首页 如何隐藏gamecenter的欢迎词



如何隐藏gamecenter的欢迎词如何隐藏gamecenter的欢迎词 GameCenter 使用指南 时间: 2010-10-22 17:02 GameCenter 为单机游戏为主的 iPhone 游戏平台引入了社会化特性,更为将来的网游、多人竞技等游戏打下了基础。下面是 CocoaChina 会员 ljg420811 总结的 GameCenter 使用指南,包括 GameCenter 的设 GameCenter 为单机游戏为主的 iPhone 游戏平台引入了社会化特性,更为将来的网游、多人竞技等游戏打下了基础。下面是 CocoaChin...

如何隐藏gamecenter的欢迎词 GameCenter 使用指南 时间: 2010-10-22 17:02 GameCenter 为单机游戏为主的 iPhone 游戏平台引入了社会化特性,更为将来的网游、多人竞技等游戏打下了基础。下面是 CocoaChina 会员 ljg420811 总结的 GameCenter 使用指南,包括 GameCenter 的设 GameCenter 为单机游戏为主的 iPhone 游戏平台引入了社会化特性,更为将来的网游、多人竞技等游戏打下了基础。下面是 CocoaChina 会员 “ljg420811” 总结的 GameCenter 使用指南,包括 GameCenter 的设置和代码实现。 1. iTunes Connect 设置 首先,申请一个应用程序,不必提交.目地是为了得到Bundle ID. 然后设置一下工程中Info.plist的Bundle identifier使之与iTunes Connect中的Bundle ID相同,否则当你尝试登录GameCenter的时候,会提示一个不支持GameCenter的错误. 1 申请完毕,打开你刚申请的application,点击Manage Game Center选项. 进入后点击Enable Game Center使你的Game Center生效. 接下来就可以设置自己的Leaderboard和Achievements. 2. Leaderboard设置 Leaderboard纵观图如下所示. 1.sort Order: Leaderboard中的内容是以升序还是降序排列. 2.Score Format Type:分数的类型. 3.*Categories:Leaderboard的一个分数榜,这个可以创建多个,比如游戏可以分为Easy,Normal,Hard三个难度,每个难度一个榜. *设置完成后保存,完成了一个 Leaderboard的设置.我们可以根据需要添加多个 leaderboard. 4.**Score Format Location: leaderboard支持的语言. **可以支持多种语言,每支持一种语言,需要完成一个上述操作. 这个时候右下角会出现save change按钮,点击完成leaderboard的设置. 篇二:如何更改iPhone游戏中心GameCenter昵称 刚在微博上看见有朋友不会修改iPhone 2 游戏中心GameCenter昵称,想到应该有很多朋友都不会,果断写一个教程,希望大家喜欢,谢谢。 iPhone游戏中心GameCenter是固件更新的一个标志,可以让更多的朋友在游戏的时候结识,让同道齐聚一堂。不废话了,下面开始(别忘了,点击图片可以看iPhone 4的高清大图): 点击邮箱名 点击显示帐户 向下拉 看到编辑昵称了吧 点击名字就可以更改啦/game/247.html 改之后点完成 搞定 回来看看效果 本教程结束,谢谢收看~ 篇三:欢迎词 女士们、先生们: 隐贤山庄,位于常平丽城开发区,是“东莞之路”四大景点之一。该地原是明末常平隐士李觉斯隐居处,隐贤山庄因此而得名。 景区占地五十多万平方米,以隐贤湖为中心,景点浑然天成。在碧波之畔、青山之巅,坐落着国内最大的、以二千 3 吨天然汉白玉雕刻而成高达29米的普慈观音圣像。掩映于绿树丛中的隐贤寺,晨钟暮鼓、香火鼎盛。大肚弥勒佛、大清宫、月华泉、宋街等人文景观错落有致,集中反映了我国儒、佛、道各家传统文化的内涵。 沿湖而造的网球场、湖滨别墅、飘雪乐园、儿童乐园等现代化游乐设施,以及隐贤湖水上乐园,让游人在湖光山色之中,领略现代生活的浪漫情调。隐贤胜地,钟灵毓秀;山庄深处,风光无限! 隐贤山庄是明代贤臣李觉斯的故乡。据说李觉斯晚年因直言进谏,触犯皇帝而被削官为平民,从此回故乡隐居,百姓把他隐居的地方称为隐贤山。隐贤山位于常平镇丽城开发区内,占地50多万平方米,是东莞大型文娱、旅游、度假中心。 隐贤山庄内有我国最大的以天然汉白玉雕刻而成的普慈观音圣像,高达29。另外,隐贤山庄里的“老三宝”(隐贤寺、晚翠居、孝思寺)和“新三宝”(“喜鹊登梅”对瓶、明青花瓷“龙纹盘碗”、釉裹红大缸)吸引着成千上万的游客。 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 独具匠心的中华音乐喷泉,利用灯光变化及水型组合,喷射出能营造不同视觉效果的图形,融合了道家之八卦造型,巧妙体现了中华传统文化之精华,达百余种变幻效果。 从深圳市出发,走莞深高速,在黄江出口处转入黄江镇,直行到达常平镇,丽城假日酒店在镇上隐贤山庄大道8号。 4 丰富的人文景观 1) 宋街:仿照古代名画《清明上河图》之意境而建成,街内店铺林立,有染坊、布店、绣楼、杂货铺、茶庄、杂耍摊等,不仅可购物,还可观赏宋代婚俗、舞龙、杂耍及拜年等民俗 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演。 2) 晚翠居:即李觉斯纪念馆,是李觉斯当年开堂讲学,著 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 立说之处。 3) 普慈观音圣像:矗立于隐贤湖畔,青山之巅,高28、9米,以365块汉白玉巨石雕成。为我国现时最大汉白玉普慈观音圣像。 山庄内还有隐贤寺、卧佛殿、斋堂、月华泉、枫桥、太清宫及观音牌坊等诸多人文景观。 多彩的文艺表演 民族文化广场及热带雨林的多场文艺表演精彩纷呈,扣人心弦。 动感的游乐项目 山庄内配备有大量完善的游乐设施,如绝壁攀岩、欧洲蹦极、空中滑索、动物园、金龙滑车、恐龙乐园、碰碰车、游艺机、小火车、弯月飞车、惊魂洞、飘雪乐园等,另外还安排有放风筝、抓泥鳅等趣味活动,可尽情玩耍。 神秘的生物世界 穿越热带雨林,走进史前侏罗纪,漫步椰林沙滩,观赏 5 生态园及动物园,在认识动植物的同时也了解学习了生物的 演变及进化历程。 