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品牌酒店英语面试培训教程06品牌酒店英语面试培训教程06 Appendix A Useful Vocabulary in Interviews 适应能力和幽默感是必须的。 A adequate adj. ability n. Though a bit too old, he is still adequate to She has no ability in that kind of work. the work. 她没有做那种工作的能力。 虽然他年纪大了点,却仍能胜任这项academic adj. 工作。 The universit...

品牌酒店英语面试培训教程06 Appendix A Useful Vocabulary in Interviews 适应能力和幽默感是必须的。 A adequate adj. ability n. Though a bit too old, he is still adequate to She has no ability in that kind of work. the work. 她没有做那种工作的能力。 虽然他年纪大了点,却仍能胜任这项academic adj. 工作。 The university is composed of five adept adj. academic schools. He is an adept mechanic. 整个大 学由5个学院组成。 他是一个熟练的机械师。 acceptable adj. additional adj. The terms of the contract are acceptable to us. Guests have to pay additional charges for 我们认为这个 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 的条 件可以接受。 their extra beverages. accomplishment n. 客人们另外点的饮料要额外付费。 Her technical accomplishment on the piano admire v. is startling. We admire his working so hard. 她在钢琴方面的造诣令人惊叹。 我们钦佩他工作努力。 achieve v. advantage n. Only practice can achieve mastery. It would advantage you to work hard. 只有实践才能达到精通。 努力工作 对你会有益。 adapt v. affect v. She knew how to adapt herself to the The tax increases have affected us all. environment. 加税已经影响了我们所有的人。 她懂得如何适应环境。 ambition n. adaptability n. His ambition knows no limits. adaptability and sense of humor is needed. 他的野心是无止尽的。 Appendix A Useful Vocabulary in Interviews ambitious adj. How may I assist you? 我能帮您 做什么呢? She is ambitious to succeed. 她极想成功。 assiatance n. apathetic adj. I`m just glad to be of assistance You won’t succee我很高兴能帮上忙。 d if you are apathetic. 要是你缺乏 兴趣,你就不能成功。 attendance n. appeal (to) n. The attendance of this class never dropped We made an appeal to the employees for off. m这个班的出席人数从未下降。 oney to build the bridge. 为了建造这座桥,我们呼吁员工捐款。 attire n. apply ( for/ to) v. He had no intention of changing his mode We should try to learn economic theory and of attire. 他无意改变着装方式。 apply it. 我们应努力学习经济理论并能应用。 attitude n. assign v. What’s your attitude to/towards this idea? 你对这种意见看法如何, They have assigned me a small room. 他们已 给我分配了一个小房间。 autonomy n. application n. Branch managers have full autonomy in He has filed his application. their own areas. 他已经呈交了申请书。 分支机构的经理在其管辖范 围内有充分的自主权。 applicant n. As the wages were low, there were few available adj. applicants for the job. The rest room is not available, and it is 因为工资低,没有什么人申请这 份工作。 being repaired. 洗手间现在不能用,因为正在修理。 appraise v. The interviewer appraised the pupil’s award n. / v. performance. They awarded John the first prize. 面试官 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 了那个学生的表现。 他们授予约翰一等奖。 appropriate adj. B It is appropriate that he should get the post. 由他担任这一职务是恰当的。background n. She has a background in child psychology. assess v. 她受过儿童心理学的教育。 We should equitably assess his performance. 我们应该公正地评价他的表现。bearing n. He is a man of erect and soldierly bearing adj. assit v. 89 品牌酒店英语面试培训教程 他是一个身子挺直、具有军人风度的男子。 category n. behavior n. These form an independent category. A这些形成了一个独立的种类。 person’s behavior is often regulated by his circumstances. certificate n. 人的行为常受其所处环境的约 束。 These are my ID card, diploma and my benefit n. / v. certificate for accountant qualifications. 这是我的身份证、毕业证书和会计资格That was a health program to benefit 证 书。 everyone. 那是一项对人人都有好处的健康 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 challenge v. briefly adv. The job doesn’ t really challenge him. 这项工作不能真正地考验他。 I want to touch briefly on another aspect of the problem. challenging adj. 我想简单地谈一下这个问题的另一方面。 She performed the most challenging task broad-minded adj. without a mistake. H她毫无差错地完成了这一最富有 挑战性e is broad-minded. 