首页 [IT/计算机]药品进销存管理系统需求分析5BV125D



[IT/计算机]药品进销存管理系统需求分析5BV125D[IT/计算机]药品进销存管理系统需求分析5BV125D 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 药品进销存管理系统 Purchase, Sales and Inventory Of Drugs Management System 需求分析报告 Requirement Report [V1.2] 拟 制 人 审 核 人 批 准 人 [二零零九年四月七日] 1 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 目 录 1、引言(Introduction) ................................

[IT/计算机]药品进销存管理系统需求分析5BV125D 药品进销存管理系统需求分析 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 药品进销存管理系统 Purchase, Sales and Inventory Of Drugs Management System 需求分析报告 Requirement Report [V1.2] 拟 制 人 审 核 人 批 准 人 [二零零九年四月七日] 1 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 目 录 1、引言(Introduction) ............................................................................................................... 4 1.1编写目的(Compilation goal) ....................................................................................... 4 1.2背景(Background)........................................................................................................ 5 1.3定义(Definitions) .......................................................................................................... 7 1.4参考资料(References) .................................................................................................. 7 2、任务概述(Tasks Outline) ..................................................................................................... 8 2.1目标(Goals) ........................................................................................................................ 8 2.2用户特征(User characteristics) ...................................................................................... 10 2.3产品与其环境的关系(Products and its environment relations) .................................. 11 2.4限制和约束(Limits and restraint) .................................................................................. 11 3、需求规定(Rules of Requirement) ........................................................................................... 11 3.1对功能的规定(Rules of function) ................................................................................... 11 3.2对性能的规定(Rules of performance) ........................................................................... 12 3.2.1精度(Precisions) ..................................................................................................... 12 3.2.2时间特性要求(Time response request) ................................................................. 13 3.2.4数据管理能力要求(Data management ability request) ......................................... 13 3.2.5故障处理要求(Failure processing request) ........................................................... 14 3.2.6其他专门要求(Other request specially) ................................................................ 14 4、系统功能需求分析(System function Requirement analysis) ............................................... 14 4.1系统功能总体结构(System function gross structure) .................................................. 14 4.2药品管理需求分析(Drug control requirement analysis) ............................................. 15 4.2.1 药品查询(Drugs Inquiries) ................................................................................... 16 4.2.2 药品入库查询(Drugs warehousing inquiry)......................................................... 16 4.2.3 药品出库查询(Drugs leave the storehouse Inquiry) ............................................ 17 4.2.4 药品入库(Drugs Warehousings)........................................................................... 18 4.2.5 药品出库(Drugs out of the Treasury) ................................................................... 19 4.2.6药品信息管理(Drugs Information Management) .................................................. 20 4.2.7药品报废(Drugs abandonment) ............................................................................. 20 4.3信息管理需求分析(Information Management Requirements Analysis).................... 21 4.3.1 供货商查询(Supplier inquiries) ............................................................................ 21 4.3.2 客户查询(Customer Inquiries) ............................................................................. 22 4.3.3 员工查询(Staffs Inquire) ...................................................................................... 23 4.3.4 员工信息管理(Staff information management) ................................................... 24 4.3.5 客户信息管理(Customer information management)............................................ 25 4.3.6 供货商信息管理(Supplier information management).......................................... 25 4.4销售管理需求分析(Sales management requirement analysis) .................................... 26 4.4.1 销售录入(Sales Inputs) ......................................................................................... 27 4.4.2 退货管理(Returned goods management) .............................................................. 28 4.4.3 销售查询(Sales Inquiries)..................................................................................... 28 4.4.4 退货查询(Returned goods inquiries) .................................................................... 29 4.5信息预警需求分析(Information early warning requirement analysis) ...................... 29 4.5.1 报废预警(Abandonment early warnings) ............................................................. 30 2 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 4.5.2 库存预警(Stock early warnings) .......................................................................... 30 4.6系统管理需求分析(System administration demand analysis) .................................... 31 4.6.1 权限管理(Jurisdiction management) .................................................................... 31 4.6.2 修改密码(Modify Passwords) .............................................................................. 32 4.6.3 系统帮助(System help) ........................................................................................ 32 5、实体-关系图(E-R Diagram) .............................................................................................. 34 5.1 系统功能总体E-R图(System Function Overall E-R Diagram) ................................ 34 5.2 药品管理E-R图(Drug Management E-R Diagram) .................................................. 35 5.2.1 药品查询E-R图(Drugs Inquire the E-R Diagram) ............................................. 35 5.2.2 药品入库查询E-R图(Drugs Warehousing Inquire the E-R Diagram) ............ 36 5.2.3 药品出库查询E-R图(Drugs leave the storehouse to Inquire the E-R Diagram) 36 5.2.4 药品入库E-R图(Drugs go into storage E-R the Diagram) ................................. 36 5.2.5 药品出库E-R图(Drugs leave the storehouse E-R Diagram) .............................. 37 5.2.6 药品报废E-R图(Drugs Discard the E-R Diagram) ............................................ 37 5.3 信息管理E-R图(Information Management E-R Diagram) ...................................... 37 5.3.1 供货商信息查询E-R图(Supplier Information Inquire the E-R Diagram) .......... 37 5.3.2 客户信息查询E-R图(Customer Information Inquire the E-R Diagram) ............ 38 5.3.3 员工信息查询E-R图(Staff Information Inquire the E-R Diagram) ................... 38 5.3.4 供货商信息管理E-R图(Supplier Information Management E-R Diagram) ...... 38 5.3.5 客户信息管理E-R图(Customer Information Management E-R Diagram) ........ 38 5.3.6 员工信息管理E-R图(Staff Information Management E-R Diagram) ................ 38 5.4 销售管理E-R图(Sales management E-R Diagram) ................................................... 39 5.4.1 销售录入E-R图(Sales Input the E-R Diagram) .................................................. 39 5.4.2 退货管理E-R图(Returned Goods manage the E-R Diagram) ............................ 39 5.4.3 销售查询E-R图(Sales Inquire the E-R Diagram) ............................................... 39 5.4.4 退货查询E-R图(Returned Goods inquire the E-R Diagram) ............................. 40 5.5 信息预警E-R图(Information Forewarn the E-R Diagram) ..................................... 40 5.5.1 报废预警E-R图(Abandonment Forewarn the E-R Diagram) ............................. 40 5.5.2 库存预警E-R图(Stocks Forewarn the E-R Diagram) ......................................... 40 5.6 系统管理E-R图(System Administration E-R Diagram) ........................................... 40 6、数据流图(Data Flow Diagram) .............................................................................................. 40 6.1 系统基本模型(System Fundamental Models) .............................................................. 41 6.2 药品管理数据流图(Drug Control Data Flow Diagram) ............................................. 42 6.3 信息管理数据流图(Information Management Data Flow Diagram) ........................ 42 6.4 销售管理数据流图(Sales Management Data Flow Diagram) .................................... 43 6.5 信息预警数据流图(Information Early Warning Data Flow Diagram) ..................... 44 6.6 系统管理数据流图(System Administration Data Flow Diagram) ............................. 44 7.Data Dictionary(数据字典) .................................................................................................. 45 3 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 1 引言(Introduction) 随着计算机的普及,人们对计算机的认识及需求有了明显的增加。计算机对 于大量信息的管理优势更是显而易见。药店处理数据的日趋庞大和对信息的准确 要求、快速等因素的存在,使得计算机及相应的管理软件在药品公司管理中的应 用成为必然趋势。有了这个药品库存管理系统,这样便可以帮助职工从繁琐的重 复性劳动中解脱出来,提高整个药店的工作效率,而由于系统的开发应用使药店运 营效率提高会带来无形的可观的经济效益,从而提高药店的经济效益。 With computer's popularization, the people have obviously increase to computer's understanding and the demand. The computer regarding the massive information's management superiority is obvious. The pharmacy processing data is day by day huge and to the information accurate request, fast and so on factor existences, causes the computer and the corresponding management software are in drugs corporate management application into inevitable trend. Have this drugs stock management system, this then may help the staff to extricate from the tedious duplicated work, enhances the entire pharmacy the working efficiency, but because system's development application makes the pharmacy operation efficiency to enhance can bring the invisible considerable economic efficiency, thus enhances the pharmacy the economic efficiency. 