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新发展英语1 第十一单元nullUnit 11Unit 11EducationI. Intensive ReadingText ComprehensionSkill BuildingFast ReadingPart I Intensive ReadingPart I Intensive ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingBefore Reading EducationEducationStudy FocusStudy Focus1. Think about the role of a uni...

新发展英语1 第十一单元
nullUnit 11Unit 11EducationI. Intensive ReadingText ComprehensionSkill BuildingFast ReadingPart I Intensive ReadingPart I Intensive ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter ReadingBefore Reading EducationEducationStudy FocusStudy Focus1. Think about the role of a university education and homework. 2. Learn to use words and expressions related to education. 3. Practice writing sentences using the structure of “so as to”. 4. Learn how to write Receipts (收条). 5. Give your own opinion on the article “Useless Homework”.PreparationPreparation A. Discuss the following questions with your partners.For More1. What do you expect from a university education? 2. Is a university education indispensable (绝对必要的) to a person? Why or why not?PreparationkeyB. Read the following sentences carefully and work out the meaning of the underlined words and expressions.PreparationFor More1. The artist is very creative. He puts a lot of highly original ideas into his designs. 2. Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less protein. 3. The automobile factory had a serious problem. Their production was hindered by lack of materials.PreparationPreparationkeyEnd4. The teacher knew that Bob was destined for great things because he was very smart and gifted with a sharp business brain. 5. I find it hard to understand the speaker. I wish he would confine himself to the subject. 6. She estimated that the work would take three months. So let’s wait.Text StudytranslateText StudyPre-ReadingAfter-ReadingPara. 1 Does university training help or hinder in developing intellectual capacity to do highly original work? Among highly creative modern thinkers the following were formally educated: Montesquieu, Jefferson, Goethe, Marx, and Gandhi. These did not go to college: Austen, Balzac, Tolstoy, Twain, and Shaw. Do Universities Broaden Minds? By Tertius ChandlerText StudytranslateText StudyPre-ReadingAfter-ReadingPara. 2 Bright people can teach themselves. As Henry Adams said, “No one can educate anyone else. You have to do it for yourself.” There should, of course, be equivalency exams for the self-taught, as well as on-the-job training, for most professions.Text StudytranslateText StudyPre-ReadingAfter-ReadingPara. 3 Some would claim that if the youthful were encouraged to act freely, their initiative would be too great; that they would go crazy. But I think not: Most would marry; others would travel, invent, and carry on original work on all sorts of lines. Early marriage could balance many of them so they could work better. It is worth remembering in this connection that among the young, idealism and faith are uncommonly strong.Text StudytranslateText StudyPre-ReadingAfter-Reading Para. 4 Those destined for ordinary jobs don’t need to learn anything taught in college, and many of them know it. They attend college because it’s the thing to do. They tend to take “snaps” such as English literature or sociology. I