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Modelling of Cloud Computing Centers Using


Modelling of Cloud Computing Centers Using Modelling of Cloud Computing Centers Using M/G/m Queues Hamzeh Khazaei Computer Science Department University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Email: hamzehk@cs.umanitoba.ca Jelena Misˇic´ Computer Science Department Ryerson University Toronto, Ont...

Modelling of Cloud Computing Centers Using
Modelling of Cloud Computing Centers Using M/G/m Queues Hamzeh Khazaei Computer Science Department University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Email: hamzehk@cs.umanitoba.ca Jelena Misˇic´ Computer Science Department Ryerson University Toronto, Ontario, Canada Email: jmisic@scs.ryerson.ca Vojislav B. Misˇic´ Computer Science Department Ryerson University Toronto, Ontario, Canada Email: vmisic@scs.ryerson.ca Abstract—Cloud computing is a new computing paradigm, whereby shared resources such as infrastructure, hardware plat- form, and software applications are provided to users on-demand over the internet (Cloud) as services. Successful provision of infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and, consequently, widespread adoption of cloud computing necessitates accurate performance evaluation that allows service providers to dimension their resources in order to fulfil the service level agreements with their customers. In this paper, we describe an analytical model for performance evaluation of cloud server farms, and demonstrate the manner in which important performance indicators such as request response time and number of tasks in the system may be assessed with sufficient accuracy. I. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing is a general term for system architectures that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet [1]. These services are broadly divided into three categories: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), which includes equipment such as hardware, storage, servers, and networking com- ponents are made accessible over the Internet); Platform- as-a-Service (PaaS), which includes computing platforms— hardware with operating systems, virtualized servers, and the like; and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), which includes software applications and other hosted services [2]. A cloud service differs from traditional hosting in three principal as- pects. First, it is provided on demand, typically by the minute or the hour; second, it is elastic since the user can have as much or as little of a service as they want at any given time; and third, the service is fully managed by the provider. Due to dynamic nature of cloud environments, diversity of user’s requests and time dependency of load, providing expected quality of service while avoiding over-provisioning is not a simple task [3]. To ensure that the QoS perceived by end clients is acceptable, the providers must exploit techniques and mechanisms that guarantee a minimum level of QoS. Although QoS has multiple aspects such as response time, throughput, availability, reliability, and security, the primary aspect of QoS considered in this work is related to response time [4]. In this paper we describe an analytical model for evaluating the performance of cloud server farms and verify its accuracy with numerical calculations and simulations. we assume that any request goes through a facility node and then leaves the center. A facility node may contain different computing resources such as web servers, database servers, and others. We consider the time a request spends in one of those facility node as the service time. We model the cloud environment as an M/G/m queuing system which indicates that inter-arrival time of requests is ex- ponentially distributed, the service time is generally distributed and the number of facility nodes is m, without any restrictions on the number of facility nodes. These two characteristics, general service time and large number of nodes, have not been adequately addressed in previous research. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Sec- tion II gives a brief overview of related work on cloud performance evaluation and on performance characterization of M/G/m queueing systems. We introduce our analytical model in Section III, and derive the analytical solutions for the desired performance metrics in section IV. The perfor- mance results are presented in Section V, using discrete event simulation to validate them. Discussion of our approach and outlook to future research activities complete the paper. II. RELATED WORK As mentioned above, most of the research related to cloud computing has dealt with implementation issues, while performance-related issues have received much less attention. In [5], the authors studied the response time in terms of various metrics, such as the overhead of acquiring and realizing the virtual computing resources, and other virtualization and network communication overhead. To address these issues, they have designed and implemented C-Meter, a portable, extensible, and easy-to-use