1.1编写目的(Compilation goal) 此系统是为中小型药店进行日常业务管理而开发,但开发者和用户之间的行 业、领域差异,使得开发者和用户对此系统功能的理解存在一定的差别。为了能 使开发者明白用户的目的,开发出让客户满意的系统,更好地实现用户的要求; 同时也为了用户能清楚地知道此系统的功能和作用,开发一个集处理药品、客户、 供货商信息于一体的,包括员工管理的药品进销存管理系统,是符合市场发展需 要的,所以要进行需求分析,并以文档的形式来记录。通过需求分析报告,开发 者与用户之间的沟通更为方便,也有利于开发者充分分析客户的需求,从而开发 出具有功能强大,客户满意的系统。 4 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 This system is carries on the day-to-day business management for the middle and small scale pharmacy to develop,but between exploiter and user's profession, domain difference,causes the exploiter and user regarding this system function understanding existence certain difference. For can cause the exploiter to understand the user the goal, the development sells the customer satisfied system, realizes user's request well; Simultaneously can also know this system's function and the function clearly for the user, develops collection processing drugs, the customer, the supplier information in a body, manages the drugs including the staff to enter Purchase,Sales and Inventory Of Drugs Management System, conforms to the market development to need, therefore we should carry on the demand analysis, and comes the record by the documents form. Through demand analysis report, between the exploiter and user's communication is more convenient, is also advantageous to the exploiter analyzes the customer fully the demand, so develop the system which has the function to be formidable, customer satisfied. 1.2背景(Background) 如今药品调价频繁,且品种繁多,增加了药品销售定价的难度。药品来货验收 登记中的审查有效期环节容易出错,错收过期或有效期不足的药品。手工模式下 的药品库存难以及时掌握,虽然采取了每日进行缺货登记的措施来控制库存,却增 加了登记尚未缺货药品库存的多余工作,费时费力。不能及时了解每种药品的所 剩有效期,使一些药品错过退货期限,造成过期药品库存堆积,带来严重的经济损 失。为了适应时代的发展,提高药店的工作效率,优化库存的数量与质量,以增加药 店的经济效益和使药店运转更顺利,应尽量减少手工操作的工序,实现对药品的各 项管理的电脑化,使高新技术在降低运营成本、提高管理水平和综合经济效益中 发挥积极的作用。因此,开发一个集处理药品、客户、供货商信息于一体的,包 括员工管理的药品进销存管理系统,是符合市场发展需要的。 目前软件市场上已有功能比较完善的各类销售、财务等软件,但该药店没有 广泛使用管理信息系统软件。综合各方面因素,没有必要购买市场上价位较高的 现成软件,虽然这些软件的功能已相当完善,只须开发一个适合该药店的操作简单 的小型管理信息系统就可以了,大型软件中一方面好多功能冗余,只是摆设,并 5 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 不能实际的为药店所用,另一方好多功能方面都很欠缺,主要表现在库存报警系 统与客户信息这一块,对于客户、供货商信息的管理做得都不完善,有的根本没 这部分内容,而这些信息也是很重要的,有利药店人员从各个方面对药店状况进 行分析,管理。因此,开发这样的药品进销存管理系统,是符合市场发展需要的, 而且由于药店现在的员工均在中、青年龄段,对外来的新鲜事物接受能力较高,完 全可以胜任该套管理信息系统的使用,这样便可以帮助职工从繁琐的重复性劳动 中解脱出来,提高整个药店的工作效率,而由于系统的开发应用使药店运营效率提 高会带来无形的可观的经济效益,从而提高药店的经济效益。 Today, frequent drug price, and a variety of drugs has increased the difficulty of selling price. Drugs to cargo acceptance review of the validity of the registration error-prone links, wrong date or a period of less than resumption of the drug.Manual mode it is difficult to gain prompt access to drug stocks, although the daily缺货登记 taken measures to control inventory, but have not yet registered an increase of excess inventory out of stock medicines work, time-consuming and laborious. Unable to understand the validity of each of the remaining drugs, some pharmaceutical missed period returns, resulting in the accumulation of expired medicine inventory, lead to serious economic losses. In order to adapt to the times of development and improving the efficiency of the pharmacy, and optimize the quantity and quality of inventory in order to increase the economic benefits of drug stores and pharmacies operate more smoothly, and should minimize manual processes and achieve the management of drug computerized so high and new technology to reduce operating costs, raise the level of management and integrated cost-effective to play an active role. Therefore, the development of a set to deal with drugs, customers, suppliers of information in one, including staff management of drug Invoicing Management System, is in line with market development needs. The current software market, there are various types of functions to improve sales, finance and other software, but it is not widely used in pharmacy management information system software. Taking all factors, there is no need to buy a higher market price of the off-the-shelf software, although the functions of the software is quite perfect, only for the development of a simple operation of the 6 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 pharmacy management information system of small-scale it, on the one hand, large-scale software good multi-redundant, but display does not actually used for the pharmacy, the other side are the lack of good multi-purpose area, the main alarm system in the inventory and customer information in this piece, for customers, suppliers of information management do not perfect, and some did not this part, which is also very important information, enabling all aspects of pharmacy from an analysis of the situation on the pharmacy management. Therefore, the development of drugs such as Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System is in line with the market development needs, and as a result of pharmacy staff are now in the Green group, external to the ability to accept new things higher, can be competent enough for the set of management information system so that we can to help workers from the tedious repetitive work out of and improve the efficiency of the entire pharmacy, and as a result of the development and application of systems to enable pharmacies to improve operational efficiency will bring about considerable economic benefits invisible, thereby enhancing the pharmacy economic benefits. 1.3定义(Definitions) 药品进销存是从药品的采购(进)到入库(存)到销售(销)的动态管理 过程。 进销存:“进”是指药店的商品采购;“销”是指药店的商品销售,包括批发、 零售和连锁;“存”是指药店的商品的存储;合起来就是整个药店的日常经营活 动。 Purchase,Sales and Inventory Of Drugs are (enter) from the drugs purchase (save) (sells) to the sale the dynamic management process to the warehousing. Purchase,Sales and Inventory: “purchase” is refers to the pharmacy the commodity purchase; “sales” is refers to the pharmacy the realization of goods, including wholesale, retail sales and chain-like; “inventory” is refers to the pharmacy the commodity memory; Gathers is the entire pharmacy daily operative activity. 1.4参考资料(References) 7 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 [1]《软件工程》,张海藩编著,人民邮电出版社 osts and [1]《Software engineering》,Zhang Haifan writes, People's ptelecommunications publishing house [2]《软件工程基础》,汤惟编著,西安交通大学出版社 [2]《Software engineering Foundation》,Tang Wei writes, Xi'an Jiaotong University Publishing house [3]《软件工程导论》,朱少民编著,清华大学出版社 Software engineering introductory remarks》,Zhu Shaomin writes, Tsinghua [3]《 University publishing house [4]《软件架构设计》,温昱编著,电子工业出版社 [4]《Software construction design》,Wen Yu writes, Electronics industry publishing house [5](《软件测试技术经典教程》,赵斌,科学出版社 [5]《Software testing technology classical course》,Zhao Bin writes, Scientific Publishing house [6]《软件设计师教程》,陈平 褚华编著,清华大学出版社 [7]《Software designer course》,Chen Ping,Zhu Hua writes, Tsinghua University publishing house 2 任务概述(Tasks Outline) 2.1目标(Goals) 药店的目标是要扩建至少两个分药店,并在各大城市成立连锁店。原有的管 理系统已不再适应药店发展的需要,其中也存在许多问题,而且药店的发展要求 系统有更多、更强大的功能,原有系统却不具备这几点。 药品进销存管理信息系统的功能模型中包括了对新药品数据的管理与维护, 8 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 对药品库存数据的管理与维护以及对客户数据的管理。这些数据对药店进行药品 进销存管理极为重要,为此,提供方便、快捷的信息查询和维护是系统设计考虑 的基础。药品进销存管理系统是将技术含量不高,重复性强的工作转化为自动化 处理的。本系统的开发目的主要是为了解决中小型药店日常经营中包括药品采 购、药品销售、药品库存、账务往来等所有业务环节在内的科学化管理,完成日 常经营活动中各种业务数据的共享,通过对这些数据的汇总和分析来对决策作出 支持,从而来提升药店的核心竞争力。 新系统强大的管理功能和业务处理功能,再加上科学的管理方法,一定会提 高药店的工作效率,从而为药店的发展做出很多贡献。 Purchase, sales and inventory of drugs management information system's functional model to include to the new drugs data management and the maintenance, to drugs stock data management and maintenance as well as to customer data management. These data carry on the drugs to the pharmacy to enter sells saves the management great importance, for this reason, provides convenient, the quick information inquiry and the maintenance is the system design consideration foundation. Purchase,Sales and Inventory Of Drugs Management system are not high the technique content, the duplicated strong work transforms as automated processing. This system's development goal is mainly to solve in the middle and small scale pharmacy daily management including the drugs purchase, the drugs sale, the drugs stock, the bookkeeping intercourse and so on all service link's scientific management, completes in the daily operative activity each kind of service data sharing, through and analyzes to these data's compiling makes the support to the decision-making, thus promotes the pharmacy the core competitiveness. Alarm system and customer information this quite important, in each pharmacy or the medicine company's stock drugs are many, if one kind or time many kinds of drugs stock insufficiency, artificial searches is not realistic, including inspect goods time is not very convenient, in the existing system has carried on the restraint to near effective date drugs, if three month warnings, one month warning, but the stock drugs warning actually throughout is a blank, but this can reflect that exactly one drugs the sales degree, this is advantageous for the next time drugs purchase the selection. In the pharmacy will have the drugs to sell and the input every day, but in the existing system has not taken the customer information and supplier information this on the one hand the content, was only has carried on the management to the pharmacy personnel, but in fact, the customer information and the supplier information advantageous pharmacy personnel carried on the analysis, the management from each aspect to the pharmacy condition, if had the customer contact method and the record, 9 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 might implement the preferential policy like this at the same time regarding the old customer, the new customer might carry on the follow-up service, if fixed time telephoned to inquire that the drugs service condition as well as told the customer some matters needing attention. The new system formidable management function and the handling of traffic function, in addition the scientific management, certainly will enhance the pharmacy the working efficiency, will thus make many contributions for the pharmacy development. 