首页 吸血鬼日记第一季09英文剧本台词



吸血鬼日记第一季09英文剧本台词看吸血鬼日记学英语第一季09集 《吸血鬼日记》前情提要 Previously on "The Vampire Diaries" 一个多世纪以来 我都秘密地活着 For over a century, I have lived in secret until now. 我知道这很冒险 但我必须要认识她 I know the risk, but I have to know her. 埃琳娜和凯瑟琳长的一模一样 Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine. -...

看吸血鬼日记学英语第一季09集 《吸血鬼日记》前情提要 Previously on "The Vampire Diaries" 一个多世纪以来 我都秘密地活着 For over a century, I have lived in secret until now. 我知道这很冒险 但我必须要认识她 I know the risk, but I have to know her. 埃琳娜和凯瑟琳长的一模一样 Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine. -你好 弟弟 -达蒙 - Hello, brother. - Damon. 他杀了扎克 He killed Zach. 杀了特纳 把薇姬变成吸血鬼 He killed Tanner. He turned Vicki. 我必须杀了他 I have to kill him. 不 你别去 No, you can't do that. 你说要离我远点是对的 You were right to stay away from me. 这是什么 What is that? 非常贵重的水晶 Very important crystal. 属于我们家族最厉害的女巫之一 That belonged to one of the most powerful 艾米莉·贝内特 Witches of our family, Emily Bennett. 我要拿回我的水晶 I want my crystal back. -在邦妮那里 -去拿回来 - Bonnie has it. - Get it from her. 不要把它给任何人 Don't be giving that back to anybody. 今天我们学阴影估测法 Today we're going to talk about shadow reckoning. 这是一种根据太阳投射的阴影 This is a method of measuring heights 计算高度的方法 By the sun's shadow. 打个比方 如果我们要计算 Let's say, for example, that we're going 阴影的距离 To measure the distance of the shadow. 就要知道这个长度 We're gonna take this measurement here, 测出长度 Measure the length, 然后和原高度相乘 And we're going to multiply that the height of the source. 此法还能测算建筑物的高度 用千米做单位 Building height can also be measured using a kilometer. 我们明天会学这部分 Which we are going to make it in class tomorrow. 一会我给你们布置作业 I'm going to give you a hand-out about... 有人吗 Hello? 请帮帮我 Please help me. 你是谁 Who are you? 艾米莉 I'm Emily. 你知道的 You know that. 我们是一家人 We are family. 我在哪里 Where am I? 事情是从这里开始的 This is where it started. 也必须在这里结束 And this is where it has to end. 不 这不是真的 No. This isn't real. 帮帮我 Help me. 看什么看 What are you looking at? 转过去 Turn around. 你都不跟邦妮说话了吗 Have you even talked to Bonnie? 生她气了 她应该先道歉 No. I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move. 大度点吧 Be the bigger person. 对她不行 Impossible in her presence. 你怎么对她生那么大的气 Why are you so pissed at her, anyway? 因为她是个小偷 She's a thief. That's why. 我给她的项链 她不肯还我了 I gave her my necklace, and she refuses to give it back. 这是原则问题 It's a matter of principle. 好吧 我也劝过你了 All right. Well, I tried. 我不管这事了 I'm officially out of it. 很好 该说你的事了 Good. Your turn. 斯特凡呢 你们说话了吗 Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him? 他躲着我 He's avoiding me. 为什么 Why? 一言难尽 It's complicated. -回见 -再见 - I'll see you later. - Bye. 大家早上好 Good morning, everyone. 好 Alrighty. 这是我的名字 Let's see. 阿拉里克 ...A-R-I-C 萨尔茨曼 S-a-l-t-z-m-a-n. 阿拉里克·萨尔茨曼 Alaric Saltzman. 我知道有些长 It's a mouthful. I know. 不太好念 Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. 