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长城电器暂行规章制度(9月7日)长城电器暂行规章制度(9月7日) 青岛市长城电力工程配套有限公司 规章制度 批准: 年 月 日 down, roof-construction technology to give the low ?ns ut flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditioied oto the next process. Sc...

长城电器暂行规章制度(9月7日) 青岛市长城电力工程配套有限公司 规章制度 批准: 年 月 日 down, roof-construction technology to give the low ?ns ut flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditioied oto the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carr ore the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried outed beffactory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualifinal team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the fessior modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified proC25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymee for ad, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade ar0mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first ro6@100/200, floors upper and lower 50 φ12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φstructure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 1 目录 第一部分 总 则 .................................................................................................................................... 第二部分 ................................................................................................................................................. 第一章 职工奖罚制度 ......................................................................................................................... 第二章 入职、离职办理规定 ............................................................................................................ 第三章 考勤 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ......................................................................................................................... 第四章 安检制度 .................................................................................................................................. 第五章 会议管理制度 ......................................................................................................................... 第六章 保密制度 .................................................................................................................................. 第七章 合同保险办理制度 ................................................................................................................. 第三部分 ................................................................................................................................................. 第一章 财务部规章制度 ..................................................................................................................... 第二章 办公室规章制度 ..................................................................................................................... 第三章 销售部规章制度 ..................................................................................................................... 