首页 育才幼儿园管理软件关于幼教集团解决方案



育才幼儿园管理软件关于幼教集团解决方案育才幼儿园管理软件关于幼教集团解决方案 育才幼儿园管理软件关于 集团园解决方案 Version 2.0 目 录 一、概述.................................................................................................................................................................2 1.1 目的 ............................

育才幼儿园管理软件关于幼教集团解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 育才幼儿园管理软件关于 集团园解决方案 Version 2.0 目 录 一、概述.................................................................................................................................................................2 1.1 目的 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 范围 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 二、 总体需求情况 .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 2.1 软件概述...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 项目介绍...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.3 系统运行环境............................................................................................................................................................. 2 2.4 网络架构...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.5 软件功能结构图 ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 2.6 软件功能描述............................................................................................................................................................. 4 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment XX幼教集团ERP系统解决方案 2.7 个性化需求补充 ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 三、 软件项目报价 ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 3.1 项目分期 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 付款方式 ................................................................................................................................................................... 14 四、 项目开发进度计划 ................................................................................................................................................... 14 4.1项目人员计划表 ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 4.2开发进度计划表 ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 五、 项目实施售后安排 ................................................................................................................................................... 15 5.1 严格管理 ................................................................................................................................................................... 15 5.2加强测试 .................................................................................................................................................................... 