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安全主题辩论赛策划书安全主题辩论赛策划书 主办方:****************** 承办方:学联纪律保卫部 时间:****年**月**日 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis...

安全主题辩论赛策划书 主办方:****************** 承办方:学联纪律保卫部 时间:****年**月**日 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 目 录 一、 活动背景………………………………………………3 二、 活动目的………………………………………………3 三、 活动主题………………………………………………3 四、 活动时间………………………………………………3 五、 活动地点………………………………………………3 六、 活动参与人员…………………………………………3 七、 活动流程………………………………………………4 八、 奖项设置………………………………………………5 九、 宣传计划………………………………………………6 十、经费预算………………………………………………6 十一、竞赛注意事项…………………………………………6 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 严于律己,服务同学 呼伦贝尔学院纪律保卫部 十二、活动中注意的细节……………………………………7 附,经费预算 ………………………………………………8 一、活动背景, 当前,高校人数占主体地位的大学生的安全意识不容乐观。这些学生在校期间积累了丰富的文化知识,理论功底较扎实,但是一般都忙于文化知识积累,却忽略了安全知识的提高,基本上没有接受应有的 安全教育 有限空间作业人员安全教育培训制度有限空间安全教育培训制度有限空间作业专项安全教育培训制度安全教育培训制度范文安全教育培训制度范本 培训,安全知识、自救技能都很匮乏。 二、活动目的 辩论是一项可以提高思辩能力,丰富课余知识,培养团队精 神,锻炼思维 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达的活动。开展此项活动,可以使同学们更好的 融入大学生活,在活动中提高自信,培养创新和团队精神。所以 希望通过本次比赛,丰富同学的课余生活,提高思辩能力,培养 创新精神,使各系之间,学生之间互动。 三、活动主题, “辞辩绽放光彩,安全伴我同行” 四、活动时间, **月*日 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation point3 s; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 五、活动地点, ***************** 六、活动参与人员, 学生处老师及各系选手,每系四人, 各系亲友团 七、活动流程,,具体事项若有改动另行 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 , 一、赛前 由七八年级年级主任向各班下发通知并动员各班积极参与,选出参赛选手。 二、预赛 先由每班选出8名学生,然后在年级内部分组初辩,最后上报八名辩手参加半决赛,辩题由主办方给出,。 三、半决赛 由各年级入围的参赛选手组队抽签决定辩题及正反方。在抽签后各队有三天时间做准备,并在规定时间开始半决赛,无故不来者及队伍人数不够者按弃权处理,。 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 严于律己,服务同学 呼伦贝尔学院纪律保卫部 比赛流程, 1、主持人开场,介绍对垒双方、评判团及比赛规则,宣布比赛开始; 2、立论阶段: 正方一辩表明立场,接着由反方一辩发言,然后是正、反双方二辩、三辩交替发言, 发言时间各3分钟; 3、自由辩论: 正方先发言,每位队员的发言次序、时间和次数均不限,但全队的发言时间不得超过5分钟;自由辩论开始后,正方的任何一位队员先起立发言,在其结束发言后,反方任何一位 队员应立即发言,双方依此程序轮流发言,直到双方时间用完为止;如果一方的发言时间已用尽,另一方还有剩余发言时间,则该队的一名或多名队员可以继续发言,直到该队的时间用完为止; 4、 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 陈词: 反方四辩先发言,之后正方四辩发言。 正、反两方发言时间各4 分钟。 5、主持人请评判团进行评决。 6、要请评判代表点评。 7、主持人宣布评判团结果。 四、决赛,参考半决赛, 五、颁奖 首先请老师进行点评,然后宣读获奖名单,由学校领导为获奖团队和最佳辩手颁发奖状、奖品。 六、结束 主持人请学校领导发表总结,宣布辩论赛圆满结束。主持人请老师退场,然后同学们按顺序退场。 八、奖项设置, performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation point5 s; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 1、安全主题辩论赛赛奖项设置 最佳辩论团队 1队 颁发奖品荣誉证书 最佳辩手1名 颁发奖品荣誉证书 (观众提出的精彩问题予以一定的奖励) 九、宣传计划, 1、向各年级下发通知 2、制作宣传海报 3、悬挂条幅 ,?