首页 光学活性昆虫性信息素类似物的新合成路线



光学活性昆虫性信息素类似物的新合成路线 有机化 YOUJI HUAXUE 1 990,10,230~232 研究鼍讯 光学活性昆虫性信息素类似物的新合成路线 黄文芳‘,邓彦能,曾庆牡 (华中师范太学有机台成研究所 ,嗣北 ,武汉,430070) 摘蜜t本文首敬报道用禹二酸二乙酯的相转移催化烃化产物经拆分并分别还愿,氧化制得 0光活盐 }甲哦 烯一4一 醛与一系列季懿盐鳇 ~,~ittig反应 通过此反应共合成新的带有两个双键的光活性昆虫性信电素娄似物 20个,相应 的外捎旋物 10个。渍反童 料易得,反应条 温和,产率高,可作为这类化...

有机化 YOUJI HUAXUE 1 990,10,230~232 研究鼍讯 光学活性昆虫性信息素类似物的新合成路线 黄文芳‘,邓彦能,曾庆牡 (华中师范太学有机台成研究所 ,嗣北 ,武汉,430070) 摘蜜t本文首敬报道用禹二酸二乙酯的相转移催化烃化产物经拆分并分别还愿,氧化制得 0光活盐 }甲哦 烯一4一 醛与一系列季懿盐鳇 ~,~ittig反应 通过此反应共合成新的带有两个双键的光活性昆虫性信电素娄似物 20个,相应 的外捎旋物 10个。渍反童 料易得,反应条 温和,产率高,可作为这类化台物的通用 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 叔饲 Witttg反应,昆虫性信皇素 A New Route to Optically Active Insect Pheromone Analogues≠ HuANG Wen‘Fang DENG Yan‘Neng,ZENG Qing‘Bei ‘ ntral 如口Norm un{坩r t lnstituta oS Organic,Symhesis,430070 Wuha~Hube[) .A series of:new-optically active insect pheromone analogues containing two double bonds w鲤e~ nthesized ,smoothty via the W ittig-reaction of 2-methylpent-~-,en-al and phosphonium № n . i -i In order to deveiopt new,pest,e~mtrol methods study.讲l the eorrelatinn between stereo- chemistry dnd hioactivity :beeoraea very*4nterestiflt r~ earch recently.【 】The previous efforts were more heavily on the relationship between bioactivity and configuration or position of various functioriat groups including carbon—carbon double bo nd individually.HOwever,the gtruetural influence on bioactivity,when two or more variables applied to the same molecule has . 7~geived little siten. tion.In the course of this general project research we developed a novel synthetic route to a series of new optieally active insect pheromons analogues with a terminal doub!e b0nd and a chiral,center which is adjacent to another double bond.The general skeleton Js=as如 llOwsi . 一 · — 盟m k ey st ep ss 篙 h干od is the 月:H·^。 the resolutiont of the corresponding acid, 1, followed by reduction and : ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ oxidation. Neithcr Of these twO processes disturbs the chira1 center and the resulting aldehyde has the same configuration with the carbnxylic acid,i. e. R-acid yields R—aldehyde and S-acid gives S-aldehyde. The starting material,2-methyl-pentenyl一4-acid, was obtained easily by alkylation of diethyl malonate in phase transfer catalytic condition using polyethylene glycol(PEG )as eatslyst. Phosphonium salts were prepared by the rgaction of trit,henyl phosphine and ∞-bromoar- kanols which were derived from the reaction of hydrobromic acid with corresponding diols. o-Bromoundecanol was obtained by the eaterification of∞-bromoundeeanoie acid followed by reduction. 1989年 1_月 n 日收稿,1989年 1]月 28日修回。 The pro~cet supported by National Natural Science FelJpdation of China ’STUDIES 0N THE W ITTIG REACTION XI. 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 苇 3期 光学焉雌i≥虫煞仿 垦露光似 朐新 戌路绽 C 一CHC Et0N.,Et0H Cl--目口 ●々ctCoo£t1r C C m CHes RCHCOOff . L¨ 1 /EtzO CHz £HcH HtCQOEt】 P,L~/K0a 旧 卜 一 № 哪 c卜b · ;?ES/KOH 十Jc 一CHC HCOC,H 2 c - ;c =CHC~ HCO0H 3 C PcC,c c1P 等 - ” c —c c c =c rc 一· c卜b c№ 7 IS1_0 一 CHc} HcH— C’ I 】 Oh c s (. f_C — c}Ic F●CHO m 23 W e got twenty optically active compounds and their racemates.Their bioactivities are being investigated.Compounds with the same molecular formulas,either(S)·or(R)-configu- ration, have the same H NMR IR and M S spectra.A11 the reactions described above pro— ceeded smoothly under mild conditions with satisfactory yields and most of the reagents are commercially available.So this process may provide a versatile