see no objection to letting them enjoy themselves at private colleges if they want to.Text StudytranslateText StudyPre-ReadingAfter-Reading Para. 5 Public universities should, I think, confine themselves to serious training. The number entering should be preset as in Sweden, so as to train the quantity of people needed to fit the estimated number of openings in each profession, always allowing for the rise of some persons via equivalency exams.Text StudytranslateText StudyPre-ReadingAfter-Reading Para. 6a College represents now too much of a good thing. There are too many learned professors and section leaders to adjust to, too many books to hasten through at a set speed and too many years to plod away on the treadmill. A Ph.D. subject in history is now expected to take four to eight years—on top of the twelve in school and four in college.Text StudytranslateText StudyPre-ReadingAfter-Reading Para. 6b Perhaps, worst of all, the Ph.D. subject is deliberately kept small, so that the student will be able to claim mastery of something. Four to eight years of deliberate narrowing can have the effect of incapacitating him from ever taking a broad view of anything. The result of all this mental drill tends to be a mashed human, a hollow person.Text StudytranslateText StudyPre-ReadingAfter-Reading Para. 6c Only a very sturdy soul, such as a Freud or a Schweitzer, can come through all this and still retain the ability to think for himself. University study could, with no intrinsic loss, be shortened from eight years to four.Text StudytranslateText StudyPre-ReadingAfter-ReadingPara. 7 These suggested reductions in compulsory education would have another powerful advantage: They might set our people’s minds largely free, a result surely to be wished. (473 words) EducationEducationTeam workTeam workDiscuss the following topic with your teammates. (P157)University Education in China Step 1 Brainstorming: What can you think of when you see the word UNIVERSITY? Try to fill in the circles as many words you learned as possible. You may group your words into nouns, adjectives and verbs.For MoreTeam workTeam workStep 2 Share your answers with other members and then discuss them in groups:For MoreTeam work Team work Is university education absolutely necessary now for people in China? You need to support your opinion with good reasons.Step 3 Discuss or debate(辩论)in the whole class.Endnull1. An old lady who was very deaf and who thought everything too dear, went into a shop and asked the shop man:' How much this stuff?‘ 'Seven dollars, Madam, it is very cheap.' The lady said, 'It is too much, give it to me for fourteen.' 'I did not say seventeen dollars, but seven.' 'It is still too much,' replied the old lady, 'give it to me for five.' 笑话两则For Morenull 2. A bit of advice for those about to retire. If you are only 65, never move to a retirement community. Everybody else is in their 70s, 80s, or 90s. So when something has to be moved, lifted or loaded, they yell,' Get the kid.' 这里想对将要退休者提一点忠告。如果你只有65岁的话,千万别进退休社区。因为那里人人都七八十岁或者八九十岁了。每当要搬东西,抬东西或者装东西时,他们就叫喊,“让小的干吧。”EndMusicMusicClick here It's only a fairy tale,静静的听,这首歌的前奏有一种说不出的美妙,这的确可以称之为天籁之音,尽管当悲剧出现这首歌才弹起,也只能代表那只是一个悲伤的前奏,而接着,就会有一种安静的感觉。悲伤之后就是思念的痛苦,而这个歌往往能让人安静,沉思。   某天有个人问,爱情是什么? "It's only the fairy tale" 没错,这只是个残酷的童话故事而已... 