首页 液晶显示器亮度增加的途径及工作原理



液晶显示器亮度增加的途径及工作原理液晶显示器亮度增加的途径及工作原理 由 LCD 的工作原理得知, LCD 器件是由背光源发射的光通过偏振片和液晶盒时,控制投射强度识别图像的器件。也就是 LCD 的亮度取决于通过液晶盒( LCD 屏的透过率)和彩膜 CF 光量( CF 的透过率)及背光源的亮度。 因此,要提高 LCD 表面亮度应从三方面着手: 1 ( 提高背光源亮度 2 ( 提高 TFT 像素的开口率 3 ( 提高所有材料的亮度 如图所示,使用导光板的侧灯式光源,假设导光板光效率为 100% ,其在导光板中损失 40% ,通过下偏光片损...

液晶显示器亮度增加的途径及工作原理 由 LCD 的工作原理得知, LCD 器件是由背光源发射的光通过偏振片和液晶盒时,控制投射强度识别图像的器件。也就是 LCD 的亮度取决于通过液晶盒( LCD 屏的透过率)和彩膜 CF 光量( CF 的透过率)及背光源的亮度。 因此,要提高 LCD 表面亮度应从三方面着手: 1 ( 提高背光源亮度 2 ( 提高 TFT 像素的开口率 3 ( 提高所有材料的亮度 如图所示,使用导光板的侧灯式光源,假设导光板光效率为 100% ,其在导光板中损失 40% ,通过下偏光片损失 36% ,通过液晶盒损失 18% 以及表面反射损失 1% ,由此, LCD 显示从导光板到最终利用率不到 5% 。由此可见,如何将光效率提高,如何让液晶显示呈现一个明亮鲜艳的图像是液晶显示产业的一个大问题。 背光源作为 LCD 显示的重要配件和亮度来源,对提高液晶显示亮度来说非常重要,它的结构如下图所示。因此,人们尝试多种方式从背光源方面去改进 LCD 显示亮度,首先从灯源角度,可增加灯管数,增加灯源功率,但都会导致耗电大、体积加大;其次从导光板角度,这对导光板的材料、设计提出了很高的要求;第三,从灯管后的反射膜及导光板下面的反射板角度,提高发射效率,增加发射亮度;第四,在导光板与下层偏光片之间加棱镜膜和增亮膜。本文主要从第三、四角度来论述 - 如何让您的液晶显示亮起来。 高效率的反射膜 反射膜是液晶显示器中的一个部件,它的反射率的高低都会影响显示的亮度效果。如下图所示,反射膜可用于灯管和导光板下面,有些公司利用一些特殊技术制作出具有高效率的反射膜反射效率接近 100% 。 urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 除了在灯管处的高反射膜,在导光板下的反射膜尤其重要,需要特殊的粒子结构与导光板的印刷点相匹配,不但能反射光,而且还要使反射光比较均匀。用这些特殊的反射膜,无需改动设计、模具,就可使液晶显示的轴中心亮度提高近 30% 。 棱镜膜 用过笔记本电脑和液晶台式显示器的人都会发现,显示屏存在一定的视角。从垂直于显示平面的方向观测电脑,亮度较高;但从偏离法线一定角度观测,会发现亮度不是很高。这也合乎用户的使用要求,因为笔记本电脑通常是个人用,这要求本来分散的光通过一些方法集中到中心观测的一定角度,使在轴中心亮度大大增加。而棱镜膜就是起这样的作用。棱镜膜,顾名思义,其表面是一个个结构相同的棱形结构,如下图所示。 TFT-LCD液晶显示器有哪 些分辨率 分辨率 像素数 长宽比 简称 320 x 240 76,800 4:3 QVGA 640 x 400 256,000 16:10 EGA 640 x 480 307,200 4:3 VGA 800 x 480 384,000 15:9 WVGA urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 800 x 600 480,000 4:3 SVGA 1024 x 600 614,400 17:10 WSVGA 1024 x 768 786,432 4:3 XGA 1280 x 1024 1,310,720 5:4 SXGA 1400 x 1050 1,470,000 4:3 SXGA+ 1600 x 1200 1,920,000 4:3 UXGA 1920 x 1200 2,304,000 16:10 WUXGA 2048 x 1536 3,145,728 4:3 QXGA 2560 x 2048 5,242,880 4:3 QSXGA 3200 x 2400 7,680,000 4:3 GUXGA LCD基本原理 液晶显示器泛指一大堆利用液晶所制作出来的显示器 . 