首页 风能的利用现状及发展



风能的利用现状及发展风能的利用现状及发展 风能的利用现状及发展研究 摘要:当前,常规能源告急,全球生态环境不断恶化,风能作为一种可再生、无 污染的新能源有着很大发展潜力。本文介绍了国内外风能资源、风能利用现状及 风能发展状况。 关键词:风能 风力资源 风电装机 容量 随着全球人口迅速增加及世界经济的快速发展,煤、石油、天然气等常规能 源的消耗迅猛增加,常规能源告急。同时,煤、石油等石化能源还带来了一系列 的环境污染问题。如:温室效应、酸雨、空气污染等。新能源的开发和利用迫在 眉睫。风能因在全球范围蕴藏量十分丰富,可再生,无污染...

风能的利用现状及发展 风能的利用现状及发展研究 摘要:当前,常规能源告急,全球生态环境不断恶化,风能作为一种可再生、无 污染的新能源有着很大发展潜力。本文介绍了国内外风能资源、风能利用现状及 风能发展状况。 关键词:风能 风力资源 风电装机 容量 随着全球人口迅速增加及世界经济的快速发展,煤、石油、天然气等常规能 源的消耗迅猛增加,常规能源告急。同时,煤、石油等石化能源还带来了一系列 的环境污染问题。如:温室效应、酸雨、空气污染等。新能源的开发和利用迫在 眉睫。风能因在全球范围蕴藏量十分丰富,可再生,无污染,分布广,使得风力 发电成为各国发展新能源的一大方向。风能资源的开发利用已经成为世界利用可 再生能源的主要成分。 1.世界风能发展概况 1.1.装机容量发展现状 自十九世纪末丹麦建成全球第一个风力发电装置以来,世界风电装机容量迅 猛增长。2002年欧洲风能协会和绿色和平组织发表了一份标题为“风力12”(wind force12)可行性论证 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ,论证了风电在2020到世界电量的12%技术上是可行的, 届时全世界风电装机将达到12.6亿kW,与此同时,提供1,700万个就业机会。 根据世界风能协会发布的2011年上半年报告:截止到2011年上半年,全球 新增的风力发电机安装量达到18400MW,全世界风电总量达到215000MW,新 增量比2010年上半年增长15%。 图1 2009-2011年世界风电装机总容量 2011年下半年为预测值 图2为世界各国风力发电装机容量,在欧洲,大部分国家较2010年有较快 的发展。相比2010年上半年风电发电装机量,仅法国和丹麦有所减少。 240500 图2 世界各国风力发电装机容量图 250000such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 215000 196682 200000 175000 159766 150000 100000 50000 0 2009年末2010年上半年2010年下半年2011年上半年2011年下半年 528000 42432 27981 21150 6200 6060 5707 4611 3960 1.2 风能主导市场 2011年,在全球风能发电份额中,中国,美国,德国,西班牙和印度占据 了全球风力发电机容量的主要份额。这五个国家的风力发电机容量总和占全球份 额的74%。 下图为2008年各国风力发电新装机容量占全球总装机容量比例。 图3 2008年各国风力发电新装机容量占全球总装机容量比例 60000 20.70% 30.70% 美国 中国3.20% 德国 西班牙 意大利 3.20%法国 葡萄牙3.50% 英国3.70%其他国家 5.90% 6.10%23.10% 由图可知,美国与中国在2008年的风力发电新装机容量占全球总装机容量 的53.8%,超过全球的一半。德国、西班牙紧随其后,但增加的比例与美国于中国 相比相差甚远。 下图为2007年和2008年全球风力发电装机容量前10位国家。 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 英国 中国 西班牙 加拿大 美国 意大利 葡萄牙 德国 法国 图4 2007年和2008年全球风力发电装机容量前10位的国家 由图可知,2007年,德国的装机总量排位第一,2008年被美国追上。中国在2008年排位第四,而2011年,中国超过美国等国家,成为全球风力发电机容量最多的国家。但总体主导没有改变,仍然是由中国、美国、德国西班牙和印度主导。 1.3 世界风电发展分析 显示风能市场活力的一个重要标志是过去几年风力发电装机容量的增长速度。下图为1998-2008年全球风能市场的增速情况。 图5 1998-2008年全球风能市场的增速情况 由图4折线图的趋势可以看出,1999年是全球风力发电增长速度最快的一年,之后发展速度开始减慢,2004年起,增长速率开始稳步上升。2008年的增长率达到29%,其主要原因是中国和美国的增速远高于该平均增速。其中美国的增速为49.7%,中国增速106.5%。保加利亚增速最高,达到176.7%。 目前,风能发展的范围不断扩大,安装规模也爱增加。世界风能协会发布的2011年上半年报告指出,2011年下半年,世界范围内估计将安装25500MW的such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 风电量,满足全球约3%的电力需求。