就像美人鱼最后仍旧得不到王子的爱,最后化为泡沫一般消逝在大海一样,爱情早晚也会如这泡沫一样烟消云散的... LyricLyricFor MoreWho are those little girls in pain just trapped in castle of dark side of moon Twelve of them shining bright in vain like flower that blossom just once in year They're dancing in the shadow like whispers of love just dreaming of place where they're free as dove They're never been allowed to love in this cursed cage It's only the fairy tale they believe They're dancing in the shadow like whispers of love just dreaming of place where they're free as dove LyricLyricFor MoreThey're never been allowed to love in this cursed cage It's only the fairy tale they believe她们是谁,那些悲伤的少女 囚禁在,月亮背面的城堡里 十二少女,徒劳的点亮自己 在太阳的阴影里,灼灼熠熠 宛如,一岁一荣的花朵 惊艳,不过是一瞬一息 起舞,如同爱情的呓语 她们仅仅梦想,鸽子一样翱翔天际 nullLyricEnd被诅咒的囹圄里,恋爱也不被允许 她们深信不疑的,不过是童话而已Pre-reading Preparation: B (key)Pre-reading Preparation: B (key)original : 起初的; 原来的 balance :使平衡,使均衡;保持平衡 hinder :阻碍; 妨碍 be destined for :注定要······,预定要······· confine to :使······局限于 estimate :估计, 估价 Tertius ChandlerTertius Chandler 特蒂斯· 钱德勒(1915—2000),历史学家和作家。1937 年毕业于哈佛大学(Harvard University),曾在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校做过研究,毕生从事教学工作。著有Three Thousand Years of Urban Growth (1987)、The Tax We Need (1980)以及 Chandler’s Half Encyclopedia 等。 本文节选自1991 年出版的《21 世纪读物——供当今学生思考关于明天的话 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 》(Readings for the 21st Century—Tomorrow’s Issues for Today’s Students) 一书中的一篇名为“Education—Less of It!”的文章。For MoreTertius ChandlerTertius Chandler 该篇文章曾首次发表在美国《大学董事会评论》, 作者在文中分析了当时美国中 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 和大学教育中存在的弊端,提出了缩短义务教育学制的建议。本文节选的是文章的最后一部分,是关于大学教育的。EndTranslationTranslationPara. 1 在培养从事高创新性工作的智能方面,大 学训练起到的是促进还是阻碍的作用?在具有高度 创新能力的现代思想家中,以下是接受过正规教育 的:孟德斯鸠,杰斐逊,歌德,马克思和甘地。而 未上过大学的有:奥斯丁,巴尔扎克,托尔斯泰, 马克· 吐温和萧伯纳。大学能拓宽思维吗? 特蒂斯·钱德勒TranslationTranslationPara. 2 聪慧的人能够自学。正如亨利· 亚当说 的:“没有人能真正教育其他任何人。 你必须自己 教育自己。”当然,社会应提供为自学者设立的同 等学力考试,以及为大多数职业者举办的在职培 训。TranslationTranslationPara. 3 一些人断言:如果鼓励年轻人自作主 张,那么他们将过于自主, 甚至无法无天。但我不 这样认为:大部分年轻人会结婚;其他人会去旅 游,去发明创造,在各行各业中从事独创性的工 作。早婚可以使他们中的许多人得到平衡,从而更 好地工作。年轻人有着超乎寻常的强烈理想主义和 信念,这一点是值得我们记住的。TranslationTranslationPara. 4 那些注定从事普通工作的人不必学习大 学所教的任何内容,而且他们大多都了解这一 点。他们之所以上大学是因为这是件必做的事儿。 他们往往是轻轻松松走过场,诸如听一听英国文学 或是上一上社会学课。如果他们愿意的话,我毫不 反对任其在私立学校里享受生活。TranslationTranslationPara. 5 我想公立大学应当将其目标限于严格的 训练范围之内。入学的人数应像瑞典那样预先设 定,以便于 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 出每种职业所需要的能胜任预估空 缺职位的人员,对那些通过同等学力考试而升学的 人也应始终予以考虑。TranslationTranslationPara. 6a 如今,大学呈现的是一个过度美好的繁 景。其实,大学里有太多博学的教授和部门领导要 去适应,有太多的书要以一定的速度匆匆读完,还 要花太多的年头忙于单调乏味的学习任务。而且除 了十二年中小学和四年大学学习以外,现在攻读历 史学博士课程预计还要再花四到八年的时间。TranslationTranslationPara. 6b 或许,更糟的是,博士课程的范围被故 意缩小,以便学生能够自称掌握了一点东西。这四 至八年蓄意限制的学习会导致学生不再能以开阔的 视角去看待事物。所有这些智力训练的结果往往造 就了无用之材,空乏之躯。TranslationTranslationPara. 6c 只有意志极其坚毅的人,诸如像弗洛伊 德或施韦策,才能经受所有这些,且仍能保持自我 思维的能力。大学学习,若能保存其本质的内容, 可从八年缩短到四年。TranslationTranslationPara. 7 这些对义务教育进行缩减的建议将有另 一个强大的优势:它们或许会使人们享有充分的思 维自由,而这肯定是人们所希望的结果。original original adj. 独创的, 新颖的;起初的, 原来的 e.g. a. The inventor had an original mind. 那个发明家具有创新的头脑。 b. The original settlers are the Indians. 最早在这里定居的是印第安人。intellectualintellectual adj. 智力的;知识的 e.g. Maths is an intellectual exercise. 数学是一种智力训练。 n. 知识分子 e.g. These views were common among intellectuals. 这些观点在知识分子中是很普遍的。hinderhinder vt. 妨碍,阻止 e.g. a. This unfortunate incident may hinder the progress of the peace talks. 