而今日对液晶显示器这个名称 , 大多是指使用于笔记型计算机 , 或是桌上型计算机应用方面的显示器 . 也就是薄膜晶体管液晶显示器 . 其英文名称为 Thin-film transistor liquid crystal display, 简称之 TFT LCD. 从它的英文名称中我们可以知道 , 这一种显示器它的构成主要有两个特征 , 一个是薄膜晶体管 , 另一个就是液晶本身 . 我们先谈谈液晶本身 . 液晶 (LC, liquid crystal) 的分类 我们一般都认为物质像水一样都有三态 ,分别是固态液态跟气态 . 其实物质的三态是针对水而言 , 对于不同的物质 , 可能有其它不同的状态存在 . 以我们要谈到的液晶态而言 , 它是介于固体跟液体之间的一种状态 , 其实这种状态仅是材料的一种相变化的过程 ( 请见图 1), 只要材料具有上述的过程 , 即在固态及液态间有此一状态存在 , 物理学家便称之为液态晶体 . 这种液态晶体的首次发现 , 距今已经度过一百多个年头了 . 在公元 1888 年 , 被奥地利的植urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 物学家 Friedrich Reinitzer 所发现 , 其在观察从植物中分离精制出的安息香酸胆固醇 (cholesteryl benzoate) 的融解行为时发现 , 此化合物加热至 145.5 度?时 , 固体会熔化 , 呈现一种介于固相和液相间之半熔融流动白浊状液体 . 这种状况会一直维持温度升高到 178.5 度? , 才形成清澈的等方性液态 (isotropic liquid). 隔年 , 在 1889 年 , 研究相转移及热力学平衡的德国物理学家 O.Lehmann, 对此化合物作更详细的 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 . 他在偏光显微镜下发现 , 此黏稠之半流动性白浊液体化合物 , 具有异方性结晶所特有的双折射率 (birefringence) 之光学性质 , 即光学异相性 (optical anisotropic). 故将这种似晶体的液体命名为液晶 . 此后 , 科学家将此一新发现的性质 , 称为物质的第四态 - 液晶 (liquid crystal). 它在某一特定温度的范围内 , 会具有同时液体及固体的特性 . 一般以水而言 , 固体中的晶格因为加热 , 开始吸热而破坏晶格 , 当温度超过熔点时便会溶解变成液体 . 而热致型液晶则不一样 ( 请见图 2), 当其固态受热后 , 并不会直接变成液态 , 会先溶解形成液晶态 . 当您持续加热时 , 才会再溶解成液态 ( 等方性液态 ). 这就是所谓二次溶解的现象 . 而液晶态顾名思义 , 它会有固态的晶格 , 及液态的流动性 . 当液态晶体刚发现时 , 因为种类很多 , 所以不同研究领域的人对液晶会有不同的分类方法 . 在 1922 年由 G. Friedel 利用偏光显微镜所观察到的结果 , 将液晶大致分为 Nematic Smectic 及Cholesteric 三类 . 但是如果是依分子排列的有序性来分 ( 请见图 3), 则可以分成以下四类 : urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 1. 层状液晶 (Sematic) : 其结构是由液晶棒状分子聚集一起 , 形成一层一层的结构 . 其每一层的分子的长轴方向相互平行 . 且此长轴的方向对于每一层平面是垂直或有一倾斜角 . 由于其结构非常近似于晶体 , 所以又称做近晶相 . 其秩序参数 S(order parameter) 趋近于 1. 在层状型液晶层与层间的键结会因为温度而断裂 , 所以层与层间较易滑动 . 但是每一层内的分子键结较强 , 所以不易被打断 . 因此就单层来看 , 其排列不仅有序且黏性较大 . 