萨尔茨曼是个德国的姓氏 Saltzman is of German origins. 我的家族年移民到德克萨斯州 My family emigrated here in to Texas. 不过 我出生在波士顿并在那里成长 I, however, was born and raised in Boston. 关于我的名字 阿拉里克 Now, the name Alaric 是我一个老祖先的名字 Belongs to a very dead great-grandfather 一个让我十分景仰的祖先 I will never be able to thank enough. 你们可能错念成奥拉里克 You'll probably want to pronounce it "Ala-ric," 但正确读音是阿拉里克 明白吗 But it's "A-lar-ic," ok? 你们可以叫我瑞克 So you can call me Rick. 我是你们的新历史老师 I'm your new history teacher. 太阳照屁股喽 Rise and shine. 上学要迟到了 You'll be late for school. 你 你想干什么 What are you... what are you doin'? 和平赠礼 Peace offering. 拜托 你需要它保持血液循环 Come on. You need it for blood circulation. 让你状态良好 Does dead flesh good. 好吧 我错了 All right, I'm sorry. 请别挡路 Step aside, please. 再也没人会来打扰我们了 I got the town off our back. 这样对大家都好 不过我还是要说声抱歉 It was for the greater good, but I'm sorry. 为了真诚致歉 我保证至少一周内 And to prove it, I'm not gonna feed on a human 不再喝人血 For at least a week. 我会采用老弟你的食谱 I'll adopt the Stefan diet, 当然不吃带毛的生物 Only nothin' with feathers. 我想 你居然能杀掉和你交情 'Cause I realize that killing your closest 最深的老朋友简直就是十恶不赦 And oldest friend is beyond evil, 不过还是觉得 很有笑料 And yet somehow, It's worthy of humor. 你在模仿我 Are you mimicking me? 不错 斯特凡 既然仇杀吸血鬼的秘密组织 Yes, Stefan. Now that the secret society 不会再来找我们麻烦了 Of vampire haters is off our back, 我也能步上正规 I can go back to my routine 继续思索这周如何折磨斯特凡了 Of how can I destroy Stefan's life this week. 还有 我也能继续生闷气 为得不到埃琳娜 And I can go back to sulking and Elena-longing 愁眉紧锁 很有趣 我喜欢 And forehead brooding. This is fun. I like this. 我也将最终透露 在我的邪恶狠毒背后 And I will finally reveal the ulterior motive 返回神秘瀑布镇的最终动机 Behind my evil and diabolical return to Mystic falls. 我受够了 Yeah. I'm done. 你就是那样 达蒙 That's just like you, Damon. 永远要强辩到底 Always have to have the last word. 之后 在树林里醒来之前 And then I ended up at the remains 我躺在残破败损的教堂树叶上 Of old fell's church before I woke up back in the woods. 你总能看见你的祖先艾米莉吗 And you always see your ancestor Emily? 这样 Huh. 你相信世上有鬼吗 Do you believe in ghosts? 两周前我会说不 但是现在 weeks ago, I'd say no, but now... 我想我被鬼缠身了 I think I'm being haunted. 我不明白 为什么艾米莉要缠着你 I don't get it. Why Emily? 祖母说她在美国内战时期是个 Grams said she was a powerful 巫术强大的女巫 Witch back in the civil war day. 这个项链是她的 And that this medallion was hers, 女巫的护身符 A witch's talisman. 所有的事都从你得到这个项链开始 And it all started when you got the necklace? 我认为她在用项链和我交流 I think she's using it to communicate with me. 你祖母怎么说 Ok, what does grams say about it? 我跟她说 她会让我留着它 I can't call her. She's gonna tell me to embrace it. 我不想再留着它 我想让怪事停止 I don't want to embrace it. I want it to stop. 萨尔茨曼先生 我是杰里米·吉尔伯特 Hey, Mr. Saltzman, I'm, uh...I'm Jeremy Gilbert. 你找我吗 You wanted to see me? 你知道你以前的老师 You know that your old teacher 有个愚蠢的文件吗 Had a jackass file? 不开玩笑 它被打上了标签 No joke. It's, uh, typed on a label. 