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派生词 - 高中英语派生词归纳


派生词 - 高中英语派生词归纳派生词 - 高中英语派生词归纳 高中英语派生语语语 [ 参照普通高中英语语程语准语语表 ] 一、根据提示写出下列语语的派生语 序语根nounadj.adv.noun(指人)opposite号(反)1ableabilityableunable 2vary v.variousvariously 3admire v.admirationadmirable 4agreeagreementdisagree 5likealikeunlike 6amazeamazementamazing / amazed 7amuseamu...

派生词 - 高中英语派生词归纳
派生词 - 高中英语派生词归纳 高中英语派生语语语 [ 参照普通高中英语语程语准语语 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ] 一、根据提示写出下列语语的派生语 序语根nounadj.adv.noun(指人)opposite号(反)1ableabilityableunable 2vary v.variousvariously 3admire v.admirationadmirable 4agreeagreementdisagree 5likealikeunlike 6amazeamazementamazing / amazed 7amuseamusementamusing / amused 8angryangerangrily 9anxiousanxietyanxiously 10appearappearancedisappear 11applyapplicationapplicant 12assistassistanceassistant 13attractattractionattractive 14beautybeautifulbeautifully 15usualusuallyunusual 16believebeliefbelievableunbelieva ble17useusefuluseless 18bravebraverybravely 19breathbreathebreathless 20carecarefulcarefullycareless 21chemistrychemicalchemist 22comfortcomfortablecomfortably23competecompetitioncompetentcompetitor24contradictcontradictioncontradictory25cookcookercook 26correctcorrectioncorrectly 27translatetranslationtranslator28diedeathdeaddeadly 29deepdepthdeeply 30devotedevotiondevoted 31differdifferencedifferent 32courageencouragediscourag e33educateeducationeducator 34electricelectricityelectrical35employemployment / employer / unemploymenemployee t 36certaincertainlyuncertain 37exactexactly 38fairfairnessunfair 39fortunefortunatefortunatelyunfortunat e40freefreedomfreely 41friendfriendshipfriendly 42governgovernmentgovernor 43graduategraduationgraduate 44guideguidanceguide 45happyhappinesshappilyunhappy 46harmharmfulharmless 47helphelpfulhelpless 48hopehopefulhopefullyhopeless49immigrateimmigrationimmigrant50possiblepossibilityimpossibl e 51inventinventioninventor 52kindkindnesskindlyunkind53tourtourismtourist 54luckluckyluckilyunluckily55managemanagementmanager 56musicmusicalmusician 57nationnationalitynational58organizeorganizationorganizer59paintpaintingpainter 60patientpatiencepatiently61performperformanceperformer62personpersonalpersonally63photograpphotographyphotographer h 64physicsphysicalphysicist65pleasurepleased / pleasant 66politicspoliticalpolitician67practisepracticepractical68produceproductionproduct (语品)69properproperly 70qualifyqualificationqualified71realrealityrealize / really realize (v.)72receivereceptionreceiver73relaterelationrelative 74truetruthtruly 75sadsadnesssadly 76safesafetysafely 77satisfy satisfactionsatisfactory / satisfied / satisfying78sciencescientificscientist79separateseparationseparated80serveserviceservant 81typetypewritertypist 82silentsilencesilently 83simplesimplifysimply 84smokesmoker 85socialsocietysocialist 86speakspeechspeaker 87specialspeciallyspecialist88willingwillingnessunwilling89succeedsuccesssuccessfulsuccessfull y90suddensuddenly 91sunsunshinesunny 92tastetastytasteless 93actactionactiveactor / actress strongstrengthstrengthenstrongly 二、写出下列语语的名语 1. absent ---- absence2. accurate ---- accuracy3. achieve ---- achievement 4. adjust ---- adjustment5. admit ---- admission6. affect ---- effect 7. advertise ---- advertisement8. advise ---- advertisement 9. agent ---- agency10. analyse ---- analysis11. apologize ---- apology 12. announce ---- announcement13. appreciate ---- appreciation 14. argue ---- argument15. arrange ---- arrangement16. arrive ---- arrival17. assess ---- assessment18. associate ---- association19. assume ---- assumption20. bleed ---- blood21. blind ---- blindness22. build ---- building23. celebrate ---- celebration24. behave ---- behavior25. child ---- childhood26. choose ---- choice27. collect ---- collection28. communicate --- communication29. conclude ---- conclusion30. congratulate ---- congratulation31. connect ---- connection32. construct ---- construction 33. contain ---- container34. contribute ---- contribution 35. convenient ---- convenience36. decide ---- decision 37. decorate ---- decoration38. defend ---- defendence39. describe---- description40. develop ---- description41. difficult ---- difficulty42. disabled ---- disability43. distant ---- distance44. enter ---- entrance45. equal ---- equality46. equip ---- equipment47. evident ---- evidence48. examine ---- examination49. exist ---- existence50. expect ---- expectation51. explain ---- explanation52. express ---- expression53. greet ---- greeting54. grow ---- growth55. fail ---- failure56. feel ---- feeling57. hungry ---- hunger58. imagine ---- imagination59. ill ---- illness60. important ---- importance61. impress ---- impression62. independent ---- independence 63. inform ---- information64. instruct ---- instruction65. intelligent ---- intelligence66. introduce ---- introduction67. invite ---- invitation 68. judge ---- judgement69. laugh ---- laughter70. lose ---- loss71. marry ---- marriage72. mean ---- meaning73. mix ---- mixture74. move ---- movement75. occupy ---- occupation76. open ---- opening77. operate ---- operation78. permit ---- permission79. pollute ---- pollution80. press ---- pressure81. proud ---- pride82. prepare ---- preparation83. pronounce ---- pronunciation84. protect ---- protection 85. punish ---- punishment86. record ---- recorder(机器)87. require ---- requirement 88. responsible ---- responsibility89. review---- review 90. reserve ---- reservation91. secure ---- security92. shave ---- shaver93. shop ---- shopping 94. sick ---- sickness95. spell ---- spelling96. starve ---- starvation97. suggest ---- suggestion98. survive ---- survival99. tense ---- tension100. think ---- thought101. train ---- training102. treat ---- treatment103. violent ---- violencelo4. warm ---- warmth105. weigh ---- weight106. wise ---- wisdom107. young ---- youth108. know ---- knowledge 109. across ---- cross110. confident ---- confidence111. appoint ---- appointment112. slave ---- slavery113. birth ---- birthplace /birthday114. social ---- socialism 115. weak ---- weakness116. sharp ---- sharpener117. dark ---- darkness118. long ---- length 三、写出下列语语的形容语 1. centre ---- central2. challenge ---- challenging 3. change ---- changeable / changeful4. cheer ---- cheerful5. cloud ---- cloudy6. day ---- daily 7. danger ---- dangerous8. delight ---- delighted9. disturb ---- disturbing10. dust ---- dusty11. east ---- eastern 12. west ---- western 13. south ---- southern14. north ---- northern15. energy ---- energetic16. enjoy ---- enjoyable17. end ---- endless18. bear ----unbearable19. agriculture ----agricultural20. face ---- facial 21. fantasy ---- fantastic22. fool ---- foolish23. forget ---- forgetful24. gold ---- golden25. health ---- healthy26. humor ---- humorous27. love ---- lovely 28. mistake ---- mistaken29. nature ---- natural30. noise ---- noisy31. pain ---- painful32. peace ---- peaceful33. poison ---- poisonous34. power ---- powerful35. race ---- racial36. rain ---- rainy37. reason ---- reasonable38. religion ---- religious39. salt ---- salty40. self ---- selfish41. skill ---- skilled / skillful42. snow ---- snowy43. suit ---- suitable44. technique ---- technical45. tradition ---- traditional46. trouble ---- troublesome47. thank ---- thankful48. universe ---- universal49. value ---- valuable50. wealth ---- wealthy51. week ---- weekly52. wind ---- windy53. wool ---- woolen 54. world ---- worldwide55. benefit ---- beneficial56. sleep ---- sleepy / asleep四、写出下列语语的语语 1. bath ---- bathe2. large ---- enlarge3. weak ---- weaken4. sharp ---- sharpen5. dark ---- darken6. long ---- lengthen五、写出下列语语的语作语行者,或和本语作有语的人,。 1. architecture ---- architect2. art ---- artist3. astronomy ---- astronomer4. business ---- businessman5. clean ---- cleaner6. crime ---- criminal7. dance ---- dancer8. design ---- designer9. engine ---- engineer10. farm ---- farmer11. foreign ---- foreigner12. host ---- hostess13. hunt ---- hunter14. lead ---- leader15. novel ---- novelist16. own ---- owner17. piano ---- pianist 18. poem ---- poet19. police ---- policeman20. post ---- postman21. prison ---- prisoner22. rule ---- ruler23. sing ---- singer24. strange ---- stranger25. teach ---- teacher 26. teenage ---- teenager27. travel ---- traveler28. village ---- villager29. visit ---- visitor30. win ---- winner31. work ---- worker32. library ---- librarian33. wait ---- waitress34. write ---- writer35. report ---- reporter 六、根据派生语语行语法填空。,语语要密切注意语语、语语、人称和非语语语语, 1. Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer (discover) of radium. She and her husband had done lots of scientific (science) research before discovery (discover) radium. 2. Thomas Edison is considered one of the greatest inventors (invent) in the history. He had over 1000 inventions (invent) all his life. 3. Einstein is always believed to be one of the greatest scientists (science) in the 20th (20) century. He make great contributions (contribute) to modern science and technology.4. I hear Liming can run 100 meters in 11 seconds. That’s really unbelievable (believe). 5. Don’t hesitate, John. You must make your own decision (decide) right now. 6. Can you give me a description (describe) of lost bag, sir? I’ll call you if I find it.7. My English teacher always encourages (courage) us to do more speaking. He asks us not to feel discouraged (courage) even if we sometimes make mistakes. He also says that we should pay special attention to our pronunciation (pronounce) when speaking (speak) English. 8. The Great wall is one of the most famous tour attractions (attract) in China. It attracts (attract) a great number of foreigners (foreign). 