第四章 ................................................................................................................................................... 第五章 ................................................................................................................................................... ,后续部分省略~版权所有禁止转载, down, roof-construction technology to give the low ?ns ut flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditioied oto the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carr ore the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried outed beffactory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualifinal team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the fessior modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified proC25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymee for ad, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade ar0mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first ro6@100/200, floors upper and lower 50 φ12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φstructure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 1 第一部分 总则 一、 为规范公司和员工的行为~维护公司及员工的合法权益~保证顺利完成生产任务、 经营目标、管理目标~结合本公司的实际情况制定本规章制度。 二、 禁止任何组织或个人利用任何手段侵占和破坏公司财产和利益。 三、 公司禁止任何机构和个人损害公司形象和声誉的行为。 四、 公司通过发挥全体员工的积极性、创造性~提高全体员工的技术、管理、和经营 水平~不断完善公司的管理和经营体系~实行多种责任制。 五、 公司提倡员工刻苦学习~为员工提供学习和锻炼机会~不断提高员工的素质和水 平~造就一支高效率、讲配合的团队。 六、 公司鼓励员工发扬智慧、多做贡献。对有贡献者~公司予以奖励。 七、 公司为员工提供平等的竞争环境以及合理的晋升平台~鼓励员工积极向上。 八、 公司鼓励员工积极参与公司的决策和管理~欢迎员工向公司提出合理化建议~对 做出贡献者公司予以表彰。 九、 公司尊重员工的辛勤劳动~为其创造良好地工作条件~并对员工提供应有的待遇~ 让员工充分发挥其知识~为公司多做贡献。 十、 公司为员工积极的争取福利待遇~并随着公司发展及经济效益的提高~而提高员 工各方面的待遇。 十一、 公司推行岗位责任制~实行奖罚制度~端正工作作风~提高工作效率~反对办 事拖沓、不负责任的行为。 十二、 为规范公司和员工的行为~维护公司及员工的合法权益~保证顺利完成生产任 务、经营目标、管理目标~结合本公司的实际情况制定本规章制度。 十三、 规章制度包括公司整体制度、各个部门制度、各岗位职责等内容。 十四、 本规章制度适用本公司所有员工~包括管理人员和普通员工,包括试用工和正 式工,对特殊职位的员工另有规定的除外。 十五、 本《规章制度》由行政办公室负责解释。 十六、 本《规章制度》自公布之日起执行~前规章制度同时废止。 down, roof- construction technology to give the low?waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive (mois pecification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed dryingling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the sd sampate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of fielerproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificon wats, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof constructiand door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirementumn, reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure col ction), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoopced way for connestructure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinfor 2 青岛长城电力工程配套有限公司 规章制度 第二部分 公司规章制度 第一章 职工奖罚制度 一 、奖励制度 公司对员工的以下行为予以奖励。 1、热心服务、维护公司荣誉、拾金不昧者,有具体事迹,, 2、工作认真、责任心强、工作业绩突出, 3、为公司生产、管理、采购提出合理化的建议被采纳者, 4、通过正确的解决办法~为公司挽回财物损失者, 5、达到满勤要求者发放满勤奖100元, 6、遇见意外事件和灾害处理得体并与公司同舟共济~挽回经济损失者, 7、个人工作的改进为公司提高效率、创造经济效益者, 8、检举、揭发违反公司规定或损害公司利益的事件, 9、公司实行不定期的优秀员工评选~对工作中表现突出的先进个人进行奖励, 10、实行立功奖励措施~如有立功行为~本人或车间可申报行政办公室~核实后予以 奖励, 11、员工其他有利于公司的行为~具体情况具体奖励。 