里面有所有问题少年的名字 It has all the, uh, troublemakers in it, 但事实上说的都是关于你的杰作 But really it's just an opus to you. 别担心 Don't worry about it. 我跟他不同 I'm not him. 我们从头开始 Clean slate. 从现在 Now... 让我谈谈成绩 Let's talk about grades. 我知道这几个月我成绩不怎么好 I know it's been a rough couple of months, 但是我已经试着改变现状了 But I've been... I've been trying to turn them around. 是的 看得出来 Yeah, I saw that, 但是问题是 But the problem is 我们这学期已经过去一半了 We're halfway through a semester, 而且半学期考试都挂了挺惨的 And half a fail is still pretty bleak. 你这么跟我说的 This is the part where you say to me, 我该怎么办才能通过这门课 "What can I do to? I wanna change that. 很好 我很高兴你问 Well, I'm glad you asked. 再给你一次机会怎么样 How do you feel about extra credit? 好 求之不得 让我做什么都行 Yeah. yeah, totally. Whatever. 很好 那写一篇论文交给我吧 Good. Write me a paper then. 没问题 关于什么的 Ok. About what? 历史 History. 找个话题 关于本地的 Pick a topic. Keep it local. 不准照搬维基百科上面的东西 No Wikipedia Regurgita. 这些老城镇有着悠久的历史 These old towns have a lot of rich history, 多动手去查找吧 So just get your hands dirty, 合格的话 就算你改过自新啦 Make it sing, and you're back on track. 成交吗 Deal? 啊 当然 说定了 Uh, yeah. Deal. 那是 那是个很酷的戒指 That's a, uh... that's a cool ring. 哦 谢谢 是我父亲的 Oh, thanks. It was my father's. 哈 有点花哨 但是家族流传下来的 Heh. Llittle garish, but family. 老传统了 You know. 你有一星期的时间 You've got a week. 嘿 Hey. 嘿 那是什么意思 Hey. What is that? 什么是什么意思 What is what? 这个 嘿 The "hey." 两次了 你说了两个嘿 It was twice. That is heys. That... 难道你就不会说些别的吗 Do you have any other words in your vocabulary? 说嘿又怎么了 What's wrong with "hey"? 让人觉得话里有话 It reeks of awkward subtext. 你一整晚都待在我的床上 You spent the night in my bed, 抱着我 却在黎明时溜走了 There was cuddling, and then you snuck out before dawn 为了避免面对我 So you wouldn't have to face me, 我不得不说你的行为很差劲 Which I must say is a total lame guy 让我很瞧不起 Move that I did not appreciate 现在跟我说嘿 And now with the heys? 是真心的吗 我是说 Seriously? I mean, 那天在派对上我可能像 I may have been some pathetic, 一个很危险的可怜虫 Insecure mess at the party 但别误认为我就是一个好哄的人 But do not mistake that for me being a pushover, 因为我再也不会让男人控制我了 Because I do not let guys mess with my head anymore. 早上我听见你妈妈回来了 I heard your mom in the morning, 我不想给你造成麻烦 And I didn't want to get you in trouble, 所以才从窗户溜走的 So I went out the window. 你从窗户离开的 又一个差劲的行为 You went out the window? Well, another lame guy move. 你妈妈是警长 Your mom's the sheriff. 至于我说嘿 我很肯定 And as for the heys, I'm pretty sure 从一年级开始我每天早上就那样对你说 It's what I've said to you every day since the first grade. 哦 Oh. 想试探有没有别的意思 Tryin' to read somethin' into it... 试探失败 Lame girl move. 你不在教室 我很担心 You weren't in class. I was worried. 是的 我收到了你的短信 Yeah, I got your messages, and sorry 抱歉没有回复你 I didn't get back to you 我不想在电话里跟你说这些 What I wanna say shouldn't be said over the phone. 你可以发个短信啊 A simple "I didn't kill my "我没杀我哥哥" 我也就知道了 Brother" text would have sufficed. 我没杀我哥哥 I didn't kill my brother, 虽然他理应得到那样的下场 As much as he deserved it. 