framework for generating and submitting test workloads to computing clouds. In [6], the cloud center was modelled as an M/M/m/N queuing system, which has been used to compute the distribu- tion of response time. Inter-arrival and service times were both assumed to be exponentially distributed, and the system had a finite buffer of size N . The response time was broken down into waiting, service, and execution periods, assuming that all three periods are independent which is unrealistic, based on their own argument. In [3], the authors consider a cloud center which is modelled as the classic open network; they obtained the distribution of response time based on assumption that inter-arrival time and 2011 31st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops 1545-0678/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICDCSW.2011.13 87 2011 31st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops 1545-0678/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICDCSW.2011.13 87 本页已使用福昕阅读器进行编辑。 福昕软件(C)2005-2008,版权所有, 仅供试用。ഀ service time are both exponential. Using the distribution of response time, they found the relationship among the maximal number of tasks, the minimal service resources and the highest level of services. Theoretical analyses have mostly relied on extensive re- search in performance evaluation of M/G/m queuing sys- tems, as outlined in [7], [8], [9]. As solutions for distribution of response time and queue length in M/G/m systems can’t be obtained in closed form, suitable approximations were sought. However, most of these provide reasonably accurate estimates of mean response time only when number of servers is comparatively small, (say, less than twenty or so), as well as small coefficient of variation of service time, CV, (less than unity), but fail for large number of servers and higher CV. Approximation errors are particularly pronounced when the offered load ρ is small, and/or when both the number of servers m and the CV of the service time, are large [10], [11], [12]. As a result, these results are not directly applicable to performance analysis of cloud computing server farms where the number of servers is huge and service request arrival distribution is not generally known. III. THE ANALYTICAL MODEL We model a cloud server farm as a M/G/m queuing system which indicates that the inter-arrival time of requests is exponentially distributed, the service times of tasks’ requests are independent and identically distributed random variables with a general distribution whose service rate is µ; we assume both µ and CV , the coefficient of variation defined as standard deviation divided by the mean, are finite. A M/G/m queuing system may be considered as a Markov process which can be analysed by applying the embedded Markov chain technique. Embedded Markov Chain technique requires selection of Markov points in which the state of the system is observed. Therefore we monitor the number of the tasks in the system (both in service and queued) at the moments immediately before the task request arrival. If we consider the system at Markov points and number these instances 0, 1, 2, . . . , then we get a Markov chain [13]. Here, the system under consideration contains m servers, which render service in order of task request arrivals (FCFS). Task requests arrival process is Poisson. Task request inter- arrival time A is exponentially distributed with rate of 1λ . We denote its Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) as A(x) = Prob[A < x] and its probability density function (pdf) as a(x) = λe−λx. Laplace Stieltjes Transform (LST) of inter- arrival time is A∗(s) = ∫∞ 0 e−sxa(x)dx = λλ+s . Task service times are identically and independently dis- tributed according to a general distribution B, with a mean service time equal to b = 1µ . The CDF of the service time is B(x) = Prob [B < x], and its pdf is b(x). The LST of service time is B∗(s) = ∫∞ 0 e−sxb(x)dx. Residual task service time is the time interval from an arbitrary point (an arrival point in a Poisson process) during a service time to the end of the service time; we denote it as B+. Elapsed task service time is the time interval from the Fig. 1. Embedded Markov points. beginning of a service time to an arbitrary point of the service time; we denote it as B−. It can be shown that probability distribution of residual and elapsed task service times has the same probability distribution and LST of them can be calculated as [14] B∗+(s) = B ∗ −(s) = 1−B∗(s) sb (1) The offered load may be defined as ρ , λ mµ (2) For practical reasons, we assume that the system never enters saturation, which means that any request submitted to the center will get access to the required facility node after a finite queuing time. Furthermore, we also assume each task is serviced by a single server (i.e., there are no batch arrivals), and we do not distinguish between installation (setup), actual task execution, and finalization components of the service time; these assumptions will be relaxed in our future work. A. The Markov chain We are looking at the system at the moments