2.2用户特征(User characteristics) 此系统的最终用户为中小型药店各部门的业务人员,药店的中高层领导,系 统管理员,各部门的统计员,客户等。 此软件最终将直接面对员工,而员工可能在其自身领域内是工作经验丰富, 但面对一个其他领域的事物时,可能就不具备使用或操作的经验。这就要求本系 统在使用时要尽可能的简单方便。 系统管理员,各部门的系统管理员及统计员,此类人员具备计算机领域的相 关知识,包括数据系统等方面的知识,可以操作并熟练使用此系统,同时可以通 过更改软件的一些参数,使用相关的工具来实现查询、统计、更新、等功能。 系统管理员,此类人员具备计算机领域的高端技术,对软件的框架结构及技 术非常了解,可以通过软件自带的工具和专业技术对系统进行维护,以保证系统 能高效工作。 客户,客户可以通过登录本系统来下订货单,这就要求操作简便,尽量减少 输入,交互友好,安全可靠。 另外还有一个特殊的用户群体:药店的中高层领导,这就要求系统具有业务 数据汇总、分析的功能,可以帮助公司的中高层领导来做出决策,及时调整营销 策略。 This system's end-user is the middle and small scale pharmacy various departments' services, the pharmacy high-level leader, system manager, various departments' statistician, customer and so on. This software will face the staff directly finally, but the staff possibly is the work experience is rich in its own domain, but faces other domains time the thing, possibly does not have the use 'OR' operation experience. This requests this system when the use must as far as possible simple convenient. The various departments' system managers and the statistician, this kind of 10 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 personnel have the computer domain related knowledge, including aspect and so on data system knowledge, may operate and use this system skilled, simultaneously may through change software's some parameters, uses the related tool to realize the inquiry, the statistics, the renewal, and so on functions. The system manager, this kind of personnel have the computer domain high-end technology, understood to software's portal frame construction and the technology, may carries on the maintenance through the software bringing tool and the specialized technology to the system, the guarantee system can work highly effective. Under the customer, the customer may through register this system to come the order form, this request operation is simple, reduces the input as far as possible, is alternately friendly, safe reliable. In addition has special user community: The pharmacy high-level leader, this request system has the service data to compile, the analysis function, may help company's high-level leaders to make the decision-making, adjusts the marketing strategy promptly. 2.3产品与其环境的关系(Products and its environment relations) 此系统的服务器用于存放日常业务数据,以及供应商、客户、药品的信息, 服务器应该放置在药店总部里安全的地方。而其他终端则放在分药店,连锁店, 各相关部门办公室、库房。 This system's server uses in storing the day-to-day business data, as well as the supplier, the customer, the drugs information, the server should lay aside in the pharmacy headquarters the safe place. But other terminals place a minute pharmacy, chain store, each related department office, storehouse. 2.4限制和约束(Limits and restraint) 要求此系统实现功能的强大性与经济性很好地结合,得到资金限度内的功能 最优化。同时也要求开发期限为18周,以便早日投入使用。 Functional requirements of this system and the powerful combination of a good economy, finance function within the limits of optimization. It also requires the development of a period of 18 weeks in order to put into use as soon as possible. 3 需求规定(Rules of Requirement) 3.1对功能的规定(Rules of function) 药店管理系统的功能模型由五个子系统组成,即药品管理子系统、销售管理 子系统、信息管理子系统、信息预警子系统系统管理子系统。 11 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 药品进销存管理信息系统的功能模型中包括了对新药品数据的管理与维护, 对药品库存数据的管理与维护以及对客户数据的管理。这些数据对药店进行药品 进销存管理极为重要,为此,提供方便、快捷的信息查询和维护是系统设计考虑 的基础。 要求新系统能解决中小型店日常经营中包括药品采购、药品销售、药 品库存、账务往来等所有业务环节在内的科学化管理,完成日常经营活动中各种 业务数据的共享,实现实时通信来保证业务数据的快速更新,通过对这些数据的 汇总和分析来对决策作出支持,从而来提升药店的核心竞争力。 Pharmacy management system functional model composed of five subsystems, namely, drug management system, sales management system, information management system, information system management system of early warning system.Invoicing drug management information system functional model, including new drugs for the management and maintenance of data, data on the management of drug inventory and maintenance, as well as the management of customer data. The data on the management of pharmacies to drug Invoicing and to that end that will offer convenient, efficient and maintenance of information is the basis of system design considerations.Requirements of the new system to solve day-to-day operation of small and medium-sized stores, including drug procurement, drug sales, drug inventory, accounts and other transactions, including all business aspects of scientific management, the completion of day-to-day business operations of various data sharing, real-time business data communications to ensure the rapid update of summary of the data and analysis to support decision-making and thus to enhance the core competence of pharmacy. 3.2对性能的规定(Rules of performance) 3.2.1精度(Precisions) 要求能准确、无误地查询、添加、修改、删除供应商信息,客户信息,药品 信息;能够精确地进行业务数据汇总来支持决策。做到实时通信来保证业务数据 的最新性。 12 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 The request can accurate, inquire, the increase, the revision, to delete the supplier information unmistakably, the customer information, the drugs information; Can carry on the service data to compile precisely supports the decision-making. Achieves the real-time communication to guarantee the service data newest. 3.2.2时间特性要求(Time response request) ?响应时间 要求响应迅速,实现业务数据的实时传递,时间大约为1s。 ?更新处理时间 要求执行更新处理操作时,能快速准确地处理,时间大约为1~1.5s。 ?数据的转换和传送时间 库存盘点时要用到条码扫描终端设备,要求到条码时,能快速转换数据,并将数 据迅速传到系统进行汇总处理,时间大约为1s。 ?response time The request response is rapid, realizes the service data real-time transmission, the time probably is 1s. ? Renewal process time When request execution renewal processing operation, can process accurately fast, the time probably is 1~1.5s. ? Data transformation and transmission time When stock inventorying must use the bar code to scan the terminal device, when requests to the bar code, can the split-second-selection data, and passes to the data the system to carry on compiles processing, the time probably be 1s rapidly. 3.2.3输入输出要求(Input output request) 当用户输入查询关键字时,能迅速进行汇总,并以报表的形式给出分析结果, 要具备清晰明了的优点。 When user input inquiry key words, can carry on rapidly compiles, and gives the analysis result by the report form, must have the clear intelligible merit. 3.2.4数据管理能力要求(Data management ability request) 要求新系统有强大的数据库系统为支持,可以容纳大量的业务数据和各种信 13 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 息资料。同时还具有强大的数据管理能力,包括查询、更新、修改、统计等功能。 数据库的维护和备份也要做到方便、简洁。 Request the new system to have the formidable database system is the support, may hold the massive service data and each kind of information paper. Simultaneously also has the formidable data management ability, including functions and so on inquiry, renewal, revision, statistics. The database maintenance and the backup must achieve are convenient, are succinct. 3.2.5故障处理要求(Failure processing request) 当系统出现故障时,可利用系统自身的维护工具来进行系统的故障排除,也 可以联系我们来进行故障处理。 When the system presents the breakdown, may carry on system's trouble shooting using the system own maintenance tool, may also contact with us to carry on the failure processing. 3.2.6其他专门要求(Other request specially) 新系统可以设置不同的访问权限,用户单位为了安全,可以针对不同级别的 用户来设置不同的访问权限。用户使用系统时,操作简单方便。同时系统具有可 维护性、可补充性、易读性、可靠性、运行环境可转换性的特殊要求等。 The new system may establish the different access authority, the user unit to be safe, may aim at the different rank the user to establish the different access authority. When user use system, the simplicity of operator is convenient. Simultaneously the system has the maintainability, to be possible supplemental, the readability, reliable, the movement environment convertibility special request and so on. 4 系统功能需求分析(System function Requirement analysis) 4.1系统功能总体结构(System function gross structure) 14 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 药品销售管理系统 信销信系药 息售息统品 管管预管管 理理警理理 供药药药员客供货品药药药品品药客员工户销退销退报库权修系货商入品品品出信品户工信信售货售货废存限改统商信库入出查库息报查查息息录管查查预预管密帮查息查库 库询查管废询询 管管入理询询 警 警理码 助询管询询 理 理理理 4.2药品管理需求分析(Drug control requirement analysis) 完成各类药品信息的查询,添加,修改,删除操作; 药品入、出、存的查询统计; 辅助制定合理的药品库存水平和采购计划,以最小的资金占用保证药品的供 应。 包含功能如下图所示: Complete each kind of drugs information the inquiry, the increase, the revision, deletes the operation; The drugs enter the inquiry statistics which, saves; The auxiliary formulation reasonable drugs stock level and the buying plan, take the guarantee drugs by the smallest fund the supply; Contains the function following chart to show: 15 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 药品管理药品管理 药品入库药品入库药品出库药品出库药品信息药品信息药品查询药品查询药品入库药品入库药品出库药品出库药品报废药品报废查询查询管理管理查询查询 4.2.1 药品查询(Drugs Inquiries) 在药品查询模块中,用户可以完成对各类药品信息进行查询操作。可以按不 同的条件进行查询,如: 按名称查询:药品简拼、药品名称、药品ID 按种类查询:泌尿系统、消化系统、内分泌系统、抗感染类系统、五官科系 统、妇产科、神经系统、细血管系统、呼吸系统 按供货商查询:供货商名称、供货商ID 按科目查询:西药、中药、中成药 按库存量查询:零库存量、全部库存、手动控制查询条件 In the drugs inquiry module, the user may complete to each kind of drugs information carries on the inquiry operation. May carry on the inquiry according to the different condition,as follows: Inquires according to the name: Drugs Jan Pin, drugs name, drugs ID Inquires according to the type: Uninary system, digesting system, endocrine system, anti-infection class system, five senses branch system, gynecology and obstetrics department, nervous system, thin vascular system, respiratory system Inquires according to the supplier: Supplier name, supplier ID Inquires according to the subject: Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine Inquires according to the reserve: Zero reserve, keeps in stock, the hand control inquiry condition completely 4.2.2 药品入库查询(Drugs warehousing inquiry) 16 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 在药品入库查询模块中,用户可以对段时间内的采购药品进行查询,如需对 上月3月10号至3月31号进行的采购药品情况进行查询(便于客户了解销售情 况),则可进行段时间内查询,并可对总金额进行统计打印。 