他该感谢你 He has you to thank for that. 那么你想跟我说什么 So what did you wanna tell me? 我不会再来学校了 I won't be coming to school anymore. 我要离开 而且要保持距离 I'm gonna back off and keep my distance. 这才是正确的做法 It's the right thing to do. 离开学校还是 Back off from school or... 离开我 From me? 谢谢你告诉我 Thank you for telling me. 这样更好 It's better this way. 没错 我明白 Yep. I got it. 你在生气 You're angry. 那样很好 That's good. 你恨我的话会好过一点 Be easier if you hate me. 好了 这是你最后的机会了 Ok, it's your last chance. 我会喊叫的 I'm gonna scream. 哦 不 千万别 Oh, no, don't do that. 我有正事找你 Let's stay on point. 听着 我要我的项链 Listen, I want my necklace. 你休想拿到 You can't have it. 我是拿不到 但是你可以给我啊 Well, I can't take it, but you can give it to me. 我这个是在帮你 I'm trying to help you here. 没这个必要 I don't want your help. 你都不知道你有多需要我的帮助 You do want my help, and you don't even know it. 小女巫 你知道为什么吗 You know why, you little witch? 因为你正在死角中不能自拔 'Cause you have stumbled into something 你需要挣脱出来 You need to stumble out of. 别烦我 不然我保证 Just leave me alone, or I swear I'll... 少来这一套 Ooh. don't. No threats. 听着 第一 你上次弄伤了我 Look-A...You hurt me last time. 第二 我也是为你好 B...I wish you no harm. 邦妮 不管你相不相信 我想保护你 Believe it or not, Bonnie, I wanna protect you. 让我帮你摆脱艾米莉 Let me help you get Emily off your back. 你怎么知道她的 How do you know about her? 还不止这些 I know a lot of things 关于那块水晶 我知道的比你可多多了 And I know more about that crystal than you do 而且我知道她正在用它 And I know that she's using it 潜进你的身体 To creep inside of you. 你已经被吓得六神无主了 See how scared you are? 你应该这样的 因为我迟早会拿到那块水晶 And you should be, because I will get that crystal, 即使等到艾米莉亲自给我 Even if I have to wait for Emily to give it to me herself. 所以 下次她出现的时候 So next time she comes out to play 你告诉她 You tell her... 就这么定了 That deal's a deal. 埃琳娜 他简直就是噩梦 He's bad news, Elena. 他真的吓到我了 He really scared me. 你应该离达蒙要多远有多远 You need to stay as far away from Damon as possible. 我也想这样啊 但是他一直纠缠我 I'm trying. he just keeps showing up. 我不想你一个人待着 I don't want you to be alone. 你今晚过来睡吧 You're sleeping at my place tonight. 我们可以用一整晚来理清这个事情 We can make a whole night out of it. 你要去哪里呢 Where are you going? 你没事吧 Are you ok? 现在没事了 Now I am. 全部都是那块水晶惹的祸 All my problems were because of that thing. 我早该把它给扔了 Can't believe I didn't do that sooner. 不知道你祖母知道了会怎样 What's your grams gonna say? 祖母又没有被那个 Grams isn't the one being haunted 岁鬼魂缠身 By a -year-old ghost, is she? 有道理 Ok, then. 我喜欢单独用餐的人 I like a man who can dine alone. 很有魅力 A quiet strength. 我以前还以为你还在 I thought you were still 纠结罗根那件事呢 In that whole Logan depression thing. 我是说过永远不碰男人 Oh, I've sworn off men forever 但那并不 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示 But it doesn't mean I can't observe 我不能远远地看他们 Them from a safe distance. 我可以介绍你们认识 Well, I can introduce you. 谢谢你能来 Thanks for coming. 事关紧要 要不我也不会打电话找你 I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important. 