如果我们利用巨观的现象来描述液晶的物理特性的话 , 我们可以把一群区域性液晶分子的平均指向定为指向矢 (director), 这就是这一群区域性的液晶分子平均方向 . 而以层状液晶来说 , 由于其液晶分子会形成层状的结构 , 因此又可就其指向矢的不同再分类出不同的层状液晶 . 当其液晶分子的长轴都是垂直站立的话 , 就称之为 "Sematic A phase". 如果液晶分子的长轴站立方向有某种的倾斜 (tilt) 角度 , 就称之为 "Sematic C phase". 以 A,C 等字母来命名 , 这是依照发现的先后顺序来称呼 , 依此类推 , 应该会存在有一个 "Sematic B phase" 才是 . 不过后来发觉 B phase 其实是 C phase 的一种变形而已 , 原因是 C phase 如果带 chiral 的结构就是 B phase. 也就是说 Chiral sematic C phase 就是 Sematic B phase( 请见图 4). 而其结构中的一层一层液晶分子 , 除了每一层的液晶分子都具有倾斜角度之外 , 一层一层之间的倾斜角度还会形成像螺旋的结构 . urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 2. 线状液晶 (Nematic) : Nematic 这个字是希腊字 , 代表的意思与英文的 thread 是一样的 . 主要是因为用肉眼观察这种液晶时 , 看起来会有像丝线一般的图样 . 这种液晶分子在空间上具有一维的规则性排列 , 所有棒状液晶分子长轴会选择某一特定方向 ( 也就是指向矢 ) 作为主轴并相互平行排列 . 而且不像层状液晶一样具有分层结构 . 与层列型液晶比较其排列比较无秩序 , 也就是其秩序参数 S 较层状型液晶较小 . 另外其黏度较小 , 所以较易流动 ( 它的流动性主要来自对于分子长轴方向较易自由运动 ) 。线状液晶就是现在的 TFT 液晶显示器常用的 TN(Twisted nematic) 型液晶 . 3. 胆固醇液晶 (cholesteric) : 这个名字的来源 , 是因为它们大部份是由胆固醇的衍生物所生成的 . 但有些没有胆固醇结构的液晶也会具有此液晶相 . 这种液晶如图 5 所示 , 如果把它的一层一层分开来看 , 会很像线状液晶 . 但是在 Z 轴方向来看 , 会发现它的指向矢会随着一层一层的不同而像螺旋状一样分布 , 而当其指向矢旋转 360 度所需的分子层厚度就称为 pitch. 正因为它每一层跟线状液晶很像 , 所以也叫做 Chiral nematic phase. 以胆固醇液晶而言 , 与指向矢的垂直方向分布的液晶分子 , 由于其指向矢的不同 , 就会有不同的光学或是电学的差异 , 也因此造就了不同的特性 . urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 4. 碟状液晶 (disk) : 也称为柱状液晶 , 以一个个的液晶来说 , 它是长的像碟状 (disk), 但是其排列就像是柱状 (discoid). 如果我们是依分子量的高低来分的话则可以分成高分子液晶 (polymer liquid crystal, 聚合许多液晶分子而成 ) 与低分子液晶两种 . 就此种分类来说 TFT 液晶显示器是属于低分子液晶的应用 . 倘若就液晶态的形成原因 , 则可以分成因为温度形成液晶态的热致型液晶 (thermotropic), 与因为浓度而形成液晶态的溶致型液晶 (lyotropic). 以之前所提过的分类来说 , 层状液晶与线状液晶一般多为热致型的液晶 , 是随着温度变化而形成液晶态 . 而对于溶致型的液晶 , 需要考虑分子溶于溶剂中的情形 . 当浓度很低时 , 分子便杂乱的分布于溶剂中而形成等方性的溶液 , 不过当浓度升高大于某一临界浓度时 , 由于分子已没有足够的空间来形成杂乱的分布 , 部份分子开始聚集形成较规则urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 的排列 , 以减少空间的阻碍 . 因此形成异方性 (anisotropic) 之溶液 . 所以溶致型液晶的产生就是液晶分子在适当溶剂中 达到某一临界浓度时 , 便会形成液晶态 . 