首页 2010届高考英语作文十大热点 - 漳州市教育局---首页

2010届高考英语作文十大热点 - 漳州市教育局---首页


2010届高考英语作文十大热点 - 漳州市教育局---首页2010届高考英语作文十大热点 - 漳州市教育局---首页 2010届高考英语作文十大热点 热点一:国庆60周年 新中国成立60周年来,我国发生了翻天覆地的变化,请你据此写一 篇120字的英语作文,谈谈自己的感想。 要求: 1. 列出生活中反映一两件家乡变化的事, 如购新车、住新房等。 2. 列出最近发生的一两件国家大事, 如成功举办奥运、“神舟七号” 顺利升空等。 3. 要表达出你的喜悦和自豪之情,并谈谈你的感想。 Great changes have taken place since our...

2010届高考英语作文十大热点 - 漳州市教育局---首页
2010届高考英语作文十大热点 - 漳州市教育局---首页 2010届高考英语作文十大热点 热点一:国庆60周年 新中国成立60周年来,我国发生了翻天覆地的变化,请你据此写一 篇120字的英语作文,谈谈自己的感想。 要求: 1. 列出生活中反映一两件家乡变化的事, 如购新车、住新房等。 2. 列出最近发生的一两件国家大事, 如成功举办奥运、“神舟七号” 顺利升空等。 3. 要 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达出你的喜悦和自豪之情,并谈谈你的感想。 Great changes have taken place since our country was founded 60 years ago. In the past在过去 we lived in the small and old houses and now we move into new broad宽阔的 ones which are more than one hundred square meters平方米. At the same time, many families have owned拥有 their new cars. Besides而且, our country hosted举办 the 29th Olympic Games successfully in 2008 and we took the first place in winning gold medals 金牌. Another inspiring鼓舞人心的 event大事 was that the Shenzhou ? was sent into space smoothly顺利地, which shows our scientific research 科研get great achievements成就. We are proud of all these achievements. I am sure our country will become even stronger and richer. I love our motherland祖国 very much. Let’s work hard to make contributions to为…做祖国 our country in the future. 热点二:甲型流感:(1) 假如你是李华,你学校内有人得了猪流感,正在接受治疗,你校学生 非常害怕,请你写一篇短文谈谈如何预防猪流感, 1. 平时外出戴口罩,少去人群集中的公共场所, 避免接触病人等。 2. 勤洗手,保证充足睡眠,多锻炼多运动等。 3. 词数: 120字左右 4. 文章的开头已给出, 不计入总词数。 参考词汇: 猪流感swine flu; 口罩 face mask. Swine flu has come to our School! However, there is no vaccine to protect its virus. How do we protect us from it? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Swine flu has come to our School! However, there is no vaccine疫 苗 to prevent the virus病毒. How do we protect ourselves from it? We advise that you should wear face masks口罩 and avoid going to the crowded拥挤的 place when you go out. Do remember not to be in close contact接触 with the patients infected受感染 with swine flu. On the other hand, the best way to stay away from远离 this virus is to wash your hands often, and make sure that you have enough sleep. At the same time, we should do more exercise so that we can build up our bodies增强 体质. We are sure that we must overcome the threat威胁 as long as we take proper measures采取妥当的措施 and insist on taking exercise坚持 锻炼 every day. 热点三:甲型流感:(2) 不同人都有着不同的习惯,个人习惯直接关系着公共卫生。请根据下 列要求,写一篇120字的英语短文,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总 词数。 1. 介绍有些人不同的好习惯和坏习惯。 2. 习惯与卫生的关系:习惯是卫生基础; 不好的习惯,会导致一些传 染疾病传播,如AIDS,SARS, H1N1流感等。 3. 你的看法„„。 It is generally believed that different people have different habits. Some people are addicted to habits like drinking and smoking, while others pay special attention to healthy diet and never taste things like alcohol and cigarettes. It goes without saying that毫无疑问 there is a close relationship between personal habits and public health. On the one hand, good habits serve as the necessary basis of public health, that is to say, without good habits, public health can’t be guaranteed. On the other hand, infectious disease is the natural result brought by dirty habits, like AIDS, SARS, H1N1 flu and so on. Personally, I think it is high time we placed emphasis on improving personal habits and public health. If we mind our manners and behave ourselves well, there must be a bright and encouraging future. 热点四:上海世博会 2009年5月1日世博会志愿者招募仪式正式启动,志愿者是办好世 博会的一支重要的工作力量。另外,志愿者或做家教,教小孩子阅读、 算术,或打扫公园与街道,或到医院或疗养院帮忙。你愿意做志愿者 吗,请陈述理由写一篇100字左右的短文。 