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初中英语说课模板初中英语说课模板 初中英语说课模板:(1)听说课 Geetings and introduction: Good afteroon,everyone. I’m I’m an English teacher from Middle School. I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is made of five parts. It includes Teaching...

初中 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 说课模板 初中英语说课模板:(1)听说课 Geetings and introduction: Good afteroon,everyone. I’m I’m an English teacher from Middle School. I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is made of five parts. It includes Teaching material analysis, Teaching methods ,Study methods ,Teaching procedures and blackboard design. 一( Teaching material analysis. I. Status and function Today I’m going to talk about_______________________________________ It plays a very important role in the English teaching of this unit. By studying this lesson, Ss can improve their listening ability. The Ss should receive some moral education. At the same time, we should get the Ss to learn some words and some expressions about protecting wild animals. II. Teaching aims 1. Aims on the knowledge (1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: ______________________ Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations. (2) To help Ss to finish _________________________________ 2. Aims on the abilities (1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking. (2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups. (3) To foster Ss’ abilities of communication . 3. Aims on the emotion (1) To foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition. (2) To enable Ss to_________________________________ 4. Key-points of this lesson (1) To help Ss_____________________________________ (2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully. (3) To develop Ss’ interest in English. 5. Difficult points (1) To help the Ss _______________________and make sure they can use ______________correctly. (2 )How to_________________________________________ 6. Teaching aids In this lesson, the multi-media will be used to make the class lively and improve my teaching result. 二 .Teaching methods As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. I will arrange four kinds of activities: singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition. And in this lesson a recorder, CAI, school things and a printed form will be needed. Students should prepare some school things. 三(Study methods ? Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners. ?Get the Ss to form good learning habits. ?Teach the Ss how to communicate with others and take competition methods to develop the Ss interest in English. 四(Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing. I’ll finish this lesson in five steps. Step 1. Warm-up and preview ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step. Step 2. Presentation Now I’ll mainly talk about this step. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Purpose: To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings. Proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Purpose: CAI can provide a real situation for the Ss to understand the dialogue and the relationships between people better. Tell the Ss we should show our loveliness to the Ss. Step 3. Practice ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Purpose: Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained. Step 4. Production ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Purpose: To check the knowledge Ss have learned in this period. Step 5. Homework ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Purpose: Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they as in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned. 