他心胸坦荡。 的任务。 cheerful adj. C He is cheerful in spite of his illness. campus n. 尽管他生病了,但精神很好。 The campus of Harvard University is very client n. beautiful. She can’t come to the telephone, she’s 哈佛大学的校园非常漂亮。 serving a client. candidate n. 她不能来接电话,她正在接待一位顾客。 He interviews many candidates for jobs. colleague n. 他面试过很多求职者。 He is a colleague of mine. capable adj. 他是我的 同事。 Jim is capable at sports. collaborate v. 吉姆擅长运动。 The work gets done more quickly when we career n. collaborate. My uncle entered upon a diplomatic career 当我们协作时,工作 做起来会更快。 at the age of thirty-five. comment v. 我伯父35岁时开始了外交官的生涯。 I won’t comment on what people say. caring adj. 对人们说的话我不作评论。 Children need a caring environment. communicate v. 儿童需要一个受关怀的环境。 A politician must be able to communicate. 90 Appendix A Useful Vocabulary in Interviews 政治家必须善于表达自己的观点。 几乎全体成 员都出席了这次会议。 communicative adj. conflict n. He has a headache and isn’t feeling Your statement is in conflict with the rest communicative today. of the evidence. 他今天头痛,不爱说 话。 你的陈述同其余证据有矛盾。 communication n. confuse v. Telegraph communication was broken off. They asked so many questions that they 电讯中断了。 confused me. 他们问了许多 问题,都把我弄糊涂了。 competence n. We knew her competence in solving confused adj. problems. All your changes of plan have made me 我们都知道她解决问题的能力。 totally confused. 你把计划改来改去, 我都糊涂了。 competent adj. He did a competent job. conscientious adj. 他的工作做得相当出色。 He is a conscientious student. 他是一个勤奋的学 生。 competition n. There is keen competition between the two considerable adj. motorcar firms. They have given the plan considerable 两家汽车公司之间存在激烈的竞争。 attention. 他们已 经给予这个计划以相当多的关注。 comprehension n. The teacher set the class a comprehension consideration n. test. We shall give your request our fullest 老师对全班同学进 行了一次理解力测验。 consideration. 我们会认真考虑你的请求。 conceivable adj. It is conceivable that there will be a new constructive adj. economic crisis throughout the world, but We welcome constructive criticism. w我们乐意接受有建设性的批评。 e hope it won’t happen. 人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席contribute v. 卷全球,但是我们希望它不要发生。 I just can contribute 100 dollars. 我充其量只能捐助100美元。 concern n. / v. The second question concerns our method contribution n. of work. This is the contribution to the hotel. 第 二个问题牵涉到我们的工作 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 这是对酒店的贡献。 conference n. cooperate v. Nearly all the members attended the conference. We hope we can cooperate even more closely 91 品牌酒店英语面试培训教程 不要这样批评我的偶像。 in the future. 希望我们今后能更加 密切地合作。 criticism n. cooperative adj. Some youth today do not allow any criticism We thank you for your cooperative efforts. at all. 我们感谢你方的努力合作。 现在有些年轻人根本指责 不得。 core n. cultivate v. The core of our appeal is freedom of She cultivated her mind by reading many speech. books. 我们呼吁的中心是要言论自由。 她博览群书, 修身养性。 count v. current adj. Quality counts above origin. They suggested measures to overcome 质量比产地更 重要。 current difficulties. 他们提出了克服目前困难的措施。 course n. The college course was then cut to three customer n. years. These goods enjoy growing favor among 之后大学学制缩 短到3年。 the customers. 这些货物越来越受顾客的欢迎。 courteous adj. Although she often disagreed with me, she D was always courteous. 尽管她常常和我意见不一,但她总是很谦deal v. 恭有礼。He must deal with many difficulties. 他必须应付许多困难。 creative adj. defect n. He is a very creative boss. 他是一个非常有创造力的老板。We must correct our defects as soon as possible. creativity n. 我们必须尽快纠正我们的缺点。 There is limited scope for creativity in my define v. job. 在我的工作中发挥创造力的空间有限。Please define the words. 请定义 这些词。 credibility n. definition n. Recommendations from two previous clients I made a definition for this position. helped to establish her credibility. 