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自动化概论论文自动化概论论文 浅析自动化 印象中,最早接触自动化这个词是在一篇课文中,叫做《懒惰推动世界的发展》。不错,正是懒惰的人为了享受那份懒惰而提出自动运行的奇思妙想,并经过长期的发展完善,隧有了今日的自动化理论及自动化技术。身为自动化专业的一名学生,在学了《自动化概论》这门学科后,我深深的体会到自动化技术对于人类社会发展的重要性。 所谓自动化,是指机器或装置在无人干预的情况下按规定的程序或指令自动地进行操作或运行。广义地讲,自动化还包括模拟或再现人的智能活动。自动化技术的发展历史大致可以划分三个时期。 (,)自动...

自动化概论论文 浅析自动化 印象中,最早接触自动化这个词是在一篇课文中,叫做《懒惰推动世界的发展》。不错,正是懒惰的人为了享受那份懒惰而提出自动运行的奇思妙想,并经过长期的发展完善,隧有了今日的自动化理论及自动化技术。身为自动化专业的一名学生,在学了《自动化概论》这门学科后,我深深的体会到自动化技术对于人类社会发展的重要性。 所谓自动化,是指机器或装置在无人干预的情况下按规定的程序或指令自动地进行操作或运行。广义地讲,自动化还包括模拟或再现人的智能活动。自动化技术的发展历史大致可以划分三个时期。 (,)自动化技术形成时期(18 世纪末,20 世纪 30 年代) 1788 年英国机械师 J.瓦特发明离心式调速器(又称飞球调速器),并把它与蒸汽机的 阀门连接起来,构成蒸汽机转速的闭环自动控制系统(见图瓦特离心式调速器对蒸汽机转速 的控制 )。 瓦特的这项发明开创了近代自动调节装置应用的新纪元,对后来控制理论的发展有重要影响。 (,)局部自动化时期(20 世纪 40,50 年代) 第二次世界大战时期形成的经典控制理论对战后发展局部自动化起了重要的促进作 用。在第二次世界大战期间,德国的空军优势和英国的防御地位,迫使美国、英国和西欧各国科学家集中精力解决了防空火力控制系统和飞机自动导航系统等军事技术问题。 在解决这 些问题的过程中形成了经典控制理论,设计出各种精密的自动调节装置,开创了系统和控Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 制这一新的科学领域。 (,)综合自动化时期(20 世纪 50 年代末起至今) 20 世纪 50 年代末空间技术迅速发展,迫切需要解决多变量系统的最优控制问题。 许 多学者试图把经典控制理论推广到多变量系统的控制,都遭到了失败。需要寻求新的理论和方法,于是诞生了现代控制理论。现代控制理论的形成和发展为综合自动化奠定了理论基础。在这一时期,微电子技术有了新的突破。1958 年出现晶体管计算机,1965 年出现集成 电路 模拟电路李宁答案12数字电路仿真实验电路与电子学第1章单片机复位电路图组合逻辑电路课后答案 计算机,1971 年出现单片微处理机。微处理机的出现对控制技术产生了重大影响,控制工程师可以很方便地利用微处理机来实现各种复杂的控制,使综合自动化成为现实。 提到自动化必须说说自动控制系统。产过程或其他过程按期望规律或预定程序进行的控制系统。自动控制系统是指能够实现“自动化”任务的设备,他是人造系统,而且是工程技术领域的人造系统。自动控制系统通常由控制部分和控制对象组成。 一、一个典型的自控系统一般由六部分组成: (,)被控对象:指控制系统所要控制的设备或过程,它的输出就是被控量,而被控量总是与自动控制系统的任务和目标紧密联系。 (,)给定环节:产生给定输入信号的环节。给定的输入信号通常与我们希望的被控量有关,它可以是一定值,对应的控制系统就是恒值控制系统,希望控制系统的被控量稳定在一个固定值上;它也可Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 以是是一变值,对应的控制系统是随动系统,希望被控量跟随给定输入信号变化。 (,)测量环节:随时将被控制量检测出来的装置。 (,)比较环节:该环节功能是将给定的输入信号(被控制量的希望值)与测量环节得到的被控制变量实际值加以比较,并将比较结果反馈给输入端。正是由于得到了这种反馈,自动控制系统才能得出如何去实现操作来消除或减少这一偏差信号的决策。在自控系统中,由反馈得到偏差信号,在比较环节中实现的是给定输入信号和反馈信号相减,即为负反馈,在自动控制系统中总是采用负反馈,这是由于自动控制系统总是力求消除或减少偏差的特性所决定的。 (,)控制环节:该环节的功能是根据偏差信号,决策如何去操作被控对象,决策如何去操作被控对象,使被控对象达到所希望的目标。可以说,这一环节是自动控制系统实现有效控制的核心。 (,)执行环节:按控制环节的控制决策,具体实施对对控制对象的操作。 二、自动化技术的应用。 自动化技术在机械加工、采矿冶炼、化学工业、电力系统、交通运输、农业生产、环境保护、医药卫生、军事技术、航空航天、科学研究、办公服务等领域都得到了广泛的应用。 1(工业自动化 Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 工业自动化主要包括自动完成加工生产的设备自动化,自动完成正常生产进程的过程自动化,以及自动实现业务管理的管理自动化。