二、惩罚制度 1、 对犯有以下过失行为的员工~每发现一次罚款30元。 ,1, 穿拖鞋或赤裸上班~有碍现场工作秩序者。 ,2, 将私用物品,袋子、背包等,带入车间。 ,3, 上班时间未经领导批准会客时间超过15分钟。 ,4, 公司员工未经允许使用公司电话拨出、接听私话者。 ,5, 员工下班后未关机器、电脑、空调~未切除电源者。 ,6, 瞒报、涂改或毁坏各类单据、票据、原始记录或账目者。 ,7, 工作时间串岗、脱岗、嬉戏、打闹者。 ,8, 上班时间玩手机、长时间接打电话、戴耳机听音乐者。 ,9, 在宿舍大声吵闹、喧哗、放歌、看电视等妨碍他人休息者。 ,10, 在要求禁烟的场所随便吸烟者~禁烟场所:车间、宿舍、办公室,礼仪接待除 外,。 ,11, 乱丢烟蒂、果壳、纸屑等垃圾~乱倒饭菜、茶叶、乱丢杂物、随地吐痰等影响 环境卫生者。 ,12, 在宿舍内乱拉大功率用电设备~浪费水电资源~不讲卫生者。 ,13, 未经许可擅自攀爬大门及院墙。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 3 ,14, 工作态度粗暴~有投诉或经查实却有其事者。 ,15, 随意撕除公司张贴的标识~警示语~以及各类通知、文件者。 ,16, 不按规定要求停放车辆者。 2、 对犯有以下过失行为的员工~每发现一次罚款50元。 ,1, 工作器具、仓库材料、机器零部件~不按规定摆放者, ,2, 非电工人员乱拉、乱动供电设备者, ,3, 出入公司不遵守门卫规定或携带物品出入厂区~而不主动配合警卫人员或管理 人员查询者, ,4, 将管制刀具、棍棒、易燃易爆品带入厂区、宿舍、办公楼者, ,5, 未经允许兼任其他职务或兼营与本公司同类的业务, ,6, 不按要求打扫卫生~卫生区域出现脏、乱、差者, ? 地面 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 :整洁干净~无废纸、废料等一切垃圾~墙角、工作台低等死角~ 无杂物、无余料、无机器配件等, ? 工作台标准:工作台不得随意挪动~台面要清洁干净~工具、模具摆放条理~ 不得有任何杂物~不得堆放任何成品或半成品, ? 机器标准:及时维护~无明显灰尘、无明显污物~经常擦洗, ? 清洁标准:整理垃圾时要把铜丝、铝丝、PVC等边角废料分别收集放臵~禁止 丢弃。成品、半成品放臵有序~禁止在过道放臵任何东西。 ,7, 非该岗位员工~乱开、乱用、擅自动用设备者, ,8, 在本公司范围内~未经批准干私活者, ,9, 上班时间喝酒、聚众赌博者, ,10, 未到下班时间~提前等待打卡者, ,11, 违反操作 规程 煤矿测量规程下载煤矿测量规程下载配电网检修规程下载地籍调查规程pdf稳定性研究规程下载 和安全生产管理制度行为~或违反情节严重~但未造成后果的。 3、 对犯有以下过失行为的员工~每发现一次罚款10——500元。 ,1, 虚假考勤者~多报工时者~罚款50元, ,2, 上下班不及时打卡签到~上班迟到、早退~违反一次扣5——20元。当月违反3 次~罚款100元, ,3, 公司举行例会时~迟到、手机铃响、接听或者拨打电话~每次罚款20元, ,4, 旷工扣除旷工时段工资~另每天罚款100元~过三日后视为自动离职, ,5, 所有员工请假必须征得部门主管同意~履行正常请假手续后~方可离开。未履 行手续者~按照旷工处理, ,6, 违反公司相关制度经指出后仍不改正者~下次加罚50元, ,7, 接到公司领导指令后推诿或措施不力、指挥不动者~每次罚款100元, ,8, 同事间或上下级领导间吵架、斗嘴~不听劝告或协调者~对同事恶意攻击或诬 告、中伤他人、制造事端者罚款100元,打架斗殴者~处于双方各200元罚款~ 挑起事端者~直接开除。情节严重的~扣除工资~将追求法律责任。 down, roof- construction technology to give the low?waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive (mois pecification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed dryingling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the sd sampate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of fielerproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificon wats, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof constructiand door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirementumn, reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure col ction), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoopced way for connestructure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinfor 4 青岛长城电力工程配套有限公司 规章制度 ,9, 随意挪用、损坏设备或安全器材的~处于50元罚款, ,10, 遗失经营管理之重要文件、物品或工具~除按原价赔偿外~每次罚款50元, ,11, 不配合各部门工作的罚款100元, ,12, 各员工之间应互相监督、检查~发现隐瞒、包庇问题或知情不报~并造成损失 的罚款100元, ,13, 不配合安检工作者~罚款100元。 4、对犯有以下过失的员工~公司将予以开除~扣发相应工资~情节严重者将移交司法机关。 ,1, 故意损坏公司重要生产设备、产品、资源者, ,2, 连续3日旷工者, ,3, 造谣生事、散播谣言致使公司财物受损或他人蒙受伤害者, ,4, 参加非法组织, ,5, 利用公司名义招摇撞骗及伪造公司文件、图章图利、使公司蒙受损失者, ,6, 对主管、员工及其家属~实施威胁、恫吓或有侮辱行为者, ,7, 营私舞弊、挪用公款及私自接受贿赂、收受回扣者, ,8, 自身原因给公司财物造成重大损失者, ,9, 有任何偷盗行为者, 5、员工的其他不良表现和行为~按给公司造成的损失大小~影响程度予以具体处罚。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 5 第二章 入职、离职办理规定 一、员工招用原则 1、 公司招用员工实行男女平等、民族平等原则~特殊工种或岗位对性别、年龄等情形有特别规定的从其规定。 