15 5.3前期驻点措施 ........................................................................................................................................................... 16 5.4 业务交接措施 .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 5.5 售后技术支持 .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for t第 1 页 共 17 页 he barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 一、概述 1.1 目的 育才幼儿园管理软件在7年的行业经验积累,近5000家园所实际应用的基础上,通过对幼儿园各项日常业务工作的精细化管理,为达到规范管理、降低成本,提升幼儿园的核心竞争力的目标,提供了一整套科学、系统、有效的信息化解决方案。 1.2 范围 本文档旨在说明系统的系统需求,说明系统与相关软件系统的关系,内部处理,输入输出,以及其他方面的内容等。 二、 总体需求情况 2.1 软件概述 根据XX教集团的实际管理模式和业务流程,本系统一共分为12大模块,按总体规划、分步开发、分步实施的原则,本着双方达成长远战略合作关系的共识,在育才幼儿园管理系统体系B/S架构平台的基础上,以二次开发的方式,来满足XX教集团的一些个性化需求。 2.2 项目介绍 XX教集团ERP应用于本幼教集团的日常工作管理,不但能提高工作效率,而且能让幼儿园和家长之间进行有效的家园沟通,节省一定的人力、物力,提高家长的满足度,实现协作办公的实际效果。 2.3 系统运行环境 本系统服务器的环境如下: , 系统使用者:业务员、部门经理、总经理和投资人。 , 操作系统:Windows 7 以上 , 数据库:SQL Server 2008 Express button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment XX幼教集团ERP系统解决方案 , 硬件配置:CPU:双核2.4 , 内存:8G及以上 , 分辨率:最佳效果1024×768像素 , 系统运行环境:网络运行。 , 系统结构为B/S架构,支持PC和移动互联网设备 或租用专用系统服务器 2.4 网络架构 分园1 INTERNET互联网客户端1 分园2 客户端2网络服务器 分园3 客户端3 客户端N 分园N 图1:XX教集团ERP系统网络架构图 说明:XX教集团ERP系统数据库布署在有固定IP的互联网服务器上,分园采用瘦客户端的模式,打开浏览器便可直接使用。这种B/S架构的体系,不但便于数据的集中管理,而且系统的维护和更新只需在服务器端完成即可,大大的减少了后续服务的工作量。 2.5 软件功能结构图 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for t第 3 页 共 17 页 he barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 员工管理 幼儿管理 收退费管理 车辆管理 绩效管理 XX 幼 教保健管理集 团 E 资产管理R P 办公管理 工资管理 总账管理 一卡通管理 图2:XX教集团ERP系统模块组成 家园互动管理 2.6 软件功能描述 员工管理 1、员工个人档案管理 A、部门信息 B、员工试用管理 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment XX幼教集团ERP系统解决方案 记录招聘员工基本 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 、试用工作情况,管理相关的应聘、工作文档,并可转为正式员工。 C、员工档案管理 员工基本信息:员工的姓名、性别、出生年月、岗位、专业、学历等 。 员工亲属信息 员工工作经历 员工学习培训 员工奖罚经历 员工照片管理:可以直接用摄像头拍照,也可引用照片图片 员工文档资料:管理员工相关的电子文档,包括求职简历等OFFICE文档, 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 、身份证扫描件图片文件等。 可以输出员工花名册,可以导入员工资料EXCEL模板文件 D、员工异动管理 对员工的各种异动情况进行管理,记录异动时间、原因、去处等。 F、员工跟踪管理 对所有异动员工资料进行归档管理,并可以进行复工管理。 D、资格证体检管理 统计报表: 按学历分布统计报表 报职称分布统计报表 员工按部门分布统计报表 员工异动原因统计报表 2、员工考勤管理 A、缺勤类型信息 定义员工缺勤类型的名称,处罚标准(扣分或罚款) B、员工缺勤管理 记录园所每天缺勤的员工、类型、处罚标准信息 统计报表: button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for t第 5 页 共 17 页 he barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 员工缺勤汇总统计报表,按时间统计员工的缺勤项目、次数的统计报表 员工缺勤类型统计报表 幼儿管理 1、幼儿看园管理 记录幼儿看园的信息,幼儿名称、入学年级、咨询内容、信息来源、家长住址、联系方式等; 并对幼儿后序跟进计划、跟进过程进行管理;并可把看园学生资料转入正式学生资料。 