溶致型的液晶有一个最好的例子 , 就是肥皂 . 当肥皂泡在水中并不会立刻便成液态 , 而其在水中泡久了之后 , 所形成的乳白状物质 , 就是它的液晶态 . 液晶的光电特性 由于液晶分子的结构为异方性 (Anisotropic) ,所以所引起的光电效应就会因为方向不同而有所差异,简单的说也就是液晶分子在介电系数及折射系数等等光电特性都具有异方性,因而我们可以利用这些性质来改变入射光的强度 , 以便形成灰阶 , 来应用于显示器组件上 . 以下我们要讨论的 , 是液晶属于光学跟电学相关的特性 , 大约有以下几项 : 1. 介电系数ε (dielectric permittivity) : 我们可以将介电系数分开成两个方向的分量 , 分别是ε // ( 与指向矢平行的分量 ) 与ε? ( 与指向矢垂直的分量 ). 当ε // > ε? 便称之为介电系数异方性为正型的液晶 , 可以用在平行配位 . 而ε // < ε? 则称之为介电系数异方性为负型的液晶 , 只可用在垂直配位才能有所需要的光电效应 . 当有外加电场时,液晶分子会因介电系数异方性为正或是负值,来决定液晶分子的转向是平行或是垂直于电场 , 来决定光的穿透与否。现在 TFT LCD 上常用的 TN 型液晶大多是属于介电系数正 当介电系数异方性Δε (= ε //- ε? ) 越大的时候 , 则液晶的临界电压 型的液晶 . (threshold voltage) 就会越小 . 这样一来液晶便可以在较低的电压操作 . 2. 折射系数 (refractive index) : 由于液晶分子大多由棒状或是碟状分子所形成,因此跟分子长轴平行或垂直方向上的物理特性会有一些差异,所以液晶分子也被称做是异方性晶体。与介电系数一样 , 折射系数也依照跟指向矢垂直与平行的方向 , 分成两个方向的向量 . 分别为 n // 与 n ? . 此外对单光轴 (uniaxial) 的晶体来说 , 原本就有两个不同折射系数的定义 . 一个为 no , 它是指对于 ordinary ray 的折射系数 , 所以才简写成 no . 而 ordinary ray 是指其光波的电场分量是垂直于光轴的称之 . 另一个则是 ne , 它是指对于 extraordinary ray 的折射系数 , 而 extraordinary ray 是指其光波的电场分量是平行于光轴的 . 同时也定义了双折射率 (birefrigence) Δ n = ne-no 为上述的两个折射率的差值 . 依照上面所述 , 对层状液晶、线状液晶及胆固醇液晶而言,由于其液晶分子的长的像棒状 , 所以 其指向矢的方向与分子长轴平行 . 再参照单光轴晶体的折射系数定义 , 它会有两个折射率,分别为垂直于液晶长轴方向 n ? (=ne) 及平行液晶长轴方向 n //(= no) 两种,所以当光入射液晶时,便会受到两个折射率的影响,造成在垂直液晶长轴与平行液晶长轴方向上的光速会有所不同。 若光的行进方向与分子长轴平行时的速度 , 小于垂直于分子长轴方向的速度时,这意味着平行分子长轴方向的折射率大于垂直方向的折射率 ( 因为折射率与光速成反比 ) ,也就是 ne-no > 0 . 所以双折射率Δ n > 0 , 我们把它称做是光学正型的液晶 , 而层状液晶与线状液晶几乎都是属于光学正型的液晶 . 倘使光的行进方向平行于长轴时的速度较快的话,代表平行长轴方向的折射率小于垂直方向的折射率 , 所以双折射率Δ n < 0. 我们称它做是光学负型的液晶 . 而胆固醇液晶多为光学负型的液晶 . urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 3. 其它特性 : 对于液晶的光电特性来说 , 除了上述的两个重要特性之外 , 还有许多不同的特性 . 比如说像弹性常数 (elastic constant : κ 11 , κ 22 , κ 33 ), 它包含了三个主要的常数 , 分别是 , κ 11 指的是斜展 (splay) 的弹性常数 , κ 22 指的是扭曲 (twist) 的弹性常数 , κ 33 指的是弯曲 (bend) 的弹性常数 . 