patents, low costs and any other methods. 成长期:行业增长迅速;企业需要大量资金来实现市场扩张,因此面临资金的短缺。 管理层必须通过扩大产量来达到公司设定的目标市场份额。同时通过专利、低成本及其他 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 来建立阻止竞争者进入的“行业壁垒”。 成熟期 Maturity         The growth rate of the industry declines and becomes stable gradually. There exists intensive competition in the market. The customers are well-informed. Only a few larger players remain in the industry after the shake-out of industry in the late maturity which leads to increased industry concentration. The entity should focus on the efficiency, cost control and market segmentation. In the late maturity, the entity should grab the opportunity for M&A and focus on the R&D for the further development of new markets and new technologies. 成熟期:行业增长率降低趋于稳定;市场竞争更加激烈;消费者见多识广;成熟期后期行业剧烈动荡仅留下较大的企业,从而导致较高的行业集中度。 企业应重点关注效率、成本控制和市场细分。在成熟期后期,企业应抓住兼并机会,重点关注研发以开拓新市场和获取新技术。 衰退期 Decline         The industry suffers from overcapacity. Market growth rate declines dramatically. There exist fewer kinds of products and entities in the industry. Even finally the industry will die out. The management of the entity should continue to keep the competitive advantage in such situation. So in this stage strategy management is very important to the entity. 衰退期:行业产能过剩;市场增长率大幅下降;产品品种和企业数量进一步减少,行业甚至有可能消亡。 管理层在这样一个环境下,应继续保持竞争性优势。因此在这个阶段战略管理显得尤为重要。    03. Five Forces Model of Competition 波特的五力模型    波特的五力模型 Five Forces Model of Competition       Notes    Entrant:进入者   Extra:额外的   Capacity:能力,容量,资格,地位,生产力   Intensify:加剧   Competition:竞争   Barriers to entry:进入壁垒   Foothold:立足处,据点,立锥之地   The threat of new entrants   New entrants into an industry will bring extra capacity and intensify competition. The strength of this threat depends upon the strength of the barriers to entry and the likely response of existing competitors to the new entrant. Barriers to entry are unfavorable factors that make it difficult for a new entrant to gain an initial foothold in a market.   新进入者的威胁   新进入者为市场带来了额外的生产能力,进而加剧了市场的竞争。来自新进入者的威胁大小取决于行业壁垒高低和现有企业对新进入者的反应。所谓的进入壁垒就是指那些使新进入者难于在市场立足的不利因素。   Notes    Economics of scale:规模经济   Unit cost:单位成本   Decline:下降   Significantly:显著地,大幅度地   Volume:量,卷   CVP analysis:本量利分析   Increase:增加   Decrease:减少   Such that/so that:如此……以致于   Be able to do sth:有能力去做某事   On the basis of:在……的基础上   Comparable:可比较的   Differentiation:差异   Brand image:品牌形象   Customer loyalty:客户忠诚度   Overcome:克服   Prohibitive:禁止的,(费用,价格等)过高的   Transport:交通,运输   Switching cost:转换成本   One-off:一次性的   Access to:接近,有权使用   Distribution channel:分销渠道   Cost advantage:成本优势   Disadvantage:不利,劣势   Independent:独立的,不依赖……的,不受……支配的   Subsidy:补贴   Know-how:专有技术   Barriers to entry 1    •Economies of scale. The industry is one where unit costs decline significantly as volume increases, so that a new entrant will be unable to start on a comparable cost basis.   •Product differentiation. Established firms in an industry may have built up a good brand image and customer loyalty. The costs of overcoming this barrier to entry for a new entrant can be prohibitive.   •Capital requirements. Where capital investment requirements are high, the barrier against new entrants will be strong. (e.g. steel industry, rail transport).   Barriers to entry 2    •Switching costs. Switching costs refer to the one-off costs (time, money and convenience) that a customer would have to incur by switching from one supplier to another.   •Access to distribution channels. Distribution channels carry a manufacturer’s product to end-buyer. For new entrants, new distribution channels are difficult to establish, and existing distribution channels are hard to gain access to.   •Cost advantages of existing producers, independent of economies of scale include: (i) Patent rights; (ii) Experience and know-how; (iii) Government subsidies; (iv) Laws and regulations; (v) Favored access to suppliers   常见的进入壁垒有:   规模经济。规模经济 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现为在一定时间内产品的单位成本随总产量的增加而降低,而新进入者则不能一开始就达到此成本水平。   产品差异性。行业内已建立的公司拥有较好的品牌形象和客户忠诚度。如果行业新进入者想克服这个壁垒,则代价是巨大的。   