2、幼儿档案管理 A、幼儿班级信息 B、入托类型信息 C、幼儿基本档案 幼儿基本信息:姓名、生日,入托类型、来园时间、出生地、家庭住址 亲属信息:亲属类型、姓名、年龄、工作单位、学历、职位 、身份证等 接送信息:记录接送车次、站点、时间、联系人等信息。 学前系统信息:记录跟国家教育部学前教育系统有关的信息,血型、户口类型、监护人、国籍、是否独生子女、是否留守儿童等。 幼儿拍照管理:可以直接用摄像头拍照,也可引用照片图片 可以输出班级花名册,可以导入幼儿资料EXCEL模板文件,打印回执单等 D、成批升班管理 E、班级毕业管理 F、幼儿异动管理 G、幼儿跟踪管理:跟踪所有异动、毕业幼儿,并可以进行复园管理 H、生日预警管理 3、幼儿手工考勤管理 班级考勤管理 班级月考勤表 班级月出勤率表 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment XX幼教集团ERP系统解决方案 幼儿考勤明细查询 统计报表: 新生看园信息来源统计 看园学生入学统计 班级定额统计分析 班级幼儿统计 年级幼儿统计 幼儿推荐老师统计 历期幼儿统计 本期班级幼儿入退学统计 幼儿异动原因分析 幼儿异动班级分析 幼儿收费管理 1、收费管理 A、收费方案 B、收费项目 C、预收费管理 D、收费管理 2、退费管理 A、退费方案 B、退费项目 C、退费管理 3、费用预警管理 A、月交到期管理 B、期交费统计管理 C、班级收费统计(已交、未交) D、学生欠费统计 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for t第 7 页 共 17 页 he barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 4、考勤退费管理 5、日结管理 统计报表 幼儿收费汇总查询 幼儿收费明细查询 幼儿退费汇总查询 幼儿退费明细查询 班级月收、欠费明细查询 本期交费幼儿统计查询 幼儿请假明细查询 入托变更明细查询 活动幼儿请假明细查询 本期交费幼儿统计查询 幼儿伙食退费明细查询 日结明细查询统计 收费项目分类汇总统计 班级月收费汇总统计 班级月退费汇总统计 本期班级手收退费汇总统计 历期幼儿收退费汇总统计 班级学费报表 车辆管理 1、车辆基本信息 2、车辆线路信息 3、车辆站点信息 4、车辆年审管理 5、车辆年审预警 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment XX幼教集团ERP系统解决方案 统计报表: 车次安排汇总统计 行车线路安排汇总统计 幼儿接送签到表 绩效管理 1、员工绩效考核管理 绩效考核岗位 绩效考核项目 绩效考核等级 绩效违规管理 相关报表: 违规个人统计 违规部门统计 违规项目统计 年度汇总统计 2、班级周检查管理 班级周检查项目 班级周检查等级 班级周检查管理 3、员工月、期考核管理 月、期考核岗位 月、期考核项目 月、期考核等级 月、期考核管理 月、期考核汇总统计表 保健管理 1、幼儿健康管理 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for t第 9 页 共 17 页 he barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 幼儿体检名称 幼儿体检管理 幼儿体检鉴定 幼儿过敏项目 幼儿过敏管理 幼儿疾病项目 幼儿疾病治疗管理 2、员工健康管理 员工体检名称 员工体检管理 3、常规检查管理 晨午晚检查 卫生检查项目 卫生检查管理 4、责任事故管理 责任事故项目 责任事故管理 资产管理 1、资产基本信息 业务公司信息 物品分类信息 物品基础资料 物品仓库信息 2、易耗品管理 物品入库管理 物品出库管理 物品盘点管理 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment XX幼教集团ERP系统解决方案 物品其他入出库管理 3、固定资产管理 资产领用部门 资产领用管理 资产报废管理 统计报表: 物品入库汇总明细查询 物品出库汇总明细查询 其他入出库汇总明细查询 资产领用汇总明细查询 资产报废汇总明细查询 班级月物品领用金额汇总统计 班级物品领用数量汇总统计 部门自查分布汇总统计 固定资产汇总统计 办公管理 1、通知公告管理 2、工作审批流管理 收退费审批、费用支付审批、采购计划审批,审批流程内置于业务管理。 3、人个 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 管理 4、内部即时通讯管理 工资管理 1、工资月份管理 2、工资项目管理 3、工资录入管理 4、工资计算管理 5、工资条 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for t第 11 页 共 17 页 he barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 6、工资表 总账管理 集团化幼教集团,建议使用KD,UF等标准财务软件。 可以通过接口,实现育才的业务系统与标准财务软件的对接,如收费与总账的对接,在育才系统中保存收费单据时,通过接口,会自动在标准财务软件中生成相关的收入凭证。 一卡通系统 1、家长接送管理 支持ID卡,智能手表等非接触式刷卡设备。 幼儿开卡管理:支持一人多卡。 卡作废管理 节假日设置 班级日出勤率统计 班级月出勤率统计 手工补卡管理:针对未卡学生的情况。 2、员工考勤系统 为了防止代打卡,支持指纹刷卡设备 考勤类型信息 员工手工考勤 员工周排班管理 员工考勤明细查询 员工考勤日报表 员工考勤月报表 3、一卡查询系统 放置幼儿园大厅,可以通过刷卡方式,查询幼儿的考勤、收退费、体检、治疗等信息。 