首页 福建省中小学校长培训课程调查



福建省中小学校长培训课程调查福建省中小学校长培训课程调查 福建省中小学校长培训课程调查研究 一、问题的提出 建立科学合理的中小学校长培训课程体系是提升校长培训质量的重要条件。福建省中小学校长培训已经迈入“十二?五”的第二个年头,已经积累了一定的经验。因此通过纵横向比较,及时总结中小学校长培训课程设置的特色与进一步完善的方向,对稳步推进校长培训质量起着承上启下的作用。 二、调查对象的说明 本调查采取立意抽样的方式:在省市县三级联盟纵向比较上,选取福建教育学院作为省级培训机构的代表;选取南平市教师进修学院、宁德市教师进修学院、泉州师院继续...

福建省中 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 校长培训课程调查 福建省中小学校长培训课程调查研究 一、问题的提出 建立科学合理的中小学校长培训课程体系是提升校长培训质量的重要条件。福建省中小学校长培训已经迈入“十二?五”的第二个年头,已经积累了一定的经验。因此通过纵横向比较,及时总结中小学校长培训课程设置的特色与进一步完善的方向,对稳步推进校长培训质量起着承上启下的作用。 二、调查对象的说明 本调查采取立意抽样的方式:在省市县三级联盟纵向比较上,选取福建教育学院作为省级培训机构的代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ;选取南平市教师进修学院、宁德市教师进修学院、泉州师院继续教育学院等三所培训机构为设区市代表;选取闽侯县教师进修校、南安市教师进修校、荔城区教师进修校、华安县教师进修校、同安区教师进修校、霞浦县教师进修校、仓山区教师进修校、福清市教师进修校、梅列区教师进修校等九所培训机构为县(市、区)级代表。在省内外横向比较上,选取福建教育学院和泉州师院继续教育学院作为本省代表,选取北京师范大学、华东师范大学、国家教育行政学院、重庆三峡学院、四川省宜宾学院五个培训机构作为省外培训机构代表。 三、福建省中小学校长培训课程三级联盟纵向比较 当前我省中小学校长常规培训主要有两种类型:任职资格培训与提高培训。综观省市县三级教师进修院校中小学校长培训课程设置,可以发现它们均以《国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task (2010-2020)》等教育部和福建省教育厅有关教育干部培训的纲要为共同的宏观指导 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,并结合各地情况设计培训方案并做出具体的课程设置,体现了统一性与灵活性相结合的原则。 中小学校长培训课程已经呈现模块化状态,包含了教学内容、目标和所涉及的学科体系。各级培训机构的课程模块基本上能够满足两种需求:一是社会发展对学校教育和校长的需求,二是校长个人发展需求。但这两种需求均是群体和共性的,不可能针对某个个体设计课程。(这里仅以集中培训为例,暂时不考虑外出考察培训的课程安排。)其中,福建教育学院校长培训的模块从过去任务性划分转向功能性划分,共设置为“时事政策与教育形势”、“管理理论与教育政策”、“管理实务与学校发展”、“校长素质提升与专业化发展”四个部分,并根据不同培训类型配置不同的课程。 (一)中小学校长任职资格培训课程比较:应知应会成为基本要求 任职资格培训的对象是新任或拟任校长。因此各级培训机构都能够在课程设置时着眼于岗位要求和发展需求,以形成胜任中小学校长工作应知应会的智能结构为根本目标。 1.省级培训机构任职资格校长培训课程 作为省级培训机构,福建教育学院高(完)中校长任职资格培训课程相对较为完善。具体如下表,: 表, 福建教育学院高(完)中校长任职资格培训课程 2.设区市培训机构任职资格校长培训课程 singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task 有些市级培训机构任职资格校长培训课程设置与省级类似。以南平市教师进修学院为例,其模块与课程如表2: 表2 南平市教师进修学院中学校长任职资格培训课程 此外,有些设区市将课程分为基本课程和专题讲座、综合实践三种类型。基本课程的课时比专题讲座多很多。以宁德市教师进修学院为例,其模块与课程如表3: 表3 宁德市教师进修学院中学校长任职资格培训课程课时比较 3.县(市、区)级培训机构任职资格校长培训课程 县(市、区)级培训机构主要承担小学任职资格校长培训。其模块与课程设置显示出较强的地方特色,着力于为当地教育干部的发展服务。以荔城区教师进修校和同安县教师进修校为例,可以看出其中的差异。荔城区教师进修校的培训模块与省市级培训类似,而同安区教师进修校的课程模块仍沿用任务性划分,将其分为基础课程、拓展课程和核心课程三大模块。 表4 荔城区教师进修校校长任职资格培训课程 表5 同安区教师进修校小学校长任职资格培训课程 (二)中小学校长提高培训课程比较:倾向于提高校长的专项素质 提高培训是在任职资格培训基础上的提升,要求根据教育形势发展和本地实际,结合当前的教育工作重点和全面推进素质教育的需要确定培训重点;对学校实际工作中亟需研究和解决的热点、难点singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task 问题开展研讨;引导校长进一步转变教育观念,树立依法治校、以德治校的观念,提高全面贯彻教育方针,全面实施素质教育的能力和水平。福建教育学院由于其平台较高,条件较为完善,故而能将校长提高培训根据不同培训对象细化为正职校长提高培训、教学副校长提高培训、德育副校长提高培训、后勤副校长提高培训四种类型,课程的专项化程度较高。