工业自动化当前发展的特征是智能化和集成化,也就是,一方面制造和应用智能机器(如电脑和机器人)代替人的体力劳动和部分脑力劳动,实现高水平自动化生产;另一方面,综合运计算机、制造技术、控制技术、电子技术、通讯技术和管理科学等学科知识,采用设备集成、信息集成实现规划设计、生产制造、管理销售等功能的集成。 2(办公自动化 办公自动化最初是用文字处理机、复印机、传真机等办公设备,实现单项办公自动化,例如,代替秘书完成起草文稿、打印文件和留底存档等工作。后来,由于计算机的发展,又出现了电子银行、电子邮件等高水平的办公自动化设备和系统。电子银行是指采用电子计算机、终端设备及自动出纳机等组成的系统,用以快速地完成银行或用户之间的资金转移,或者完成自动取存款业务,即用户持信用卡,由自动出纳机办理存款祁取款的业务。电子邮件是指利用现代通讯手段,传递信件、资料等文字和语音信息的系统。办公自动化给人们带来了极大的效益和方便。现代办公自动化正朝着计算机网络化和智能化方向发展。 3(家庭自动化 家庭自动化,主要是指自动地实现生活服务或提供信息服务。例如,家里装上空调机,在炎热的夏天,就能使室内自动保持适宜的温度。一台自动洗衣机,能自动地把衣服洗干净,等等。家庭生活服务Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 自动化把人们从繁重的家务劳动中解放出来,并创造出一个舒适的生活环境。实现家庭自动信息服务,则可以极大地改变人们的生活和工作方式。例如,利用订票系统,可以预订到世界各地任何一家航空公司的任何一条航线的机票,并为你安排好旅游日程。在家里办公,是家庭自动化的一个发展趋势。在家里通过计算机系统和通讯系统就可以掌握现场情况和有关资料,并控制指挥生产过程,或完成某些工作任务。在家里办公,能够大大地减少社会设施,还可以提高工作效率。 4(农业自动化 农业是一个国家的经济基础,农业机械化使农业经济获得了飞速发展,西方工业发达国家用3个劳动力就能养活100个人。因此现代农业,采用自动化技术是大有作为的。我国已有了用计算机管理农田灌溉的系统。在农业自动化中引人注目的是在某些作业中采用农业机器人,如采用农业机器人移植秧苗、灌溉田地、栽培蔬菜、采摘果实、养猪养鱼、挤牛奶、剪羊毛等。 5(军事自动化 自动化技术对军事技术的变革起着重要的作用。自动化学科中的各种理论和技术,已成为军事技术的核心,并对现代战争的格局产生了极大的影响。军事自动化主要有武器装备自动化,军事指挥自动化,作 战、训练仿真模拟化等。武器装备自动化能大大提高武器的杀伤力。各种遥控武器,包括军用机器人的发展,正受到各国政府的重视。军事指挥自动化是指军队指挥员及司令部采用电子计算机、通讯设备及自动化装置,实现对所属部队进行控制与指挥。应用自动化技术,Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 可以提供一个"作战的实验室",对作战进行模拟。这样不仅能省去大规模军事演习和实弹军事训练,节省大量经费和许多时间,而且能很好地完成部队训练任务,提高作战能力。 三、自动化的展望 自动化是新的技术革命的一个重要方面。自动化技术的研究)应用和推广,对人类的生产、生活等方式将产生深远影响。生产过程自动化和办公室自动化可极大地提高社会生产率 和工作效率,节约能源和原 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 消耗,保证产品质量,改善劳动条件,改进生产工艺和管 理体制,加速社会的产业结构的变革和社会信息化的进程。 现代生产和科学技术的发展,对自动化技术提出越来越高的要求,同时也为自动化技 术的革新提供了必要条件。70 年代以来,自动化开始向复杂的系统控制和高级的智能控制发展,并广泛地应用到国防)科学研究和经济等各个领域,实现更大规模的自动化,例如 大型企业的综合自动化系统)全国铁路自动调度系统)国家电力网自动调度系统)空中交通管制系统)城市交通控制系统)自动化指挥系统)国民经济管理系统等。自动化的应用正从工程领域向非工程领域扩展,如医疗自动化)人口控制)经济管理自动化等。自动化将在更大程度上模仿人的智能,机器人已在工业生产)海洋开发和宇宙探测等领域得到应用,专家系统在医疗诊断)地质勘探等方面取得显著效果。工厂自动化)办公自动化)家庭自动化和农业自动化将成为新技术革命的重要内容,并得到迅速发展。 《自动化概论》解开了我心中的许多疑惑,使我逐步了解了自动Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 化专业,提高了对它的认识,使我了解了它的广泛应用、发展前景、 就业方向。这也就促使我在今后的学习中,扎实基础,注重实践,努 力学习自己的专业知识,为今后的工作或是继续深造打下坚实的基 础。 Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number
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