另外像黏性系数 (viscosity coefficients , η ), 则会影响液晶分子的转动速度与反应时间 (response time), 其值越小越好 . 但是此特性受温度的影响最大 . 另外还有磁化率 (magnetic susceptibility), 也因为液晶的异方性关系 , 分成 c // 与 c ? . 而磁化率异方性则定义成Δ c = c // -c ? . 此外还有电导系数 (conductivity) 等等光电特性 . 液晶特性中 最重要的就是液晶的介电系数与折射系数 . 介电系数是液晶受电场的影响决定液晶分子转向的特性 , 而折射系数则是光线穿透液晶时影响光线行进路线的重要参数 . 而液晶显示器就是利用液晶本身的这些特性 , 适当的利用电压 , 来控制液晶分子的转动 , 进而影响光线的行进方向 , 来形成不同的灰阶 , 作为显示影像的工具 . 当然啦 , 单靠液晶本身是无法当作显示器的 , 还需要其它的材料来帮忙 , 以下我们要来介绍有关液晶显示器的各项材料组成与其操作原理 . 偏光板 (polarizer) 我记得在高中时的物理课 , 当教到跟光有关的物理特性时 , 做了好多的物理实验 , 目的是为了要证明光也是一种波动 . 而光波的行进方向 , 是与电场及磁场互相垂直的 . 同时光波本身的电场与磁场分量 , 彼此也是互相垂直的 . 也就是说行进方向与电场及磁场分量 , 彼此是两两互相平行的 .( 请见图 7) 而偏光板的作用就像是栅栏一般 , 会阻隔掉与栅栏垂直的分量 , 只准许与栅栏平行的分量通过 . 所以如果我们拿起一片偏光板对着光源看 , 会感觉像是戴了太阳眼镜一般 , 光线变得较暗 . 但是如果把两片偏光板迭在一起 , 那就不一样了 . 当您旋转两片的偏光板的相对角度 , 会发现随着相对角度的不同 , 光线的亮度会越来越暗 . 当两片偏光板的栅栏角度互相垂直时 , 光线就完全无法通过了 .( 请见图 8) 而液晶显示器就是利用这个特性来完成的 . 利用上下两片栅栏互相垂直的偏光板之间 , 充满液晶 , 再利用电场控制液晶转动 , 来改变光的行进方向 , 如此一来 , 不同的电场大小 , 就会形成不同灰阶亮度了 .( 请见图 9) urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 上下两层玻璃与配向膜 (alignment film) 这上下两层玻璃主要是来夹住液晶用的 . 在下面的那层玻璃长有薄膜晶体管 (Thin film transistor, TFT), 而上面的那层玻璃则贴有彩色滤光片 (Color filter). 如果您注意到的话 ( 请见图 3), 这两片玻璃在接触液晶的那一面 , 并不是光滑的 , 而是有锯齿状的沟槽 . 这个沟槽的主要目的是希望长棒状的液晶分子 , 会沿着沟槽排列 . 如此一来 , 液晶分子的排列才会整齐 . 因为如果是光滑的平面 , 液晶分子的排列便会不整齐 , 造成光线的散射 , 形成漏光的现象 . 其实这只是理论的说明 , 告诉我们需要把玻璃与液晶的接触面 , 做好处理 , 以便让液晶的排列有一定的顺序 . 但在实际的制造过程中 , 并无法将玻璃作成有如此的槽状的分布 , 一般会在玻璃的表面上涂布一层 PI(polyimide), 然后再用布去做磨擦 (rubbing) 的动作 , 好让 PI 的表面分子不再是杂散分布 , 会依照固定而均一的方向排列 . 而这一层 PI 就叫做配向膜 , 它的功用就像图 3 中玻璃的凹槽一样 , 提供液晶分子呈均匀排列的接口条件 , 让液晶依照预定的顺序排列 . TN(Twisted Nematic) LCD 从图 10 中我们可以知道 , 当上下两块玻璃之间没有施加电压时 , 液晶的排列会依照上下两块玻璃的配向膜而定 . 对于 TN 型的液晶来说 , 上下的配向膜的角度差恰为 90 度 .( 请见图 9) 所以液晶分子的排列由上而下会自动旋转 90 度 , 当入射的光线经过上面的偏光板时 , 会只剩下单方向极化的光波 . 通过液晶分子时 , 由于液晶分子总共旋转了 90 度 , 所以当光波到达下层偏光板 , 光波的极化方向恰好转了 90 度 . 而下层的偏光板与上层偏光板 , 角度也是恰好差异 90 时 度 .