我给这个职位下了一个定义。 两 位以前的客户的推荐有助于确立她的诚信度。demerit n. Each man has his merits and demerits. criticize v. 每个人都有他的优点和缺点。 Hey, don’t ever criticize my idol. 92 Appendix A Useful Vocabulary in Interviews demonstrate v. which you haven’t considered. 这个问题还有你尚未考虑到的另一方面。 Recent events demonstrate the need of change in policy. diploma n. 最近的事态表明政策需要改变。 She worked hard to earn her music diploma. 她刻苦用功,以求获得音乐学位证书。 demonstration n. His new book is a demonstration of his disadvantage n. patriotism. We were put at a serious disadvantage. 他写的新书是他的爱国精 神的证明。 我们被置于非常不利的地位。 dependable adj. discipline n. She is loyal and totally dependable. She needs the discipline of having to write 她很忠诚,完全值得信赖。 an essay every week. 她需要进行每周写一篇文章的训练。 describe v. Can you describe it to me? disciplined adj. 你能把它描述给我听吗? Be more disciplined~ 注意纪律~ desire n. / v. The workers desire better working conditions. discreet adj. 工人们要求更好的工作条件。 He is very discreet in giving his opinions. 发表意见时他十分慎重。 detail n. If you’re interested in the job, I’ll send you donate v. all the details. They used to donate large sum of money to 如果你对这份 工作感兴趣,我将给你发送the Red Cross every year. 所有详细资料。 他们过去每年都向红 十字会捐献大笔的钱。 determined adj. As he was not reconciled to his defeat, he donation n. was determined to try again in the next They made a generous donation to charity. 他们对慈善 事业慷慨捐助。 contest. 他不甘心这次失败,决心参加下次比赛。 drawback n. diligent adj. Everything has its drawback. He is d凡事皆有不足之处。 iligent in whatever he does. 他无论做 什么都很勤奋。 E diligence n. education n. Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎勤奋,带来好运。 I’m looking for a little background about the English education system. dimension n. 我想了解 一下英国教育体制的情况。 There is another dimension to this problem 93 品牌酒店英语面试培训教程 effect n. He understands about diplomatic etiquette. H他熟知 外交礼节。 ave the English classes any effect on her? 上英语班对她有什么效果吗? evaluate v. effective adj. I can’t evaluate his ability without seeing These are effective measures. his work. 这些都是有效的措施。 没有看到他的工作情况,我无法评估他的能力。 efficient adj. She is an efficient manageress. evaluation n. 她是一个有能力的经理。 I attempted an honest evaluation of my own energetic adj. life. He is always energetic. 我试图如实地评价我自己的 一生。 他总是精力旺盛。 evidence n. enterprising adj. There wasn’t enough evidence to prove him Phil is an enterprising cook. guilty. 菲尔是个有进取心的厨师。 没有充分的证据证明他 有罪。 entertainment n. excellent adj. The hotel is famous for its entertainment. The student was excellent in chemistry. 这家旅馆以殷勤待客而著称。 这个学生的化学成绩优异。 enthusiasm n. excellence n. One of his many enthusiasms is a great She turned out to be an organizer par fondness of eastern music. excellence. 酷爱东方音乐是他的众多爱好之一。 结果表明她是个 优秀的组织者。 enthusiastic adj. exceed v. I gathered from the way she replied that she The demand for skilled engineer exceeds wasn’t very enthusiastic. the supply this month. 从她回答 的语气判断,我觉得她不是很本月工程师职位供不应求。 热心。 except prep. essential adj. He could do little except write. It is essential for us to know all the facts. 他除了会写之外,其他什 么都不行。 对我们来说,了解所有的事实是必要的。 exception n. establish v. Every rule has its exception. We have established close relations with 一切规则皆有例外。 many companies. exceptional adj. 我们已和许多公司建立了密切的关系。 Our circumstances have been rather etiquette n. 94 Appendix A Useful Vocabulary in Interviews exceptional. active part in extracurricular. 我们 的情况相当特别。 班上绝大部分学生都积极参加课外活动。 expect v. extremely adv. She expects to fail the interview. Outwardly she looked confident but in 她预料无法通过面试。 reality she felt extremely nervous. 表面上她显得很自信,其实她非常紧张。 expectation n. His parents have great expectations for his eye contact n. future. Appropriate eye contact is also important 他父母对他的前途寄予厚望。 