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运动选材学试卷11运动选材学试卷11 安徽体育运动职业技术学院体育教育管理系12运动训练专业 A、40 B、50 C、60 D、70 2012-2013学年第二学期《运动选材学》试卷A卷(开卷) 2、血型的遗传力(度)是( ) 姓名__________ 班级_________ 学号__________ A、70 B、80 C、90 D、100 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 3、男子速度素质的成绩达到最高峰并相对稳定的年龄( ) 得分 A、17 B、18 C、19 D、20 一、名词解释(5×4=20分) 4、足球项目初...

运动选材学试卷11 安徽体育运动职业技术学院体育教育管理系12运动训练专业 A、40 B、50 C、60 D、70 2012-2013学年第二学期《运动选材学》试卷A卷(开卷) 2、血型的遗传力(度)是( ) 姓名__________ 班级_________ 学号__________ A、70 B、80 C、90 D、100 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 3、男子速度素质的成绩达到最高峰并相对稳定的年龄( ) 得分 A、17 B、18 C、19 D、20 一、名词解释(5×4=20分) 4、足球项目初选最适宜的年龄范围为( ) 1、运动选材 A、5-8 B、6-10 C、8-11 D、9-12 5、耐力素质受先天和后天共同影响,随年龄的增长而逐步提高,男性( )岁、女性18岁左右基2、竞技体育后备人才 本达到最高水平并保持较长的时间,然后逐年下降。 A、21 B、20 C、19 D、18 3、灵敏素质 6、跳水项目属于( )项群 4、基础心率 A、快速力量性 B、速度性 C、表现性 D、对抗性 ×2=12分) 四、简答题(6 1、科学运动选材的意义 二、填空题(1.5×20=30分) 1、 举重项目选材对年龄的基本要求是男、女均为 2、 身高的遗传度男子为 、女子为 ; 2、影响身体形态的因素 3、 最大心率的遗传度为 、血红蛋白含量的遗传度为 ; 4、 决定竞技能力的主要因素有身体形态、技能状态、 、 、 、 、 等七个; 5、人体是由细胞和细胞间质组成的,细胞内含有从父母遗传下来的全套遗传物质,在细胞五、综合论述题 内 、是遗传的基本物质, 是遗传物质的载体。 浅谈运动选材学的发展趋势是什么, 6、运动能力的遗传规律有: 、 、 ; 7、身高发展有两次突增的高峰,一次在胎儿期到出生后一岁左右,另一次在 ,最后完成一般 在20-23岁。 8、肌纤维类型根据收缩性及色泽,分为 、 和 三种; 9、短跑项目运动员能量代谢以 代谢为主; 三、选择题(3×6=18分) 1、无氧阈的遗传力(度)是( ) culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is ... ... Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and "make a heart" activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping ' income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor don't have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build "green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious" new ... ... Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the "channel, use the same, and use" principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds ... Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year ... and ... respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, "five-ten" ("five-way" path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; " Ten "the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education, 安徽体育运动职业技术学院体育教育管理系12运动训练专业 A、40 B、50 C、60 D、70 2012-2013学年第二学期《运动选材学》试卷B卷(开卷) 2、血型的遗传力(度)是( ) 姓名__________ 班级_________ 学号__________ A、70 B、80 C、90 D、100 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 3、男子速度素质的成绩达到最高峰并相对稳定的年龄( ) 得分 A、17 B、18 C、19 D、20 一、名词解释(5×4=20分) 4、足球项目初选最适宜的年龄范围为( ) 1、运动选材 A、5-8 B、6-10 C、8-11 D、9-12 5、耐力素质受先天和后天共同影响,随年龄的增长而逐步提高,男性( )岁、女性18岁左右基2、竞技体育后备人才 本达到最高水平并保持较长的时间,然后逐年下降。 A、21 B、20 C、19 D、18 3、运动素质 6、跳水项目属于( )项群 4、基础心率 A、快速力量性 B、速度性 C、表现性 D、对抗性 ×2=12分) 四、简答题(6 1、科学选材的原则 二、填空题(1.5×20=30分) 1、举重项目选材对年龄的基本要求是男、女均为 ; 2、身高的遗传度男子为 、女子为 ; 3、最大心率的遗传度为 、血红蛋白含量的遗传度为 ; 2、影响身体形态的因素 4、决定竞技能力的主要因素有身体形态、 、 、 、 、 、 等七个; 5、人体是由细胞和细胞间质组成的,细胞内含有从父母遗传下来的全套遗传物质,在细胞内 是遗传的基本物质, 是遗传物质的载体。 五、综合论述题(20分) 6、运动能力的遗传规律有: 、 、 ; 结合本人所学专项1、判断该专项所属项群;2、试述该项群的运动特点;3、试述该项目选材的基本要求; 7、身高发展有两次突增的高峰,一次在胎儿期到出生后一岁左右,另一次在 ,最后完成一般4、简述该项目选材的主要指标。 在20-23岁。 