( 请见图 9) 所以光线便可以顺利的通过 , 但是如果我们对上下两块玻璃之间施加电压时 , 由于 TN 型液晶多为介电系数异方性为正型的液晶 ( ε // > ε? , 代表着平行方向的介电系数比垂直方向的介电系数大 , 因此当液晶分子受电场影响时 , 其排列方向会倾向平行于电场方向 .), 所以我们从图 10 中便可以看到 , 液晶分子的排列都变成站立着的 . 此时通过上层偏光板的单方向的极化光波 , 经过液晶分子时便不会改变极化方向 , 因此就无法通过下层偏光板 . Normally white 及 normally black 所谓的 NW(Normally white), 是指当我们对液晶面板不施加电压时 , 我们所看到的面板是透光的画面 , 也就是亮的画面 , 所以才叫做 normally white. 而反过来 , 当我们对液晶面板不施加电压时 , 如果面板无法透光 , 看起来是黑色的话 , 就称之为 NB(Normally black). 我们刚才所提到的图 9 及图 10 都是属于 NW 的配置 , 另外从图 11 我们可以知道 , 对 TN 型的 LCD 而言 , 位于上下玻璃的配向膜都是互相垂直的 , 而 NB 与 NW 的差别就只在于偏光板的相对位置不同而已 . 对 NB 来说 , 其上下偏光板的极性是互相平行的 . 所以当 NB 不施加电压时 , 光线会因为液晶将之旋转 90 度的极性而无法透光 . 为什么会有 NW 与 NB 这两种不同的偏光板配置呢 ? 主要是为了不同的应用环境 . 一般应用于桌上型计算机或是笔记型计算机 , 大多为 NW 的配置 . 那是因为 , 如果你注意到一般计算机软件的使用环境 , 你会发现整个屏幕大多是亮点 , 也就是说计算机软件多为白底黑字的应用 . 既然亮着的点占大多数 , 使用 NW 当然比较方便 . 也因为 NW 的亮点不需要加电压 , 平均起来也会比较省电 . 反过来说 NB 的应用环境就大多是属于显示屏为黑底的应用了 . urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district STN(Super Twisted Nematic) 型 LCD STN LCD 与 TN 型 LCD 在结构上是很相似的 , 其主要的差别在于 TN 型的 LCD, 其液晶分子的排列 , 由上到下旋转的角度总共为 90 度 . 而 STN 型 LCD 的液晶分子排列 , 其旋转的角度会大于 180 度 , 一般为 270 度 .( 请见图 12) 正因为其旋转的角度不一样 , 其特性也就跟着不一样 . 我们从图 13 中 TN 型与 STN 型 LCD 的电压对穿透率曲线可以知道 , 当电压比较低时 , 光线的穿透率很高 . 电压很高时 , 光线的穿透率很低 . 所以它们是属于 Normal White 的偏光板配置 . 而电压在中间位置的时候 , TN 型 LCD 的变化曲线比较平缓 , 而 STN 型 LCD 的变化曲线则较为陡峭 . 因此在 TN 型的 LCD 中 , 当穿透率由 90% 变化到 10% 时 , 相对应的电压差就比 STN 型的 LCD 来的较大 . 我们前面曾提到 , 在液晶显示器中 , 是利用电压来控制灰阶的变化 . 而在此 TN 与 STN 的不同特性 , 便造成 TN 型的 LCD, 先天上它的灰阶变化就比 STN 型的 LCD 来的多 . 所urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 以一般 TN 型的 LCD 多为 6~8 bits 的变化 , 也就是 64~256 个灰阶的变化 . 而 STN 型的 LCD 最多为 4 bits 的变化 也就只有 16 阶的灰阶变化 . 除此之外 STN 与 TN 型的 LCD 还有一个不一样的地方就是反应时间 (response time) 一般 STN 型的 LCD 其反应时间多在 100ms 以上 而 TN 型的 LCD 其反应时间多为 30~50ms 当所显示的影像变动快速时 对 STN 型的 LCD 而言 就容易会有残影的现象发生 TFT LCD(Thin film transistor liquid crystal display) TFT LCD 的中文翻译名称就叫做薄膜晶体管液晶显示器 , 我们从一开始就提到 液晶显示器需要电压控制来产生灰阶 . 