Ladies, gentlemen: Implicit Yin villa, located in Changping City Development Zone, is the road to Dongguan four big scenic spots. It was originally the Changping Li Juesi the hermit hermitage, implicit Yin villa so named. Covers an area of about five hundred thousand square meters, with the implicit Yin Lake as the center, attractions like nature itself -- highest quality. In the blue river, Castle Peak, is the largest, with two thousand tons of natural marble carved up to 29 meters of the moment a Buddism godness Guanyin icon. Nestled in the trees of the implicit Yin Temple, incense heyday, morning bell and evening drum -- reminders. Maitreya Tatu, Qing palace, Yuet Wah springs, song street landscape well-proportioned, reflects Chinas Confucianism, Buddhism, the traditional culture connotation. Lake made tennis court, Lake Villa, snow park, childrens Park and other modern recreational facilities, as well as implicit Yin Lake Park, let visitors in a landscape of lakes and mountains, to 6 enjoy the modern romantic life. Implicit Yin Zhong Ling Yuk Sau Villa Resort, deep, unlimited scenery! Implicit Yin Xian Chen Ming Dynasty villa is the hometown of Ligios. It is said that Lee Juesi later due to outspoken voice, violations of the emperor by the officials cut the civilians, then returned to his hometown of seclusion, people put his seclusion place called implicit Yin mountain. Implicit Yin Mountain located in the town of Changping City Development Zone, covers an area of about 500000 square meters, is a large Dongguan entertainment, tourism, vacation center. Implicit Yin hill is our countrys biggest natural marble carving from the moment a Buddism godness Guanyin statue, up to 29. In addition, implicit Yin mansion old Sambo ( implicit Yin Temple, later, jade in filial piety Temple ) and new Sambo ( magpie plum , the Ming blue and white porcelain dragon dish , underglaze red VAT) attracts tens of thousands of visitors. The musical fountain design have great originality, use of lighting changes and water mix, spray can create different visual graphical effects, fusion of Taoist gossip modeling, subtly reflects the traditional Chinese cultural essence, over a 7 hundred kinds of irregular effect. Go out from Shenzhen City, Guan deep high speed, in the exit to Huang Town, straight to the town of Changping, the Lai Shing Holiday Resortel in the town implicit Yin Hill Road 8. Rich cultural landscape 1) the song Street: modelled after an ancient paintings riverside of artistic conception and completion, street shops, a dye-works, cloth, embroidered floor, grocery, tea stall, juggling, not only can shopping, can enjoy the Song Dynasty marriage, dragon dance, juggling and pay New Years call and other folk performances. 2) late jade in: Li Juesi Memorial, Li Juesi, appear to give lectures, become an author. 3) the moment a Buddism godness Guanyin icons: standing in the Yinxian lake, Castle Peak, high 28, 9 meters, 365 block of white marble stone carved. For our present moment a Buddism godness Guanyin maximum white icon. Hill also implicit Yin Temple, Buddha Temple, Zhaitang, Yuet Wah spring, maple, and a Buddism godness Guanyin, arches and other many humanities landscape. Colorful theatrical performance 8 National Cultural Square and the tropical rain forest of multi field