我知道 I know that. 斯特凡 他威胁她 He threatened her, Stefan. 达蒙想从邦妮那里得到什么呢 What would Damon want with Bonnie? 她有这条项链 卡罗琳从达蒙那里得到的 She has this necklace. caroline got it from Damon 然后她给了邦妮 And she gave it Bonnie 现在达蒙要回去 And now Damon wants it back. 他不停地在折磨她 He's tormenting her. 就为了一条项链 Over a necklace. 那不是普通的项链 It's not just any necklace. 和邦妮的家族有关 It has to do with Bonnie's heritage. 以前是她的一个祖先的 It belonged to one of her ancestors 她在南北战争的时候住在这里 Who lived here during the civil war. 那个时候你和达蒙也住在这里 When You and Damon lived here. 她的名字是艾米莉 Her name was Emily. 她是凯瑟琳的侍女 She was Katherine's handmaid 也是一名女巫 And a witch. 你知道 You know? 关于邦妮的事 About Bonnie? 第一次你请我吃晚饭的时候 The first night that you invited me over 我就知道了 For dinner, I made the connection. 所以达蒙也知道了 And now Damon knows 不知道什么原因 他想要那条项链 And for some reason, he wants that necklace. 它是什么样子的 What does it look like? 那是古老的铁链子 中间 It's, um, an antique iron setting with a... 琥珀色的水晶 With an amber crystal. 我知道这条项链 是凯瑟琳的 I know it. It belonged to Katherine. 艾米莉给她的 这意味着... Emily gave it to her, which means that... 什么 What? 我不知道 I don't know 但我会查出来 But I'm gonna find out. 让我和达蒙谈谈 Let me talk to Damon. 他会告诉你吗 Will he tell you? 我会想办法让他说的 I'll...I'll get it out of him. 你选了话题没 Have you picked a topic? 没有 还没有 得是本土的 No, not yet. It's gotta be local 还不能在网上搜资料 And non-internet research, so... 那很简单 你可以看看你爸爸的东西 Well, that's easy. You got all your dad's stuff. 什么东西 What stuff? 吉尔伯特家族是怎么乘着“五月花”号 How the Gilberts came over 来到这里的 On the "mayflower" stuff 所有家族都有悠久的历史 All that family lineage from way back. 你爸爸真的很喜欢那些家族历史 Your dad really loved all that family history stuff. 这些都装在储藏室的盒子里 It's all boxed up in the closet. 萨尔茨曼先生 Mr. Saltzman. 嘿 怎么样 伙计 Hey. What's up, man? 这是我阿姨珍娜 This is my aunt Jenna. 阿拉里克.萨尔茨曼 很高兴见到你 Alaric saltzman. it's nice to meet you. 杰里米刚和我谈到他的论文 Jeremy was just telling me about his paper. 谢谢你给他第二次机会 Thanks for giving him another chance. 哦 这是我第一天上课 Oh, you know, it was my first day. 想给大家留个好印象 I wanted to make a good impression. 斯特凡... So, Stefan... 我一直在想... You know, I been thinking... 我们应该从头开始 I think we should start over 给我们兄弟间一次和好的机会 Give this brother thing another chance. 我们以前总是能够重归于好 We used to do it oh, so well once upon a time. 我不想 达蒙 I don't, Damon. 我不信你可以做个好人 I can't trust you to be a nice guy. 你...你害了这么多人 你很卑鄙 You...you kill everybody, and you're so mean. 你真卑鄙 还... You're so mean, and... 模仿你还真的挺难的 You're really hard to imitate, 我还得学弟弟的口气 And then I have to go to that lesser place. 给我来杯咖啡 Can I get a coffee, please? 一个人喝闷酒吗 So what's with the bottle? 我很烦躁 暴饮暴食 I'm on edge. Crash diet, 我试着有节制 And I'm trying to keep a low profile. 你可以直接离开这了 Mm. You could always just leave, 找个新的地方享受你自己的人生 Find a new town to turn into your own personal gas 'n' sip. 