In the drugs warehousing inquiry module, the user may carry on the inquiry to the section time purchase drugs, if must carry on to last month March 10 to March 31 the purchase drugs situation carried on the inquiry (to be advantageous for customer understanding sale situation), then might carry on the section time to inquire, and might carry on the statistical printing to the aggregate amount. 4.2.3 药品出库查询(Drugs leave the storehouse Inquiry) 类似于药品出库查询模块,实现功能以及实现方式与药品出库查询模块相 似,在药品出库查询模块中,用户可以对段时间内的采购药品出库情况进行查询, 如需对上月3月10号至3月31号出库药品情况进行查询(便于使用者了解出库 情况),则可进行段时间内查询,并可对销售总金额进行统计打印。 药品出库时,应按发货或配送凭证对实物进行质量检查和数量、项目的核对。 如发现以下问题应停止发货或配送,并报有关部门处理: (一) 药品包装内有异常响动和液体参漏; (二) 外包装出现破损、封口不牢、衬垫不实、封条严重损坏等现象; (三) 包装标识模糊不清或脱落; (四) 药品已超出有效期。 Is similar leaves the storehouse inquiry module in the drugs, realizes the function as well as realizes the way and the drugs leaves the storehouse inquiry module to be similar, in the drugs leave in the storehouse inquiry module, the user may leave the storehouse situation to the section time purchase drugs to carry on the inquiry, if must carry on the inquiry to last month March 10 to March 31 storehouse drugs situation (to be advantageous for user to find out storehouse situation), then might carry on the section time to inquire, and might carry on the statistical printing to the sales aggregate amount. When the drugs leave the storehouse, should according to deliver goods or the allocation certificate carries on the quality testing and quantity, the project checkup to the material object. If discovered that the following question should stop delivering goods or the allocation, and the newspaper Department concerned processes: (1) In the drugs packing has the unusual sound and the liquid senate leaks; (2) The outside wrapping presents phenomena and so on breakage, seal not jail, 17 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 liner not reality, seal major damage; (3) The packing marks slurred or falls off; (4) The drugs have surpassed the term of validity. 4.2.4 药品入库(Drugs Warehousings) 当销售药品时首先判定库存余量是否充足,如若余量不足则需进行采购,采 购完毕时需进行药品入库操作,将药品存至库存之中,并将其准确的数量进行统 计保存(如若库存中有剩余量,则可进行查询操作,并直接进行数量的增添)。 基本要求: (1)药品与非药品、内服药与外用药应分开存放,易串味的药品与一般药 品应分开存放。 (2)药品应根据其温湿度要求,按照规定的储存条件存放。 (3)处方药与非处方药应分柜摆放。 (4)特殊管理的药品应按照国家的有关规定存放。药品在库陈列储存 (5)危险品不应陈列。如因需要必须陈列时,只能陈列代用品或空包装。 危险品的储存应按国家有关规定管理和存放。 (7)拆零药品应集中存放于拆零专柜,并保留原包装的标签。 (8)中药饮片装斗前应做质量复核,防止混药。 When sales drugs first determines the stock remainder to be whether sufficient, if remainder insufficiency, then must carry on the purchase, the purchase finished when must carry on the drugs warehousing operation, saved the drugs to the stock during, and carried on its accurate quantity the statistical preservation (, if kept in stock has residual, then might carry on inquiry operation, and carried on quantity directly addition). Essential requirements: (1) The drugs with the non-drugs, the medicine and the external use medicine should separate depositing, the easy taste contamination's drugs and the common drugs should separate depositing. (2) The drugs should act according to its humiture request, according to stipulation storage condition depositing. (3) The prescription drug should divide the cabinet with the non-prescription drug to place. 18 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 (4) The special management's drugs should defer to national concerned requirements depositing. Drugs in storehouse exhibition storage. (5) The dangerous material should not exhibit. When if needs must exhibit, can only exhibit the substitute item or the spatial packing. The dangerous material storage should according to the national concerned requirements management and depositing. (6) Sells separately the drugs to concentrate depositing to selling separately the special counter, and retains the original package the label. (7)Before the traditional Chinese medicine tablets ready for decoction attire fights, should make the quality to reexamine, prevents to mix the medicine. 4.2.5 药品出库(Drugs out of the Treasury) 相反,如若余量充足时需要进行销售,即出库操作,根据不同的数量要求进 行数量的更改操作。药品出库工作由药库管理员负责。 药品出库凭“药品领用 单”。由领用单位填写“药品领用单”, 药库管理员按照实际品种和数量发放 药品,对库存暂不足的品种,均需说明情况,并尽快请购, 严把质量关,药品 出库时,药库管理员和领用者必须以认真负责的态度,检查质量和有效期,核实 品种,规格等,严防变质失效的药品出库。药品领用单经领用者以及发药库管理 员签字,作为存档,以备查。出库单、退货出库、盘亏、报损、药品外售等,都 必须有完整记录。 On the contrary, when the remainder is sufficient needs to carry on the sale, namely the storehouse operation, carries on quantity according to the different quantitative requirement the change operation. The drugs leave the storehouse work to be responsible by the medical supply store manager. The drugs leave the storehouse to depend on “the drugs to lead with the list”. Fills in “the drugs by the collar with the unit to lead with the list”, the medical supply store manager according to the actual variety and quantity provide drugs, to keeps in stock temporarily the insufficient variety, must explain the situation, and please buy as soon as possible, strictly the quality pass, when the drugs leave the storehouse, the medical supply store manager and leads the customer to by the earnest responsible manner, the inspection quality and the term of validity, the checking variety, the specification and so on, takes strict precautions against the drugs which the deterioration expires to leave the storehouse. The drugs get with Shan Jingling the customer as well as send the medical supply store manager signature, takes the archive, by reference. Leaves the storehouse list, to return goods the storehouse, the loss, to write off, outside the drugs to sell and so on, must have the complete record. 19 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 4.2.6 药品信息管理(Drugs Information Management) 药品信息管理中包含了所有药品的详细信息,如产地、科目、种类、规格、 单位、售价、批准文号、生产日期、进价、有效期、数量及备注。药品信息是药 品进销存管理系统的核心枢纽,决定了其他操作的执行,如:查询条件、药品报 废条件等等。 In the drugs information management has contained all drugs detailed information, like habitat, subject, type, specification, unit, selling price, authorized document number, production date, purchasing price, term of validity, quantity and note. The drugs information is the drugs enters sells saves management system management system's core key position, has decided other operation execution, for example: Inquiry conditions, drugs abandonment condition and so on. 4.2.7 药品报废(Drugs abandonment) 当药品超过最大有效期限或国家要求停止生产时需对药品进行报废处理。药 品的有效期是反映药品内在质量的重要指标之一,是保证药品安全性和有效性的 前提,超过有效期的药品即为过期药品,坚持药房药品常购少存原则,根据需求 合理掌握库存药品数量。不常用的药品坚持少进或不进的原则,避免过期造成浪 费。药品管理人员要经常检查药品出厂日期、不可避免的药品过期失效,由药店 管理人员列出药品清单,由卫生所负责人签字,报经领导审批后集中进行销毁。 When the drugs surpass the most greatly date of expiry or the national request stop produce must to the drugs carry on abandonment processing. The drugs term of validity is reflected that one of drugs intrinsic quality important targets, is guaranteed the drugs security and the valid premise, surpasses the term of validity the drugs is the expired drugs, insisted that pharmacy drugs Chang Goushao save the principle, grasps the stock drugs quantity reasonably according to the demand. Not the commonly used drugs insisted that little enters the principle which or does not enter, avoids expired creating the waste. The drug control personnel want to inspect the drugs manufacture date, the inevitable drugs expired expiration frequently, lists the drugs detailed list by the pharmacy administrative personnels, by clinic person in charge signature, newspaper after leadership examination concentrates carries on the destruction. 20 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 4.3信息管理需求分析(Information Management Requirements Analysis) 完成员工,客户,供货商信息的查询,完成员工,客户,供货商信息的管理,包含功能如下图: Complete the staff, the customer, the supplier information inquiry, completes the staff, the customer, the supplier information management, contains the function following chart: 信息管理信息管理 供货商供货商客户客户员工员工员工信息员工信息客户信息客户信息供货商供货商 查询查询查询查询查询查询管理管理管理管理信息管理信息管理 4.3.1 供货商查询(Supplier inquiries) 供货商查询模块便于用户方便定位供货商的信息,供货商库存查询:查询登陆供货商有权限查询的药品的库存情况,数据是从业务系统中导到查询库。 供货商销售查询:查询登陆供货商有权限查询的药品的销售情况(不分供应商),数据是从业务系统中导到查询库。 供货商批发查询:查询登陆供货商有权限查询的且由自己供应的药品的批发情况,数据是从业务系统中导到查询库。 供货商订单查询:查询登陆供货商有权限查询的且由自己供应的药品的订单情况,数据是从业务系统中导到查询库。 供货商入库查询:查询登陆供货商有权限查询的且由自己供应的药品的入库情况,数据是从业务系统中导到查询库。 供货商退货查询:查询登陆供货商有权限查询的且由自己供应的药品的退货情况,数据是从业务系统中导到查询库。 供货商结算查询:查询登陆供货商的供货药品的结算情况,单据金额,已结金额,应付余额,数据是从业务系统中导到查询库。 21 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 供货商流向查询:查询登陆供货商有权限查询的且由供货商自己供货的药品 的配送及批发情况,及商品流向表,数据是从业务系统中导到查询库。 