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电动车充电站介绍电动车充电站介绍 电动自行车智能充电管理系统 、 本设备主要为物业小 区及其它电动车集中存放 处,提供有偿计量收费。彻 底解决小区内因无充电、计 量设备,致使业主在单元楼 前,乱拉乱扯电线等诸多安 全隐患现象提供解决办法。 同时,也方便了业主,不需要再拆卸电池上楼充电。电动车集中管理,防止了被盗现象的发生,解决了电动车管理中的老大难问题。也为小区管理单位的增收创造出条件,物业规范管理,建立健全智能化管理配套设施,营造和谐社区。是物业单位和开发商打造多元化服务、人性化服务的配套设施选择之一。 我们采用的智能...

电动车充电站介绍 电动自行车智能充电管理系统 、 本设备主要为物业小 区及其它电动车集中存放 处,提供有偿计量收费。彻 底解决小区内因无充电、计 量设备,致使业主在单元楼 前,乱拉乱扯电线等诸多安 全隐患现象提供解决办法。 同时,也方便了业主,不需要再拆卸电池上楼充电。电动车集中管理,防止了被盗现象的发生,解决了电动车管理中的老大难问题。也为小区管理单位的增收创造出条件,物业规范管理,建立健全智能化管理配套设施,营造和谐社区。是物业单位和开发商打造多元化服务、人性化服务的配套设施选择之一。 我们采用的智能系统有着独创的技术优势, , 产品采用模块化设计,扩展方便,系统工作更稳定。 , 总线具有自修复功能,可以自动修复网络故障,确保系统正常工作。 , 独创“傻瓜”维护技术,我司产品如出现故障,只需要更换故障模块, 无需人工编程。 , 便于住户充电~杜绝私自接线~消除安全隐患~改善小区环境 , 按照设定费率~刷卡后~卡片拿走,采用预付费模式~无需催缴收费 , 超过此功率则自动切断供电~防止恶性负载 approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as , 充电过程中~检测到充电已经饱~可以自动断电~防止过充~也避免 电能浪费 , 正常充电中~如果二次刷卡~将中断充电~并且将剩余金额写回卡上~ 解决住户临时充电问题,比如中午下班回家临时充电, , 内设断电保护:具有过载保护功能~且自动恢复~过载功率可调 系统的优势 1、充电插座自带刷卡功能~国内一般的充电系统业主充电系统必须在主机箱上去刷才能充电~操作相当麻烦~我公司充电系统只需要在充电插座上就可以完成刷卡充电~操作简单~方便业主。 2、智能插座自动识别电动车充电器~杜绝其他设备使用~比如:电饭锅~吹风机~电炉~热水瓶这些大功率设备都是无法使用的~电动车电池充满自动断电功能~一般的充电系统是定时断电~我公司充电系统对电动车充电器进行实时检测~电池充满停止供电~停止计费。有效避免过充带来电池爆炸~元器件发热起火等故障~无需依赖充电器自身配置~如果用电功率超过电动车充电功率~则系统自动停止供电。 3、业主无法出现偷电的情况~包月的用户只能是一卡对一车~业主已经刷卡充电则无法在充下一个电动车。 4、整个系统的所有设备都自带有过流保护装置~当充电设置短路时保护装置自动启动~不会因充电设备短路起火等故障~提高了整个系统的安全性。 5、具备防盗电功能~在业主充电期间~假如有人将充电器拔掉换成自己的~此时该插座将会断电~使偷电的行为无法得逞~且原业主的卡在断电时刻自动停止计费, approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as 6、实现自由充值和消费~无须投币~也可减少物业管理公司的管理环节~业主可以选择消费方式~不同的业主充电次数与充电时间都不一样~对每天都充电的业主可以选择包月的方式比较划算~不常充电的业主可以选择充电子钱包的方式~跟据充电时间扣除钱~如果一天充电时间不到1小时~只需要花1毛钱左右~合理扣费~另外还有一种按次数充值方式。 7、随时可以中断充电~只需刷卡退出即可~即使忘记刷卡~只要拔掉充电器~该用户卡自动停止计时~不会收取额外的费用, 8、管理方便~物业无须定时巡视、清空钱箱, 9、设计高档~做工考究~LCD高亮显示屏~可实时显示当前日期及时间,用户可随时查看卡上余额。 10、具备刷卡蜂鸣提示功能~极大的方便了业主的使用~平时提示音短叫,小于1秒的鸣叫,~当卡上余额即将用完时提示音长叫3秒,当卡上金额已用完时提示音长叫5秒。 11、充电保护:一旦充电完成~系统就可以自动断电~一方面可以节省业主的费用~另一方面~可以对电池进行有效保护, 系统功能介绍 一、电动车智能充电系统应包括内容 好的电动车智能充电系统包括以下几点: , 用户操作简单,智能插座自带刷卡功能,无需排队等待充电。 电动车充电系统approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as - 3 - , 智能插座自动试别电动车充电器,其它电器无法使用。 , 电动车电瓶充满自停。 , 用户消费方式可自由选择“包月”“月卡”“电子钱包” , 用户可随时查看卡上金额。 我们在选择一个电动车充电系统的同时,要切实考虑的主要是,系统的稳定性、系统的安全性、功能的实用性、后期的维护和扩展、外观的高度艺术和操作的人性化。 