五(Blackboard design 初中英语说课模板:精读课 Geetings and introduction: Good afteroon,everyone. I’m Yuan Xingchen. I’m an English teacher from Sihong No3 Middle School. I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is made of five parts. It includes Teaching material analysis, Teaching methods ,Study methods ,Teaching procedures and blackboard design.. 二( Teaching material analysis. 1. Lesson type and contents. Today I’m going to talk about the reading part of Unit5, Oxford English 8A. I’ll finish the part in two lessons. This is the first period. 2. Status and function This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important role in the English teaching of this unit. By studying this lesson, Ss can improve their reading ability. The Ss should receive some moral education. At the same time, we should get the Ss to learn some words and some expressions about protecting wild animals. 3. Teaching aims and demands. ? Knowledge objects: a.) To get the students to understand the article. b.) Help the Ss remember the flowing new words and phrases. Eg: _________________________________________________________ ? Ability objects: a). To develop the ability to infer the general meaning from title and context. b) To improve the students’ ability to skim text for overall meaning and scan for details ? Moral objects: a) Arouse their interest in learning English. b) Enable the Ss the love our earth and the nature. c) Be aware of the importance of protecting our environment and take actions to protect wildlife. Teaching important points: ? To understand the passage. ? To enable the Ss to master the new words and the phrases. ?To develop the ability to infer the general meaning from title and context. 5. Teaching difficult points. a) To use the words to express their ideas. b) To reinforce Ss’ ability to skim text for overall meaning and scan for detail 6. Teaching aids In this lesson, the multi-media will be used to make the class lively and improve my teaching result. 二 .Teaching methods As we know, the main instructional aim of learning English in middle school is to cultivate Ss’s basic ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson, I’ll mainly use Audio-video method, the Communicative Method and Task-based Method. That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the text. I’ll give the Ss some tasks and arrange some activities 三(Study methods ? Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners. ? Teach Ss how to develop the reading skills—skim and scan. ? Get the Ss to form good learning habits. 四(Teaching procedures I’ll finish this lesson in seven steps. Step1. Listen to a song __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This step is used to arouse Ss’ interest and curiosity in the lesson. Step2. Look and discuss __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This step is used to review the learned knowledge and present new words. It’s also important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss. Step3. Fast and further reading. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This step is the most important. It’s used to train the students’ ability to skim text for overall meaning and scan for details. In this step, the rest of the new words should be taught. Step4. Read and match. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In this step, I’ll train the students to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Step5. Listen and fill. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .In this step, I want to train the students prounounce and spell the new words correctly. Step 6. Retell the text. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My design purpose is to check the production. Step7. Homework. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I think revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they can in class or after class. It’s necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned. 五(Blackboard design. 最佳答案 各位领导、老师: 大家好! 让学生愉快地、充满自信地走进我的英语课堂,是我最大的愿望,让学生在我的英语课堂上享受快乐和成功是我孜孜以求的目标。多年来,我为实现自己的梦想和追求不懈地努力着。今天,借此平台,恳请各位领导、老师指导我的说课,使我更好地成长。 我说课的内容是人教版九年级Unit6. I like music that I can dance to . Section A ( 1a-1c). 整个说课我将分成五个大部分进行讲述:即教材 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 、教学方法、学习方法、教学程序、教学效果。 第一个板块:教材分析 (一)说教材 本单元以music为中心话题,让学生学会用定语从句谈论自己所喜爱的艺术,学习表达自己的爱好。从结构内容上说,定语从句是初中阶段必须了解的一种句法结构。本单元将通过一系列的练习(句型结构练习、听力练习、精读写作练习、自我检测、泛读练习)来达到学习目的,完成学习任务。共需要七个课时。本课时所进行的是基本的句型结构和部分听力练习,是整个单元的双基——基本和基础。其重点任务是导入新的语言, 即New function presenting. 因此,这一节课我分为两个部分:第一部分引入定语从句的学习;第二部分围绕I like music that I can dance to. 这一话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练进行授课,最终完成本课时的教学任务。 (二)教学目标 根据《英语课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 》的教学理念,教材特点以及学生的实际情况,将本课时的教学目标确定如下: 1、Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary prefer, lyric (2) Target Language What kind of music do you like? I like music that I can sing along with.. What about you? I prefer music that has great lyrics. 2、Ability Objects (1) Train the students to express preferences. (2) Train the students listening skill. 3、Moral Objects Let’s enjoy music. It always brings us happiness. Let’s enjoy English class: Beautiful pictures、group work and games make us be interested in English. Let’s speak、listen、communicate even play games actively. 第二个板块:说教法 由于英语是一门综合性与实践性相结合的科目,根据本文内容,结合创新教育理论,本课主要采用任务型教学法、情景教学以及多媒体计算机辅助课堂教学,充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,利用现代教育技术优化教学过程,通过课件为学生创设更多生动活泼的语言环境,把学生吸引到活动中去,并激发他们主动参与学习的欲望,努力培养学生的自学能力,把学习的钥匙交给学生,在传授知识的同时授以科学的思维方法。不仅要使学生学会,更要使学生学会学,因此,在课堂教学中巧妙运用教学艺术,适当安排自学、小组交流、全班讨论、游戏、竞赛等活动,鼓励学生勇于说,乐于说,提高运用语言的能力,变“讲堂”为 “学堂”,变“要我学”为“我要学”,从而从根本上打破传统的课堂教学方法,建构一种新型的现代教育模式,使学生在更轻松更愉快的环境下实现更多的信息交流,真正做到快快乐乐学英语,扎扎实实打基础,从而达到向四十五分钟要质量,向课堂教学要效益的最终目的。 第三个板块:说学法 初三的学生已具备一定的认知能力,有自我的观点和看法,不满足于教科书的内容,而希望通过学习获取更多的知识和信息,开拓视野。而现代的教育理念认为“获得知识的过程比获得知识更重要”。因此,在本节课的教学中,我不是把知识直接交待给学生,而是引导学生自主参与学习、交流合作,倡导体验、实践和自主探究的学习方式,注重学生实际与课文文题的结合,激发学生学习兴趣,使他们自主地寻找信息,获取信息,使用信息,激发学生潜能,使学生在自主与合作的学习方式中获取知识,形成正确的学习方法,实现英语能力的提高。 第四板块:说教学程序 步骤1 ?用多媒体向学生出示几张动物图片,引导学生make a conversation: “A. What kind of animals do you like best? Why? ” “ B. I like…because…, How about you?” “ A: …”请同学对话表演后,师适时用含有定语从句的句子归纳总结。如:“Oh ,I see, A likes animals that are friendly best but B likes animals that are clever best.” ?用多媒体出示中央电视台四位著名主持人的图片及要求“They are famous hosts in CCTV. Do you know Who they are? Which one do you like best? Why? Make up a conversation with your partners.”在学生对话交流后,师再与两生对话,并引导学生们说出 “B likes the host who is humor but C likes the host who is smart.”等之类含有定语从句的句子。 步骤2 通过以上练习,使学生对定语从句有了初步的印象,然后趁热打铁,通过图示 I have an apple. An apple is red. I have an apple that is red. 