2、 公司招用员工实行全面考核、择优录用、先内部选用后对外招聘的原则~不招用不符合录用条件的员工。 3、 所招用员工应当年满18岁~身体健康~符合国家规定及公司录用条件。 4、 员工应聘公司职务时~必须是与其他用人单位合法解除或终止了劳动关系~必须如实正确填写《应聘人员登记表》~不得填写任何虚假内容。如有弄虚作假~公司有权追求其责任。 5、 员工应聘时提供的身份证、毕业证及其它有效证件~必须是本人的真实证件~不得借用或伪造证件欺骗公司~一经查出~员工将承担相应的责任。 6、 公司录用员工不收取员工押金,物,~不扣留员工身份证、毕业证等证件。 二、入职流程和规定 1、 一线员工由常务副总经理同意签字后即被批准录用~管理人员经办公室主任需由 总经理面试通过后予以录用。 2、 所有应聘人员都要详细填写《应聘人员登记表》~提交身份证原件及复印件一张、 1寸彩色免冠照片1张~管理人员需提供国家承认的学位、学历证书及各项技能和 资格证书原件及复印件各一张~无法提供真实证件者不予录用。 3、 员工被录用后~由办公室开录用通知单交并对员工进行规章制度培训后~交予生 产部~生产部对员工技能培训后即可上岗。 4、 公司为员工提供工作服~员工有责任爱护工作服~公司新聘用的员工从第3个工 作日起~可免费领取工作服。在公司未满3个月离职者~需将工作服洗净归还~ 丢失、污染者~每件工作服扣除成本费100元。 三、离职流程和规定 1、所有员工如需办理离职~需提前30日向部门主管提交离职 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ~无离职报告擅自离厂者扣发未开工资~造成工作损失按相关制度执行。 2、车间生产员工离职程序 ,1,生产员工需持离职报告交于部门主管~部门主管确认后转于生产经理, ,2,生产经理审批通过后~将离职报告转于办公室, ,3,办公室为其解除合同、保险、在电脑中录入离职并确保宿舍用品完好后签字。 ,4,待相关部门签字后~员工将离职报告交办公室存档~并为其开出门证~方可离职。 down, roof- construction technology to give the low?waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive (mois pecification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed dryingling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the sd sampate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of fielerproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificon wats, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof constructiand door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirementumn, reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure col ction), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoopced way for connestructure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinfor 6 青岛长城电力工程配套有限公司 规章制度 3、管理人员离职程序 ,1,提前向上级提交书面申请:高层60天~中层45天~其余人员提前30天, ,2,需相关部门审核完毕后~最终需由总经理或董事长批准。擅自离厂者扣发未开工资~造成工作损失按相关制度执行, ,3,离职报告由相关部门签字生效~交办公室存档~方可离职。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 7 第三章 考勤管理制度 一、总则 为加强劳动纪律和工作秩序~避免公司员工发生早退、迟到、旷工等违纪行为~以使其认真工作~特制定本考勤制度。 二、公司作息制度 工作时间:现阶段白班。上午7:00至12:00~下午12:30至17:30。加班18:00至22:30~晚班23:00至7:00,第二天,。作息时间根据季节不同~由办公室具体安排并发放通知。 三、满勤制度 1.设立目的 为了更好地促进公司管理工作~规范内部人事管理制度~增加员工出勤积极性和生产效率~完善奖罚制度及公司福利~公司特设立此制度。 2.满勤奖的金额定为100元 3.适用范围 本制度适用于公司内所有员工。 4.获得满勤奖的条件 ,1,根据公司作息时间~月内上班达规定出勤天数的员工, ,2,员工无严重违反厂纪厂规的行为, ,3,员工无迟到、早退、旷工、未打卡的行为 四、工作制 1.公司实行每天10小时工作制~月工作260小时工作制, 2.星期一至星期六为工作日~星期日根据公司及个人情况为正常休息日~可调休, 3.节假日按国家要求及公司具体情况~另行通知。 五、考勤范围 1.公司除总经理及企业法人~其余人员均在考勤范围之内, 2.特殊员工不考勤需经过总经理的批准, 3.门卫及特殊岗位人员无需打卡~但应在考勤簿上反映月出勤状况。 六、考勤办法 1.考勤机打卡制度。 ,1,员工打卡:员工每天上班下班均需打卡。 down, roof- construction technology to give the low?waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive (mois pecification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed dryingling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the sd sampate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of fielerproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificon wats, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof constructiand door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirementumn, reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure col ction), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoopced way for connestructure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinfor 8 青岛长城电力工程配套有限公司 规章制度 ,2,员工不亲自打卡~以及以不正当方法打卡者无论是否迟到~按旷工处理并扣发满勤奖。 ,3,忘记打卡的员工~当日内填写《补卡单》~由直接上级签字确认并将《补卡单》交给考勤员~无补卡单或在考勤薄上无考勤记录者~以旷工论处。 ,4,员工忘打卡、打重卡时~应在24小时内向办公室说明情况~否则按旷工论处。 ,5,员工因公外出未打卡~回公司后在24小时内~需填写补卡单~由上级领导确认符实后~交考勤管理员。 ,6,指纹打卡记录作为员工上、下班、迟到、早退、旷工以及工资和满勤奖考核的主要依据。 2.考勤薄考勤制度。 ,1,部门考勤人员每日将员工的实际出勤状况记录在考勤簿上~月底统计出员工月出勤工时~并将考勤薄每月1日~上交公司考勤管理员~节假日顺延。 ,2,公司考勤管理员~每月将员工所有考勤信息报表~每月5号前交予财务。 ,3,考勤管理员必须严格、认证~如弄虚作假~一经查实~除恢复实际考勤外~考勤员及接受虚假考勤者弄虚作假日均按旷工处理。 七、请假制度 ,1,任何类别假期都须部门经理事前书面批准~请假3天以上最终须总经理签批, ,2,部门经理及主任请假须由总经理批准, ,3,请假必须填写请假条~请假的最小单位为15分钟~记0.25小时。 ,4,员工请假扣除请假时段工资。 ,5,公司组织例会、重大团体活动、特殊加班时严禁请假,特殊情况除外,。 ,6,如有紧急情况~不能事先请假~应在1个小时内电话通知本部门主管并在上班当日补办手续~否则以旷工计。 八、迟到、早退 1.迟到、早退线:上班时点后到达~视为迟到,下班时点以前离开~视为早退。 2.员工迟到、早退1?10分钟~罚款5元。 3.员工迟到、早退10?30分钟~罚款10元。 4.员工迟到、早退30?60分钟~罚款 20元。 5(员工迟到1小时以上~罚款20元~另按旷工处理~并扣除缺勤时段工资。 九、旷工 1(正常工作日员工不请假或请假不批准而缺勤~被视为旷工。 2.旷工1天内扣除旷工时段工资并扣除满勤奖, 3.旷工1天以上3天以内~扣除旷工时段工资、满勤奖~另扣除月工资200元, 4.旷工3天以上~直接主管负责联络本人查明原因~扣发缺勤时段工资、满勤奖~另扣除工资500元并予以辞退。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 9 第四章 安检制度 一、总则 为了规范公司秩序~提高生产效率~保证物料安全。公司启用安检门,包括金属探测器,进行安全防盗管理~在维护公司利益及不侵犯每个员工人身利益的前提下~采取人防和技防相结合的方式~进行财产安全保护~明确出入车间流程~特制定本制度~所有人员必须严格遵守。 二、管理目的 主要对公司员工出车间时进行检查~预防内部员工将公司的产品、原材料、工装备件等金属制品携带出车间~从而保障公司财产安全。 三、安检程序 1、员工任何时间出车间必须从车间西门安检后出厂~东、西两大门禁止出去, 2、员工出车间自觉排队~有序通过安检~不遵守秩序者罚款50元, 3、员工通过安检门前~必须将含有金属物品的所有物件主动放臵在桌面上~予以证明, 4、出入车间如遇安检人员不在现场~需等待安检人员安检完毕后~方可离开, 5、员工加班下班后、夜班下班后~必须安检后方可离开, 6、所有员工必须主动配合安检人员工作~不配合安检工作者~罚款100元~再次违犯 加倍处罚~第三次予以开除, 7、发现偷盗行为~罚款1000元~予以开除并移交司法机关处理, 8、闲杂人员未经许可~不可进入车间, 四、安检人员 1、安检人员是由公司特定指派的人员~主要负责公司的安检工作~所有员工及外来人员必须配合安检人员执行工作, 2、安检人员必须按规章制度行使权力~对所有员工一视同仁~秉公执行~严格检查, 3、安检人员如有松懈、怠慢、不按规章制度进行安检~按失职处理~罚款200元。 五、权利与义务 1、公司为防范经营风险~建立必要的防范措施~是行使企业经营管理的权利。 2、建议公司员工出入车间内尽量或减少佩戴金属饰品~以免影响检查效果。 3、如安检中发现携带公司财物的~公司将严诉处理~情节严重者交公安机关处理。 4、厂区内所有物资属公司财产并归公司所有有~任何个人不得私自占为己有。 5、本规定由办公室制定~最终解释权归办公室所有。 down, roof- construction technology to give the low?waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive (mois pecification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed dryingling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the sd sampate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of fielerproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificon wats, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof constructiand door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirementumn, reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure col ction), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoopced way for connestructure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinfor 10 青岛长城电力工程配套有限公司 规章制度 第五章 会议管理制度 一、总则 为进一步规范会议内容和程序~提高工作效率~提升公司运营水平~特制订本制度。 二、会议要求 1、会议应根据实际工作需要召开~着眼于有效沟通、协调公司内部各方面关系、解决问题、安排部署工作。 2、会议应注重质量~提高效率。会前应做好充分准备~做到充分沟通~心中有数,对议而不决的事项提出解决的原则与方法,各类会议力求精干、高效~工作进展和安排应明确、具体、量化~杜绝空谈和形式主义。 