我会控制住自己的 I'll manage. 你不需要来监视我 You know, you don't have to keep an eye on me. 我不是来监视你的 I'm not here to keep an eye on you. 那你来干什么 So why are you here? 为什么不能来 Why not? 我很抱歉 I'm sorry. 好了吧 我直说了 There. I said it. 你如果想要那条愚蠢的项链的话 If you want the ugly-ass necklace, 留着 Keep it. 是你的了 It's yours. 如果我告诉你我把她扔了你会生我气吗 Will you hate me if I tell you I threw it away? 你把它扔了 You threw it away? 我知道这有点疯狂 I know it sounds crazy, 但这条项链总是给我带来噩梦 But the necklace was giving me nightmares. 我得摆脱掉它 I had to get rid of it. 你可以直接还给我 You could have just given it back to me. 为什么 这样你就可以给达蒙了 Why? so you could give it back to Damon? 达蒙去死吧 Screw Damon. 那我们是来修指甲还是干什么 Are we doing manicures or what? 谁有指甲刀 who has their kit? 我的在包里 Mine's in my bag. 那么...埃琳娜 So, Elena... hmm? 你和斯特凡的恩怨还要持续到什么时候 How long do you think this fight with Stefan's gonna last? 难道是永久的吗 Is it like a permanent thing? 我不知道 卡罗琳 I don't know, Caroline. 嘿 邦妮 你怎么是个大骗子 Heh. Why are you such a little liar, Bonnie? -什么 -卡罗琳 - What? - Caroline! 我没有骗你 卡罗琳 我发誓 I'm not lying to you, Caroline. I swear. 是真的 我看她把项链扔到野外的 It's true. I watched her throw it into a field. 那么 这是怎么解释 Well, then explain it. 艾米莉 Emily. -谁是艾米莉 -那个幽灵吗 - Who's Emily? -The ghost. 那个幽灵现在有名字了 Oh, the ghost has a name now? 卡罗琳 别这样 Caroline, please. 奇怪她为什么总缠着我 I wonder why she won't leave me alone. 好了 现在是什么状况 Ok, what is going on? 为什么我总是插不上话 Why am I not a part of this conversation? 你们总这样对我 You guys do this to me all the time. -不是这样的 -是这样的 - That's not true. - Yes, it is. 我和你说不了 你都不听我说话 I can't talk to you. you don't listen. 才不是呢 That's not true. 我是个女巫 I'm a witch. 我们都知道这点 And don't we all know it? 瞧 我说了吧 See? That's what I'm talking about. 我想告诉你一些事情 可你听都不听 I'm trying to tell you something. You don't even hear it. 我听着呢 I listen. 我什么时候没听呢 When do I not listen? 杰里米完全把我抛弃了 Jeremy totally ditched me. 他去哪了 Where'd he go? 回家 离这不远 他可以走回去 Home. It's not far. He can walk it. 那你是本地人 So are you... are you from here? 还是从城里来的 Are you a townie? 我是个返乡者 I'm a returnee. 离开过一段时间 现在回来了 Left town for a while. Now I'm back. -为什么离开 -去上学 - Why'd you leave? - school. 告诉你真正的原因吧 And then there's the real reason. 那段时间我很委屈 I was wronged. 那人叫罗根 Guy named Logan. 他对你怎么了 What'd he do? 都是俗套 Basics... 说谎骗我 Lied, cheated, 诱惑我上钩 然后弃我而去 Lured me back in, left me again. 该你说了 有什么悲伤恋情故事吗 Your turn. Any sad relationship stories? 还是那些俗套 The basics... 两人相爱 早婚 Fell in love, married young, 后来我妻子死了 My wife died. 说起那些事情总让人聊不下去 Yeah. that's always a good conversation stopper. 后来发生了什么 What happened? 你和我 还有 Well, you, me, and the, uh, 北卡罗来纳州的警察局 North carolina police department 都在疑惑接下来发生了什么 Are all wondering the same thing. 就是所谓的无头案 It's, uh...it's what's known as a cold case. 那你为什么搬来这里 So why'd you move here? 我想换个生活 Oh, a change of pace, 看看新的景色 New scenery. 我喜欢这里的风景 I like it here. It's... 