并且不断有新的国家加入风电发展这一领域。风电的发展越来越受到各个国家的重视,其发展前景广阔。 2. 我国发展风能的优势和现状 2.1我国开发风能所蕴藏的优势 我国位于亚洲大陆东部,濒临世界最大的大洋——太平洋,复杂的地形,增加了我国季风的复杂性,加之我国国土面积广阔,形成了我国丰富的风能资源。理论上讲,我国风能总量可达32126亿KW,实际可总开发量达2153亿kW。 根据中国气象科学研究院的初步研究成果,全国平均风功率密度为100W/m2,我国陆地上离地10m高度内的风能资源总储量约为32.6亿kW,其中,可开发的风能储量有2.54亿kW。同样,我国的海上风能储量有7.5亿KW,共计约10.00亿kW,大于中国的水能资源储量(中国的水能资源储量为3.8亿kW,居 1世界第一位,实际可开发量为40%~60%)。因此,我国的风能资源丰富,有着很大的发展潜力。 2.2我国风能资源的分布情况 (1)风能资源丰富地区 东南沿海和附近岛屿是风能资源丰富地区。这些地区的有效风能功率密度在200W/m2以上,风速大于3.5m/s全年为7000~8000小时左右。 (2)风能资源较丰富地区 东北、华北和西北北部地区,吉林省东部、黑龙家及辽宁、山东半岛的沿海地区,青藏高原的北部地区都是风能资源较丰富地区。黑龙江、吉林东部、辽宁半岛的有效风能密度在200W/m2以上,全年中风速大于和等于3m/s有3000h。青藏高原北部的有效风能密度在150~200W/m2之间,全年中风速大于和等于3m/s有4000~5000h。 3)风能资源可利用地区 ( 我国的风能资源可利用地区分布较广,包括黄河、黄河中下游、长江、东北、华北和西北除上述提到的丰富区以外的地区等。 2.3我国风能利用现状 90年代,我国制定了“中国21世纪议程”报告,强调发展新能源和可再生能源对我国经济可持续发展和环境保护起着重要作用。这一报告促进了我国的风能由科研实验想商业性开发与利用的转变。 目前,我国的风能利用发展迅速,在发展规模和发展水平上,有了很大提高。根据2011年中国风电装机统计,我国2011年新增安装风电机组11409台,装机容量为17630.9MW,累计安装风电机组45894台,装机容量62364.2MW,年增长39.4%。 图6 2001-2011 中国历年新增及累计风电装机容量 1 张国伟,龚光彩,吴治.光能利用的现状及展望[J].节能技术.2007.(1).74 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 由上图可以看出,近几年来,我国的装机量迅猛增加,截止至2011年,我国超过美国成为风电装机容量最多国家。 下图为2006-2011年中国各行政区域累计风电装机容量。其中华北、东北、西北的累计风装机容量最大。这跟这些地区的风能资源丰富有关。 图7 2006-2011年中国各行政区域累计风电装机容量 截止至2011-12,风电装机容量超过 2000MW的省份分别为内蒙古(17594.4MW),河北(6969.5MW),甘肃(5409.2MW),辽宁(5249.3MW),山东(4562.3MW),吉林(3563.4MW),黑龙江(3445.8MW),宁夏(2886.2MW),新疆(2316.1MW)。其中内蒙古新增风电装机容量最大,新增3736.4MW。 2.4 我国风力发展前景 我国的电源结构中,75%是燃煤火电,由此增加风电等清洁能源对减少二氧化碳等温室气体的排放有着重要的意义。开发风能资源对减少石油、天然气进口such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise 也起到重要的意义。 2011年10月19日到21日,“2011年北京国际风能大会暨展览会”在北京举行。展会期间传达的信息,折射出我国未来风电市场的发展趋势。目前我国的风电行业增长速度正面临放缓,但2011年中国风电装机量达到世界第一,华锐风电等四家中国风电整机制造企业跻身世界前十。同时,风电行业逐渐成熟,风电并网的“瓶颈”问题也即将得到解决。据了解,风电大规模并网并不存在技术上的限制,电网在接纳风电方面具有巨大的潜力。截至2010年底,蒙西电网接入风电容量达630万kW,占电网装机总容量的16.4%,占电网最大发电负荷的32,,占最高供电负荷的38,。2011年3月17日,风电上网电量达到20.9%,并且保证了电网的安全稳定运行。 在2011年10月19日正式发布的《中国风电发展路线图2050》中,提出中国风电的发展目标:到2020、2030和2050年,中国风电装机容量将分别达到2亿、4亿和10亿kW,成为中国的主要电源之一,到2050年,风电将满足国内17%的电力需求,未来40年累计投资12万亿元。各大企业纷纷推出大容量机型,不断推进风电机组大型化。除了坚持大型化,国内风机制造商也更注重从多方面寻求技术突破与质量保证。 由此可见,我国的风电前景可期,华锐风电董事长韩俊良表示,“中国风电将在调整中转型,通过更加开放的市场竞争引导风电产业健康发展。” 3.总结 当前,能源问题已受到世界各国的高度重视,而环境的恶化也使可再生、无污染的新能源备受瞩目。