这一不幸事件可能会阻碍和平谈判的进程。 vi. 起阻碍作用 b. What is to hinder you from trying? 是什么阻止你进行尝试?capacitycapacity n. 能力 e.g. a. Her capacity to remember telephone numbers is remarkable. 她记忆电话号码的能力惊人。 b. He has a great capacity for enjoying himself. 他自娱自乐的能力很强。 辨析:ability/capability/capacityFor MorecapacitycapacityFor Moreability 主要指体力,脑力或机械工作的能力或力 量。 e.g. He has the ability to do the work. 他有做这项工作的能力。 capability (to do something/of doing something/for something) 指能做某事的素质, 能力capacitycapacityFor Moree.g. You have the capability to do/of doing this job well. 你有能力把这项工作做好。 capacity (for something) 指生产、体会、理解或 学习的能力。 Man shares the capacity for love and hate, anger and fear, loyalty and grief with other living creatures.。capacitycapacity人类与其他生物一样,都有爱、恨、生气、害怕、忠诚和悲伤的能力Endas well asas well as 和,既······又······ e.g. a. He is courageous as well as strong. 他既勇敢又强壮。 b. Air, as well as water, is needed to make plants grow. 空气和水都是植物生长所必需的。balancebalance vt. 使平衡,使均衡 e.g. a. I struggle to balance work and family commitment. 我努力在工作和家庭责任之间寻求平衡。 vi. 保持平衡 b. When you learn to ride a bicycle you must learn to balance. 你学骑脚踏车时必须学会保持平衡。go crazygo crazy发疯了 go (+adj.): vi. 变为, 开始变为某特定状态 e.g. a. She almost went mad when she heard the bad news. 听到这个坏消息,她几乎疯了。 b. My father’s hair had gone gray. 我父亲的头发已经变得灰白了。initiativeinitiative n. 主动性 e.g. a. I wish my son would show a bit more initiative. 我真希望我儿子能稍稍表现得主动一点。 b. He always takes the initiative in making friends. 他总是主动交友。Para. 3Para. 34. Most would marry; others would travel, invent, and carry on original work on all sorts of lines. (Para.3) 大部分年轻人会结婚; 其他人会去旅游,去发明 创造,在各行各业中从事独创性的工作。 1) carry on: 继续开展; 坚持 e.g. a. We can carry on our discussion after lunch. 午饭后我们可以继续讨论。For MorePara.3Para.3 b. Carry on with your work. 继续干你的工作吧。 2) all sorts of lines: 各行各业 line: n. 行业,行当;专长 e.g. What line of work are you in? 你是干哪行的?EndPara. 3Para. 35. It is worth remembering in this connection that among the young, idealism and faith are uncommonly strong. (Para.3) 年轻人有超乎寻常的理想主义和信念,这是值得我 们记住的。 1) worth (something / doing something): prep. 值得做······ e.g. a. We may not succeed, but it’s worth a try.For MorePara. 3Para. 3 b. It is well worth making the effort to learn how to do it. 很值得花气力去学如何做这事。 2) in this/that connection: 关于这/那一点,相当于with reference to this/that e.g. You have just mentioned holidays. In this connection, I would like to make a suggestion. 你刚提到假期。关于这一点,我要提一个建议。Endsociology sociology n. 社会学 e.g. a. He is studying sociology. 他正研究社会学。 b. The branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations. 社会学中研究人口特性的分支。objection (to)objection (to) n. 反对(某人或某事);反对的理由 e.g. a. He has a strong objection to getting up early. 他强烈反对早起。 b. My objection is that he is too young. 我反对的理由是他太年轻了。 c. Please present your objection to the plan. 请提出反对这个计划的理由。Para. 4Para. 46. Those destined for ordinary jobs don’t need to learn anything taught in college, and many of them know it. (Para.4) 那些注定从事普通工作的人不必学习大学所教的 任何内容,而且他们中的大多数人了解这一点。 destined: adj. 命中注定的,预定的 e.g. Medicine is his destined profession. 医学是他注定要从事的职业。For MorePara. 4Para. 4be destined for: 注定要······;预定要······ e.g. a. The boy is destined for an acting career. 这个男孩注定是要当演员的。 b. This is a ship that is destined for America. 这艘船是开往美国的。 be destined to do something: 注定要做·······; 预定要做······For MorePara. 