古老又浓郁 Got a rich history. 幸运一中 Lucky shot. 更像是小心磨练几十年的技能 More like a carefully honed skill over many decades. 你要赶超我了 You're beating me. 没错 Well, yeah. 因为我比你厉害 It's because I'm better than you. 我防着你呢 想跟我玩逆反心理学 I'm onto you. Reverse psychology? 我是说 虽然收效甚微 I mean, it's a little transparent, 但我还是佩服你敢于尝试的精神 But I admire the effort. 你喜欢显示自己的智慧是吗 You prefer the brooding forehead? 说真的 你到底在玩什么把戏 Seriously, what game do you think you're playing? 这可是个有趣的问题 事实上 That's a funny question considering the fact 这几个月来我也一直在问你同样的问题 That I have been asking you that for months. 感觉很受挫啊 是吧 It's frustrating, isn't it? 让你说对了 Touche. 邦妮 Bonnie. 听着 这不是我的风格 Look, it's just not me, ok? 我不相信那些... I don't believe in the... 神魔鬼怪的事情 Whoo whoo. 但如果你信的话 那好吧 我也信 But if you do, then ok. I'm in. 信了也没有什么大不了的 That's all it takes for me to jump onboard, 因为我把你当做最好的朋友 Because I consider you to be my best friend. 虽然知道埃琳娜正在厨房听着我的每句话 And I'm saying this knowing that Elena's 可我还是要这么说 In the kitchen listening to my every word. 听着 我不知道你有多相信这些事 Look, I didn't know how real this was for you, 但我现在愿意倾听 But I'm listening now. 好吗 Ok? 埃琳娜 你可以进来了 我们谈完了 Elena, you can come in now. We're done. 这场面转化太具有戏剧性了 Well, there is just way too much drama in this room. 你们想怎么做 So what do you guys wanna do? 我有个注意 I have an idea. 不如我们来个降神会吧 Why don't we have a seance 我可不觉得这个好主意 I don't think that's a good idea. 来吧 咱们来召唤灵魂吧 Come on. Let's summon some spirits. 这个叫艾米莉的小妞得把事情解释清楚 This Emily chick has some serious explaining to do. 我们在干什么呢 What are we doing? 不知道 I don't know. 安静 集中精神 Be quiet and concentrate. 好了 闭上双眼 Ok, close your eyes. 现在 深吸一口气 Ok, now take a deep breath. 邦妮 开始召唤她吧 Bonnie, call to her. 艾米莉 Emily... 你在吗 You there? 不是吧 "艾米莉 你在吗" Really? "Emily, you there?" 你就会这么一句吗 That's all you got? 拜托 Come on. 好好好 天啊 Fine. Jeez. 艾米莉 Emily... 我召唤你 I call on you. 我知道你有话要说 I know you have a message. 我在此倾听 I'm here to listen. -刚刚是不是 -对 你看到的没错 - Did that just... - Yeah. That just happened. 可能只是空调吹的风吧 It's just the air conditioning. 让她给你点示意 快点 Ask her to show you a sign. Ask her. 艾米莉 如果你在这儿的话 Emily, if you're among us, 就示意我们一下吧 Show us another sign. 看到没 不管用 See? It's not working. 不行了 我不干了 I can't. I'm done. 去开灯 Get the light. 拜托 快开灯 Please get the light. 稍等 我找到了 Hold on. Hold on. I got it. 姐妹们 You guys, 项链不见了 The necklace, it's gone. 我们来这里干嘛 What are we doing in here? 交流下感情 接着 Bonding. Catch. 嗯 Hmm. 继续 Go on. 玩玩吧 Give it a try. 别忘了这当初是谁教你的 Don't forget who taught you how to play this game. 真疼啊 Ow. That hurts. 我的食谱就这点不好 Downside of my diet. 被撞一下真的会很疼 Getting hit actually hurts. 我被打动了 斯特凡 I'm impressed, Stefan. 一起喝酒 扔飞镖找乐子 Fun with booze and darts, 一起玩橄榄球来感伤过去 Sentimental with football, 现在又一起看满天星斗 And now starry night. 你到底想怎样 斯特凡 What do you wa
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