The supplier inquires the module to be advantageous for the user convenience to locate supplier's information, the supplier keeps in stock inquires: The inquiry lands the supplier to have the drugs stock situation which the jurisdiction inquires, the data is from the operational channel Intermediate-range to the inquiry storehouse. The supplier sells inquires: The inquiry lands the supplier to have the drugs sales situation which the jurisdiction inquires (not to be divided supplier), the data is from the operational channel Intermediate-range to the inquiry storehouse. The supplier wholesales inquires: The inquiry lands the supplier to have the jurisdiction to inquire, and by own supplies the drugs wholesale situation, the data is from the operational channel Intermediate-range to the inquiry storehouse. The supplier order form inquires: The inquiry lands the supplier to have the jurisdiction to inquire, and by own supplies the drugs order form situation, the data is from the operational channel Intermediate-range to the inquiry storehouse. The supplier goes into storage inquires: The inquiry lands the supplier to have the jurisdiction to inquire, and by own supplies the drugs warehousing situation, the data is from the operational channel Intermediate-range to the inquiry storehouse. The supplier returns goods the inquiry: The inquiry lands the supplier to have the jurisdiction to inquire, and by own supplies the drugs returned goods situation, the data is from the operational channel Intermediate-range to the inquiry storehouse. The supplier settles accounts inquires: The inquiry lands supplier's goods supply drugs settlement situation, the documentary evidence amount, has tied the amount, the payable balance, the data is from the operational channel Intermediate-range to the inquiry storehouse. The supplier flows to the inquiry: The inquiry lands the supplier to have the jurisdiction to inquire, and supplies goods by supplier the drugs allocation and the wholesale situation, and the commodity flows to the table, the data is from the operational channel Intermediate-range to the inquiry storehouse. 4.3.2 客户查询(Customer Inquiries) 本系统的一大特色就是将客户信息进行保存。 客户信息是药店资源的组成部分。客户不仅是普通的消费者,而且成为信息 的载体,能有效为药店提供包括有形物品、服务、人员、地点、组织和构思等大 量信息。而信息是不能脱离客户而单独存在,它成为药店争夺的重要资源。在互 联网上,客户的地位和作用正在发生着变化。客户可以控制自己作为产品和服务 22 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 的潜在购买者的价值。药店需要大量的投入以获得客户信息,双方都缺乏对信息 的正确认识,因为客户信息不仅是药店资源,也成为个人的一部分价值。对药店而 言,有效客户信息的获得成为开拓市场、取得成功的第一步。 客户编号:每当用户进行药品购买时,系统会自动的分配编号作为记录,根 据客户编号可以方便的定位到用户访问时的时间。 客户地址:储存客户暂住地址,便于进行售后服务 客户单位名称:了解客户一些相关背景 电话号码:方便与用户进行联系 This system's big characteristic is carries on the customer information the preservation. The customer information is the pharmacy resources constituent. The customer is not only the ordinary consumer, moreover becomes the information the carrier, can provide including the visible goods, the service, the personnel, the place, the organization and the idea effectively for the pharmacy and so on massive information. But the information cannot be separated from the customer but exists alone, it becomes the capital stock which the pharmacy competes. On the Internet, the customer status and the function is occurring is changing. The customer may control oneself achievement product and the service latent buyer value. The pharmacy needs the massive investments to obtain the customer information, both sides lacks to the information correct understanding, because the customer information is not only the pharmacy resources, also becomes individual part of values. Speaking of the pharmacy, the effective customer information obtains into develops the market, to obtain the success the first step. Customer serial number: When the user carries on the drugs purchase, the system automatic assignment serial number will take the record, may facilitate the localization according to the customer serial number to the user visit time time. Customer address: The storage customer temporarily resides the address, is advantageous carries on the post-sale service. Customer unit name: Understands customer some related backgrounds. Telephone number: The convenience carries on contacting with the user. 4.3.3 员工查询(Staffs Inquire) 员工查询模块便于管理者进行查询。如今,大部分现代化管理企业都采用计 算机来记录员工的考勤管理,如出差管理、出勤管理、请假管理经及加班管理等。 23 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 只要输入员工的信息或者查询的时间点和时间段,就可以很方便的统计出符合条 件的员工考勤资料,完成对药店员工考勤资料的记录、统计、查询等管理。 The staff inquires the module to be advantageous for the superintendent to carry on the inquiry. Now, the majority of modern management enterprise uses the computer to record staff's checking attendance management, like the business trip management, the going out on duty management, ask for leave the management after and the working overtime management and so on. So long as inputs staff's information or the inquiry time and the time section, may the very convenient statistics conform to the condition staff to check attendance the material, completes checks attendance management and so on material record to the pharmacy staff, statistics, inquiry. 4.3.4 员工信息管理(Staff information management) 员工信息管理是记录员工相关的信息,包括员工的基本资料,如信息年龄、 民族、籍贯等,员工的家庭成员信息、培训信息、工作记录、奖惩记录、职称评 定、工作调动等,可以方便的新增录入编辑相关信息,打印人事卡片,对员工信 息进行分类统计查询。包括员工各种信息的输入和删除, 员工各种信息的查询、 修改,包括员工基本信息、职称、岗位、几经培训过的课程和成绩、 培训计划 物流公司培训计划幼儿园较职工培训计划院感培训计划学校教师年度培训计划年度公司培训计划 等, 可以浏览员工信息,当员工的个人情况发生变化需要修改时,可以方便地修改个 人资料。 (1)员工信息添加模块 添加新的员工信息,并可以设置权限。(由管理员来添加新的员工) (2)员工信息删除模块 删除不需要的员工信息。 (3)员工信息修改模块 有修改员工的个人信息和登陆密码等功能 。 根据管理系统的功能结构划分,进销存管理系统划分为不同权限,主要为管 理员和普通员工。这样的划分是基于由于权限不同而带来的功能的不同而来的, 各个功能模块功能各异,各个功能相对独立但有彼此有紧密的联系,所以将系统 功能划分为多个权限便于使用方便理解与使用。 The staff information management records the staff related information, including staff's basic document, like the information age, the nationality, the native 24 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 place and so on, staff's family member information, the training information, the log, the rewards and punishment record, the job appraisal, the change of station and so on, the addition which may facilitate inputs the editor related information, the printing human affairs card, carries on the classified statistics inquiry to the staff information. Including the staff each kind of information's input and the deletion, the staff each kind of information's inquiry, the revision, including the staff basic information, the title, the post, several pass through has trained the curriculum and the result, the training plan and so on, may glance over the staff information, when staff's individual situation changes needs to revise, may conveniently revise individual material. (1) Staff information increase module Increases the new staff information, and may establish the jurisdiction. (increases new staff by manager) (2) Staff information deletion module The deletion does not need staff information. (3) Staff information revision module Has revises functions and so on staff's individual information and debarkation password. According to management system management system's function structure division, enters sells saves the management system management system to divide into the different jurisdiction, mainly for manager and ordinary staff. Such division is based on the function which different brings as a result of the jurisdiction different comes, each functional module function varies, but each function relative independence has each other to have the close relation, therefore divides the system function for many jurisdictions is advantageous the easy to operate understanding and the use. 4.3.5 客户信息管理(Customer information management) 客户是发展、维系和巩固这一关系最根本、最直接、最有效的手段。以客户 为中心,实施客户系统为客户提供高质量服务,从而获取较高的客户满意度和忠 诚度,是药店最重要的核心竞争力,是药店在竞争中立于不败之地的根本保证。 建设客户信息,整合客户信息及客户反馈信息,是实现药店客户关系管理的一个 重要环节 4.3.6 供货商信息管理(Supplier information management) 25 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 供货商是指可以为药店提供原料,工程设备、服务以及企业一切其他资源的 单位,药店要维持正常的生产运营就必须有自己的合格供货商给自己提供各方面 的需求资源,所以供货商的物质供应能力以及服务对一个药店的生存发展至关重 要,供应商既可以是生产企业,也可以是流通企业。供货商的管理是指对于供应 商的开发、了解、选择以及使用等综合性工作的总称,是药店对资源来源的控制 和管理,是药店保证为生产提供可靠资源的根本。 The supplier is refers to may provide raw material for the pharmacy, the engineering facilities, the service as well as the enterprise all other resources unit, the pharmacy wants to maintain the normal production operation to have own qualified supplier to provide various aspects to oneself the demand resources, therefore supplier's material supply ability as well as the service develop very important to a pharmacy's survival, the supplier already may be the Production enterprise, may also circulates the enterprise. Supplier's management is refers to regarding comprehensive work and so on supplier's development, understanding, choice as well as use general names, is the pharmacy the control which and the management originates to the resources, is the pharmacy guaranteed that provides the reliable resources for the production the basis. 4.4销售管理需求分析(Sales management requirement analysis) 销售管理用于管理企业的销售业务,完成销售信息的录入,查询操作,完成 退货信息的记录,查询操作,销售管理模块的总目标是:要求系统能解决中小型 药品流通公司日常经营中药品销售这一块的科学化管理,完成日常经营活动中各 种业务数据的共享,实现实时通信来保证业务数据的快速更新,通过对这些数据 的汇总和分析来对决策作出支持,从而来提升企业的核心竞争力。 包含的功能如下图: The sales management uses in managing enterprise's selling operation, completes the sales message the input, the inquiry operation, completes the returned goods information the record, the inquiry operation, the sales management module general objective is: The request system can solve in the middle and small scale drugs circulation company daily management the drugs to sell this scientific management, completes in the daily operative activity each kind of service data sharing, realizes the real-time communication to guarantee that the service data the fast renewal, through and analyzes to these data's compiling makes the support to the decision-making, thus promotes enterprise's core competitiveness. Contains function following chart: 26 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 销售管理销售管理 销售录入销售录入退货管理退货管理销售查询销售查询退货查询退货查询 4.4.1 销售录入(Sales Inputs) 顾客信息的输入和统计:药店把顾客买药的信息由专人负责输入。系统要求 做到既能够从其它模块中共享一部分信息,又有方便的操作界面工手工输入顾客 信息。这部分要求对输入的数据进行简单的统计,供药店进行查询和宏观调控。 主要包括客户的基本资料、信用等级等;客户的历史购买记录;客户的反馈信息; 客户服务档案管理。 顾客信息的存储:将顾客的信息存储到药店的客户端系统中,以备以后的查 询。 药品的售出:将顾客所须的药品信息反馈到系统上,并且接受药店返回的信 息,然后存储起来。 票据的生成和打印:把已存储的返回的信息打印出来,并且生成票单打印出 来一起交给顾客。 药品销售情况的核算:这一功能是在上一功能的基础上,对药品销售额进行 单项核算,得到该药店的销售情况并把核算结果作为企业报表输出。 