of task request arrivals – these points are selected as Markov points. A given Markov chain has a steady state solution if it is ergodic. Based on conditions for ergodicity [13] and the above-mentioned assumptions, it is easy to prove that our Markov Chain is ergodic. Then, using the steady state solution, we can extract the distribution of number of tasks in the system as well as the mean response time. Let An and An+1 indicate the moment of nth and (n+1)th arrivals to the system, respectively, while qn and qn+1 indicate the number of tasks found in the system immediately before these arrivals; this is schematically shown in Fig. 1. If vn+1 indicates the number of tasks which depart from the system between An and An+1, the following holds: qn+1 = qn − vn+1 + 1 (3) We need to calculate the transition probabilities associated with this Markov chain, defined as pij , Prob [qn+1 = j|qn = i] (4) i.e., the probability that i+ 1− j customers are served during the interval between two successive task request arrivals. Obviously for j > i+ 1 pij = 0 (5) 8888 Administrator 附注 到达时刻为嵌入点 本页已使用福昕阅读器进行编辑。 福昕软件(C)2005-2008,版权所有, 仅供试用。ഀ Fig. 2. State-transition-probability diagram for the M/G/m embedded Markov chain. Fig. 3. System behaviour in between two arrivals. since there are at most i+ 1 tasks present between the arrival of An and An+1. The Markov state-transition-probability diagram as in Fig. 2, where states are numbered according to the number of tasks currently in the system (i.e those in service and those awaiting service). For clarity, some transitions are not fully drown, esp. those originating from states above m. We have also highlighted the state m because the transition probabilities are different for states on the above and right hand side of this state. B. Departure Probabilities Due to ergodicity of the Markov chain, an equilibrium probability distribution will exist for the number of tasks present at the arrival instants; so we define pik = lim n→+∞Prob [qn = k] (6) From [14], the direct method of solution for this equilibrium distribution requires that we solve the following system of linear equations: pi = piP (7) where pi = [pi0, pi1, pi2, . . .], and P is the matrix whose elements are one-step transition probabilities pij . To find the elements of the transition probability matrix, we need to count the number of tasks departing from the system in between two successive arrivals. Consider the behaviour of the system, as shown in Fig. 3. Each server has zero or more departures during the time between two successive task request arrivals (the inter-arrival time). Let us focus on an arbitrary server, which (without loss of generality) could be the server number 1. For a task to finish and depart from the system during the inter-arrival time, its remaining duration (residual service time defined in (1)) must be shorter than the task inter-arrival time. This probability will be denoted as Px = Prob [A > B+] = ∫ ∞ x=0 P{A > B+|B+ = x }dB+(x) = ∫ ∞ x=0 (∫ ∞ y=x λe−λydy ) dB+(x) = ∫ ∞ 0 e−λxdB+(x) = B∗+(λ) (8) In the case when arriving task can be accommodated immediately by an idle server ( and therefore queue length is zero) we have to evaluate the probability that such task will depart before next task arrival. We will denote this probability as Py and calculate it as: Py = Prob [A > B] = ∫ ∞ x=0 P{A > B|B = x }dB(x) = ∫ ∞ x=0 (∫ ∞ y=x λe−λydy ) dB(x) = ∫ ∞ 0 e−λxdB(x) = B∗(λ) (9) However, if queue is non-empty upon task arrival, the following may happen. If between two successive task arrivals a completed task departs from a server, that server will take a new task from the non-empty queue. That task may be completed as well before the next task arrival and if the queue is still non-empty new task may be executed, and so on until either queue gets empty or new task arrives. Therefore probability of k > 0 job departures from a single server, given that there are enough jobs in the queue can be derived from expressions (8) and (9) as: Pz,k = B ∗ +(λ)(B ∗(λ))k−1 (10) Note that Pz,1 = Px. Using these values we are able to compute the transition probabilities matrix. C. Transition Matrix Based on our Markov chain, we may identify four different regions of operation for which different conditions hold; these regions are schematically shown in Fig. 4, where the numbers on horizontal and vertical axes correspond to the number of tasks in the system immediately before a task request arrival (i) and immediately upon the next task request arrival (j), respectively. • Regarding the region labelled 1, we already know from Eq. 5 that pij = 0 for i+ 1 < j. • In region 2, no tasks are waiting in the queue, hence i < m and j ≤ m. In between the two successive request 8989 Fig. 4. Range of validity for pij equations. arrivals, i+1−j tasks will complete their service. For all transitions located on the above side of state m in Fig. 2, the probability of having i+ 1− j departures is pij = ( i i− j ) P i−jx (1− Px)jPy + ( i i+ 1− j ) P i+1−jx (1− Px)j−1(1− Py), for i < m, j ≤ m (11) • Region 3 corresponds to the case where all servers are busy throughout