资本金投入要求。某些行业需要前期投入较大的资本金,则给新进入者设置的进入壁垒较高,比如说钢铁行业、铁路运输等。   转换成本。即从一个供应商转换到另一个供应商的一次性成本(包括时间、金钱和便利)。   对分销渠道的使用权。分销渠道使生产商的产品被运往终端消费者。对新进入者来说,新的分销渠道难以建立,并且现有的分销渠道难以获得。   现有产品的成本优势(与规模经济无关)包括:   (i) 专利权; (ii) 经验和专有技术; (iii) 政府补贴; (iv) 法律法规; (v) 最优惠供给资源      04. Porter’s Value Chain波特的价值链模型    Notes    Value chain:价值链   Identify:识别   Contribute to:有助于   Competitive advantage:竞争优势   Approach:方法论,方法;靠近(vt.)   Break down…into:分解成…   Primary:基本的,主要的   Firm infrastructure:企业的基础设施建设   Human resource management:人力资源管理   Technology development:技术开发   Procurement:采购   Porter developed the value chain to help identify which activities within the firm were contributing to a competitive advantage and which were not.   The approach involves breaking down the firm into five “primary” and four “support” activities, and investigating each to see if they give a cost advantage or quality advantage.   波特提出了价值链模型,借此识别哪些活动会给公司带来竞争优势,哪些则不能。   该理论将公司划分为五种基本活动和四种辅助活动,并对每一种活动进行考察,以确定其是否可以为公司带来成本优势或质量优势。      05. SWOT Model/SWOT模型    Notes:    SWOT   即Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat的缩写, 优势、劣势、机会、威胁   Internal/External:内部的/外部的   Unique:唯一的,独一无二的   Favorable:有利的   Unfavorable:不利的(un为前缀,表示否定)   The SWOT analysis includes four elements - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.   •Strength. It means the positive factors or unique capabilities which result in the competitive advantages.   •Weakness. It means the factors which restrict the development of the firm.   •Opportunity. It means the circumstances which are favorable to the development of the firm as the external environment is changing.   •Threat. It means the circumstances which are unfavorable to the development of the firm as the external environment is changing.   SWOT分析的四要素为优势、劣势、机会与威胁。   •优势:   是指能为企业带来重要竞争优势的积极因素或独特能力。   •劣势:   是指限制企业发展且有待改正的消极方面。   •机会:   是随着企业外部环境的改变而产生的有利于企业的时机。   •威胁:   是随着企业外部环境的改变而产生的不利于企业的时机。      06. Generic Strategies   Notes    Generic strategy:一般战略   Cost leadership:成本领先战略   Differentiation:差异化战略   Focus:集中化战略   Niche:壁龛   Learning curve:学习曲线   Premise:前提,地基,场地   Segment:段,部分;分割   Fallback:可依靠的东西,撤退,退却   Entrepreneurial flair:企业家的才智   Stuck in:陷入,插入   Upmarket:以高消费者为对象的,高级的; 高档地, 高级地   Downmarket:面向低收入消费者的面向低收入阶层   Professor Michael Porter identified three generic strategies through which an organization could achieve competitive advantages.   •Cost leadership   •Differentiation   •Focus   迈克尔•波特教授指出有三种一般战略可帮助一家企业获得竞争优势。   •成本领先战略   •差异化战略   •集中化战略      07. Corporate Strategy   Notes    Horizontal integration:横向一体化   Alliance strategy:联盟战略   Vertical integration:纵向一体化   Backwards vertical integration:后向一体化   Forwards vertical integration:前向一体化   adaptability:适应性,适合性   Horizontal integration means the M&A or alliance strategies carried out by the entity. The key reason for adopting such strategy by the entity is to achieve the competitive advantages by reducing competition intensity, realizing economics of scale and increasing strength.   Vertical integration occurs when a company expands backwards or forwards within its existing value network and thus becomes its own supplier or distributor.   Vertical integration can be divided into backwards vertical integration and forwards vertical integration.   Advantages of vertical integration:   A secure supply of components or materials lower suppliers bargaining power   Stronger relationships with the final consumer of the product   A share of the profits at all stages of the value network   More effective pursuit of a differentiation strategy   Creation of barriers to entry   Disadvantages of vertical integration   Over concentration. A company places “more eggs in the same end market basket”. Such a policy is fairly inflexible, more sensitive to instabilities and increases the firms dependence on a particular aspect of economic demand.   The firm fails to benefit from any economies of scale or technical advances in the industry into which it has diversified.   Increase internal management cost.   