加强安全知识教育,保护你我,?呼伦贝尔学院安全主题辩论赛赛, 4、广播站,配合宣传, 十、经费预算,,附表, 十一、竞赛注意事项, 一、竞赛纪律 1、比赛进行过程中,各参赛队员需将手机等各种通讯设施关闭。比赛开始时,场下观众调至为静音模式。 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 严于律己,服务同学 呼伦贝尔学院纪律保卫部 2、主辩、四辩作陈词时,场上队员不能给予任何形式的提示、干扰,违者两次警告,第三次禁言,自由辩论环节视情况而定,。 3、严禁台下观众以任何形式干扰参赛选手。 二、裁判规则 1、比赛设裁判员若干人,违规和一般情况下由裁判评判。 2、每组比赛设立计时裁判3名。 3、需请中文系老师当做评委。 三、其它事项 1、原则上要求各参赛队员用普通话进行辩论。 2、各参赛队伍不能在比赛进行队员的更换。 3、竞赛过程中,不能带相关资料入场。 4、注意赛场文明。 十二、活动准备注意的细节, 1、 联系好场地,提前借好相关设备,计时器,麦克风, 2、可以请各系学生会协商同学按时到场 3、注意保证活动中的安全。 4、注意活动中的人员分配,防止出现场面混乱的情况。 5、活动过程中组织者要注意沟通,确保活动一致。 6、准备好活动资料和人员安排 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation point7 s; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 呼伦贝尔学院大学生联合会 纪律保卫部 附,经费预算 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 严于律己,服务同学 呼伦贝尔学院纪律保卫部 ,一,可预知经费 活动经费预算 名称 单价(元) 数量 总价(元) ,二,不可预知经费****元 ,三,共计****元 育与处罚 论辩中的校园安全管理 ——新闻与传播学院第四期干部培训会 一方讲台,二队选手,五个环节,十分精彩。辩论是一种形式,带入的主题却实意味深长。2009年4月26日,由四川师范大学新闻与传播学院纪检部主办,新传学院宣传部、信联部协办的第四期干部培训会,校园安全管理这个重要议题被呈上台面。在“校园安全管理以教育为主还是以处罚为主”为主题的辩论比赛中,新闻与传播学院第四期干部培训会正式拉开帷幕 。 22日晚7时,四川师范大学新闻与传播学院第四期干部培训大会在川师本部七教315教室举行,新传学院党总支副书记蔡纪忠,川师纪检部部长阿尔牛日作为特邀嘉宾出席本次活动。我院09级辅导员杨经纬、袁佳瑜,新传学院教师张琼、徐秉权、周玉香也应邀参加此次培训大会。这次培训活动主要分为辩论赛与讨论会两个阶段进行。 活动第一阶段,由秉持“校园安全管理以教育为主”的正方——我院09级编导2班罗锦、任翔、岳琳以及罗佳组成的“神枪手”辩论队迎战持“校园安全管理以处罚为主”观点的09级新闻4班雒成、陈韵聪、崔曜与郭思忱组成的反方辩论队。此次辩论共分为五个比赛环节,依次分别是:陈词部分、质询部分、自由辩论部分、小结部分、观众抢辩部分与最后的总结陈词。比赛从双方一辩陈述本方观点开始,两方选手均是妙语连珠,旁征博引,正方重情,反方在理,辩论刚一开始即陷入剑拔弩张的紧张气氛。质询环节,正方二辩任翔与反方二辩陈韵聪均发挥出色,成功把握自身发问时机将对方辩手至于窘迫境地,比赛逐渐进入白热化。而后的自由辩论与小结环节,选手个个思维敏捷,现场更是高潮迭起,气氛热烈,观众席上掌声与欢呼时此起彼伏。值得一提的是,现场观众的精彩抢辩也丝毫不逊色,灵巧机变的发言将活动不断推向高潮。经过前面四个环节,反方09级4班在比赛中亦确立明显优势。 最后环节的总结陈词,正方得分上稍高于反方,但由于反方选手在前面比赛中的优秀表现已然回天乏力,反方新传学院09级新闻4班以127.72比122.57的总比分赢得最终胜利。赛后,蔡纪忠副书记在充分肯定双方选手的表现外,更针对校园安全管理这一实际问题作了小结,表达自己“教育为主、处罚为辅”的观点,也一再强调了同学们的安全问题。此后,我院培训大会第二阶段干部培训交流讨论会将07、08级、09级同学分为两部分于七教315、七教416教室开展,并分别由分团委副书 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation point9 s; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 记王丹、院学生会主席兰岛主持。新传学院第四期干部培训大会,在论辩中开始,也在深思中完满结束。 为了更好地做好平安校园建设,11月8日,我校与河南财经政法大学辩论队在龙子湖校区5105教室举办了一场以“平安校园建设”为主题的友谊辩论赛。比赛由校团委主办,校演讲与辩论协会承办。校团委书记李尚可,副书记曹震出席辩论赛。李尚可书记在开场之前向兄弟院校代表队表示欢迎,并向参赛选手们送出勉励寄语。 此次辩论赛的辩题为“校园安全应以学校管理为主还是应以学生自律为主”。河南财经政法大学辩论队为正方即坚持“校园安全应以学校管理为主”,我校辩论队为反方即“校园安全应以学生自律为主”。“身体发肤受之父母,不敢毁伤孝之始也。”生命对于每个人来说都是最宝贵的,当代大学生走进高校,离开父母的羽翼,校园安全成为了一个需要面对的重要课题。 辩论赛分为开篇立论、攻辩、自由辩论和总结陈词四个环节依次进行。