the inter-arrival time, i.e., i, j ≥ m. Let us denote the number of jobs which depart from the system between these two Markov points as w = i+1−j. In this case all transitions remain to the right of state m in Fig. 2, and the state transition probabilities can be computed as pij = minw,m∑ s1=min(w,1) ( m s1 ) P s1x (1− Px)m−s1 · minw−s1,s1∑ s2=min(w−s1,1) ( s1 s2 ) P s2z,2(1− Pz,2)s1−s2 ·( s2 w − s1 − s2 ) Pw−s1−s2z,3 (1− Pz,3)s2 (12) Note that under moderate load it is not likely to have more than a couple of task departures from a single server. • Finally, region 4, in which i ≥ m and j < m, describes the situation where the first arrival (An) finds all servers busy and a total of i − m tasks waiting in the queue, which it joins; while at the time of the next arrival (An+1) there are exactly j tasks in the system, all of which are in service. The transition probabilities for this region are pij = minw,m∑ s1=(m−j) ( m s1 ) P s1x (1− Px)m−s1 · minw−s1,s1∑ s2=min(w−s1,m−j) ( s1 s2 ) P s2z,2(1− Pz,2)s1−s2 ·( s2 w − s1 − s2 ) Pw−s1−s2z,3 (1− Pz,3)s2 (13) IV. EQUILIBRIUM BALANCE EQUATIONS After finding matrix P we can establish the balance equa- tions. The balance equations balance the leaving and entering a state in equilibrium. This leads to the equations pii ∑ j 6=i pij = ∑ j 6=i pijpji, i, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . (14) The steady state balance equations outlined above can’t be solved in closed form, hence we must resort to a numerical solution. Since the number of balance equations is infinite, it must be truncated for numerical solution; we have set the number of equations to twice the number of servers, which allows us to achieve satisfactory accuracy (as will be explained below). Thus, for our system the balance equations are pii = 2m∑ j=0 pijpji , 0 ≤ i ≤ 2m (15) and augmented by the normalization equation i=2m∑ i=0 pii = 1. (16) To obtain the steady state probabilities pi = [pi0, pi1, pi2, ...], we solved the resulting system of equations using Maple 13 from Maplesoft, Inc. [15]. A. Distribution of the Number of Tasks in the System Using the steady state probabilities we are able to establish the probability generating functions (PGFs) for the number of tasks in the system at an arrival time: Π(z) = 2m∑ k=0 pizz k (17) For any Poisson arrivals system, PASTA property hold [14]; thus, the PGF Π(z) for the distribution of number of tasks in system at an arrival time is identical to the PGF P (z) for the distribution of number of tasks in system at an arbitrary time: P (z) = Π(z) (18) The mean number of tasks in the system is, then, obtained as p = P ′ (1) (19) and using Little’s law, the mean response time is obtained as t = p λ (20) 9090 B. Distribution of Waiting and Response Time Let W denote the waiting time in the steady state, and similarly let W (x) and W ∗(s) be the CDF, of W and its LST, respectively. For the M/G/m systems, authors in [11] showed that the queue length, Q, has the same distribution as the number of tasks which arrive during the waiting time, W , Q(z) = W ∗(λ(1− z)) (21) The left hand side of ( 21) in our system can be calculated as: Q(z) = k=m−1∑ k=0 pik + k=2m∑ k=m pikz k−m (22) Hence, we have W ∗(s) = Q(z)|z=1−(s/λ) = Q(1− s/λ) (23) Moreover, the LST of response time is T ∗(s) = W ∗(s) B∗(s) (24) in which the B∗(s) is the LST of service time. The i th moment t(i) of the response time distribution is given by t(i) = ∫ ∞ 0 xidT (x) = i ∫ ∞ 0 xi−1[1− T (x)]dx = (−1)iT ∗(i)(0) i = 2, 3, 4, . . . (25) V. NUMERICAL VALIDATION We have assumed that the service time of tasks follows the gamma distribution; however, our model may accom- modate other distributions without any changes. Then, we have performed two experiments with variable task request arrival rate and coefficient of variation CV (which can be adjusted independently in the gamma distribution). To validate the analytical solutions we have also built a discrete even simulator of the cloud server farm using object-oriented Petri net-based simulation engine Artifex by RSoftDesign, Inc. [16]. The diagrams in Fig. 5 show analytical and simulation results (shown as symbols and lines, respectively) for mean number of tasks in the system as functions of the offered load ρ, under different number of servers. Two different values of the coefficient of variation, CV = 0.5 and 1.4, were used; the corresponding results are shown in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b). As can be seen, the results obtained by solving the analytical model agree very well with those obtained by simulation. The diagrams in Fig. 6(a) and Fig. 6(b) show the mean response time, again for the same range of input variables and for the same values of the coefficient of variation. As above, solid lines correspond to the results of simulation, while different symbols correspond to different number of servers for analytical model results. As could be expected, the response time is fairly steady up to the offered load of around ρ = 0.8, when it begins to increase rapidly. However, the agreement b
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