I would like to be a volunteer in my spare time. My reasons are as follows: First of all, it is a good virtue美德 to help others, even in modern society. We all need others’ help in case we get into trouble. Secondly, we are able to better ourselves by helping others because we gain valuable experience and build up our confidence while serving others. What’s more, volunteering makes us feel better about ourselves, thus making our life more enjoyable. More importantly, we can make the world a better place to live in by volunteering to improve it. In summary, volunteering can make a difference to our life, so I think it is very rewarding to be a volunteer. 热点五:金融危机下大学生就业 当今我国大学生就业成功率很低,除了全球性的金融危机影响外,还 有就是大学生对工作的选择。有的人认为应该优先选择自己喜欢的工 作,而不是自己擅长的;另一部分人相反。你班学生就此事进行讨论, 请客观地介绍情况并谈谈你的看法。 观点 理由 一部分人 喜欢比擅长重要。 兴趣是最好的老师,精通与擅长的可 能性会大大增加等。 另一部分 擅长比喜欢重要。 擅长更容易成功,后天努力培养兴趣。 你 „„ „„ 注意:1. 短文须包括所有要点, 可适度发挥。 2. 开头已为你写好, 但不计人总词数。 3. 词数:120左右。 Recently the students in our class have discussed the following topic: which is more important for college graduates to choose jobs, being interested in it or being good at it?_______ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recently the students in our class have discussed the following topic: which is more important for college graduates to choose jobs, being interested in it or being good at it? Some agree that the love of job is very important because interest is the best teacher. People are often willing to do what they like doing. If you are not good at it in the beginning, you can work hard and gradually improve your skills to make you good at it. While others hold their view that if you are good at it, you have more chances to achieve success very soon. While you work, you can do all you can to gain the interest in it little by little. From my point of view, I think we should make full use of our strengths to change them each other regardless of the fact that you like it or you are good at it. 热点六:“快乐女声” 等选秀热 2009年 “快乐女声” 的火爆已无需渲染。你对此现象进行简单的 调查,结果如下: 有些人认为 “平民平等参与,有机会一夜成名等”。 也有些人认为 “快女” 中还存在一些不尽人意的地方, 如 “浪费 时间和精力,影响学习,产生一夜成名的不良志向 (bad ambition) 等”。请根据以上情况为 “无为论坛” 写一篇报告并发表自己的观 点。 注意: 1. 包括以上全部要点可适当 发挥,使上下文连贯。 2. 词数: 100,120。 3. 文章的格式和开头已给出, 不计入总词数。 To: Wuwei Forum From : Li Hua Date: June 20, 2009 Subject: Super Girl Super Girl has already been very hot all over China since it started on May 7, 2009 in Beijing. We have had a survey about the phenomenon recently. __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. To: Wuwei Forum From : Li Hua Date: June 20, 2009 Subject: Super Girl Super Girl has already been very hot all over China since it started on May 7, 2009 in Beijing. We have had a survey about the phenomenon recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say Super Girl is their favorite. They hold their view that Super Girl can offer a stage for ordinary people to take part in it equally and have the chance of becoming famous overnight. While others think that Super Girl makes the girls waste time and energy so that it can have some bad effects on their study. In addition, it can cause some teenagers to have bad ambition about becoming famous overnight. From my point of view, it is wrong of young people to admire Super Girl too much, because they may mislead young people. I think to learn more and work hard is the real way to success. 热点七:低碳经济下的环境保护(1) “低碳经济”是一个具有广泛社会性的经济前沿理念,最早是在 2003年英国政府发布的能源白皮 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 《我们能源的未来:创建低碳经 济》正式提出的。低碳经济包括低碳发展、低碳产业、低碳技术和低 碳生活等经济形态,是指在不影响经济发展的前提下,通过技术创新 和 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 创新,降低能源和资源消耗,尽可能最大限度地减少温室气体 和污染物的排放,实现减缓气候变化的目标,促进人类的可持续发展。 