首页 君子兰的种植方法



君子兰的种植方法君子兰的种植方法 君子兰通常只用两种繁殖方法:一种是有性繁殖,即播种繁殖法;另一种是无性繁殖中的分株繁殖法。大花君子兰用播种繁殖比较普遍。繁殖方法的优点是可以大量繁殖,以满足从多养花者的需要。但播种繁殖首先要进行人工授粉,最好是异株授粉(结子率高),健壮的植株经异株授粉后一般可结籽十粒;同株授粉只能结籽几粒。 播种法 授粉的方法是:当花被开裂后2,3天,花苞成熟、柱头有粘液分泌时,即为授粉时机。授粉时,用新毛笔蘸取雄蕊的花粉,轻轻地振落在雌蕊的柱头上。为提高结子率,可在上午9,10时、下午2,3时之间各授粉1...

君子兰的种植 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 君子兰通常只用两种繁殖方法:一种是有性繁殖,即播种繁殖法;另一种是无性繁殖中的分株繁殖法。大花君子兰用播种繁殖比较普遍。繁殖方法的优点是可以大量繁殖,以满足从多养花者的需要。但播种繁殖首先要进行人工授粉,最好是异株授粉(结子率高),健壮的植株经异株授粉后一般可结籽十粒;同株授粉只能结籽几粒。 播种法 授粉的方法是:当花被开裂后2,3天,花苞成熟、柱头有粘液分泌时,即为授粉时机。授粉时,用新毛笔蘸取雄蕊的花粉,轻轻地振落在雌蕊的柱头上。为提高结子率,可在上午9,10时、下午2,3时之间各授粉1次,约8,9个月后种子可成熟。当果皮由绿色逐渐变为黑紫色时,即可将果穗剪下,过10,20天后把种子剥出。播种前,将种子放入30,35?的温水中浸泡20,30分钟后取出,晾1,2小时 (此时如能用10,磷酸钠液浸泡20,30分钟,取出洗净后再在清水中浸10,15小时,则更好),即可播入培养土。播种后的花盆置于室温20,25?、湿度90,左右的环境中,大约1,2星期即萌发出胚根。 进行播种繁殖前首先要准备好培养土。制作培养土可用的材料很多,但比较容易取得的一种是用从树林表层取来的带有充分腐殖质的疏松土,掺入1,3的干净细沙土即可。 君子兰喜微酸性的土质,以pH值6,6(5为宜。用播种方法繁殖君子兰的时间要求并不严格,春、秋、冬三季都可播种,但气温是一个重要因素,最好在20,25?的条件下播种,就能适应萌发胚芽的温度要求。 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more 分株法 花卉的无性繁殖有扦插、分株、压条、嫁接等方法,但君子兰的无性繁殖一般都只采用分株法,垂笑君子兰采用此法更为普遍。 用分株法繁殖,先要做几样准备工作:?家庭盆栽的要准备好花盆,花盆最好是瓦盆,不要图盆表面美观而购买瓷质、陶质的,因为它们透气性差,不利于植株发育成长。?准备好介质土,最好要进行消毒处理。如用腐殖土混合细砂的,腐殖土要用高锰酸钾1000,2000倍水溶液喷洒消毒;细河砂也要用滚开的开水烫洗消毒,避免幼苗受病菌感染腐烂。?准备少许木炭粉涂抹伤口作吸潮防止腐烂之用。?将切割用的刀磨锋利,并最后在磨石上快速干磨(不加水)数十下,使刀身高度发热,以杀灭病菌。 分株时,先将君子兰母株从盆中同来,去掉宿土,找出可以分株的腑芽。如果子株生在母株外沿,株体较小,可以一手握住鳞茎部分,另一手捏住子株基部,撕掰一下,就能把子株掰离母体;如果子株粗壮,不易掰下,就应该用准备好的锋利小刀把它割下来。千万不可强掰,以免损伤幼株。子株割下后,应立即用干木炭粉涂抹伤口,以吸干流液,防止腐烂。接着,将子株上盆种植 。种植时,种植深度以埋住子株的基部假鳞茎为度,靠苗株的部位要使其略高一些,并盖上经过消毒的沙土。种好后随即浇一次透水,待到2星期后伤口愈合时,再加盖一层培养土。一般须经1,2个月生出新根,1,2年开花。用分株法繁殖的君子兰,遗传性比较稳定,可以保持原种的各种特征。 栽培方法 土壤 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more 君子兰适宜用含腐殖质丰富的土壤,这种土壤透气性好、渗水性好,且土质肥沃,具微酸性(pH6.5)。一般君子兰土壤的配置,6份腐叶土、2份松针、1份河砂或炉灰渣、1份底肥(麻子等)。 腐叶土主要是指柞树叶子,也叫橡树。这种树叶质地厚,是很好的腐殖质。有营养,透水性好。其它树叶太薄,腐化后就没有了,无法和其它介质掺合配土。栽培时用盆随植株生长时逐渐加大,栽培一年生苗时,适用3寸盆。第二年换5寸盆,以后每过1--2年换入大一号的花盆,换盆可在春、秋两季进行。 浇水 君子兰具有较发达的肉质根,根内存蓄着一定的水分,所以这种花比较耐旱。不过,耐旱的花也不可严重缺水,尤其在夏季高温加上空气干燥的情况下不可忘记及时浇水,否则,花卉的根、叶都会受到损伤,导致新叶萌发不出,原来的叶片焦估,不仅影响开花,甚至会引起植株死亡。但是,浇水过多又会烂根。所以要好好掌握,经常注意盆土干湿情况,出现半干就要浇一次,但浇的量不宜多,保持盆土润而不潮就是恰到好处。 一般情况下,春天每天浇1次;夏季浇水,可用细喷水壶将叶面及周围地面一起浇,晴天一天浇2次;秋季隔天浇1次;冬季每星期浇一次或更少。