3、讲求实效。会议议定的事项、布臵的工作任务、提出的办法措施~与会人员要按照职责分工传达、贯彻~落实~力求取得具体成果。 4、严格会议纪律。与会人员应认真准备、准时参会~不得缺席或指定他人代表~确因个人紧急事务需要请假的~须向上级主管请假。 三、会议安排的原则 1、小会服从大会~局部服从整体,紧急会议优先原则, 2、公司召开的公司级会议~会务、服务统一归办公室负责, 四、会议组织 参会人员须遵守以下规定: 1、应准时到会~并在《会议签到表》上签到, 2、遵守会议纪律~与会期间应将手机调到振动或静音~如须接听~请离开会场。不得影响他人,不得讨论与会议无关的内容, 3、参加会议的最高领导安排人员做好会议记录~每次的会议记录必须存档备查~其余人员做好本人的会议纪录。 五、会议跟进 1、会议跟进的依据以会议决议、纪要及会议原始记录为准, 2、办公室负责会议议定事项的督办和催办~定期检查会议决议、纪要及会议记录及落实情况。 六、管理权责和处罚 1、迟到:参会人员在会议规定召开时间后5分钟内未到的~计为迟到, 2、早退:凡参加会议人员~如未经同意在会议结束前提前离开会场的~计为早退; 3、缺席:未经请假~擅自不参加会议或请假未批准而不参加会议的~计为缺席。 4、会议不能按时参加者~要提前请假~经理级以上向总经理请假。 5、不请假又不参加会议者~视为旷工一天?次~处罚金额为当月工资总天数的日平均structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 11 值、迟到、早退及手机响铃一次者每次罚50元~特殊情况请假批准者除外~所有处罚在次月工资发放时一并扣除。 6、办公室负责公司会议的统筹协调及本制度的执行监督本制度由办公室负责解释 办公室管理制度 办公室是公司的综合性、服务性、行政事务性部门~办公室工作好坏体现全公司 的工作面貌和业务水平~因此全公司人员必须积极配合办公室的工作。为完善公司的行政管理机制~为公司建立规范化的行政管理~提高行政管理水平和工作效率~使公司各项工作有章可循、照章办事~特制订办公室管理制度。 一、职责与权限 1、办公室员工应严格遵守公司所有的规章制度。 2、办公室应切合公司实际~根据不同的制度内容编写相应的规范化要求~力求使公司 各项工作都有章可循、有法可依~保证公司的事务有效开展。 3、办公室人员受办公室主任领导~在直属主管的领导下主持开展办公室的各项工作。 4、负责公司相关规章制度的起草编写、一般性文书的整理汇编、资料信息收集编撰等 文字工作。 5、负责公司文件和证件管理、考勤管理、档案管理、行政管理、人事管理、办公用品 管理、会议管理、卫生管理、车队管理、食堂和宿舍管理、传达室等工作~保证 各项事务有序开展。 6、协调各部门之间的行政关系~为各部门工作开展提供相应的服务。 7、负责公司对内、对外公共关系的维护和改善~做好来客接待和公司文化宣传等工作。 8、收集反馈信息和外部资讯~上传下达各种指令~当好领导参谋。 9、有权对违反公司规章制度的人员进行处罚, 10、负责人员招聘、解聘、转正、工资、保险、合同、福利等事物, 11、协助其他部门工作~完成总经理交代的其他工作。 二、岗位职责 1、办公室主任 (1) 行政隶属 上级主管:总经理 直接下属:行政文员、人事文员、内勤 (2)主要职责 ?按照公司办公室的职责范围~主持办公室的日常工作:包括行政、人事、内勤。围绕公司制定的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 和任务认真布臵好工作并组织、实施。 ?协助总经理召开员工大会、部门会议等~作好、策划、主持、记录、监督、检查会议决议执行情况。 down, roof- construction technology to give the low?waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive (mois pecification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed dryingling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the sd sampate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of fielerproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificon wats, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof constructiand door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirementumn, reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure col ction), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoopced way for connestructure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinfor 12 青岛长城电力工程配套有限公司 规章制度 ?在总经理的领导下负责组织起草公司的工作计划、报告、规章制度。 ?组织起草发布通知、通告、会议纪要及其它文件。负责公司的函电、信件、报表的初审、拟办和催办工作。 ?正确贯彻有关人事、劳动合同、保险、工资等方面的制度~做好各部门的绩效考核与职能监控。 ?对公司奖罚进行审核~有权对违反公司规章制度的员工进行处罚。 ?主动为领导出谋划策~积极协调公司与员工、生产和管理之间的关系。 ?负责公司人员的招聘、解聘、转正等工作, ?负责公司文件和证件管理、考勤管理、档案管理、行政管理、人事管理、办公用品管理、会议管理、卫生管理、车队管理、食堂和宿舍管理、传达室等工作~保证各项事务有序开展。 ?总经理交代的其他事宜。 2、行政文员 (1)行政隶属 上级主管:办公室主任 工作对象:公司所有员工 (2)、主要职责 ?辅助办公室主任落实公司行政工作。 ?负责公司员工的考勤工作~每月按时准确的向公司汇报公司员工考勤及奖惩情况。 ?负责办公室日常行政、公关信息以及文件的收发、传递和归档工作。 ?对公司各种规章制度进行编写、修改、完善。 ?做好会议安排、会议记录、并整理成会议纪要。 ?负责通知、通报的拟定。 ?负责公司日常卫生的管理。 ?负责公司来访客人的接待。 ?负责中心各类数据表格的制定~数据的统计。 ?负责公司办公用品的管理和采购~使之合理使用。 3、人力资源 (1)行政隶属 上级主管:办公室主任 工作对象:公司所有员工 (2)主要职责 ?