4Para. 4e.g. He was destined to be an actor. 他注定是要成为演员的。Endopeningopening n. ( 职位的) 空缺;好机会 e.g. There are no openings for secretaries at the bank at present.confine (to)confine (to) vt. 使局限于,限制 e.g. a. Please confine your remarks to the issues at hand. 请你把话题限定在手头的问题上。 b. The sick child was confined to bed. 这个生病的小孩只能卧床休息。Para. 5Para. 510. The number entering should be preset as in Sweden, so as to train the quantity of people needed to fit the estimated number of openings in each profession, always allowing for the rise of some persons via equivalency exams. (Para.5) 入学的人数应像瑞典那样预先设定,以便于培训出每种职业所需要的那些能胜任预估空缺职位的人员,对那些通过同等学力考试而升学的人也应一直加以考虑。 1) so as to: 以便 (表示目的)For MorePara. 5Para. 5e.g. Mail your package early so as to ensure its timely arrival. 早点寄出你的包裹以便保证它能及时寄到。 2) estimate: vt. 估计,估价;评估 The movie cost an estimated $25 million to make. 拍摄这部电影花了预计的2,500万英镑。 3) allow for: 考虑;顾及For MorePara. 5Para. 5e.g. a. We must allow for his inexperience. 我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验。 b. It takes about two hours to get to their office building, allowing for possible traffic delays. 将可能遇到的交通耽搁考虑在内的话, 到他们 的办公大楼大约要花两小时。Endintrinsicintrinsic adj. ( 价值、性质) 内在的, 本质的, 固有的 e.g. a. The intrinsic worth of the pen is 30 yuan. 这支钢笔本身价值是30元。 b. This modifiability is one of the intrinsic qualities of living protoplasm. 这种可变性是生命原生质固有的性质之一。deliberatelydeliberately adv.有目的地;蓄意地 e.g. a. Does he deliberately set out to be a tyrant? 他从头就打算当暴君的吗? b. This is deliberately being fostered by the Japanese imperialists. 这种情形,是日本帝国主义有计划地造成的。mashmash vt. 把······捣成糊状;压碎,压坏 e.g. a. You can help mash up the potatoes for me. 你可以帮我把马铃薯捣烂。 n. 捣成糊状的东西,乱糟糟的一团 b. He beat the potato into a mash before eating it. 他把马铃薯捣烂后再吃。come throughcome through 经受住 e.g. a. The driver had lost so much blood that he was lucky to come through the operation. 那司机流了许多血,手术后能活下来是够幸 运的。 b. She came through without even a scratch. 她毫发未损地安全脱险。on top ofon top of 除······之外(还) e.g. a. He lost his job and on top of that his wife left him. 他失了业,此外,他妻子也离开了他。 b. On top of everything else, my car has been stolen. 除了所有这些,我的车还被偷了。 同义词 in addition to Para. 6Para. 611. There are too many learned professors and section leaders to adjust to, too many books to hasten through at a set speed and too many years to plod away on the treadmill. (Para.6) 大学里有太多博学的教授和部门领导要去适应,有 太多的书要以一定的速度赶着看完,还要花太多的 年头忙于单调乏味的学习任务。 1) adjust to: 适应, 调节For MorePara. 6Para. 6e.g. The body quickly adjusts (itself) to changes in temperature. 身体迅速(自行)调节以适应气温的变化。 2) hasten: vt. 快速完成,加速; 抢着(说) vi. 赶紧 a. The deathbed struggles of the enemies can only hasten their own doom. 敌人的垂死挣扎只能加速他们的灭亡。For MorePara. 6Para. 6 b. I hasten to say that he is not hurt. 我急忙说他没有受伤。 c. She hastened home after work. 她下班后急忙回家。 3) plod: vi. 孜孜不倦,坚持不懈地或单调地工作或行动;埋头苦干For MorePara. 6Para. 6e.g. The secretary is plodding through a mountain of paperwork. 秘书正在成堆的文件中埋头苦干。 4) treadmill: n. 踏车;单调乏味的工作。这里表示完成学业这件苦差事。EndPara. 6Para. 6For More13. Four to eight years of deliberate narrowing can have the effect of incapacitating him from ever taking a broad view of anything. (Para.6) 这四至八年蓄意限制的学习会导致学生不再能以开 阔的视角去看待事物。 1) incapacitate (somebody from): vt. 使(某人)不能做某事,使无能力 e.g. He was incapacitated from working after the accident.Para. 6Para. 6For More事故后他失去了工作能力。 