9. I haven’t received an invitation (invite) of Liping’s wedding yet. I’m afraid I won’t go to her wedding unless invited (invite). 10. The concert was a great success (succeed). The singers were singing beautifully (beauty), and all the musicians (music) were doing successfully (succeed). 11. The injured passengers were sent to the hospital immediately. But unfortunately (fortune), some of them lost their lives on the way t the hospital. All the people think that the careless (care) driver had heavy responsibility (responsible) for the accident. 12. Many fish have died from pollution (pollute) and many birds have died from polluted (pollute) air. a government official (office) says that we should take measures to prevent the environment (from)being polluted (pollute). 13. We all take pride (proud) in the fact that China has entered the World Trade Organization (organize). That means we can buy cheaper foreign products (produce) in the near future.14. The criminal (crime) is in prison. You can’t see him without the permission (permit) of the police.15. Personally (person) speaking, what the physician (physics) said at the conference was encouraging. 16. What you did just now made no difference (differ). 17. Man is short of natural (nature) resources now. They really require protecting / to be protected (protect). 18. Not only should we talk politely (polite) but also we should pay attention to our facial (face) expressions when communicating (communicate) with others. 19 The famous writer (write) is good at writing (write) detective stories. He has written (write) over 1000 detective stories since he began to write in 1995. The detective stories written (write) by him are popular all over the world. 20. Oh, the roast chicken really tastes (taste) delicious! I have never eaten such tasty (taste) dish. 21. I think we should strengthen (strong) the communication between teachers and students.th22. Martin Luther King is considered one of the greatest speakers (speak) in the 20 century. The speech (speak) he made on civil rights will always be remembered by people all over the world. 23. Mike got married (marry) last week. He decided to live with his parents after marriage (marry). 24. We can find a lot of information (inform) by surfing the Internet. 25. It is illegal (legal) to drive without a driving permit. Whoever drives without a driving permit must be punished (punish) severely. 26. Look! The managers are having a heated discussion (discuss). The problem being discussed (discuss) must be very important. 27. It was when he was seriously ill that he realized the importance (important) of health. In fact, everybody must be aware that health is the most important (important) for a person.28. The prisoner (prison) has been in prison for years. How he longs for freedom (free). 29. At first, the Americans were mainly from European (Europe) countries. Later, more and more Asian (Asia) people migrated to the land. 30. Professor Smith, one of the famous educators (educate), once said, “One must have a good education (educate). An educated (educate) person can usually have a better job and lifestyle.” 31. The invention of electricity (electric) is really beneficial (benefit) to human. 32. Jet Le is an excellent actor (act). His wife, Lichi, is also a famous actress (act). They have both made great achievements (achieve) and contributions (contribute) film industry.33. Liu Jun is good at doing English exams, but he is unable (able) to speak English well. In fact, we Chinese students should do more speaking to improve our speaking ability (able). 34. The woman is waiting for her husband with anxiety (anxious). 35. The surprising (surprise) news made all of us surprised (surprise). 36. Big cities usually have many amusements (amuse). In fact, there are many amusing (amuse) activities and people can feel amused (amuse) when joining in these activities.37. The company has put on several job advertisements (advertise) in a newspaper looking for some construction designers (design). 38. The manager of the company is a non-smoker (smoke), so he doesn’t allow smoking (smoke) in the office. 39. He has drawn a conclusion (conclude) that one can’t succeed without confidence (confident). 40. The manager broke the silence (silent) and put forward some good suggestions (suggest). 41. Many Chinese people think that there are few celebrations (celebrate) in our traditional (tradition) festivals. They say they sometimes have a better time by celebrating (celebrate) western festivals.42. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy (health), wealthy (wealth) and wise (wisdom). 43. His advice sounds certainly (certain) very good. But I am uncertain (certain) whether it is practical (practice) or not.
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