route to the synthesis of the following type compounds which are expected to be candidates for insect pheromone analog2 gues by changing R ,R and R。. R CH CH --CHR R =allylic, alkyl l R:=alkyl,allylic R: R =(CH ) Y, Y} OH .SAc, CHO n:≥ 4 Typical Procedurel Resolutiun 0f 2-methylpeat一4一anoic acid {’ T0 2O.3 g(0.0625mo1)of quinine dissolved in 3,50mL boiling acetone was added 1 7.1 g (0.0625 mo1).The solution was cooled to room temperature and allowed to stand overnight. The seperated quinine salt 16. g(0.03 i mo1)was recrystallized six times from acetone then dissolved in dilute He1 20 mL(0 mo1). The solution was extracted with ether six times and the extract Was dried on MgSO.,. After the remova1 of ether,S-(+)·2-methylpent-4'enoie acid 2(1.74 g 49.7%)was obtained.[q 十1 1.1,neat.Lit .[qj苫十lO.5±o.2(c,1.o,CHC14). Lit。. 十 7 .62,neat. 6[j. ]1.5(1IT, COOH), 5.?一S.9(1H. m,CH= ),5.0—5.2(2H,m. CHz一 ), 2.1~ 2.7(3H, m,CHeCH),】.2(3H, d. CH )J The mother liquor from the first crystallization of the quinine salt was treated by the same Way and R-(一 、一2·methylpent 4- enoie acid 3 was yielded with the same H NMR data.[Ⅱ] 一l0.2,neat.Lit ,[o] 一7.8. n龆 t. 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 有 机 化 学 1gg0瘁 W ittig reaction of 5 and 6,synthesis of(S)一iI—Methy1.9 1 3-tetradceadicn一1一oi n。Butyl lithium 28 mL(0.885 mo1)ether solution Was added dropwJse with stirring to 9-hyd. roxynonyI triphenyl phosphonium bromide 5 . 4 g (0.011mo1):in 咖 (60mL) under nitrogen. After 30 mln-5 1.1 g,(0.01l me1)in THF(10mL)Was added,stitred for 2. 5 h andtreated with water(50 mL).The organic layer was seperated and aqueous layer w as extracted with ether (4×30 mL).The combined extracts was concentrated and the residue Was washed with petro. 1eum ether (3 x 40 mL).The extract Was concentrated and T was obtained by colum chroma. tography (2.24 g,01 ).V⋯ :335(OH),3071(cH一 ),1635(c—c),1055(c—o), 721(CH — cH)cm_。.h : 5.s~ 5.9(1H,m.CH),4.9~5.4(4_H m,C 一 . .CH cH>,3.7(2H.t, CH2o),2.5(1H, m, = CH),1.9~ 2.4(5 H. m,2 CH2,OH),1. 2~ 1.9(12H,m,6 CH2), 0.9~ 1.1(3H,d,CH ). Descriptor:Wittig reaction insect pheromone Referenees [】 Rossi,R.,Synthesis,1 978, 413. r 2]Rily,R.G ,Silversteilt,R.M .,TetrahedtOn 1974, 30, 1171 . Fray,G.I.,Polgar,N .,J.Chem .Soc.。1 956, 2036 . [3] Gunnel,S.,Acta Chem .Scad 1 957, 11, ld30. 《中国药学文摘》1990年征订启事 t呵 囤药 ·‘:曼=摘 是我 i 涉置 较, ,也是田内 一用 电腑躺辑出版的药‘t科技文献绵 {叠紫刊他 。 本刊现 收戴我酬 发 帕药 j‘杂.I,地方 药杂 :.医学杂志,火、 々医药院校学报,碧檬药杂志、植物、擞生物、 亿璺佗 l‘等觅志, 及 基I 々利奠报 260杂种刊物qJ确黄中西鹤学理论、综述,药物的 ,捌f、 。坎木、制 剂、分 、筠珏、商乐1 黔,药物 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 ,药 l¨1生产管 和质量管理,制药设备和:l厂 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 .新药介绍等文献。 以文捕、襁要、简介张 录四种形式报道。 本刊 支献按 。 j 娄习故 列(其内窖采见分类目冼),井附有主题和 文封名两套索jf 每篇文献同时还 杯育 q】同厝。 甜料分娄法 的分类 ,可供读者剪贴卡片 卡用。 ⋯ . .. 奸U牧北文献 而、肖找力便,是从事医药科研、药检、生产、教学、情报、流通、 院药房等广火药学工 作者直接砑拽 内药学科技文衙I 理想工具。本刊r 有关中西药的药理试骑、临床应用及药物不良触 等 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 约 占每期篇幅 t/2,也是广大 n西医务工作者必不可少的工具。具有小 CA 和 医药学小诃览室 之称;曲年 其 信息鸯大,查找 使之特点,被国家科委评为科技文献检索于 物⋯等奖。89年已向国外公井发行。‘ 文摘} 综台作用探得用户欢迎。 .利用t文摘)所报道的信息,制药厂加快了研究开发新产品的步伐,取得了 经济效益, 医生找到了治疗疾病的新药,及时为病八耀除了痛苦j科研^员解决了研究中的疑难,加速1了新成果 的研赳’管理部门拿面地了解医药研究进展.有依据地安排科研 生产计戈 , . 本刊为双月刊,每年报道近l万条文献,为缩短报道时差,90年将出版8期(包括年度毒引一期),每期收裁 定_献约埔0o.每 垒《报道最 10500条,约400万字。本刊定价为每期 10元,年度索 1 5元.全华85元。_¨ 奉于哐87,号8,8.9年尚有 刊 ,每 年诃费 均为 75元 欢迎补订。 --t -:t r 做订本刊诸与北京西城眨北礼十路甲38号 阿宗巨药管理局科拄情报研究所联系, (邮砖编码 100810 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
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