2) take a...view of: 观测;检察;对某事持······的看法/观点 take a general view of the economical development: 综观经济发展 take a dim/dark view of: 对······持悲观的态度Para. 7Para. 715. They might set our people’s minds largely free, a result surely to be wished. (Para.7) 它们或许会使人们享有充分的思维自由,而这肯定 是人们所希望的结果。 a result surely to be wished 是独立主格结构,相 当于状语从句,对主句加以评注说明。 此句也可以表述为:They might set our people’s minds largely free. And that result was surely to be wished.EndPart II Text Comprehension (key)Part II Text Comprehension (key)1) Fact Searching (key) 2) Reading Analysis (P155) 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. D 3) Information Organization (key)Fact Searching Fact Searching Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Then go back to the text for a check of your understanding. You should tell which line(s) of which paragraph support(s) you. Finally, work in pairs to correct those false statements. (P155)For More( ) 1. None of the highly creative modern thinkers had a university education. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ??__________Fact Searching Fact Searching For More( ) 2. The author suggests no other forms of exams for the self-taught. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ??_______________ ( ) 3. According to the author, young people have a strong sense of idealism and faith. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ??_______________ ( ) 4. There is a great need for those destined for ordinary jobs to learn something in college. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ??_______________Fact Searching Fact Searching For More( ) 5. Public universities should give their students serious training. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ??______________ ( ) 6. It seems that what college represents now is not the same as we expected. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ??______________ ( ) 7. Four to eight years of Ph.D. subject may do more good than harm to a student. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ??______________Fact Searching Fact Searching ( ) 8. The author has a positive attitude towards the suggested reductions in compulsory education. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ??______________EndFact Searching Fact Searching (F) 1. None of the highly creative modern thinkers had a university education. Line(s) 2—3 Para. 1 . Some of the highly creative modern thinkers had a university education: Montesquieu, Jefferson, Goethe, etc.Fact Searching Fact Searching (F) 2. The author suggests no other forms of exams for the self-taught. Line(s) 2—4 Para. 2 . There should, of course, be equivalency exams for the self-taught, as well as on-the-job training, for most professions.Fact Searching Fact Searching (T) 3. According to the author, young people have a strong sense of idealism and faith. Line(s) 5—6 Para. 3 .Fact Searching Fact Searching (F) 4. There is a great need for those destined for ordinary jobs to learn something in college. Line(s) 1—2 Para. 4 . Those destined for ordinary jobs don’t need to learn anything taught in college, and many of them know it.Fact Searching Fact Searching (T) 5. Public universities should give their students serious training. Line(s) 1 Para. 5 . Fact Searching Fact
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