performances of colorful, exciting. Dynamic recreation project In the villa is equipped with a perfect recreational facilities, such as rock climbing, bungee jumping, a European air strop, zoo, Jinlong pulley, the dinosaur park, bumper cars, game machines, small train, meniscus coaster, the hole, snow park, also arranged to have the kite, catch loach and other fun activities, can play. Mysterious creatures of the world Through the tropical rainforest, into the prehistoric Jurassic, Coconut Grove beach walk, watch the ecological park and zoo, in the knowledge of animals and plants but also the learning of biological evolution and evolution. Welcome Speech Ladies and gentleman : good morning !Welcome to changchun. please sit back and relax.your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you dont have to worry about that. first on behalf of shanxi international travel service and myselfwelcome everyone come to jilin province I’m very pleased to be yourguide during your stay in shanxi 9 province ,if you have just come to here I can show you around. now please allow me introduce myself my name is li Wang Lichao,you can call me lily,sitting beside me is our driver Mr li ,he has more than ten year’s experience in driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one,We will always be using the same bus while we are here in changchun so I reaommed that you write down the number on our license plate .There will be a lot of tour buses at the scenic spots we visit.If you happen to get separated from the group ,you will have the bus number and still be able to find our bus .an old Chinese saying may express our hospitality:Isnt it a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar .Mr li and I will do as much as we can to make your tour pleasant and enjoyable ,I hope that your visit to this ancient province will be a happy and memorable experience in your life . You are going to stay at the Holiday Inn Shangri-La Hotel.Hotel Details Shangri-La Hotel, Changchun is the citys only international luxury hotel. Located in the centre of one of Chinas fastest-growing cities, the hotels 458 guest rooms and 98 fully serviced apartments provide a convenient, private and quiet haven for short- and long-term guests. 10 The hotel sits at the junction of Chongqing Road and Xian Road-the financial, business and entertainment centre of Changchun city. Shangri-La Hotel, Changchun features the citys largest ballroom among Changchun hotels, along with 7 function rooms in various sizes and several fine restaurants, making it a focal point for virtually any traveller visiting the city. We will always infrom you in advace when we will meet to go somewhere and when we will have our meals.Its very important taht you always try to be on time.To make sure that we dont have any problems,Id like to remind you of the time difference.While you are traveling in Chian,you will always use Bejing Standard Time.Right now it is Sptmber 20 and the current time is 10:00 AM.please adjust you watches now.So that we can avoid any confusion later on. If you have any special interests,please dont hesitate to let us know.Our job is to smoon your way,care for your welfare,answer any questions you have assist you in whatever way we can.We relly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. I hope you will enjoy your stay in my city. 