socially. 恰当的目光交流对社会交往也是很重 experience n. / v. 要的。 Experience is the best teacher. 经验是最好的老师。 F experienced adj. factor n. Seek for an experienced employee to fill Industry and modesty are the chief factors the post. of his success. 找一位有经验的员工来担当此职。 勤奋和谦虚是他成功的主要因素。 expectation n. failure n. His parents have great expectations for his Failure teaches success. future. 他父母对他的前途深寄厚望。 失败是成功之母。 expection n. fear n./ v. Our expection depend on you. They feared the worst. 我们的希望寄托在你身上 他们担心会发生最坏的情 况。 express v. figure n./ v. He expressed his views at the meeting. The above figure did not include workers. 他在会上发表了自己的观点。 上面的数字没有包括工人。 flexible adj. expression n. He has a flexible mind. All their expressions were not true. 他脑瓜灵活。 他们的 所有表情都不是真的。 fluency n. extra adj. Fluency in spoken English is essential. Room service is extra. 能讲一口流利的英语很重要。 房价不含小费。 fluent adj. extracurricular adj. She speaks fluent English. Most of the students in the class take an 95 品牌酒店英语面试培训教程 她说一口流利的英语。 Duff is being groomed for the job of manager. 达夫正在接受训练,准备当经理。 fluently adv. I can speak Mandarin fluently. groom v. 我能说流利的普通话。 He is grooming his son for the directorship focus n. / v. of the firm 他准备推荐自己的儿子担任公司的经理。 She was the focus of everyone’s attention. 她是大家关注的焦点。 H fraud n. handle v. I saw through the fraud. 我识破了那个骗局。Do you know how to handle the machine? 你知道怎样操作这台机器吗? friendly adj. hardworking adj. They are on friendly terms with the boss. 他们与老板的关系融洽。 He was incompetent yet hardworking. 他能力较弱,但工作还是勤勤恳恳的。 friendliness n. His manner was a blend of friendliness and harm n./ v. respect. Smoking harms our health. 他的态 度友善且毕恭毕敬。 吸烟有害健康。 frustrate v. harmful adj. The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of It is conspicuous that smoking is harmful to going out. health. 恶劣的天气破坏了 我们出行的愿望。 很明显,抽烟对健康有害。 frustrating adj. harmony n. It was a demeaning and ultimately His ideas were no longer in harmony with frustrating experience. ours. 那是一次 有失颜面并且令人沮丧至极的他的想法同我们的不再一致了。 经历。 harmonious adj. They can build a more harmonious society G once inequality and exploitation are genuine adj. removed. His wish to help seems genuine. 消除了不平等与剥削,他们就能建立一个看来他是 真诚地想给予帮助。 更为和谐的社会。 gesture n. helpful adj. He made a rude gesture with his fingers. Our teacher gave us a lot of helpful books 他用手指做了一个不礼貌的手势。 in maths. groom v. 我们老师给了我们许多在数学上有帮助96 Appendix A Useful Vocabulary in Interviews 的书。 Her apartment was immaculate. 她的公 寓房间洁净无垢。 hire v. We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the implement v. city. Before you implement your plans, you 我们雇了一个司机带我们游览这个城市。 must have a profound knowledge of hobby n. markets there. He ent在你实施计划之前.你必须深入了解那 里ered into politics as a hobby. 他参加政治活动是作为一种业余爱好。 的市场。 honest adj. impression n. He was very honest to tell me his story. She made a good impression on her boss. 他十分坦率地给我讲了他的故事。 她给老板留下了很好的印象。 honesty n. inspire v. I can’ t in all honesty say that I’ve had much His speech inspired the crowd. 他的演说鼓舞了群众。 experience of this kind of work, but I’m willing to try it. include v. 说实话,我在这方面并没有 多少工作经Their course of study includes elementary 验,但我很想试一试。 hygiene and medical theory. 他们的课程包括基础卫生学和医疗知识。 humor n. He has a sense of humor. income n. 他具有一种幽默感。 What’s your expected income? 你期望的收入是多少, humorous adj. He is a humorous salesman. indifferent adj. 他是一位幽默的推销员。 His manner was cold and indifferent. 他的态度既冷淡又无动于衷。 I indispensable adj. ideal n./ adj. For a successful class humor is indispensable. She’s looking for a job but hasn’t found her 要在课堂上取得成功,幽默是必不可ideal yet. 少的。 她在寻找一份工作,但迄今为止还没 有找influence n./ v. 到理想的。 Her influence made me a better person. image n. 