首页 App制作实例之餐馆点餐App



App制作实例之餐馆点餐AppApp制作实例之餐馆点餐App 前段时间有不少用户表示想做一个餐馆订餐的App,这里小编就来教大家做一个吧,虽然实现不了数据库记录自动下单这种牛逼的大型客户端效果(那需要很长时间去专业定制哈),但可以让客户通过手机浏览你所有的菜单、菜式介绍以及价格等,并可直接拨打你的电话订餐哦~而且只需半小时左右即可完成,建议所有的快餐店都普及制作一下,哈哈~ 另外,这里面使用了宫格控件、列表控件,图片控件排版以及画廊控件进行演示,大家顺便学学这些控件的用法,大胆去举一反三的创作吧~ 先看看App客户端的效果: is a...

App制作实例之餐馆点餐App 前段时间有不少用户表示想做一个餐馆订餐的App,这里小编就来教大家做一个吧,虽然实现不了数据库记录自动下单这种牛逼的大型客户端效果(那需要很长时间去专业定制哈),但可以让客户通过手机浏览你所有的菜单、菜式介绍以及价格等,并可直接拨打你的电话订餐哦~而且只需半小时左右即可完成,建议所有的快餐店都普及制作一下,哈哈~ 另外,这里面使用了宫格控件、列表控件,图片控件排版以及画廊控件进行演示,大家顺便学学这些控件的用法,大胆去举一反三的创作吧~ 先看看App客户端的效果: is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 开始制作: 1、 新建App,上传图标、启动页,不赘述,自己搞定哈~ 2、 进入操作界面,先在左边新建一个页面“主菜单”,归入默认组,作为总的菜单页。(图2-1) (图2-1) 3、 建好之后点击它,在右边控件栏中拖拽一个宫格控件到模拟器中,拉伸铺满整个屏幕。然后在右侧控件属性栏中,添加4个宫格,设置参数(列数2,列间距20,行间距50,外边距20),并勾选“高度自适应”选项。如图3-1所示;然后分别点击已添加的每个宫格,分别为它们上传图标,这里我们不填写宫格名称,直接在图片上展示即可。最后设置宫格的总背景,此时效果就如图3-2所示了; is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to (图3-1) (图3-2) is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 4、 菜单页搞定,一定记得要保存哦~接下来就开始做菜单中包含的四大块内容了~在左边新建4个组,分别命名为这四大板块的名字,方便管理。(图4-1) (图4-1) 5、 建好之后,进入第一个组“精品点菜”,新建页面“精品点菜”,归入该组;点击这个页面,先拖一个历史导航控件到模拟器,在属性栏设置“左边导航按钮”链接至“主菜单”页面。(如图5-1)这样,浏览到本页时,便可点击返回按钮回到主菜单。这个历史导航再配置所有下级页面都会用到哦~如果不配置历史导航条,将无法返回,只能直接退出(尤其是iphone)。 is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to (图5-1) 6、 然后拖动宫格控件到模拟器,添加9个宫格,3*3布局,拉伸铺满模拟器,在最下方 留出一条位置,然后为每个宫格上传图片,编辑名字,在留出位置使用一个按钮控件,在属 性栏中命名为“点菜”,设置点击后“调用功能—打电话”,并在下方输入订餐的电话这样,客 户点击即可直接拨打电话订餐了~(图6-1)。保存后,效果如图6-2所示。 is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to (图6-1) is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to (图6-2) 7、 接着在本组再新建9个页面,作为这9个宫格的下一页,分别介绍这些精品菜式和价 格~(图7-1) is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to (图7-1) 8、 点击第一个页面,同样先使用一个历史导航控件,注意,这里设置左侧按钮是链接到 上一页,即刚做好的“精品炒菜”宫格页(图8-1)。然后如图所示,使用一个图片控件上传 一张菜式的图片。往下使用一个富文本页面,输入菜式的价格和介绍排版好(名称和价格加 粗标红),并在旁边添加一个按钮控件,同样命名为“点菜”,和设置“调用功能—打电话”。 (图8-2) is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to (图8-1) (图8-2) 9、 余下的页面也一一照此配置好,接着,回到“精品点菜”页面,分别点击9个宫格,在 属性栏中设置链接到对应的下一页。如第一个宫格“招牌东坡肉”设置链接到“招牌东坡肉”页 面(图9-1)。 is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to (图9-1) 10、第一大块就做好了,继续第二块。在“快餐系列”组内新建页面,同样先使用历史导航,左侧按钮链接到“主菜单”,然后拖拽一个列表控件到模拟器,按需添加列表栏,这里添加了7个。然后设置标题文字为“加粗,绿色”,内容文字属性默认即可,接着逐栏编辑列表的标题、内容,左侧图片框中编辑该快餐的图片(50*50大小),右侧图片框使用一个小的圆形订餐图标做装饰(PNG格式,25*25),并设置每栏的链接都为调用电话功能,这样,用户点击每一栏都可直接拨号订餐。(图10-1) is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to (图10-1) 11、此时列表栏已做好,还可以继续对列表的行高、间隔、行背景等作出编辑调整,获得 更美观的效果。(图11-1) is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to (图11-1) 12、在第三大块“可口点心”组新建页面,先使用历史导航,设置链接到主菜单。然后拖动几个图片控件和单行文本控件到模拟器排列成如图所示,然后分别上传点心的图片,在文本属性中输入点心名字;最后,再添加一个按钮,命名“点餐”,设置链接到调用电话功能,让用户可在本页订餐。 (图12-1) 13、接着,我们来为这些点心图片设置一个点击放大的效果:在每个图片控件属性中,选择“点击事件—显示大图”,并上传一张该点心的大图片,保存。这样,用户在手机中点击该图片时,将会弹出一张大图,并可缩放和拖动,看得更加清晰。(图13-1) is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to (图13-1) 14、最后的“沁爽饮品”组,新建页面,历史导航链接到“主菜单”。拖拽一个画廊控件到模拟 器,拉伸铺满。在属性栏中点击“上传图片”,上传一组图片,将出现在下面的框中,可自由 调整播放顺序。然后设置是否自动播放和播放速度(此处设置自动播放,速度为5000毫秒, 即5秒播完一轮),最后在底部添加一个按钮控件,命名“点餐”,设置调用电话功能,保存 搞定~点击时就将在手机中自动播放饮品图片,直接拨号订餐。(图14-1)。 is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to (图14-1 ) 15、所有页面都做完了,不过还差最后一步哦~返回到主菜单页面,将4个宫格对应链接至 4大系列的菜单页,如精品点菜宫格,链接至“精品点菜”页面~这样,整个点餐App就完整 串联起来啦~记得保存哦(15-1) is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to (图15-1) 16、点击右上方的生成按钮,就得到一个精美实用的点菜App了,你也来试试做一个吧~ is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to
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