同时各个国家都在利用可再生能源上加大了研发和投资力度。我国在风能上的开发符合当代发展趋势。同时,我国具有开发风能的多方面优势,季风气候的复杂性和地域的广阔都使我国风能开发前景十分可观。但是,我国对风能开发仍有很大的空间。同时,其他同类能源也应受到同样关注。 参考文献: [1]中国可再生能源学会风能专业委员会(CWEA).2011年中国风电装机容量统计[J].风能.2011(1) [2]孙丽梅.风能现状及前景分析[J].内蒙古电力技术.2010(6) [3]张国伟,龚光彩,吴治.光能利用的现状及展望[J].节能技术.2007(1) [4]贺丽琴.风能利用现状分析[J].清洁能源.2007(11) [5]国际能源署.2009 年国际能源展望[R](伦敦:[s.n.],2010( [6]刘向阳.我国新能源发展现状及巨大投资机遇[J].电力设备.2006,7(2) [7]李永东.中国风力发电的发展现状和前景[J].EA产业市场,2006 [8]黄其励.我国可再生能源现状和发展路线[J].电网与清洁能源,2008 [9]高飞.绿色能源之风能[J].电器工业.清洁能源专题,2002,(8) [10]张希良,主编.风能开发利用[M].北京.化学工业出版社,2005. [11]王承煦,张源,主编.风力发电[M].北京.中国电力出版社,2003 such as wages, subsidies to give some support, the new finds at national, provincial and municipal engineering laboratories, research centers and otherSome research funding support from the platform. Second, business methods of science are diverse. Innovative investment methods, expanding investment channels, to investment to achieve tangible results. At present, in the County completed project is our invitation to work can make good use of resources, rich with enterprise information, contacts, and other resources for investment by business, not only low cost and high efficiency. Relatives and friends also can use outside resources, we must actively take the initiative to strengthen contacts with them, making full use of their resources, for the County investment broker. The town streets, industrial development focal points to pick a strong backbone of investment, aimed at more recent relocation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Yangtze River Delta and other economically developed areas, the implementation of resident merchants. Internet merchants, so ... ... Investment, investment, investment policy on the Internet "play" and let customers know more about ... ... and the ... ... and yearn for. ... ... Make full use of the Internet for valuable business information, communicating and negotiating with that as a clue. Investment firm into line and encourage qualified enterprises to actively introduce strategic partners, through mergers, asset restructuring, equity investment, transfer, technological innovation and other forms of enterprise
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