负责协助办公室主任落实办公室人事方面工作。 ?负责建立、完善和更新员工档案~配合管理人力资源部的各种文档资料。 ?负责员工入职、离职手续办理。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 13 ?负责公司员工合同、保险及其他事务办理。 ?协助主管完成员工招聘工作~每天三次更新网站~对简历进行筛选~电话通知候选人面试时间~联系招聘事宜~组织面试、测评和录用等工作~参与现场招聘会进行招聘。 ?负责人力资源相关文案的起草和编写~配合公司内企业文化建设相关工作。 ?配合绩效考核、数据收集和整理 ?负责离职员工离职手续的审核。 ?做好员工请假及奖惩情况的记录。 4、内勤 (1)行政隶属 上级主管:办公室主任 工作对象:公司所有部门和员工 (2)主要职责 ?负责公司食堂的管理。 ?负责公司车辆管理、调配及使用安排。 ?负责公司宿舍的管理~包括员工住宿安排、宿舍卫生管理等。 ?负责传达室的管理工作。 ?负责公司后勤相关事务的管理。 ?负责领导交代的其他事务。 5、驾驶员 (1)行政隶属 上级主管:内勤主管 (2)岗位职责 ?公司驾驶员必须遵守《中华人民共和国道路交通法》及有关交通安全管理的规章规则~并遵守本公司其他相关的规章制度。 ?司机应爱惜公司车辆~平时要注意车辆的保养~经常检查车辆的主要机件。司机应每天抽适当的时间擦洗自己所开车辆~以保持车辆的清洁,包括车内~车外和引擎的清洁,。 ?司机因故意违章或证件不全被罚款的~费用不予报销~违章造成后果由当事人负责。 不论什么时间~司机身上必须带手机。对公司领导或管理人员的电话~应尽快接听和回复。司机出车执行运输任务~遇特殊情况不能按时返回的~应及时设法通知管理人员~并说明原因。 ?出车前~要例行检查车辆的水~电~油及其他性能是否正常。发现不正常时~要立即加补或调整。出车回来~要检查存油量~发现存油不足一格时~应立即加油~不得出车时才临时去加油。 down, roof- construction technology to give the low?waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive (mois pecification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed dryingling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the sd sampate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of fielerproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificon wats, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof constructiand door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirementumn, reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure col ction), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoopced way for connestructure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinfor 14 青岛长城电力工程配套有限公司 规章制度 ?司机发现所驾车辆存在故障时要立即检修。不会检修的~应立即报告管理人员~并提出具体的维修意见,包括维修项目和大致需要的经费等。,未经批准~不许私自将车辆送场维修。 ?出车在外或出车归来要停放车辆~一定要注意选取停放地点和位臵~不能在不准停车的路段或危险地段停车。司机离开车辆时~要锁好保险锁~防止车辆被盗~未经允许严禁私自用车~或将车辆借予别人~严禁将车辆开回住处。 ?司机对所开车辆的各种证件的有效性应经常检查~出车时一定保证证件齐全。 ?夜间行车司机要注意休息~严禁疲劳开车~严禁酒后驾车. ?司机驾车一定要遵守交通规则~文明开车~不准危险驾车,包括高速~爬头~紧跟~争道~赛车等, ?司机全年安全行车~未出交通事故的~给予奖励300元。办公室每月负责对司机进行考核~ 对工作勤奋~遵守制度~表现突出的~可视具体情况给予嘉奖~记功~晋级等奖励。对工作怠慢~违反制度~发生事故者~视具体情节给予警告~记过直至除名处理。 6、宿舍管理 (1)宿舍管理规定 ?任何员工未经公司许可~不得擅自留宿外人。 ?员工必须服从宿舍管理员的管理、协调及入住等事项的安排~任何员工不得私自调换房间和床位~违者将给予处罚~并责令限期搬出。 ?房间所住的员工必须负责卫生清洁工作~采取轮流值班的方式。垃圾应倒入指定垃圾桶内。 ?注意个人卫生习惯~严禁将废物、垃圾等物品丢入下水道~厕所使用后主动冲厕~导致下水道堵塞~如找不到责任人~则由本楼层所有员工承担通厕维修等相关费用。 ?注意个人卫生习惯~严谨随地吐痰、乱丢垃圾、严禁吸烟。 ? 节约能源~杜绝浪费~用水、电后及时关闭开关。 ?宿舍内如果发生偷盗、吵架、打架、起火等突发事件~首先员工应保护好自身安全~然后第一时间通知舍长、保安、生产部相关领导~接到通知的部门个人应立即赶到现场处理。 ?注意宿舍内安全用电~不得有擅自增拆电插座、开关、乱接拉电线等行为~并做好防火、防盗工作。 ?住宿人员按时就寝~休息时间不得大声喧闹~以免影响他人休息。 ?宿舍内严禁有打架、赌博、吸毒、色情等不良活动。严谨私藏刀具、易燃易爆等危险物品~对违反管理规定的人员~进行批评教育,再次违反者~公司予以处罚~并取消住宿资格。 (2)住宿、退宿办理程序 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 15 ?员工住宿需写住宿申请单~经办公室同意后~办公室根据宿舍情况予以安排。 ?员工辞职离开公司时~应在一日内退出宿舍。 ?员工退房时须办理退房手续~清点财物~,财物有损失的~须作价赔偿,~由宿舍管理员确认后~到办公室开放行条方可外出。 ?离职或搬出宿舍者应主动接受门卫对随身物品予以检查。 (3)宿舍管理员 ?热爱宿舍管理工作~有奉献精神~贯彻落实宿舍各项管理规定。 ?负责宿舍住宿人员的管理。 ?负责公物、设备、维修、报修等管理工作。宿舍内所有物品要登记造册~对应该维修的项目要及时维修处理~不能处理的要及时上报有关部门处理。 ?负责公共卫生及寝室内务管理工作。公共卫生每天要检查1-2次~所有房间卫生每周1-2次~按卫生管理标准严格检查~发现问题及时处理。 ?做好节水、节电工作~负责宿舍的水、电使用及管理。 ?负责防火、 治安保卫及维持秩序工作。