家园沟通 家长可以通过访问PC网站、手机网站、微信或APP的模式,与幼儿园老师进行沟通。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment XX幼教集团ERP系统解决方案 1、家长通知公告、每周食谱、每周课程计划 2、老师每周评价,家长反馈 3、家长查询学生考勤、体检、收退费、治疗等情况 4、家长退费申请 5、家长校服征订 2.7 个性化需求补充 1、如何解决幼儿兴趣班上课、消费的问题, 解决方案:兴趣班的消费结算体系;即通过记录兴趣班的上课课次,自动计算消费额、结余额、应退额。 2、如何解决幼儿考勤跟收、退费对接的问题, 解决方案:考勤生成请假退费结算数据;即通过学生班级月考勤数据的记录,自动生成请假退费待审核的请假退费记录,待审核请假退费记录审核后即确认为正式请假记录。在学生交费时即可用来冲抵交费金额,或是退学、毕业学生的退费操作。 、如何生成相关的学费统计报表, 3 学生学费结算体系(月分摊报表);即通过学生的交费记录、正式请假记录、已实际退费记录,自动生成学生的收入、消费、应退费金额、已退费金额、学费结余额。 学生消费报表:单独列示已退园、毕业学生的应退费金额、已退费金额、退费余额。 其他报表。 解决方案:双方式的沟通和协商,开发能满足幼儿园需求的报表。 三、软件项目报价 根据项目的实际情况,在XX教集团与育才科技公司双方达成长远合作关系的基础上,本着分步实施、降低风险的原则,本项目计划分成二个阶段。 3.1 项目分期计划 第一期: 内容:员工管理、幼儿管理、收费管理、退费管理、车辆管理、考勤管理 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for t第 13 页 共 17 页 he barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 时间:2016年4月到6月份 第二期:员工绩效、保健管理、资产管理、办公管理、总账管理、工资管理等 时间:2016年7月份到2016年年底 第一期项目报价: 序号 项目名称 单价(元) 备注 1 育才软件BS版本23套 6680 2 二次开发:合计30天*2人 20,000 兴趣班消费结算 考勤生成退费结算 学费结算 离园学生结算等 3 现场实施费用 5,000 4 合计 5 优惠后金额 注:以上报价含一年的免费技术服务,一年之后如继续作技术支持,按项目金额20%收取年服务费。 3.2 付款方式 本项目付款分为三个阶段: 第一阶段:项目签定后,在三个工作日之内支付项目金额的60%(即XXXX元,大写:整); 第二阶段:第一个版本完成,现场发布、培训后,双方确认需要完善的内容,在三个工作日之内支付项目金额的40%(即XXXXX元,大写:XXXXX元整); 四、项目开发进度计划 4.1项目人员计划表 序号 姓名 职责任务 联系方式 备注 一、XX教集团 1 XXX 负责整个项目 负责双方联络、新需求的确认、新员2 XXX 工培训及协助乙方完成相关的工作 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment XX幼教集团ERP系统解决方案 二、北京信息科技有限公司 负责整个项目,负责整个项目的规划, 1 邓冠成 在资源调配的沟通、协调,用户处协 调等 项目经理,负责项目整体需求方案设2 杨玉琴 计,收费等核心模块代码编写等 3 黄将 程序员,负责项目代码编写 4 李靖攀 程序员,负责项目代码编写 5 李元丽 软件测试,操作手册编写 4.2开发进度计划表 序号 事项名称 开始时间 完成时间 备注 需求分析 第一阶段 技术方案编写 2016年4月上旬 2016年5月中旬 完成第一个版本的开 代码编写 发工作 软件的迭代,完善, 所有分园的培训,先选择1、2个分园进第二阶段 2016年5月中旬 2016年5月下旬 正式上线, 行试用 第一阶段项目验收 五、项目实施售后安排 5.1 严格管理 系统实施部署将严格按照部署计划、安装手册中的相关规定及步骤严格进行,做到每个环节都有回退或应急的措施。 5.2加强测试 该系统在我公司开发过程中已经过严格测试,但基于系统的稳定性考虑,在系统部署后,我公司开发工程师、技术支持工程师将会对部署在真实环境下系统进行严格的交互测试,特别是临界点的测试。测试过程中将会记录各种测试结果及问题,并交由相应开发人员进行再次迭代。我公司工程师经过严格测试后,在交由用户业务部门进行真实数据录入测试,同样将严格登记相关问题及结果,并交由开发人员处理。在确保交互测试没问题后,将进行测试数据清理并交付给用户正式试用。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 pa rt of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for t第 15 页 共 17 页 he barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 5.3前期驻点措施 为了确保系统的稳定运行,用户的正确使用等,育才公司将在第二阶段、第三阶段,安排工程师驻现场服务,以便及时处理突发问题。 5.4 业务交接措施 为了确保本系统相关信息的准确无误,安全性,建议在系统上线初期,本系统信息的登记需结合传统业务模式两种方式同时进行。系统运行稳定后,定期的对本系统相关信息的数据进行备份。 5.5 售后技术支持 为了保证系统在使用过程中遇到问题能得到及时的解决,育才公司针对本项目,安排了专门的对口服务工程师,提供7*24小时的技术支持,以保证软件能顺利使用。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment
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