Customer information input and statistics: The pharmacy buys the customer the medicine the information to be responsible by the specialist to input. The system request achieves both can share partial informations from other modules, and has the convenience operation contact surface labor by-hand input customer information. This part of requests carry on the simple statistics to the input data, carries on the inquiry and the macroeconomic regulation and control for the pharmacy. Mainly includes customer basic document, the degrees of comparison and so on; The customer history purchases the record; Customer feedback information; Customer service records management. Customer information memory: Customer's information storage to the pharmacy client side system, prepares the later inquiry. Drugs selling: The customer must drugs information feedback to system on, and 27 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 accepts the pharmacy returns the information, then saves. Bill production and printing: The returns information which saves has printed, and lives the order for goods to play singles India to come out to give the customer together. Drugs sale situation calculation: This function is in the previous function foundation, carries on the single item calculation to the drugs sales volume, obtains this pharmacy sales situation and takes the calculation result the enterprise report form output. 4.4.2 退货管理(Returned goods management) (1)药店退货:对临近保质期的、破损药品,需要进行整理。分清药品数 量、规格、型号,确保下架药品准确无误; 对于过期的药品,禁止削价处理, 必须下架退回厂家或自行销毁,并进行整理登记,确保下架药品准确无误;对于 下架的药品,要点负责需积极与供货商取得联系,抓紧退货。供货商并给出具规 范的退货单。 (2)客户退货:当客户购买药品之后若是对药品不是很满意需进行退货, 药店员工对药品需进行退货操作,而这一部分又能反应客户对药品的使用的满意 度,因此对决策者是很由帮助的。 (1) Pharmacy returned goods: To approaches guarantees the nature time, the breakage drugs, needs to carry on the reorganization. Distinguishes clearly drugs quantity, the specification, the model, guaranteed that the bottom carriage drugs are accurate; Regarding the expired drugs, forbids to cut prices to process, must the bottom carriage return the factory or destroy voluntarily, and carries on the reorganization registration, guaranteed that the bottom carriage drugs are accurate; Regarding bottom carriage's drugs, the main point is responsible to have the contact positively with the supplier, the push returned goods. The supplier and draws back the manifest for the writing up standard. (2) Customer returned goods: After customer purchase drugs, if is not very satisfied must carry on the returned goods to the drugs, the pharmacy staff must carry on the returned goods operation to the drugs, but this part can respond the customer to the drugs use degree of satisfaction, therefore to the policy-maker is very by the help. 4.4.3 销售查询(Sales Inquiries) 药店需定时对药店销售情况进行查询,若是人工方式查询话费时间太大,而 28 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 通过药品进销存管理系统则可根据指定条件进行查询,如:段时间、根据药品的 各种信息进行查询,便于药店管理人员分析药品的销售情况。 The pharmacy must fixed time carry on the inquiry to the pharmacy sale situation, if the artificial way inquiry phone bill time is too big, but enters through the drugs sells saves the management system management system to be possible to act according to assigns the condition to carry on the inquiry, for example: The section time, carries on the inquiry according to drugs each kind of information, is advantageous for the pharmacy administrative personnels to analyze the drugs the sales situation. 4.4.4 退货查询(Returned goods inquiries) 退货查询模块便于药店管理员分析药品的市场情况,如若药品退货次数过多 则应不予进行采购,这对药店的经营是很又帮助的。 The returned goods inquiry module is advantageous for the pharmacy manager to analyze the drugs the market conditions, if the drugs returned goods number of times are excessively many should not give carries on the purchase, this is very helps to the pharmacy management. 4.5信息预警需求分析(Information early warning requirement analysis) 完成药品报废预警,药品库存不足预警,让用户能够提前做出反应,包含的 功能如下图: Complete the drugs abandonment early warning, the drugs stock insufficient early warning, lets the user be able to make the response ahead of time, contains function following chart: 信息预警信息预警 报废预警报废预警库存预警库存预警 29 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 4.5.1 报废预警(Abandonment early warnings) 系统会定时药品信息进行搜寻,并进行反馈。在信息录入模块中,药品有效 期均已经输入到电脑中,有效期反应了一个药品的生命周期,当药品超过有效期 的时候,将不能再进行销售。在可行性调研过程中发现大多数药店中药品进销存 管理系统均未有预警系统,这一方面使店管理员查找很不方便,另一方面药品过 期将会报废又会造成经济上的损失。而在这以模块中应设置近效期预警,如三个 月预警、两个月预警、一个月预警等等,便于管理在每次登陆系统的时候方便查 找近效期药品,这样可以防止不必要的损失,如若药品超过有效期,则应该将药 品存入药品报废模块中去,并且进行删除操作。 The system fixed time drugs information will carry on the search, and will carry on the feedback. In the information input module, the drugs term of validity already input to the computer, the term of validity responded a drugs life cycle, when the drugs surpass the term of validity time, will not be able to carry on the sale again. Discovers in the majority pharmacies in the feasible investigation and study process the drugs to enter sells saves the management system management system not to have the early warning system, on the one hand this causes the shop manager to search is not very convenient, on the other hand the drugs expired will discard will create in the economical the loss. But should establish near effective date early warning in this by the module, like three month early warnings, two month early warnings, one month early warning and so on, is advantageous for the management each time lands system's time to facilitate searches near effective date drugs, like this may prevent the nonessential loss, if the drugs surpass the term of validity, then should store the drugs in the drugs abandonment module, and carries on the deletion operation. 4.5.2 库存预警(Stock early warnings) 库存预警模块便于药店人员及早的发现需要补全的药品,在入库前系统对药 品数量进行统计,在每一次销售过程中,即药品进行出库操作数量都将进行减少, 同样,在采购入库操作中将去药品进行增加操作,系统进行扫描库存容量时发现 库存容量不足时,应进行警报,防止不能满足较大用户的需求,而库存预警的数 量则应根据部同的药品进行警报。 The stock early warning module is advantageous for the drugs which the pharmacy personnel's early discovery needs to complement, the system carries on the 30 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 statistics before the warehousing to the drugs quantity, in each sales process, namely the drugs will carry on the storehouse operation quantity to carry on the reduction, similarly, will go to the drugs when the purchase warehousing operation to carry on increases the operation, the system will carry on the scanning stock capacity discovered when stock capacity insufficiency, should carry on the warning, will prevent not to be able to satisfy the big user the demand, but will keep in stock the early warning quantity should act according to with the drugs to carry on the warning. 4.6系统管理需求分析(System administration demand analysis) 登陆系统,配置用户权限,修改密码提供帮助信息,包含的功能如下图: The debarkation system, the disposition user jurisdiction, the revision password supplies the help information, contains function following chart: 系统管理系统管理 权限管理权限管理修改密码修改密码系统帮助系统帮助 4.6.1 权限管理(Jurisdiction management) 本系统为药品进销存管理系统,该系统面对的用户大多数为药店员工,其中 包括采购员、库存管理员、业务员,当然也包括上层管理员。而对于一般用户只 需进行自己本职职能的操作,如库存管理员只需对库存信息进行管理,而其他模 块则无权进行查看,采购员只能查询修改相应的采购信息。权限的划分也是为了 便于管理,更是提高安全性。这样使得员工可以各司其职,而不会修改其他模块 的信息。管理员权限是药品进销存管理系统中最高权限,可以查询各个模块的信 息并进行修改等操作,并且,所有的其他权限均是由管理员进行赋予。 This system enters for the drugs sells saves the management system management system, this system faces the user majority is the pharmacy staff, including the purchaser, to keep in stock the manager, the clerk, certainly also includes the upper formation manager. But only need carry on oneself official duty function regarding the common user the operation, if keeps in stock the manager only to carry on the management to the stock information, but other modules have no right to carry on the examination, the purchaser can only inquire revises the corresponding purchase information. The jurisdiction division is also for ease of the management, enhances 31 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 the security. Like this causes the staff to be possible to perform its own functions, but will not revise other modules the information. The manager jurisdiction is the drugs enters sells saves in the management system management system the highest jurisdiction, may revision operations and so on inquire each module information and make, and, all other jurisdictions are carry on by the manager entrust with. 4.6.2 修改密码(Modify Passwords) 药店中的员工一方面拥有自己的权限,另一方面用有自己的密码,而密码是 用户得以登陆的唯一密钥,因此对于密码的管理是很重要的,在修改密码模块中, 用户首先必须输入原始密码,然后才能进行新密码的录入,这是为了保证员工是 本人进行修改密码而设置的,也是为了提高安全性。 In the pharmacy staff has own jurisdiction at the same time, on the other hand with has own password, but the password is the only key which the user can land, therefore regarding the password management is very important, in revises in the password module, the user must first input the primitive password, then can carry on the new password the input, this is to guarantee that the staff is myself carries on the revision password to establish, is also to enhance the security. 4.6.3 系统帮助(System help) 系统帮助是为用户提供一个人性化的帮助模块,本系统面向的客户是广大药 店管理员,而操作易上手是我们需要解决的问题,而帮助模块为用户提供各种帮 助。 (1) 药品管理帮助:为用户提供各种查询与处理帮助,药品查询中提 示按指定条件进行查询,包括药品查询、药品入库查询、药品出 库查询,对药品入库、出库操作则进行详细解说,如:提示在指 定文本框中输入信息内容。 (2) 信息管理帮助:对供货商信息、客户信息、员工信息查询方式进 行说明,如对供货商信息进行查询时,在指定文本框汇总输入查 找条件则能找到相应的条目。客户信息管理与供货商信息管理则 对没一块信息给予说明。 32 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 (3) 销售管理帮助:这一模块是药店人员每天均需进行的操作,因此 应附以图文说明,介绍每一部需要进行的操作,确保药店人员能 够迅速的掌握 (4) 信息预警帮助:这一模块是系统自动运行,但是药店人员可以进 行查询操作,提示输入预警期,以便及时查询药品相关信息。 (5) 系统管理帮助:这一模块是管理需要及时掌握的内容,便于药品 进销存管理系统得以正常的运行,也应附以相应图文说明。 