开篇立论阶段,辩手们破题立论,角度新颖;攻辩阶段,激烈交锋、思维灵活、逻辑缜密;自由辩论阶段,辩手们围绕辩题引经据典、旁征博引;总结陈词阶段,正反双方辩手清晰的思路和巧妙的陈词为整场辩论赛画龙点睛。 通过此次辩论赛,不仅加深了我校与河南财经政法大学的深厚友谊,更是从人身安全、行为安全、思想安全等诸多方面提升了师生们的校园安全意识,为更好地建设平安校园奠定了坚实的思想基础。 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 严于律己,服务同学 呼伦贝尔学院纪律保卫部 第四、辩手的选拔方式以什么为好呢,(初选方式) ,、无题目即兴演讲 。即在自荐、推荐的基础上,先让选手做无题目的即兴演讲,时间 要求一般是,,,分钟,即演讲讲写什么都可以。 ,、有题目即兴演讲 时间仍然是,,,分钟。 有题目即兴演讲又分为两种, 一种是同 题目即兴演讲, 即面对同一个题目做不同的发挥; 另一种则是分题目抽签即兴演讲, 即拟出 不同题目,随意进行抽签,抽道什么题目就讲什么内容。 ,、答辩式即兴演讲 即组成,,,人的答辩团, 向辩手一一提问, 也可以有观众现场 进行提问,由辩手舌战群儒。 如果时间允许, 上面的三种方式可以依次进行; 如果时间不允许, 可以根据条件选用一 种或两种。 但是选拔过程当中, 选择哪种方式不要事先告诉选手, 道他们进行现场选拔时再告诉他 们,目的是不给准备时间、思考时间,以考察他们的临场应变、急智能力等等。 为什么这样的选拔方式有效呢, ,、由于准备、思考的时间短,所以能够考察一个选手的思维的敏捷性; ,、由于有时间的要求,所以能够考察一个选手表达的精练性和完整性; ,、由于是集体参加选拔,所以能够考察出一个选手的竞争能力和创造性; ,、由于现场有比较大的环境压力,所以能够看出一个选手的心理承受能力; ,、采用即兴答辩的方式, 容易考察选手的知识面、 反应能力、语言表达的准确度等方面的能力。 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation point11 s; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination 一般说, 辩手选拔的准不准、好不好,与选拔的方式有很大的关系 。当然这里给出的 方式,是针对初次参加或举办辩论赛而言的。 挑选的办法建议两个手段结合: 1组织新生辩论赛,看看有哪些人对辩论比较感兴趣,哪些人乐意上辩论场表现,挑出比赛中表现相对较好的新生。 2将它们集中起来,做个面试。看看每个人对辩论的了解和体会,考察一下思维和反应。 其实我个人不建议你在选人上下很多功夫,我们都知道,在高考的压力下,高中生很难玩好辩论。我个人认为能挑出几个能上场表现,情况稍微好一点的就行了,你带着他们入门,逐步训练才是重点啊。 performance, and drug treatment method, and diet therapy principles, and food hot card calculation and the implementation points; Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus diabetes ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma diagnosis and treatment; methods and significance of oral glucose tolerance test. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases; principles, procedures and clinical significance of hormone immunization; endocrine function tests (including excitement, inhibit the principle and significance of steps). Endocrine Hypertension diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. High blood prolactin and prolactin in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease diabetes (including Diabetic Ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma of diabetes) patients with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease) thyroiditis hypothyroidism thyroid nodules require at least 30 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name oral glucose resistance volume test refers to measuring blood sugar common hormone hematuria concentration determination
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