Advantages of forwards vertical integration   Understand and control the market   Sensitive to the consumer demands   Increase the adaptability of products to the market   Increase the competitive advantages   Advantages of backwards vertical integration   Control the cost and quality of substantial raw materials and ensure their supply.   Make the company’s operation smoothly.   Advantages of backwards vertical integration   Control the cost, quality of key materials and secure the supply   Stabilize the operation   横向一体化战略是指企业收购、兼并或联合竞争企业的战略。企业用横向一体化战略的主要目的是减少竞争压力、实现规模经济和增强自身实力以获取竞争优势。   纵向一体化是指公司沿其现有价值网络向后或向前延伸以成为自己的供货商或分销商。   纵向一体化战略可以分为后向一体化战略和前向一体化战略。   纵向一体化的优点:   原 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 、零部件的稳定供应,降低了供货商的议价能力与产品的最终用户建立更强有力的关系可获得价值网络各阶段的有关利润可有效执行差异化战略创建进入壁垒   纵向一体化的缺点:   过于集中。公司将更多的“鸡蛋”放在同一市场中。该政策十分缺乏弹性,易受外界不稳定因素的影响,增加了公司对特定经济需求的依赖。   公司未能从其进入行业的规模经济或科技进步中受益。   增加内部管理成本。   前向一体化的优点:   了解和控制市场对消费者需求更为敏感提高产品的市场适应性增强竞争优势   后向一体化的优点:控制关键原材料成本和质量,确保供应使经营平稳进行      08. Strategy Development   Notes    Organic growth:有机增长,也称为内生增长(internal development)   Acquisition:兼并   Strategic alliance:战略联盟   Pursue:追求,寻求   Sensible:明智的,明显的   Genuine:真实的,真正的   Meticulous:一丝不苟的,小心翼翼的   Disruption:破坏,分裂,瓦解   Learning curve:学习曲线,经验曲线   There are three methods for strategic development:   Organic growth   Acquisition   Strategic alliance   Organic growth   Organic growth (sometimes referred to as internal development) is the primary method of growth for many organizations. Organic growth is achieved through the development of internal resources.   Reasons for pursuing organic growth:   Learning. The process of developing a new product gives the firm the best understanding of the market and the product.   Innovation. It might be the only sensible way to pursue genuine technological innovations, and exploit them.   There is no suitable target for acquisition.   Organic growth can be planned more meticulously and offers little disruption.   It is often more convenient for managers, as organic growth can be financed easily from the company's current cash flows, without having to raise extra money.   The same style of management and corporate culture can be maintained.   Hidden or unforeseen losses are less likely to happen in the mode of organic growth than acquisition.   Economies of scale can be achieved by more effective and efficient use of central head office functions such as finance, purchasing, personnel and management services.   Problems with organic growth:   Sometimes it takes a long time to obtain a learning curve.   Barriers to entry are difficult to overcome.   The firm will have to acquire the resources independently.   Organic growth may be too slow for the dynamics of the market.   Organic growth is probably ideal for market penetration, and suitable for product and market development, but there might be a problem with diversification.   战略发展有三种类型:   有机增长   并购战略   战略联盟   有机增长   有机增长(通常也称作“内部发展”)对于许多组织来说是发展壮大的主要方法。有机增长通常通过内部资源来实现。   采用有机增长(内生发展)的原因:   学习的过程。开发新产品的过程使企业能最深刻地了解市场及产品。   创新。这可能是唯一合理的、实现真正技术创新的方法。   不存在合适的收购对象。   内生增长可以精心谋划,以便持续进行。   对于组织管理者来说,内生增长较为容易实施,这是因为内生增长所需融资可由组织当前现金流来满足而无需额外筹资。   保持同样的管理风格和企业文化。   收购中通常会产生隐藏的或无法预测的损失,而内生增长不太可能产生这种情况。   通过总部各职能部门,诸如财务部、采购部、人力资源部和管理服务部等的更为有效的使用,可取得规模经济效益。   内生增长的局限性:   有时会花相当长的时间才能取得学习曲线效应。   进入壁垒可能难以克服。   组织不得不独立地获取某些资源。   当市场发展得非常快时,内部发展会显得过于缓慢。   内生增长的方法可能非常适用于市场渗透战略,也适合产品开发和市场开发战略,但若用于多元化战略时,则会存在问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。      09. BCG    Notes    Empirical research:实证研究,经验研究   Explosively:爆发地   Squeeze out:排挤出   Ex:以前的(附在名词前,用于带连词号的复合词)   Trap:陷阱   Niche:壁龛,利基   divest:剥夺,撤退,出让   The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) developed a matrix based on empirical research that assesses businesses in terms of potential cash generation and cash expenditure requirements. SBUs are categorized in terms of market growth rate and relative market share.   