The system help is provides a personal help module for the user, this system faces the customer is the general pharmacy manager, but operates the question which the easy seat of honor is we need to solve, but helps the module to provide each kind of help for the user. (1) Drug control help: Provides each kind of inquiry and the processing help for the user, in the drugs inquiry prompts according to assigns the condition to carry on the inquiry, including the drugs inquiry, the drugs warehousing inquiry, the drugs leaves the storehouse to inquire, to the drugs warehousing, the storehouse operation carries on the detailed illustration, for example: The prompt in assigns in the text frame the infer information content. (2) Information management help: To the supplier information, the customer information, the staff information inquiry way carries on showing, if carries on time the inquiry to the supplier information, was assigning the text frame to compile the input search condition to be able to find the corresponding clause. The customer information management has not given showing with the supplier information management to together the information. (3) Sales management help: This module is the operation which the pharmacy personnel must carry on every day, therefore should attach by the chart article explained that introduced each needs to carry on the operation, guarantees the pharmacy personnel to be able rapid grasping. (4) Information early warning help: This module is the system moves automatically, but the pharmacy personnel may carry on the inquiry operation, prompts the input early warning time, with the aim of inquiring the drugs related information promptly. (5) System administration help: This module is the content which the management needs to grasp promptly, is advantageous for the drugs to enter sells saves the management system management system to be able the normal movement, should also attach by the corresponding chart article explanation. 33 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 5 实体-关系图(E-R Diagram) 系统的实体—关系图即E-R图主要按照管理系统模块的功能划分,即有药品 管理E-R图、信息管理E-R图、销售管理E-R图、信息预警E-R图、系统管理 管理E-R图5个部分组成。 System's entity - relational graph is the ER chart mainly defers to the management system management system module the function division, namely has the drug control ER chart, the information management ER chart, the sales management ER chart, the information to forewarn the ER chart, the system administration ER chart 5 part composition. 5.1 系统功能总体E-R图(System Function Overall E-R Diagram) 图5.1系统功能总体E—R图 34 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 5.2 药品管理E-R图(Drug Management E-R Diagram) 5.2.1 药品查询E-R图(Drugs Inquire the E-R Diagram) 种类 供货单位编号 批准文号 药品简称 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 单位 售价 按名称药品 规格 员工 员工身份证 查询 1 N 药品编号 药品ID 药品名称 药品名称 药品正式名 拼音码 员工性别 电话号码 住址 图5.2.1(a)药品查询E—R图 泌尿系统 内分泌系统 消化系统 抗感染类 种类 批准文号 供货单位编号 五官科 员工身份证 员工年龄 单位 售价 妇产科 员工性别 按种类查 员工 药品 规格 询 员工姓名 1 N 药品编号 呼吸系统 电话号码 住址 员工代号 神经系统 药品正式名 拼音码 药品名称 心血管系统 图5.2.1(b)药品查询E—R图 种类 供货单位编号 批准文号 单位简称 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 单位 售价 按供货商员工 药品 规格 员工身份证 查询 1 N 药品编号 供货商药品名称 药品正式名 拼音码 员工性别 电话号码 住址 ID 图5.2.1(c)药品查询E—R图 种类 供货单位编号 批准文号 西药 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 单位 售价 按科目员工 药品 规格 员工身份证 查询 1 N 药品编号 中药 中成药药品名称 药品正式名 拼音码 员工性别 电话号码 住址 ID 35 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 图5.2.1(d)药品查询E—R图 种类 供货单位编号 批准文号 零库存量 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 单位 售价 按库存规格 药品 员工 员工身份证 查询 1 N 药品编号 全部库存 库存量低于* 药品名称 药品正式名 拼音码 员工性别 电话号码 住址 图5.2.1(e)药品查询E—R图 5.2.2 药品入库查询E-R图(Drugs Warehousing Inquire the E-R Diagram) 员工代号 采购日期 药品编号 种类 供货单位编号 批准文号 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 单位 售价 入库单员工 药品 规格 员工身份证 查询 1 N 药品编号 采购编号采购数量 药品名称 药品正式名 拼音码 员工性别 电话号码 住址 * 图5.2.2药品入库查询E—R图 5.2.3 药品出库查询E-R图(Drugs leave the storehouse to Inquire the E-R Diagram) 员工代号 出库日期 药品编号 种类 供货单位编号 批准文号 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 单位 售价 出库单药品 员工 规格 员工身份证 查询 1 N 药品编号 取货编号取货数量 药品名称 药品正式名 员工性别 电话号码 住址 拼音码 * 图5.2.3药品出库查询E—R图 5.2.4 药品入库E-R图(Drugs go into storage E-R the Diagram) 36 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 种类 供货单位编批准文 员工年员工代入库编号 员工姓名 操作员号 号 单位 龄 号 工 售价 1 N N 采购 入库 药品 员工 员工身份证 规药品编库房编号 1 入库日期 格 号 药品正式药品名拼音码 员工性别 电话号码 住址 库房 称 名 图5.2.4药品入库E—R图 5.2.5 药品出库E-R图(Drugs leave the storehouse E-R Diagram) 种类 供货单位编号 批准文 员工代操作员员工姓名 员工年龄 出库编号 号 单位 号 工 售价 1 N N 出库 销售 药品 员工 员工身份证 规药品编号 库房编号 1 出库日期 格 药品名称 药品正式名 拼音码 员工性别 电话号码 住址 库房 图5.2.5药品出库查询E—R图 5.2.6 药品报废E-R图(Drugs Discard the E-R Diagram) 种类 供货单位编批准文号 国家禁止 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 号 单位 售价 1 N 报废处员工 药品 员工身份证 理 规格 药品编号 过有效期 药品名称 药品正式名 拼音码 员工性别 电话号码 住址 图5.2.6药品报废查询E—R图 5.3 信息管理E-R图(Information Management E-R Diagram) 5.3.1 供货商信息查询E-R图(Supplier Information Inquire the E-R Diagram) 电话号码 主要产品 单位编号 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 N 负责人 1 查询 员工 供货商信息 员工身份证 供货地址 单位名称 员工性别 电话号码 住址 提供 供货单位编号 批准文号 单位 售价 药品 规格 种类 药品编号 药品正式名 拼音码 药品名称 图5.3.1供货商信息查询E—R图 37 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 5.3.2 客户信息查询E-R图(Customer Information Inquire the E-R Diagram) 单位名客户地客户编号 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 称 址 客户信息 N 1 查询 员工 员工身份证 电话号码 客户负责 人 员工性别 电话号码 住址 图5.3.2客户信息查询E—R图 5.3.3 员工信息查询E-R图(Staff Information Inquire the E-R Diagram) 权限 密码 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 N 1 查询 用户 员工 住址 用户名 员工代号 员工性别 电话号码 员工身份证 图5.3.3员工信息查询E—R图 5.3.4 供货商信息管理E-R图(Supplier Information Management E-R Diagram) 单位编号 电话号码 主要产品 添加 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 供货商信N 1 管理 员工 员工身份证 息 供货地址 负责人 单位名称 删除 修改 员工性别 电话号码 住址 图5.3.4供货商信息查询E—R图 5.3.5 客户信息管理E-R图(Customer Information Management E-R Diagram) 客户地单位名称 客户编号 员工年龄 员工代号 员工姓名 添加 址 客户信息 N 1 管理 员工身份证 员工 客户负责电话号码 修改 删除 人 员工性别 电话号码 住址 图5.3.5客户信息管理E—R图 5.3.6 员工信息管理E-R图(Staff Information Management E-R Diagram) 38 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 权限 密码 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 添加 N 1 管理 用户 员工 住址 用户名 员工代号 删除 修改 员工性别 电话号码 员工身份证 图5.3.6员工信息查询E—R图 5.4 销售管理E-R图(Sales management E-R Diagram) 5.4.1 销售录入E-R图(Sales Input the E-R Diagram) 种类 供货单位编号 批准文号 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 单位 售价 1 N 售出 药品 员工 员工身份证 规格 药品编号 药品名称 药品正式名 拼音码 员工性别 电话号码 住址 图5.4.1销售录入E—R图 5.4.2 退货管理E-R图(Returned Goods manage the E-R Diagram) 种类 供货单位编号 批准文号 客户地址 客户编号 单位名称 单位 售价 1 N 退货 客户信息 药品 药品正式名 规格 药品编号 客户负责人 电话号码 药品名称 拼音码 N 员工年龄 员工代号 员工姓名 1 登记 员工 员工身份证 员工性别 电话号码 住址 图5.4.2退货管理E—R图 5.4.3 销售查询E-R图(Sales Inquire the E-R Diagram) 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 员工代号 销售流水号 按药品查询 查询 员工 销售单 销售数量 员工身份证 按客户查询 按日期查询 按员工销售业绩 药品编号 销售日期 员工性别 电话号码 住址 图5.4.3销售查询E—R图 39 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 5.4.4 退货查询E-R图(Returned Goods inquire the E-R Diagram) 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 联系人 退货编号 按药品查询 查询 退货单 员工 退货数量 员工身份证 按客户查询 员工性别 电话号码 住址 按日期查询 按员工销售业绩 药品编号 退货价格 图5.4.3退货查询E—R图 5.5 信息预警E-R图(Information Forewarn the E-R Diagram) 5.5.1 报废预警E-R图(Abandonment Forewarn the E-R Diagram) 种类 供货单位编号 批准文号 过有效期 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 单位 售价 1 N 报废预警 药品 员工 员工身份证 规格 药品编号 药品名称 药品正式名 拼音码 员工性别 电话号码 住址 图5.5.1报废预警E—R图 5.5.2 库存预警E-R图(Stocks Forewarn the E-R Diagram) 种类 供货单位编号 批准文号 库存不足 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 单位 售价 1 N 库存预警 药品 员工 员工身份证 规格 药品编号 药品名称 药品正式名 拼音码 员工性别 电话号码 住址 图5.5.2库存预警E—R图 5.6 系统管理E-R图(System Administration E-R Diagram) 权限 员工姓名 员工年龄 员工代号 密码 N 1 对应 用户 员工 住址 员工性别 电话号码 管理员 用户名 员工代号 对应 权限 员工身份证 一般用户 图5.6系统管理E—R图 6 数据流图(Data Flow Diagram) 40 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 6.1 系统基本模型(System Fundamental Models) 药品管理系统顶层DFD图,作为画系统分层DFD图的第一步,通常把系 统看作是一个整体对象,显示了药品进销存管理系统的顶层DFD图。它表明, 由本系统提出药品不足向供应商提出采购要求,供应商接收到信息并处理后,如 正确无误接受订货单,并将所缺药品发往系统由操作员处理;同样的,客户向系 统发出销售请求,系统接受到信息并由操作员做处理后,如果正确无误后,将由 系统向客户售出产品。操作员可以按其系统管理员分给的权限(查询权限,系统 权限,报损权限,销售权限,入库权限)进行操作。而所有的操作员都由系统管 理员管理、添加、删除,但不可以修改不是本人的信息,每个人只能修改自己的 信息。操作员根据权限可以进行各种数据和基本数据信息的录入;报表的打印; 对药品的销售;对库存的管理以及进行相关内容的查询;修改密码和自己的信息 等。 The drug control system top layer DFD chart, takes the picture system lamination DFD chart first step, usually regards as the system is an overall object, had demonstrated the drugs enter sell save management system management system's top layer DFD chart. It indicated that by this system proposed the drugs insufficiency sets the purchase request to the supplier, after the supplier receives the information and processes, if correct unmistakably accepts the order form, and processes the lacking drugs sending-out system by the operator; Similarly, the customer sends out the sale to the system to request that the system accepts the information and makes processing after the operator, after if correct unmistakable, will sell the product by the system to the customer. The operator may the jurisdiction which apportions according to its system manager (inquiry jurisdiction, system jurisdiction, writes off jurisdiction, sales jurisdiction, warehousing jurisdiction) carries on the operation. But all operators manage, the increase, the deletion by the system manager, but may not revise is not myself information, each person can only revise own information. The operator may carry on each kind of data and the master data information input according to the jurisdiction; Report form printing; To drugs sale; As well as carries on the related content to the stock management the inquiry; Revision password and own information and so on. 41 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 药店 员出入销退预 工库库售货警 信清清清信信 息单单单息息 购药凭证药品进销存管供货单供货商客户定单理系统销售单 图6.1系统基本模型 6.2 药品管理数据流图(Drug Control Data Flow Diagram) D1 药品信息 药品信息 记录 记录 记录 记录 1 2 3 4 供货商 供货单 过有 出库 订单 药品药品药品报废 效期 清单 入库 出库 销售 处理 入库记录 出库记录 销售记录 报废记录 D4 出库信息 D5 销售信息 D6 报废信息 D3 入库信息 图6.2药品管理数据流图 6.3 信息管理数据流图(Information Management Data Flow Diagram) 42 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 D1 员工信息 D3 客户信息 4 2 3 1 查询供货出库 退货 药品员工药品管理员 商信息 清单 管理 销售 查询 采购 D2 供货商信息 图6.3信息管理数据流图 6.4 销售管理数据流图(Sales Management Data Flow Diagram) D1 药品信息 D2 员工信息 D5 客户信息 药品信息 记录 记录 记录 记录 登记 1 2 3 4 供货单 出库 药品药品药品退货供货商 清单 入库 出库 销售 处理 入库记录 出库记录 销售记录 退货记录 D3 入库信息 D4 出库信息 D6 销售信息 D7 退货信息 图6.4销售管理数据流图 43 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 6.5 信息预警数据流图(Information Early Warning Data Flow Diagram) D6 信息预警 D1 药品信息 4 D2 员工信息 报废 药品信息 记录 记录 记录 预警 近效期 1 2 3 订单 供货单 出库 药品药品药品供货商 任务 清单 入库 出库 销售 库存不足 入库记录 出库记录 销售记录 5 库存 D3 入库信息 D4 出库信息 D5 销售信息 预警 D6 信息预警 图6.5销售管理数据流图 6.6 系统管理数据流图(System Administration Data Flow Diagram) D1 员工信息 2 1 授权 密码登陆 员工修改系统 管理员 查询 密码 密码错误 图6.6销售管理数据流图 44 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 7 Data Dictionary(数据字典) 名字:药品基本信息 Name: Drugs basic information 别名:药品信息 Alias: Drugs information 描述:每天采购员采购药品的信息表 Description: The daily purchaser purchases the drugs the information table 定义:药品基本信息=药品编号+供货单位编号+药品名称+药品正式名+种类+规格+ 单位+批准文号+数量+拼音码 +售价 Definition: Drugs basic information = drugs serial number + goods supply unit serial number + drugs name + drugs official + type + specification + unit + authorization document number + quantity + Pinyin code + selling price 位置:存储到药品基本信息数据库中 Position: Saves to the drugs basic information database in 名字:药品辅助信息 数据约束:批准文号以“国药准字”开头,长度均为4{字符}20。 