首页 少儿美术教案——和长颈鹿比高



少儿美术教案——和长颈鹿比高少儿美术教案——和长颈鹿比高 课 题:和长颈鹿比高 教学目的:让幼儿了解长颈鹿的生活习惯,培养幼儿认真观察、 积极思维的能力和创造性。 教学要点:突出长颈鹿的特征。 教学准备:长颈鹿图片 教学过程: 1课题导入:头小四腿长,脖子高过房,身穿花皮袄, 不声又不响。猜一猜,这说的是什么, 噢,原来是 长颈鹿。你们能画出它的样子来吗, 2认知启蒙:长颈鹿的个子很高。它长着小小的头、长 长的腿和长长的脖子,抬起头来比房子还高。长颈鹿 虽然很高,可是许多动物还是想和它比一比高矮。小 猴爬上了树,小兔子在月亮上荡...

少儿美术教案——和长颈鹿比高 课 题:和长颈鹿比高 教学目的:让幼儿了解长颈鹿的生活习惯,培养幼儿认真观察、 积极思维的能力和创造性。 教学要点:突出长颈鹿的特征。 教学准备:长颈鹿图片 教学过程: 1课题导入:头小四腿长,脖子高过房,身穿花皮袄, 不声又不响。猜一猜,这说的是什么, 噢,原来是 长颈鹿。你们能画出它的样子来吗, 2认知启蒙:长颈鹿的个子很高。它长着小小的头、长 长的腿和长长的脖子,抬起头来比房子还高。长颈鹿 虽然很高,可是许多动物还是想和它比一比高矮。小 猴爬上了树,小兔子在月亮上荡秋千,它们都比长颈 鹿高了许多。小朋友,想想看,你能变得比长颈鹿高 吗, 3老师的话:画长颈鹿时,可以把它的头形和身体形状 分别画在纸的不同位置,再用线连接起这两个形,就 画出了脖子,添上四条腿和身上的花皮袄,长颈鹿可 爱的外形就画出来了。如果在画中添加一些要和长颈 鹿比一比高矮的人或物,画面就更有意思了。怎么才 能变得比长颈鹿高呢,小朋友一定会想出 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 来的。 你们说呢, Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 4幼儿作画,教师指导:重点是表现长颈鹿长长的脖子。 5 讲评作业: 教学反馈: Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 课 题:打电话 课 时:6课时 教学目的:通过画打电话,培养孩子仔细观察生活的能力,丰富想象力, 用画面表达自己的情感。 课题导入:小小话筒两头接,一头听来一头唱。猜一猜,是什么呢,原 来是电话。小朋友打过电话吗,今天我们就来画一画打电 话。 认识启蒙:电话是一种很方便实用的通讯工具,它是英国人贝尔发明的。 一条长长的电话线,将两个相很远很远的人连在一起,从电 话里,可以听见彼此的声音。嘀嘀„„电话铃响了,直快拿 起话筒:“喂~你好~”原来是出差的爸爸从外地打回来的。 好几天没有见到爸了,听到他的声音真高兴,就像爸爸回到 了家里一样。有了电话真好。 老师的话:打电话时,不同的人会有不同的方法,动作不一样,表情也各 不相同。有的人可能会大吼大叫,有的人可能会慢声细语, 还有的人会很高兴,也许还有的人会很生气呢~只要平时细 心观察,就会发现每个打电话的人都有很多有趣的动作和神 态。如果能把这些画出来,再画出电话机的形状及周围环境, 作品就会很有意思,画面也会生动自然、丰富多彩。可以画 你熟悉的爸爸,也可以画你不熟悉的人;可以画出通话双方 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 的情景,也可以只画通话一方的动作及表情变化。可以根据自 己的想法,任意去画。 教学反馈: Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 课 题:小白兔 课 时:6课时 教学目的:听歌谣,根据平时的观察和想象作画,培养孩子的创作兴 趣,并进一步巩固水粉和油彩结合的画法。 课题导入:小朋友,这个可爱的小动物你喜欢吗,自己编一个有关小 白兔的故事,大胆地用笔画出来。 认知启蒙:小白兔非常可爱,浑身长满白白的细毛,两只耳朵长长的, 尾巴短短的,眼睛是红色的。它的前肢比后肢短,平时走 起路来一蹦一跳的,遇上敌人,跑得可快了。小白兔性格 温柔,是很善良的动物,从来不会欺负别的小动物。平时, 它最喜欢吃的东西是萝卜和青菜叶。 老师的话:作画时首先用油粉笔勾画出小兔子的轮廓,注意小兔子的 形态特征和动作。可以根据自己的想象,大胆地添加一些 与小兔子有关的故事场景。用水粉颜料(可加水,也可干 画)涂在小兔子的身上,来加强油粉笔的色彩效果,同时 表现出小兔子软的皮毛。最后用衡释的水粉颜料涂一些与 有色纸相近的底色,使有色纸的单一颜色产生一些深浅变 化,画面的色彩就会更加谐调。 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 课 题:画画人民币上的风景画 课 时:6课时 设计目的:画画人民币上的风景画这一课题的设计,旨在通过描画人 民币四的风景画,深入细致地了解祖国货币。从小树立爱 护人民币的好思想,养成好习惯,做一个有文化、有理想、 道德高尚的文明小公民。 教学准备:1、每个小朋友准备一张带有你喜欢的风景画的纸币,找一 个放 2、用特细钢笔参照纸币风景画的颜色吸彩水笔水 3、找一张不洇的稍厚一些的16开或8开的白纸。 教学过程:小朋友,你们对钱一定不陌生,从懂事起就知道用钱买东 西了。但你们知道从什么时候起我国就有了钱币吗,告诉 你吧,在三四千年前也就是在夏、商、周三代的我们的祖 先就已经把“海贝”作为货币使用了。我国是世界上最早 使用货币的国家之一,也是最早使用纸币的国家之一。中 国的纸币始于元代,已有近八百年的历史了。货币接反映 了我国在各个历史时期的政治、经济及文化进程。 人民币上都印有中国的国徽,在硬币上国徽占满了整个背 面,还印有中华人民共和国字样。所以爱护人民币就是爱 国行为。 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 要做到爱护人民币首先要了解人民币,小朋友你们知道吗,每张稍大一点面额纸币的背面都有一幅好看的风景画。如:一元的是万里长城、五元的是长江三峡、拾元的是大雪山、贰拾元的是桂林山水、伍拾元的是黄河瀑布等。下面我们就试着画画这些风景画吧~ 提示要点:1、纸币上的画是采用雕刀干刻技法。表现大面积的交叉斜线大都是用的美柔汀干刻法。美柔汀是机械性、绘画性完美结合的技法,线条挺拔、精美细致。我们在做这样的效果时,可采用直线交叉画法,也能达到这种效果,且比美柔汀还生动自然。 2、画面不要太大,太大易空,而且芭也较大。也不要太小,太小影响细部刻画,使线条不能流畅、舒展,影响作画情绪。也不要把画画得太满,画面的周围要留有1cm,2cm的白边。 3、近景、中景、远景之间的比例不能改变。线条也不要过于装饰失掉原,在整体上要画得很象,让人一眼就能知道是哪种币上的风景画。 4、用线条的疏密表示远近关系。 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village
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