而市级及县(市区)培训机构则受条件限制往往不能根据校长分工分开培训,有些县市区的校长提高培训甚至委托设区市培训机构完成。有些机构在课程设置上与任职资格培训课程的区别不太大,混合状态减弱了提高培训的专业程度。 1.专项培训:以福建教育学院教学副校长提高培训课程设置为例 由于系列较多,本调查选取福建教育学院教学副校长提高培训为代表进行 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 。教学副校长提高培训的对象为已经取得《任职资格培训合格证书》的全日制普通中学分管教学的副校长,着重扩大他们的教育视野,培养他们对于课程改革与教学领导力、教科研组织与管理、青年教师培养等方面的专业能力。 表6 福建教育学院高(完)中教学校长提高培训模块与课程 2.设区市与县市区中小学校长提高培训课程基本没有分系列 由于师资和人数等原因,设区市与县市区中小学校长提高培训无法按照校长分工分系列培训而只能采取综合培训的方式。以n市为例,在提高培训课程中涉及教育法制专题、财务管理专题、教育质量专题、校本教研专题、心理健康专题等。这些固然都很重要,但对于不同分工的校长价值不一,熟悉程度也不一致,会在一定程度singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task 上影响培训效果。 有些培训机构依靠地理优势,在充分发挥自身培训师资力量的基础上,与高一级培训机构合作,使得课程安排更加游刃有余。例如同安区的校长提高培训委托厦门市教科院或参加省级、国家级培训。仓山区教师进修校也常常如此。 表7 仓山区教师进修校小学校长提高培训课程 然而从实践中看,有些培训机构集中培训时间太短,课程涉及面不足;或由于条件的限制,没有完全拉开提高培训和任职资格培训之间的距离。“提高”的性质不明显。这是今后应进一步加强的。 (三)中职校长培训存在断层 从调查可以发现,虽然中职校长是作为中小学校长的重要组成部分,但是其专门培训存在断层现象。当前福建教育学院已经起步,将中职校长培训从普通教育系列剥离出来,举办了“十二?五”第一期中职校长提高培训和第一期中职校长任职资格培训。独立的中职系列带来与普通教育完全不同独特的课程设置。“福建省职业教育形势与任务”、“校企合作”、“中职学校实训的理论与实践”、“中职招生难题破解”等均体现出职教的特色,也深受中职学校校长好评。然而当前设区市和县市区的校长培训尚无法开设专门的中职校长培训,调查中也收集不到专门的培训课程体系,中职校长培训的断层现象较为严重。中职校长只能参加普通教育系列培训,降低了培训的实效性。 singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task 四、福建省中小学校长培训课程横向比较 在横向比较方面,福建省内选择福建教育学院和泉州师院两家培训机构,省外选择了北京师范大学、华东师范大学、国家教育行政学院三所具有全国性质的培训机构,以及重庆三峡学院、四川宜宾学院两所兄弟院校培训机构的中小学校长培训课程进行比较。从课程设置看,省内省外培训课程有着共同的目标,但在具体课程设置上与国家级培训机构相比存在一定的差距,而其他兄弟院校培训机构的校长培训课程也有可借鉴的地方。 (一)共同的课程目标:培养“教育家型校长” “教育家型校长”是在校长专业化基础上提出的一种更高的目标追求,无论省内还是省外培训机构,都力图增强中小学校长对教育教学规律的认识和把握,从而实现教育家办学的高级目标。这代表了中小学校长培训的发展方向。 (二)国家级培训机构课程:强大的师资支撑更广泛的课程 北京师范大学、华东师范大学、国家教育行政学院拥有大批高端专家,这有利于在培训中及时传递国际、国内的最新研究成果。例如北京师范大学“全国小学校长高级研修班”在常规课程之外,还开设了“员工激励——超越成功的‘杠杆’”、“解读人的发展”、“从哈佛到曲阜——从汉字与文化看教育”、“教育创新比较研究:教育领导的视角”等课程;华东师范大学举办的“中小学校长高级研修活动”聘请赵中建、吴刚、郑金洲、崔永漷、谢利民等著名学者开设“学校组织架构和质量管理体系建设”等专题讲座;国家教育行singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task 政学院聘请教育部相关部门领导、北京师范大学著名教授及全国著名中小学校长为授课专家等,吸引了许多地方将中小学校长送往这些机构接受高水平培训。例如泉州师院负责“泉州市中学优秀中青年校长高级研修班”就将第一阶段4周集中学习委托给华东师范大学教育部校长培训中心,扩大了校长们的视野。 此外,由于师资雄厚,国家级培训机构可开设专题培训,例如国家教育行政学院开设“基础教育改革动态”专题培训、“校长专业化发展与领导力提升”专题培训等。相对而言,福建教育学院的校长培训均有主题,也开设了诸如“福建省中小学校长学校文化建设”专题培训,但相对的次数不多。 (三)省外兄弟培训机构课程:校长博雅教育呈系列化趋势 从重庆三峡学院的校长培训课程可以发现博雅教育渐成系列化。例如,重庆三峡学院在培训中专门开设“国学经典”模块,包括了必修课“易经思想精髓的把握”、“孔子与儒家思想”、“老子与道德经”三门和“司马迁与《史记》”、“《孙子兵法》科学价值及为将之道”、“唐宋名诗词鉴赏”、“红楼梦与红学”四门选修课。四川宜宾学院也开设了“传统文化与个人修养”、“教师的人文精神与人文素养”“身体接触语与微语言”、“校长礼仪与职业修养”等课程,这些中华传统文化精髓教育及修养教育对于中小学校长广博知识和优雅气质的培养很有意义。与之相比,福建教育学院也有开设相关博雅教育课程,如“校长礼仪修养”、“校长艺术修养”等,但在比singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task 例上可进一步扩大,使校长能够接受更多传统文化精髓的熏陶。 