篇四:新目标 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 七(下)各 单元 初级会计实务单元训练题天津单元检测卷六年级下册数学单元教学设计框架单元教学设计的基本步骤主题单元教学设计 重点短语及词组(英汉版) 11 新目标英语七(下)各单元重点短语及词组(英汉版) Unit 1 1. be/come from:来自 2. live in Paris:住在巴黎 3. write to me soon:快点给我写信 4. play sports:运动、锻炼 5. speak a little French:讲一点法语 6. like going to the movies with my friends:喜欢和我的朋 友去看电影 7. tell sb about...:告诉某人关于…… 8. an interesting country:一个有趣的国家 9. in November:在十一月 10. speak a little French:说一点法语 11. like playing sports:喜欢做运动 12. her favorite language:她最喜欢的语言 13. write to Tom:写信给汤姆 14. Julie’s pen pal:朱利的笔友 15. likes and dislikes:好恶、爱憎 Unit 2 1. Excuse me:打扰了 2. take/have a walk:散步 3. have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself:玩得开心, 12 玩得高兴 4. turn l(来自:www.zaidian.cOm 在 点 网:如何隐藏gamecenter的欢迎词)eft/right:向左/右转 5. a clean and quiet supermarket:一个干净又宁静的超市 6. go straight:一直走 7. go through the park:穿过公园 8. on the right:在右边 9. Welcome to China:欢迎来中国 10. visit Green Street:参观格林大道 11. the beginning of the world tour:世界之旅的开始 12. buy some food:买一些食品 13. next to the restaurant:饭店隔壁 14. take/have a taxi / by taxi:乘出租车 15. go down /along/up Long Street:沿着长街走 16. go through Sixth Street:穿过第六大道 17. turn right at New Park:在新公园右转 18. on Bridge Street:在大桥街 19. have a good trip:旅途愉快 20. the way to school:去学校的路 21. post office: 邮局 22. pay phone: 公用电话 23. Fifth Avenue:第五大街 13 24. on Center Street:中心街道 25. next to:靠近… 26. be across from:在…对面 27. between... and.... :在……和……之间 28. in front of the library: 在图书馆前面 29. near here=in the neighborhood:在附近 30. near your home:在你家附近 31. on your right:在你的右边 32. welcome to... : 欢迎到……来 33. the Garden District: 花园区 34. the garden tour :花园游览 35. take a walk through:步行穿过…… 36. pass... :经过…… 37. a house with a garden : 有花园的房子 38. the beginning of... : ..….的开头 39. a good place to have fun:一个玩的高兴的好地方 40. buy some food in the supermarket: 在超市买些食品 41. the way to my home: 去我家的路 42. a clean park:一个干净的公园 43. a quiet street:一条安静的街道 44. an old hotel:一家旧旅馆 45. a busy supermarket:一个繁华的超市 14 46. three very dirty rooms:三个很脏的房间 47. on a quiet/busy street:在一个安静/繁忙的街道上 48. next Sunday:下个星期天 Unit 3 1. let sb do sth:让某人做某事Let him go.:让他走吧。 2. kind of=a bit =a little:稍微、有点 3. kind of interesting:有点有趣 4. kind of lazy:有点懒 5. be from South Africa:来自南非 6. be friendly to sb:对某人友好 7. be friendly with sb:和某人友好相处 8. like doing sth:喜欢做某事(习惯性的) 9. like to do sth:喜欢做某事(偶尔一次的、未发生的) 10. be/keep quiet:保持安静 11. during/in the day:在白天 12. at night=in the night:在晚上 13. every day:每天 14. everyday:每天的、日常的 15. play with ones friends:和朋友一起玩 16. sleep during the day:在白天睡觉 17. He is twelve years old.:他12岁 18. get up:起床 15 19. eat leaves:吃叶子 Unit 4 1. What does he do?=whats he?