而利用薄膜晶体管来产生电压 , 以控制液晶转向的显示器 , 就叫做 TFT LCD. 从图 8 的切面结构图来看 , 在上下两层玻璃间 , 夹着液晶 , 便会形成平行板电容urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 器 , 我们称之为 CLC(capacitor of liquid crystal). 它的大小约为 0.1pF, 但是实际应用上 , 这个电容并无法将电压保持到下一次再更新画面数据的时候 . 也就是说当 TFT 对这个电容充好电时 , 它并无法将电压保持住 , 直到下一次 TFT 再对此点充电的时候 .( 以一般 60Hz 的画面更新频率 , 需要保持约 16ms 的时间 .) 这样一来 , 电压有了变化 , 所显示的灰阶就会不正确 . 因此一般在面板的设计上 , 会再加一个储存电容 CS(storage capacitor 大约为 0.5pF), 以便让充好电的电压能保持到下一次更新画面的时候 . 不过正确的来说 , 长在玻璃上的 TFT 本身 , 只是一个使用晶体管制作的开关 . 它主要的工作是决定 LCD source driver 上的电压是不是要充到这个点来 . 至于这个点要充到多高的电压 , 以便显示出怎样的灰阶 . 都是由外面的 LCD source driver 来决定的 . 彩色滤光片 (color filter, CF) 如果你有机会 , 拿着放大镜 , 靠近液晶显示器的话 . 你会发现如图 9 中所显示的样子 . 我们知道红色 , 蓝色以及绿色 , 是所谓的三原色 . 也就是说利用这三种颜色 , 便可以混合出各种不同的颜色 . 很多平面显示器就是利用这个原理来显示出色彩 . 我们把 RGB 三种颜色 , 分成独立的三个点 , 各自拥有不同的灰阶变化 , 然后把邻近的三个 RGB 显示的点 , 当作一个显示的基本单位 , 也就是 pixel. 那这一个 pixel, 就可以拥有不同的色彩变化了 . 然后对于一个需要分辨率为 1024*768 的显示画面 , 我们只要让这个平面显示器的组成有 1024*768 个 pixel, 便可以正确的显示这一个画面 . 在图 9 中 , 每一个 RGB 的点之间的黑色部分 , 就叫做 Black matrix. 我们回过头 8 就可以发现 , black matrix 主要是用来遮住不打算透光的部分 . 比如像是一些 ITO 的走来看图 线 , 或是 Cr/Al 的走线 , 或者是 TFT 的部分 . 这也就是为什么我们在图 9 中 , 每一个 RGB 的亮点看起来 , 并不是矩形 , 在其左上角也有一块被 black matrix 遮住的部分 , 这一块黑色缺角的部份就是 TFT 的所在位置 . 图 10 是常见的彩色滤光片的排列方式 . 条状排列 (stripe) 最常使用于 OA 的产品 , 也就是我们常见的笔记型计算机 , 或是桌上型计算机等等 . 为什么这种应用要用条状排列的方式呢 ? 原因是现在的软件 , 多半都是窗口化的接口 . 也就是说 , 我们所看到的屏幕内容 , 就是一大堆大小不等的方框所组成的 . 而条状排列 , 恰好可以使这些方框边缘 , 看起来更笔直 , 而不会有一条直线 , 看起来会有毛边或是锯齿状的感觉 . 但是如果是应用在 AV 产品上 , 就不一样了 . 因为电视信号多半是人物 , 人物的线条不是笔直的 , 其轮廓大部分是不规则的曲线 . 因此一开始 , 使用于 AV 产品都是使用马赛克排列 (mosaic, 或是称为对角形排列 ). 不过最近的 AV 产品 , 多已改进到使用三角形排列 (triangle, 或是称为 delta 排列 ). 除了上述的排列方式之外 , 还有一种排列 , 叫做正方形排列 . 它跟前面几个不一样的地方在于 , 它并不是以三个点来当作一个 pixel, 而是以四个点来当作一个 pixel. 而四个点组合起来刚好形成一个正方形 . 