二、电动车充电系统功能 1、 主机 功能特点: , 落地式金属机身,高温烤漆搭配铝拉 丝面板,防火防爆,尊贵大气, , 轻触按键操作,稳定相当好, , 全中文人机交互屏幕和全中文设置 菜单,省心操作, , 科学计费,互感检测,充饱自停,智 能续充,畅享安全高效充电体验, , 自助余额查询,实时跟踪扣费结果, , 包月卡单卡单用,智能识别一卡同时共用, , 多点单控,一台主机可同时控制40通道用户端 口。 2、 智能插座 approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as 功能特点: , 自带刷卡,直接刷卡充电无需客 户排队等待。 , 防火工艺,经久耐用, , 万能接口,兼容所有充电器接 头, , 智能过载保护,识别非充电器类 型的其他负载, , 防盗电设计,恶意插拔自动断电, , LED实时状态显示, , 蜂鸣报警提示, , 智能检测、充饱自停、智能续充, , RS485总线连接, , 可以选择充值方式“包月”“次数卡”“电子钱包”, 三、现场安装 1、网络构成(本公司采用RS485) 系统采用RS485构成主机和智能插座总线网络,以专有的网络通讯协议和网络通讯 格式,让主机和智能插座一体化 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 电动车充电系统approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as - 5 - 小区电动车智能充电系统---- 陈工制 详细资料请参考: approval, approval of the supervisor, according to design drawings and a model, before extensive construction. (6) the external finishing locally with special materials, according to the drawing requirements. Interior decoration of 12.9 (1) the scope and use of interior decoration materials according to map. Strict construction the contractor, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) Interior finish: cement stone floors, self-levelling floor cement stone chip kicks; flying white walls; flying pink roof. (3) decorating approaches strictly in accordance with design drawings and construction. Decor decoration see repair parts. (4) Interior lamps, specifications must be approved by the design people agree, supervisor approval can be installed. 12.10 balustrades (...Construction organization and allocation of resources of the 13th chapter 13.1 setting principle 1 principle, respond to requirements of the tender documents; 2, adapting to the construction characteristics and the principles of the standard construction site conditions; 3, efficient, capable, flexible and professional to configure the principle; 4, in favor of principles of construction, scheduling and contract management; 5, in favor of contract duration, the project quality and safety principles. 13.2 organizational structure our company is engaged in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction engineering company. For many years through the construction of water conservancy and hydropower project, has accumulated some experience in construction technology, cultivate a group of construction personnel are capable of doing. As well as
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