=Whats his job?:他是干什 么的, 2. work with sb:和某人一起工作 3. work at/in.....:在……工做 4. work for...:为……工作 5. give sth to sb=give sb sth:给某人某物 6. get sth from ....:从……得到…… 7. wear a white uniform:穿着白色的制服(状态) 8. put on your coat:穿上你的衣服(动作) 9. kind of dangerous:有点危险 10. two thieves:两个小偷 11. talk to/with sb:和某人交谈 12. talk about sb/sth:谈论…… 13. ask sb questions:问某人问题 14. work late:工作得晚 15. be late for sth.:做某事迟到 16. go out to dinners:出去就餐 17. be busy:忙碌 20. an interesting job:一个有趣的工作 21. work hard: 努力工作 16 22. hard work:艰苦的工作 23. job for you:一项适合你的工作a 24. have a job for you:给你提供一个工作 25. work with actors:和演员一起工作 26. call the Evening Newspaper:打电话给晚报 27. in/at a hospital:在医院 28. a lot of=lots of:很多,许多 29. want to do... :想要做…… 30 want ads:招聘广告 31. other young people:其他年轻人 32. be in the school play:参加校园剧的演出 33. need a doctor:需要一名医生 34. shop assistant:售货员,店员 36. bank clerk:银行职员 38. TV station:电视台 39. police station:警察局 40. pop singer:流行歌手 41. Very Important Person:重要人物 42. go out:出去 43. school play:校园剧 45. evening newspaper:晚报 46. count money:数钱 17 47. kind of dangerous:有点儿危险 48. write stories:写故事 49. a sports coach:运动教练 50. a library assistant:图书管理员 51. in the future:在将来 Unit 5 1. watch TV:看电视 2. read a book=read books=do some reading:读书 3. watch a little bird:看一只小鸟 4. go to the movies:看电影 5. do (ones)homework:做家庭作业 6. That sounds good / nice.:那听起来还不错 7. write a letter:写信 8. This TV show is boring / isnt interesting.:这个电视剧无 聊 9. wait for.... :等候…… 10. wait for sb to do sth:等候某人做某事 11. swim=have a swim=go swimming:游泳 12. shop=go shopping=do some shopping:购物 13. in the library:在图书馆 14. play basketball:打篮球 15. play basketball:打篮球 16. Thanks for your letter. :谢谢你的来信 18 17. thanks/thank sb for doing sth:谢谢某人做某事 18. in the first photo:第一张图里 19. some photos:一些图片 20. swim at the pool:在游泳池里游泳 21. the next photo:下一张图片 22. at home:在家里 23. be with sb:和某人在一起 24. the last photo:最后一张图片 25. a photo of my family:我的全家福 26. talk on the phone:打电话 27. some of my photos:我的一些照片 28. TV show:电视节目 29. This is.... :这是……(介绍人用) Unit 6 1. Hows the weather in Yunnan today?= Whats the weather like in Yunnan today? :今天云南的天气怎么样, 2. cook dinner/supper:做晚饭 3. play computer games玩电脑游戏 4. Hows it going? :你怎么样,(两人见面时) 5. pretty good:相当好 6. fine/nice weather好天气: 7. in the rain:在雨中 19 8. a windy night:一个有风的晚上 9. Around The World show:环球节目 10. CCTV:中央电视台 11. a beautiful, sunny day:阳光明媚的一天 12. many/a lot of /lots of people:许多人 13. on vacation:(介词)在度假 14. take a vacation:在度假(动词) 15. be cloudy:多云的 16. be windy:刮风的 17. be hot/cold/warm/cool/humid:热的/冷的/温暖的/凉爽 的/潮湿的 18. take photos=take a photo:拍照 19. lie on the beach:躺在沙滩上 be lying on the beach:正躺在沙滩上 20. a group of students:一群学生 21. this group of children:这群孩子 22. play beach volleyball:打沙滩排球 23. look cool/beautiful/young:看上去很酷/漂亮/年轻 24. be surprised:惊讶(+从句) 25. be surprised to do sth惊讶做…… 26. be surprised at.... :对……感到惊讶 27. in this heat:在高温下/在这么热的天 20 28. have a good time=have fun=enjoy oneself:玩的高兴 29. wear scarfs:戴围巾 30. CCTVs Around The World show:中央电视台世界各地节目 31. really very relaxed:确实很舒适 32. play the guitar:弹吉他 Unit 7 1. short/curly/long/straight hair:短/卷/长/直发 21
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