五、完善福建省中小学校长培训课程体系之建议 (一)纵向比较之建议 1.发挥福建教育学院龙头作用,建立福建省中小学校长培训课程三级联盟大体系 当前在福建教育学院的努力下,培训机构省市县三级联盟已经逐步形成,相互间的工作联系逐渐加强。但从一定程度上说,各培训机构之间还难以做到资源共享。从全省视野看,师资不同、培训要求差异等导致了培训课程条块分割的状况比较明显。因此建议建立统一的课程资源库,形成培训课程三级联盟大体系。各培训机构根据具体培训目标及需求菜单式选择课程,或将有助于增强和发挥福建省中小学校长培训的综合实力,设区市和县市区开展专项的校长提高培训也有了着力点。此外,作为省级培训,也应大力打造省外校长培训基地,这样才能开拓新的培训资源,更有效地推动校长培训的省际交流,提升培训质量。 2.逐步建设设区市中职校长培训课程体系 针对中职校长培训断层现象,笔者认为,可逐步建设设区市中职校长培训课程体系以完善之。尤其是福州市、泉州市、莆田市等经济发达地区有着相当数量的中职学校,完全可以并且有必要为中职校长开设独立的培训课程。可通过与省级培训机构的相互协作解决师资和课程体系方面的困难。至于县市区这一级中职校长独立培训则可缓行。尤其是有些县市区仅有一所中职学校,则直接参加设区singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task 市的培训即可。 (二)横向比较之建议 1.建立高端专家库以扩大校长培训的知名度 高端专家不仅包括理论家,也包括实践家。他们是培训的金字招牌,也代表了研究的前沿方向。国家级培训由于其高平台而成为高端专家的舞台,其师资力量是省级培训难以企及的。但省级培训也可在高端培训上,例如名校长培训、骨干校长培训、正职校长提高培训等建立高端专家库,与高端专家保持联系,并有计划地聘请一些高端专家以提升培训的知名度。 2.增强博雅教育以提高校长的文化素养 博雅教育体现了校长的风采,对于校长意义重大,且深受校长欢迎。从本次调查看,我省除省级培训外,设区市和县市区级校长培训很少开设博雅教育课程。或许在观念上还需要进一步更新。另外,我们还可向外省学习,将博雅教育课程进一步完善形成系列课程,并在具体内容上更加针对校长职业而不是在普遍性意义上做思考,则培训效果会更好。 singing songs progress, and breaks down barriers to air, widely welcomed by the Japanese youth. Soon, the political team was held in town "25 rent" forum to promote rent, attended by KMT County Government, county offices, Yan Tomb District Government and representatives from all walks of the local youth. The meeting, the objections raised by the representatives of the County Committee, the two sides hotly debated. The local gentry and County Committee of the Kuomintang have attacked political team for unusual activity, Zhuang Shaozhen became a major goal. Renewed from the flag publications, organized anti-Japanese campaign, then to convene "25 rent" Forum, sparking a burst of publicity heat to promote youth war played a role. But the second wave of anti-communist, Kuomintang is mulling, wujiangludong, Lu XI two local forces took the opportunity to launch the "Shen" (the KMT County Chief Shen Liqun) activity, they shouted "County Government with the Communist party activities," created unprecedented tensions. Shen Liqun feel nervous, he was accused of "accommodate the alien parties" and deal with danger, prophesy and found no Communist Party in his County, and caused the storm to Zhuang Shaozhen to open the new identity. Between October, rumors in southwest area of Wujiang in tianmu mountain, "Black said. South Bureau and ordered the withdrawal of Sunan County owned lands, to youth task
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