对所负责的宿舍要经常检查巡视~发现问题及时处理和汇报。 7、卫生管理 (1)公共区域的清扫与保洁 ? 公司公共区域的清扫与保洁~由办公室负责安排人员进行管理和打扫。 ?公司各部门应当按照行政部划分的卫生责任区~负责清扫与保洁。 ?公司统一使用的建筑物、宣传设施、公告栏、厕所由办公室负责安排清扫与保洁。 各部门使用的建筑物、办公室等~应当由各部门自行负责保持清洁。 ?临时占用道路或场地的部门~负责占用区域和占用期间的清扫与保洁。 ?禁止在公司内部公共场地倾倒、堆放垃圾~禁止将卫生责任区内的垃圾扫入道路或 公共场地~禁止在厂区内焚烧垃圾和树叶~禁止随地吐痰和乱扔果皮、纸屑、烟 头及各种废弃物。 ?公共走道及阶梯~至少两日清扫一次~并须采用适当方法减少灰尘的飞扬。偏僻地 段~每周清扫一次~做到无垃圾、无积水、无死角。 ?必须按行政部规定的区域和位臵停放车辆~厂区内严禁乱停放自行车和汽车。 ?车间卫生由生产部负责打扫~办公室负责检查~不按要求打扫卫生者~办公室有权 进行追究和处罚。 (2)室内卫生的管理 ?各部室都要建立每日轮流清扫卫生的制度。 ?室内应保持整洁~做到地面无污垢、痰迹、烟蒂、纸屑,桌面、柜上、窗台上无灰 尘、污迹~清洁、整齐~窗明几净~室内无蜘蛛网、无杂物。 ?室内不准许随便存放垃圾~应及时把垃圾倒入垃圾筐内。 ?办公室内办公用品、报纸等摆放整齐有序~不得存放与工作无关的物品~个人生活down, roof- construction technology to give the low?waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive (mois pecification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed dryingling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the sd sampate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of fielerproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificon wats, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof constructiand door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirementumn, reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure col ction), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoopced way for connestructure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinfor 16 青岛长城电力工程配套有限公司 规章制度 用品应放在固定的抽屉和柜内。 ?室内禁止停放自行车等任何车辆。 8、门卫管理制度 直接上级:办公室主任 ?迎送职工上下班。上班前下班后站立于大门两侧~迎送职工、履行检查义务~对有问题员工暂不放行~应现场处理或向上级汇报~并作出记录。 ?随时关闭大门~非本厂职工禁止入内,夏季22:00、冬季21:30后~本厂职工不再允许返厂,特殊情况的需提前告知并出示相关领导书面证明,。 ?严格执行公司员工进出厂制度~坚持原则~一视同仁。 ?做好外来人员出入厂登记~本厂职工工作时间内出入厂须持出门证~因公除外。对出入公司内的车辆登记检查~物资出公司要一律凭出门证~并检查物、证是否相符, 正常工作时间以外公司车辆出入须登记并由驾驶员签字。 ?熟悉公司治安环境情况~熟练掌握使用治安、消防报警电话和消防设备~负责管理好公司所有协警犬的生活起居~保证其一日三餐饮食充足~飬养牢固~不可使其逃逸伤人。 ?收发信函报刊:及时准确~报刊、信函、快递等公司通讯文件收到后60分钟内送到相关部门,挂号信、特快专递等重要信函按收发记录办理。 ?门卫人员对公司内所有财物安全负有保卫责任~需提高警惕~尤其是夜间及节假日更应认真负责~发现问题~应及时查问~并立即报办公室处理。 ?院内及院外属公司三包范围的地面每天清洁一次~并全天候保持干净整洁~保持良好的工作环境。 ?正确指挥公司及员工的各类车辆在规定位臵摆放,对大门外临时停放的车辆随时劝导其停放到不碍公司交通的地方,指导来公司客人的各类车辆停放在指定位臵。 ?保护并管理好公司的花草树木~定期浇水~施肥。夜间必须加强巡逻检查~发现厂区内水、电、门窗、消防设施等不关闭或不安全情况~应及时采取补救措施~并于 次日报告办公室查处。发现特殊情况随时上报。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 17 down, roof- construction technology to give the low?waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive (mois pecification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed dryingling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the sd sampate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of fielerproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificon wats, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof constructiand door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirementumn, reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure col ction), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoopced way for connestructure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinfor 18
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