背光板 (back light, BL) 在一般的 CRT 屏幕 , 是利用高速的电子枪发射出电子 , 打击在银光幕上的荧光粉 , 藉以产生亮光 , 来显示出画面 . 然而液晶显示器本身 , 仅能控制光线通过的亮度 , 本身并无发光的功能 . 因此 , 液晶显示器就必须加上一个背光板 , 来提供一个高亮度 , 而且亮度分布均匀的光源 . 我们在图 14 中可以看到 , 组成背光板的主要零件有灯管 ( 冷阴极管 ), 反射板 , 导光板 , prism sheet, 扩散板等等 . 灯管是主要的发光零件 , 藉由导光板 , 将光线分布到各处 . 而反射板则将光线限制住都只往 TFT LCD 的方向前进 . 最后藉由 prism sheet 及扩散板的帮忙 , 将光线均匀的分布到各个区域去 , 提供给 TFT LCD 一个明亮的光源 . 而 TFT LCD 则藉由电压urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 控制液晶的转动 , 控制通过光线的亮度 , 藉以形成不同的灰阶 . 框胶 (Sealant) 及 spacer 在图 14 中另外还有框胶与 spacer 两种结构成分 . 其中框胶的用途 , 就是要让液晶面板中的上下两层玻璃 , 能够紧密黏住 , 并且提供面板中的液晶分子与外界的阻隔 , 所以框胶正如其名 , 是围绕于面板四周 , 将液晶分子框限于面板之内 . 而 spacer 主要是提供上下两层玻璃的支撑 , 它必须均匀的分布在玻璃基板上 , 不然一但分布不均造成部分 spacer 聚集在一起 , 反而会阻碍光线通过 , 也无法维持上下两片玻璃的适当间隙 (gap), 会成电场分布不均的现象 , 进而影响液晶的灰阶表现 . urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 开口率 (Aperture ratio) 液晶显示器中有一个很重要的规格就是亮度 , 而决定亮度最重要的因素就是开口率 . 开口率是什么呢 ? 简单的来说就是光线能透过的有效区域比例 . 我们来看看图 17, 图 17 的左边是一个液晶显示器从正上方或是正下方看过去的结构图 . 当光线经由背光板发射出来时 , 并不是所有的光线都能穿过面板 , 像是给 LCD source 驱动芯片及 gate 驱动芯片用的信号走线 , 以及 TFT 本身 , 还有储存电压用的储存电容等等 . 这些地方除了不完全透光外 , 也由于经过这些地方的光线 并不受到电压的控制 , 而无法显示正确的灰阶 , 所以都需利用 black matrix 加以遮蔽 , 以免干扰到其它透光区域的正确亮度 . 所以有效的透光区域 , 就只剩下如同图 17 右边所显示的区域而已 . 这一块有效的透光区域 , 与全部面积的比例就称之为开口率 . urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 当光线从背光板发射出来 , 会依序穿过偏光板 , 玻璃 , 液晶 , 彩色滤光片等等 . 假设各个零件的穿透率如以下所示 : 偏光板 : 50%( 因为其只准许单方向的极化光波通过 ) 玻璃 :95%( 需要计算上下两片 ) 液晶 :95% 开口率 :50%( 有效透光区域只有一半 ) 彩色滤光片 :27%( 假设材质本身的穿透率为 80%, 但由于滤光片本身涂有色彩 , 只能容许该色彩的光波通过 . 以 RGB 三原色来说 , 只能容许三种其中一种通过 . 所以仅剩下三分之一的亮度 . 所以总共只能通过 80%*33%=27%.) 以上述的穿透率来计算 , 从背光板出发的光线只会剩下 6%, 实在是少的可怜 . 这也是为什么在 TFT LCD 的设计中 , 要尽量提高开口率的原因 . 只要提高开口率 , 便可以增加亮度 , 而同时背光板的亮度也不用那么高 , 可以节省耗电及花费 . urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district
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