她对我的影 响使我成为一个更好的人 I have this image of you as always being influential adj. cheerful and optimistic. He is a very influential man in the company. 你留给我的印象总是快活和乐观。 他 在公司中是个很有影响的人物。 immaculate adj. innovate v. 97 品牌酒店英语面试培训教程 We must innovate in order to make progress. 她还算可爱,但 实在没什么特别的风韵。 我们必须改革以便取得进步。 logical adj. interpersonal adj. It is logical that the book is expensive. Interpersonal communication is necessary. 书贵是很自然的 事。 人际沟通是必要的。 loyal adj. interview n./ v. He is a loyal staff. Don’t be late for your job interview. 他是一位忠诚的职员。 求职面试不能迟到。 loyalty n. interviewee n. If the interviewer asked about your family When you are interviewee, surely, you or school, you should speak with loyalty should pay attention to the interviewer’s and affection. eyes. 当面试官提到 你的家庭和学校时,你说话当然,在面试时,记住要看着考官的眼睛。 时要显得忠诚和热 爱。 interviewer n. luxury adj. Always maintain eye contact with the This is a luxury hotel interviewer. 这是一个豪华的饭店 和雇主要一直保持目光接触。 M issue n. There was no issue at all between us. maintain v. 我们之间毫无争议。 The two companies have maintained friendly relations for many years. K 两个公司多年来一直保持着友好的关系。 key (to) n. manner n. I don’t know the key to the answer. Good manner will leave a good impression 我不 知道这个问题的答案。 to the employers. 良好的举止会给面试官留下好印象。 L mature adj. leadership n. The new manager is more mature than his The leadership of the movement is in predecessor. agreement on this issue. 新经理比他的前任更成熟一些。 这一运动的领导层对 这个问题的看法mention v. 一致。 He did not want to mention the painful likeable adj. past. 他 不愿意提起过去的伤心事。 She is likeable enough, but very ordinary. 98 Appendix A Useful Vocabulary in Interviews merit n. nervous adj There is great merit in dealing fairly with She felt very nervous with so many people your employees. looking at her. 公 正地对待你的雇员有极大好处。这么多人瞧着她, 她感到非常紧张。 numerous adj mission n. There are numerous people in the square. The minister was sent to Spain on mission. 有许多 人在广场上。 这位部长奉命前往西班牙。 misunderstand v. O Don’t misunderstand what I’ m trying to say. opportunity n. 别误解我要说的话。 He sought opportunities of doing her little misunderstanding service. I don’t want any misunderstanding. 他寻找机会为她尽一点力。 我 不希望有任何误解。 optimistic adj. modest adj. He is an optimistic young fellow. He is a very modest person. 他是一位非常谦逊的人。他是一位乐观的年轻人。 motivate v. organize v. No one really knows what motivated him to He has the ability to organize. do so. 他很有组织才能。 没有人确实知道他那样做的动机。 orientated adj. motivation n. The course was orientated towards foreign Thestudents. motivation for the decision is the desire to 该课程是专为外国 学生开的. improve our service to our customers. 做这个决定的动机是希望改善我们对顾 orientation n. New employees need some orientation 客的服务。 when they go to work. motivated adj. 新员工上班前需要培训。 Employees are motivated to work harder outgoing adj. for a whole host of different reasons. 促使雇员更加努力工作的原因多种多样。He is an outgoing and lively person. 他是一个性格开朗而又活泼的人。 N overcome v. native adj He has enough courage to overcome the He read a poem in his native language. difficulty. 他用母语 朗读了一首诗。 他有足够的勇气来克服这个困难。 99 品牌酒店英语面试培训教程 The pianist gave a fine performance. P 钢琴家演奏得很出色。 particular adj. personality n. This is a particular account of the accident. His personality is in good taste. 这是一份全面而详尽的事故报告。 他的品格很高尚。 passion n. persuade v. He could not control his passion. It is easy to persuade oneself. 他无法控制自己的激情。 说服自己往往 很容易。 patient adj. pertain to v. Facing the trouble he is patient. The inspector was interested in everything 面对麻烦时他表现得很有耐心。 pertaining to the school. patience n. 视察员对 有关学校的一切都感兴趣。 We haven’t the patience to hear such an pleasant adj. empty talk. It is pleasant for us to meet you. 我们可没耐心去听这种空谈。 遇见你我们感到很高兴。 pay v. polite adj. This job pays well. I’ve never seen such a polite clerk. 这份工作报酬不错。 我从 未见过这样有礼貌的店员。 