8、肌纤维类型根据收缩性及色泽,分为 、 和 三种; 9、短跑项目运动员能量代谢以 代谢为主; 三、选择题(3×6=18分) 1、无氧阈的遗传力(度)是( ) culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is ... ... Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and "make a heart" activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping ' income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor don't have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build "green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious" new ... ... Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the "channel, use the same, and use" principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds ... Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year ... and ... respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, "five-ten" ("five-way" path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; " Ten "the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education, 安徽体育运动职业技术学院体育教育管理系12运动训练专业 A、40 B、50 C、60 D、70 2012-2013学年第二学期《运动选材学》试卷A卷(答案) 2、血型的遗传力(度)是( D ) 姓名__________ 班级_________ 学号__________ A、70 B、80 C、90 D、100 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 3、男子速度素质的成绩达到最高峰并相对稳定的年龄( C ) 得分 A、17 B、18 C、19 D、20 一、名词解释(5×4=20分) 4、足球项目初选最适宜的年龄范围为( D ) 1、运动选材: 就是依据科学的原理和方法,挑选优秀(运动员苗子)竞技运动后备人才的过程。 A、5-8 B、6-10 C、8-11 D、9-12 5、耐力素质受先天和后天共同影响,随年龄的增长而逐步提高,男性( B )岁、女性18岁左右基2、竞技体育后备人才:是指具有一定体育天赋,经过系统训练后,可能对竞技体育的发展做出贡献的青 少年运动员。 本达到最高水平并保持较长的时间,然后逐年下降。 A、21 B、20 C、19 D、18 3、灵敏素质:是指在各种突然变换的条件下,运动员能迅速、准确、协调地改变身体运动的能力。 6、跳水项目属于( C )项群 4、基础心率:清晨起床前的卧位心率为基础心率。 A、快速力量性 B、速度性 C、表现性 D、对抗性 ×2=12分) 四、简答题(6 二、填空题(1.5×20=30分) 1、科学运动选材的意义 1、举重项目选材对年龄的基本要求是男、女均为 12-14 岁 ; ? 运动选材是当前竞技运动的迫切需要 2、身高的遗传度男子为 75% 、女子为 92% ; ? 运动选材能产生巨大的经济效益 3、最大心率的遗传度为 85.9% 、血红蛋白含量的遗传度为 81-99% ; ? 运动选材能产生良好的社会效应 2、影响身体形态的因素 4、决定竞技能力的主要因素有身体形态、机能状态、 运动素质 、 技术水平 、 战术水平 、 一、遗传因素 二、环境因素 三、体育运动和劳动习惯 智力水平 、 心理能力 等七个; 四、激素调节 五、微量元素 六、人体生长发育不同阶段对体型的影响 5、人体是由细胞和细胞间质组成的,细胞内含有从父母遗传下来的全套遗传物质,在细胞内 基因 五、综合论述题 是遗传的基本物质, 染色体 (DNA ) 是遗传物质的载体。 结合本人所学专项1、判断该专项所属项群;2、试述该项群的运动特点;3、试述该项目选材的基本要求; 连续性 、 相关性 、 阶段性 ; 6、运动能力的遗传规律有: 4、简述该项目选材的主要指标。 7、身高发展有两次突增的高峰,一次在胎儿期到出生后一岁左右,另一次在 青春期 ,最后完成一 般在20-23岁。 8、肌纤维类型根据收缩性及色泽,分为 快白 、 快红 和 慢红 三种; 9、短跑项目运动员能量代谢以 无氧 代谢为主; 三、选择题(3×6=18分) 1、无氧阈的遗传力(度)是( B ) culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is ... ... Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and "make a heart" activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping ' income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor don't have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build "green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious" new ... ... Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the "channel, use the same, and use" principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds ... Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year ... and ... respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, "five-ten" ("five-way" path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; " Ten "the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education, 安徽体育运动职业技术学院体育教育管理系12运动训练专业 A、40 B、50 C、60 D、70 2012-2013学年第二学期《运动选材学》试卷B卷(答案) 2、血型的遗传力(度)是( D ) 姓名__________ 班级_________ 学号__________ A、70 B、80 C、90 D、100 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 3、男子速度素质的成绩达到最高峰并相对稳定的年龄( C ) 得分 A、17 B、18 C、19 D、20 一、名词解释(5×4=20分) 4、足球项目初选最适宜的年龄范围为( D ) 1、运动选材:就是依据科学的原理和方法,挑选优秀(运动员苗子)竞技运动后备人才的过程。 A、5-8 B、6-10 C、8-11 D、9-12 5、耐力素质受先天和后天共同影响,随年龄的增长而逐步提高,男性( B )岁、女性18岁左右2、竞技体育后备人才:是指具有一定体育天赋,经过系统训练后,可能对竞技体育的发展做出贡献的青 少年运动员。 基本达到最高水平并保持较长的时间,然后逐年下降。 A、21 B、20 C、19 D、18 3、运动素质:是指在中枢神经系统的指令下,机体在运动时所表现出来的能力。通常包括力量、速度 柔韧等基本素质,还包括灵敏、协调、平衡等复合素质。 6、跳水项目属于( C )项群 A、快速力量性 B、速度性 C、表现性 D、对抗性 4、基础心率:清晨起床前的卧位心率为基础心率。: ×2=12分) 四、简答题(6 1、科学选材的原则 二、填空题(1.5×20=30分) 一、广泛性原则 二、实效性原则(项目针对性要强) 三、可靠性原则(测量的可靠性) 5、 举重项目选材对年龄的基本要求是男、女均为 12-14 岁 ; 四、因人因项制宜原则 五、多因素综合分析原则 六、多方法综合应用原则 6、 身高的遗传度男子为 75% 、女子为 92% ; 七、当前测评与预测未来相结合的原则 八、选材与训练相结合的原则 九、经济性原则 7、 最大心率的遗传度为 85.9% 、血红蛋白含量的遗传度为 81-99% ; 十、可行性原则 8、 决定竞技能力的主要因素有身体形态、机能状态、 运动素质 、 技术水平 、 战术水平 、 2、影响身体形态的因素 智力水平 、 心理能力 等七个; 一、遗传因素 二、环境因素 三、体育运动和劳动习惯 5、人体是由细胞和细胞间质组成的,细胞内含有从父母遗传下来的全套遗传物质,在细胞内 基因 是四、激素调节 五、微量元素 六、人体生长发育不同阶段对体型的影响 遗传的基本物质, 染色体(DNA) 是遗传物质的载体。 6、运动能力的遗传规律有: 连续性 、 相关性 、 阶段性 ; 五、综合论述题(20分) 7、身高发展有两次突增的高峰,一次在胎儿期到出生后一岁左右,另一次在 青春期 ,最后完成一结合本人所学专项1、判断该专项所属项群;2、试述该项群的运动特点;3、试述该项目选材的基本要求;般在20-23岁。 4、简述该项目选材的主要指标。 8、肌纤维类型根据收缩性及色泽,分为 快白 、 快红 和 慢红 三种; 9、短跑项目运动员能量代谢以 无氧 代谢为主; 三、选择题(3×6=18分) 1、无氧阈的遗传力(度)是( B ) culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is ... ... Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and "make a heart" activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping ' income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor don't have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build "green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious" new ... ... Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the "channel, use the same, and use" principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds ... Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year ... and ... respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, "five-ten" ("five-way" path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; " Ten "the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education, 安徽体育运动职业技术学院体育教育管理系12运动训练专业 2012-2013学年第二学期《运动选材学》试卷补考卷(开卷) 2、 神经类型分类有多少种, 姓名__________ 班级_________ 学号__________ 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 得分 3、 简述力量性项群的基本特点, 一、名词解释(5×5=25分) 1、 运动选材 4、 简述格斗类项目选材的基本要求, 2、 竞技体育后备人才 3、 单基因遗传 5、 连线 运动项目性质 运动项目 4、 最大摄氧量 准确性 羽毛球 难美性 曲棍球 5、 力量素质 隔网对抗 技巧 同场对抗 射箭 一、 填空(5×5=25分) 格斗对抗 拳击 1、技能类运动项目包括_________和_________两个子项群。 2、速度性项群包括_________、_________、_________三组项目。 3、对抗性项群包括_________、_________、_________三组运动项目。 4、最大心率的遗传度为 、血红蛋白含量的遗传度为 ; 5、决定竞技能力的主要因素有身体形态、机能状 态、 、 、 、 、 等七个方面; 二、 问答题(每题10分) 1、 试述运动能力的遗传规律, culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is ... ... Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and "make a heart" activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping ' income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor don't have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build "green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious" new ... ... Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the "channel, use the same, and use" principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds ... Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year ... and ... respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, "five-ten" ("five-way" path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; " Ten "the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education, 安徽体育运动职业技术学院体育教育管理系12运动训练专业 ?、灵活型;?、稳定型;?、兴奋型;?、易扰型;?、谨慎型;?、抑制型; 2012-2013学年第二学期《运动选材学》试卷补考卷(答案) ?、模糊型 姓名__________ 班级_________ 学号__________ 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 3、简述快速力量性项群的基本特点, 得分 快速力量性项群由以追求远度、高度和重量的最高成绩为目的德尔典型非周期性项目组成,动作速度 一、名词解释(5×5=25分) 与爆发力是决定该项群运动成绩的关键要素。能量代谢主要以磷酸原代谢形式为主。生理机能的主要特点1、运动选材:就是依据科学的原理和方法,挑选优秀(运动员苗子)竞技运动后备人才的过程。 为:肌肉活动强度大,神经活动集中而强度高,快肌纤维比例大。 2、竞技体育后备人才:是指具有一定体育天赋,经过系统训练后,可能对竞技体育的发展做出贡献的青4、简述格斗类项目选材的基本要求, 少年运动员。 从:?、选材年龄;?、身体形态;?、运动素质;?、生理机能;?、心理品质;?、技能表现等六个3、单基因遗传:凡是遗传性状受一对等位基因控制的,称为单基因遗传 方面进行简答。 6、 连线 4、最大摄氧量:是指人体在极限负荷条件下,呼吸、循环功能达到最高水平时,单位时间里所摄取和利运动项目性质 运动项目 用的最大氧量。 准确性 羽毛球 难美性 曲棍球 5、力量素质:是指人体肌肉在工作中对抗阻力的能力。 隔网对抗 技巧 二、填空(5×5=25分) 同场对抗 射箭 1、技能类运动项目包括__表现性__和_准确性_两个子项群。 格斗对抗 拳击 2、速度性项群包括__短跑__、__ 短 游 __、__短滑_ 三组项目。 3、对抗性项群包括__同场对抗__、__隔网对抗__、__格斗___三组运动项目。 4、最大心率的遗传度为 85.9% 、血红蛋白含量的遗传度为 81-99% ; 、 技术水平 、 战术水平 、 智5、决定竞技能力的主要因素有身体形态、机能状态、 运动素质 力水平 、 心理能力 等七个 三、 简答题(每题10分) 1、 试述运动能力的遗传规律, ?、运动能力性状遗传的连续性;?、运动能力性状遗传的相关性;?、运动能力性状遗传的阶段性 2、神经类型分类有多少种, culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very straightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is ... ... Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from HouseImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and "make a heart" activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor households identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping ' income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. When the examination, which the poor don't have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build "green mountains and beautiful, happy and harmonious" new ... ... Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the "channel, use the same, and use" principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inputs and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds ... Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year ... and ... respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, "five-ten" ("five-way" path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; " Ten "the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education,
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