Name: Drugs auxiliary information Data constraint: The authorized document number take “the country medicine accurate 别名:药品附加信息 character” the opening, the length as 4 {character} 20. Alias: Drugs extra message 描述:对药品信息进行精确描述 Description: Carries on the precise description to the drugs information 定义:药品辅助信息=批号+药品编号+生产日期+有效期+进价+备注信息 Definition: Drugs auxiliary information = batch number + drugs serial number + production date + term of validity + purchasing price + note information 位置:存储到药品辅助信息数据库中 Position: Saves to the drugs auxiliary information database in 数据约束:生产日期格式为##/##/####月、日、年。 Data constraint: The production date format is the ##/##/#### month, Japan, the year. 45 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 名字:员工基本信息 Name: Staff basic information 别名:员工信息 Alias: Staff information 描述:系统对员工信息进行存储 Description: The system carries on the memory to the staff information 定义:员工基本信息=员工代号+员工姓名+身份证号码+员工性别+员工年龄+员工住址 +电话号码+所属部门 Definition: Staff basic information = staff code number + staff name + ID card number + staff sex + staff age + staff address + telephone number + respective department 位置:存储到员工基本信息数据库中 Position: Saves to the staff basic information database in 数据约束:身份证号为18位数字,尾号为10则为X,前六位为行政区划代码,第七 至第十四位为出生日期码,第15至17位为顺序码 ,性别[男|女],电话号码为国家码 +区号+电话号码或11位手机电话号码。 Data constraint: The ID card number is 18 digit, the tail number is 10 pieces is X, first six for the administrative regionalization code, seventh to 14th for the date of birth code, 15th to 名字:客户基本信息 17 are the sequence code, the sex [male|Female], the telephone number is the national code Name: Customer basic information + district number + telephone number or 11 handset telephone number. 别名:客户信息 Alias: Customer information 描述:对往来客户信息进行存储 Description: Carries on the memory to the intercourse customer information 定义:客户信息=客户编号+客户单位名称+客户负责人+客户地址+客户电话号码 Definition: Customer information = customer serial number + customer unit name + customer person in charge + customer address + customer telephone number 位置:存储到客户基本信息数据库中 Position: Saves to the customer basic information database in 数据约束:客户编号=4{字符}8, 客户单位名称4{字符}8 客户电话号码为国家码+区号+电话号码或11位手机电话号码。 46 Data constraint: Customer serial number =4 {character} 8, the customer unit name 4 {character} 8 the customer telephone number is the national code + district number + telephone number or 11 handset telephone number. 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 名字:供货商基本信息 Name: Supplier basic information 别名:供货商信息 Alias: Supplier information 描述:对药品提供者信息进行存储 Description: Carries on the memory to the drugs tenderer information 定义:供货商基本信息=供货单位编号+供货单位名称+供货负责人+供货商电话号码+供 货地址+主要产品 Definition: Supplier basic information = goods supply unit serial number + goods supply unit name + goods supply person in charge + supplier telephone number + goods supply address + main product 位置:存储到供货商基本信息数据库中 Position: Saves to the supplier basic information database in 数据约束:供货单位编号=4{字符}8 Data constraint: The goods supply unit numbers =4 {character} 8 供货单位名称=4{字符}16 Goods supply unit name =4 {character} 16 电话号码为国家码+区号+电话号码或11位手机电话号码。 The telephone number is the national code + district number + telephone number or 11 handset telephone number. 47 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 名字:采购记录表 Name: Purchase data sheet 别名:采购单 Alias: Purchase order 描述:对药品采购信息单进行存储 Description: Carries on the memory to the drugs purchase letter interest coupon 定义: 采购记录表=采购编号+员工代号+采购日期; Definition: Purchase data sheet = purchase serial number + staff code number + purchase date 位置:存储到采购记录表信息数据库中 Position: Saves to the purchase data sheet information database in 数据约束:采购编号=4{字符}8 Data constraint: The purchase numbers =4 {character} 8 员工代号=2{字符}4 Staff code number =2 {character} 4 采购日期格式##/##/####月、日、年。 Purchase date format ##/##/#### month, day, year. 48 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 名字:取货记录表 Name: Takes the goods data sheet 别名:出库单 Alias: Leaves the storehouse list 描述:对药品出库信息单进行存储 Description: Leaves the storehouse letter interest coupon to the drugs to carry on the memory 定义:取货记录表=取货编号+员工代号+取货日期; Definition: Takes the goods data sheet = to take the goods serial number + staff code number + to take the goods date; 位置:存储到取货记录表信息数据库中 Position: Saves to takes in the goods data sheet information database 数据约束:取货编号=4{字符}8 Takes the goods to number =4 {character} 8 员工代号=2{字符}4 Staff code number =2 {character} 4 取货日期格式##/##/####月、日、年。 Takes the goods date format ##/##/#### month, Japan, the year. 49 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 名字:销售记录表 Name:Sales record table 别名:销售单 Alias :Sales list 描述:对药品销售信息单进行存储 Description: Carries on the memory to the drugs sale letter interest coupon 定义: 销售记录表=销售流水号+员工代号+客户编号+销售日期 Definition: Sales data sheet = sale serial number + staff code number + customer serial number + sale date 位置:存储到销售记录表信息数据库中 Position: Saves to the sales data sheet information database in 数据约束:销售流水号=4{字符}8 Data constraint: Sales serial number =4 {character} 8 员工代号=2{字符}4 Staff code number =2 {character} 4 客户编号=2{字符}4 Customer serial number =2 {character} 4 销售日期格式##/##/####月、日、年。 Sale date format ##/##/#### month, Day, year. 50 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 名字:退货记录表 Name: Returned goods data sheet 别名:退货单 Alias: Draws back the manifest 描述:对药品退货信息单进行存储 Description: Carries on the memory to the drugs returned goods letter interest coupon 定义: 退货记录表=退货编号+员工代号+客户编号+退货日期 Definition: Returned goods data sheet = returned goods serial number + staff code number + customer serial number + returned goods date 位置:存储到销售记录表信息数据库中 Position: Saves to the sales data sheet information database in 数据约束:退货编号=4{字符}8 员工代号=2{字符}4 客户编号=2{字符}4 退货日期格式##/##/####月、日、年。 Data constraint: The returned goods number =4 {character} 8 Staff code number =2 {character} 4 Customer serial number =2 {character} 4 Returned goods date format ##/##/#### month, Japan, year. 51 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 名字:用户信息表 Name: User information table 别名:用户信息 Alias: User information 描述:对用户信息进行存储 Description: Carries on the memory to the user information 定义:用户信息表=员工代号+用户名+密码+权限 Definition: User information table = staff code number + user + password + jurisdiction 位置:存储到用户信息表数据库中 Position: Saves to the user information table database in 数据约束:员工代号=2{字符}4 用户名=4{字符}8 密码=4{字符}8 Data constraint: Staff code number =2 {character} 4 User =4 {character} 8 Password =4 名字:购-药联系信息 {character} 8 Name: Buys - the medicine relation information 别名:药品购买信息 Alias: Drugs purchase information 描述:对药品购买信息进行存储 Description: Carries on the memory to the drugs purchase information 定义:购-药联系信息=采购编号+药品编号+采购数量; Definition: Buys - the medicine relation information = purchase serial number + drugs serial number + purchase quantity; 位置:存储到购-药联系数据库中 Position: Saves to buys - in the medicine relation database 数据约束:采购编号=4{字符}8 药品编号=2{字符}12 Data constraint: The purchase numbers =4 {character} 8 The drugs number =2 {character} 12 52 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 名字:取-药联系信息 Name: Recipe relation information 别名:药品出库信息 Alias: The drugs leave the storehouse information 描述:对药品出库信息进行存储 Description: Leaves the storehouse information to the drugs to carry on the memory 定义:取-药联系信息=取货编号+药品编号+取货数量; Definition: Takes - the medicine relation information = to take the goods serial number + drugs serial number + to take the goods quantity; 位置:存储到取-药联系信息数据库中 Position: Saves to takes - in the medicine relation information database 数据约束:取货编号=4{字符}8 Data constraint: Takes the goods to number =4 {character} 8 药品编号=2{字符}12 The drugs number =2 {character} 12 名字:销-药联系信息 Name: Sells – drugs relation information 别名:药品销售信息 Alias: Drugs sales message 描述:对药品销售信息进行存储 Description: Carries on the memory to the drugs sales message 定义:销-药联系信息=销售流水号+药品编号+销售数量; Definition: Sells - the medicine relation information = sale serial number + drugs serial number + sale quantity; 位置:存储到销-药联系信息数据库中 Position: Saves to sells - in the medicine relation information database 数据约束:销售流水号=4{字符}8 Data constraint: Sales serial number =4 {character} 8 药品编号=2{字符}12 53 The drugs number =2 {character} 12 药品进销存管理系统需求分析报告 名字:退-药联系信息 Name: Draws back – drugs relation information 别名:药品退货信息 Alias: Drugs returned goods information 描述:对药品退货信息进行存储 Description: Carries on the memory to the drugs returned goods information 定义:退-药联系信息=退货编号+药品编号+退货数量+退货价格; Definition: Draws back - the medicine relation information = returned goods serial number + drugs serial number + returned goods quantity + returned goods price; 位置:存储到退-药联系信息数据库中 Position: Saves to draws back - in the medicine relation information database 数据约束:退货编号=4{字符}8 Data constraint: The returned goods number =4 {character} 8 药品编号=2{字符}12 The drugs number =2 {character} 12 54
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