payment n. politeness n. I gave ten pounds in payment for the goods It’s no more than common politeness to I bought. hear what she has to say. 我买那些东 西付了10英镑。 听她说话只不过是出于基本的礼貌。 pay-scale n. position n. Are you familiar with our pay-scale? What do you see as the priorities for 你清楚我们的工资级别吗? someone in this position? perfect adj. 你在招聘的这个职位的工作人员时优先His technique is almost perfect. 考虑哪些条件, 他的技巧近乎完美。 positive adj. perfection n. I am positive that I can win. His performance was sheer perfection. 我敢肯定我能赢。 他的表演达到了尽善 尽美的地步。 posture n. perform v. He bid us keep in a ready posture. He always performs his duty faithfully. 他嘱咐我们做好准备。 他一贯忠实地履行自己的职责。 Potential adj performance n. It’s important to draw out employees’ potential 100 Appendix A Useful Vocabulary in Interviews capacities. promote v. 发掘员工的潜在能力是 很重要的。 My son’s just been promoted. 我儿子刚被提拔。 present v. How many of the group are present today? promotion n. 今天该组有多少人出席, Promotion in the job was by seniority. 这种工作得按资历晋升。 presentation n. His presentation was clear and incisive. proposal n. 他的报告清晰而犀利。 They presented concrete proposals for pressure n. improvement. H他们提出了具体的改进建议。 e changed his mind under the pressure from his boss. prospective adj. 他在老板的逼迫之下改变了主意。 Is she a prospective buyer? 她可能 成为我们的顾客吗? previous adj. The author mentioned it in the previous proud adj. paragraph. We are proud for you to win the championship. 作者在前一段里提到这件事。 我们为你赢得 冠军而骄傲。 prize n. punctual adj. He received his prize with a proud step. I am not myself a particularly punctual 他骄傲地走去领奖。 person. 我本人不是一个严守时间的人。 profession n. Medicine is her destined profession. pursue v. 医学是她命中注定要从事的职业。 He began to pursue an easy and comfortable professional adj. life. 他开始追求安逸舒适的生 活。 She is a professional actress. 她是职业演员。 Q profit n. quality n. What’s the profit of doing that? 那样做有什么好处呢Sympathy is his best quality. ? 具有同情心是他最好的品质。 progress n. qualify v. During these years the service of this hotel I won’t qualify until next year. has made great progress. 我明年才具备资格。 这些年来,这个酒店的服务改进不少。 qualified (for) adj. project v. Jane is well qualified for this teaching job. Can you project a new working scheme for us? 简很适合担任这份教职。 你能为我们 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 一个新的工作计划吗? 101 品牌酒店英语面试培训教程 qualification n. religion n. You have all qualifications to do the job. There are many religions in the world. 你有资格做这份工作。 在世界上有许多种宗教。 quality n. religious adj. Sympathy is his best quality. She is a very religious person who goes to 同 情心是他最好的品质。 church every Sunday. quantity n. 她十分虔诚,每星期都上教堂。 What quantity do you require? relocate v. 你要求多大的数量? They’ve relocated our bus-stop. 他们 把我们的公共汽车站迁到另一个位R 置了。 range n. remuneration n. Several rooms are available within this He received a generous remuneration for price range. his services. 在这个 价格范围内,有几个房间可供选择。 他收到一笔丰厚的劳务酬金。 reaction n. renown n. Their reaction to the joke is to laugh. His renown has spread throughout the 他们对这个笑话的反应 是笑。 country. recommend v. 他的名声已传遍全国。 Can you recommend a classmate who can repeated adj. take up the job? After repeated attempts they finally succeeded. 你能不能推 荐一位能承担这项工作的经过反复尝试,他们终于成功了。 同学, resource n. recommendation n. This country is rich in natural resources. I wrote him a good recommendation. 该国自然资源丰富。 我为他写了一封很好的推荐信。 resourceful adj. relate v. He is very clever and endlessly resourceful. His remarks didn’t relate to the topic under 他聪明机敏、足智多谋。 discussion. 他说的话与讨论的问题无关。responsible adj. She is a responsible secretary. reliable adj. 她是一个尽职尽责的秘书。 The manager thought he was a reliable person and told him all about the new plan. responsibility n. 经理认为他是一个可靠的 人,并把关于新He has no responsibility for that accident. 计划的全部内容都告诉了他。 