Protection of Environment 1. 目前环保还存在着许多问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 2. 为了保护环境3. 各国政府做了大 量的工作。4. 我的看法。 There are still many problems of environmental protection环保 recently近阶段. One of the most serious 严重的problems is the pollution of air and water . The polluted受污染的 air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes引起 diseases and death. To protect保护 the environment, governments政府 of many countries have done a lot. Laws法律 have been made to control控制 air pollution, to protect the natural resources资源 and to stop pollution. In my opinion, to为了 protect environment, the government must take more measures. First, it should let people realize意识到 the importance of environmental protection through通过 education. Second, population should be controlled strictly严格地 because more people means more pollution. Finally, I suggest those who destroy the environment on purpose故意 should be punished惩罚. 热点八:低碳经济下的环境保护(2) 根据题目《师父被熏晕过去了》的漫画和下面要求写一篇关于河水污 染的感想。 1. 情况。2. 原因。3. 后果。4. 措施。 词数 100~120。 One day Sun Wukong with his master师傅 and brothers兄弟 was walking across a river. Suddenly his master fell off the horse by the bad smell气味 of river water. They found the water was so dirty脏的 that they could hardly breathe呼吸. A number of factories along the river always poured倒 their waste water废水 and rubbish 垃圾straight直接 into the river , which made the river water polluted and most of the fish in the river were killed. Now more and more people have come to逐渐地 realize意识到 how serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measures采取措施 to fight against pollution对付污染. We expect期望 that the water in every river will become cleaner soon . 热点九:低碳经济下的环境保护(3) 全世界的环境问题在变得越来越严重。请你根据漫画内容和下面要求 给China Daily写一封信反映这一情况,并提出保护环境的建议。 注意:1.信的开头与结尾已经给出,不计算在总词数内。 2. 字数要求: 120左右。 人口膨胀population expansion;过度开发overdevelopment。 Dear editor, Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours truly Li Hua Dear editor, Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious严重 的 all over the world. With the development of industry and agriculture随着工农业的发 展, cars make great noises and give off排放 poisonous gas毒气. Because of the increasing population (and overdevelopment过度发展), trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water has been poured 倾泄 into rivers. The whole ecological生态的 balance of the earth is changing , which has brought about bad effects 影响. We must face the situation局面 and take measures采取措施 to solve our environmental problems. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a nice environment. Yours truly Li Hua 热点十:刘翔王者归来 刘翔, 作为前奥运会110米栏冠军,世界纪录保持者,因伤退赛留下 遗憾,尽管如此,刘翔克服重重压力,重新复出,夺得2010年全运 会冠军。请根据下面的介绍写一篇短文。 明星档案 姓名:Liu Xiang 生日:1983.7.13 出生地:上海 项目:the men’s 110 meters hurdles 辉煌战绩: 2004年以12秒91的成绩110米栏奥运夺得冠军,成为中国第一人。 2006 年,在the super grand prix meeting in Lausanne中以12秒88打 破世界纪录。 精神: 拼搏; 坚定的信念; 。 Liu Xiang, born on July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, is a well-known athlete in track and field in China. Liu Xiang won the men’s 110 meters hurdle跨栏 final决赛 and got a gold medal in the Athens 2004 Olympic Games in August, 2004. Therefore, he became the first Chinese man to win an Olympic track and field title头衔/称号. Liu Xiang has returned as a king and got the champion冠军 of national sports meeting in October 2009 . He overcame the pressure and the pain of being hurt. His determined spirit helps him stand again. It is not easy to have it. To do this, we must establish a firm faith信念 in our actions and be ready to devote ourselves to them.
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