Assessing market growth rate as high or low depends on the conditions in the market. No single percentage rate can be set, since new markets may grow explosively while mature ones grow hardly at all. High market growth rate can indicate good opportunities for profitable operations.   However, intense competition in a high growth market can erode profit, while a slowly growing market with high barriers to entry can be very profitable.   Relative market share is assessed as a ratio that is the market share compared with the market share of the largest competitor. Thus a relative market share greater than unity indicates that the SBU is the market leader.                     Relative market share                     high        low market growth        high        stars        question mark         low        cash cows        dogs   Star   In the short-term, stars require capital expenditure in excess of the cash they generate, in order to maintain the position in their competitive growth market, but promise high returns in the future.   Strategy: build   Cows   In due course, stars will become cash cows. Cash cows need very little capital expenditure and they generate high levels of cash income. Cash cows can be used to finance the stars.   Strategy: hold or harvest if weak   Question mark   Question mark must be assessed whether they justify considerable capital expenditure in the hope of increasing their market share, or should they be allowed to die quietly as they are squeezed out of the expanding market by rival products?   Strategy: build or harvest   Dogs   Dogs may be ex-cash cows that have now fallen on hard times. Although they will show only a modest cash inflow or outflow, they are cash traps which tie up funds and provide a poor return on investment. However, they may have a useful role, either to complete a product range or to keep competitors out.   Strategy: divest or hold   根据潜在的现金产生能力和现金支出需要的实证研究,波士顿咨询集团提出了一个矩阵模型。根据市场增长率和相对市场份额对战略业务单元进行划分。   评估市场增长率高与低取决于市场条件。因为新兴市场增速迅猛而成熟市场增速迟缓因此不能设定单一的百分比指标。较高的市场增长率显示出较好的获利商机。但是增速过高的市场,往往竞争也比较激烈,这会对利润产生侵蚀;而增速较慢的市场则有较高的进入壁垒,其中的企业往往获利性较强。   相对市场份额能够通过比率来评估,即同最大竞争者的市场份额进行比较。如果相对市场份额较大,表明战略业务单位是市场的领导者。                     相对市场份额                     高        低 市场增长率        高        明星产品        问号产品         低        金牛产品        瘦狗产品   明星产品   短期需要资本投入超过产生的现金,以便保持它们的市场地位,但是未来会带来高额的回报。   在这个象限所用战略是建设。   金牛产品通常,明星产品会成为金牛产品。金牛产品不需要大量资本投入,却能产生大量的现金收入,可以用来提供明星产品需要的资金。在这个象限所用战略是持有或在虚弱的时候收获。   问号产品   要判断产品是否需要大量的资本投入,以增加其市场份额,或者它们是否应当被淘汰。   在这个象限所用战略是建设或收获。   瘦狗产品   瘦狗产品通常由金牛产品转化而来。尽管瘦狗产品只能带来一般的现金流入或者流出,是融资的现金陷阱,并且投资回报不高,但是,它们是一个完成产品整个系列或者将竞争者驱赶出去的有用工具。   在这个象限所用战略是剥夺或持有。      10. BSC    Notes    BSC(Balanced scorecard):平衡记分卡   Align:匹配;使结盟   Vision:愿景   Originate:引起,创作,原创,创始,首创   metric:度量,测度   The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and non-for-profit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. It was originated by Dr. Robert   Kaplan (Harvard Business School) and David Norton as a performance measurement framework that added strategic non-financial performance measures to traditional financial metrics to give managers and executives a more “balanced” view of organizational performance.   The balanced scorecard has evolved from its early use as a simple performance measurement framework to a full strategic planning and management system. The “new” balanced scorecard transforms an organization’s strategic plan from an attractive but dull document into the “marching orders” for the organization on a daily basis.   It provides a framework that balances the financial and non-financial, external and internal, long-term and short-term factors.   平衡记分卡是为工商企业、政府机关、非营利组织广泛使用的一种战略计划和管理的工具,其可引导组织的日常商业活动与愿景和战略相一致,改善内外部交流沟通以及依战略目标对组织进行绩效考量。平衡记分卡作为绩效考量的工具最早由卡普兰和诺顿提出,该工具在传统的财务业绩考评的基础上增加了对战略非财务因素的考量,这给组织的管理者以更加“平衡”的视角来看待组织的业绩。   平衡记分卡早期仅作为绩效考评的工具,逐渐发展成为全面的战略计划和管理工具。这种“新”的平衡记分卡将组织的战略计划由充满吸引力但枯燥的文件转化为日常实实在在的行为指引。平衡记分卡提供了平衡财务与非财务因素、外部和内部因素、长期和短期因素的一种框架。      11. Organizational Structure   Notes    Centralization:集权化   Decentralization:非集权化   Hierarchy:等级,层级   Retain:保留,保持   To a certain extent:在一定程度上  
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