但必须注意,这里指的是“一般情况“。必须随着各种不同的具体情况,灵活掌握。比如说,晴天要多浇;阴天要少浇,连续阴天则隔几天浇一回;雨天则不浇。气温高、空气干燥时一天要浇几次;花盆大的,因土内储水量大而不易风干,可少浇;花盆小,水分容易蒸发掉,则应适量多浇。花盆放置在通风好、容易蒸发的地方,宜适量多and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more 浇;通气差、蒸发慢、空气湿度大的地方则应少浇。苗期可以少浇;开花期需多浇。总之,要视具体情况而定,以保证盆土柔润,不使太干、太潮为原则。 有条件的当然是用磁化水最好;其次是雨水、雪水或江河里的活水,再次是池塘里的水,最差的是自来水。住在大城市中的养花者只有自来水可用,那么,可以用一个小水缸或盆桶,把自来水放进去,隔2,3天后再浇。这样可以使水中部分有害的杂质沉淀。另外,可以让水中所含的物质得到氧化和纯化,而且可以使水的温度接近盆土的温度,不致太冷或太热,使植株受到伤害。 施肥 花卉中有不少是喜肥的,但对喜肥花卉施肥也要有一个限度,过多施肥,不利生长,甚至会成植株烂根或焦枯。君子兰也属于这类植物,必须做到适量施肥。 君子兰 花卉在不同的生长发育阶段对养分的需要量也不同。所以应该在各个时期采取不同的适合于植株需要的施肥方式。如施底肥、追肥、根外施肥等。 (1)施底肥(或称基肥)。目的是创造植株生长发育的条件,满足其对养分的需要。君子兰施底肥应在每2年一次的换盆时进行。施入土壤中常用的厩肥(即禽畜粪肥)、堆肥、绿肥、豆饼肥等。 (2)追肥。主要是促进植株的生长。君子兰可施用饼肥、鱼粉、骨粉等肥料。初栽植的少施些,以后随着植株的长大和叶片的增加,施肥量也随之逐渐增加,施肥时,扒开盆土施入2-3厘米深的土中即可,但要注意,施入的肥料不要太靠近根系,以免烧伤根系。施这种固体肥一般每月施一次已够,不宜再密。 (3)追施液肥。追施液肥是将浸泡沤制过的动植and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more 物腐熟的上清液兑上30-40的清水后浇施在盆土上。小幼苗宜浇对水40倍的,中苗宜对水30倍的,大苗可只对20倍水。浇施肥液后隔1-2天后要接着浇一次清水(水量不宜多),使肥料渗放盆土中的根系,充分发挥肥效。浇施液肥前1-2天不要浇水,让盆土比较干一些再施肥液,更为有效。施肥时间最好在清晨;浇施时,应让肥液沿盆边浇入,注意避免施在植株及叶片上。 此外,施肥品种也应根据季节不同,施不同的肥料。如春、冬两季宜施些磷、钾肥,如鱼粉、骨粉、麻饼等,有利于叶脉形成和提高叶片的光泽度;而秋季则宜施些腐熟的动物毛、角、蹄或豆饼的浸出液,以30-40倍清水兑稀后浇施,助长叶片生长。 (4)根外追肥。用这种方法施肥,主要是弥补土壤中养分之不足,以解决植株体内缺肥的问题,使幼苗生长快、花朵果实长得肥大。根外施肥就是把肥料的稀释液直接用雾器喷在植株的叶面上,让营养元素通过叶片表皮细胞和气孔渗入叶内组织再输往植株全身。常用的施肥品种有尿素、磷酸二氢钾、过磷酸钙等。喷时,要向叶片正反两面均匀喷施。生长季节4-6天喷1次,半休眠时2星期1次,一般在日出后喷施,植株开花后即宜停施,必须注意的是,这种方法只有在发现植株缺肥的情况下才可使用。若植株营养充足,生长旺盛,则不宜采用。 后期管理 君子兰花期一般在2-4月,开花后,可用适当降温、通风和减少光照的方法延长花期。君子兰花期的长短,可以通过人们莳养技术进行控制。 君子兰花期前后在栽培管理上应作如下处理: 施肥:应加施一次骨粉、发酵好的鱼内脏、豆饼水,可使花色鲜艳,花朵增大,叶片肥厚。否则,and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more 易出现花朵小,数量少,花色淡的现象。同时应注意避免氮肥施用过多,磷钾肥料不足,以致生长衰弱或叶子徒长,影响显蕾开花。 光照:要给予一定的光照条件,以满足光合作用和开花对光照的要求。强光照下,花期短,花色艳;弱光下,花色淡。光照太长、太强或长期荫蔽,光照不足,均影响养分制造积累,使之不能显蕾开花。 温度:适宜的温度对开花效果的好坏有明显影响,温度过高根毛存在时间极短,吸收水肥的功能大幅度减退,使君子兰呈现半休眠状态;温度低于10~(2也会使生长受到抑制;生长期应控制在15?-25?,花期应在15?-20?。根毛存在的时间长,水肥吸收功能好,叶片就长得短而宽,花势茂盛。还应注意君子兰昼夜要保持8~C左右的温差,因为它在白天较高温度条件下制造的有机物是需要在夜间较低温度条件下贮存和消化的。 水分:君子兰在整个植株生长期间不能缺水,进入开花期需水量更大,生长湿度不低于60,。 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more
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