他 对那个事故没有责任。 102 Appendix A Useful Vocabulary in Interviews 我有独立工作能力及自律能力。 resume n. He resumed his former position with the seize v. company. Gill seized my hand and shook it heartily. 他又恢复了在公司的职位。 吉尔突然抓住我的手,热情地和我握手。 sensitive adj. S Don’ t be so sensitive—I wasn’t criticizing salary n. you. He was engaged at a salary of 1000 a month. 别这么神经质——我不是在批评你。 他以月薪一千美元受聘。 short-coming n. satisfy v. What’s your shortcoming? Nothing can always satisfy. 你的缺点是什么, 没有任何东西能总 是使人满足。 sign v. satisfied adj. When we arrive at the office each morning When she had finished her meal, she gave a we have to sign on the dotted line. satisfied smile. 我们每天早上 到达办公室的时候, 得在当她吃完饭后, 她露出了满意的笑容。 签到簿上签到。 satisfactory adj. signature n. Sales are very satisfactory this month. These two signatures are very similar, can 本月销售情况令人十分满意。 you tell them apart? schoolmate n. 这两处签名非常接近,你 能把它们区分开When his schoolmate made the last goal, 来吗, the boy gave out with an untrammeled yell. significant adj. 那个男孩在他的同学踢进最后一球时不Your success today may be significant for 禁纵声欢呼。 your whole future. self-introduction n. 你今天的成功对你 的整个将来可能都是Let me make a self-introduction first. 有意义的。 首先让我来自我介绍 一下。 sincere adj. self-motivated adj. His apology was sincere. He is mature, self-motivated and strong 他的歉意是出自内心的。 interpersonal skills. sincerely adv. 他思想成熟、上进心强, 并且具有极其丰I sincerely hope that you will be successful. 富的人际关系技巧。 我衷心祝愿 你成功。 self-disciplined adj. sincerity n. I have the ability to work independently He tried hard to satisfy me of his sincerity. and self-disciplined. 他竭力让我了解他的诚意。 103 品牌酒店英语面试培训教程 skill n. We didn’t get to the core of the subject. 我们没触及问 题的核心。 He has skill in painting. 他擅长绘画。successful adj. She is a successful businesswoman. sloppy adj. 她是一位很成功的女实业家。 She’s always criticizing her staff for being summary n. sloppy. He made a summary of what had been 她总是指责她的下属做事马 虎。 done. slovenly adj. 他总结了所做的事情。 Don’t slouch in that slovenly way! supervisor n. 别那么没精打彩~ He said that he needed to get his supervisor specific adj. to authorize my refund. Will you be specific? 他说必须让主管人员批准我的退款。 请讲清楚些,好吗, T statement n. The government issued a statement urging tactful adj. Remember to be tactful when expressing a the public to cooperate in this inquiry. personal judgment. 政府发表声明要 公众对这项调查给予记住表达个人看法要婉转。 配合。 teamwork n. stimulate v. Only teamwork will enable us to get the job They stimulated me to make greater efforts. done on time. 他们鼓励我要做出更大的努力。 只有团结一致,我们才能按时完成这项strategy n. 工作。 By careful strategy she negotiated a trait n. substantial pay rise. His generosity is one of his good traits. 她精心策划后,谈妥了大幅增加工资的事。 慷慨大方是他的优秀品质之一。 strength n. train v. Tolerance is one of his strengths. They trained him as an engineer. 宽容是他的一个优 点。 他们把他培养成一名工程师。 trainee n. strengthen v. He joined the company as a graduate We should strengthen discipline. trainee. 我们应该加强纪律。 他毕业后到这个公司 当过实习生。 strong point n. trainer n. Dancing is not her strong point. Our trainer had a strong influence on the team. 她不擅长跳舞。 我们的教练对这个队的影响很大。 subject n. 104 Appendix A Useful Vocabulary in Interviews training n. that my vision is perfect. I haven’t had any real training. 我去检查眼睛,根据报告我视力极佳。 我没有受过什么真正的训练。 virtue n. trustworthy adj. Among her many virtues are loyalty, It is generally admitted that he is a trustworthy courage, and truthfulness. person. 她有许多的美德,如忠诚、勇敢和诚实。 大家 一致公认他是一个可信赖的人。 W U union n. weak point n. Union between the two companies would My weak point is that I am short of work be impossible. experience. 这两个公司的联合 是不可能的。 我的劣势是缺乏工作经验。 V weakness n. vision n. He admitted his weakness. I’ ve had my eyes tested and the report says 他承认自己的短处。 105
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