定语从句修饰先行词an apple I like the friends. The friends like sports. I like the friends who like sports. 定语从句修饰先行词friends 使学生对定语从句的构成有了进一步的了解,在此基础上,出示定语从句的rules(包括定语 从句的构成、关系代词who,that的作用以及关系代词在从句中做主语时,定语从句中的谓 语动词应与先行词在人称上保持一致的规则),就可谓水到渠成了。通过以上教学环节的设 计,既激发了学生的学习兴趣,又循序渐进地巧妙突破了难点。 步骤3 为了帮助学生更好地理解定语从句的rules,再出示几幅图片及含定语从句的图片说明,然后 安排一个智力抢答的活动。要求用定语从句把下列的每两个句子重组成一个句子。 1、The man is my brother. He is standing under the tree. __________________________________________________________________ 2、I like music. I can sing along with them. ____________________________________________________________________ 3、He missed the train. He usually catches this train. _____________________________________________________________________ 4、Do you know the girl? She is talking with the teacher. _____________________________________________________________________ 5、Liu Li likes music. Music has great lyrics. _____________________________________________________________________ 步骤4 以 “Do you like music? What kind of music do you like best?”的问题过渡到下一环节的教 学。再用多媒体出示配有乐声的pop music、jazz music、country music、dance music、 classical music的图片,然后开展“我唱你猜”的小组游戏活动。即一个学生哼出自己最喜爱 的音乐旋律,小组的其它同学猜出该学生最喜爱什么类型的音乐。 步骤5 用多媒体出示配有声音的课本1a中的画面,用鼠标点图中的人物便自己说出:“I like music that isn’t too loud.” “I love music that I can sing along with.” “I like music that I can dance to.”学生听后,师问:“What did they say? Can you say them in Chinese?”再引导理解prefer 这个词的意思及用法,并请学生用prefer说句子。 步骤6 引导学生完成听力练习1. Listen and check the kinds of music. Tony and Berry like. 步骤7 Pairwork: Talk about the music you like. 为了拓展学生的思维,帮助学生更好地表达,师可利用多媒体补充出示一些句子,如“I like music that is written in China.” “I like music that sounds sweet.” “I like music that we can easily sing along with.”“ I like music that is educational”等。使其对话内容更丰富,以避免 千篇一律。 步骤8 质疑问难,学生提出不懂的问题,师点拨引导全班讨论交流,为其排疑解惑。 步骤9 Homework: Please finish a task. 如果你是学校广播站的广播员,学校委派你去购买一些学生们喜爱的歌曲光碟,请你先做一个调查,看看学生们喜欢什么样的歌曲、什么样的歌手以及什么样的乐队。并可试着将调查结果整理成一篇英文材料。 第五板块:说教学效果 纵观整节课,我主要通过创设教学情境进行师生互动、生生互动,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养英语学习的积极态度,把情感、态度与价值观目标的实现融合在知识与能力、过程与方法目标实现的过程之中,努力为学生进一步学习英语打下坚实基础。正如我们常说的那样,“没有学不好的学生。”因此,我们要鼓励孩子们,让他们知道“English, I can.” That’s all. Thank you 第十三章:干燥 通过本章的学习,应熟练掌握表示湿空气性质的参数,正确应用空气的H–I图确定空气的状态点及其性质参数;熟练应用物料衡算及热量衡算解决干燥过程中的计算问题;了解干燥过程的平衡关系和速率特征及干燥时间的计算;了解干燥器的类型及强化干燥操作的基本方法。 二、本章思考题 1、工业上常用的去湿方法有哪几种, 态参数, 11、当湿空气的总压变化时,湿空气H–I图上的各线将如何变化? 在t、H相同的条件下,提高压力对干燥操作是否有利? 为什么? 12、作为干燥介质的湿空气为什么要先经预热后再送入干燥器, 13、采用一定湿度的热空气干燥湿物料,被除去的水分是结合水还是非结合水,为什么, 14、干燥过程分哪几种阶段,它们有什么特征, 15、什么叫临界含水量和平衡含水量, 16、干燥时间包括几个部分,怎样计算, 17、干燥哪一类物料用部分废气循环,废气的作用是什么, 18、影响干燥操作的主要因素是什么,调节、控制时应注意哪些问题, 三、例题 2o例题13-1:已知湿空气的总压为101.3kN/m ,相对湿度为50%,干球温度为20 C。试用I-H图求解: (a)水蒸汽分压p; (b)湿度,; (c)热焓,; (d)露点t ; d (e)湿球温度tw ; o(f)如将含500kg/h干空气的湿空气预热至117C,求所需热量,。 解 : 2o由已知条件:,,101.3kN/m,Ψ,50%,t=20 C在I-H图上定出湿空气00 的状态点,点。 (a)水蒸汽分压p 过预热器气所获得的热量为 每小时含500kg干空气的湿空气通过预热所获得的热量为 例题13-2:在一连续干燥器中干燥盐类结晶,每小时处理湿物料为1000kg,经干燥后物料的含水量由40%减至5%(均为湿基),以热空气为干燥介质,初始 -1-1湿度H为0.009kg水•kg绝干气,离开干燥器时湿度H为0.039kg水•kg绝干12气,假定干燥过程中无物料损失,试求: -1(1) 水分蒸发是q (kg水•h); m,W -1(2) 空气消耗q(kg绝干气•h); m,L -1原湿空气消耗量q(kg原空气•h); m,L’ -1(3)干燥产品量q(kg•h)。 m,G2解: q=1000kg/h, w=40?, w=5% mG112H=0.009, H=0.039 12 q=q(1-w)=1000(1-0.4)=600kg/h mGCmG11 x=0.4/0.6=0.67, x=5/95=0.053 12?q=q(x-x)=600(0.67-0.053)=368.6kg/h mwmGC12 ?q(H-H)=q mL21mw q368.6mw q,,,12286.7mLH,H0.039,0.00921 q=q(1+H)=12286.7(1+0.009)=12397.3kg/h mL’mL1 ?q=q(1-w) mGCmG22 q600mGC?q,,,631.6kg/h mG21,w1,0.052
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